SQL2000 Server Problem

Jan 16, 2004

I have Windows server 2003 installed, and Visual Studio .NET 2003 ent.arch also. I downloaded the msde sp3 from microsoft's site. installed it. The problem occured when i rebooted my machine. The system tray icon of SQL Server Service Manager says "Not connected". When i open the manager, there are no Services nither Servers listed in the dropdown lists. Can you help with this. Thx in advance!

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Sql2000 && Sql2005, Want Localhost To Use Sql2000

Sep 17, 2006

 i have sql2000 & sql2005 on the same machine. I am unable to register my localhost in sql2000, get an access denied error. How can I make my localhost use sql2000 database?

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Specified SQL Server Not Found: (ASP.NET(1.1) - SQL2000)

Oct 12, 2006

Hi,I was hoping someone may be able to shed some light on a SQL2000 connection problem.I have an ASP.NET(1.1) application that connects to a SQL2000 instance on the localmachine, the connection details are as follows: Connection Code :try
{//connect to the provided datasource
using(SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection(strConnectionInfo))
strStatus = "Pulling Data";

SqlDataAdapter sqlA = new SqlDataAdapter("SELECT * FROM NavBlocks",connection);

SqlDataAdapter sqlB = new SqlDataAdapter("SELECT * FROM NavItems",connection);

bNavLoaded = true;//prevent further calls
}The connection string is as follows: "Data Source=BOBBITSQL2000;Initial Catalog=pinnacleCMS;User Id=myUser;Password=myPass;"Now this conection has never been a problem, the intial catalog exists, the user exists and has permissions, further to this this users connection details can be used to succesfully access the database from a dsn on this machine. The server explorer finds the database fine, Visio finds the databse fine.The problem only existed after I reverse engineered the database into visio (the database was originally developed using Visio), then dropped all of the tables using Enterprise Manager, and re generated the database from within Visio (ddl script)  following a few minor changes.Since the re generation I get the server not found error message from the ASP.Net application.I have tried using different network libraries, logging in using the sa account etc, it makes no difference the ASP.Net application cannot see the SQL server instance.Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.p.s. I have tried dropping the firewall with no success, no updates have been installed.Thanks   

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SQL Server Requirements - Can I Get Away With Using SQL2000?

Feb 13, 2007

I recently was moved into an applications developers position here at the lawfirm I work at.
Thusfar, its been alot of straight ASP, SQL2000, and Access.
I know the need for me to know .Net is coming, and Ive decided to start playing with ASP.net so I can look a bit proactive..
Ive looked over what I need to get started, in liu of Visual Studio I know of the VS Express options. However, I currently have SQL Server 2000 installed locally on my machine along with IIS 5.1.   All the VS Express information Ive found keeps referencing SQL2005 express.  Can I get away with using what I already have with 2000? Or if not, can SQL2005 express be run alongside with SQL2000?
Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.

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SQL Server 2005 Is Better Than SQL2000 ..How??

May 24, 2008

SQL Server 2005 is better than SQL2000 ..How??..Which feature is  available in SQL2005 but not in SQL2000???

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Change Server Name In Sql2000

Nov 14, 2002


I'am running Sql2000 Enterprise edition
on Windows 2000

When I re-name the Server for example
from TST_SVR To TST_SVR1, Sqlserver comes backup fine with the new name (TST_SVR1) , BUT I'am still able to connect to the SqlServer even with the old Server name (TSR_SVR). I do not want to connect using the old server name.

I have dropped and added server using
Sp_addserver and Sp_Dropserver, My
@@servername command returns the new server name

Any help in this matter is really appreciated


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Linked Server SQL2000 SP

Feb 16, 2005

Brand new to linked servers and trying some stuff. I've successfully linked a server using EM (both are sql2000). I can successfully run a select statement through QA. I'm trying to test a locally-stored procedure and am having a bit of trouble. Please, no arguements about best method - I have no choice. Cannot create stored procs on remote machine.

