SQL2000 Replication,modifying The Width Of A Column

Aug 3, 2006

Hi All,
Is there a way by which we can modify the width of a column of a table which is being replicated without touching the ongoing transactional replication? This is for MSSQL2000 Transactional Replication.

I know (and successfully tried) that we can add a column to a table and that gets propaged to the replicate database and indeed the added column gets reflected there. How to add a column? sp_repaddcolumn or Right Click on the Publication-Properties and it shows a button to Add a Column.

This is what I have tried for modifying the width of a column of a table participating in Transactional Replication from varchar(10) to varchar(100)

MH (source) -> MH1 (Replicate)

The column �col1� had width of varchar(10) and this was altered to varchar(100).

insert into MH..test_mh values(4,'abcdeabcdefff')

select * from MH1..test_mh

exec sp_dropsubscription @publication = N'MH', @article = N'test_mh', @subscriber = N'UKPBDRMTST2', @destination_db = N'MH1'

exec sp_droparticle @publication = N'MH', @article = N'test_mh'

alter table test_mh alter column col2 varchar(100) null OR

MH1..sp_help test_mh

exec sp_addarticle @publication = N'MH', @article = N'test_mh', @source_table = N'test_mh'

exec sp_addsubscription @publication = N'MH', @article = N'test_mh', @subscriber = N'UKPBDRMTST2' , @destination_db = N'MH1'

Needless to say, help would be apreciated -:)

However, adding a column was possible.

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Max Width For Input Fixed Width Column

Jun 1, 2007

Is there a maximum width for fixed width column?

I'm trying to read in a flat file (which, admittedly, has one very wide column), and it keeps breaking because of truncation when it tries to read in the file.

Any ideas?

Jim Work

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Modifying Sysxlogins Domain Names In SQL2000, Strange Result..

Jul 20, 2005

It seens that a simple script:Update sysxlogins set name = 'AA001' + substring(name, 9, LEN(name)-8)where name like 'ILLINOIS%'Will replace the SQL2000 domain name correctly in sysxlogins:ILLINOISJonesP becomes AA001JonesPBut for some strange reason via ILLINOISJonesP can still logon viaQueryAnalyzer although he is no longer in the sysxlogins tableanymore? SQL has been stop/started, server even rebooted, yet BOTHthe new and old logins seem to both allow QA login, any thought howthe old one is getting thru SQL security?thanks in advance for any help...

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OLE DB Source To Flat File Destintation Using Fixed Width Columns - Determining Source Column Width

Feb 13, 2007


I am trying to create a program that transfers tables to flat files.
At this point in time, I have suceeded in created one that creates delimited files.

However, I am now trying to create fixed-width files as you can do with the SSIS designer, but programatically.

Is there a way to programatically determine the width of a column from the source table? I can not seem to find any kind of function or member that stores this information or allows me to retrieve it.

I know what I need to change in order to set a width for a column, but I just don't know how to find the width without just asking the user to provide one.

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Transactional Replication - Modifying Target Tables

May 2, 2006

HiI tried posting this query in microsoft.public.sqlserver.programming but gotno response.I am new to replication but I am trying to setup up a transactionalreplication of tables from one database to another in MSSQL 2000 (SP2).My target tables have primary keys defined. Under publication properties Igo to the snapshot tab and for each table I clear the check box that says"Drop the existing table and re-create-it" and "clustered Indexes." On thispage the nothing is checked. for each table.Whenever the subscription is reinitialized it drops the primary keys on mytarget tablesand replaces them with a unique clustered index on the column that used tobethe Primary key.Is this normal? Is there anyway to stop it from doing this?I don't plan to send the snapshot more than once and let transactionalreplication take over for keeping my source and target in sync, but if Iever have to reinitialize the subscription, it would seem that I (orsomeone) willhave to take the a second step of manually dropping these clustered indexesand recreating the primary keys on the target table.Thanks in advance.---Dick Christoph---Dick ChristophJoin Bytes!612-724-9282

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Modifying A Column

Jan 10, 2002

I have an existing table called OrderHeader with a column called ID. The ID column is currently set as an INT. I want to run a script to modify that column to be an IDENTIY. I've tried the following:


but this does not work.

