SQLMail On A Cluster Starts But Then Stops

Nov 11, 1998

I am trying to move SQLMail from a standard SQL 6.5 server to a virtual clustered SQL Server. The exchange profile has been set up and the services are running on a domain login. Exchange is also running as a clustered service which is being used successfully from the standalone SQL Server with SQL Mail.

However, when the SQL Mail service is started on the Clustered SQL Server, the service starts for about 5 seconds and then stops. The logs report that SQL Mail started but no messages are recorded to state that why the service has stopped again.

Any clues anyone please?

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SQL Server Service Starts Then Stops

Mar 30, 2008

I have just installed SQL Server 2005. The machine had an expired version of SQL Express on it which I removed. Now when i go to open the Management Studio it says it can't connect. When I check the service, it is set to automatic using the local account but is not running. When I start it, it throws an error stating that it started and then stopped. The first error record in the log file states:

Server TCP provider failed to listen on [ 'any' <ipv4> 1433]. Tcp port is already in use.

Could this be causing the problem? How do I check to see what is using 1433? In general, what the heck did I do wrong during the install? One article said something about the new installation thinking it was still the expired version. Could there be something left in the registry from the old version of Express causing this?

Thanks in advance for the help

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SQL Server Agent Starts And Then Stops

Jan 13, 2007

SQL Server 2005 installed on Windows Vista Ultimate

When I try to start the agent, it return with the message that the service started and then stopped. On investigation I found that the Windows Event Log service won't start, returning the error:

"error 4201: the instance name passed was not recognized as valid by a WMI
data provider"

(I have posted this on Windows Vista forums but had no response).

Thanks for your help

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Service Starts Then Stops-Reporting Services

May 3, 2007


I tried deploying a Report Model Project and received an error:

"TITLE: Microsoft Semantic Model Designer

A connection could not be made to the report server http://localhost/ReportServer.


The request failed with HTTP status 405: Method not allowed. (Microsoft.ReportingServices.SemanticQueryDesign)


When I checked services I realised that Reporting Services wasn't started. I tried starting it and received a message:

"The Sql Server Reporting Services (MSSQLServer) started and then stopped. Some services stop automatically if they have no work to do.........."

I also tried to start the service from Configure Report Server and received an error:

"System.ServiceProcess.TimeoutException: Time out has expired and the operation has not been completed.
at System.ServiceProcess.ServiceController.WaitForStatus(ServiceControllerStatus desiredStatus, TimeSpan timeout)
at ReportServicesConfigUI.Panels.ServerInformationPanel.StartStopServiceTask(Boolean start)"

Any idea why this is happening? Should I install SP2?

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SQLMail Does Not Work On 7.0 Cluster

Jul 16, 2001

I recently set up a SQL 7.0 cluster (active/passive) on a pair of Win2K boxes. I noticed that the SQLServerAgent would refuse to send system alerts to my e-mail account, yet net sent messages worked fine. I know I've set everything up properly, so I paid the $245 to speak with Microsoft.

The answer was found; their response follows:
On a cluster an undocumented stored procedure is called by the Operator to send email and this causes it to fail. SQL Mail is not supported on SQL 7.0 clusters and any features depending on it will also fail.

SQL 2000 does support SQL Mail on clusters with MS Office 2000 and up.
In SQL 2000 Books Online do a search for the following topics and include the quotes:
“Using SQL Server Tools with Failover Clustering”

Also you can workaround the problem by using a job that uses xp_sendmail to send the alert instead.

Now is that lame or what? Of all the functions you would expect to work in a failover cluster, you would think that e-mailing the operator in the event of a failure would be high on the list. Apparently, not so. Their official answer was to upgrade to SQL2000. Anybody care to guess the price on doing a dual CPU dual box cluster upgrade?

Now my question is this: The tech person was right, xp_sendmail does work fine. What I have wanting to do, and have been unable to do, is to write a TRIGGER that would fire whenever an error is logged by the SQL server. I have looked around, but could find no documentation on what table it is that receives error logs.

Does anybody know which table receives error messages? I'm wanting to write a trigger that exec's xp_sendmail so I get error alerts.