If I run this through QA, I get an immediate return set: select * from linkedName.dbName.dbo.tblName

If I try to create a test stored proc like the following, I get: Error 7405: Heterogeneous queries require the ANSI_Nulls and ANSI_WARNINGS options to be set for the connection. This ensure consistent query semantics. Enable these options and thenreissue your query. When I looked it up in BOL, I thought I was setting these items?

CREATE PROCEDURE zp_countyListing AS

select * from linkedName.db.dbo.tblName

Thanks for the assistance.

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SQL2000 Linked Server To DB2

Mar 9, 2004

I’ve got a linked server created in SQL2000 to DB2.

I’m using Client Access ODBC Drivers, and Microsoft OLE DB provider for ODBC Drivers.

I have views created against the linked server as


All seem(ED) to be working fine until I ran into this issue.

Using the view
If I select count(*) from BLBATDT returned value 786
If I select * from BLBATDT I get 76 rows returned

If I select from BLBATDT where field = value I get nothing, when in fact there is a value I specified.

I modified the view creation to

Create view as
select * from openquery(LURCH_PARADB,
'select *

Performed the above simple selects, (same results)

I modified the view creation to
Create view as
select * from openquery(LURCH_PARADB,
'select field_list_of_all_fields_in_the_table

Same results

However if I modified the view creation to
Create view as
select * from openquery(LURCH_PARADB,
'select field1, field2

And limit the fields selected to a small subset, everything works fine.

I think the issue may be that the parent tables are very wide in total byte count and the number of fields is also large.
This particular tables has 120 fields with a total record length of over a 1000 bytes.

If this is the case, how do I resolve this?

Has anyone ran into this before?

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Help With Linked Server On Sql2000

Jul 20, 2005

hello,I'm trying to create a linked server from an SQL2000 to a Unify ELS(very old, odbc is version 1) database on SCO unix.The odbc driver is old but it works fine when used by applications forcreating reports.What I want to do is make a linked server from the SCO box to the win2kbox. So, I'm using enterprise manager to create the linked server.The DSN of the unify database is CORE_OFFICE1I'm getting 'Error 7399: OLE DB provider 'MSDASQL' reported an error.Datasource name not found and no default driver specified.When I create the linked server I chose the OLE DB for ODBC drivers.I put 'CORE_OFFICE1' for the Data Source name. I also setup thesecurity with the name of a unix account for login/password.What else should I have?I'm new at this linked server stuff!Product Name:Data Source:Provider String:Location:Catalog:Thanks,Oskar

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Buying A New Server To Put SQL2000 Onto

Apr 3, 2007

Our SQL Developer asked for a new server with a separate small hard disk for the Transaction Log alone to reside on, to increase performance. This will be hard to do, since the servers we have been looking at are low-profile rackmount, and only hold 2 SATA disks. I hate to waste our only expansion bay on a small HD. Is this really something important, or will a Quad-core processor and plenty of RAM make the performance difference negligible? We have 32-bit SQL2000 licensed per processor, and our database is only about 26GB. I was hoping to get 1 large disk and partition it into a 20GB OS partition, and the rest would be for SQL. Am I totally on the wrong track?

My 2nd question is about RAM - if we get 4GB of RAM, will it decrease the performance if we get 64-bit O/S pre-installed instead of 32-bit? I know 64-bit O/S *can use* more RAM than 4GB, but does it *need* more RAM for the same level of performance that we have now? (We are planning to expand that to at least 8-12GB whenever we upgrade to 64-bit SQL2005, but the budget does not allow it just yet.)


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Sql2000 On Win2003 Server

Sep 13, 2006


I want to install SQL 2000 Server on Win-2003 STD Server and transfer the database that has been running on SQL-2000/Win 2K server.

Win-2003 Server has Apache services and TrendMicro AV Server running. After installation the SQL service starts automatically. But I am not able to see the database from Enterprise manager. It gives error 'A connection could not be established to <local>. Reason: Login failed for DOMAIN/USER. I am logged into Win2003 server as 'Administrator' for installation. SQL Server authentication in Mixed Mode and connect using Domain user account.