Any idea how to accomplish this?



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Column Width

Feb 14, 2005

Hi Every1, I'm getting this error.
'Cannot specify a column width on data type smalldatetime.'
I'm using SQL Server & I've check the data type in the db & it's same as smalldatetime.
Any suggestions would be highly appreciated.


Column or parameter #8: Cannot specify a column width on data type smalldatetime.
Description: An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the current web request. Please review the stack trace for more information about the error and where it originated in the code.

Exception Details: System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: Column or parameter #8: Cannot specify a column width on data type smalldatetime.

Source Error:

Line 344: Try
Line 345: myConnection.Open()
Line 346: dgdSearch.DataSource = myCommand.ExecuteReader()
Line 347: dgdSearch.DataBind()
Line 348: Finally

Source File: c:inetpubwwwrootDemo Equip LogSearch Equipment.aspx.vb Line: 346

Stack Trace:

[SqlException: Column or parameter #8: Cannot specify a column width on data type smalldatetime.]
System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior cmdBehavior, RunBehavior runBehavior, Boolean returnStream) +742
System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.ExecuteReader() +41
Demo_Equip_Log.Search_Equipment.BindGrid() in c:inetpubwwwrootDemo Equip LogSearch Equipment.aspx.vb:346
Demo_Equip_Log.Search_Equipment.Page_Load(Object sender, EventArgs e) in c:inetpubwwwrootDemo Equip LogSearch Equipment.aspx.vb:195
System.Web.UI.Control.OnLoad(EventArgs e) +67
System.Web.UI.Control.LoadRecursive() +35
System.Web.UI.Page.ProcessRequestMain() +750

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0 Width Of Column Error

Feb 9, 2001


When i create a temp table with a field as blank string as in following example and then try to insert a blank string int it following error is coing.
compatibility level of database is 70

following is the example

Select CtpId = convert(int, a.CtpId), a.OrgId, a.Sname, a.Intls, a.Prfx, a.CallName, a.Sex, a.RspblEmp,
City = convert(char(40), ''), OrgDescr = convert(char(46), ''),
a.ActvtyStatus, a.Sales, a.SaleCntct, a.ContractCntct, a.ContractSigner,
a.CRW, a.WkndCntct, a.UseOrgAddr, CtpTimeStamp = convert(int, a.TimeStamp), FrequentFlyer = convert(bit,0) ,
a.PrevCmpl, b.St, a.DtIns
into #Ctp
from tbCtp a, tbAddr b
where 0 = 1

Select a.CtpId, a.OrgId, a.Sname, a.Intls, a.Prfx, a.CallName, a.Sex, a.RspblEmp,
City = '', OrgDescr = '',
a.ActvtyStatus, a.Sales, a.SaleCntct, a.ContractCntct, a.ContractSigner,
a.CRW, a.WkndCntct, a.UseOrgAddr, CtpTimeStamp = convert(int, a.TimeStamp),FrequentFlyer = 0, a.PrevCmpl,
St = "", a.DtIns
into #CTP
from tbctp a
where a.Sname like 'as%'
and CallName = '%'

ERROR MESSAGE:: Server: Msg 2731, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
"The width of column 'City' is 0. This width is not valid."

Please tell why this error is coming.

Thanks in advance


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Bar Chart Column Width

May 15, 2008

Is there a way to change the width of the bars in a bar chart?

I know that there is an option to 'Plot the data as line', but for some reason this is greyed out.

Any ideas on both?

View 6 Replies View Related

Column Width Workarounds

Jul 3, 2007

I have been looking over the forums looking for answers to the question that nails us all: how do you dynamically resize column widths? MS says: you don't. However, I have heard many people say they have found ways around it. I wonder if anyone might share those with me (and everyone else). Share the wisdom you have gained with those less experienced!

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Transact SQL :: Modifying A JOIN When New Column Is Introduced

Jun 25, 2015

At present I have a logic implemented like below code example where I can get a combination of columns cid and ani in 'config' table to which I have to map columns cid and ani present in my 'current' table.

