SQL2005 And Adding A New Node

Apr 8, 2008

I currently have a single node cluster of SQL2K5 installed on Windows 2003 Server. A second node has been purchased and ready to install but I need to know what needs to be done to configure it to be the failover for SQL.

Is it just a basic install that needs to be done on the second node or do I need to re-install the SQL Services on the first node to have it properly recognize the second node?

Thank you,


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Do I Need To Install SQL Server To Second Node In Cluster Prior To Adding The Node?

Jun 12, 2007

I read these instructions:


But I'm not sure if I have to install SQL Server first on node 2, then add it to the cluster. Or does adding it to the cluster also install the software?


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Adding Second Node To SQL 2005 Cluster

Feb 20, 2008

I've installed MSCS on two Win2k3 x64 Enterprise systems. On the first I installed SQL 2005, and all went well. All resources are online and SQL works, migrated 25 databases into the new install. Installing SQL 2005 on the second node is problematic. If I select install cluster resources, I have to define new stuff for a new group. If I don't install cluster resources, then the install is all local (nothing on the unseen shared disk resource.)

It does not see the shared disk resource during install, the Quorum is good. I can move the Cluster Group between servers with no problems. None of the SQL resources is available on the second node. Error is basically "a cluster node is not available for this operation".

The Sql Server and Sql Server Agent do not even acknowledge the existence of the second node, and it is not available as a possible owner. i can't find any specific instructions on installing the second node. The other SQL resources say the second server is an available possible owner. None of them will take ownership and run the resource.

Any help available out there?

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Adding New Node In SQL Server 2000 Cluster

Jun 24, 2008

Friends -

Currently we are using SQL Server 2000 Cluster (Active/Active) on windows 2000 advance server.

This cluster contains two nodes.

Is it possible to add another two nodes on the existing cluster, please provide me steps or any link.

Appreciate your support


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SQL XML :: Adding Node To XML Field If Not Exist To Validate With Schema

Jun 17, 2015

I have following data in my table. In some of the elements there can be missing nodes. I need to find out missing nodes from each element and insert default node if it doesnt exist so it validates with schena.from below exmaple in the third element location node is missing and i would like to add default node if we see any of these.

TABLE #t (xmlfile

Some times Location tag name can be Location10. like <Location10>NY</Location10>.In this case i need to update <Location10> to <Location> to validate with XML schema.

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SQL 2012 :: Specify Server Installation Location When Adding Second Node To Cluster

Jun 6, 2014

When adding a node to a SQL Server 2012 Standard edition cluster, how I do I identify the location for SQL server shared components and the rest of the SQL Server installation binaries?

When adding a node to a SQL Server 2012 Standard edition cluster all the binaries went to the C: drive default location. We put those files on a different drive when installing the first node. What needs to be done so both nodes have the binaries on the same drives and folders?

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Adding Integration Services Node In Server Management Studio

Jun 15, 2005


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Setup And Upgrade :: Cluster Installation Failed On Adding Node To Cluster

Oct 10, 2015

During the installation of Adding node to a SQL Server failover cluster(On passive node) getting error like.. The MOF compiler could not connect with the WMI server. This is either because of a semantic error such as an incompatibility with the existing WMI repository or an actual error such as the failure of the WMI server to start.We  run the below commands but didn’t get any resolution & got the same above error .
1<sup>st</sup> Method…

1. Open console command (Run->CMD with administrator privileges). 

2. net stop winmgmt 

3. Rename folder %windir%System32WbemRepository to other one, for backup purposes (for example _Repository). 

4. net start winmgmt

2<sup>nd</sup> Method..

1. Disable and stop the WMI service.

a) Command : - sc config winmgmt start= disabled

b. Command : -                 net stop winmgmt

2. Run the following commands.

a).  Command:  Winmgmt /salvagerepository %windir%System32wbem

b). Command:   Winmgmt /resetrepository %windir%System32wbem

3. Re-enable the WMI service

Command:          sc config winmgmt start= auto 

Last command to run after above steps

4. Command:     mofcomp "%programfiles(x86)%Microsoft SQL Server100Sharedsqlmgmproviderxpsp2up.mof"

File not found Error for above command.

