I have a datasource on my page, not connected to anything. In the selected event, I have the following:protected void InitializedDatasource_Selected(object sender, SqlDataSourceStatusEventArgs e)
{int total = e.AffectedRows;
lblInitialized.Text = total.ToString();
Howevever, because it's not attached to a gridview or anything, it seems the selected event never fires. How would i get it to run on page load?
Hi All - I've got a simple gridview/sqldatasource page, but the sqldatasource_onSelected event isn't firing. heres the parameters <SelectParameters> <asp:QueryStringParameter Name="LicenceID" QueryStringField="LicenceID" Type="string" /> <asp:QueryStringParameter Name="SiteID" QueryStringField="SamplingSiteID" Type="string" /> </SelectParameters>
either or both parameters may be null (ie. not in querystring ) . If only one of the selectparameters is null, and I remove it, the event fires!!! The parameters in the stored proc are optional(ie. default = NULL) and it works fine if I test it in SQL . Whats going on? If there's some error happening, why no error raised? if there are no records returned, the onselected event should still fire shouldn't it? Geoff
Using Sql server 2005, SQLdatasource, I need to display total rows count. But the selected event is not fired? Am I mssing something or doing something wrong? Please comment. thanks Code<asp:SqlDataSource ID="DataSource1" runat="server" ConnectionString="<%$ ConnectionStrings:AuditToolConnection%>" ProviderName="System.Data.SqlClient"SelectCommandType="StoredProcedure" SelectCommand="usp_Dashboard_GetAll" > -------------------------------- public in recordCount = 0;protected void DataSource1_Selected(object sender, SqlDataSourceStatusEventArgs e) { recordCount = e.AffectedRows; lblCount.Text += recordCount.ToString(); }
Hi, I have a SqlDataSource whose select statement uses parameters from the selected row on a gridview on the page. So when a row is selected in the gridview, I want the SqlDataSource to do a select using the new parameters, and then I want to inspect the number of rows returned. If 0, I want to set a FormView to insert mode, if >0 I want to set the FormView to edit mode. The "SqlDataSource2_Selected" sub never fires, so I cannot retrieve the number of rows returned. How can I deal with this? I would like the SqlDataSource to execute a Select each time the Gridview selected row changes. What could prevent "OnSelected" from firing? I do have "OnSelected="SqlDataSource2_Selected" within the SqlDataSource tag. Thanks in advance for any help with this.
Hi,I have a SqlDataSource and am trying to establish if it returns rows using the selected event e.AffectedRows statement. Unfortunately the selected event does not fire. I am using a stored procedure with 2 parameters:applicantID - Int32 - Parameter source from control label textissueStatus - Int16 - Parameter source 'None' default value = 1 When i test it during configuration it returns 1 row as expected. I am manually running the DataSource using ds.DataBind(); after a button click. Anyone know why its not firing the event?Thanks
I have a trigger on a table that just updates a last_modified_date and this works fine on our production server. Now I have to update some data and I do not want the trigger to fire. I cannot disable or drop the trigger because the productions systems needs the trigger. Anyone an idea of how to solve this problem?
I cannot get this event to fire. I am using TextBox9 to see if statements are processed and it never fills so it appears the Button4_Click never happens. Any ideas? Thank you, <asp:Button ID="Button4" runat="server" OnClick="Button4_Click" Text="Delete Submission" /> protected void Button4_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string CompanyDeleteID = TextBox10.Text; SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["localhomeexpoConnectionString2"].ConnectionString); SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("DeleteSubmission", con); cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure; cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@C_ID", CompanyDeleteID); TextBox9.Text = "SP completed"; }
PROCEDURE dbo.DeleteSubmission @C_ID intASBEGIN DELETE FROM tblCompanyInfo_Submit WHERE C_ID = @C_ID DELETE FROM tblStoreStudioSubmit WHERE C_ID = @C_ID DELETE FROM tblContractorSubmit WHERE C_ID = @C_ID RETURNENDWHERE CD_ID = @C_IDRETURN
Does anyone here know of a way to execute a DTS package from an ASP that works? I have been using a variation on Microsoft's example that has yet to work.
