SQL7: Restoring Backup, Drastic Change

Apr 4, 2007

Once a week a query is run against my SQL7 database. One month has passed and a backup of the database was restored. The database was restored as a seperate database from the active one.

The very same query was run against the backup, the results of the query were drastically different. What is worse the very same pattern that developed in the restored backup now seems to be affecting the active database.

Would restoring a database cause this sort of issue?

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Restoring SQL2k Backup In SQL7.0

May 10, 2001

Can we restore a SQL 2k Backup in SQL Server 7.0 database?

Will there be any issues on it?

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Restoring SQL7 Database From SQL 6.5 Backup

Mar 29, 2000

I am trying to replicate a client's environment on my home development machine in order to develop some reports. At the client (SQL 6.5) I did a complete backup to a .dat file. How can I restore from this file into my home (SQL 7) server to create a duplicate database?? I tried restoring from a device, specified the file, but I get an "not a valid tape format ....." error. Help!

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Restoring A SQL7 DB On SQL2000

May 21, 2001

Somebody knows how to restore a database backup from SQL 7 in a Server with SQL 2000 Installed?

If somebody knows how to do it will save me a lot of work?

Thanks a lot.

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Restoring SQL7 Database To SQL2000

Feb 17, 2004

Hi all

just a quick question for you. has anyone had any problems restoring a SQL7 database to a SQL server 2000?

is there anything special you have to do to get it working?

thanks for your time.


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Login Problem After Restoring A Database In SQL7

May 17, 2004

Since the database server was removed to a new Windows Advanced Server 2000, I restored a database from the backup file. When I tried to create a new Login under Security, I got the following error message:

Error 15023: User or role 'MyDatabaseLoginName' already exists in current database.

But I checked it and it doesn't exist. I even could not create a system DSN without the Login. Someone told me to create a new one with another name, but I do not want to change the connection string in my ASP files. Does anyone has any idea about it? Thanks in advance.

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Error While Restoring SQL7 Data On SQL Express 2005

May 16, 2006


I have backup of data from SQL Server 7.0 and now when i'm trying to restore it into SQL Express 2005, I'm getting following error......

Msg 3154, Level 16, State 2, Line 1
The backup set holds a backup of a database other than the existing 'GOSLDW' database.
Msg 3013, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
RESTORE DATABASE is terminating abnormally.

Here is SQL i'm using to restore database,

FROM DISK = 'C:sqlserverDataGOSLDW'
WITH MOVE 'GOSLDW' TO 'C:sqlserverDataGOSLDW.mdf',
MOVE 'GOSLDW' TO 'C:sqlserverDataGOSLDW.ldf'

Why i'm getting this error? Am i missing anything here?

Thanks in advance for your HELP.

- R

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SQL7.0 ComputerName Change

May 20, 1999

Has anyone found a method of correcting the "Your SQL Server installation is either corrupt or had been tampered with (unknown package id) please run setup" error that occurs after changing the NT-computername that either:

1. Doesn't require running sql setup again
2. can be automated


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How Do You Change The Name Of A SQL7 Install?

Mar 10, 2001

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DB Engine :: Compressed Backup While Restoring Backup File

Sep 8, 2015

I got full backup on daily schedule its taking more space on Drive because each file has more than 25GB.I am using SLQ server 2008R2 so I'm looking to take the backup with compression instead of uncompressed Backup. What are the impacts of compressed backup. Is there any problems with compressed backup while restoring the backup file.

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SQL7 Backup

Nov 17, 2000

I need to backup my sql7 through the network share.
I have two servers both have SQL7 and only one has a backup tape drive (which is my production database). I want to be able to backup to the tape and to the a share drive on the second server. The backup to the tape work fine but if I want to backup to share drive locate to the second server I can't see the share where I want to put the backup. Do you Know what I am doing wrong ?


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SQL7 Backup

Nov 17, 2000

I need to backup my sql7 through the network share.
I have two servers both have SQL7 and only one has a backup tape drive (which is my production database). I want to be able to backup to the tape and to the a share drive on the second server. The backup to the tape work fine but if I want to backup to share drive locate to the second server I can't see the share where I want to put the backup. Do you Know what I am doing wrong ?


