SSIS Calling Into BizTalk Business Rules Engine (BTS BRE)

Oct 11, 2007

We are planning to use the BTS BRE for our business rules and calling these from a data flow transformation (e.g. for every row in a flat file during import). One way would be to use a script component.
However, the question is that the script component would have to create and destroy BRE objects (e.g. a BRE Policy object) for every row in the flat file.
Is there a way to instantiate objects and whole on to them for the lifetime of the package or a container within a package?

Any suggestions regarding achieving the above most efficiently would be much appreciated.


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Organizing Business Rules In SSIS

May 30, 2006

Hi All,

I'm pretty new to SQL Server 2005 and I'm wondering how to organize my
business rules efficiently.

I'm willing to create a Package with several Data Flow Task in my
Control Flow, each Business Rule will be encapsulated in a Data Flow
task. I guess this is possible in SSIS but I can't find how my data can
be send from one data flow to another one. I definitly don't want my
dataset to be parsed completly for each business rule.

Does anyone have an idea how to implement this in SSIS?

Kind regards,


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Business Rules Integration In SSIS

Jun 6, 2007

Similar to the BizTalk Business Rules engine does the SSIS provide any support for independent business rule management?
I would guess that through the use of Embedded CLR we can invoke the Business rules stored in the Business Rules Engine (either Biztalk Rule Engine or ILOG Rule Engine). Is there a construct in the SSIS similar to the BizTalk Call Rules Construct in the Biztalk Orchestration.

If this mechanism is not the preferred mechanism then are there any other mechanisms offered by SSIS which facilitate the use of Business Rule Engine Components within SSIS which make it easier to manage the business rules outside of the deployment.


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Business Rules Table

Aug 8, 2007

Which is the best practice for Business Rules

a. Hardcoded Column Names

b. Rowwise values RuleName, Criteria
Please suggest the best method

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Business Rules -&&> Using Lots Of UDFs && Views

Sep 7, 2007

I am in the process of building my first "large scale" database system (after 15+ years of developing Windows Apps and Web Apps) - so I am very VERY "Green" when it comes to Database development & SQL et al.

A little context setting: I am building a multi-tier Statistical Analysis & Reporting system where the "end product" will be Reports created in Reporting Services. There are a ton of business rules that I am implementing in a Business Logic Tier (hidden from the "end user" by a Data Access Tier) comprised of SQL in the form of UDFs (scalar) and Views.

The question: I have been reading that UDFs cause a performance hit compared to things like in-line functions. Alot of the Rules (implemented as Scalar UDFs) build on each other so that the output of UDF #1 is used as input to UDF #2.

So far I am implementing the Business Logic as a hierarchy of Views (7 Views to be exact) with each view implementing multiple Rules; each Rule basically a Scalar UDF. Below is an example of what I am doing:


View #1 -> Select A, B, C, funcX1(A) as ValueX1, funcY1(B, C) as ValueY1 FROM someView

View #2 -> Select A, B, C, ValueX1, ValueY1, funcX2 (ValueX1) as ValueX2, funcY2(ValueY2) as ValueY2 FROM View#1

Currently I have a hierarchy of 7 views that each use UDFs to implement the Business Rules, where the value calculated from a UDF in one View is used as input to UDF in a View further down the Hierarchy.

Is there a better way of implementing all of the Rules instead of using multiple Views with a bunch of UDFs?

The "end product" dataset is then exposed as a Stored Procedure to the reports in Reporting Services.

Any help would be GREATLY appreciated.

- marty

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Biztalk Vs SSIS As An ETL Tool

Jan 14, 2008


At our company we are considering building an architecture for file
imports and processing and considering both Biztalk and SSIS at this

My understanding from reading the material out there regarding this
subject that Biztalk is more suited for integrating applications and
real time communication of information and SSIS is more suited for
bulk loads into databases/data warehouses and data manipulation.

Currently we are somewhat along the lines described above, but there
is a desire to use one technology over the other for importing files
and data manipulation, and I am not sure that is practical. Also
there is a debate currently as to whether Biztalk does better at
handling logic than SSIS.

I have read through the article on microsoft site that outlines the
above -

However, I would like to get some input from people who have actually
used both these tools in the real world for ETL process and could
provide some insight so as to help us make an informed decision.


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Difference Between SSIS And Biztalk

Dec 29, 2006


Can anybody please tell me the basic differences between Biztalk and SSIS and when to choose which technology over other?


Sandeep Saran

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Is There A Way We Can Implement Business Logic By Storing It In Colums Of A Table And Calling It?

