SQL2005 SP1 Upgrade Failed : The Specified Driver Is Invalid

Jan 9, 2007

We are getting a failure when upgrading to SP1 for SQL2005.  We're running Windows 2003 Enterprise Edition SP1.  We're running 4 SQL 2005 instances and 6 SQL 2000 instances on this machine.  One of the four 2005 instances did upgrade successfully - don't know how or why.

Looking at other postings, it seems that the 10 lines or so preceding "value 3" in the upgrade log file (under C:WINDOWSHotfixSQL9Logs) are helpful in diagnosing the problem.

Here are the lines preceding the value 3:

<Func Name='GetCAContext'>
<EndFunc Name='GetCAContext' Return='T' GetLastError='0'>
Doing Action: Do_sqlPerfmon2

PerfTime Start: Do_sqlPerfmon2 : Mon Jan 08 13:38:23 2007
<Func Name='Do_sqlPerfmon2'>
<EndFunc Name='Do_sqlPerfmon2' Return='2001' GetLastError='2'>
PerfTime Stop: Do_sqlPerfmon2 : Mon Jan 08 13:38:23 2007

 Gathering darwin properties for failure handling.
MSI (s) (50!8C) [13:38:25:219]: Transforming table Error.

MSI (s) (50!8C) [13:38:25:219]: Note: 1: 2262 2: Error 3: -2147287038
MSI (s) (50!8C) [13:38:25:219]: Transforming table Error.

MSI (s) (50!8C) [13:38:25:219]: Transforming table Error.

MSI (s) (50!8C) [13:38:25:219]: Note: 1: 2262 2: Error 3: -2147287038
MSI (s) (50!8C) [13:38:25:219]: Transforming table Error.

MSI (s) (50!8C) [13:38:25:219]: Note: 1: 2262 2: Error 3: -2147287038
MSI (s) (50!8C) [13:38:25:219]: Transforming table Error.

MSI (s) (50!8C) [13:38:25:219]: Note: 1: 2262 2: Error 3: -2147287038
Error Code: 2001
MSI (s) (50!8C) [13:38:25:219]: Transforming table Error.

MSI (s) (50!8C) [13:38:25:219]: Note: 1: 2262 2: Error 3: -2147287038
MSI (s) (50!8C) [13:38:25:219]: Transforming table Error.

MSI (s) (50!8C) [13:38:25:219]: Transforming table Error.

MSI (s) (50!8C) [13:38:25:219]: Note: 1: 2262 2: Error 3: -2147287038
MSI (s) (50!8C) [13:38:25:219]: Transforming table Error.

MSI (s) (50!8C) [13:38:25:219]: Note: 1: 2262 2: Error 3: -2147287038
MSI (s) (50!8C) [13:38:25:219]: Transforming table Error.

MSI (s) (50!8C) [13:38:25:219]: Note: 1: 2262 2: Error 3: -2147287038
MSI (s) (50!8C) [13:38:25:219]: Product: Microsoft SQL Server 2005 -- Error 29528. The setup has encountered an unexpected error while Installing performance counters. The error is: The specified driver is invalid.

<Failure Type='Fatal' Error='2001'>
<EndFunc Name='LaunchFunction' Return='2001' GetLastError='0'>
MSI (s) (50:F0) [13:38:25:251]: User policy value 'DisableRollback' is 0
MSI (s) (50:F0) [13:38:25:251]: Machine policy value 'DisableRollback' is 0
Action ended 13:38:25: InstallFinalize. Return value 3.




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SQL2005 Sp2 Upgrade Failed Due To Task Scheduler

Jul 5, 2007

When I install the sp2 in a cluster,the database engine upgrade failed.I found the error log for the install at C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90Setup BootstrapLOGHotfixHotFix.log.
Here's the part that mattered:

