SQLServer And SQL Browser Fails To Start With An Event ID 7000

May 14, 2006

I just finished installing SQL Server 2005 Express including the Toolkit.

During installtaion I selected instance name as SQLExpress.

I cannot start SQLServer nor SQL Browser services and reports Event ID 7000 with a message Path not found.

Although, the entire installation ran error free. I am running Winodws XP Professional w/SP2 and up-to date patches. Please help!


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Problem Unicode Data 0x2300 In SQLServer 2000 SQLServer 2005 Express

Sep 20, 2006

Hi experts;
I have a problem with unicode character 0x2300
I created this table
create table testunicode (Bez nchar(128))

Insert Data
insert into testunicode (Bez)values('Œ€„¢')
with 2 Unicode characters
Œ€ = 0x2300
„¢ = 0x2122

Selecting the data
select Bez from testunicode
I see

„¢ = 0x2122 is ok but instead of 0x2300 there is 0x3f

When I modify the insert statement like that ( 8960 = 0x2300 )
insert into testunicode (Bez)values(NCHAR(8960)+'„¢')

and select again voila i see
Does anyone have an idea?


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Trying To 'load' A Copy Of A SQLServer 2000 Database To SQLServer 2005 Express

Apr 18, 2008

I am trying to 'load' a copy of a SQLServer 2000 database to SQLServer 2005 Express (on another host). The copy was provided by someone else - it came to me as a MDF file only, no LDF file.

I have tried to Attach the database and it fails with a failure to load the LDF. Is there any way to bypass this issue without the LDF or do I have to have that?

The provider of the database says I can create a new database and just point to the MDF as the data source but I can't seem to find a way to do that? I am using SQL Server Management Studio Express.


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Replacing Sqlserver 2000 With Sqlserver 2005 Express

Jun 14, 2006

I have an app that uses a sqlserver 2000 jdbc driver to connect to a sqlserver 2000.

Is it possible to do a direct replacement of sqlserver 2000 with sqlserver 2005 express just by reconfiguring the app to point to the express? The app would still be using the sqlserver 2000 jdbc driver to try and make the connection.

If that is a possibility, what can be some differences in the configuration? Previously with 2000 the config information I entered is:

server name: "machinename"( or ip). I've also tried "machiname/SQLEXPRESS"

DB name: name of db instance

port: 1433(default)

user and pass.

My attempts so far results in

"java.sql.SQLException: [Microsoft][SQLServer 2000 Driver for JDBC]Error establishing socket."


"java.sql.SQLException: [Microsoft][SQLServer 2000 Driver for JDBC]Unable to connect. Invalid URL."

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Upgrade SQLServer Mobile (.sdf) Database To SQLServer 2005

Feb 9, 2006


I have an SQLServer Mobile database, and I would like to know if there is a way to upgrade it to SQLServer 2005 (.mdf) database. My database has no records in it, just the structure (tables etc). What I am actually asking is if I can create automatically a new SQLServer 2005 Database with the same structure as my existin SQLSErver Mobile database

Thanks in advance,


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SQLSERVER 2005 X64 Linked Server To SQLSERVER 7.0

Jun 20, 2007

Hello people.

I am in the process of planning a server upgrade to sql2005 x64.

I created 2 linked servers: one to a SQL2000 sp4 server and one to a SQL7.0 SP3.

I have the following error when I query the linked servers.
OLE DB provider "SQLNCLI" for linked server "IVDM2K" returned message "Unspecified error".
OLE DB provider "SQLNCLI" for linked server "IVDM2K" returned message "The stored procedure required to complete this operation could not be found on the server. Please contact your system administrator.".
Msg 7311, Level 16, State 2, Line 1
Cannot obtain the schema rowset "DBSCHEMA_TABLES_INFO" for OLE DB provider "SQLNCLI" for linked server "IVDM2K". The provider supports the interface, but returns a failure code when it is used.

I am aware of KB 906954.;en-us;906954

I applied the instcat.sql on the SQL2000SP4 server and my linked server issues for that one are gone.

However, I ran the instcat.sql script on the SQL7.0 sp3 server and the linked server is still giving me an issue.