Jul 20, 2005

What is the way we could implement a business logic from a Table bystoring it statemnnets in a colums and defining an execute sql toexecute it.Some legal requirements make it diffcult for us to createmodify stored procdures so Iwant to have a process where we create newrows in a table and execute it to execute business logic.All views are welcome.Havin g one table two tables different approaches to store ststementsand execute them....Case logic how to implement it?Flags in the tble colums in the tablesetcThanksAjay Garg

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DB Engine :: Calling Exe From Trigger

May 12, 2015

I tried to call a exe from sql server through trigger with xp_cmdshell, But its not working as expected, shows preemptive_os_pipeops in process under the activity monitor and the process got hang.

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SQL CE 2.0: Calling Engine.Dispose() After Every Query?

May 19, 2006

After making several hundred queries against a SQL CE 2.0 database (through NetCF/ADO.NET), I begin getting a SqlCeException: "Not enough storage is available to complete this operation."

Microsoft speaks to this situation in the following hotfix:

When I contacted them to receive the hotfixed ssce20.dll, they described the problem as SqlCeDataReader and SqlCeDataAdapter not releasing their memory resources after they went out of scope. In addition to using the hotfixed binary, they also advised me to call SqlCeEngine.Dispose() after every query to force SQL CE to release resources, as shown in the "finally" block of the code below.

I have a couple of questions about this:

Will this cause a lot of performance overhead for me, especially if my application makes frequent queries using the following code?

Can a cache an instance of SqlCeEngine and call Dispose() on that cached instance repeatedly, so I can avoid having to instantiate a new SqlCeEngine each time?

SqlCeConnection conn = null;

conn = new SqlCeConnection(connectionString);
dbCmd.Connection = conn;

<use the reader>

// Add the following code to release resources?
SqlCeEngine engine = new SqlCeEngine(connectionString);

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SSIS Called From Agent Job Not Calling New Child SSIS Package Addition

Oct 29, 2007

I have an SSIS package (TransAgentMaster) that I recently modified to include a call to a child package via the file system. The child package creates a text file. When I run the package in dev studio then the child package/text file is produced.

I then imported the TransAgentMaster as a stored packagesfilesystem package into SQL SSIS and executed the package. The child package produced the text file.

I then ran the SQL Server Agent to see if the child package would work and it did not generate the text file. Thus after updating a SSIS package importing the package into SSIS the job that calls the package will not call the child package. Please not that the TransAgentMaster package calls 7 children packages €¦ just not my new one.

Any thoughts why the agent will not run the child newly crated childe package?

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Only Creator Can Run SSIS Packages In Business Intelligence Studio?

Jan 31, 2008

Hello I'm sorry if this post doesn't belong here.
I need to run a number of packages from Business Intelligence Studio but I keep getting a validation error.  They work when the creator of the package runs it. I'm the only person that needs to be able to run this package.  What must I do?  The encryption level is encryptsensitivewithUserKey

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SSIS SCD Type I, Dim Table Compound Key Selection For Business Key

Apr 28, 2006


I have been working in DW for a while, but using SSIS as an ETL tool is new for me. I worked extensively on Informatica.

Coming to my question, right now I am trying to do SCD type 1. But my dimension table has a compound key. i.e more than 1 column makes a key for the table. But SCD wizard allows to select only 1 attribute as a business key. Does any one have any suggestions on how to implement SCD if the target table has compound key.

Thanks in advance for your suggestions and answers.


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SSIS Newbie - Separating SSIS &&amp; DB Engine

Oct 10, 2007

Hi Gurus,

I am new to SSIS. I am trying to install just the SSIS in one machine("SSIS Machine") and just the DB Engine ("SQL Server Machine") in another machine. What I am trying to do is, separating the SSIS service and packages from the Database Engine and trying to run in in another machine. I have few questions on this topic. I searched on this forum but I couldn't find a concrete answer to those questions. Forgive me if it already answered/asked multiple times.

1. When I install SSIS in "SSIS Machine", do I need to install client components also in the same machine?
2. I already established this setup (SSIS with client components in one machine and SQL Server in another) but when I tried to connect to the SSIS thro' Management Studio from Sql Server machine, I keep getting "Access Denied" error. Is it possible to connect to SSIS server from another machine (using Management studio)? I tried the DCOM security permission options I found in the internet(I don't have domain id so I gave "Everyone" full access) but still I get the same error. Any help would be appriciated.
3. Do I need 2 SQL Server Licenses (Enterprise) if I go with this environment?
4. Is it possible to configure SQL Job to run SSIS installed in another machine?

I would appriciate any help on this issue.


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Installing VS2005 And Business Intelligence Report Projects On A Vista Business Workstation

Oct 23, 2007

Does anyone have a successful prescribed sequence for installing VS2005 and Business Intelligence Reports Projects on a Vista Business workstation to be used to create reports for a server?

I've looked through everything I can find here and I don't seem to see a clear solution without a lot of trial and error.

Fact is, I've not been successful getting just the reports to install on a plain XP box. Of course, the report creation looks fine on the server but I don't want to work directly on the server.