07/05/2007 15:34:18.319 Patching available passive node: NODEA
07/05/2007 15:34:18.319 Patching passive node: NODEA
07/05/2007 15:34:18.335 Waiting for first completed passive node
07/05/2007 15:34:18.491 Task Scheduler: Created remote folder for product instance target \NODEA
07/05/2007 15:35:00.194 Task Scheduler: Transferred payload to remote product instance target \NODEA
07/05/2007 15:35:00.194 Task Scheduler: Transferred payload to remote product instance target \NODEA
07/05/2007 15:35:00.241 Task Scheduler: Created new scheduled task for product instance target \NODEA
07/05/2007 15:35:00.663 Task Scheduler: Saved new scheduled task for product instance target \NODEA
07/05/2007 15:35:00.663 Task Scheduler: Created scheduled task for product instance target \NODEA
07/05/2007 15:35:00.663 Task Scheduler: Started scheduled task for product instance target \NODEA
07/05/2007 15:35:00.663 Task Scheduler: Started scheduled task for product instance target \NODEA
07/05/2007 15:40:06.817 Task Scheduler: Scheduled task for product instance target has completed
07/05/2007 15:40:06.817 Task Scheduler: Waiting for exit code from scheduled task for product instance target \NODEA
07/05/2007 15:40:11.817 Task Scheduler: Received exit code 29512 from scheduled task for product instance target \NODEA
07/05/2007 15:40:11.817 Task Scheduler: Result code for scheduled task for product instance target has been received
07/05/2007 15:40:11.817 Task Scheduler: Removed scheduled task for product instance target \NODEA
07/05/2007 15:40:12.333 Task Scheduler: Removed remote folder for product instance target \NODEA
07/05/2007 15:40:12.333 Remote process completed for product instance target
07/05/2007 15:40:12.333 Exit code for passive node: NODEA = 29512
07/05/2007 15:40:13.333 The following exception occurred: No passive nodes were successfully patched Date: 07/05/2007 15:40:13.333 File: depotsqlvaultstablesetupmainl1setupsqlsesqlsedllinstance.cpp Line: 3422
07/05/2007 15:40:13.676 Watson: Param1 = Unknown
07/05/2007 15:40:13.676 Watson: Param2 = 0x2b01
07/05/2007 15:40:13.676 Watson: Param3 = Unknown
07/05/2007 15:40:13.676 Watson: Param4 = 0x0
07/05/2007 15:40:13.676 Watson: Param5 = instance.cpp@3422
07/05/2007 15:40:13.676 Watson: Param6 = Unknown
07/05/2007 15:40:13.676 Watson: Param7 = SQL9
07/05/2007 15:40:13.676 Watson: Param8 = Hotfix@
07/05/2007 15:40:13.676 Watson: Param9 = x86
07/05/2007 15:40:13.676 Watson: Param10 = 3042
07/05/2007 15:40:13.676 Installed product: SQL9
07/05/2007 15:40:13.708 Hotfix package completed
07/05/2007 15:40:13.708 Attempting to continue the 32 bit ngen queue

Any advise?Thanks in advance.

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Sql2005 ODBC Driver Manager Data Source Name Not Found And No Default Driver Specified

Feb 4, 2008

i am attempting to run phpbb using ms sql 2005 on the same box but get the following error during the setup

Could not connect to the database, see error message below.
[Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] Data source name not found and no default driver specified

i am not sure yet if this is an issue with sql, php or phpbb

php is installed in iis and has all the modules installed which the php msi installer supported. i can run php code but in this case when i'm running the install.php file for the phphbb setup, i fill in the values for the database and got that error

phpbb detects all the required server settings and sees that i have ms sql installed

any suggestions on what that error means or how to go about configuring odbc driver?

probably a simple issue. but i'm still new with sql stuff

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SQL2005 JDBC Driver - Transaction Problem

Dec 19, 2006


We are migrating SQL2000 to SQL2005, we are using sql2005 jdbc driver 1.0.

I got this error "com.microsoft.sqlserver.jdbc.SQLServerException: Server failed to resume the transaction", when my application calls a stored procedure which is a transaction.

Does anyone know what could be the problem, how to fix it?

Thanks in advance.

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Upgrade Of SQL Server Driver

Jul 23, 2005

Hi all,This might be a very stupid question: To do an upgrade of the SQL Serverdriver, would it be sufficient to just copy the latest version of theSQLSRV32.dll to the C:Windowssystem32 directory (overwriting the existentone). Or would I need to do more?Thanks in advance,BoB

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Runtime Error: [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver]Invalid Time Format

Jul 23, 2005

Hello All,I am getting the following error when attemping to open a table inSQL2kSP3a.________________________________________SQL Server Enterprise ManagerDatabase Server: Microsoft SQL ServerVersion: 08.00.0760Runtime Error: [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver]Invalid time format_________________________________________I cannot find it in sysmessages, or on the web.Any ideas about how to resolve this? And how it occured...Thanks,TGru*** Sent via Developersdex http://www.developersdex.com ***Don't just participate in USENET...get rewarded for it!

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[Microsoft][ODBC Text Driver] In The File Specification '...', The Col1 Option Is Invalid.

Mar 23, 2007

I'm trying to connect to a tab-delimited text file using the ODBC data access. I set it up using Administrative Tools - Data Sources (ODBC) from the start menu, and clicked the 'Guess' button under Define Format.

