SS Equivalent Terms 4 Statistical View, MQT Of DB2

Jan 27, 2008

What are MS SQL Server terms for
- statistical view
- materialized query tables
used in DB2


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Materialized View Equivalent ?

Oct 27, 2004


Oracle query :

create materialized view view1 as select *from test

Is there any equivalent for the above query in SQL Server (specifically for "materialized views")

Please advice,


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Best Way To Log Statistical Info

Apr 12, 2007

I want to keep track of some application statistics.

-How many applications per day, month, year
-How many apps for a specific type of widget

Is this best accomplished by a script that review the data or by using counters that are updated with every app?

Can someone give me some info on how to get started with this? I did a search, but only found a thread that recommends an article that costs $100.

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Statistical Data??

Feb 6, 2007


i have a table with columns, count, monther , year , officer, location.

count is number of x owned by officer by month , by year for a location. i want to display the statistical data. can any one give me some ideas bcoz some officers dont own anything, thats what i am looking for. like 0 is owned by these % of officers in this location... something like that.

all this is for differenatiating officers with more work than with less or no work..

please help ...

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Storing Statistical Information

Jan 16, 2007

Hi everyone, I am storing statistics for different affiliate and merchant sites, and I have a few questions about how to store it. My first idea was to create a serializable array and store it in a statistics column with the rest of the site information.  I could even have two columns, one being an archive, and one being the current month.  I know these arrays would get quite large, but they would only be retrieved when someone was looking at the statistics.  Is this a viable way to do it? The other idea I had was to create tables for each site and ad and store the statistics as rows in each objects respective table.  While easy, I didn't know if it was a bad idea to have a very large amount of tables, ie., one for every advertisement and site signed up for the affiliate program. Thanks for all your expertise in advance and I look forward to contributing to this great community. Dave 

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Statistical Process Analysis

May 3, 2001

I want to perform SPC on a data set.
The type of analysis I want to do is
Mode,Median,Max,Min,Average,standard deviation.

Does Sql server have any in built functions to accomadate this type of analysis.
Is there any information on the net that I could be referred to. I have SQL Server 7.0 Enterprise Edition.

Thanks Pargat

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Can't Add Index, Too Many Statistical Indexes?

Oct 5, 2001

I was trying to add an index to a heavily used table which has one other index. When I did I recieve the following error message
Unable to create index 'IX_PATIENT__1'.
ODBC error: [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]Cannot create more than 249 nonclustered indices or column statistics on one table.
[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]Could not create constraint. See previous errors.

Do I need to wack the statistical

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A Conceptual Question - Regarding Using Statistical Functions

May 11, 2004


I want to use functions like Standard Deviation, Variance, and other forms of these (StdDevp, Varp) but am not clear about what these really do. All I know is that if I am clear about these functions, I can really put these to good use. BTW, maybe there are many more functions in addition to the one's that I have listed??

Can you kindly assist me with a mini example in understanding what these functions do?

Suppose I have the Total and Average of orders. How can these functions be put to use? Kindly help me out if you can come up with a better example.

I'll be grateful for your help.

Many TIA.

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Statistical Tools For Data Mining

Jan 9, 2007


I might be asking one of the most weird and most irrelevant question... but actually I am very new to this technology, and need help!

If I am asked about 'Statistical Tools For Data Mining', then in which way do I go?

Is it related to the various methods like Neural Network, K-Nearest Neighbour (KNN), etc. or is it related to something else?

(A few statistical tool examples would be highly appreciated!)

Thanx a lot for you time and advice!

Best Wishes.

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Does MS Have A Glossary Of Terms?

Sep 15, 2006

There are several terms using ms Server that I don't know and cannot find in my books. Does MS provide that, besides BOL where it is difficult to find good explanations or even find definitions?



ps. would be a nice feature if they don't have it currently.

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Analysis :: Statistical Function Results In Calculated Members

Jul 8, 2015

I'm working with the statistical functions Stdev and Median with calculated members.  The only way I can get the "correct" answer is if I have a dimension at the same granularity as the Fact table (Actually it's a degenerate dimension of the FACT table itself).  Otherwise it seems that the measure I'm using with Stdev returns results that are so wildly high, I think it must be acting on the SUM of the measure; because the measure itself is a Summed one. When I try to use the coordinates in the Stdev function, it seems like it is using the wrong set of data points :

stdev( ( [Date].[Date].[Date].members, [Parameter].[Parameter].[Parameter].members ), [Measures].[Value])  returns answers in the thousands when it should be more like 2.5

When used with a query, there would only be a single date member and a specific parameter member.  The total number of fact records is between 200 and 500 with values that range between 0 and 150.  This is the version that gives me answers that resemble the total sum of the [Measures].[Value].

If I add the dimension that is essentially a row number from the fact table, it gives the right answer (slowly, but that will be a different post ....

stdev( ( [Date].[Date].[Date].members, [Parameter].[Parameter].[Parameter].members, [FACTTable].[FACTTable].[KeyField].members ), [Measures].[Value])

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Cached Search Of Top Terms

Mar 11, 2008

Hi, I have a search and I want to create a hyperlinked list of the top 5 search terms below it, what's the most efficient way to go about this?

