Has anyone created a stored procedure that notifies a customer that their order_status has been changed from 'submitted' to 'backordered' or from 'backordered' to 'shipped'? Once written, how does the sp get automatically executed? Does anyone have an example or a book/site with an example?
I am the owner of a small business and run sports leagues on my website. I have been using a csv file to gather registrations from my webform and then manually importing them to Access. I also use the same method for collecting their results each week. Can I use SQL to automate my process? If so, where to I get the training I need to set that up? I'd like my customers to be able to log in to their account on the website and post their results (which attach to their name/profile). Then I'd like to extract that information in a report that I can post to the website. Or maybe have the customer sort the results by different criteria types. Can I do that with SQL? More importantly, am I even in the right ballpark for getting this done? Thanks to anyone who can give me a nudge in the right direction.
Is there a way to change the FROM in sqlmail (recipient) from the mailbox account to read a user-defined from. Currently our FROM has the SQL mail account name that was created during the sqlmail setup and we would like to put a user defined name in this variable.
For the life of me, I cannot get SQL Mail Support Services started on one of my SQL Server 7.0 SP3 boxes. It works fine on other machines of mine. I have a mail profile created using proper accounts who have access to email box. I have configured SQL Server to use that mail profile.
ERRORLOG shows the following each time I try and start the SQL Mail Support Services:
We have tried to get sqlmail (SQL SERVER 6.5) working on windows NT 4.0. However when we start sqlmail through the enterprise manager we get an error: "error 17952 sqlserver failed to start sql mail session". MSmail client works ok on the NT machine. The profile in nt mail is the same as the profile name in de configuration of sqlmail. What could be wrong?
I have installed MS exchange client on my NT 4.0 server. and installed SQL server 6.5 on same.I have marked MSSQL server service as log on as service and also map correct profile in exchange.I am able to start sql mail service but when i am trying to send a mail by xp_sendmail i am getting error: Msg 17914,level 18,state 1 Unknown recipient: Parameter `@recipients`,recipient `devendrar`.
where `devendrar` is profile name
and what i am trying to do is : xp_sendmail `devendrar`,`msg to send`
this is a seemingly simple query, but i've been googling around for a while and haven't been able to come up anything, probably because i simply can't explain what I'm trying to do
can someone please point me in the right direction? using sql server 2005.
tbl_vendorprice looks like:
id vend price 1 A 2.00 1 B 3.00 2 A 4.00 2 B 3.50 3 A 8.00 3 B 8.50
Charter Cable does not provide server technology to residential customers. I know nothing about SQL. I believe that I read that it can be setup on my computer for testing web pages.
I may not even be in the right forum. Would someone please direct me where to start?
Is it possible to have a SqlParameter setup as an Output, and get it to return @@Identity without using a stored procedure?
I have an INSERT statement, written as TEXT in my code (at the time being, I cannot create stored procedures). I'm trying to find out how to return the created IDENTITY that was generated.
Can someone please explain to me how this works? Thanks.
I have the following error when trying to test EMail from SQL.
I have logged onto the server and sent EMail using the SQLServer Service Account and the Profile is correct. This tells me that Outlook is working OK and the Exchange Server is sending OK. However, lookin on TechNet Q274330 mentions the error number but it's description is about Emailing an open file. I am not Emailing an open file.
Here's the error message.
xp_startmail 'eweb02mail'
Server: Msg 18025, Level 16, State 1, Line 0 xp_startmail: failed with mail error 0x80040106
I'm having problems with sqlmail. SOMETIME when I try to send a message the server replies "Could not find the function xp_sendMail in sqlmap60.dll". or ISQW don't finish the query never.
Sqlmail is running. I'm using Outlook express as a simple mapi client.
Does anyone know how set up SQLMail and SQLAgentMail (SQL 7/2000) to send email to Groupwise 5.5? Or is it possible at all? Any feedback will be very much appreciated.
