SQLLDR Content Of The Log File

May 10, 2008

We are using SQLLDR to send data from SQL Server to Oracle database. This utility creates a log file. I want to know whether there is a provision to change the contents of the file. We use this utility in multiple SQL Servers to send the data to the same Oracle Server. Can we add the source server name in the file so that identifying which server does a particular log file belong to? How?

Help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks a lot..

Manoj Deshpande.

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Copy Content Of Txt File

Nov 6, 2006

Hi Guys,

What approach should I use to copy content of a text file. Is BCP capable of doing this? How about SSIS?

Example of the text file's content:

Date, "20060101"
ST_Code, "101"
A_Code, P_Code, T_Code, amount, price
"0001", "1111", "0101", 550, 230
"0002", "1111", "0102", 345, 122
"2001", 0212", 0930", 410, 90

In the example above, I just want to copy the rows Date, "20060101" and ST_Code, "101" into a table.



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How Do I Write Content In A Table To File

Mar 20, 2002

I know oracle uses UTL_FILE procedures lik putline, but microsoft?
Thank you for trying to help.

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How To Store File Binary Content

Dec 3, 2007


I have never use sql server to store binary data. Now, I need to store a .doc file into it. Which column type I should adopt?

In addition, could you provide me related articles to study?


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Reading File Content Using SSIS

Mar 5, 2007


I have a requirement where I should be reading the file (I will use File system Task for this) and the header content. I should be able to read the header, validate and when the validation succeeds , I should start process the rest of the file.

To elaborate this further, take a sample Example. Assume that the header will have the date information. In a given folder I should read the file, will check the date (header being the first line of the file). If it matches the current date, I will start processing and on completion I will archive my files.

Can someone help me on this sample. Thanks



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Insert Text File Content Into Database

Nov 13, 2007

Hello everyone!I'm having a problem with inserting the content of a text file into a Sql Server 2005 database.I'm reading the text file into a dataset, and works fine. What I can't do is what I suspect is the simple part: Insert all the data into a table that has exactly the same configuration that the file. I've never worked with dataset's before, and I can't seem to find the answer to this!This is what I have done so far:  Dim i2 As Integer Dim j As Integer Dim File As String = Server.MapPath("..DocsFactsFORM_MAN_V3_1.txt") Dim TableName As String = "Facts"
Dim delimiter As String = "9"

Dim result As DataSet = New DataSet() Dim s As StreamReader = New StreamReader(File) Dim columns As String() = s.ReadLine().Split(Chr(9)) result.Tables.Add(TableName) Dim strs1 As String() = columns For i2 = 0 To CInt(strs1.Length) - 1 Dim col As String = strs1(i2) Dim added As Boolean = False Dim [next] As String = ""
Dim i As Integer = 0 While Not added Dim columnname As String = String.Concat(col, [next]) columnname = columnname.Replace(Chr(9), "") If Not result.Tables(TableName).Columns.Contains(columnname) Then
added = True Else
i += 1
[next] = String.Concat("_", i.ToString()) End If End While Next i2 Dim strs2 As String() = s.ReadToEnd().Split(Chr(13) & Chr(10).ToString()) For j = 0 To CInt(strs2.Length) - 1 Dim items As String() = strs2(j).Split(Chr(9)) result.Tables(TableName).Rows.Add(items) Next j So now I have my dataset populated with all the information, but how can I insert it into the database?If anyone can help I would appreciate very, very much!Thank you Paula 

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Export Image Content From Database As A File

Oct 18, 2006

Dear friends,

I have some images inside my database. How can I export the content of an image field to a file in a Windows Directory?


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Copy Content Of A Text File Into Table

Nov 6, 2006

Hi Guys,

What approach should I use to copy content of a text file.

Example of the text file's content:

Date, "20060101"
ST_Code, "101"
A_Code, P_Code, T_Code, amount, price
"0001", "1111", "0101", 550, 230
"0002", "1111", "0102", 345, 122
"2001", 0212", 0930", 410, 90

In the example above, I just want to copy the rows Date, "20060101" and ST_Code, "101" into a table.



