SQLSERVER Config For Biztalk

May 4, 2007


I have installed SQLSERVER 2005 in Windows 2003 Server with mixed mode authentication.

Now I am unable to connect it from my windows Xp client system. When I specify the credentials the following error msg displays

"Specified Database cannot be reached Incorrect Server name or login. User may not be associated with trusted sqlserver connection"

My Server Config as follows

servername :vijay

login details:


In Biztalk server 2006, Cofiguration wizard I gave server name as "vijay"


username : sa ; pwd : sa;

Kindly help me in getting it right.



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SSB BizTalk Scenarios

Aug 18, 2006

What are the specific types of scenarios where we could use SSB and BizTalk in tandem?

I have come across a gotdotnet sample of an SSB adapter for BizTalk. As i understand a Biztalk orchestration could be an end point for the SSB conversation.

But what advantages can be obtained using this as compared to a typical SQL adapter for BizTalk which does CRUD operations on DB.

any pointers in this directions would be helpful



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PMML And BizTalk

Mar 15, 2007

Hello! Anybody know if can I use (and
how can I use) PMML with the rule engine of Biztalk Server, or if there
is some module that translate PMML format to Biztalk. Sorry by my

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Biztalk Vs SSIS As An ETL Tool

Jan 14, 2008


At our company we are considering building an architecture for file
imports and processing and considering both Biztalk and SSIS at this

My understanding from reading the material out there regarding this
subject that Biztalk is more suited for integrating applications and
real time communication of information and SSIS is more suited for
bulk loads into databases/data warehouses and data manipulation.

Currently we are somewhat along the lines described above, but there
is a desire to use one technology over the other for importing files
and data manipulation, and I am not sure that is practical. Also
there is a debate currently as to whether Biztalk does better at
handling logic than SSIS.

I have read through the article on microsoft site that outlines the
above - http://www.microsoft.com/technet/prodtechnol/biztalk/2004/whitepapers...

However, I would like to get some input from people who have actually
used both these tools in the real world for ETL process and could
provide some insight so as to help us make an informed decision.


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Difference Between SSIS And Biztalk

Dec 29, 2006


Can anybody please tell me the basic differences between Biztalk and SSIS and when to choose which technology over other?


Sandeep Saran

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Biztalk 2004, One Stored Procedure For 2 Tables

Dec 15, 2006


I have an orchestration that recieves a pricelist flat file and it must insert into 2 tables - article, articlePrice(for each LotSize) into sql server using a sql adapter. I also want it to check if a record exists for that lotSize and update it if it does. The records are indentified with a uniqueidentifier. So I have 3 if statements:
1 - if (<the article does not exist(checks SupplierArticleNumber)>)
<insert a record into article table>
<insert a record into articlePrice table>

2 - else if(<the article exists but not for that lotSize>)
<insert a new record in articlePrice table>)

3 - else
update the corresponding ArticlePrice row.

My problem is in writing the sp, first it checks if the article exists, if it does then it creates a row in the article table and then one into the articlePrice table. My question is how do I get a hold on the "articleGUID"(pk - uniqueidentifier) that was created on the first table on insertion in order to create the row in the second table(fk)?

And is this possible with one stored procedure? If not does anyone know in Biztalk what other way to do this?

I am new to both Biztalk and sql, so I don't really know what I am doing? I would really appreciate any suggestions!


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Which Edition And Build Of SQL Server 2005 To Use For Biztalk 2006?

Oct 12, 2007

Hi all -

We are planning to use a 2-node SQL Server 2005 cluster as part of a new Biztalk 2006 project, and I would like some advice regarding SQL Server service packs and editions.

Testing has already been running for some time without problems, but the test environment (a) is not clustered, (b) is using SQL Server 2005 Standard Edition rather than Enterprise and (c) has neither of the SQL Server service packs installed.

As this is a major project for us, my instinct would be to use Enterprise Edition (maximise performance and scalability)
and to apply SP2 (because I thought it was best practice to be up-to-date). I would have liked to do this before we go Live so we don't run the risk of having to change afterwards if we hit a problem.