While applying update(SP3) also the same error comes after trying to validate password and the Sql service automatically stops. I tried using both Win pwd and SQL sa pwd. Both are giving same error.

How I can go abt it?

Shall be grateful for a reply,

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Restore A Set Of Databases From A SQL2000 Server To A SQL2005 Server

Nov 3, 2006

I can restore databases one by one, setting .mdf and .ldf destination paths.

How can I restore all my Databases at the same time?


G. Zanghi

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Linked Server From SQL2005 To SQL2000

Jan 7, 2007

Linked server from SQL2005 to SQL2000
I use the following SQL statements to create a link server. RemoteServerName is an SQL2000 and I am executing this in another machine which is SQL2005.
Though the link server is created successfully, I am not able to se the tables under it so could not query anything.
USE [master]
EXEC master.dbo.sp_addlinkedserver @server = N'RemoteServerNameInstanceName', @srvproduct=N'SQL Server'
EXEC master.dbo.sp_serveroption @server=N'RemoteServerNameInstanceName', @optname=N'collation compatible', @optvalue=N'false'
EXEC master.dbo.sp_serveroption @server=N'RemoteServerNameInstanceName', @optname=N'data access', @optvalue=N'true'
EXEC master.dbo.sp_serveroption @server=N'RemoteServerNameInstanceName', @optname=N'rpc',@optvalue=N'false'
EXEC master.dbo.sp_serveroption @server=N'RemoteServerNameInstanceName', @optname=N'rpc out', @optvalue=N'false'
EXEC master.dbo.sp_serveroption @server=N'RemoteServerNameInstanceName', @optname=N'connect timeout', @optvalue=N'0'
EXEC master.dbo.sp_serveroption @server=N'RemoteServerNameInstanceName', @optname=N'collation name', @optvalue=null
EXEC master.dbo.sp_serveroption @server=N'RemoteServerNameInstanceName', @optname=N'query timeout', @optvalue=N'0'
EXEC master.dbo.sp_serveroption @server=N'RemoteServerNameInstanceName', @optname=N'use remote collation', @optvalue=N'true'
EXEC master.dbo.sp_addlinkedsrvlogin @rmtsrvname = N'RemoteServerNameInstanceName', @locallogin = NULL , @useself = N'False', @rmtuser = N'remoteUser', @rmtpassword = N'remotePassword'

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SQL2000 PE Cannot Connect To SQL7 Server

Nov 13, 2000

I have setup SQL2000 Personal edition on my notebook.

I cannot connect to an existing SQL7 server on the network anymore. I
used to run SQL7 Desktop edition which ran just fine.
I also noticed that when I start my machine it take about 2 minutes
until the SQL service is started.

Any ideas why this is not working anymore?

Thomas Schoch
Elephant Software AG

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Clustering Sql2000 On Advanced Server

Oct 24, 2002

Anyone know where I can find some documentation on how to set up a 2 node cluster? Thanks

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Connect To Remote SQL2000 Server

Jan 17, 2002


What connection string should i use to connect to a remote SQL2000 server over the internet??


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Help! Select Top 10 Does Not Work On Another SQL2000 Server...

Sep 6, 2001

I use 'select top 10 customerID, customerName from customers' on one
testing maching 'Test1', it works.
But after restore the database from 'Test1' to 'Test2', the same sql
select top statement does not work. Both machine are SQL2k.

appreciate your help!

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Can A SQL2005 DB Be Hosted On A SQL2000 Server ?

Jan 2, 2007

I'd like to host a small website created using VS2005 EE with a company that offers just SQL2000 DB support.
My question, can i use the DB created by VS site manager as a DB to the site, if not, is there any alternatives.

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Restore A SQL2000 Db To A SQL7.0 Server

Jul 20, 2005

How to restore a database dump file (.BAK) that backed up from SQL2000 server to a SQL 7.0 server?Please help.Saiyou

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Linked Server On SQL2000 To DB2 - Desperate...