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Write Content Of TEXT Field To A File

Sep 19, 2007

I have a table with a column [FileData] of type TEXT or XML. I need to write the content of the column to a file, using sp_OAWrite for example, but the stored procedure who needs to read the content and write it to the file does not work because the limitation is no local variable for those types. What use is that datatype if i can not use it in procedures like this?

Anyone out there who could give me a tip on how to solve that?

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File System Task -Delete Directory Content

Jul 25, 2007

This delete's the directory content as well as sub directory content! Is their a way i can just set it to delete the files in the said directory and not sub directories?

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Changing The Content Of The DtsConfig File Using Script Task

Feb 16, 2008


I have setup a package configuration and it ran fine; however, I would like to be able to use the script task to change content of the dtsConfig file. For example, I can get the newServerName using the SQL Task, then how can I assign the newServerName value to the DataSource in the package configuration file? Is this possible?


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Store Blog Post Content In Text File Or Database?

May 21, 2006

    Hi. I am currently building a blog application, and I need some advice... I have the post title, post date, post by, etc stored in a database table, however I was wondering whether I should store the actual post content in the database as well or in a text file. For example, if the posts get really long would it slow down database performance or would there not be much of a difference? Furthermore, if I wanted to keep the posts private, a text file would not be ideal as it can be accessed easily by surfers... What do you recommend?Thanks a lot

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Import Text File Report With Varying Content And Records

Oct 23, 2014

I get error reports in simple text files like the one below in relatively the same format. The only thing that varies is the number error reasons as there can be any number of error reasons for a file. Usually there is only one but there can be a handful. What is the best way to capture the error description and count of errors no matter how many there are? I want to take these items and update a table I have in sql server 2008r.

Report Message example:
************************************************** *****

Original File Name: some.file.YYYYMMDD.d.incr.02of02.1.dat
Source File ID: file02YYYYMMDD
File Receipt Date: 10/17/2014
Total records received: 1331136
Total records loaded: 1329987

Error code: EBBW002 Error desc: Duplicate Record Total records: 1146
Error code: EABC001 Error desc: Invalid Length Record Total records: 1
Error code: ERRCM10 Error desc: Missing First Name Total records: 2

Total number of Errors encountered during the ODS update processing: 1149
************************************************** *****

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Can I Implement A File System With SQL Server Similar To Oracle Content Services?

Apr 29, 2008

I need to implement a file system for an application that allows me to roll back to a point in time. I can do this with either a journaling file system (Unix based such as JFS) or with a database file system such as Oracle Internet File system (now Oracle Content Services). I would MUCH prefer to use SQL Server but cannot find anything that supports this other than a 2000 ppt referencing the then up and coming SQL Server .NET File System.

The application(s) in question are older and store data in proprietary data files and need to access a local (or mapped) drive in standard form (d:programsmyprogram).

Does SQL Server 2005 or 2008 support this type of access? I have searched but cannot find anything to support this.


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Read Text File From SQL Server, Read Its Content, And Load It In RichTextBox (Related Component: Context.Response.BinaryWrite(), And StreamReader)

Nov 26, 2007

OBJECTIVE: I would like to read a text file from SQL Server 2000, read the text file content, and load its conntents in a RichTextBoxTHINGS I'VE DONE AND HAVE WORKING:1) I've successfully load a text file (ex: textFile.txt) in sql server database table column (with datatype Image) 2) I've also able to load the file using a Handler as below: using System;using System.Web;using System.Data.SqlClient;public class HandlerImage : IHttpHandler {string connectionString;public void ProcessRequest (HttpContext context) {connectionString = System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["NWS_ScheduleSQL2000"].ConnectionString;int ImageID = Convert.ToInt32(context.Request.QueryString["id"]);SqlConnection myConnection = new SqlConnection(connectionString);string Command = "SELECT [Image], Image_Type FROM Images WHERE Image_Id=@Image_Id";SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(Command, myConnection);cmd.Parameters.Add("@Image_Id", System.Data.SqlDbType.Int).Value = ImageID;SqlDataReader dr;myConnection.Open(); cmd.Prepare(); dr = cmd.ExecuteReader();if (dr.Read()){ //WRITE IMAGE TO THE BROWSERcontext.Response.ContentType = dr["Image_Type"].ToString();context.Response.BinaryWrite((byte[])dr["Image"]);}myConnection.Close();}public bool IsReusable {get {return false;}}}'>'>
<a href='<%# "HandlerDocument.ashx?id=" + Eval("Doc_ID") %>'>File
</a>- Click on this link, I'll be able to download or view the file WHAT I WANT TO DO, BUT HAVE PROBLEM:- I would like to be able to read CONTENT of this file and load it in a string as belowStreamReader SR = new StreamReader()SR = File.Open("File.txt");String contentText = SR.Readline();txtBox.text = contentText;BUT THIS ONLY WORK FOR files in the server.I would like to be able to read FILE CONTENTS from SQL Server.PLEASE HELP. I really appreciate it.

