SS 2005 Express- Allowing Null Values And Foriegn Key Constraints

Dec 28, 2006


I have a foreign key constraint between two tables (Appointments and
MissedAppointmentReasons) and I'd like to allow null values in Appointments
table for the field containing the MissedAppointmentReason, but currently, I
get a Foreign Key Constraint Error when I try to add a record to the
Appointments table.

Any ideas how I can have the null values but still maintain the Foreign Key


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UGH! Failed To Enable Constraints. One Or More Rows Contain Values Violating Non-null, Unique, Or Foreign-key Constraints.

Jan 9, 2007

I know this is probably a flick of a switch but I cannot figure out which switch.  Setup is SQL Server / Stored Procedures / DAL / BLL(skipped for testing) / PL.  The stored procedure queries from only one table and two columns are ignored because they are being phased out.  I can run the stored procedure and preview the data in the DAL but when I create a page with an ODS linked to the DAL and a GridView I get this error.  I checked every column that does not allow nulls and they all have values.  I checked unique columns (ID is the only unique and is Identity=Yes in the table definition).  I checked foreign-key columns for values that are not in the foreign table and there are none.  Any ideas why do I get this? 
Failed to enable constraints. One or more rows contain values violating non-null, unique, or foreign-key constraints.

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Failed To Enable Constraints. One Or More Rows Contain Values Violating Non-null, Unique, Or Foreign-key Constraints.

Jan 17, 2008

    I am getting the above error when trying to load a report into my Web Application, I have tracked the error down to one specific field in my database. Even though this field is a NVarChar field and is of size 30 it would seem that  there is an issue returning the value from the field. I can write it into the database no problems but when I try to get it out of the database it returns the above error.
MOB 401.908.804 - Fails
0401.907.324 - okay
8239 9082 (pager) - fails
Anyone got an idea on how to fix this????

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Allowing Null Values

Aug 1, 2007

I have a flat file that I'm reading from and loading my tables with. In that file I have a column that has numbers (2000,1999,1998 and so on) and the column that they are being loaded into is defined as an INT. The issue I'm running into is that the first 50 or so rows in the flat file is empty for this column so I'm getting an error message. If I put numbers in that column in the flat file it works, if i remove them it fails. How can I allow for NULL values for my INT column on the database table?

here is the error I'm getting:

[OLE DB Destination [182]] Error: There was an error with input column "SalesYear" (7259) on input "OLE DB Destination Input" (195). The column status returned was: "The value could not be converted because of a potential loss of data.".

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Quick Question... How To Use Default Values (after Allowing NULL)

Oct 17, 2005


I have a BIT column which accepts NULL values.

What would be a good method to allow an INSERT (or UPDATE) statement to insert NULL into this column but then automatically change the NULL to 0 (zero). In other words, test for NULLs after INSERT (or UPDATE) and change the value to 0 (zero).

Not exactly sure how to do this with a Trigger. Also, what is that [Formula] option used for (column properties in the Table Design view)... and would this apply with my problem?


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SQL Express 2005 Going Idle And Not Allowing Connections.

Feb 20, 2007

Just upgraded to SQL Express 2005 from MSDE for Firehouse. Upgrade went great and the db is accessable and running fine. Except when not used for a while. Then I need to restart the db to allow connections of any kind. If I don't I get an error that the db is not accessable and I can't connect. Everything runs fine after until it goes to "sleep" on me again. We upgraded to make use of the 4GB limit as we were at 1.9GB and MSDE was getting a little unhappy.

Any suggestions? Is this a "feature" and if so, is there a script I can run to kick it into working mode again?



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Allowing Null Dates

Aug 4, 2007

My users want to be able to enter nothing in a date field.

I'm using v2,, and VS 2005 for my application. I'm not sure what to do or what code to write to allow the user not to enter a date and keep from hitting the sqldatetime overflow error.

I could use some help.