Now, a new column pid is added to both 'config' and 'current' tables, like

alter table config add pid integer 
alter table current add pid integer

Now I can have data in a combination of cid and ani (where pid can be NULL) or cid and pid (where ani can be NULL) or a row where all cid, ani and pid can have values. In this scenario, how should I make the changes in the current implementation given below?

create table current (cid integer, ani integer, resetdate datetime, threshold integer)
create table config (cid integer, ani integer, resetdate datetime, threshold integer )
SELECT cid, ani from
CASE WHEN C.cid is null then B.resetdate ELSE C.resetdate END AS resetdate,

[Code] ....

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Select Columns With Correct Width For Fixed Width Flat File?

Dec 6, 2013

I have like 100 columns and most of them work fine, but some will not work. I need to select the columns with correct width for fixed width flat file.

Here is typical SQL statment that works for most of them.

left(RTRIM(A.City) + Replicate(' ', 25) ,25) as [City]

The above one is not working, but many other works fine like the address. Why would it work for some, but not others?

It works fine if I use any char, but not space. i.e.

left(RTRIM(A.City) + Replicate('*', 25) ,25) as [City]

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Change Table Column Width

Mar 14, 2000

I know we could change the data type or width of a table column in SQl 7 database, but I am not certain if this column is a primary key. Can we change a primary key column width? If we can, how about this column as a foreign key in another table? Will it be automatically updated to the same width? Thanks in advance for your input.

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BCP Output To Excel Column Width

Dec 10, 2013

I use bcp command to output to excel, it works. But I want to format the excel, some column width are too small,user need adjust the column width, otherwise it shows ######.

How can I set columns width when I use bcp output to excel.

Also, can bcp command output to multiple excel sheets and add report title in each excel sheet?

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Automatic Horizontal Width For Column

Feb 14, 2008


We are generating RDL file on the fly using a XSLT. We are trying to implement an auto width to all the columns dislpayed in the Report. Is Automatic horizontal width for column supported in RDL? If so how? If not is there is any workaround for it?

We tried using CanGrow and CanShrink tags, but those are for only vertical.

Thanks in advance.

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Subreport Width Expanding Beyond Width Of Container Report

Mar 4, 2008

I have a subreport on my main report, and the subreport contains a matrix. When I run the report, the subreport seems to expand beyond the width of the main report. The matrix itself does not expand beyond the width of the body of the main report, but for some reason it seems that the subreport does. The subreport does not contain any headers that might be messing up the width. If I cut and paste the matrix from the subreport directly onto the main report, and remove the subreport, it prints fine. But as soon as I include the subreport on the main report it prints with blank pages because the subreport expands beyond the width of the body of the main report. I have checked the width and margins on the subreport and compared to the width of the main report and all looks good. Can anyone help?


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Adjusting Column Width In Queried Dataset

Apr 17, 2007

I am trying to eliminate the extra space in columns that have been returned from a DB query...the tables have character lengths of 40, I would like to return just the necessary characters.

Thanks in advance.


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Resize Report Column Width When Hidden

Apr 18, 2007

I have a report that has a certain number of columns that are hidden and when hidden they leave a lot of white space. Is there a way to detect when they are hidden and set the width property to 0 and then reverse the value when they are visible?

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Find A Function That Returns The Column Width

Mar 3, 2008

Dear all hi,

I would like to create a function that will return to me the width of the column of the table without giving as a parameter the table name. I need it, as I want to exceed my data in this column to the column length. I want to fill the column data with trailing blanks until I reach the column width. The function len returns the length of the data in the column.

I know that If I have the table name I can find the column width through the system tables. I don��t want this.


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Autofit Column Width In Table Cells In Rdl Files

Dec 18, 2007


I am facing issue with the auto fit width. When i am creating a report which includes table. The table column length should get adjusted to the text size displayed in it instead of displaying the text in 2 lines. But i dont find any way to set that option. Could anyone let me know how to set the column length as per the text displayed in the column in table.