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Nov 20, 2000

Is there a way to change the FROM in sqlmail (recipient) from the mailbox account to read a user-defined from. Currently our FROM has the SQL mail account name that was created during the sqlmail setup and we would like to put a user defined name in this variable.

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Mar 5, 2001

For the life of me, I cannot get SQL Mail Support Services started on one of my SQL Server 7.0 SP3 boxes. It works fine on other machines of mine. I have a mail profile created using proper accounts who have access to email box. I have configured SQL Server to use that mail profile.

ERRORLOG shows the following each time I try and start the SQL Mail Support Services:

2001-03-05 10:23:48.98 ods Starting SQL Mail session...
2001-03-05 10:23:50.20 ods Error: 17903, Severity: 18, State: 1
2001-03-05 10:23:50.20 ods MAPI login failure..
2001-03-05 10:23:50.20 ods Error: 17951, Severity: 18, State: 1
2001-03-05 10:23:50.20 ods Failed to start SQL Mail session..

Do you have any thoughts or where I may turn for support, other that Microsoft's pay-per issue support?

Thank you,
Brian Kilby

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Sep 23, 1999

Hello sir,

I want to configure SQLMail; I use Eudora.
how can-I do that?

Please advice me..

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Jul 14, 1999

Dear people,

We have tried to get sqlmail (SQL SERVER 6.5) working on windows NT 4.0. However when we start sqlmail through the enterprise manager we get an error:
"error 17952 sqlserver failed to start sql mail session". MSmail client works ok on the NT machine. The profile in nt mail is the same as the profile name in de configuration of sqlmail. What could be wrong?

Thanks for reading

Michel Landman

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Jul 30, 1998

I have installed MS exchange client on my NT 4.0 server.
and installed SQL server 6.5 on same.I have marked MSSQL server service as log on as service and also map correct profile in exchange.I am able to start
sql mail service but when i am trying to send a mail by xp_sendmail i am getting error:
Msg 17914,level 18,state 1
Unknown recipient: Parameter `@recipients`,recipient `devendrar`.

where `devendrar` is profile name

and what i am trying to do is :
xp_sendmail `devendrar`,`msg to send`

can u pls help me to solve this problem.

Devendra Rane.

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Mar 10, 2005

Is there any other way to send emails without using SQLMail or xp_sendmail?
without a mail client ?

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DTS Designer Gives Error When It Starts

Jul 10, 2002

Thanks in advance for any help you may offer.

I have never seen this error before... When I click on DTS to either open an existing package or create a new one I get the following errors: Error in the DLL, DTS Design Error. When I try to create a new DTS it gives me the errors but still opens but I'm missing all of the connection objects except for MS data link and other connection. I had no problems designing and executing the packages from a development box. I'm not even refering to the typical scheduling problems that exist when SQL Agent is configured incorrectly!

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How To Start A Job When Database Starts In 6.5

Mar 8, 2001

We need to start a job automatically when SQL Server 6.5 automatically starts.
Like adding a user into tempdb.

Is there any clue?

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Run SQL Job Each Time Agent Starts

Aug 22, 2007

In SQL 2000 you can schedule a job to run each time the agent starts. I don't see that option now in 2005.

Does anyone know what happened to that or how to achieve that. I could do a stored proc with the proc option I guess but why did they remove that functionality or maybe I am not seeing it.


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SQLMail Won&#39;t Start Help !!!

Feb 27, 2001

I have the following error when trying to test EMail from SQL.

I have logged onto the server and sent EMail using the SQLServer Service Account and the Profile is correct. This tells me that Outlook is working OK and the Exchange Server is sending OK. However, lookin on TechNet Q274330
mentions the error number but it's description is about Emailing an open file. I am not Emailing an open file.

Here's the error message.

xp_startmail 'eweb02mail'

Server: Msg 18025, Level 16, State 1, Line 0
xp_startmail: failed with mail error 0x80040106

Or right clicking on SQLMail and click on Test

xp_test_mapi_mail 0x80040106

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Sqlmail Problem

Dec 28, 1998

Hi all.

I'm having problems with sqlmail. SOMETIME when I try to send a message the server replies "Could not find the function xp_sendMail in sqlmap60.dll". or ISQW don't finish the query never.

Sqlmail is running. I'm using Outlook express as a simple mapi client.