The schema it created looks like this:


It looks OK, but if I go back to Define in Administrative Tools and try to review it, I get a similar error message:

Ini File (or Registry) C:Program FilesCIMSschema.ini is corrupt.
Section: cims_output_data.txt, Key: Col1.

Has anyone seen this before? There is nothing on MSDN as far as I could find. I read on another forum that if you replace the label 'Col1' with 'Col' the problem is solved but it still reports that the schema is corrupt when I try to open it in Administrative Tools.


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Where To Keep Dts(s) If I Don't To Upgrade Them Packages In Sql2005

Nov 30, 2005

reading BOL of 2005 and have few questions about dts and SSIS

question #1
if I don't want to upgrade my DTS to SSIS ,no way I can save it in
msdb of 2005 ,so I have to do following

1. DTS package have to be saved as a COM-structured storage file
2. execute dts as dtsrun /Ffilename /Npackage_name /Mpackage_password

Am I right or missing some options ?

question #2
If I want to modify package in 2005 I have to do following
1. Export package to file from msdb
2. Use Studio to modify and test it
3. Drop package from msdb
4. Import package to msdb from file



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Sql2005 Upgrade Queston

Nov 30, 2006

Hi guys,

I have done an in-place upgrade of a SQL2000 server to SQL2005 Ent. The upgrade was very smooth for the most part but when I check the versions of my databases they still say 8.0 and not 9.0. I'm able to change them to be 9.0 but I'm wondering why they were not changed automatically during the upgrade process? Any ides or is this something I have to be aware of for future upgrades?

Thanks for your time.

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Msg 2715 After Upgrade To SQL2005

Mar 12, 2008

After upgrading to MSSQL 2005 we have stored procedures which get this error
Msg 2715, Level 16, State 7, Procedure prc_sel_accruals, Line 37
Column, parameter, or variable #15: Cannot find data type umoney.

The user data type is defined in the database. I tried recompiling the SP, which suucceeds but then fails on execution.

The SP works under SQL2000. Is there anything we need to do after the conversion?

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Upgrade From SQL2000 To SQL2005

Mar 10, 2008


I'm running a VB6 app with MDAC 2.8 on Windows Server 2003 SP1.
I create an ADO recordset with a SELECT statement which returns an empty recordset.
I then add 2 new records to it with AddNew and later perform an UpdateBatch.
Before the SQL upgrade it worked fine but now errors with:
'Cannot convert a char value to money. The char value has incorrect syntax.'
I did a SQL Trace to find out what the Updatebatch was actualling sending to SQL (listed below).
This works fine when I run it on Query Analyser using SQL 2000 but fails on SQL 2005.
I worked out the problem is linked to the columns NewValue and OldValue both are varchar 70.
The first insert has them defined varchar(7) and varchar(1). This insert succeeds, but the second insert has the columns defined as varchar(18) and varchar(12). This one fails (unless they only contains numbers!).
I'm confused.
I've read that sp_executesql has changed for SQL2005.
Any ideas anyone?



Code Snippet
exec sp_executesql N'INSERT INTO "pit1_lamda".."Planalt"
VALUES (@P1,@P2,@P3,@P4,@P5,@P6,@P7,@P8,@P9,@P10,@P11,@P12,@P13,@P14,@P15,@P16,@P17,@P18,@P19,@P20,@P21,@P22,@P23); INSERT INTO
VALUES (@P24,@P25,@P26,@P27,@P28,@P29,@P30,@P31,@P32,@P33,@P34,@P35,@P36,@P37,@P38,@P39,@P40,@P41,@P42,@P43,@P44,@P45,@P46)',N'
@P1 varchar(6),@P2 int,@P3 datetime,@P4 varchar(7),@P5 varchar(1),@P6 int,@P7 varchar(12),@P8 int,@P9 varchar(8),@P10 varchar(4),@P11
varchar(12),@P12 tinyint,@P13 datetime,@P14 int,@P15 int,@P16 int,@P17 money,@P18 money,@P19 money,@P20 int,@P21 int,@P22 int,@P23 int,
@P24 varchar(6),@P25 int,@P26 datetime,@P27 varchar(18),@P28 varchar(12),@P29 int,@P30 varchar(12),@P31 int,@P32 varchar(8),@P33 varchar(4),@P34
varchar(12),@P35 tinyint,@P36 datetime,@P37 int,@P38 int,@P39 int,@P40 money,@P41 money,@P42 money,@P43 int,@P44 int,@P45 int,@P46 int',
'000000',80,'01-01-2008','1463286','0',27425002,'043902305X2 ',57153,'mtstdat4','0000',
'mtstdat4 ',1,'03-05-2008',0,0,0,$0.0000,$0.0000,$0.0000,4250207,0,0,3001752,
'000000',11,'03-02-2008','10 In Force (V011)','3 AwaitIssue',27425003,'043902305X2 ',57155,'mtstdat4','0000',
'mtstdat4 ',1,'03-05-2008',0,0,0,$0.0000,$0.0000,$0.0000,4250207,0,0,3001752

View 5 Replies View Related

Upgrade Database From Beta To SQL2005??

