Jan 18, 2001

I am experimenting with the FOR XML AUTO clause in SQL2000, but instead of nicely structured XML I get one continuous string oftags that can't be parsed by IE5.5

The BOL seem to indicate just running the query in Query Analyser will produce nicely formatted XML output - can anybody tell me what is wrong?

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Query Runs On Sql7.0 But Keeps Running On Sql2000 Without Output

Aug 15, 2001

The following query runs fine on sql 7.0 but it kind of hangs/keeps running without any output on sql server 2000
Set @cmd = 'Update ABCD Set
'+@day+'_LB = IsNull(LB,0),
'+@day+'_UT = IsNull(UNIT,0)
From tempData as T
execute (@cmd)
But if we hard code the @day parameter and run the query like this it runs very fast on sql 2000....

Update ABCD Set THIRD_LB = IsNull(LB,0),
From tempData as T

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Sql2000 && Sql2005, Want Localhost To Use Sql2000

Sep 17, 2006

 i have sql2000 & sql2005 on the same machine. I am unable to register my localhost in sql2000, get an access denied error. How can I make my localhost use sql2000 database?

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Migrate SQL2000 To SQL2000

May 13, 2008

i am in the process of Migrating SQL 2000 to my new SQL2000 server i want to know the what would the best way for me to migrate one SQL server to another SQL server on the same network and rename the new server to the old server and bring it up for use in our ecommerce website.

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Number Of ROWS Of Output Of Aggregate Transformation Sometimes Doesn't Match The Output From T-SQL Query

Dec 25, 2006

While using Aggregate Transformation to group one column,the rows of output sometimes larger than the rows returned by a T-SQL statement via SSMS.

For example,the output of the Aggregate Transformation may be 960216 ,but the

'Select Count(Orderid) From ... Group By ***' T-SQL Statement returns 96018*.

I'm sure the Group By of the Aggregate Transformation is right!

But ,when I set the "keyscale" property of the transformation,the results match!

In my opinion,the "keyscale" property will jsut affects the performance of the transformaiton,but not the result of the transformation.

Thanks for your advice.

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Transact SQL :: Generic Store Procedure Call Without Output Parameters But Catching Output

Sep 21, 2015

Inside some TSQL programmable object (a SP/or a query in Management Studio)I have a parameter containing the name of a StoreProcedure+The required Argument for these SP. (for example it's between the brackets [])

EX1 : @SPToCall : [sp_ChooseTypeOfResult 'Water type']
EX2 : @SPToCall : [sp_ChooseTypeOfXMLResult 'TABLE type', 'NODE XML']
EX3 : @SPToCall : [sp_GetSomeResult]

I can't change thoses SP, (and i don't have a nice output param to cach, as i would need to change the SP Definition)All these SP 'return' a 'select' of 1 record the same datatype ie: NVARCHAR. Unfortunately there is no output param (it would have been so easy otherwise. So I am working on something like this but I 'can't find anything working

DECLARE @myFinalVarFilledWithCachedOutput 
DECLARE @SPToCall NVARCHAR(MAX) = N'sp_ChooseTypeOfXMLResult
''TABLE type'', ''NODE XML'';'
DECLARE @paramsDefintion = N'@CatchedOutput NVARCHAR(MAX) OUTPUT'


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Output And Error Output Write The Same Table At The Same Time, Stall The Process.

Aug 30, 2006


I have Lookup task to determine if source data should be updated to or insert to the customer table. After Lookup task, the Error Output pipeline will redirect to insert new data to the table and the Output pipeline will update customer table. But these two tasks will be processing at the same time which causes stall on the process. Never end.....

The job is similiart to what Slow Changing Dimention does but it won't update the table at the same time.

What can I do to avoid such situation?

Thanks in advance,


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Using Output From A Stored Procedure As An Output Column In The OLE DB Command Transformation

Dec 8, 2006

I am working on an OLAP modeled database.

I have a Lookup Transformation that matches the natural key of a dimension member and returns the dimension key for that member (surrogate key pipeline stuff).

I am using an OLE DB Command as the Error flow of the Lookup Transformation to insert an "Inferred Member" (new row) into a dimension table if the Lookup fails.