Sorry my english.

Any help will be appreciate a lot.

Thanks in advance.

Armando Marrero

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Groupewise And SQLMail

Jan 21, 2002

Does anyone know how set up SQLMail and SQLAgentMail (SQL 7/2000) to send email to Groupwise 5.5? Or is it possible at all? Any feedback will be very much appreciated.

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Can&#39;t Start SQLMail

May 24, 2002

The start / stop options on the SQL Mail support service are not there.

I'm running with SQL 2000 on Server 2000, with MS Outlook 2000 as the MAPI Client. The client is configured and sending just fine. The SQL Mail properties Test button was able start/stop a mapi session. The profile name on the general tab is "Microsoft Outlook Internet Settings".

Suggestions appreciated.

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Groupwise 5.5 And SQLmail

Feb 1, 2001

Has anyone successfully integrated Groupwise 5.5 with SQLServer 2000? Any suggestions would be appreciated.

Thank you.

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SQLMail Does Not Start

Jul 23, 2005

I am using SQLServer2000 with sp3.The SQLServer logs on as user Test on the local computer. I am loggedon as user Test on the local computer.I have created a Exchange Profile and tested that it can send andreceive mail.When I go to Enterprise Manager to set-up this profile for SQL Mail.There is nothing in the drop-down list box.Any ideas?ThanksM

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SQLMail Woes !

Jul 20, 2005

Trying to get my jobs to send mail when job fails. Should be easy butit's giving me headacheHad a whole slew of issues. Outlook is installed with a n outlookmail profile set up that can send mail in outlook. I can create aSendMail DTS and execute it to send mailEmail works in these scenarios1. I create a DTS package in SQL Server with just SendMail with thesame Profile "ABC" and click Execute and it sends2. I can send using Outlook with the same profile "ABC"3. I can run DTSRun with command prompt calliing the DTS package andit sends fineHowever it wont send in these 3 scenarios (where I need it!):1. I go to Operator, and put my Profile "ABC" in the Email Name,click Test and I get this error "Error 22022: SQLServerAgent Error:The SQLSErverAgent mails ession is not running; check the mail profileand/or the SQLServerAgent service startup account in theSQLSErverAGent PropertiessQLServer Agent is running2. If I add the DTS Package "EmailTest" to one of my jobs as a stepto go to if the 1st step fails, nothing gets sent3. In JObs -- Notificatioin, If I set the E-maill operator to myoperator, nothing gets sentI set the Mail Profile to the Mail Profile (in SQL Server AGent'properties)However when I click Test, I get this error:Error 0: Cannot load the DLL sqlmap70.dll, or one of the DLLs itreferencesI am usingSQLServer Version 8.00.194,OS Windows 2003Help!

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Query Analyzer Starts Slow

Apr 16, 2006

why query analyzer is starting really slow on my computer?
i wasnt like this before. what can i do to make it run fast as before.

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How To Insert A Space After Each Manager Starts.

Jul 20, 2005

hi,guysi have query which given below output given belowmanager personlevel person name20851 Howard Wilson120852Howard Wilson220853Howard Wilson320854Howard Wilson420855Howard Wilson560861Andrew Saxon60862Andrew Saxon60863Ian Thompson60864Ian Thompson60865Phil Darganwhat i want is after a manager ends i want a null to be inserted foreach of there columnsso that i can distinguish that when a new manager startsso thatt output looks like thismanager personlevel person name20851 Howard Wilson120852Howard Wilson220853Howard Wilson320854Howard Wilson420855Howard Wilson5null null null60861Andrew Saxon60862Andrew Saxon60863Ian Thompson60864Ian Thompson60865Phil DarganBrlliant minds any solution for this..i know can i loop through the records and do itand check for a new managerbut i want a better solution ..give me your ideads folks..Regards,Navin Mahindroo

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Data Starts To Repeat When I Add A Dimension.