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SQL 2012 :: Log Shipping - Reboot Secondary Node And Then Primary Node

Apr 20, 2015

I have not used log shipping before and find myself in a position where I need to reboot the secondary node and then the primary node and I don't actually need to failover.

Is there anything I need to be aware of. When rebooting the secondary node I assume the transactions will be held in the primary nodes log till the secondary comes back and just carry on once back up?

When rebooting the primary node nothing needs to be done and the log shipping will just start again once it has come back?

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SQL 2012 :: Running 2 Distinct AGs On Each Node Of A Two Node Cluster?

Oct 23, 2014

I'm contemplating running two availability groups on a two node WSFC. The WSFC is setup with a file share witness (i.e. no shared storage). Can I safely run 1 AG on one primary node, and the other AG on the other node (as primary). Each AG would have replicas on the passive node. This would effectively allow both servers to be in use at the same time. In a failover event, I understand that both workloads would transfer to a single server - so the box needs to be sized appropriately.

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SQL 2012 :: 3 Node Cluster Runs With 2 Node Failures?

Jun 11, 2015

We are in the process of building a 3 node SQL Server Cluster (Server 2012/ SQL Server 2012), and we have configured the quorum so that all 3 nodes have a vote (no file share witness as we already have an odd number of nodes).

As I understand it, this should allow the cluster to run as long as 2 of the nodes remain online.

However, the validation report states that 2 node failures would be acceptable and, when we tested this by powering off two of the nodes, the cluster did indeed continue to run on a single node.

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Transfering Cluster Resources From One Node To Another Node

Aug 21, 2007

I configure Windows 2003 R2 and SQL 2005 two nodes Cluster. When I move cluster resource from one node to anther node it takes around 30 seconds to become online. So in that time if any query is running it stops responding.

So please suggest in this regard

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How Do You Determine The Active Node Inside A Stored Proc For An Active/passive 2-node Cluster?

Jan 16, 2008

I invoke xp_cmdshell proc from inside a stored procedure on a 2-node active/passive SQL 2005 SP2 Standard cluster. Depending on which server the xp_cmdshell gets executed on I need to pass different arguments in the shell command. I thought I could use host_name() function to get the runtime process server, however, I am finding that it's not behaving correctly. In one example I know my active node is server2, but the host_name() function is returning server1. The only thing that I could possible explain this is that the MSDTC cluster group is not always on the same active node as the SQL server group and in the case I am talking about the cluster groups are in this mode (differnet nodes). Does the xp_cmdshell get executed by the SQL active node or the MDTC active node? And what is the best way to find out which server is going to run my xp_cmdshell?



Perhaps another by product of this is that if I run select host_name() from the Studio Management query window i get different results depending on which server I am running the Studio Management on. On server1 I get server1 and on server 2 I get server 2, all the while server2 is the active node. I need a different function that will always let me determine the correct server that'll be running the xp_cmdshell...

Edit 2: I guess I could determine the running host inside the command shell itself, but I am curious to see if i can do it (cleaner) from SQL.

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Sql2005 Database Restore From Another Sql2005 Backup File Error.

Dec 15, 2005


i try to restore a bak file from another sql2005 server to my sql2005 server, but it show the error message as below :



TITLE: Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio Express

An exception occurred while executing a Transact-SQL statement or batch. (Microsoft.SqlServer.Express.ConnectionInfo)


Cannot open backup device 'C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL.1MSSQLBackupackup.bak'. Operating system error 5(error not found).
RESTORE HEADERONLY is terminating abnormally. (Microsoft SQL Server, Error: 3201)

For help, click: http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink?ProdName=Microsoft+SQL+Server&ProdVer=09.00.1399&EvtSrc=MSSQLServer&EvtID=3201&LinkId=20476






pls some one can help me ???




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Can You Open A Database Created In SQL2005 In SQL2005 Express?

Oct 12, 2007

Can you open/use a database created in SQL2005 in SQL2005 Express?

Thanks for the help!