Can someone help me find a solution to this?

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Not Be Able To Reinstall SQLServer 2005 After SQLServer 2005 SP I

May 9, 2006

Hi every body,

I have SQLServer 2005 runs well for months and stop working after install SqlServer2005 SP1. I try to reinstall the SQLServer 2005 but I have problem when install work station component on my and the error is "There is a problem with this Windows Installer package. A program run as part of the setup did not finish as expected. Contact your support personnel or package vendor". Please help me to fix this bug. I do not want to reformat my machine.

John Dang

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Recovery :: Configure Extended Event To Trigger A Mail Whenever Any Event Occurs

Jun 2, 2015

Recently we migrated our environment to 2012.

We are planning to implement Xevents in all the servers in place of Trace files and everything is working fine.

Is it possible to configure Extended event to trigger a mail whenever any event (example dead lock) occurs.

I have gone through so many websites but i never find.

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DB Engine :: Event Tracing For Windows Failed To Send Event

Oct 25, 2011

My SQL Server 2005 SP4 on Windows 2008 R2 is flooded with the below errors:-

Date  10/25/2011 10:55:46 AM
Log  SQL Server (Current - 10/25/2011 10:55:00 AM)
Source  spid
Event Tracing for Windows failed to send an event. Send failures with the same error code may not be reported in the future. Error ID: 0, Event class ID: 54, Cause: (null).
Is there a way I can trace it how it is coming? When I check input buffer for these ids, it looks like it is tracing everything. All the general application DMLs are coming in these spids.

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WMI Event Watcher Task Continual Firing Event When Not Triggered

Apr 8, 2008

I have been testing with the WMI Event Watcher Task, so that I can identify a change to a file.
The WQL is thus:

SELECT * FROM __InstanceModificationEvent within 30
WHERE targetinstance isa 'CIM_DataFile'
AND = 'C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL.1\MSSQL\Backup\AdventureWorks.bak'

This polls every 30 secs and in the SSIS Event (ActionAtEvent in the WMI Task is set to fire the SSIS Event) I have a simple script task that runs a message box).

My understanding is that the event polls every 30 s and if there is a change on the AdventureWorks.bak file then the event is triggered and the script task will run producing the message.
However, when I run the package the message is occurring every 30s, meaning the event is continually firing even though there has been NO change to the AdventureWorks.bak file.

Am I correct in my understanding of how this should work and if so why is the event firing when it should not ?

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Help - Security Event Log Posts Error Event ID 560 Every Few Seconds

May 31, 2007

Server 2003 SE SP1 5.2.3790 Sql Server 2000, SP 4, 8.00.2187 (latest hotfix rollup)
We fixed one issue, but it brought up another. the fix we applied stopped the ServicesActive access failure, but now we have a failure on MSSEARCH. The users this is affecting do NOT have admin rights on the machine, they are SQL developers.
We were having

Event Type: Failure Audit
Event Source: Security
Event Category: Object AccessEvent ID: 560
Date: 5/23/2007
Time: 6:27:15 AM
User: domainuser
Object Open:
Object Server: SC Manager
Object Name: ServicesActive
Handle ID: -
Operation ID: {0,1623975729}
Process ID: 840
Image File Name: C:WINDOWSsystem32services.exe
Primary User Name: MACHINE$
Primary Domain: Domain
Primary Logon ID: (0x0,0x3E7)
Client User Name: User
Client Domain: Domain
Client Logon ID: (0x0,0x6097C608)
Connect to service controller
Enumerate services
Query service database lock state

Privileges: -
Restricted Sid Count: 0
Access Mask: 0x20015

Applied the following fix

Now we are getting

Event Type: Failure Audit
Event Source: Security
Event Category: Object Access
Event ID: 560
Date: 5/23/2007
Time: 10:51:23 AM
User: domainuser
Computer: MACHINE
Object Open:
Object Server: SC Manager
Object Name: MSSEARCH
Handle ID: -
Operation ID: {0,1627659603}
Process ID: 840
Image File Name: C:WINDOWSsystem32services.exe
Primary User Name: MACHINE$
Primary Domain: domain
Primary Logon ID: (0x0,0x3E7)
Client User Name: user
Client Domain: domain
Client Logon ID: (0x0,0x60D37C1A)
Query service configuration information
Query status of service
Enumerate dependencies of service
Query information from service
Privileges: - Restricted Sid Count: 0 Access Mask: 0x2008D

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Query Or Script To Get The Event Viewer Event Properties?