Jun 27, 2006

Hello, I€™m creating a cube with Analysis services 2000 and SQLServer 2000 that has the following structure:
The fact table has a primary key and some measures:


PKFact (the primary key)
Measure 1
Measure 2

And I have some dimensions, but I€™ll put here the one of interest, this dimension has a foreign key to the fact_table, this is because it is really a €œdetail€? of the fact table, the interesting thing here is that this dimension not only has a foreign key to the fact_table, but also is a parent-child dimension:


FKFact (the foreign key to the €œPKFact€? field of the fact table)
PKId (The id of the field for the parent-child relationship)
FKParentId (the foreign key to this same table, this is, the parent of the field)
TheLevel (the data€¦)

So, if I create the cube without the Dimension_Table (of course, I have more dimensions), the cube shows the data correctly, but when I include this dimension, the data of the fact_table starts to be repeated once for each row in the dimension table (once for each row that has the relation PKFact €“ FKFact of course), Somebody knows how I can avoid this data being repeated? I€™ve tried a lot of things but none works.. Please help!!

Thanks in advance.

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Query To See If An Int Field Starts With A Certain Number

Nov 3, 2006

How would I write a query on a table containing a column of ints, where I want to retrieve the rows where that int value starts with a number? I know that you can do this with strings by using "....WHERE thisfield LIKE ('123%')", but if 'thisfield' is an int, how would I do this? Thanks!

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SSIS - When A Packet1 Starts Packet2

Sep 12, 2007


What happensi if packet2 is already running, and at the same time packet1 starts packet2?

I'm just curious

Thank you.

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SQL Server Service Always Starts Automatically

May 2, 2008

I have a laptop with vista and sql 2005. When i start my computer, after it boots up and is ready to go, I look in the task manager at the process tab. Some sort of SQL Server component is running and eating up about 50k's worth of memory. What is it and how do set either Vista or SQL Server to not start whatever this is unless I do it manually(oh yeah...how would I turn it on?)and what are the ramifications of not having it start up when i start my laptop?

I know it is a rather rambling question, but its the best I can describe it. Thanks in advance for your help!

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SqlMail With Outlook On Win2k

Oct 9, 2001

Does anyone know the 'trick' in getting sqlmail (sqlserver 7.0) to work with Outlook 2000 on a windows 2000 server machine. I've setup a mail profile on Outlook, but it is not listed in the dropdown menu in the sqlmail properties.
Outlook communicates with my smtp/pop3 mail server - no problem. I can't get sqlmail to interface with outlook. Basically it is telling me that it cannot find ANY profiles on the server.

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SQLMail, MAPI Profile

Aug 7, 2000

I created a new MAPI profile on the server, and it seems to work fine with Outlook. I also dropped the previous default MAPI profile.

Now, when I go to the EM SQLAgent Properties, the only MAP profile offered in the SQLMail drop-down is the old, deleted profile. Also, only the old profile comes up with xp_get_MAPI_profiles.

How can I get SQLAgent to recognize that I've set up a new mail profile?

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Send SQLMail Thru Notes

Aug 15, 2000

I need to set up SQLMail togheter with Notes, We have SMTP server and profiles but I can´t get it to work. SQL sends the mail but it disappears into the cyberspace.. Someone help me pls...

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SQLmail: In Search Of Direction...

Sep 14, 2000

Has anyone created a stored procedure that notifies a customer that their order_status has been changed from 'submitted' to 'backordered' or from 'backordered' to 'shipped'? Once written, how does the sp get automatically executed? Does anyone have an example or a book/site with an example?

--Thanks in advance.

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Error 17902 - SQLmail

Apr 7, 2000

I need help!

SQlmail service starts (SQL server 6.5, Exchange Server 5.5
and Outlook 2000). A mail profile is created which starts the
MSSQLServer and SQLExecutive services.
However, When I tried to send a mail by xp_sendmail, it gave me
a 'General MAPI failure with error message 17902'.

Thank you!

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17903 Error Using SQLMail

Aug 24, 1999

I have a problem trying to send email using SQLMail. When I setup a new job under SQL Server Agent I can receive mail okay when a job completes, but when I try to receive mail from a Database Maintenance Plan the following error is reported:

Emailing report to operator 'DBA Group'
[Microsoft SQL-DMO (ODBC SQLState: 42000)] Error 17903: [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]MAPI login failure.

I cannot figure out the problem as mail is getting through using the profile I setup and also when I use outlook and also from SQL Server Agent jobs.

Any ideas!!!!

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