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Table Adapter Not Allowing Null String

Sep 27, 2007

I have an SP that I call via table adapter. If I do not pass a value in the string field ('eventRef'), the SP never gets called - it appears that the table adapter is filtering it...? I need to be able to count records that have an 'eventRef' = to the one I pass, including null. This works fine if I pass an 'eventRef', but never runs if that parm is empty.

Here is the TA definition

<asp:ObjectDataSource ConvertNullToDBNull="true" ID="ObjectDataSource1" runat="server" SelectMethod="GetData" TypeName="ImagesByEventTableAdapters.PagedImagesByEvent" OnSelecting="ObjectDataSource1_Selecting" OnSelected="ObjectDataSource1_Selected">


<asp:QueryStringParameter Name="CategoryID" QueryStringField="CategoryID" Type="Int32" DefaultValue="24"/>

<asp:QueryStringParameter Name="EventID" QueryStringField="EventID" Type="Int32"/>

<asp:QueryStringParameter Name="EventRef" QueryStringField="erf" Type="String"/>

<asp:QueryStringParameter Name="PageIndex" QueryStringField="PageIndex" Type="Int32" DefaultValue="0"/>

<asp:Parameter Name="NumRows" Type="Int32" DefaultValue="16"/>

<asp:Parameter Name="ImageCount" Direction="Output" Type="Int32" DefaultValue="0" />



And the SP:




ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[PagingGetProductsByEvent]

@CategoryID INT,

@EventID INT,

@EventRef CHAR(10)=NULL,

@PageIndex INT,

@NumRows INT,

@ImageCount INT OUTPUT


BEGINdo my stuff....

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Compressing Multiple Rows With Null Values To One Row With Out Null Values After A Pivot Transform

Jan 25, 2008

I have a pivot transform that pivots a batch type. After the pivot, each batch type has its own row with null values for the other batch types that were pivoted. I want to group two fields and max() the remaining batch types so that the multiple rows are displayed on one row. I tried using the aggregate transform, but since the batch type field is a string, the max() function fails in the package. Is there another transform or can I use the aggragate transform another way so that the max() will work on a string?

-- Ryan

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Default Constraints NULL / Not NULL

Aug 2, 2015

I have 595 default constraints in my database. I can return a list of them using the following:

select * from sys.default_constraints

Is there a way I can return a list of just the ones where NULL is still allowed? I want to update all of the columns with a default value to not allow NULLs.

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Selecting Null Values? Mssql 2005

Jan 14, 2007

Hi, i have something like this:
SELECT a.boardname, a.description, a.threadcount, a.answercount, a.lastthreadid, b.username, b.subject, b.created FROM forum_board AS a, forum_topics AS b WHERE (a.forumid = @ID) AND ( = a.lastthreadid)
The problem here is that lastthreadid does not always have a post linked to it, so sometimes its null. I want it to still return all the boards and then just returnnull values or "" in b.username, b.subject, b.createdThis returns nothing. How can i force it to select these values?

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Importing From Excel Into SQL Server 2005 Changing Values To NULL

Mar 9, 2007

I can't figure this one out...

I have an Excel spreadsheet (Excel 2003 format) with a column of values. The column is formated to General (although I've tried it formated to text). The values are alphanumeric. However, there are a few values that are completely numeric.







As can be seen, the last value is completely numeric. I am importing into a table with one column that is formated as nvarchar(50).

I use dtswizard.exe and do a simple import into the table and the alphanumeric values import just fine but anytime a value is completely numeric it has a NULL value in the table instead of the value that should be there.

I've tried changing the format of the column to nchar, char, etc, etc. Always comes in NULL.

Any ideas?

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Strange Issue With Precedence Constraints And Set Values

Mar 17, 2006

Hey everyone,
I have used the set values option of the execute package utility many times to change values on variables in the package with no problem before, however have run into a stumbling block when coupling this with precedence constraints. I have a package that goes down a different path based on a precedence constraint that works perfectly if the default value of a variable is used....however when I pass in a new value via Set Values in the execute package utility the package will error out with this:

The expression "@[User::IVR_FLAG] == 1" must evaluate to True or False. Change the expression to evaluate to a Boolean value.