Understandably, the project guys' perspective is this: testing so far has not been affected by SQL Server bugs, and we should go Live with the environment we have tested in, albeit with the planned 2-node cluster which is seen as a 'must have'.

I have trawled Books Online, Technet and other resources without success, so any thoughts or info on required, recommended or preferred combinations of Biztalk 2006 with SQL Server 2005 editions and service packs in a clustered
environment would be greatly appreciated - thanks!


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SSIS Calling Into BizTalk Business Rules Engine (BTS BRE)

Oct 11, 2007

We are planning to use the BTS BRE for our business rules and calling these from a data flow transformation (e.g. for every row in a flat file during import). One way would be to use a script component.
However, the question is that the script component would have to create and destroy BRE objects (e.g. a BRE Policy object) for every row in the flat file.
Is there a way to instantiate objects and whole on to them for the lifetime of the package or a container within a package?

Any suggestions regarding achieving the above most efficiently would be much appreciated.


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XML Request (send) And XML Response (receive) Data Thru BIZTALK 2006.

Oct 2, 2007

I am new to BIZTALK 2006; Please help me get started as below>>
I have XML Request (send) and XML Response (receive) data;
What are the steps needed for this to be accomplished in BizTalk to create webservice for this?

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Reporting Services :: Parsing SSRS Config File And Dynamically Changing File Path Of Config File In Code

Sep 2, 2015

Currently have a single hard coded file path to the SSRS config file which parses the file and provides the reporting services web service url.  My question is how would i run this same query against 100s of servers that may or may not share the same file path as the one hard coded ?

Is there a way to query the registry to find the location of the config file of any server ? which could be on D, E, F, H, etc. 

I know I can string together the address followed by "reports" and named instance if needed, but some instances may not have used the default virtual directory name (Reports).

Am I going about this the hard way ? Is there a location where the web service url exists in a table ? I could not locate anything in the Reporting service database. Basically need to inventory all of my reporting services url's.

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How To Create A Trigger Such That It Can Delete The Rows Whenever Any Other Application Such As Biztalk Had Read The Rows ?

Mar 12, 2007

I had created a trigger which sees that whether a database is updated if it is its copy the values of the updated row into another control table now I want to read the content of control_table into BIzTalk and after reading I want to delete it.Can any one suggest the suitable ay to do this?

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Class Method Is Smoking Fast When Executed Outside Of SQLServer, Dog Slow As A CLR Function Is SQLServer - Anyone?

May 10, 2007

We have a static class that makes an HTTPWebRequest to get XML data from one of our vendors. We use this as input to a stored proc in SQLServer2005. When I compile this class and call it from a console application in visual studio it executes in milliseconds, everytime. When I compile it, create the assembly and clr function and execute it in SQLServer, it takes around 14 seconds to execute the first time, then on subsequent requests it is again really fast, until I wait for 10 seconds and re-execute, once again it is slow the first time and then fast on subsequent requests. We do not see this behavior when executing outside SQLServer. Makes me think that some sort of authentication is perhaps taking place the first time the function is run in SQLServer? I have no idea how to debug this further. Anyone seen this before or have any ideas?

Here is the class:

Code Snippet

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
using System.Net;
using System.IO;

namespace Predict.Services
public static class Foo
public static string GetIntradayQuote(string symbol)
string returnQuote = "";

HttpWebRequest request = (HttpWebRequest)(WebRequest.Create("http://data.predict.com/predictws/detailed_quote.html?syms=" + symbol + "&fields=1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,28,30"));

request.Timeout = 1000;

HttpWebResponse response = (HttpWebResponse)(request.GetResponse());

StreamReader streamReader = new StreamReader(response.GetResponseStream());

returnQuote = streamReader.ReadToEnd();


return returnQuote;

When I run call it from a console app it is fine.