Jan 4, 2006

Ok is this possible?? 
I tried to import data thinking it should just work - ha ha!  Threw lots of errors about table and column mapping instead.

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Upgrade To SQL2005 - Installed Instances

Nov 5, 2006


My SQL2000 databases did not upgrade to SQL2005.  When I look at the Properties>>Options>>Compatibility Level the only options I have is version 7 and version 8... version 9 - which is SQL2005, is not there.

So what did I do?  During the upgrade process  - the installation wizard -  I made a couple of choices that I believe might have lead to my current condition.  The first thing is that I chose to select a installed instance.  The second choice I made was to use a domain user account for the Authentication.  The second selection I believe had nothing to do with the condition, but I did notice that my Systems Admin user account for SQL is no longer availble... which is a problem because now when I log into the SQL Management Console... it's using the domain name to authenticate rather than using the SA name like it was in SQL2000.

So here is what I think the solution is... I need to create a new Server Registration and create the databases in the new instance and then restore the data from SQL2000 to SQL2005 new instance, and then I can change the Compatibility Level to version 9.

The only issue I still don't have an answer for is the authentication into SQL.  I want to not use the domain user account... how can I change this or can I?  This also creates an issue when creating the ODBC connection as it wants to use the domain user account to verify.

So if someone can let me know if this is the right direction?  Also any suggestions... i would greatly appreciate it!



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SQL2005 Upgrade Advisor's Warning

Nov 6, 2006

hi there

I have remote SQL2000 server and have client of it on my system.

As I try to check upgrade issues with SQL2005 Upgrade advisor by writing server name and pressing DETECT button,it gives me error--"Requested registry access is not allowed.(mscorlib)".

Could you tell me what are the access i will need to run Sql 2005 upgrade on remote server.

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Driver's SQLSetConnectAttr Failed From Script Component

Aug 3, 2007


I am currently trying to get a script component to write data into a openedge database.

I am stumped by the below message.

Validation error. Bulk Load ProjPeriod Bplan: Script Component [9378]: System.Data.Odbc.OdbcException:

ERROR [HYC00] [DataDirect][ODBC Progress OpenEdge Wire Protocol driver]Optional feature not implemented. ERROR [HY000] [DataDirect][ODBC Progress OpenEdge Wire Protocol driver][OPENEDGE]Server rejects connection on attach.

ERROR [IM006] [DataDirect][ODBC Progress OpenEdge Wire Protocol driver]Driver's SQLSetConnectAttr failed. ERROR [HYC00] [DataDirect][ODBC Progress OpenEdge Wire Protocol driver]Optional feature not implemented. ERROR [HY000] [DataDirect][ODBC Progress OpenEdge Wire Protocol driver][OPENEDGE]Server rejects connection on attach.

ERROR [IM006] [DataDirect][ODBC Progress OpenEdge Wire Protocol driver]Driver's SQLSetConnectAttr failed. at Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Pipeline.ScriptComponentHost.HandleUserException(Exception e) at Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Pipeline.ScriptComponentHost.AcquireConnections(Object transaction) at Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Pipeline.ManagedComponentHost.HostAcquireConnections(IDTSManagedComponentWrapper90 wrapper, Object transaction) Package.dtsx 0 0

The two areas€™ that I have found that might be causing this is transaction and codepage, however I have tried setting these appropriately with no success.

Any help would be much appreciated.


Ken C

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Restore Failed - The Path H: Has Invalid Attributes

Jul 5, 2007


Hopefully someone can help me.

I'm trying to restore my DB to a new server and also a new instance of SQL 2005 SP2+ hotfix KB934458.

I've successfully restored my MSDB database and everything seems to be working fine, but now when I'm trying to do a restore of my Database RMc to the attached SAN,

I'm getting the error:

System.Data.SqlClient.SqlError: The path 'H:' has invalid attributes. It needs to be a directory. It must not be hidden, read-only, or on a removable drive. (Microsoft.SqlServer.Smo)

the H: is the Drive letter for my attached SAN.