The OLE DB Command calls a stored procedure (dbo.InsertNewDimensionMember) that inserts the new member and returns the key of the new member (using scope_identity) as an output.

What is the syntax in the SQL Command line of the OLE DB Command Transformation to set the output of the stored procedure as an Output Column?

I know that I can 1) add a second Lookup with "Enable memory restriction" on (no caching) in the Success data flow after the OLE DB Command, 2) find the newly inserted member, and 3) Union both Lookup results together, but this is a large dimension table (several million rows) and searching for the newly inserted dimension member seems excessive, especially since I have the ID I want returned as output from the stored procedure that inserted it.

Thanks in advance for any assistance you can provide.

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Query Produces Jumbled Output / Output Not In Sequence

Jul 23, 2005

Hi!Server info -Win2K3 Server +SP1 with 1 GB Memory and 1.5 GB Virtual MemorySQL Server 2000 Enterprise Edition + SP3 running on this.Required result -Create a SQL Script that will contain a set of create, update, insert& delete statements (about 17500 lines including blank lines) thatcan be run on different databases seperatelyHow we do this -We have a SP - that creates a temporary table and then calls anotherSP that actually populates the temporary table created by the first SP*Samples of both SPs are below -PROBLEMThe result is directed to a file -However when the query is run it runs through the entire script but'Jumbles' the outputRunning the same scripts on a copy of the database on other machineswork fine and the size of the outfiles is exactly the sameI have increased the page size to 2.5 GB and restarted the server.Running the sp now generated the correct output a few times but gotjumbled as before after a few more users logged in and activity on theserver increased.Another interesting point is that the output is jumbled exactly thesame way each time. It seems the sql executes correctly and writesthe output in chunks only writting the chunks out of sequence - butin the same sequence each time.e.g. of expected resultInsert into Table1Values x, y, z, 1, 2Insert into Table1Values q, s, g, 3, 4Insert into Table1Values c, d, e, 21, 12....Insert into Table2Values ...Insert into Table3Values ................Update RefGenSet Last = 1234Where RefGenRef = 1JUMBLED OUTPUTInsert into Table1Values x, y, z, 1, 2Insert into Table1Values q, s, g, 3, 4Insert into Table1Values c, d, e, 21, 12....Insert into Table2Values ...Insert into Table2Values ...Values ...Update RefGenSet Last = 1234Where RefGenRef = 1Insert into Table3Values ................Insert into Table1Values c, d, e, 21, 12....Insert into Table2----------------------------------------Sample