I know that this code is getting a handle to both the package object and the task object because it recognizes if I have them spelled incorrectly and gives me an error.
On the other hand when everything is correct it simply claims to execute but nothing really happens... My screen will read Executing... Done.
The script goes something like this, any suggestions?:
Const DTSReposFlag_Default = 0 Const DTSReposFlag_UseTrustedConnection = 256 Dim oPackage, strResult Dim oPump Set oPackage=Server.CreateObject("DTS.Package") oPackage.LoadFromSQLServer "hoaorg10","","",DTSReposFlag_UseTrustedConnection ,"","","","DirCopy" set oPump = oPackage.Tasks("Copy Data from Results to [lhr2000].[dbo].[Households] Task").CustomTask oPump.SourceSQLStatement = "SELECT * FROM HOREFPA WHERE NEIGHBORHOOD = 'testnbhd'" oPackage.Execute Response.Write "Executing package...<BR>" For i = 1 To oPackage.Steps.Count If oPackage.Steps(i).ExecutionResult = DTSStepExecResult_Failure Then oPackage.Steps(i).GetExecutionErrorInfo lpErrorCode iStatus = False strErr = oPackage.Steps(i).Name + " in the " + oPackage.Description + " failed.<BR>" End If Response.Write strResult Next If iStatus = True Then strResult = oPackage.Description + " Successful<BR>" Response.Write strResult End If Response.Write "Done.<BR>"
Anyone got an idea why this does not work. I have a trigger that is supposed to fire as an INSERT is done on a table. If I manually insert (insert into....), the trigger fires. If I use BCP to insert, the trigger DOES NOT FIRE.....
My working environment exist of Win 2000 advance server w/service pack 1 and SQL 2000 Enterprise no service pack applied.
I created trigger on INSERT table "A" which have to insert record into table "B". The trigger fired when records inserted by insert statement from Query Analyzer. But the trigger doesn't s not fired if I moved records from text file into table "A" using DTS Import/Export Wizard.
OK, I'm at a loss..it must be staring me right in the face.
I have a junction table that relates 2 tables, with a unique key of the composit of the 2 keys. There is also an indicator that says 1 relationship between the 2 tables is "primary" and there should only be one of those. So I figured a trigger to take care of it...but I can't seem to get it working...I wrote sample sql to mimic the inserted table as well, and it seems correct, but the trigger just does not fire.
Any ideas?
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[PIF_MEP99] ( [PIFRecID] [int] NOT NULL , [MEPRecID] [int] NOT NULL , [PrimaryInd] [char] (1) NOT NULL ) ON [PRIMARY] GO
-- Rule 1: Prevent and MEP from having more than 1 PIF as Primary
IF Exists ( SELECT * FROM inserted i INNER JOIN PIF_MEP99 p ON i.MEPRecID = p.MEPRecID AND i.PrimaryInd = 'Y' AND p.PrimaryInd = 'Y') BEGIN ROLLBACK TRAN RAISERROR 500003 'Attempting to Insert 2 Primary PIFs for an MEP' END GO
SELECT * FROM (SELECT 4 AS PIFRecID,1 AS MEPRecID,'Y' AS PrimaryInd) AS i INNER JOIN PIF_MEP p ON i.MEPRecID = p.MEPRecID AND i.PrimaryInd = 'Y' AND p.PrimaryInd = 'Y' GO
SELECT * FROM (SELECT 5 AS PIFRecID,1 AS MEPRecID,'Y' AS PrimaryInd) AS i INNER JOIN PIF_MEP p ON i.MEPRecID = p.MEPRecID AND i.PrimaryInd = 'Y' AND p.PrimaryInd = 'Y' GO
Hint: Want your questions answered fast? Follow the direction in this link http://weblogs.sqlteam.com/brettk/archive/2005/05/25/5276.aspx
I have a job that fires every 15 minutes. Job is working. I looked in here select * from msdb.dbo.sysmail_allitems records are in here...