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Upgraded SQL2000 To SQL2005, SQL2005 VERY Slow

Dec 27, 2005

I just upgraded my SQL 2000 server to SQL2005. I forked out all that money, and now it takes 4~5 seconds for a webpage to load. You can see for yourself. It's pathetic. When I ran SQL2000, i was getting instant results on any webpage. I can't find any tool to optimize the tables or databases. And when I used caused SQL Server to use 100% cpu and 500+MB of ram. I can't have this.Can anyone give me some tips as to why SQL 2005 is so slow?

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Sql2005 Standard To Sql2005 Enterprise Edition

Jan 4, 2007


We have Sql2005 x64 bit standard edition server installed in windows 2003 64 bit editio server,

currently due to buisness requirements we need to have sql2005 x64 bit enterprise edition, please let me know how do i do the upgrade or change.

is it possible to retain all our custom settings in the standard edition after changing to enterprise edition.

This has to be done for our production and very critical, please help


Samuel I

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Install Sql2005 32 Bit After Removing Sql2005 64 Bit

Sep 19, 2007

I am unable to install 32-bit SQL Server Integration Services on the server due to something that was left behind by the 64-bit version.

I've uninstalled SQL Server 2005 64-bit and when I try to install the 32-bit version of Integration Services, I get this error: "Failed to install and configure assemblies C:Program Files (x86)Microsoft SQL Server90DTSTasksMicrosoft.SqlServer.MSMQTask.dll in the COM+ catalog. Error: -2146233087 Error message: Unknown error 0x80131501 Error descrition: FATAL: Could not find component 'Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Task.MessageQueueTask.ServCompMQTask' we just installed."

I can't seem to figure out how to resolve this problem with the COM+ and I can't remember if Integration Services is required.

Can anybody please advise?

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Migrating Sql2005 Vb Dts Package To Sql2005

Jul 8, 2007


I have a vb program that include a dts package that has been saved to vb with sql2000 dts wizard and works very good.

Now that I upgrade my website to sql2005, this vb dts package doesn't work.

The error I get is:

Microsoft Data Transformation Services (DTS) Package

Invalid STDGMEDIUM structure

(Microsoft Data Transformation Services (DTS) Package (80040066): Invalid STDGMEDIUM structure

) (Microsoft SQL-DMO (ODBC SQLState: 42000) (80004005): [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]Incorrect syntax near ')'.)

I searched in the internet how to make dts package in sql2005 and save it to vb and found no information about it.

What Can I do to get the vb code of the dts package I create in sql2005 or how do i migrage the sql2000 vb dts package code to sql2005?



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Reporting Services :: Adding All Columns To Table Without Adding One By One

Sep 3, 2015

Is there any way or option to get the all columns of dataset added to table when we add a table in data region. It will take lot of time to add one by one and also there are chances to add one column ore than once.

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Linking SQL2005 On 64-bit To SQL2005 On 32-bit OS.

Nov 13, 2006

I have some production boxes on Win 2000 32-bits OS and some production servers have been upgraded to Win2003 64-bit OS runing SQL Server 2005. There are also a number of Win2003 32-bit OS running SQL 2005.

The issue is that when linking the 64-bit production servers to the 32-bit boxes running SQL 2005 / Win 2003 OS, the linking seems to succeed, but I am unable to see a number of entries in sys.objects. Typically, these objects are User Stored Procedures.

Moreover, the linking seemed to have worked, but data extraction does not take place between the servers. However, there are no errors. The objects (user stored procs) exist on the 64-bit side, but linking does not actually happen.

Microsoft KB has addressed this in SQL 2000 case in this KB article, but has not suggested a solution for SQL 2005.

Any ideas? Has anyone else encountered this?


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SP2 On A New Node

Dec 19, 2007


I cannot install SP2 on a new node that was added after SP2 applied to the primary.
We had the following scenarios. Node A SP2, node B RTM.

Scenario 1) Resources moved to node A (also MSDTC and Cluster group). Setup running on node A.

Setup warns (even in log) "The product instance XXX been patched with more recent updates."
Since it sees that local instance is patched, setup don't go on. I cannot select any clusterized instance.
Scenario 2) Resources moved to node B (also MSDTC and Cluster group). Setup running on node B.