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Reporting Services :: Dynamic Column Width For A Report

Feb 14, 2008

Will the width property of a column be able to be set at run-time (i.e. ability to set the width of a column to an expression) in SQL Reporting Services 2008? One problem I have seen is the inability to set the width of columns in a report when you you have several columns whose order is determined based on parameters.
Lets say I have 2 columns in a report and two fields from the database which will populate those columns: 1 field that is varchar(5) and one which is varchar(50). If I do not know which column each field will go to until runtime how am I supposed to adjust the column width? Letting the column width be set by an expression would solve everything as I could pass the width in to the report. As it stands now, I would have to set each column's width to accomodate a field of type varchar(50) in order to avoid wrapping of data.
You could say just create 2 reports, one for each case, but what if I had 15 fields? 20?how to dynamically set the width of a column? Will the width of a column be able to be set at run-time in SQL Server Reporting Services 2008 via expression or some other means?

View 39 Replies View Related

Sql2000 Replication

Jul 23, 2005

hello,also wanted to confirm which versions of sql2000 can do replication.Would be nice to have fault-tolerance via replication so as to have ahot-standby.Oskar

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Scaling Width Of Report To Fit To Page Width

Apr 9, 2007


I've a report projects where each report has a number of columns and the spec is to have all the columns print-out on the same page. Is there a setting that will auto-scale these columns to fit to the page or will I have to edit the font size and widths manually on each report to fit to the page?

Thanks for any comments.

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SQL Server 2012 :: Can Change Column Width Of Varchar In Production

Oct 17, 2014

I keep getting requests to increase the width of a varchar colum every now and then.

I want to ask if its perfectly ok when you have active users connecting to the application to do this?

View 7 Replies View Related

Transactional Repln,how To Modify The Width Of A Column Of A Table Which Is Replicated

Aug 3, 2006

Hi All,
Is there a way by which we can modify the width of a column of a table which is being replicated without touching the ongoing transactional replication? This is for MSSQL2000 Transactional Replication.

I know (and successfully tried) that we can add a column to a table and that gets propaged to the replicate database and indeed the added column gets reflected there. How to add a column? sp_repaddcolumn or Right Click on the Publication-Properties and it shows a button to Add a Column.

This is what I have tried for modifying the width of a column of a table participating in Transactional Replication from varchar(10) to varchar(100)

MH (source) -> MH1 (Replicate)

The column ��col1�? had width of varchar(10) and this was altered to varchar(100).

insert into MH..test_mh values(4,'abcdeabcdefff')

select * from MH1..test_mh

exec sp_dropsubscription @publication = N'MH', @article = N'test_mh', @subscriber = N'UKPBDRMTST2', @destination_db = N'MH1'

exec sp_droparticle @publication = N'MH', @article = N'test_mh'

alter table test_mh alter column col2 varchar(100) null OR

MH1..sp_help test_mh

exec sp_addarticle @publication = N'MH', @article = N'test_mh', @source_table = N'test_mh'

exec sp_addsubscription @publication = N'MH', @article = N'test_mh', @subscriber = N'UKPBDRMTST2' , @destination_db = N'MH1'

Needless to say, help would be apreciated -

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Advanced Editor Randomly Fails To Persist New Column Width

Sep 4, 2007

This one has set me back many, many hours on this project; it's about got me ready to dump SSIS & just roll a custom .NET solution in C#.

I need to create import packages for quite a few very wide flat files (130 - 180+ columns, not my design). Many of these columns have data > 50 characters long.

I change column widths on the data flow source using the Advanced Editor, via Input and Output Properties ==> Flat File Source Output ==> External Columns.

About 50% of the time, the changes vanish after clicking OK to dismiss the Advanced Editor. There is no warning message or output announcing that the editor failed to persist its changes, or that it set some columns' properties back to the defaults, or why. The column's widths just silently revert back to 50.

If the cause and resolution aren't known, does anyone know of a way to accomplish any of the following workarounds?

Create a data source connection by importing an external text schema defining the flat file's column names, data types and sizes, or
Change a property on multiple source columns en-masse, or...

Get at a text version of the file containing the Data Flow Component's definition, so we can edit wide import schemas without racking up thousands of mouse-clicks?Thanks! A virtual cheeseburger to anyone with answers.