IVR_FLAG is an int with a default value of 1, and if left that way(or changing it to another value in the package, as long as the default is used) this error will not will go down the proper path. But when Set Values is used to run the package to change IVR_FLAG, the above error occurs, which doesn't make sense since the above expression should still evaluate to either true or false. Anyone have any thoughts or suggetions?

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Allowing A Conenction To A SQL Server 2005 Database From Another Computer On A LAN

Mar 8, 2007

I am working with one other person on a VS 2005 web project that accesses SQL Server 2005.  Both the computers are connected and my partner can run the application on his computer from his VS 2005 but we are getting an error on our first databind to a gridview on the page we are trying to run the error is below
A connection was successfully established with theserver, but then an error occurred during thepre-login handshake.  When connecting to SQL Server2005, this failure may be caused by the fact thatunder the default settings SQL Server does not allowremote connections. (provider: Named Pipes Provider,error: 0 - No process is on the other end of the pipe.)
I check the properties of the SQL Server and the check box is checked that says allow remote access.  I am not sure what to do.

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SQL Server 2005 Not Allowing Connection From Windows Service

May 28, 2008

Hi All,

I have written a windows service using VB.NET that connects to a database and performs several tasks. The service is working correctly and has been fully tested against SQL Server 2000. I have recently moved to SQL Server 2005 and now, the service will not connect to the database.

I have setup and tried several different users, but none work, I get the following message:

Login failed for user 'OEESYSTEMS'

The server instance, username and password I specify are all correct.

The service is running on the same server as SQL Server. I can connect through a web application, and through ODBC. The server is set to use SQL server and windows authentication, and is setup and successfully allows remote connections.

It looks like SQL server sees that a windows service is trying to connect and does not allow it.

For the love of god, can anyone help with this issue.

Thank you.

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NULL Values Returned When Reading Values From A Text File Using Data Reader.

Feb 23, 2007

I have a DTSX package which reads values from a fixed-length text file using a data reader and writes some of the column values from the file to an Oracle table. We have used this DTSX several times without incident but recently the process started inserting NULL values for some of the columns when there was a valid value in the source file. If we extract some of the rows from the source file into a smaller file (i.e 10 rows which incorrectly returned NULLs) and run them through the same package they write the correct values to the table, but running the complete file again results in the NULL values error. As well, if we rerun the same file multiple times the incidence of NULL values varies slightly and does not always seem to impact the same rows. I tried outputting data to a log file to see if I can determine what happens and no error messages are returned but it seems to be the case that the NULL values occur after pulling in the data via a Data Reader. Has anyone seen anything like this before or does anyone have a suggestion on how to try and get some additional debugging information around this error?

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What's The Accepted Way To Retrieve Records In A SQL Table With Null Values Using A Visual Studio 2005 Table Adapter?

Jan 21, 2008

I'm using an ObjectDataSource in Visual Studio to retrieve records from a SQL Server 2005 database.
 I have a very simple dilemma.  In a table I have fields FirstName, Surname, Address1, Address2, Address3 etc. None of these are mandatory fields.
It is quite common for the user not to enter data in Address2, Address3, so the values are <null> in the SQL table.
In Visual Studio 2005 I have an aspx form where users can pass search parameters to the ObjectDataSource and the results are returned according to the passed in parameters.
The WHERE clause in my Table Adapter is:WHERE (Address1 LIKE @Address1 + '%') AND (Address2 LIKE @Address2 + '%') AND   (Address3 LIKE @Address3 + '%') AND (FirstName LIKE @FirstName + '%') AND (Surname LIKE @Surname + '%')
If, for example, I simply want to search WHERE FirstName LIKE ‘R’, this does not return any results if the value of Address3 is <null>
My query is this: Could someone please show me the best way in Visual Studio 2005 to return records even if one of the Address fields is <null>.
For reference, I have tried: Address3 LIKE @Address3 + '%' OR IS NULLThis does work, however itsimply returns every instance where Address3 is <null>  (accounting for about 95% of the records in the database). Thanks in advance Simon