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SQL Vs XML Page Content

Apr 2, 2008

I want to create the most effective way (google) to have content displayed on a web page. 
Currently, we are updating to SQL and populating to web via calling SQL statements hardcoded to page.  I want to know if this is ok to do, or should we be reading from a static XML file that is updated? 
 I think the XML is the way to go being that i may have answered my own question, but i was curious to what the experts on asp.net had to say.

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Moving Content From One Db To Another

Mar 9, 2007

an outside developer has sent us a mdf file that contains the need updates to a database.

here is where the problem comes in, how can i append the contents of the mdf file to an existing db?

there are about a dozen tables, 50 stored procs, and one new user.

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How To Store A Content Into Database

Aug 22, 2006

Hi everyone,
I'm just using TEXTBOX control to save data into my DB. My question is, if I have multiple lines of sentences, it does not store as what it looks like. For example;
Hello, Mike
It stores into the database as "Hello, Mike" and if I read from the database, it does not have seperate lines and shows it like this;
Hello, Mike
How can I store the contents into database and make the contents as original? (Sorry for the poor English, but I hope you understand it.)

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Automatic Content Expiry

Jun 21, 2007

Hi All,I have a job coming up which involves me creating a  vacancy system for our website.I (think) I'll only need one table:ID (PK)JobTitleJobLocationSalaryHoursJobDescriptionValidFrom (Date/Time)ValidTo (Date/Time)I'll display this data using a C#.Net repeater but I was wondering how I can automatically strip the page of the jobs that have gone past their expiry date? Is is straightforward to achieve?Thanks in advance,Brett 

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How To Modify Xml Content In SQL 2000

Jan 14, 2008

HiI have developed a sql procedure for updating some xml content using SQL 2005 xQuery features.For example:Declare @xmlContent = '<books><book name="asp"/>< book name = "sql"/></books>'--Now I want to add attribute "book_id" to the xml content.SET @xmlContent.modify('insert attribute book_id{"1" } into (/books/book[@name="asp"])[1] ')SET @xmlContent.modify('insert attribute book_id{"2" } into (/books/book[@name="sql"])[1] ')SELECT @xmlContent--OUTPUT will be<books><book name="asp" book_id="1"/><book name="sql" book_id="2"/></books>QUESTIONQ1. Do we have any extension or plugin such that this SQl 2005 xquery feature can be incorporated in SQL 2000?Q2. If the answer for Q1. is no (as I expect), then do we have any TSQL feature in SQL 2000 for modifying xml content?I found all examples in SQl 2000 related with "openxml" function which performs the select kind of operations only. Like selecting data in XML format OR converting xml data in to tabular format. But I couldn't find any xml modification TSQL in SQl 2000 which can add element/attributes or change values.one workaround could be to consider xml content as string and use string functions to modify the content.But is there any more sensible approach available in SQL 2000?    

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SQL Server As Content Store

Dec 29, 2003

Okay, moving to developing a small site that will be storing articles - that is a site largely consisting of html marked up articles with images. We already have an SQL Server so it is becoming the back-end.

So, since I'm not an SQL Server expert, some general advice on this would be appreciated? The articles, as I say in HTML (largely just markup for titles, and general text) would be stored in the DB? As Text datatypes?

How about the images...on disk or in SQL?

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Cannot Able To See The Content Of A Column In A Table?

Nov 12, 2001

hi everybody,

The problem is, I have a table with one column of varchar(8000) datatype. It has got 1000's of records. Through Query Analyzer, I am not able to view my records after 257 columns in my table, even I increased my textsize by using 'set textsize' command.