Setup logs:
12/18/2007 13:13:55.175 Exit code for passive node: XXXXA = 11203
12/18/2007 13:13:56.972 The following exception occurred: No passive nodes were successfully patched Date: 12/18/2007 13:13:56.972 File: depotsqlvaultstablesetupmainl1setupsqlsesqlsedllinstance.cpp Line: 3422
12/18/2007 13:13:57.440 Watson: Param1 = Unknown
12/18/2007 13:13:57.440 Watson: Param2 = 0x2b01
12/18/2007 13:13:57.440 Watson: Param3 = Unknown
12/18/2007 13:13:57.440 Watson: Param4 = 0x0
12/18/2007 13:13:57.440 Watson: Param5 = instance.cpp@3422
12/18/2007 13:13:57.440 Watson: Param6 = Unknown
12/18/2007 13:13:57.440 Watson: Param7 = SQL9
12/18/2007 13:13:57.440 Watson: Param8 = Hotfix@
12/18/2007 13:13:57.440 Watson: Param9 = x64
12/18/2007 13:13:57.440 Watson: Param10 = 3042

I undertstand, he cannot patch an already patched node (A). Setup stops ignoring local node. So... how can I just patch a single node (B)?

I read uninstalling Setup Support Files and reinstalling them will help faking an RTM node to the setup, but during uninstall I got the following warning "Warning 26002: The following product(s) is dependent on Microsoft SQL Server Setup Support Files (English), the key will be broken€¦" and it lists one of our instances (just one). We will test it virtually, we cannot afford loosing that instance.
Thank you!


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Root Node From A FOR XML

Aug 26, 2005


How can I get a XML with a root node from a FOR XML ?:
Now I have this:

The SQL:
SELECT * FROM Table_Projects Project

and the XML output:




and I want this:


thanks and regards,

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Replace The Xml Node

Oct 18, 2007

Hi ,

--Document is the xmlcolumn
'schema file to be placed'
--KUMAR is the XML-Schema collection name


When I try to update the xml data by using the below query

UPDATE KUMAR SET Document.modify('replace value of (/X12_U1_837/UserId) with "ABC"')

--(/X12_U1_837/UserId) Contains the XYZ,Which i need to replace with ABC
I am getting the following error
XQuery [KUMAR.Document.modify()]: The target of 'replace' must be at most one node, found 'element(UserId,#anonymous) *'

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They're Invading My Node!

Jul 23, 2005

We have a cluster set up at my office ( Active/Active ) that has beenpitched as some prime real-estate, apparently, as the best place in theoffice for a database. Now it looks like one of my nodes is overrun withdatabases! I'd like to set up some traces in profiler or performancemonitor to gather some stats in case we start to experience some degredationin performance. I want to be able to point to some numbers to explain to myboss why we shouldn't put so many databases on one node. Any suggestionson what are some good counters to turn on? I'm thinking I should monitorI/O wait and paging at the very least. I've also heard someone mention tomonitor page life expectancy, but I don't know much about this one.TW

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Xquery Return On If Node Has A Value

Sep 29, 2007

Hi,I am using xquery to extract XML fragments from my database. How do I xquery a table containing XML (typed) and return only nodes that meet the xquery.For example, the following returns empty cells if there is not @id = "op1". How I I only return values and not empty cells?  SELECT xmldata.query('declare namespace ACM="www.mydomain.com"; (

for $p in //ACM:oproc[@id = "op1"]

return $p

)' ) FROM mytable   Thanks

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Sql 7 Enterprise And Node Re-building

Jul 18, 2001

Hi all,

I have a question about re-creating the sql portion on either node a or b in a clustered situation. Is it possible to do this without affecting the working node and database ? or is the best solution to make a ghosted image of the node after install is complete and if the node fails just get to a point on the affected node where you can copy the image back?

Thanks for any feedback.