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Integration Services :: SSIS Reads Nvarchar Values As Null When Excel Column Includes Decimal And String Values

Dec 9, 2013

I have SQL Server 2012 SSIS. I have Excel source and OLE DB Destination.I have problem with importing CustomerSales column.CustomerSales values like 1000.00,2000.10,3000.30,NotAvailable.So I have decimal values and nvarchar mixed in on Excel column. This is requirement for solution.However SSIS reads only numeric values correctly and nvarchar values are set as Null. Why?

CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Import_CustomerSales](
 [CustomerId] [nvarchar](50) NULL,
 [CustomeName] [nvarchar](50) NULL,
 [CustomerSales] [nvarchar](50) NULL

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Null Values For Datetime Values Converted To '0001-01-01'

Mar 29, 2006


can somebody explain me how I can assign a NULL value to a datetime type field in the script transformation editor in a data flow task.
In the script hereunder, Row.Datum1_IsNull is true, but still Row.OutputDatum1 will be assigned a value '0001-01-01' which generates an error (not a valid datetime). All alternatives known to me (CDate("") or Convert.ToDateTime("") or Convert.ToDateTime(System.DBNull.Value)) were not successful.
Leaving out the ELSE clause generates following error: Error: Year, Month, and Day parameters describe an un-representable DateTime.

If Not Row.Datum1_IsNull Then

Row.OutputDatum1 = Row.Datum1


Row.OutputDatum1 = CDate(System.Convert.DBNull)

End If

Any help welcome.

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Use Order By But Want NULL Values As High Values

Nov 9, 2000


My query "select blah, blah, rank from tablewithscores" will return results that can legitimately hold nulls in the rank column. I want to order on the rank column, but those nulls should appear at the bottom of the list


Rank Blah Blah
1 - -
2 - -
3 - -
NULL - -
NULL - -

At present the NULLs are at the top of the list, but I do not want my ranking in descending order. Any suggestions?


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Integration Services :: SSIS Package - Replacing Null Values In One Column With Values From Another Column

Sep 3, 2015

I have an SSIS package that imports data from an Excel file, replaces any value in Excel that reads "NULL" to "", then writes the data to a couple of databases.

What I have discovered today, is I have two columns of dates, an admit date and discharge date column, and what I need to do is anywhere I have a null value in the discharge date column, I have to replace it with the value in the admit date column. 

I have searched around online and tried a few things using the Replace funtion in Derived columns but no dice so far. 

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Foriegn Key

Jan 17, 2006

please tell me how to make a foreign key in Ms SQL7

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Foriegn Key Restraint

Jan 25, 2000

Here is a table structure, with 2 contrainst applied to the same columns. Can this possible cause a problem.

CREATE TABLE dbo.app_person
appid int NOT NULL,
source char(1) NOT NULL,
first char(16) NULL,
mi char(1) NULL,
last char(24) NULL,
suffix char(4) NULL,
ssn char(9) NULL,
dob datetime NULL,
marital_status decimal(1,0) NULL,
housing char(1) NULL,
mortgage_holder char(20) NULL,
mortgage_payment decimal(9,2) NULL,
auto_holder char(20) NULL,
auto_account char(16) NULL,
auto_balance decimal(9,2) NULL,
auto_payment decimal(9,2) NULL,
de_datetime datetime NULL,
de_clerk char(10) NULL,
excl_other_income bit DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL,
pre_housing char(1) NULL,
same_area bit DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL,
income_type decimal(2,0) NULL,
other_income_type decimal(2,0) NULL,
relationship decimal(2,0) NULL,
line_of_work bit DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL,
selected_bureau_id decimal(1,0) NULL,
excl_income bit DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL,
CONSTRAINT FK_lnapp100_lnapp000 FOREIGN KEY (appid) REFERENCES dbo.app_main (appid)

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Primary Key And Foriegn Key?