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How I Can Rebuild Master Db To Change The Code Page Of The Current SQL7

Jan 10, 2001

How I can rebuild master db to change the Code Page of the current SQL7 , to convert my SQL7 from code page 850 to 1252 ? I have huge data in the old code page dbs , Does rebuild the master db mean reinsert the data again ?

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Backup Devices Vs Files In SQL7

Jun 16, 2001

If I'm not mistaken, we can create a backup device OR backup files in SQL7. Can someone tell me which one is better?

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Backup Quits Working After Upgrade From SQL7 To SQL 2K

Apr 15, 2002

I had a number of jobs which were backing up system and user databases under SQL 7 using SQL ServerAgent. Over the weekend I upgraded SQL 7 to SQL 2K.

All backups work except for one, which gets the following error message: Executed as user: SANDIEGOSvcSQLServer. sqlmaint.exe failed. [SQLSTATE 42000] (Error 22029). The step failed.

As best as I know SQLSTATE 42000 is an ODBC message indicating a syntax violation or an access violation. I have recreated the maintenance plan in an attempt to rule out a syntax violation. During the upgrade process I did not change the account under which SQL Server Agent runs, so it seems like it should not be an access violation.

Any ideas would be appreciated!!!

Thanks Gary Andrews Andrews_gary_w@solarturbines.com

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Restoring A Backup

Aug 25, 2000

HI everybody,

I have a problem in restoring a backup. In the restore command there is one option called <file> = 'file_number'. Where do we get this 'file_number'?.

tks in advance

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Restoring A Backup From CD

Oct 11, 2001

Hi Everyone, I was prototyping a DB and made a backup of all the files in the data directory of sql server, thinking that I would be able to restore the system from another installation when I made it to the US. I have the cd with the archives on and a full backup of the DB I want but I have no idea how to get sql server to initialise it.

Any ideas???


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Restoring Backup

Jul 24, 2004

Guys, i've 1.6 GB of backup size and it takes 1 hour for this backup to get restored over a SCSII 10,000 rpm.
Is it normal. How can i make the restore faster.
It takes only 5-10 mins to take the backup however.
I am restoring the full backup, no differential or log file.


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Restoring A Backup

Dec 8, 2004

I Have a full database backup of the database aaa ON a server xxxx. I want to restore the same back upto as a database aaa ON another server yyyy.For to achieve this do I need to make the database aaa ON server xxxx.

How can I do that.Please help me in this issue.


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Backup And Restoring

Mar 25, 2007

I used backup and restore to upgrade a database from sql 2000 to sql 2005. Is it necessary to create the mdf and ldf on the new server at the time of restore under options or should I copy them to the new server in the data folder? I am new and not quite sure what the log files hold.

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Restoring Backup

Sep 7, 2007


I am using SQL server 2000. When I want to restore a backup database from the disk. I use the Enterprise Manager tool to restore database. From there I checked Restore database and select from the first backup to restore. Do I need to backup the transaction log after? Or this does all of it?

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Restoring A DB BackUP

Sep 27, 2006


I have a problem. I create a backup from a DB named Prueba (in full mode). But when I try to restore it in a new server the Prueba backup is loaded, and appear a message that said so. But in the DB list next to his name(Prueba) appear a "(Restoring)" ... The DB is not so big (i didnt know why is taking so long or whats the prblem) and i cannot do anything whit it because it doesn t show the tables or any info.

Thanks for the help ..

I really thanks.


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Restoring A Backup

Nov 6, 2007

Hi there, I'm from Argentina. I have an SQL backup made with SQL Server 2005 Developer Edition. I want to restore this backup into a Server with SQL Server 2005 Express Edition. Can this be possible? Thanks.

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Restoring Sql 2000 Backup On Sql 7

Sep 11, 2006

Hi,I am working in a sql server 2000 environment but my customer uses sql server 7. Is it possible to use backup and restore to transfer the database or should I set up a sql server 7 for development?The database only contains tables and views...ThanksKoen

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Backup/restoring On CD Drive

May 3, 2002

Pls explain how to backup and restore data on SQL Server with a CD drive instead of tape drive.

This is urgent.