The path I'm trying to give is H:\DBData for the MDF-file and the H:DBLog for the LDF-file.

I have the DB running on another server also with a SAN attached and there are no problems.

I also moved the MSDB to another drive on the SAN - a G-drive without any problems.

Is there someone who have a good idea?

TSloth :-)

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Cannot Open Database ***, Login Failed By Using SQL2005 Express

Apr 2, 2008


I have a problem to connect to SQL2005 Express Database with VC++ as regular user, not window system administrator.(If i login as window system admin, everything's working fine.)

A. I tried to use SQL2005 Express Server authentication, the error msg is:
Code= 80004005 €œunspecified error€? Cannot open database ***, login failed.

1. I am using Server authentication with username and password.
2. Gave all the permission of Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL.1 and Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL.2 to this regular window user.
3. Connection String is:
Provider=SQLNCLI;Initial Catalog=***; User ID=***;Password=***;Data Source=***;Persist Security Info=False;Integrated Security=SSPI;

B. I tried to use Window authentication by adding User Instance, but the error is:
Code= 80004005 €œunspecified error€? MS Native Client
Description = Invalid connection string attribute.

Connection String is:
Provider=SQLNCLI;Initial Catalog=***; Data Source=***;Persist Security Info=False;User Instance=True;Integrated Security=SSPI;AttachDBFileName=directory***.mdf;

Any idea? Thanks.

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Failed To Obtain TransactionDispenserInterface And Invalid LSN, Databases Suspect

Jan 20, 2004

All of a sudden I have 4 of my databases, including pubs that are all marked suspect and seem to be un-recoverable. I have followed the Resetting the suspect status directions as well as trying to attach only the .mdf files but still run into problems reading the .ldf file. I have not tried to do the procedure of creating another database with the same name and structure then swapping the files to trick SQl but will do so if I need to. Does anyone know why this happens all of a sudden to multile databases, of which Pubs I have never used for anything??

In my log files during startup I get this error

Failed to obtain TransactionDispenserInterface: Result Code = 0x8004d01b

Then this error for every database that is suspect, (the actual LSN numbers are different for each one).

The LSN (4:517:1) passed to log scan in database 'pubs' is invalid..
Is there anything else I can do to prevent this from happening or recover the DB's


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Xp_cmdshell: A Call To 'CreateProcess' Failed With Error Code: '5' (under SQL2005 RTM)

Mar 28, 2006

I get this error when trying to run xp_cmdshell. I have turned on xp_cmdshell via sp_configure and verified it is on (set to 1) by running sp_configure again. The login trying to run xp_cmdshell has sysadmin privileges. If anyone has a solution please let me know.

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Connection Failed While Using JDBC Driver And AD Authentication On MSSQL2000 Server On Windows2k And Windows2k3 Servers.

Apr 18, 2008

I am having MSSQLServer2000 on Win2k and Win2k3 server.
i have to connect these servers from a application using JDBC driver and AD Authentication.

I have programmed all the things needed for AD authentication in my application(changed url , using integratedSecurity=true), and it is working fine when my application connects to MSSQLServer2k5 on WinXP(which is added to same domain of my application).

But when i try to connect MSSQL2000 server on Win2000 server it failes and gives error as follows.
Apr 18, 2008 12:39:51 PM com.microsoft.sqlserver.jdbc.AuthenticationJNI SNISecGenClientContextINFO: Failed to get the SPNcom.microsoft.sqlserver.jdbc.SQLServerException: Connection reset at com.microsoft.sqlserver.jdbc.SQLServerConnection.terminate(Unknown Source) at com.microsoft.sqlserver.jdbc.TDSChannel.read(Unknown Source) at com.microsoft.sqlserver.jdbc.TDSReader.readPacket(Unknown Source) at com.microsoft.sqlserver.jdbc.TDSReader.readPacket(Unknown Source) at com.microsoft.sqlserver.jdbc.TDSReader.readResponse(Unknown Source) at com.microsoft.sqlserver.jdbc.TDSCommand.startResponse(Unknown Source) at com.microsoft.sqlserver.jdbc.TDSCommand.startResponse(Unknown Source) at com.microsoft.sqlserver.jdbc.SQLServerConnection.sendLogon(Unknown Source) at com.microsoft.sqlserver.jdbc.SQLServerConnection.logon(Unknown Source) at com.microsoft.sqlserver.jdbc.SQLServerConnection.access$000(Unknown Source) at com.microsoft.sqlserver.jdbc.SQLServerConnection$LogonCommand.doExecute(Unknown Source) at com.microsoft.sqlserver.jdbc.TDSCommand.execute(Unknown Source) at com.microsoft.sqlserver.jdbc.SQLServerConnection.executeCommand(Unknown Source) at com.microsoft.sqlserver.jdbc.SQLServerConnection.connectHelper(Unknown Source) at com.microsoft.sqlserver.jdbc.SQLServerConnection.loginWithoutFailover(Unknown Source) at com.microsoft.sqlserver.jdbc.SQLServerConnection.connect(Unknown Source) at com.microsoft.sqlserver.jdbc.SQLServerDriver.connect(Unknown Source) at ChangePassword.process(ChangePassword.java:33) at ChangePassword.main(ChangePassword.java:14)