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Replication Between SQL2000 And SQL2005

Jul 26, 2007

I have a distributor setup on SQL Server 2005 (9.0.3042) and am trying to create a publication on SQL Server 2000 (8.0.2040) which receives the following error in my production environment:

Msg 8526, Level 16, State 2, Procedure sp_addpublication, Line 802

Cannot go remote while the session is enlisted in a distributed transaction that has an active savepoint.

The interesting part of this equation is that I was able to get this to work without error in my DEV (development) environment and well as my QAT (test) environment. This end result was that my distributor was SQL 2005, my publisher was SQL 2000 and my pull subscriber was SQL 2005. I have been diligently comparing our production environment to my other environment and have yet to find differences.

Has anyone else seen an error similiar to this? Any insight would be appreciated.

Thanks in advance,


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SQL2000 Replication Deadlocks

Jun 1, 2007

We have an SQL2000 database server that uses merge, pull replication with about 70 clients around the country, each with their own publication. Each article in each publication is row filtered by a single condition. There are busy times of the day when all of these clients attempt to replicate within a 15-20 minute period. We have noticed the following error that is creating conflicts that are resulting in data not being transferred to the server and very long replication run times (error message is paraphrased):

The record was inserted at the client, but could not be inserted at the server. Transaction (Process ID XXX) was deadlocked on lock resources with another process and has been chosen as the deadlock victim. Rerun the transaction.

Is there a way to lessen the effects of this error? How can I reduce the number of deadlocks that are occurring? We will need to be adding a great deal more clients to the system in the future; is there a way to grow the system without making the deadlock problem worse?

Any help will be appreciated!



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Replication From SQL2000 To SQL2005

May 25, 2007

I want to replicate from SQL2000 to SQL2005. I had configured distributor, publisher in SQL2000 and also subscriber in SQL2005. But so far no replication was done on SQL2005. I wonder SQL2000 (SP2) and SQL2005 replication will it work? Is it true that I should install Service Pack 3 and above in order to replicate my database to SQL2005.


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How Do I Import A Varying Column Width Flat File Into A Table Using SSIS?

Apr 24, 2008

How do i import a Varying Column Width Flat file into a Table using SSIS?

I have a flat file that has 4 columns with varying width
Like I should read the file as
Col 1 - (1 to 10 Characters)
Col 2 - (12 to 21 Characters)
Col 3 - (22 to 35 Characters)
Col 4 - (36 to 38 Characters)
At the end of the record is a "LF"

I think "Fixed Width" Columns allow me to define a standard column length for all the columns.. Right?

Any thoughts on how to?

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SQL2000 Server And MSDE Replication

May 29, 2006


I will construct client application with MSDE.

I face with a difficult question.

It's in sync with SQL2000 Server  and MSDE.

Client number is 5000.

I fall in a dilemma. Which do i use,  Replication or to make DB Sync application ?






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SQL7/SQL2000 Replication. Auth Error

Aug 12, 2002

I'm attemting to replicate from a SQL7 box to SQL2000.

The snapshot works fine, but it fails when it tries to push the subscription to the SQL2000 box with a trust error (I don't recall the exact message). I noticed that it fails when Enterprise Mgr is configured as: "Tools/Replication/Configure Publishing, Subscribers and Distribution", Subscriber Tab, "Impersonating SQL Service Agent". It works if I change to "SA".

This is only the case when we replicate from SQL7 to SQL2K. SQL7 to SQL7 works fine with "Impersonating". Has anybody seen this behavior? Any workarounds, other than using SA?

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SQL7/SQL2000 Replication. Auth Error

Aug 12, 2002

I'm attemting to replicate from a SQL7 box to SQL2000.

The snapshot works fine, but it fails when it tries to push the subscription to the SQL2000 box with a trust error (I don't recall the exact message). I noticed that it fails when Enterprise Mgr is configured as: "Tools/Replication/Configure Publishing, Subscribers and Distribution", Subscriber Tab, "Impersonating SQL Service Agent". It works if I change to "SA".

This is only the case when we replicate from SQL7 to SQL2K. SQL7 to SQL7 works fine with "Impersonating". Has anybody seen this behavior? Any workarounds, other than using SA?

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