Jul 20, 2005

Hi All,I am close before throwing the machine out of the window.I tried to establish a linked server on our SQL2000 server pointing to a DB.EXEC sp_addlinkedserver@server = 'DB2',@srvproduct = 'IBM OLE DB Provider for DB2 Servers',@provider = 'IBMDADB2',@provstr='DSN=JDE_PROD;UID=XXXX;PWD=XXX;DATABASE=J DE_PROD;'EXEC sp_addlinkedsrvlogin 'DB2', false, NULL, 'XXX', 'XXXX'If I query the LS using query analyzer or the Enterprise Manager both startto hang, never responding again.To be honest I am quite new to this topic but I read a lot and also tried alot ;)Some articles talk about SNA Servers to be installed first, others aboutsome client tools.I am confused by now...Could anybody please be so kind and tell me how to connect the DB2 as alinked server?Is my statement wrong, and if so how should it look like? Why does theapplication start to hang? Do I really need to install additional softwareto do so?Our DB2 expert also taked about software necessary to access the DB2mainframe. Any ideas?Thanks a lot in advance and belive me, any hints are highly appreciated ;)Seize the DayAndyAndreas BretlJoin Bytes!

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SQL2000 And 2005 Installed On The Same Server?

Dec 18, 2007

My company wants to combine our SQL2000 and SQL2005 severs onto one server. If I install SQL2000 and 2005 on one server and migrate the data bases will I have any performance issues? Is there any issues or conflicts known by putting them both on the same server?

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Link Server From SQL2005 To SQL2000

Jul 2, 2007

I have the follwoing scenario, where the query returns an error, when we tried to upgrade oru production SQL2000 enviroment to SQL2005.

SQL2000 Env:
Microsoft SQL Server Developer Edition
Microsoft Windows NT 5.2 (3790)
8.00.2175 SP4

SQL2005 Env:
Microsoft SQL Server Developer Edition
Microsoft Windows NT 5.2 (3790)

Notice the removal of the two RTRIMs.

Any help welcome

Current Connection was on the SQL2005 machine:
Remote Link Server SQL2000 SP4

SELECT * FROM Entity -- on SQL2005
(EntityRef) + Source NOT IN
(SELECT (ENTITYID) + 'EU' FROM MRIEU.MRIOB.dbo.ENTITY) --this is on sql2000
AND Source = 'EU'


SELECT * FROM Entity-- on SQL2005
RTRIM(EntityRef) + Source NOT IN
AND Source = 'EU'

Error :: >>

OLE DB provider "SQLNCLI" for linked server "MRIEU" returned message "Cannot create new connection because in manual or distributed transaction mode.".

Msg 7320, Level 16, State 2, Line 1

Cannot execute the query "SELECT TOP 1 1 FROM "MRIOB"."dbo"."ENTITY" "Tbl1005"" against OLE DB provider "SQLNCLI" for linked server "MRIEU".

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SQL2000 Server And MSDE Replication

May 29, 2006


I will construct client application with MSDE.

I face with a difficult question.

It's in sync with SQL2000 Server  and MSDE.

Client number is 5000.

I fall in a dilemma. Which do i use,  Replication or to make DB Sync application ?






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SQL2000 Doesn't Appear In Server Explorer

Oct 10, 2007

I installed vs2005 & then SQL2000 but I canot load my SQL2000 instance into the explorer. I try to 'add a server' by putting in the computer name, but I can't get it. I also have installed sql2005 express & compact edition installed but I cannot log onto express, only comact.

when I try to create a DB in vs2005, I get an error. I have set express to accept remote connections for tcpip but that didn't help

any ideas? Do i have to install VS2005 after installing sql2000? Should I remove express?

Thanks very much for any ideas

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Can SQL2000 &&amp; SQL2005 Co-exist On The One Server??

Sep 29, 2006

i realise you can have both SQL2000 & SQL2005 Client software co-existing on one (developement) machine.

but i cant seem to find a definitive answer on whether i can install both complete databases on a server??

we are currently building a new development server and would like to install both version on it if possible??