Dec 25, 2006

What is a Primary Key and Foriegn Key and how do they relate? Also, if I have 18 do I know the tables relate to another. Thanks.

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Primary Key &#043; Foriegn Key

Nov 12, 2007

help needed,

sorry for such a basic querry please help me.

i have created 2 tables
both of them has different primary keys
now in first table there is also a refernece for primary key of second table

1) how do i make these both primary keys autoincrement
2) how do i make refernce to primary key of second table

itemid itemrate itemcode itemdesscriotion

productid itemid purchaseinvoice invoice amount

also kindly direct me to some quick and easy tutorials on SQL

thanks all for your help.

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2005 Breaks Sp_rename For Constraints?

Aug 30, 2006

BooksOnline indicates that sp_rename can still be used to rename constraints such as primary keys, foreign keys, defaults, etc. in SQL Server 2005. However, when I try to do so I get this:

"Either the parameter @objname is ambiguous or the claimed @objtype (object) is wrong."

After looking at the code for sp_rename, it looks like this problem might be related to another bit of apparent misbehavior on 2005's part: when I execute "select object_name()" with the Id number of a constraint, it returns the name, but when I execute "select object_id()" with the name of that same constraint, it returns null. Why is that?



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Deferred Constraints Sql Server 2005

Sep 12, 2007

Is there any way to defer constriants in sql server 2005? I have found some sites that say use the keyword deferred but that always give me an "Incorrect syntax near 'deferred' "error.

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Error While Trying To Save A Foriegn Key Relationship

Feb 6, 2008

  I have a table called ClientPlan and in which PlanId is the Primary key. another table called ClientSources1 and i have a column called planId.. and i am trying to set that as Foriegn key so that if i delete a record in the ClientPlan table i want the record to be deleted in Clientsources too.. i have tried settting the Foreign in the clientsources table for ClientPlan to Cascade update and delete.. but that doesnt work...and i get the error below... 
ClientPlan' table saved successfully'ClientSources1' table- Unable to create relationship 'FK_ClientSources1_ClientPlan'.  Introducing FOREIGN KEY constraint 'FK_ClientSources1_ClientPlan' on table 'ClientSources1' may cause cycles or multiple cascade paths. Specify ON DELETE NO ACTION or ON UPDATE NO ACTION, or modify other FOREIGN KEY constraints.Could not create constraint. See previous errors.
any help will be appreciated.

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HELP! Synchronize Db And Maintain Foriegn Key Relations?

Jan 30, 2007

I have to synchronize 2 databases hourly but am having difficulty maintaining foreign key relations. These tables use auto-increment columns as primary keys, with child records in other tables related with foreign keys. I can't change the way the local software uses primary or foreign keys as it is hardcoded in the local app. (microsoft retail management system)..(however the web-remote app is easily customized). I am using CDB synchronizer to sync the two databases because the remote one is mysql.

Example tables layout:
Items table has auto-increment primary key 'id'
TransactionEntry table has its own auto-increment primary key 'id' and a foreign key 'item_id'

Example of how remote and local database foreign key relations are incorrect after sync using CDB synchronizer:
8:00am -first installation of database-'item' tables auto-increment 'id' columns match with id last record value of '6'

locally the following products are added:

11001 short sleeve t---gets added with primary key in 'item' table 'id' of '7'

11002 long sleeve t----gets added with primary key in 'item' table 'id' '8'

remotely the following products are added:

21001 hipster jeans- --gets added with primary key in 'item' table 'id' of '7'

31001 overalls---gets added with primary key in 'item' table 'id' '8'

remotely someone orders TransactionEntry table records sale of "item_id" of '7', but after synch with our local server,

product with "item_id" of '7' is "short sleeve t".

9:00 -synch takes place...item_id foreign key isn't accurate because of independent auto-increment values..

whenever a product is ordered, the TransactionEntry table will record the product's ID column thats available in it's own local copy... after synch, the 'item_id' field will not match the 'Item' table id field and the data about the transaction's product is lost.