of First Script - STATDATA_RSLT**************************************SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ONGOSET ANSI_NULLS ONGOSET NOCOUNT ONGOCREATE PROCEDURE StatData_rsltASCREATE TABLE #tbl_Script(ScriptText varchar(4000))EXEC TestStatData_intSELECT t.ScriptTextFROM #tbl_Script tGOSET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER OFFGOSET ANSI_NULLS ONGO*******************************************Sample of CALLED SP - TestStatData_int*******************************************SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ONGOSET ANSI_NULLS ONGOCREATE PROCEDURE TestStatData_intASDECLARE @AttrRef int,@TestID int,@PrtTestRef int,@AttrType tinyint,@EdtblSw tinyint,@NmValRef int,@SrtTypeRef int,@AttrStr varchar(20),@TestStr varchar(20),@PrtTestStr varchar(20),@AttrTypeStr varchar(20),@EdtblStr varchar(20),@NmValStr varchar(20),@SrtTypeStr varchar(20),@TestRef int,@Seq int,@PrtRef int,@Value varchar(255),@TermDate datetime,@AttrID int,@DefSw tinyint,@WantSw tinyint,@TestRefStr varchar(20),@SeqStr varchar(20),@PrtStr varchar(20),@TermDateStr varchar(255),@AttrIDStr varchar(20),@DefStr varchar(20),@WantStr varchar(20),@LanRef int,@LanStr varchar(20),@Code varchar(20),@Desc varchar(255),@MultiCode varchar(20),@MultiDesc varchar(255),@InhSw tinyint,@InhStr varchar(20),@InhFrom int,@InhFromStr varchar(20),@Lan_TestRef int,@ActSw tinyint,@ActSwStr varchar(20)SELECT @Lan_TestRef = dbo.fn_GetTestRef('Lan')INSERT INTO #tbl_ScriptVALUES('')-- Create tablesINSERT INTO #tbl_ScriptVALUES ('CREATE TABLE #tbl_Test (AttrRef int, TestID int , PrtTestRefint, AttrType tinyint, EdtblSw tinyint, NmValRef int, SrtTypeRefint)')INSERT INTO #tbl_ScriptVALUES ('')INSERT INTO #tbl_ScriptVALUES('CREATE TABLE #tbl_TestAttr(AttrRef int, TestRef int, Seq int,PrtRef int, AttrType tinyint, Value varchar(255), TermDate datetime,AttrID int, DefSw tinyint, WantSw tinyint, ActSw tinyint)')INSERT INTO #tbl_ScriptVALUES ('')INSERT INTO #tbl_ScriptVALUES ('CREATE TABLE #tbl_AttrName(AttrRef int, LanRef int, Codevarchar(20), [Desc] varchar(255), MultiCode varchar(20), MultiDescvarchar(255), InhSw tinyint, InhFrom int)')INSERT INTO #tbl_ScriptVALUES ('')-- insert Test valuesDECLARE Test_cursor CURSOR FORSELECT l.AttrRef, l.TestID, l.PrtTestRef, l.AttrType, l.EdtblSw,l.NmValRef, l.SrtTypeRefFROM Test lOPEN Test_cursorFETCH NEXT FROM Test_cursorINTO @AttrRef, @TestID, @PrtTestRef, @AttrType, @EdtblSw, @NmValRef,@SrtTypeRefWHILE @@FETCH_STATUS = 0BEGINSELECT @AttrStr = ISNULL(CAST(@AttrRef as varchar), 'NULL'),@TestStr = ISNULL(CAST(@TestID as varchar), 'NULL'),@PrtTestStr = ISNULL(CAST(@PrtTestRef as varchar), 'NULL'),@AttrTypeStr = ISNULL(CAST(@AttrType as varchar), 'NULL'),@EdtblStr = ISNULL(CAST(@EdtblSw as varchar), 'NULL'),@NmValStr = ISNULL(CAST(@NmValRef as