I compile it into a dll and then create the assembly and function as follows:

Code Snippet

drop function fnTestGetIntradayQuoteXML_SJS


drop assembly TestGetIntradayQuoteXML_SJS


create ASSEMBLY TestGetIntradayQuoteXML_SJS from 'c:DataBackupsCLRLibrariesTestGetIntradayQuote_SJS.dll' WITH PERMISSION_SET = EXTERNAL_ACCESS


CREATE FUNCTION fnTestGetIntradayQuoteXML_SJS(@SymbolList nvarchar(max)) RETURNS nvarchar(max) AS EXTERNAL NAME TestGetIntradayQuoteXML_SJS.[Predict.Services.Foo].GetIntraDayQuote


declare @testing nvarchar(max)

set @testing = dbo.fnTestGetIntradayQuoteXML_SJS('goog')

print @testing

When I execute the function as above, again, really slow the first time, then fast on subsequent calls. Could there be something wrong with the code, or some headers that need to be set differently to operate from the CLR in SQLServer?



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Problem Unicode Data 0x2300 In SQLServer 2000 SQLServer 2005 Express

Sep 20, 2006

Hi experts;
I have a problem with unicode character 0x2300
I created this table
create table testunicode (Bez nchar(128))

Insert Data
insert into testunicode (Bez)values('Œ€„¢')
with 2 Unicode characters
Œ€ = 0x2300
„¢ = 0x2122

Selecting the data
select Bez from testunicode
I see

„¢ = 0x2122 is ok but instead of 0x2300 there is 0x3f

When I modify the insert statement like that ( 8960 = 0x2300 )
insert into testunicode (Bez)values(NCHAR(8960)+'„¢')

and select again voila i see
Does anyone have an idea?


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Trying To 'load' A Copy Of A SQLServer 2000 Database To SQLServer 2005 Express

Apr 18, 2008

I am trying to 'load' a copy of a SQLServer 2000 database to SQLServer 2005 Express (on another host). The copy was provided by someone else - it came to me as a MDF file only, no LDF file.

I have tried to Attach the database and it fails with a failure to load the LDF. Is there any way to bypass this issue without the LDF or do I have to have that?

The provider of the database says I can create a new database and just point to the MDF as the data source but I can't seem to find a way to do that? I am using SQL Server Management Studio Express.


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What's The Best Practice...1 Package Many Config Or Many Package W/1 Config

Apr 4, 2007

Hello all,

I'd like to know what's considered a best practice in the following scenario...

We're in the process of converting DTS to SSIS, our current SQL2K setup has one DTS package per database, each database and package are mirror images of each other, with the exception of connection properties and the files path's they pull from. (Occasionally there may be a one off Execute SQL Task that differs from package to package...but this will be handled in a different manner outside of the package from this point on)

From a administration perspective this has been somewhat cumbersome, as every time there is a schema change we need to update the transformations in each individual package...after updating 120 packages my index finger has a bad case of carpel tunnel!

My thought with SSIS is that I can create one package, with many configuration files (one for each database).

Now my question is, 1) is this a good idea? 2) Anytime we create a new database (New Customer = New Database) and need to create a new xml config file, do I have to create the config in BIS/SSIS package then redeploy the package?...or Can I simply add a new config file to the appropriate directory and reference this config in the scheduled job?

Any suggestions are greatly appreciated!

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MIcrosft SQLServer Best Practices Document On Securing SQLServer

Jul 29, 2005

I'm chasing after a documetn that was available on one of the Microsoftwebsites that was titled somethign like "MS SQL Server Best Practices"and detailed a nyumber of best practices about securing the server.Included in this was revoking public access to the system tableobjects.Can someone post the URL where I can pick this up, or drop me a note oncontacting them for a copy of the document?

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Replacing Sqlserver 2000 With Sqlserver 2005 Express

Jun 14, 2006

I have an app that uses a sqlserver 2000 jdbc driver to connect to a sqlserver 2000.

Is it possible to do a direct replacement of sqlserver 2000 with sqlserver 2005 express just by reconfiguring the app to point to the express? The app would still be using the sqlserver 2000 jdbc driver to try and make the connection.

If that is a possibility, what can be some differences in the configuration? Previously with 2000 the config information I entered is:

server name: "machinename"( or ip). I've also tried "machiname/SQLEXPRESS"

DB name: name of db instance

port: 1433(default)

user and pass.

My attempts so far results in

"java.sql.SQLException: [Microsoft][SQLServer 2000 Driver for JDBC]Error establishing socket."