Nov 2, 2007

Hi all,

Can we get the event properties by using a query?
Are there any extended stored procuder to get the above?


>Desktop>Right Click on My Computer
>Go to Manage and click
>Expand System Tools
>Expand Event Viewer

click on one event.We can get the log info which is the manual procudure.

But now i want to get the event properties through the Query analyzer...

Any help would be great?


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SQL 2005 Problems - SQLDUMPER In My Event Log

Jan 26, 2006

I upgraded my Databases today with SQL SERVER 2005, initially this stopped the SQL Agents from working on port 1433, I changed the port to 1434 and now it works fine!!

Howerver I am gettin lots of error messages in my event viewer as follows.


Event Description:

EventType sql90exception, P1 reportingservicesservice.exe, P2 9.0.1399.0, P3 434f5d27, P4 sqldumper_unknown_module.dll, P5, P6 00000000, P7 0, P8 1b20fedd, P9 00000000, P10 NIL.

Can anyone help please!! what does this all means and how will it affect my server, is this going to affect veritas backup exec also?

Kind Regards


Randine Perry

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Sending Email On Some Specific Event (was Sql Server 2005)

Apr 19, 2007

I need a help from you all on Sending Email on some specific event from SQL SERVER 2005. Any Idea how Do I proceed?

Any help will be appreciated.....

Rahul Jha

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SQL Server 2005 Standard Launch Event Edition

Oct 5, 2006

I have a Question about this Version!

Is this true that only one Person can query the Server at the same time? ( 1CAL Lizense)

I wrote a .Net Appllication and now the Appllication need acces to the Server to Query Tables.
In the "Rush Hour" it is possible that more than 100 Person make Querys from that Application to the SQL Server at the same time.

I don´t understand the CAL Lizens because the SQLServer Express allows up to 20 connection!?
The SQLExpress is for free and allow more connections than a paid Version?
Or is a difference between connection ( through the Appllication) and Connection through the Management Studio ?

Thanks for HELP!!


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How Can A Trigger Act Asynchronously To The Event That Fired It In Sql Server 2005?

Sep 12, 2007

if service broker is not an option, how can the trigger and sp(s) called by our trigger act asynchronously to the event that fired the trigger in the first place. We are more concerned with the original event being committed than the actions that follow via the trigger.

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How To Upgrade From SQLServer Management Studio Express 2005 To SQL Developer 2005

May 25, 2007

I currently have SQL Server Management Studio Express 2005 and would like to upgrade my machine to SQL Developer 2005 as easily as possible. Keeping my databases and such.

Any recommendations on the best way to do this would be greatly appreciated.


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Problem With Visual Studio 2005 Pro + SQLserver 2005 Developer

Aug 20, 2006

Im pretty new to development so..... be nice guys.
I have VS2005 pro and SQL Server 2005 developer edition installed. When I open VS, in the server explorer i can connet to databases located on the SQL directory (SQL Server runs perfectly) But when i try to add an sql server to my project( add new item --> SQL database) it gives me an error saying "Connection to SQL server files (*.mdf) require SQL Server Express 2005 to function properly. Please verify the installation of the component......"
HELP! donno what VS wants!

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MSSQL Server 2005 Not Reporting Errors To Windows Event Log

Jan 25, 2007

Hello All,

I just performed a fresh install of MSSQL 2005 Server Developer Edition on my XPSP2 machine along with MSSQL 2005 SP1 and I noticed that errors are not being reported in the Windows Event Viewer. Is there a way to enable/disable logging here?

I need to view these logs because when the tasks > 'copy database' task fails it submits its error in the Windows Event Log however since I reinstalled MSSQL 2005 these log entries don't appear here.

thanks in advance.