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Sql Server Express Terms Of Use

Nov 22, 2006


Hopefully im asking this in the right place, sorry if its not, maybe you could point me in the right direction

I have been informed that use of MDF Files (SQL Server Express) Databases on the net was restricted as this was classed as multi connections and therefore was outside the free license agreement.

I am looking at commercially developing and marketing a web based system for with a relatively small database footprint (well under 1gb) with ASP.NET 2.0 and like the look of SQL Server Express.

Could anyone clear up whether or not this is allowed under the SQL Server Express terms of use, or point me in the direction of somewhere i can find information.


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SQL Server 2014 :: Reverse Recursion For Some Specific Statistical Calculation

Oct 2, 2014

I have a table :

id + A + B
1 |0,11| 0
2 |0,45| 0,5
3 |0,85| 0,75

I need to calculate the following :

F = 0,85 * ( 1 - 0,75 * ( 1 - 0,45 * ( 1 - 0,5 * ( 1 - 0,11 * ( 1 - 0 )))))
In which F = A3 * ( 1 - B3 * ( 1 - A2 * ( 1 - B2 * ( 1 - A1 * ( 1 - B1 )))))

It seemed quite easy at first glance. I Built it up via string concatenation and thought to execute the dynamic sql with sp_exec and get the result. As I don't like dynamic sql I was wondering If there is any other way..

ALTER PROC [dbo].[Tools_Serial_FE]


[Code] ....

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In Terms Of Performance: Select Top .. OR Set Rowcount ?

Apr 29, 2008

I have a table that contains 10 millions records. The following 2 statements, which one provide better performance? Frankly, i have no idea how to compare the execution plan...

Select Top 10000 * From Table


Set rowcount 10000
Select * From Table

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What Are The Diferent Types Of Replication In SQL Terms ?

Mar 7, 2008

I want to know about types of replications used in SQL environment ?

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Using MatLab Built-in Statistical Functions Inside SQL Server Stored Procedure

May 17, 2007

Hi everybody,

I would like to use MatLab built-in statistical functions (beta, gamma, normal, etc.) from inside a SQLServer stored proceudre. Does anyone know if possible? (Of course, If so, where can I get documentation for doing this?)

Thanks in advance!


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Search Database For Any Terms Stored Proc Help

May 28, 2008

hey all,

basically, what I am trying to achieve to 2 types of search functions...

Search for All terms (easy and complete) and search for Any Terms...

the way I have gone about this so far is to in my app, split the search string by spaces, and then search for each word, and merging the resulting dataset into the main return dataset.

this, however has a few problems. the result dataset will contain duplicate values, and i am running queries in a loop.

What i am looking for is a one-stop-shop stored procedue that will split the search string, loop through each word, and add the results to a return table, ONLY if it does not exist already within the return table.

Can anyone point me in the right direction... basically with the splitting of the string and the looping through the words...the rest i think i can handle...

or any other hints/tips/tricks would also be helpful.

Thanks Everyone!

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Is It Possible To Perform Terms Lookup On Unstructured Files ?

Feb 5, 2007

I need to categorize a lot of html or text files according to a list of terms and I wonder if terms lookup is adequate for this. The problem is that terms lookup can only take an Oledb source as input. My files can be up to 80 Kb big and aren't columns structured.

Should I import my files in a table ? But if so, how can I import a column with more than 8000 characters ?

Thank you in advance.

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Stored Procedure Sizes In Terms Of Lines Of Code ?

Sep 8, 2005

First and foremost, thanks for reading and responding!Does it matter how big a stored procedure is if you do things in the stored procedure such as:declare the parametersIF @Parm_Select = '<ALL>'do a select IF @Parm_Select <> '<ALL> and @Parm_Report = '1'do a selectIF @Parm_Select <> '<ALL> and @Parm_Report = '2'do select This goes on and on and on and I have written a couple of stored procedures that are about 1500 lines of code based upon parameters passed I do not create any tables - they are just all select statements based upon the parameters passed.I thought I was doing the right thing cause I did not want to have to write a procedure that called a procedure, (I read this and got confused on the return prarmeters cause there is a lot of data being returned from the select -----    I don't think I said that correctly!  . I am just learning this SQL stuff and I it is cool and I am excited - but I don't want to develop any bad habits in the beginning - and I try to look these things up on the www - but I just don't get explicit answers from reading all of this stuff.  Thank to all in advance!

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Can Terms Lookup Take Into Account The US/english Spelling Differences ?

Feb 15, 2007

Is it possible for the terms lookup function to manage the differences between US and english
spelling ? For example if I search for the terms "color" and "categorization", I'd would like that the terms lookup also count the "colour" and "categorisation" occurences in the text.


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How To Get Date Difference In Terms Of Year,month,days

Mar 31, 2008

I am using oracle 10G DB as back end.I have two date fields in a table.



i have to get the premium_term i.e, the difference between the two dates(premium_paying_end_date-premium_paying_start_date).

The difference should show the year,month and no of days difference.