I looked in here and select * from msdb.dbo.sysmail_log it says the database mail is 2008-06-24 14:46:10.997DatabaseMail process is started 2008-06-24 14:56:13.453DatabaseMail process is shutting down Which it seems to do periodically ....through out the log
What starts up the process - to go run the email alerts.
I have build a SQL Trigger that fires on the update of a specific column; this works perfectly when I test using SQL or even the SQL Server GUI but when I do the update from .NET it doesn€™t fire.
I have a dataset that gets modified and then I call sqlDataAdapter.Update(Dataset) - the row is successfully modified in the database but alas - the trigger isn't fired.
The foreach loop below runs fine and it sends emails as expected but the SP does not update the Companies table. Any thoughts? How do I cause the SP to execute? PROCEDURE newdawn.EmailSentDate @CID intAS UPDATE Companies SET Companies.LastEmailDate = (GetDate()) WHERE tblCompanies.C_ID = @CID RETURN foreach (GridViewRow row in GridView3.Rows) { pstrTo = row.Cells[2].Text; CEmail = row.Cells[2].Text; CName = row.Cells[3].Text; CID = row.Cells[1].Text; CState = TextBox1.Text; CCity = row.Cells[5].Text; CCat = row.Cells[4].Text; CCID = row.Cells[0].Text; SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["localhomeexpoConnectionString2"].ConnectionString); SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("EmailSentDate", con); cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure; cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@CID", CCID); try { System.String mailServerName = "mail.domain.com"; REST of code sends email to email address found in each row ....it all works find but SP above does not fire.
Someone please help me with this. I'm trying to fire off an already created DTS package. This package is stored within SQL Server's -- underneith the Data Transformation Services / Local Packages section. HOW CAN I FIRE THIS OFF FROM A VB .NET APPLICATION I'm familiar with strored procedures and using them in vb.net so if somone could lead me down that road I would be very much appriciated. Thanks in advance everyone, RB
Hey guys... I am trying to tidy up my code a bit and have one SQL command (Sub class) to call when needing to insert, update, delete and select. I have got one class I am testing with that delete from a table support_ticket and then calls RunSQL() again to delete the corresponding tickets in Support_Reply. however it only seems to want to delete from one table at a time...as i commented out the first sql and it worked and the second fires...but if the first one is active it doesnt fire. Do anyone on the forum know why this has happened?
Sub DeleteUserTicket(sender as Object, e as EventArgs) Dim strSQL1 = "DELETE FROM Support_Ticket WHERE (TicketID = " & txtticketID & ")" RunSQL(strSQL1) strSQL1 = "DELETE FROM Support_Reply WHERE (TicketID = " & txtticketID & ")" RunSQL(strSQL1) End Sub 'One class to run the sql statements for the entire page this will reduce in repetitve code as well as reduce code size Sub RunSQL(strSQL) Dim objCmd As SqlCommand Dim sqlConn = New SqlConnection(strConn) objCmd = New SQLCommand(strSQL, sqlConn) objCmd.Connection.Open() 'Check that the rows can be deleted if not then return a error. Try
objCmd.ExecuteNonQuery() response.redirect("ticketsystemtest2.aspx") Message.InnerHtml = "<b>Ticket " & txtticketID & " Closed</b> <br/>" Catch ex As SqlException If ex.Number = 2627 Then Message.InnerHtml = "ERROR: A record already exists with " _ & "the same primary key" Else
Message.InnerHtml = "ERROR: Could not update record, please " _ & "ensure the fields are correctly filled out <br>" & ex.Message & " " & ex.Number Message.Style("color") = "red" End If End Try objCmd.Connection.Close() sqlConn = nothing objcmd = nothing End Sub
I created an alert (18453) to audit successful logins. After I was done with the alert I made I edited the alert 18453 to disable event log logging and then deleted the alert. My problem is that the alert is deleted but it continues to log to the SQL Server error log and the windows application log. I have tried restarting the SQL Server Agent and even had the server rebooted over the weekend. Has anyone else had this problem? Where is this configured and how can I disable it?
I have a table that is getting refreshed from DB2 using DTS (I believe the DBA is doing a DELETE and an APPEND). I have a trigger on this table ON APPEND, INSERT, but the trigger never fires. When I manually update the data, the trigger fires no problem...