varchar), 'NULL'),@SrtTypeStr = ISNULL(CAST(@SrtTypeRef as varchar), 'NULL')INSERT INTO #tbl_ScriptVALUES ('INSERT INTO #tbl_Test(AttrRef, TestID, PrtTestRef,AttrType,EdtblSw, NmValRef, SrtTypeRef)')INSERT INTO #tbl_ScriptVALUES ('VALUES ( ' + @AttrStr + ', ' + @TestStr + ', ' +@PrtTestStr+ ', ' + @AttrTypeStr + ', ' + @EdtblStr + ', ' + @NmValStr + ', ' +@SrtTypeStr + ')')INSERT INTO #tbl_ScriptVALUES ('')FETCH NEXT FROM Test_cursorINTO @AttrRef, @TestID, @PrtTestRef, @AttrType, @EdtblSw, @NmValRef,@SrtTypeRefENDCLOSE Test_cursorDEALLOCATE Test_cursorDECLARE TestAttr_cursor CURSOR FORSELECT le.AttrRef, le.TestRef, le.Seq, le.PrtRef, le.AttrType,le.Value,le.TermDate, le.AttrID, le.DefSw, le.WantSw, le.ActSwFROM TestAttr leWHERE le.WantSw = 1AND le.ActSw = 1OPEN TestAttr_cursorFETCH NEXT FROM TestAttr_cursorINTO @AttrRef, @TestRef, @Seq, @PrtRef, @AttrType, @Value,@TermDate, @AttrID, @DefSw, @WantSw, @ActSwWHILE @@FETCH_STATUS = 0BEGINSELECT @AttrStr = ISNULL(CAST(@AttrRef as varchar), 'NULL'),@TestRefStr = ISNULL(CAST(@TestRef as varchar), 'NULL'),@SeqStr = ISNULL(CAST(@Seq as varchar), 'NULL'),@PrtStr = ISNULL(CAST(@PrtRef as varchar), 'NULL'),@AttrTypeStr = ISNULL(CAST(@AttrType as varchar), 'NULL'),@Value = ISNULL(@Value, 'NULL'),@TermDateStr = ISNULL(CAST(@TermDate as varchar), 'NULL'),@AttrIDStr = ISNULL(CAST(@AttrID as varchar), 'NULL'),@DefStr = ISNULL(CAST(@DefSw as varchar), 'NULL'),@WantStr = ISNULL(CAST(@WantSw as varchar), 'NULL'),@ActSwStr = ISNULL(CAST(@ActSw as varchar), '1')SELECT @Value = '''' + @Value + ''''WHERE @Value <> 'NULL'INSERT INTO #tbl_ScriptVALUES ('INSERT INTO #tbl_TestAttr(AttrRef, TestRef, Seq, PrtRef,AttrType, Value, TermDate, AttrID, DefSw, WantSw, ActSw)')INSERT INTO #tbl_ScriptVALUES ('VALUES (' + @AttrStr + ', ' + @TestRefStr + ', ' +@SeqStr+ ', ' + @PrtStr + ', ' + @AttrTypeStr + ', ' + @Value + ', ' +@TermDateStr + ', ' + @AttrIDStr + ', ' + @DefStr + ', ' + @WantStr+', '+ @ActSwStr + ')')INSERT INTO #tbl_ScriptVALUES ('')FETCH NEXT FROM TestAttr_cursorINTO @AttrRef, @TestRef, @Seq, @PrtRef, @AttrType, @Value,@TermDate, @AttrID, @DefSw, @WantSw, @ActSwENDCLOSE TestAttr_cursorDEALLOCATE TestAttr_cursorDECLARE AttrName_cursor CURSOR FORSELECT e.AttrRef, e.LanRef, e.Code, e.[Desc], e.MultiCode,e.MultiDesc, e.InhSw, e.InhFromFROM AttrName e, TestAttr leWHERE e.LanRef = 0AND e.AttrRef = le.AttrRefAND le.WantSw = 1AND le.ActSw = 1OPEN AttrName_cursorFETCH NEXT FROM AttrName_cursorINTO @AttrRef, @LanRef, @Code, @Desc, @MultiCode,@MultiDesc, @InhSw, @InhFromWHILE @@FETCH_STATUS = 0BEGINSELECT @AttrStr = ISNULL(CAST(@AttrRef as varchar), 'NULL'),@LanStr = ISNULL(CAST(@LanRef as varchar), 'NULL'),@Code = ISNULL(@Code, 'NULL'),@Desc = ISNULL(@Desc, 'NULL'),@MultiCode = ISNULL(@MultiCode, 'NULL'),@MultiDesc = ISNULL(@MultiDesc, 'NULL'),@InhStr = ISNULL(CAST(@InhSw as varchar), 'NULL'),@InhFromStr = ISNULL(CAST(@InhFrom as varchar), 'NULL')SELECT @Code = REPLACE(@Code, '''',''''''),@Desc = REPLACE(@Desc, '''','''''') ,@MultiCode = REPLACE(@MultiCode, '''','''''') ,@MultiDesc = REPLACE(@MultiDesc, '''','''''')INSERT INTO #tbl_ScriptVALUES ('INSERT INTO #tbl_AttrName(AttrRef, LanRef, Code, [Desc],MultiCode, MultiDesc, InhSw, InhFrom)')INSERT INTO #tbl_ScriptVALUES ('VALUES (' + @AttrStr + ', ' + @LanStr + ', ''' + @Code +''', ''' + @Desc + ''', ''' + @MultiCode + ''', ''' + @MultiDesc +''',' + @InhStr + ', ' + @InhFromStr + ')')INSERT INTO #tbl_ScriptVALUES ('')FETCH NEXT FROM AttrName_cursorINTO @AttrRef, @LanRef, @Code, @Desc, @MultiCode,@MultiDesc, @InhSw, @InhFromENDCLOSE AttrName_cursorDEALLOCATE AttrName_cursor-- Do update TestAttr dataINSERT INTO #tbl_ScriptVALUES ('UPDATE le')INSERT INTO #tbl_ScriptVALUES ('SET')INSERT INTO #tbl_ScriptVALUES (' le.TestRef = t.TestRef,')INSERT INTO #tbl_ScriptVALUES (' le.PrtRef = t.PrtRef,')INSERT INTO #tbl_ScriptVALUES (' le.AttrType = t.AttrType,')INSERT INTO #tbl_ScriptVALUES (' le.Value = t.Value,')INSERT INTO #tbl_ScriptVALUES (' le.TermDate = t.TermDate,')INSERT INTO #tbl_ScriptVALUES (' le.AttrID = t.AttrID,')INSERT INTO #tbl_ScriptVALUES (' le.DefSw = t.DefSw,')INSERT INTO #tbl_ScriptVALUES (' le.WantSw = t.WantSw,')INSERT INTO #tbl_ScriptVALUES (' le.ActSw = t.ActSw')INSERT INTO #tbl_ScriptVALUES ('FROM TestAttr le, #tbl_TestAttr t')INSERT INTO #tbl_ScriptVALUES ('WHERE le.AttrRef = t.AttrRef')INSERT INTO #tbl_ScriptVALUES ('')-- Update AttrNameINSERT INTO #tbl_ScriptVALUES ('UPDATE en')INSERT INTO #tbl_ScriptVALUES ('SET')INSERT INTO #tbl_ScriptVALUES (' en.Code = te.Code,')INSERT INTO #tbl_ScriptVALUES (' en.[Desc] = te.[Desc],')INSERT INTO #tbl_ScriptVALUES (' en.MultiCode = te.MultiCode,')INSERT INTO #tbl_ScriptVALUES (' en.MultiDesc = te.MultiDesc,')INSERT INTO #tbl_ScriptVALUES (' en.InhSw = te.InhSw,')INSERT INTO #tbl_ScriptVALUES (' en.InhFrom = te.InhFrom')INSERT INTO #tbl_ScriptVALUES ('FROM AttrName en, #tbl_AttrName te')INSERT INTO #tbl_ScriptVALUES ('WHERE en.AttrRef = te.AttrRef')INSERT INTO #tbl_ScriptVALUES (' AND en.LanRef = te.LanRef')INSERT INTO #tbl_ScriptVALUES (' AND te.LanRef = 0')-- Do update Test the dataINSERT INTO #tbl_ScriptVALUES ('UPDATE l')INSERT INTO #tbl_ScriptVALUES ('SET')INSERT INTO #tbl_ScriptVALUES (' l.TestID = t.TestID,')INSERT INTO #tbl_ScriptVALUES (' l.PrtTestRef = t.PrtTestRef,')INSERT INTO #tbl_ScriptVALUES (' l.AttrType = t.AttrType,')INSERT INTO #tbl_ScriptVALUES (' l.EdtblSw = t.EdtblSw,')INSERT INTO #tbl_ScriptVALUES (' l.NmValRef = t.NmValRef')INSERT INTO #tbl_ScriptVALUES ('FROM Test l, #tbl_Test t')INSERT INTO #tbl_ScriptVALUES ('WHERE l.AttrRef = t.AttrRef')INSERT INTO #tbl_ScriptVALUES ('')--DELETE where