The start / stop options on the SQL Mail support service are not there.
I'm running with SQL 2000 on Server 2000, with MS Outlook 2000 as the MAPI Client. The client is configured and sending just fine. The SQL Mail properties Test button was able start/stop a mapi session. The profile name on the general tab is "Microsoft Outlook Internet Settings".
Hello, thanks for reading this. I am trying to learn a bit about debveloping my own website, and I am in need of a basic direction on how to acomplish this task:
I have an local program running on my PC that creates an MS Access database export of my inventory. This export can be directly uploaded to my web server in a zip format. My web site is developed in Coldfusion MX7, and uses a MS SQL 2005 database. What I would like to do is create somewhat of an "Auto update" for my website, exporting my access database and updating the MS SQL database automatically.
I really can use some good direction on this problem. Thank you for any help in advance.
I am using SQLServer2000 with sp3.The SQLServer logs on as user Test on the local computer. I am loggedon as user Test on the local computer.I have created a Exchange Profile and tested that it can send andreceive mail.When I go to Enterprise Manager to set-up this profile for SQL Mail.There is nothing in the drop-down list box.Any ideas?ThanksM
Trying to get my jobs to send mail when job fails. Should be easy butit's giving me headacheHad a whole slew of issues. Outlook is installed with a n outlookmail profile set up that can send mail in outlook. I can create aSendMail DTS and execute it to send mailEmail works in these scenarios1. I create a DTS package in SQL Server with just SendMail with thesame Profile "ABC" and click Execute and it sends2. I can send using Outlook with the same profile "ABC"3. I can run DTSRun with command prompt calliing the DTS package andit sends fineHowever it wont send in these 3 scenarios (where I need it!):1. I go to Operator, and put my Profile "ABC" in the Email Name,click Test and I get this error "Error 22022: SQLServerAgent Error:The SQLSErverAgent mails ession is not running; check the mail profileand/or the SQLServerAgent service startup account in theSQLSErverAGent PropertiessQLServer Agent is running2. If I add the DTS Package "EmailTest" to one of my jobs as a stepto go to if the 1st step fails, nothing gets sent3. In JObs -- Notificatioin, If I set the E-maill operator to myoperator, nothing gets sentI set the Mail Profile to the Mail Profile (in SQL Server AGent'properties)However when I click Test, I get this error:Error 0: Cannot load the DLL sqlmap70.dll, or one of the DLLs itreferencesI am usingSQLServer Version 8.00.194,OS Windows 2003Help!
Hi all. The company I work for is looking for a new SQL server. Where can I find information and or a tool for sizing information? By sizing information I mean how big a pile of hardware am I going to need to run MS SQL for x number of connected users with x size database, etc. I've been tooling around the internet and MS' site but can't find any info on this.
My task is seemingly simple. I have data on the server in MS Excel Files. I need to get the data into multiple tables in a SQL Server db on the same server.
I have been only working with SSIS for a bit, so please bear with me.
I can load the data directly from the Excel worksheet to one table, but I need to run an already defined stored procedure on the data from Excel before putting it into tables. I need to loop over all the rows and run the data from each row through the stored procedure.
So, I think I need an Execute SQL Task withing a For Each Loop, but neither is available on the Data Flow page, and I don't see how to use them in the control flow page. I don't see that any of the Data Flow transformations which are available on the dataflow page will do what I need.
I can have created the data flow Source-Query and the Destination-Query; it's the bit in between that has me hung up.
Can anyone please give me a high level overview of what I need to do, or point me to an example of something similar to what I am trying to do?
In the SqlDataSource control if I go to the SelectQuery property and I set one parameter with the “direction� property to “Output� the result doesn’t display in the control, why?
Points: The procedure witch is in the selectquery property the parameter in it is set to output two.
I recently set up a SQL 7.0 cluster (active/passive) on a pair of Win2K boxes. I noticed that the SQLServerAgent would refuse to send system alerts to my e-mail account, yet net sent messages worked fine. I know I've set everything up properly, so I paid the $245 to speak with Microsoft.