I have read of solutions involving staging/temporary tables to cascade update foreign keys before synching into main database, but hopefully there is a more elegant solution for this. If this is only way, will it be reliable? foreign key mix-match seems like could cause havoc.

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Loading Tables With Foriegn Key Contraints

Aug 31, 2006


I am having trouble loading tables (within the same data flow) that have a foriegn key relationship defined between them. For instance:

Table A is a parent (one side of the relationship) to Table B (many side of the relationship).

I am trying to load Table A first within the data flow and then Table B after, but I get the following error:

[OCMD EntityRole Insert [2666]] Error: An OLE DB error has occurred. Error code: 0x80040E2F. An OLE DB record is available. Source: "Microsoft SQL Native Client" Hresult: 0x80040E2F Description: "The statement has been terminated.". An OLE DB record is available. Source: "Microsoft SQL Native Client" Hresult: 0x80040E2F Description: "The INSERT statement conflicted with the FOREIGN KEY constraint "FK_EntityRole_Entity". The conflict occurred in database "ODS", table "dbo.Entity", column 'EntityGuid'.".

I am currently using OLE DB commands to perform the inserts, I load table A and move on to then load Table B, I can see the records in Table A before trying to load Table B but for some reason Table B load still fails.

I was thinking maybe this has something to do with the transaction setting or Isolation level but have played with this to no avail (currently everything is the default - supported/serializable). Also, I am thinking maybe because the OLE DB commands are creating two seperate connections (they are using the same connection manager) the second one is unable to see the transactions from the other (first) connection (Table A)?

Is there a way around this without dropping (disabling) forigen keys before the load and adding them back in after? Would like to avoid this?

I would also like to avoid reading the data source multiple times. Everything I need is in the one source so I would like to populate multiple tables from the one source data stream instead of reading the same data 2,3 or 4 times etc.

Seems to me there must be a simple explanation/solution for this but I'm stuck at this point?


I was intially using OLE DB destinations (because they are much faster) and was having the same issue, which made sense because the OLE DB destinations do not let you pass the data stream on so I had to multi cast to the destinations so they were loading at the same time. I would rather use the OLE DB destinations so if you have any ideas around how I could do this using those components that would be appreciated too!


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Oct 9, 2007

How do I go about protecting rows from deletion in this scenerio?
Rule 1 The Administrator Users Account may not be deleted
Rule 2 All Groups have Administrator as a member, and the Administrator cannot be removed.
Rule 3 All Groups have the Administrators Group as a member, and the Administrators Group cannot be removed.

Four tables:

Users Table (
UID bigint Identity seeded with 1234 Primary key
UserID varchar(30) NOT NULL UNIQUE

INSERT FIRST RECORD (this record needs to be protected from deletion)
UID = 1234

INSERT FIRST RECORD (this record and others can be deleted)
UID = 1235
UserID='Test User 1'

Groups Table (
GID bigint Identity seeded with 1234 Primary key
GroupName varchar(30) NOT NULL UNIQUE

INSERT FIRST RECORD (this record needs to be protected from deletion)
GID = 1234

INSERT SECOND RECORD (this record and others can be deleted)
GID = 1235
UserID='Test Group 1'

Group_Members Table (
GID bigint NOT NULL //points to the group's ID and can't be unique
UID bigint NOT NULL //points to the members UserID and can't be unique
INSERT FIRST RECORD (this record needs to be protected from deletion because UID points to the Administrator)
GID = 1234
UID = 1234

INSERT SECOND RECORD (this record and others can be deleted because UID does not point to the Administrator.)
GID = 1234
UID = 1235

Group_Group_Members Table (
GID bigint NOT NULL //points to the group's ID and can't be unique
GGID bigint NOT NULL //points to the group members GID and can't be unique
INSERT FIRST RECORD (this record needs to be protected from deletion because GGID points to the Administrators Group.)
GID = 1234
GGID = 1234

INSERT SECOND RECORD (this record and others can be deleted because GGID does not point to the Administrators Group.)
GID = 1234
GGID = 1235

I have tried using foriegn keys, constraints an every thing else, but I hit a brick wall because FK requires the ke to be primary (btw is UNIQUE).
Any help would be appreciated.