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SQL 2012 :: Getting Value From XML / Node Out Of Table

May 16, 2014

I have a table which has a field with a data type of Xml. A sample record might contain something like this:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-16"?>
<Product Index="14c9643f-63d9-40c5" ProductID="13" Name="............>
<Attribute Name="Paper" OptCatId="1" Value="72" ....../>
<Attribute Name="Ink" OptCatId="2" Value="6" ......../>
<Attribute Name="Bleed" OptCatId="3" Value="15" ......./>
<Attribute Name="Number of Drops" OptCatId="0" Value="1" ...../>

I need to grab the Node/Attribute with the name of "Number of Drops" and get the value of "Value". So in this case, I simply want to get "1". How could I do this?

SELECT "value of Number of Drops"
FROM myTable
WHERE ID = ....

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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: How To Read First XML Node

Jun 4, 2014

its possible to check what the first node is before loading an XML file. The file name is just a combination of random numbers e.g. TMP_18028423.XML there's no way of knowing what it contains I need to check before loading into a table. Then I'll process the data from the temp table. i need to check if the first node is <Departments> then load the file that contains departments.

Here's the script I'm using to load the File:

@FileName varchar(256)
--Create temp table
CREATE TABLE #TempDepartment(
[DepartmentName] nvarchar(64) NULL,


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Single Node Cluster

Dec 2, 2006

Is it possible to setup an cluster with sql server 2005 as single node cluster - and lets say in 4 month we add the second node to the cluster? - its because of budget and we do not want to setup then again.

Thanks for your help, HANNES

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Two Instances On Same Node In Clustering

Jan 27, 2008

Need some advice .

Our management want to have two instances of SQL Server 2005 in Clustered environment.

First instance will serve existing application and Second instance will serve their new application.

As Microsoft suggests that, its not a good practice to have multiple instance on the same node, until you have any compelling reason to have such setup. The compelling reason what the mangement have is , some time ago they used same instance for both the application. What happened was, the secondary application took all the resources from primary(main) application, and server went down( this was past.).

So, now in clustering they want to have their first instance (which will serve our existing application) with enough CPU cores & memory so that it can run smoothly and then have second instance with the remaining CPU power & memory. So ,in case if second instance tries to eats up all the resources, it can eat what it have , it cannot take resources from primary instance.

But, what my idea here is:

Initially, dont install second instance for new application( in clustering environment). Instead ,use existing servers for the upcoming new appication where production & DR is there right now ( Standalone servers).

What i mean here is: After making sure that the existing (Primary) application is comfortable in clustering environment (in PRODUCTION) , until then, run the second application on the old PROD box & old DR will serve as its DR. So ,by going in this way , we are not installing initally two instances on the same node. When the life is good for the first instance, then based on those results, we can think for the second instance.

Ii wanted to know from you guys, what you think about this. Is this idea look feasible. Please let me know.

Thanks for reading all this

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Trying To Add A Node To A SQL Server Cluster

Jan 31, 2008

We have been working on a project to upgrade the servers in our 2-node SQL Server environment. I evicted a node after removing it from the instance. We added the new node under a new server name. I then start the Add remove programs, choose to change the SQL 2005 environment, type the virtual server name. Choose to maintain virtual server, pick to add new node. All seems well, I enter all prompted questions, and when the install begins I get the error below.

Product: Microsoft SQL Server 2005 -- Error 1706. An installation package for the product Microsoft SQL Server 2005 cannot be found. Try the installation again using a valid copy of the installation package 'SqlRun_SQL.msi'.

So I copied the SS2K5 Enteerprise Edition software to the local C: drive, point it too the 'SqlRun_SQL.msi' in the setup folder and still get the error.

Any one experience this or have any suggestions?

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Transact SQL :: How To Find A Node

Nov 8, 2015

i have a table below like :
Id    ,    Request   

int     nvarchar(100)   
and in Request field i put below data :
1 <request><F3>353535</F3><F6></F6></request> 2 <request><F5>353535</F5><F6></F6></request>3 <request><F3>353535</F3><F6></F6></request>

now i need to a query that i can find records that exists <F3> and if exists , remove just the <F3> tag

 below like :
1 <request><F6></F6></request> 2 <request><F5>353535</F5><F6></F6></request>3 <request><F6></F6></request>

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