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Restoring Backup From 1 Server To Another

May 12, 1999

I want to create a database that is identical to one I currently have for testing purposes. I took a backup and tried to restore it to
another server to actually create the database. It wouldn't work, then I created the database on that server and gave it the exact
name and file layout (dbid was different) and tried to restore the backup to the newly created database. Still would not restore.
I am using SQL 7 for backkup and restore. The backup device backs up to disk on the servers. What I am doing wrong?

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Problems Restoring Backup

Dec 11, 2001


I have tried to restore a backup. I have the next error:

Database that you have to restore have a diferent ID. (54) that it's currently use in this server (52).

How can i resolve it?

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Restoring To Backup Server

May 1, 2008

I'm trying to restore databases to a backup server from a production server. This is the message I received. I'm fairly new to this. I haven't touched SQL Server in over a year and wasn't very proficient back then either. Any help would be greatly appreciated!

TITLE: Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio

Restore failed for Server 'ULTIPROBAK'. (Microsoft.SqlServer.Smo)

For help, click: http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink?ProdName=Microsoft+SQL+Server&ProdVer=9.00.1399.00&EvtSrc=Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.ExceptionTemplates.FailedOperationExceptionText&EvtID=Restore+Server&LinkId=20476


System.Data.SqlClient.SqlError: The backup set holds a backup of a database other than the existing 'HRMS_GLOBALDATA' database. (Microsoft.SqlServer.Smo)

For help, click: http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink?ProdName=Microsoft+SQL+Server&ProdVer=9.00.1399.00&LinkId=20476




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Restoring Backup On New Machine

Jan 4, 2007

Hi all,

My first post on these forums and I'm hoping someone can please help me before I pull all of my hair out.

I'm currently working on the redevelopment of a website. The old one was written in ASP and we're going to totally redo the whole thing. As a lot of the content was dynamic I want to fire up the old site on my laptop to browse and pull content from. I have a backup of the entire website which I have put under a fresh IIS install. I also have a backup of the MSSQL database. I have restored this to the local machine and can view it using the SQL Server Management Studio. The problem is that I think I am having lots of trouble synching the users/permissions for it. We don't have a backup of the Master databases so I am stuck with what I can extract from the site backup and web code.

Trying to load the old index.asp I get either of these error messages quote:'Login failed for user 'Username'. The user is not associated with a trusted SQL Server connection' or 'SQL Server does not exist or access denied.' depending on how I've played with the user permissions.

Please can someone help me sort this out so that the old ASP webpages can access the DB again? I'm used to mySQL/PHP so am struggling a bit to get this going.

Bit more info. Here are the connection details the site uses within an ASP page.
dim Conn

'---------------------Create connection------------------------------------------------------
Set Conn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
Conn.Open "Driver={SQL Server};Server=MYSERVER;Database=dbTest;uid=dbTestUser;pwd=testpasssql"


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Backup And Restoring After Upgrade

Mar 26, 2007

I used backup and restore to upgrade to sql 2005 from 2000. It went well but I didn't get the permissions change in time for the users to access the database today. The users were accessing the old server. I need to do another backup off the old server to the new server. Do I do a full backup to get the information for today's data or what? Will it restore a full backup override?

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Restoring Differential Backup

Feb 9, 2008

Im trying to restore the differential backup,I have to restore the full backup first and then restore the differential backup.Can any body tell me the code for this?

my program is like this
--for fullbackup
if type=D
restore database databasename
from disk=path
--for differential backup
else if type=I

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Restoring From Backup Without Logs

Aug 16, 2007

We have received a backup file that is 6G in size. The log file isabout 74G while the MDF is about 5 G when we restored. Is there a wayto run a SQL script to restore the .BAK file without restoring the logfile as we do not have enough space on the server.PS. We are running Sql2K5.Thanks!

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Restoring A SQL2005 Backup To A SQL 8.0?

Jul 20, 2006

I have a SQL backup that I created on SQL 2005 but need to restore it on a SQL 8.0 SP4 installation. I receive an error when I try to restore it. The error is :

Error 3169: The backed up database has on-disk structure version 611. The server supports version 539 and cannot restore or upgrade this database. RESTORE FILELIST is terminating abnormally.

Any ideas?

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