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Migrate SQL2000 To SQL2000

May 13, 2008

i am in the process of Migrating SQL 2000 to my new SQL2000 server i want to know the what would the best way for me to migrate one SQL server to another SQL server on the same network and rename the new server to the old server and bring it up for use in our ecommerce website.

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Data Files Not Located On SQL2000 Server

May 6, 2002

My company recently purchase a NetApp FS870 and we want to move the SQL data files for out production DB. The NetApp is a NAS. Without loggining in to the SQL Server and establishing a drive mapping.

Does anyone know how to connect SQL2K to the remote machine?

We would prefer to use UNC naming to access the share, as leaving servers logged in and open with a mapped drive is a huge secutrity hole, and presents a reliability issue too.


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Commit Transaction Between Sql2000 And Sql2005 Server

Oct 20, 2006

Are there any tips/techniques/issues when doing a begin tran and commit between a sql 2000 server/db and a sql 2005 server/db. Should you still use "set xact_abort on"? This will be a recordset of about 1-2000

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Loading A SQL2000 Database To A SQL7 Server

May 30, 2001

Is there a way I can load a SQL2000 DB backup onto a SQL 7 server? Thanks.

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Restoring A SQL2000 Database To SQL2005 On A New Server

Apr 23, 2008

If I restore a SQL 2000 DB into 2005 it upgrades it for me.
When restoring a DB to a new server/instance of SQL, in SQL 2000 I had to carry out the sp_changedbowner procedure after the restore was complete.
Is the equivalent procedure when restoring a SQL 2000 DB to 2005 to go to the schema for the restored database, find the schema with the name of the SQL 2000 db owner and change the schema owner?
OR alternatively run the following query where mark is the db owner in 2000 and lladmin in the new user in 2005 ;



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Access Linked Server: Works In SQL2000 But Not SQL2005

Aug 14, 2007

I am runing Windows 2003 which has both SQL2000 and SQL2005.

The following works in 2000 but not 20005

Code Snippet
DECLARE @sql nvarchar(4000)
set @sql = 'sp_addlinkedserver @server = N''dbAccessPO'',
@provider = N''Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0'',
@srvproduct = N''OLE DB Provider for Jet'',
@datasrc = N''C:Temppopts.mdb'''
exec sp_executesql @sql
set @sql = 'sp_addlinkedsrvlogin ''dbAccessPO'', FALSE, ''sa'', ''Admin'', NULL'
exec sp_executesql @sql

Running this:

Code Snippetselect * from dbAccessPO...MyTable

Produces this error:

Code Snippet
OLE DB provider "Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0" for linked server "dbAccessPO" returned message "Unspecified error".
Msg 7303, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Cannot initialize the data source object of OLE DB provider "Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0" for linked server "dbAccessPO".

I login using sa for both instances.

I could really use your help.


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Any Issues Installing SQL2000 SP4 On Window 2003 SP2 Server?

Nov 14, 2007

I was told that SQL2000 SP4 needs to install prior to installing SP2 for windows 2003 server. Is that true? What issues I will encounter if the installation is done the other way around?
Thanks for any insights

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Problem Connecting SQL2005 Client To SQL2000 Server

Jan 22, 2008

OK, I'm stumped and could do with some help. I have a laptop running Vista (64bit) with the SQL 2005 client tools. At home, I have SQL Server 2000 running on Windows Server 2003. I cannot get the SQL 2005 to talk to the SQL Server 2000. At work, we have SQL 2000 running on NT 5.0 and it connects fine. I also have a second laptop with SQL 2000 client tools running on XP SP2 which conects fine to the SQL 2000 instance on the 2003 box.

The vista laptop talks to the 2003 server, so it's not simpy that there is no connection. Any ideas why I keep getting an error stating that the Server might not be accepting remote connections every time I try to connect the Vista machine to the SQL 2000 server? I can't connect either from the SQL management tool, nor via ODBC.

Any ideas would be much appreciated.

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