just updatedINSERT INTO #tbl_ScriptVALUES ('DELETE FROM t')INSERT INTO #tbl_ScriptVALUES ('FROM #tbl_Test t, Test l')INSERT INTO #tbl_ScriptVALUES ('WHERE t.AttrRef = l.AttrRef')INSERT INTO #tbl_ScriptVALUES ('')INSERT INTO #tbl_ScriptVALUES ('DELETE FROM t')INSERT INTO #tbl_ScriptVALUES ('FROM #tbl_TestAttr t, TestAttr le')INSERT INTO #tbl_ScriptVALUES ('WHERE t.AttrRef = le.AttrRef')INSERT INTO #tbl_ScriptVALUES ('')INSERT INTO #tbl_ScriptVALUES ('DELETE FROM te')INSERT INTO #tbl_ScriptVALUES ('FROM #tbl_AttrName te, TestAttr le')INSERT INTO #tbl_ScriptVALUES ('WHERE te.AttrRef = le.AttrRef')INSERT INTO #tbl_ScriptVALUES ('')-- Insert TestAttrINSERT INTO #tbl_ScriptVALUES ('INSERT INTO TestAttr (AttrRef, TestRef, Seq, PrtRef,AttrType,Value, TermDate, AttrID, DefSw, WantSw, ActSw)')INSERT INTO #tbl_ScriptVALUES ('SELECT t.AttrRef, t.TestRef, t.Seq, t.PrtRef, t.AttrType,t.Value, t.TermDate, t.AttrID, t.DefSw, t.WantSw, t.ActSw')INSERT INTO #tbl_ScriptVALUES ('FROM #tbl_TestAttr t')INSERT INTO #tbl_ScriptVALUES ('')-- AttrNameINSERT INTO #tbl_ScriptVALUES ('INSERT INTO AttrName(AttrRef, LanRef, Code, [Desc],MultiCode,MultiDesc, InhSw, InhFrom)')INSERT INTO #tbl_ScriptVALUES ('SELECT te.AttrRef, le.AttrRef, te.Code, te.[Desc],te.MultiCode, te.MultiDesc, ')INSERT INTO #tbl_ScriptVALUES (' CASE le.AttrRef ')INSERT INTO #tbl_ScriptVALUES (' WHEN 0 THEN 0')INSERT INTO #tbl_ScriptVALUES (' ELSE 1 END,')INSERT INTO #tbl_ScriptVALUES (' CASE le.AttrRef ')INSERT INTO #tbl_ScriptVALUES (' WHEN 0 THEN NULL')INSERT INTO #tbl_ScriptVALUES (' ELSE 0 END')INSERT INTO #tbl_ScriptVALUES ('FROM #tbl_AttrName te, TestAttr le')INSERT INTO #tbl_ScriptVALUES ('WHERE le.TestRef = ' + CAST(@Lan_TestRef as varchar))INSERT INTO #tbl_ScriptVALUES ('')-- Insert new rowsINSERT INTO #tbl_ScriptVALUES ('INSERT INTO Test(AttrRef, TestID, PrtTestRef, AttrType,EdtblSw, NmValRef, SrtTypeRef)')INSERT INTO #tbl_ScriptVALUES ('SELECT t.AttrRef, t.TestID, t.PrtTestRef, t.AttrType,t.EdtblSw, t.NmValRef, t.SrtTypeRef')INSERT INTO #tbl_ScriptVALUES ('FROM #tbl_Test t')INSERT INTO #tbl_ScriptVALUES ('')INSERT INTO #tbl_ScriptVALUES ('DROP TABLE #tbl_Test')INSERT INTO #tbl_ScriptVALUES ('DROP TABLE #tbl_TestAttr')INSERT INTO #tbl_ScriptVALUES ('DROP TABLE #tbl_AttrName')-- Update RefGenDECLARE @RefGenReflast int,@RefGenRefStr varchar(10)SELECT @RefGenReflast = lastFROM RefGenWHERE RefGenRef = 1SELECT @RefGenRefStr = ISNULL(CAST(@RefGenReflast as varchar), 'NULL')INSERT INTO #tbl_ScriptVALUES('')INSERT INTO #tbl_ScriptVALUES('UPDATE RefGen')INSERT INTO #tbl_ScriptVALUES ('SET Last = ' + @RefGenRefStr)INSERT INTO #tbl_ScriptVALUES ('WHERE RefGenRef = 1')INSERT INTO #tbl_ScriptVALUES ('')GOSET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER OFFGOSET ANSI_NULLS ONGO*******************************RegardsGlenn