I am using following code for connection --
String url = "jdbcqlserver://\dbaudit;portNumber=1034;integratedSecurity=true";
Class dbDriverClass = Class.forName("com.microsoft.sqlserver.jdbc.SQLServerDriver");
Driver driver = (Driver) dbDriverClass.newInstance();

Properties props = new Properties();
conn=driver.connect(url, props);

View 13 Replies View Related

Sql 2005 SP1 (x86) Upgrade Failed....

Apr 21, 2006

Installed sql 2005 sp1 on standalone Win 2003 Server box in workgroup. (sql 2000 is default instance, sql 2005 is named instance and sql 2005 Express is floating around somewhere).). Box does not have any prior CTP SP1 versions.

When I reach the "Authentication Mode" dialog during the SP1 install, and click Next, I get

"Your account information could not be verified for one or more instances. Ensure that you can connect to all the selected instances using the account information provided.."

I reset and restarted the sql 2005 database and reporting services using both a local account an the €œsa€? account. In both cases I received the above error message.

What am I missing here?


Barking mad!

P.S. Sql9 log is as follows:

04/20/2006 21:18:23.265 ================================================================================
04/20/2006 21:18:23.265 Hotfix package launched
04/20/2006 21:18:24.890 Product discovery successfully completed during the install process for SQL2005
04/20/2006 21:18:24.890 SP Level check successfully completed during the install process for SQL2005
04/20/2006 21:18:24.890 Product language check successfully completed during the install process for SQL2005
04/20/2006 21:18:24.890 Product version check successfully completed during the install process for SQL2005
04/20/2006 21:18:25.218 Product discovery successfully completed during the install process for SQLEXPRESS
04/20/2006 21:18:25.234 SP Level check successfully completed during the install process for SQLEXPRESS
04/20/2006 21:18:25.234 Product language check successfully completed during the install process for SQLEXPRESS
04/20/2006 21:18:25.234 Product version check successfully completed during the install process for SQLEXPRESS
04/20/2006 21:18:25.234 Command-line instance name check completed during the install process
04/20/2006 21:18:25.234 Baseline build check completed during the install process

View 6 Replies View Related

Help! SQL Server Error - [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server] Invalid Object Name ...

Jul 23, 2005

Dear all,On Win2000 server with SP3, I am trying to access a SQL Server 7.0database, "TestDB", from VB6 via a SQL Server ODBC system DSN using ADO2.7. In SQL Server Enterprise Manager, there is a login named "Tester".In its property window, NO "Server Roles" was assigned but its"Database Access" was set to "TestDB". This login was also made as theuser of "TestDB" with "public", "db_datareader" and "db_datawriter"selected as its "Database role membership". All the tables I am tryingto access in "TestDB" were created under "Tester".My code is like:Set conn = New ADODB.Connectionconn.Open "DSN=TestDSN;UID=Tester;PWD=test"Set cmd = New ADODB.Commandcmd.ActiveConnection = conncmd.CommandText = SQLset rs = cmd.Execute()If I set the SQL to something like "SELECT * FROM tbl_test", I alwaysget an error of "-2147217865" saying "[Microsoft][ODBC SQL ServerDriver][SQL Server] Invalid object name tbl_test". If I set the SQL to"SELECT * FROM Tester.tbl_test", everything runs properly. Could anyoneplease kindly advise why the first SQL is not working? Or in otherwords, why must I prefix the table name with its owner while the DBconnection is already made under that owner name? Thanks in advance.Tracy

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SQL2005 Cluster Setup Failed Due To Task Scheduler And Native Client

Nov 28, 2006

Hi all,
I am trying to setup the cluster SQL server, say ServerA and ServerB. While I start the setup in ServerA, it prompts,
'Setup failed to start on the remote machine. Check the Task scheduler event
log on the remote machine.'