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SQL Server Express 2005 Warning Message In Event Log From SQL Browser Service

May 1, 2007


I have been trying to drill down to the cause for this event log message:
"The configuration of the AdminConnectionTCP protocol in the SQL instance
SQLEXPRESS is not valid."
It is reported from the SQLBrowser service as a warning when the service
starts. I have tried starting SQLBrowser.exe with -c flag, but the output reveals no
errors. I have seen this error on three computers. Two are running SQL 2000, 2005
and Express. One was only running Express, but still this message.
I then looked into the log for the SQL Express server itself. It shows this
message on startup:
"Dedicated administrator connection support was not started because it is
not available on this edition of SQL Server. This is an informational message
only. No user action is required."
Now, it appears to me that these two messages may relate to the same
"error" (or rather behaviour by design). So, can anyone confirm that the
warning in the event log from the SQL Browser service occurs becuase of that
the SQL Express edition doesn't allow any "AdminConnection", but the SQL
Browser service isn't aware of that SQL Express edition shouldn't support that, and
reports it as a warning (implying that we can't do much about this warning)?

Thanks for any input on this issue!

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SQL Dumper - SQL 2005 SP1 - Frequent Entries In Event Logs - Sql90exception, P1 Reportingservicesservice.exe...

Oct 5, 2006


I am constantly getting this error message in the Application log after installing SQL 2005 last night followed by SP1 (say 5 times a minutes). See below:

EventType sql90exception, P1 reportingservicesservice.exe, P2 9.0.2047.0, P3 443f5953, P4 sqldumper_unknown_module.dll, P5, P6 00000000, P7 0, P8 00e8ed9d, P9 00000000, P10 NIL.

I have reservice packed SQL 2005 but made no difference - it is running on a Windows 2003 server with all the latest MS patches.

Does anyone know the solution or possible solution to this issue?



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EVENT ID 18456 STATE: 16 Login Failed For User 'DOMAIN/user'. [CLIENT: &&<local Machine&&>] Every Minute In Event Log.

Oct 22, 2007

We recently upgraded to SQL 2005 from SQL 2000. We have most of our issues ironed out however about every 1 minute there is a message in the Application Event log and the SQL log that states:

EVENT ID 18456 Login Failed for the users DOMAIN/ACCOUNT [CLIENT: <local machine>]

This is a state 16 message which I thought meant that the account does not have access to the default database. The account is actually the account that the SQL services run under.

Any ideas? We can't seem to figure this one out. We actually upgraded to 2005 from 2000 and had an error appear after every reboot that prevented the SQL Agent from running(This application has failed to start because GAPI32.dll was not found. Re-installing the application may fix this problem.) We did a full uninstall of SQL and reinstalled fresh and restored the databases from .bak files and that is when the EVENT ID 18546 started occuring every minute.

We don't have any SQL heavy hitters here so please be detailed with any possible solutions. That you very much for any help you can provide!


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Error/Failure Audit In Event Logs (SQL 2005 Express) [Advanced Services]

Aug 9, 2007

Q1: Any way to control which db loads when, and perhaps stop this error from happening? Again- when all is said and done, the report server functions, and I am able to access just fine.

Q2: What kind of recovery is being referred to? Given the message type- I assume it's nothing of concern- probably more to do with a system that doesn't run all the time.

Okay- so I get these two event messages each time I boot.

Below are two error message I see daily with each system boot- the services mentioned do "actually" function, and are running- as not 10 seconds after these messages are logged, the successfully loaded messages appear. It's almost as if report services tries to connect before the databases are up and running.