"java.sql.SQLException: [Microsoft][SQLServer 2000 Driver for JDBC]Unable to connect. Invalid URL."

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Upgrade SQLServer Mobile (.sdf) Database To SQLServer 2005

Feb 9, 2006


I have an SQLServer Mobile database, and I would like to know if there is a way to upgrade it to SQLServer 2005 (.mdf) database. My database has no records in it, just the structure (tables etc). What I am actually asking is if I can create automatically a new SQLServer 2005 Database with the same structure as my existin SQLSErver Mobile database

Thanks in advance,


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SQLSERVER 2005 X64 Linked Server To SQLSERVER 7.0

Jun 20, 2007

Hello people.

I am in the process of planning a server upgrade to sql2005 x64.

I created 2 linked servers: one to a SQL2000 sp4 server and one to a SQL7.0 SP3.

I have the following error when I query the linked servers.
OLE DB provider "SQLNCLI" for linked server "IVDM2K" returned message "Unspecified error".
OLE DB provider "SQLNCLI" for linked server "IVDM2K" returned message "The stored procedure required to complete this operation could not be found on the server. Please contact your system administrator.".
Msg 7311, Level 16, State 2, Line 1
Cannot obtain the schema rowset "DBSCHEMA_TABLES_INFO" for OLE DB provider "SQLNCLI" for linked server "IVDM2K". The provider supports the interface, but returns a failure code when it is used.

I am aware of KB 906954.

I applied the instcat.sql on the SQL2000SP4 server and my linked server issues for that one are gone.

However, I ran the instcat.sql script on the SQL7.0 sp3 server and the linked server is still giving me an issue.

Can someone help me find a solution to this?

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Post Update For SQLServer SP2--is There One For SQLServer Express?

Apr 18, 2007

Regarding KB935356, is there a "post" service pack 2 update for SQLServer Express?


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How To Import Access To SQLServer With Parameter From SQLServer, Help Pls!

Jul 8, 2006

Hello Expert!

I have 2 Database €“ Access & SQLServer(ver 7)

I need to Import Data TblShift from Access to SQLServer €“ using DTS I€™ve done this successfully!

Now I want to use parameter so I only importing record within range (e.g. ShiftDate BETWEEN 05-24-2006 AND 06-23-2006)

In SQLServer, I have created table to store the date range as following:

DateFrom: 04/24/2006
DateTo: 05/23/2006

How do I use the date range from TblParameter(SQLServer) to import record from TblShift(Access) using DTS?

Is this possible or any better solution for this?



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Differences Between Sqlserver 2000 And Sqlserver 7.0

Dec 29, 2005

Hi Friends,
Can some please let me know the differences between sqlserver 2000 and sqlserver 7.0

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Difference In SQLSERVER/sqlExpress And SQLSERVER

Jun 6, 2007

I am new to SQL Server 2005. I tried connecting to my local machine by using my machine name as Server name and then tried running the following query:
SELECT * FROM SYS.Objects. It gives me following error:
Invalid object name 'sys.objects'.

Whereas, if I connect to my local machine using mahcinenameSQLEXPRESS, then the above mentioned query runs fine.

Why is this difference? What is the difference when I login in these 2 different ways.
Any help would be appreciated.

Thanks in advance.

Any help

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SQL Server To BizTalk Server

Apr 25, 2003

We are evaluating BizTalk as an "hub" in our integration strategy. Does anyone know how (or if it is possible)to place transactions from SQL Server (f.ex. by using triggers) into a message queue which BiZTalk can receive from ?
Any other suggestions on how to connect SQL Server and BizTalk ?