Thank you

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Synchronization Of Business Contacts In Outlook With Small Business Accounting

Jun 10, 2006

Can anyone take me through synchronization of contacts within Business Contacts Outlook into Microsoft Small Business Accounts?

I run a stand alone PC with NO network. When SBA came SQL was also installed. Apparently you can synchronise Contacts within Business Contacts with SBA but both SBA & Outlook should work through the same SQL server.

Has anyone tried this?

Can someone walk me through the process?



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SSB BizTalk Scenarios

Aug 18, 2006

What are the specific types of scenarios where we could use SSB and BizTalk in tandem?

I have come across a gotdotnet sample of an SSB adapter for BizTalk. As i understand a Biztalk orchestration could be an end point for the SSB conversation.

But what advantages can be obtained using this as compared to a typical SQL adapter for BizTalk which does CRUD operations on DB.

any pointers in this directions would be helpful



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PMML And BizTalk

Mar 15, 2007

Hello! Anybody know if can I use (and
how can I use) PMML with the rule engine of Biztalk Server, or if there
is some module that translate PMML format to Biztalk. Sorry by my

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Any Clues Why DTExec.exe Is Slower Than Business Intelligence Studio(SSIS Shell)?

Sep 18, 2006


I have a simple package in SSIS that reads approx 2.5million rows from SQL2k5 source and exports it into 4 Foxpro files.
The way I do it is as below
1) use and oledb source to read data from SQL2k5
2) use a conditional split component to divide the source into 4 streams ( I do a recId % 4 = 0, 1, 2, 3 to give 4 streams)
3) use an OLEDB destination to export to the 4 prexisting foxpro tables.

This thing runs amazingly fast when I run(F5) it from Business Inteligence studio, but it is atleast 10 times slower when rightclick the package and execute using dtexec.exe

I can't figure out why! any clues??

I would elimiate the 64 bit /32 bit problems because export to foxpro only works in 32 bit mode and my package has been configured to run in 32 bit mode.

Appreciate any insights

Saptagiri Tangudu
PNT Marketing Services

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Executing SSIS Packages From Business Intelligence Studio When Not The Package Owner

Feb 5, 2008

I created a package but someone else will be running it every day. When this person opens the project in Business Intelligence Studio they get build errors such as the following:

Error loading PackageName: Failed to decrypt protected XML node "PackagePassword" with error 0x8009000B "Key not valid for use in specified state."
You may not be authorized to access this information. This error occurs when there is a cryptographic error. Verify that the correct key is available.

this problem is described in the article below however the only advice they offer is to "change the value of the ProtectionLevel property " however they don't specify what to change the value to. I have tried every option but it still does not work. And having them enter in a password every time is out of the question.;en-us;904800

It seems there is no way for someone other than the package owner to run the package! Running them from the sql server is not an option since we don't have permission to do so. As far as I know BIS is the only way.

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SQLSERVER Config For Biztalk

May 4, 2007


I have installed SQLSERVER 2005 in Windows 2003 Server with mixed mode authentication.

Now I am unable to connect it from my windows Xp client system. When I specify the credentials the following error msg displays

"Specified Database cannot be reached Incorrect Server name or login. User may not be associated with trusted sqlserver connection"

My Server Config as follows

servername :vijay

login details:


In Biztalk server 2006, Cofiguration wizard I gave server name as "vijay"


username : sa ; pwd : sa;

Kindly help me in getting it right.



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Calling SSIS From VB Script

Mar 22, 2006

I encountered a problem during migration from DTS to SSIS.

We use a VB Script which create a DTS package, then load it from the database using loadFromSQlServer Method.

DTS moves to SSIS,, hence I need to change code to call this SSIS, but
i did not find the objet corresponding to "dts.package2" in SQL Server

Can anybody help me?

Thank's in advance.

Following the code to be changed:

Set dtspkg = CreateObejct("dts.package2")

dtspkg.loadFromSqlServer ....

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Calling SSIS From SQL Server

Jan 22, 2008

I've created a dll that load a SSIS package and execute it. It works perfectly from outside SQL but when I tried to used it from SQL it always give me the same error: The task has failed to load. The contact information for this task is "".

The assembly has been registered as UNSAFE and the error I received it's like it was not able to load the tasks defined inside the package. I've tried with an empty package and it doesn't generate any error.

I've also see in the logging file that the account used for running the package is different from the windows account I've connected to the SQL Server.

Any idea on how assure that the package is run with the correct user to allow the execution of the package successfully from the SQL?

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Calling SSIS From .net Code

Dec 2, 2007


I created an Integration Services from project which loads flat files to an OLEDB destination. It works fine for me.

