Jul 10, 2001
I would like to know how to use a domain account for SQLAgentCmdExec as opposed to a local account so that it can retrieve data from a share on the network. Currently only when I am logged in myself and invoke the DTS package from Enterprise Manager will it run. I would like to run this as a scheduled job and would like some assistance as to how to set that up.
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Nov 1, 2000
Is there a way to use a domain account (MYDOMAINSQLAgentCmdExec) instead om
the local SQLAgentCmdExec (MYSQLSERVERSQLAgentCmdExec). I need to run some
batch-files within the domain but the MYSQLSERVERSQLAgentCmdExec user has
no access to that path (MYAPPSERVERBatchFiles). I use xp_cmdshell and
has access to run it as a nosysadmin user.
Windows NT 4.0 SP 6
SQL-Server 7.0 SP1
How do I solv this? As far as I know, NT does not allow me to assign login
rights etc on MYAPPSERVER to the useraccout MYSQLSERVERSQLAgentCmdExec. I
need some sort of "global user".
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May 10, 2001
Can anyone tell me if I must manually create this user with SQL Server 2000 ?
I have SQL Server 2000 on Windows 2000 and I do not find SQLAgentCmdExec
local user. It was create at the installion with 7.0, but not with 8.0 !
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Jul 6, 2000
I registered a server (SERVER2) belonging to the same domain as my computer through Enterprise Manager using the sa account of SERVER2. Both my server (SERVER1) and the remote server, SERVER2 have SQL Services running under a common domain admin account named,sqlservice. When I try to stop the Sql Server Agent service on Server2 from my Enterprise manager, I get the following error :
An Error 5 - (Access is denied) occured while performing this service operation on the SQLServer Agent Service.
The error log has recorded the following error :
[000] Password verification of the 'SQLAgentCmdExec' proxy account failed (reason: A required privilege is not held by the client)
Could someone please help me with this?
Thanks in advance,
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Jul 8, 2002
I want to run xp_cmdshell but the loging I use doesn't have sysadmin.
I thought I can just click Reset Proxy account button on Job System tab
in SQL Server Agent properties.
It's not really working.
I have SQL 2000 either, so I tried to set proxy account using xp_sqlagent_proxy_account and it works.
Is there anything like xp_sqlagent_proxy_account in SQL 7?
or does anyone know why Reset proxy account doesn't work?
It's SQL 7 on NT 4.
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