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IIS And The Web.config

Oct 31, 2007

Hi,My application is acting weird and the research I've done leads me to an answer why it's breaking, but not how to fix it.My web app is hosted by a remote company. I have the main website sitting in the root web directory and in a subfolder I have another application that will handle login and updating the content in the SQL 2K5 backend (not an Express DB).The website itself is able to pull in informaiton from the DB without any trouble, so I know it's able to connect to the DB and everything is peachy. The login app though is acting as though it can't get to the DB. I've applied the ASPNET schema to the DB using the aspnet_regsql.exe from the framework and the login application is using the same connection string as the main website.One thing to note here is that the website and the login app have seperate web.config files since they were developed as different projects.With my customized provider defined in the web.config for the login app I get this error on page load:"Parser Error Message: It
is an error to use a section registered as
allowDefinition='MachineToApplication' beyond application level.  This
error can be caused by a virtual directory not being configured as an
application in IIS." If I comment out the custom provider, the page loads but when I try to create a user it tells me that "...the SQL Server couldn't be contacted. This may be because it doesn't accept remote connections." Thing of it is that it's not a remote connection and it's the same connection string and db as the other site.Now, the research I've done points at the two different web.config files, which makes sense. But how do I make the one web.config work for both the website and the subdirectory with the login app? Keep in mind that I can't create any new virtual directories or modify IIS since this is a remote hosting company.Can someone help me understand the fix with a little more clarity? 

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Mar 30, 2007


I'm kind of the first person at my new company to start a project using SSIS. My question(s) revolves around setup and configuration, maybe even best practices.

1. Connection Manager Config - What are some of the methods you use to config your connection managers? I was planning on creating a folder (C:SSISConfig or something) and keeping a config file for each connection there. That way it would be fairly trivial for each developer to also put said folder on there box for deving.

2. Solution set up - Are people creating solutions for each package or just using one Master solution and adding all the packages to that? Or maybe some combination, like having solutions for different areas of functionality or something..? I'm trying to figure out what the pain points are with different approaches.

If you have any other information or horror stories about SSIS that you think might help, feel free to pass them along.



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SQL Config

Mar 10, 2007

I want to make an application using a distributed database (single logical database, parts of which are located at more than one location or more than one server). It acts as a single collection of data but the database itself is geographically in separate locations.
How do I make it in SQL Server 2005?

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Jul 10, 2006

Hello All,

I am trying to use a custom C# dll from within a script task. The C# dll relies on the Enterprise Library 2.0. Where do I put the enterprise library configuration when I am debugging a package and then when I have the package in production. I cannot find any documentation anywhere on this.

Thanks for any help,


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How To Transfer Data From A SqlServer Database To A SqlServer Express Database

Mar 29, 2006

Is there a way to transfer data from a SqlServer db to a SqlServer Express db. I tried to use the backup file of SqlServer, but this file is not valid for SqlServer Express. Or there any alternatives?



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Web.config File Example

May 24, 2007

Does anyone have an example of a web.config file that works with Dynamic Data controls?  I asked because I can't seem to arrange my "config sections" in any working order. I use 1 connection string in the web.config to establish a conversation with the database.   Thanks in Advance. 

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How To Access Web.config

Nov 15, 2007

I am using vs2005 and have a solution file with 4 projects, 2 of which are presentation layers (admin sections), 1 is a business logic layer, the other a data access layer.
The data access layer project is simply a class library that will provide data access functionality.  Im using a dataset (xsd) to create my data access objects.  My question is how do I select a connection string from the web config file (which is in each of the presentation layer projects)  as the data access layer is a class library there is no web.config.  Using the connection string selector in the dataset wizard doesnt show any available connection strings.

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Web.config File

Feb 21, 2008

 Hi the data connectionstring will be generated automatically in web.config file after dragging a data table from database into webpage.for example: <configuration> <add name="SQLProfileConnString" connectionString="Data Source=.SQLEXPRESS;AttachDbFilename=|DataDirectory|MSPetShop4Profile.mdf;Integrated Security=True;User Instance=True"   providerName="System.Data.SqlClient"/> </> But what if I have to write the connectionString part myself, I mean where I can get  the syntax of it? Thanks a lot 

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SessionState In Web.config

Nov 21, 2003

When I connect locally, my app runs fine. But when I try to connect via FTP to a dedicated server, I can't connect at all. My connection string is in the web.config file. I noticed that the sessionState in web.config is automatically generated with the standard sa blank pwd. I still can't connect even when I change this to the correct uid and pwd. Does anyone know what I need to do? My conn string's data source is "." Please help.

Thank you,

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