But I do not want to run this from the Integration Services Project. What I need to do is run this project from Console

Application. That is when I run the console application in VB, It must execute the SSIS package and the flat files should

be loaded in SQL SERVER. I have created the SSIS package. How should I do Invoke this package from .NET code.



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Calling SSIS Package From 2.0.

Feb 15, 2008

Hello All

I have tried to execute SSIS Package using,

Using a Web Service or Remote Component to Run a Remote Package Programmaticallyas per following msdn example.

my SSIS .dtsx file is on the Server having SQL Server & SSIS Installed. (Database Server)

and web service & web application is on another server, which is Application Server.

the .dtsx does simple process like executing existing Sql view from Database Server to the .csv file on the Application Server.

when I implemented the Code explained in msdn its works fine from my development machine.

but as soon as i tried to execute from running from the website, it gives following error.

The following exception occurred: Retrieving the COM class factory for component with CLSID {E44847F1-FD8C-4251-B5DA-B04BB22E236E} failed due to the following error: 80040154.

I am sure this forums must have been answered already for the this kind of problem.

If anyone can guide me for the above problem, ASAP pls.


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SQL 2012 :: SSIS Package Not Calling SP

Jun 18, 2015

We had a scenario where we used to run the Process from front end thru application. on the back ground the the process call the SP & from there it calls the SSIS package then again to SP.

after SSIS package ran succesfully it will be updated on a table with sucess then call the SP & deletes the entry from the other table but in one scenario Package was success but the entry was not getting deleted as the process takes almost 2-3 hours loading 60 millions records. but the process was running in SQL 2008 but once we upgraded to SQL 2012 its not working for one application. its not returning any error as timeout also. we tried changing the server level setting for remote query time out also to 0 but no luck .

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Calling SSIS Package From C# Code

Apr 10, 2007

I am using the following code to run my SSIS package:

Package package = app.LoadFromSqlServer
("\EPSROI\dts_Client_Eligibility_Import", "SQL32", "username",
"password", null);

Variables vars = package.Variables;
vars["InputFile"].Value = txtInput.Text;
vars["OutputFile"].Value = txtOutput.Text;
vars["Client"].Value = cboClientName.SelectedValue.ToString();
vars["Chopper"].Value = Chopper;

DTSExecResult result = package.Execute();

It runs fine on my machine; however, on anyone elses machine "result" comes back as "failure". We have figured out that it is loading the package and variables fine but failing before the first step of the package. Does anyone know why this would be? Or how to fix it? I am totally stumped considering it works fine on my machine.


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SSIS Function Calling Problem

Nov 7, 2007

I need to write SSIS package with 5 script task. I have one function which need to be called from each SSIS one by one. I wrote the that function at first SSIS task. For example:

Public Function Add() As Integer
Dim i, j As Integer
i = 10
j = 20
Return (i + j)
End Function

and I can call this function inside 1st SSIS task but how can I call this function on rest of 4 script task?

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Calling SSIS From Access .adp Project

Nov 15, 2007

Not sure if this is the right place to ask but I'll try...

I have to execute an integration service package in an .adp project. In other words, click of the button on the adp window has to start a package or a job.

Can that be done? And if yes, how? I've been searching the Web but without success.

Thanks for your help.

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Calling Reporting Services From SSIS

Nov 3, 2006


I have created a packages which pull and push the data to SAP server.

I want to create a report every day and send that report to the manager.

For the same i want to call reporting services in my SSIS package.

I know i can write a SQL script and export the report in excel but i want to use Reporting services.

Have any one call reporting services from ssis.

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Calling A SSIS-Package From A COM+-Application

Oct 3, 2007


I have a SSIS-Package stored in the SQL Server. This package works fine when i execute it from the SQL Server. But if I try to execute the package from a COM+-Application, nothing happens.

Here is my code snipped:

Public Function ExecutePackage €¦
Dim myPackage As New Package
Dim app As New Application
Dim pkgResults As DTSExecResult

'----- Execute the package from SQL Server
myPackage = app.LoadFromSqlServer("\PackageName", "ServerInstance", Nothing, Nothing, Nothing)
pkgResults = myPackage.Execute()

End Function

In a Windows Forms Application I can execute the package with this code snipped succesfully. Therefor I think that the problem is my COM+-Application.

Can anybody help me?


Jürgen Paulus

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Calling A SSIS Package From Web Services

Jan 2, 2008

Can you call a SSIS package from Web services?
I would like to create a web services that can call a SSIS package ( generate a text file)..
If it is possible, Can someone show me code examples?

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SSIS Calling An External Application

Apr 3, 2008

Can you put is a call withing a Data Flow that will call an External Application and pass a parameter to that application IE say a command line app and then take the output and assign it to back to the flow as a "column" or whatever for that row... IE I want to take a value push it to an external app and then the output from that app I want to insert it into another field for that row in the new table I am moving the data to.

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