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Data Table Foriegn Key Problem

Aug 26, 2007

I am just learning how to program in SQL, so please be patient with me

ok, here it is, i am getting the following errors with my script when i try to execute, and although i realize that this is not the best style to write my script in, i am trying to learn why this is erroring. the errors are:

Msg 1769, Level 16, State 1, Line 9

Foreign key 'Employee2Job_Title' references invalid column 'Title' in referencing table 'Employee'.

Msg 1750, Level 16, State 0, Line 9

Could not create constraint. See previous errors.

now i realize that the second error is because of the first, and that if i can fix the first, the second will go away. Thanks for the help.

Here is my script

use inventory



(Job_Title_Title char(25) NOT NULL ,

Job_Title_EEO1_Classification char(25) ,

Job_Title_Job_Description Varchar(45) ,

Job_Title_Exempt_Status Varchar(15)

, PRIMARY KEY (Job_Title_Title)



(Employee_Emp_ID integer NOT NULL ,

Employee_last_name varchar(15) ,

Employee_first_name varchar(15) ,

Employee_address varchar(30) ,

Employee_city varchar(15) ,

Employee_state char(2) ,

Employee_Telephone_area_code char(3) ,

Employee_Telephone_number char(8) ,

Employee_EEO1_Classification char(25) ,

Employee_Hire_Date char(8) ,

Employee_Salary char(6) ,

Employee_Gender Varchar(1) ,

Employee_Age char(2) ,

Employee_Title char(25)

, PRIMARY KEY (Employee_Emp_ID)

, constraint Employee2Job_Title FOREIGN KEY (Title



Insert INTO Employee (Emp_ID, Last_name, First_name, Address, City, State, Telephone_area_code, Telephone_number, EEO1_Classification, Hire_date, Salary, Gender, Age, Title) Values

(1, 'Edelman', 'Glenn', '175 Bishop Lane', 'La Jolla', 'CA', 619, '555-0199', 'Sales Workers', 10/7/2003, 21500.00, 'M', 64, 'Cashier')

Insert INTO Employee (Emp_ID, Last_name, First_name, Address, City, State, Telephone_area_code, Telephone_number, EEO1_Classification, Hire_date, Salary, Gender, Age, Title) Values

(2, 'McMullen', 'Eric', '762 Church Street', 'Lemon Grove', 'CA', 619, '555-0133', 'Sales Workers', 11/1/2002, 13500.00, 'M', 20, 'Bagger')

Insert INTO Employee (Emp_ID, Last_name, First_name, Address, City, State, Telephone_area_code, Telephone_number, EEO1_Classification, Hire_date, Salary, Gender, Age, Title) Values

(3, 'Slenj', 'Raj', '123 Torrey Drive', 'North Clairmont', 'CA', 619, '555-0123', 'Officials & Managers', 6/1/2000, 48000.00, 'M', 34, 'Assistant Manager')

Insert INTO Employee (Emp_ID, Last_name, First_name, Address, City, State, Telephone_area_code, Telephone_number, EEO1_Classification, Hire_date, Salary, Gender, Age, Title) Values

(4, 'Broun', 'Erin', '2045 Parkway Apt 2b', 'Encinitas', 'CA', 760, '555-0100', 'Sales Workers', 3/12/2003, 10530.00, 'F', 24, 'Bagger - 30 hours/wk')

Insert INTO Employee (Emp_ID, Last_name, First_name, Address, City, State, Telephone_area_code, Telephone_number, EEO1_Classification, Hire_date, Salary, Gender, Age, Title) Values

(5, 'Carpenter', 'Donald', '927 Second Street', 'Encinitas', 'CA', 619, '555-0154', 'Office/Clerical', 11/1/2003, 15000.00, 'M', 18, 'Stocker')