But I found that there is no remote logon to both nodes and the service task scheduler is running in both node.

On the other hand, I try to install the SQL via ServerB, it prompts for valid Native client package 'sqlncli.msi' and caused the setup failed finally. However, the Native client was setup successfully as a prerequisite once starting the setup.

Any advise? Thanks in advance!!

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Failed DTS Package Locks User Out Of SQL2005 (Windows Authentication) ... For Good!

Feb 13, 2006

Would be interested in any advice or comment on the issue we are experiencing with SQL 2005.

In order to test some DTS package migrations, we simply created a DTS package on SQL 2000 (using Export) to copy all database objects from one database to another.

Then we restored the source database on SQL 2005 server, migrated the DTS package, and tried to execute it.

The package migrated 'fine', ran part way, and then failed.  Since then we have been unable to connect to the server (Database Engine, or Integration Services) using Windows Authentication.  (Error 18456, Sev 16, State 11).

We can connect to the Database Engine using SQL Authentication (but not to Integration Services which only allows Windows Authentication).

We have been able to replicate this consistently - every annoying time we've tried it!

(Reinstalling SQL Server does 'fix' the issue ... until you try a similar package again).

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Query Execution Failed For Data Set 'DataSource1'. Invalid Object Name 'incident'.

Jul 12, 2007

Here's the full story...

I'm trying to get some proof of concept reports made for a MOSS / SQL Server 2005 (sp2) Integrated solution. I have a simple report that displays everything in the 'incident' uploaded to the MOSS server, and it works fine.

I've made another report that uses a line chart to plot some averages. This report, called 'Average Control Time by Weekday' works 100% ok in VS2005 preview mode and both reports use the same datasource. The report is uploaded and the dataset is all linked up.

When I view the report (by clicking on it's link on my Sharepoint Site), however, I get an error:

An error has occurred during report processing.

Query execution failed for data set 'DataSource1'.

Invalid object name 'incident'.

I've checked the SQL that was run in the SQL Server Profiler to see what transactions were hitting the database. The query that the report makes when in VS2005 Preview mode is precicely the same as what Sharepoint makes when it tries to render the report.

I made another plain report (just a table view) that uses the same query as the 'Average Control' report and tested it on Sharepoint, and it works perfectly. Any ideas?

p.s. I even asked I-God (http://www.titane.ca/concordia/dfar251/igod/main.html) all he said was that I would need a court order to get rid of the recursion in AIML... and then asked for my credit card number.

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In-place Upgrade From SQL 2000 SP4 Failed

Feb 19, 2008

Perhaps someone here can give me a hand with this... I have three servers running SQL Server 2000. Two are running Windows Server 2000 SP4 with SQL 2000/SP4 and one Windows Server 2003 with SQL 2000/SP?(probably not 4). I copied the installation DVD to a network drive and successfully performed an in-place upgrade of the Windows Server 2003 machine. However, when I try to upgrade either of the other servers, I get an error indicating that I have a service pack problem.

Reason: Your upgrade is blocked. For more information about upgrade support, see the "Version and Edition Upgrades" and "Hardware and Software Requirements" topics in SQL Server 2005 Setup Help or SQL Server 2005 Books Online.
Service pack requirement check:
Your upgrade is blocked because of service pack requirements. To proceed, apply the required service pack and then rerun SQL Server Setup. For more information about upgrade support, see the Version and Edition Upgrades topic in SQL Server 2005 Setup Help or SQL Server 2005 Books Online.

My SQL 2005 media was probably released before SP4 was released because the Setup Help indicates that you can directly upgrade from SP3, but makes no mention of SP4. I can't imagine there are any migration problems with it since I can't find any reference to it as a problem on any SQL Server sites... So... I'm left wondering what my problem really is...

Any help would be appreciated.

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Failed To Upgrade MSDE2000 SP3a To SP4

Aug 24, 2006


Recently when i try to upgrade my current MSDE 2000 (SP3a) to SP4, the system just keep on failing me. Here is the scenario:

1. Download the MSDE2000 SP4 from microsoft

2. Extract the SP4

3. Run the following command in either the command prompt or via a batch file:

echo off
echo "Start to Upgrade MSDE SP4 ... "
echo "SP4 Upgrade Process completed!"

4. Once the above batch file was runned, the standard SQL configuration screen (gathering information) will be triggered.