Basically the sequence (today) was:

1. 05:49:01 Failure Audit (MSSQL$SQLEXPRESS)
2. 05:49:01 Error (Report Server Windows Service (SQLEXPRESS)
3. 05:49:02 Recovery is complete. (EventID 3408 MSSQL$SQLEXPRESS)
4. 05:49:06 Starting up database 'ReportServer'
5. 05:49:09 Server Resumed execution (MSSQL$SQLEXPRESS)

I'm assuming based on the events that Report Server Service attempts to connect to the ReportServer database before it's actually started. Doesn't really explain the failure audit-

1. Failure Audit:

Event Type: Failure Audit
Event Category: (4)
Event ID: 18456
Date: 8/9/2007
Time: 05:49:01
Login failed for user '<MACHINENAME><LOCALUSER>'.
[CLIENT: <local machine>]

This is almost immediately followed by this (which I consider a no-brainer, considering the above):

2. Error:

Event Type: Error
Event Source: Report Server Windows Service (SQLEXPRESS)
Event Category: Management
Event ID: 107
Date: 8/9/2007
Time: 05:49:01
User: N/A
Report Server Windows Service (SQLEXPRESS) cannot connect to the report server database.

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Sqlserver 2005 SP2

Mar 7, 2007

is it safe now to install service pack 2 for the new test server which is having sqlserver 2005 and sp1

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SqlExpress --&> SqlServer 2005

Sep 26, 2006

Hello all,I develop under vs2005 and sqlExpress. How can I move my database to sql server2005?? I read somewhere that i need to use "sql server management studio express" which i already installed but for some reason I cant attach to a database under my windows XP account (no password for this account). Please help regards, 

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Cannot Connect To SQLServer 2005

May 14, 2007

After several attempts to install SQL2005 I finally got Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio installed.But now I get the error below:An error has occurred while establishing a connection to the server. When connecting to SQL Server 2005, this failure may be caused by the fact that under the default settings SQL Server does not allow remote connections. (provider: Named Pipes Provider, error: 40 - Could not open a connection to SQL Server) (.Net SqlClient Data Provider)The sa account username/password are correct and don't work, windows authentication does not work, I have stopped/started all the services, I have all Protocols enabled correctly, I have my Firewall turned off. Is there anything else I can try? Anything! 

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Starting Sqlserver 2005

Jan 8, 2008

sql server 2005 is installed but some how the link in the programs group has been deleted.
i want start sql server 2005 from cmd prompt or by any other way
please let me know

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Can I Connect Asp 1 To Sqlserver 2005

Oct 18, 2005

Hi All,I hopen this isnt a stupid question but can I connect asp 1 to sqlserver 2005? i want to update the database used on a 1 project, I seem to be able to get it to connect but cant get it to see the tables?Thanks for any helpLee

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Can't Install SQLServer 2005

Nov 7, 2005

I installed Visual Studio 2005 (released edition) that I downloaded from MSDN, and then went to install the released edition of SQL Server 2005.  On the SQL Server 2005 setup "components to install" screen,  all but the last choice ("Workstation components, Books Online, and development tools" are grayed out so I cannot install them.The machine on which I was installing these had just been re-imaged and was clean.How do I get around this so I can install SQL Server2005? Mark

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SQLServer 2005 And 2000

Oct 18, 2006

Hi all,

We do our development in SQLServer 2005. We want to backup and restore our database into the client's side who use SQLServer 2000. Backup and restore cannot work. We try to script the database in 2005 and change the option script to 2000. This fails also. What other option I can use?


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Sqlserver 2005 Installation

Jan 26, 2007

This is my first task of installing sqlserver 2005 on 64 bit machine in windows 2003 environment.
As a DBA what are the thnigs i need to know for the successful installation of sqlserver 2005 and what the things that are need to be installed along with sqlserver, and what are the accounts to be created like all the things i need to know..

Any help will be a great for me ...

Thanks in advance

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SQLServer 2005 Beta

Jul 20, 2005

What's the deal with SQLServer 2005 Beta?I've just got a magazine with a free cover disk with VB 2005 beta,and also includes SQLServer 2005. I've installed it, but I can't get itto do anything. It seems to have installed ok, there are the data filesfor allthe usual system and example databases in place, and TaskManager shows that SQLServer is definitely running. However theonly tool that came with it is called 'Computer Management' whichallows configuration options on the network, and to start and stopSQL Server. There are none of the Enterprise Manager controls toaccess the database, create tables, create users and so on. Enterprisemanager from SQL Server 2000 seems unable to detect the newinstallation.What's going on? Are there client tools I can download to access thedatabase with?

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