Is DTS capable of updating a SQL Server table without firing the trigger?
I'm an Oracle guy, and this is my 1st experiences with SQL Server, so I'll put the code here and if you want to point out any bad practices (such as the way i converted the DB2 TIMESTAMP to a SQL Server DATETIME , please do.
FYI, the DB2 TIMESTAMP is getting loaded into the SQL Server table as a VARCHAR(26) Carl
CREATE TRIGGER trig_SAWakeUp ON tsnro FOR INSERT, UPDATE AS DECLARE @snro_stus char(10) DECLARE @snp_sht_dtm as datetime SELECT @snro_stus = snro_stus FROM tsnro IF (RTRIM(@snro_stus) = 'ASSIGNED') OR (RTRIM(@snro_stus) = 'REFRESHED') BEGIN SELECT @snp_sht_dtm = CONVERT(DATETIME, SUBSTRING(evt_dtm,1,19)) FROM tsnro
i have an issue with an insert trigger sometimes not firing.
here is the trigger
CREATE TRIGGER Insert_tPABillToAddr ON [dbo].[tPA00175] FOR INSERT AS
INSERT into tPABillToAddr ( chrJobNumber )
SELECT chrJobNumber FROM inserted
when the user enters a new this table is to insert one column into another table. the thing is, sometimes it does not do the insert. any ideas as to why? it is a very uncommon thing, lets say once out of every 20 inserts does it fail. but it is crucial that it never fails.
1) I have two tables , chat and country tables , chat table has 3 columns(chat_id,language,chat_info) and media table has 2 fields(chat_id ,country), chat table will store all countries data (India,china,taiwan)
2) chat_id,language will be populated by insert statement, and chat_info by update statement, i have a below after update trigger on chat table,which should verify country from media table and copy respective record from chat table to chat_country table (chat_in,chat_cn,chat_tw - these tables will have same structure as chat table)
3) this trigger is not firing for some of the records ,no clue or info for which it is missing some records.
create TRIGGER [dbo].[chat_trigger] ON [test].[dbo].[chat] after update as BEGIN
hi,Here's the scenario1) I am running a DTS job to fetch some rows from Oracle2) The job populates the Table A as step 13) Then it fires a update statement which updates the rows in Table B.Here's the statementUPDATE Table B SETtime = case when (select median from Table A where sno = sno and TableA.stno=70 ) is null then timeelse (select median from Table A where Table B.sno = Table A.sno andTable A.sstno=70) end ,endWHERE EXISTS (select sstno from Table A where Table B.sno = TableA.sno)There is a trigger on table B which should fire as soon as thevalue>15.When I fire the update statement direcly with a higher value than itfires the trigger.update table B set time=17 where b.sno=1000But not when the job runs...I am puzzled.Thoughts?AJ
I checked sys.service_queues to confirm the my queue has an activated proc assigned to it and is activation_enabled.
I send messages to the service, however i see that the messages just sit in the queue. I run profiler with all SB and Error events there is nothing, i check the sql server log, there is also nothing.
So i have no idea why the activated proc is not firing, all i see in the profiler trace is that the messages are acknowledged but the activated proc does not execute.
For a while i was stumped. i then tried to execute the proc myself and i got a syntax error.
Basically what happened was that i altered a table that the proc used and now the proc cannot execute cos there are more columns that must be inserted so i altered the proc.
However the activated proc still did not fire.
I had to disable and re-enable activation for it to work.
What i am wondering is why was there no indication in profiler or the sql og as the the fact that something was wrong with the activated proc ? Surely the activated proc should have fired and given the same error i got either to the sql log or profiler ?
And why did i have to re-enable activation ? Does sql cache the proc when you activate it and not know that the proc has changed when you alter it ?