The answer was found; their response follows: {redacted} CAUSE: ============ On a cluster an undocumented stored procedure is called by the Operator to send email and this causes it to fail. SQL Mail is not supported on SQL 7.0 clusters and any features depending on it will also fail.
RESOLUTION: ============ SQL 2000 does support SQL Mail on clusters with MS Office 2000 and up. In SQL 2000 Books Online do a search for the following topics and include the quotes: “Using SQL Server Tools with Failover Clustering”
Also you can workaround the problem by using a job that uses xp_sendmail to send the alert instead. {END}
Now is that lame or what? Of all the functions you would expect to work in a failover cluster, you would think that e-mailing the operator in the event of a failure would be high on the list. Apparently, not so. Their official answer was to upgrade to SQL2000. Anybody care to guess the price on doing a dual CPU dual box cluster upgrade?
Now my question is this: The tech person was right, xp_sendmail does work fine. What I have wanting to do, and have been unable to do, is to write a TRIGGER that would fire whenever an error is logged by the SQL server. I have looked around, but could find no documentation on what table it is that receives error logs.
Does anybody know which table receives error messages? I'm wanting to write a trigger that exec's xp_sendmail so I get error alerts.
Does anyone know the 'trick' in getting sqlmail (sqlserver 7.0) to work with Outlook 2000 on a windows 2000 server machine. I've setup a mail profile on Outlook, but it is not listed in the dropdown menu in the sqlmail properties. Outlook communicates with my smtp/pop3 mail server - no problem. I can't get sqlmail to interface with outlook. Basically it is telling me that it cannot find ANY profiles on the server.
I created a new MAPI profile on the server, and it seems to work fine with Outlook. I also dropped the previous default MAPI profile.
Now, when I go to the EM SQLAgent Properties, the only MAP profile offered in the SQLMail drop-down is the old, deleted profile. Also, only the old profile comes up with xp_get_MAPI_profiles.
How can I get SQLAgent to recognize that I've set up a new mail profile?
I need to set up SQLMail togheter with Notes, We have SMTP server and profiles but I can´t get it to work. SQL sends the mail but it disappears into the cyberspace.. Someone help me pls...
SQlmail service starts (SQL server 6.5, Exchange Server 5.5 and Outlook 2000). A mail profile is created which starts the MSSQLServer and SQLExecutive services. However, When I tried to send a mail by xp_sendmail, it gave me a 'General MAPI failure with error message 17902'.
I have a problem trying to send email using SQLMail. When I setup a new job under SQL Server Agent I can receive mail okay when a job completes, but when I try to receive mail from a Database Maintenance Plan the following error is reported:
Emailing report to operator 'DBA Group' [Microsoft SQL-DMO (ODBC SQLState: 42000)] Error 17903: [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]MAPI login failure.
I cannot figure out the problem as mail is getting through using the profile I setup and also when I use outlook and also from SQL Server Agent jobs.
I am having difficulty trying to get SQLMail to work via Notes4.6.1 as the mail system. Firstly the Notes client is working correctly on my machine but SQLMail will simply not start with the SQL-DMO error 17952, and on trying to configure it I type in my profile name(which has been successfully setup previously through the Ctrl Panel Mail and Fax icon with the Lotus Notes Mail information service selected ) and get the error 21002 RegCreateKeyEx - #5 access is denied - which seems to be something to do with permissions but the SQLServer service is logging in a member of Local Admins group.
Has anyone had this before - there seems to be a painful lack of information about this area generally.
All our SQL 7 and 2000 servers here run SQLMail for alerting and notifications (via jobs and DTS packages) and we are increasingly having the issue where MAPI32 goes to 100% CPU utilisation and the server needs rebooting.
We are getting the response from Microsoft that "this happens" - hmmm
Anyone else having this problem come up with a solution or workaround at all?