Insert INTO Employee (Emp_ID, Last_name, First_name, Address, City, State, Telephone_area_code, Telephone_number, EEO1_Classification, Hire_date, Salary, Gender, Age, Title) Values

(6, 'Esquivez', 'David', '10983 North Coast Highway Apt 902', 'Encinitas', 'CA', 760, '555-0108', 'Operatives (Semi skilled)', 7/25/2003, 18500.00, 'M',25, 'Asst. - Butchers & Seafood Specialists')

Insert INTO Employee (Emp_ID, Last_name, First_name, Address, City, State, Telephone_area_code, Telephone_number, EEO1_Classification, Hire_date, Salary, Gender, Age, Title) Values

(7, 'Sharp', 'Nancy', '10793 Montecino Road', 'Ramona', 'CA', 858, '555-0135', 'Sales Workers', 7/12/2003, 21000.00, 'F', 24, 'Cashier')

Insert into Job_Title (Title, EEO1_Classification, Job_Description, Exempt_Status) Values

('Accounting Clerk', 'Office/Clerical', 'Computes, Classifies, records, and verifies numerical data for use in maintaining accounting records.', 'Non-Exempt')

Insert into Job_Title (Title, EEO1_Classification, Job_Description, Exempt_Status) Values

('Assistant store manager', 'Officials & Mangers', 'Supervises and coordintes activities of workers in department of food store. Assist store manager in daily operations of store.', 'Exempt')

Insert into Job_Title (Title, EEO1_Classification, Job_Description, Exempt_Status) Values

('Bagger', 'Sales Worker', 'Places customer orders in bags. Performs carry out duties for customers.', 'Non-Exempt')

Insert into Job_Title (Title, EEO1_Classification, Job_Description, Exempt_Status) Values

('Cashier', 'Sales Worker', 'Operates Cash register to itemize and total customers purchases in grocercy store', 'Non-Exempt')

Insert into Job_Title (Title, EEO1_Classification, Job_Description, Exempt_Status) Values

('Computer Support Specialist', 'Technician', 'Installs, Modifies, and makes minor repairs to personal computer hardware and software systems and provides technical assistance and training to system users.', 'Non-Exempt')

Insert into Job_Title (Title, EEO1_Classification, Job_Description, Exempt_Status) Values

('Director of Finance & Accounting', 'Officials & Mangers', 'Plans and directs finance and accounting activites for Kudlser Fine Foods.', 'Non-Exempt')

Insert into Job_Title (Title, EEO1_Classification, Job_Description, Exempt_Status) Values

('Retail Asst. Bakery & Pastry', 'Craft Workers (Skilled)', 'Obtains or prepares Bakery and Pastry items requested by customers in retail food store.', 'Non-Exempt')

Insert into Job_Title (Title, EEO1_Classification, Job_Description, Exempt_Status) Values

('Retail Asst. Butchers and Seafood Specialists', 'Operatives (Semi skilled)', 'Obtains or prepares Meat and Seafood items requested by customers in retail food store.', 'Non-Exempt')

Insert into Job_Title (Title, EEO1_Classification, Job_Description, Exempt_Status) Values

('Stocker', 'Office/Clerical', 'Stores, prices, and restocks merchandise displays in store.', 'Non-Exempt')

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Using NOT IN With Null Values

May 19, 2008

Hi, I ve a table,  I want to fetch certain rows based on the value of a Column. That column is nullable, and contains NULL values.I used the following query,SELECT Col_A FROM TABLE1 WHERE SOME_ID = 1317 AND Col_B NOT IN (8,9) Here,  Col_B contains NULL values too. I need to fetch all rows where Col_B is not 8 or 9.Now, if I use "NOT IN", it does not work. I tried reading on it and got to know why it does not work. Even "NOT EXISTS" does not help. But still I've to fetch my values. How do I do that?Thanks & Regards,Jahanzeb        

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