Any other setting is available to correct this. Any help is appreciated.


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Table Empty Of Content

Sep 10, 2001

I have a particular production database that on a few recent occasions has suddenly had one of it's tables empty of content. Now there are no jobs or triggers in place neither is any stored procedures that could perform a delete or alter table operation in place. The permissions have been set not to allow this either. The datatype is text only. What is intriguing is the QA server has an exact mirror and this dosen't happen. Has anyone come across this sort of phenomenon?

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Field Content Alteration

Feb 24, 2000


I have a field in a table called 'CourseId' - the course Id should always contain a backslash somewhere in the list of numbers eg :


Unfortunately, some of the course Ids have a forward slash instead of a backslash eg :


How can I update the field to replace the / with a

Any help is very much appreciated.

Thanks in advance,


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How Can I Read The Content Of Transaction Log

Oct 30, 2006

How can I read the content of transaction log?

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How To Extract Content From Email

Feb 22, 2012

I want some way to extract email content from email that we send/receive in account.....

This question is in context to Text Analytic

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Content Of Sp From System Tables

Jun 4, 2008


Anyone plz do tell me what s the query to see the text content of stored procedure from system database tables..

from which table we get the content of sp

Thanks & Regards


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What Express Content Do You Want MS To Provide?

Dec 14, 2005


I'm the project lead for SQL Server Express in Microsoft (as well as owning the Storage Engine). I'm going to make sure that threads on this forum get answered - I see a bunch with no answer so far.

Now to the point - we’re in the process of assessing the content that exists to help people learn and use SQL Server Express. This includes demos, tutorials, whitepapers, Webcasts, Starter Kits, and any other type of content you could imagine. So this is a great chance to TELL US WHAT YOU WANT! We’ll integrate your feedback and make sure that we try and address the most requested areas of content. Please be as specific as you can.

Thanks in advance for your feedback.

Paul Randal
Lead Program Manager, Microsoft SQL Server Storage Engine
(Legalese: This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights.)

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Field Content Reversal

Apr 9, 2007

I have a field 'LastName' in a SQL 2000 table 'customers' that is populated with all our customer's full names in this order:

Smith John M

I need to flip the information around so that it can be exported into a CSV file for an automated email notification program to notify them their items are in and having it in first, last, MI format is much more professional.

I've been playing with charindex and stuff routines and am spinning my wheels. Is there a canned routine for something like this - this must have been done a hundreed times out there in SQL somewhere (or it's so easy to do that everyone (but me) just cranks it from scratch).

Thanks in advance for your help.


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Content OF Stored Procedure ??

Mar 31, 2008

Hi ,

Cay anyone tell me where is the content of Stored Procedure
stored in the database.. in which table

Thanks & Regards


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Merge Database Content

Jul 23, 2005

hi,i have a sqlserver CE and a sqlserver database.The tables are exactly the same on both databases.the sqlserver CE database Content will be synchronized with thesqlserver database with insert orders..is there a way to merge the two databases?this would be great cause different content will be inserted in bothdatabases. After a synchronisation both databases should have the samecontent..i hope you understood my problem. my english is not very well..christian

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Formatting Database Content

May 16, 2006

HiI have set up a SQL database to contain alist FAQ's for our company andthen plan to pull this info off using a web page.So far I have entered the data but I am unable to control how it isdisplayed inside SQL ie I cannot enter new blank lines I have triedusing lots of spaces but this does not work when I use the website todisplay the info.Is there a way of formatting and editing the data in the sql databaseas I am unable to do this, if I try to edit the data in the database Ihave to copy it to notepad delete what is in the database, edit thetext in notepad then paste it back in.There must be a better way.Please helpalamb200

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Web Content Database. Is There A Limit?

Jul 20, 2005

HiI've developed a simple web service that lets people easily set up their ownwebsites, and keep them up-to-date themselves.I'm storing all the content, including images in the SQL 2000 database. Sofar it's working well enough. Is there likely to be a performance orreliability problem as the system grows?You can see it in operation here: www.up-to-the-minute.comIt's early days and any comments and ideas are welcome.John SouthPangbourne UK

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