For example :

premium_paying_start_date : 14-10-1984

premium_paying_end_date : 01-03-2008

Difference should be : 23 Y : 4 M : 15 D (Y = years, M = months , D= days)

So please give me the solution for this.

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How To Find Terms In A File Name: Regular Expression OR A String Function

Oct 15, 2007


i am using a forEach look to import each file within a folder, but i also need to calculate the dataset related ot these files.
the file are named as:


where for file ff_inbound_20071008_1.csv:

ff => flat file
inbound => dataset of this csv
20071008 => date
1=> file count

having in mind that they are store in the variable as a full path:


i need to extract the dataset and the date for each file.

how can i extract these terms from the file name?

many thanks,


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Analysis :: Running Analysis Service In Terms Of Port Usage?

May 30, 2015

I would like to know the best practice for running analysis service in terms of port usage. Is it better to run on a specific port or have dynamic ports ? We have clustered servers that run default on 2383 but not sure with non clustered what's the best way to get performance.

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SQL 2012 :: FullText Search - Can Search Terms Come From Another Table

Mar 25, 2015

I have a table that contains words that will be used to search another table where FullText index has been created on searchable columns. I'm basically trying to run something like this:

SELECT t1.col1, t2.col3
FROM tbl1 t1, tbl2 t2
WHERE CONTAINS (t1.col1, t2.col1)

I know this won't work but is there a way to join these two tables so the words (t2.col1) can be passed as search conditions? There is no common key on both tables so normal join won't work. I'm trying to find a way to pass the search words from one table to another.

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How To Pick Nearby Text Of Lookup Terms With Help Of Term Extraction/Term Lookup

Oct 4, 2007

I am designing a ssis package,This is intends to mine text data(Data extracted from websites).
Term lookup/Term extraction has been used as tools for mining.
I have lookup terms defined with me for reference table,but the main problem lie in extracting the nearby text/number/charcters to these lookup terms during mining.
For example :
I found noun "Email" 200 (frequency score) times in my text,Now I want to extract nearby email address(this is also true for PhoneNumber,Address attributes also).so how can I achieve this with SSIS.
If u have some idea/suggestion to carry out this challenge with or without Term Extraction/Term Lookup,plz do write here.

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SQL Equivalent Of MAX And IIF

Nov 23, 2005

I have looked around and found the equivalent for IIF (Access) to be aSELECT CASE in SQL. I have tried this with no success. I am also lookingfor the equivalent of MAX and have had no luck. The portion of thestring I am trying to SQL'ize is:SELECT Max(IIf([ADCN.ADCN] Is Null,0,[ADCN.ADCN])) AS ADCN FROM ADCNINNER JOIN Sheet ON ADCN.RecordID = Sheet.RecordID WHERE (Sheet.Drawing= '" & x & "') AND (Sheet.SheetNumber = 0);This portion is the most important:SELECT Max(IIf([ADCN.ADCN] Is Null,0,[ADCN.ADCN])) AS ADCN*** Sent via Developersdex ***

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SQL Sourcesafe Equivalent?

Aug 15, 2006

Recently, my company's deveolpment machine crashed. We had to format the harddrive which meant we lost some of our databases.
We managed to restore the databases, but we do not know in what state, i.e. which stored procedures were written between the restore point and the point the machine crashed.
Tow questions related to this:
1. I was wondering if there is any product that is similar to soursesafe but appied to databases, so that this problem will not happen again. Does Enterprise manager do something like this?
2. I was also wondering if there was anyway to undo an sql command. e.g. my colleague recently ran a command to update a database, but forgot to write the where clause!! That data was recovered aswell, but it would be nice to have some sort of undo button.
Thanks in advance.

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Reverse Equivalent To TOP

Dec 28, 2006

Is there anyway I can return only the last row of a query, like TOP does for the top most items?I would like to return something like this:SELECT BOTTOM 1 Column_CFROM Table1WHERE Column_A = somethingAny help would be greatly appreciated.  Thank you!  

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MS SQL Equivalent Of Substring_index

Jan 7, 2008

Hi everyoneI have a table 'users' with column 'residence' New York, NY Houston, TXSan Antonio, TX In MySQL I can select the city by running the following command SELECT SUBSTRING_INDEX(residence, ',' , 1) FROM users.  How would I accomplish the same thing using ms sql?  Thanks in advance 

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Rs.getrows Equivalent

Jul 10, 2004


Is there and equivalent of rs.getrows in I want to fill an array quickly from a datareader?


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Equivalent To Autonumber

Jun 20, 2001

What is the equivalent to autonumber in SQL 7? I ported over some data into SQL but when I bring it up in Access 97 as linked tables it shows that
what used to be autonumber in Access is listed only as number in SQL. So what is the equivalent to Autonumber in SQL?

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Equivalent To ON UPDATE In SQL

May 6, 2008


How do i structure my script to do the same thing in SQLExpress as in MySQL. My MySQL statement goes like:

ALTER TABLE groups ADD Last_Updated timestamp NOT NULL default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP on update CURRENT_TIMESTAMP AFTER Report_List

SQL does not recognize the ON UPDATE part, but i want the same function out of that collumn.

Any help here is greatly appreciated,

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