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PrimeOutput : Difference Between 'Output' And 'output Buffer'

Aug 12, 2005

When overriding the PrimeOutput method in a custom component, you get as parameters the outputIDs and the output buffers (of type PipelineBuffer). using the outputIDs you can get IDTSOutput90 outputs.

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ASP.NET 2.0 And SQL2000

Sep 5, 2006

Hi,I have made a web application using SQL Server 2005
Express with a few admin pages that require login. I used the SQL
Server Managment Studio Express to setup users and groups and it works
fine. But the web server has SQL Server 2000 and all I get is a
user id and password to access the database. It seems I cannot use the
Login control I put on my "login.aspx" page becuase it uses the
integrated authentication which chokes on 2000. I am afraid I wonlt be
able to use some of the 2.0 features such as profiles, ... Is
this the way 2.0 works with SQL Server 2000? Should I ditch the ISP if
they only give me a single access to database with no provisions to
create users. (I was told I had to create a "Users" table and manually
assign ids and passwords and that I can only use the user id and
password they supplied to setup the connection string in the script.)I appreciate your help. 

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SP1 On SQL2000

Mar 8, 2001

Does anyone know when SP1 will be available for SQL2000??

Steve Bajada

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SQL2000 On NT4

Oct 23, 2000

Are there any advantages/disadvantages of running SQL2K on NT4 as opposed to running on WIN2K?

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Jan 7, 2008

pls tell me abt log shipping in sql2000

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MSDE && SQL2000

Jul 13, 2006

I am developing a Crystal Reports App in VS2005 (VB).  I was originally working on an XP machine with MSDE and stored procedures where it worked fine.
I then transferred the development to a Win2003 machine with SQL2000 and am now getting the following error;
 Failed to open a rowset. Description: 'Get_Calls_By_MLO_Date' expects parameter '@DT1' which was not supplied.  Plus some other error detail.
Here is the SP.
CREATE PROCEDURE Get_Calls_By_MLO_By_Date  @DT1 datetime, @DT2 datetimeASSELECT MLO, CallNo, DT, Type FROM ActionsWHERE dt >= @DT1 AND dt <= @DT2 AND ActionID=1 ORDER BY MLO, DTGO
If I transfer everything back to the XP machine it works fine.
Any ideas?

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Locks In SQL2000

Jun 1, 2007

How to lock a Row in SQL2000 so that nobody can select that row.
I applied ROWLOCK, but i am not finding the way.
My query is "SELECT * FROM tablename WITH (ROWLOCK)"
Is this the correct way to write locks.
I would be thankful if u help me

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SQL2000 DTS To Excel

Apr 18, 2006

I am exporting data to an Excel file via a scheduled DTS package. I need to be able to either overwrite the existing Excel file or delete it. I haven't found a way to do this yet. Any help, comments, or direction will be appreciated. TIA

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I Need Your Help,About SQL2000 DataInsert

Apr 25, 2006

I want to insert some data into my SQLServer,For example:insert into xcjl(zch,xcsj) values('027741',getdate())
but ,the "zch" maybe have a few data,I want to insert these step by step,how can I do?

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Using Sp_ For User Sp&#39;s In SQL2000

Feb 20, 2001

Hi all,

We're beginning to migrate our 6.5 DB's to SQL2000. A question came up regarding naming conventions for stored procedures. In BOL it says that for SQL2000:

"Stored procedures with the prefix sp_ are first looked up in master. If a user-defined stored procedure has the same name as a system-supplied stored procedure residing in master, SQL Server always finds the system-supplied stored procedure. "

Behavior in 6.5 was the opposite: SQL Server searched the current database followed by a search in master.

We started several months ago renaming user stored procedures to "usp_XXX", but we still have many non-system sp's that still use "sp_". I'm looking for opinions of whether we should bite the bullet now and rename all our non-system sp's at this time; prior to moving our production environment to SQL2000. Will we see a performance gain since SQL will not have to hit master first before going to the current DB?

Any and all opinions welcome!


Tom Rosebrook

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BCP Sql65/sql2000 Help!

Jan 9, 2002

When bcp'ing in data into an sql 6.5 table that is NOT nullable, records in the text file that contain nulls are ommited, but valid records without nulls are inserted.
However, using exactly the same table structure and files on a newly installed sql 2000 server (sp2), as soon as the first invalid record in the text file (i.e. with a null value)is encountered, bcp'ing is terminated and NO records are inserted.
I can't find any option in bcp/sql 2000 to allow me to carry out a load as before.
The help files state that the default no. of invalid records allowed is 10 (both versions sql), and explicitly setting the -m option of bcp to 10 still doesn't work.
Most of the data i receive has at least one duff record
Is there an option in sql 2000 that allows me to have x number of duff records inserted before a full rollsback occurs?

I can't find anything in technet, msdn or books online.

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SQL2000 And Licensing

Aug 7, 2001

In a replication environment:

Does SQL 2000 standard edition support replication if it would be configured as a subscriber.
Is SQL 2000 Enterprise Edition required for a Publisher and Distributor or can you get away with standard edition.
In a web site environment how many CALs are needed when users access the database via webservers and middleware.