5. However after a while the installation will just stopped.

6. When i checked on the log, i have found out that the failure of installation is due to the system has failed to configure the server. PFB for the last few rows of the verbose log:

=== Logging stopped: 8/22/2006 17:36:49 ===
MSI (c) (90:88) [17:36:49:865]: Note: 1: 1729
MSI (c) (90:88) [17:36:49:865]: Product: Microsoft SQL Server Desktop Engine -- Configuration failed.

MSI (c) (90:88) [17:36:49:865]: Grabbed execution mutex.
MSI (c) (90:88) [17:36:49:865]: Cleaning up uninstalled install packages, if any exist
MSI (c) (90:88) [17:36:49:865]: MainEngineThread is returning 1603
=== Verbose logging stopped: 8/22/2006 17:36:49 ===

7. When i check the MSI Installer Event ID at Microsoft site, it just said that this is the server configuration problem and i cant find any solution.

Any forumers here experience the above before? Mind to share some thoughts?

FYI, my current MSDE configuration is as follow:

- MSDE 2000 Release A (SP3a - 8.00.760)

- Installed Instance = JSNG




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Setup And Upgrade :: Cluster Installation Failed

Oct 8, 2010

when i install sql server 2005 in cluster. I have error at Setup process screen --> the selected components are being configured.all the components are failed.I am using domain account with administrator account privilege on both server.OS : windows server 2008 on virtual machine..when i install sql server agent is enable to select during setup..

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Database Backup Failed After Server Upgrade To V12

Jul 21, 2015

We backup the database using the following method

1. launch the DacIESvcCli.exe at specified time, which in-turn calls the service (southeast asia).
2. the bacpac is created and uploaded to the specified storage

However, after upgrading the Server to V12, it failed to create bacpac file in the storage, there are no errors/no logs/no information.

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Step By Step SQL2000 Failover Cluster Upgrade To SQL2005

Oct 13, 2006

is there such a paper? if so, can you pls point me to it? thx in advance

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Setup And Upgrade :: Server Service Failed To Start

May 18, 2015

I'm trying to install SQL 2005 onto a 2012 R2 server. The install is failing at the end when it is trying to start the database service. I have looked in the install logs and I'm getting the following error. I'm running 8 virtual processors on the virtual machine (8 Cores). URL...

Error 29503. The SQL Server service failed to start. For more information, see the SQL Server Books Online topics, "How to: View SQL Server 2005 Setup Log Files" and "Starting SQL Server Manually."The error is  (1067) The process terminated unexpectedly.
    <Failure Type='Fatal' Error='1067'>
    <EndFunc Name='LaunchFunction' Return='1067' GetLastError='203'>
    CustomAction Do_sqlScript.3EA9D9BF_D9D2_4023_B2A7_9E2137B2FB1B returned actual error code 1603 (note this may not be 100% accurate if translation happened inside sandbox)
    05/18/2015 14:56:41.705 [4924]: Assembly Install: Failing with hr=80070005 at RemoveDirectoryAndChildren, line 396

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Setup And Upgrade :: Failed To Run Patch Request For Instance

Sep 17, 2012

Having an issue updating SQL Server 2012 RTM Standard  to CU3.I'm getting the following error from the Detail log on each try: "Error: Failed to run patch request for instance: MSSQLSERVER (exit code: -2061893565)"I've tried rebooting the server, ensuring the user running the installer is a local admin account, ran the repair wizard on the SQL install...Nothing seems to work.I have two identical servers, the first has gone smoothly, this is bugging me...

Server: Dell R720XD, Dual E5-2643 CPU, 64Gb RAM, Windows Server 2008 R2 Enterprise x64, SQL Server 2012 RTM CU2 x64 Installed.

Final result: The patch installer has failed to update the following instance: MSSQLSERVER. To determine the reason for failure, review the log files.
  Exit code (Decimal):           -2061893565
  Start time:                    2012-09-17 16:25:32
  End time:                      2012-09-17 16:28:41
  Requested action:              Patch

Instance MSSQLSERVER overall summary:
  Final result:                  The patch installer has failed to update the shared features. To determine the reason for failure, review the log files.
  Exit code (Decimal):           -2061893565
  Start time:                    2012-09-17 16:27:21
  End time:                      2012-09-17 16:28:39
  Requested action:              Patch


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Setup And Upgrade :: Not Clustered Or Cluster Service Is Up And Online - Failed

Feb 27, 2013

I installed a SQL server 2008 R2 on a 64 bit Stand alone system today morning

Now I am trying to apply SP1 on it. But it is not progressing further with the below. How to overcome this issue.

Note: Cluster services not installed on this server. Cluster service is not there in the services.msc as well.

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