"FROM dbo.request_queue INNER JOIN track on request_queue.track_id=track.track_id " +
"inner join artist on track.artist_id=artist.artist_id " +
"inner join album on track.album_id=album.album_id";
cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text;
if (con.State != ConnectionState.Open)
dep = new SqlDependency(cmd);
dep.OnChange += new OnChangeEventHandler(dep_OnChange);
SqlDataReader rdr = cmd.ExecuteReader();
List<Track> l = new List<Track>();
while (rdr.Read())
Track t = new Track();
t.TrackID = (int)rdr["track_id"];
t.Filename = (string)rdr["file_name"];
if (rdr["track_name"] != DBNull.Value)
t.TrackName = (string)rdr["track_name"];
t.TrackNumber = (int)rdr["track_number"];
and for some reason, after i do multiple changes to the request_queue table, (adding rows), the dep_on_change never fires, and if i check dep.HasChanges it is always false.
I am trying to set up a package with a built-in auditing. It has a OnPreExecute, OnPostExecute and OnError event handlers. I am trying to record when the package starts, completes, and the completion status. Each one of these event handlers has a script task that does the logging. I put in debug message boxes into each event handler script to understand what goes on. So here's the sequence of events:
1. When starting the package the OnPreExecute event fires. Right away it fires the second time. I'm guessing what happens here is the script task within the event handler fires its own OnPreExecute event - that's how the first message really pops up. The second message is generated by the actual package-level OnPreExecute event.
2. I have a condition within the OnPreExecute event handler which might set the task status to failure. You would expect the OnError handler to fire, right?.. Wrong! The package dies without firing either OnError or OnPostExecute event....
3. If i remove the condition in step 2, and force an error in the package body, i get an OnError event, and then 2 OnPostExecute events ( i guess for the same reason as in step 1).
What I'm trying to understand is why in the world my OnPreExecute and OnPostExecute events get fired by their own event handlers, yet when i fire other events within these event handlers the appropriate (other) event handler does not run.
In my SSIS package (which was created programatically) when I try to log details in OnInformation event I get all the entries twice. One with the source name as the taskhost.name property and another with a guid. I'm not able to figure out which component raises the event. Infact for all the events the sourcename comes as GUID.
So I thought I'll override the events by inheriting IDTSEvents or DefaultEvents, But I'm not sure how to proceed further so that I can pass the sourcename properly instead of GUID.
I created a new job (under SQL Server agent) which runs a simple ActiveX script. When run interactively, the job runs fine. But when run under the scheduler the job fails to even start. There is no error message and "History" makes no reference at all to the job run. I checked, the job is enabled. Any thoughts much appreciated.
What is the C# code I use to do this? I'm guessing it should be fairly simple, as there is only one row selected. I just need to pull out a specific field from that row and then insert that value into a different SqlDataSource.
Here is what I've got so far...for some reason it's not firing off: <code> Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click Dim dtsp2 As New DTS.Package dtsp2.LoadFromSQLServer("jfgp34", "sa", "@jfgp#1", DTS.DTSSQLServerStorageFlags.DTSSQLStgFlag_Default, "", "", "", "Test Northwind", "") dtsp2.Execute()
End Sub </code> Any one with ideas helps out alot. Thanks in advance everyone. RB
I have set up an alert in sql 7 for error #9002 (log file full) for a particular database. I have a job assigned to run when the alert fires. It appears that I have done everything 'by the book', but when I run an insert that causes the log file to fill... the alert does not fire. I have checked everything I can think of:
- the alert is enabled - the 9002 message is being logged in the NT event log - slq server agent is running
I have an update trigger I created that updates a field based on the user who last updated the record. Under 7 the only way it would work was to have recursive triggers firing turned on. Under 2000 might there be a btter solution. The code is below. Thanks
CREATE trigger tr_cmsUpdt_MARS on dbo.PATIENT_MEDICATION_DISPERSAL_ for UPDATE as -- updates record with sql user and timestamp --created 11-28-00 tim cronin DECLARE @muser varchar(35), @rec_lock_status int, @ptacpt_status int set @muser = current_user begin UPDATE PATIENT_MEDICATION_DISPERSAL_ set MODIFIED_BY = @muser, MODIFIED_TS = getdate() from deleted dt WHERE --DT.MODIFIED_BY <> 'DBO' AND PATIENT_MEDICATION_DISPERSAL_.RECORD_ID = dt.RECORD_ID end