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Sql2000 Upgrade

Jan 5, 2001

I need some strong points for the management to convince them to upgrade to sql2000 now than waiting for 6 months.
We are currently in process of developing this new product. All development is on sql7. I want to upgrade our database to sql2000 now rather than waiting after the release which might be in another 3 months.

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SQL2000 Will Not Install

Jan 4, 2003

I crashed my HP portable that has SQL2000 ENT installed and I re-installed XP-Pro +SP1 and when I install SQL2000 ENT it refused to install saying ENT cannot install in this O/S. Did I miss anything ?

I went and checked another XP-Pro W/S and SQL2000 is intalled OK.

Anybody has any idea ?



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Sql7 And Sql2000

Aug 26, 2002

Does a script that run with sql7 automatically run with sql2000?
I would like to know if my script will run if I change version.

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Trigger To Sql2000...

Nov 26, 2003

Is it possible to fire a update trigger from SQL6.5 table to update a SQL2000 server database table field value? (upgrade this 'legacy' to sql2k now is not an option)

If it is not possible, is there a way to accomplish it?


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SQL2000 Profiler

Jan 24, 2002

I am trying to give developers access to use profiler without giving them sysadmin fixed role is this possible ???

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SQL2000 Collations

Feb 4, 2002

I noticed that when I installed SQL2000,with "typical install",
the default, the following will be used:
SQL collation (dictionary order, case-insensitive, assent sensitive)
sp_helpsort will give

Is there any difference if I choose the "custom install", then and choose
the windows locale which gives the result of sp_helpsort:

SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AI is supposed for backward compatibilty, so are
they actually equivalent ??
Any impact or difference we have to be aware of ??
Anyone knows..Thx

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SQL2000 Upgrade

Jun 28, 2001

I will be upgrading my SQL7 Servers (SP1) to SQL2000 and NT4 to WIN2000 this year. Unfortunately, I will not be able to get new boxes to do this, so I will have to do the upgrades on the systems I have. Our network people have not yet developed a plan for the WIN2K upgrade of our entire network. I will have to upgrade the SQL Servers before they have their plan together. If I want, I can upgrade the SQL Servers to WIN2K before the rest of the network. Assuming that the WIN2K upgrade and the SQL Server upgrade can not be done at the same time, which would be the better order (and why), upgrading to WIN2K and staying at SQL7 first or upgrading to SQL2000 and staying at NT4? The primary goal is to get the indexed views to improve performance on reports and queries.

Thanks for your input.


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Bad Performance On SQL2000

Jul 24, 2001

Why would something perform better on SQL 7.0 than SQL 2000?

The system runs fine for about 4 hours, then we will experience across the board timeouts. After stopping and re-starting the SQL Server service, performance is great.

Microsoft is telling us we need more clustered indexes (the database IS poorly tuned, but SQL 7.0 didn't seem to have a problem without them).

Any suggestions? Things are pretty bad here.

SQL2000 sp1 Win2000 sp1 4 CPU box

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Sql7 And Sql2000 On Same Box

Sep 13, 2001

Does anyone know of any reasons(or implications) why sql7 and sql2000 databases SHOULD NOT be on the same box???

Please advise.


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Oct 16, 2001

I use ISA2000 +SQL2000. All log write to datebase in SQL. I need help.
I want delete all records old 40 days. I run scripts {delete from MyTable where LogTime < DateAdd(d, -40, GetDate())}, but my trunsaction log state more 1G and task stop with error.
How i can resolve this problem???

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Upgrade To Sql2000

Feb 1, 2001

I am planning to upgrade my sql7.0 with sp2 to sql2000. Pls anyone give me the steps i need to consider and give me some suggestions.


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Migration From SQL 6.5 To SQL2000

Feb 8, 2001

We are beginning our research to migrate from our current SQL 6.5 and are wondering if we should migrate to SQL2000 rather than to SQL 7. First of all, is this possible or will we need to migrate to SQL 7 before migrating to SQL2000? Also where can I find good resources to learn more about the changes in SQL 7 as well as those in SQL 2000?

Any help would be appreciated.


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