SSIS Equivalent To DTS Transform Data Task Properties
May 3, 2007
I am trying to read in a flat file, transform the fields and store into a destination database.
In DTS, this works using Transform Data Task Properties. I define the columns and then have a VB script on the Transformations tab that changes any bad data.
Is there a way to do this in SSIS that I can define the column transformations and re-use my VB scripts?
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May 7, 2007
Hi JayH (or anyone). Another week...a new set of problems. I obviously need to learn .net syntax, but because of project deadlines in converting from DTS to SSIS it is hard for me to stop and do that. So, if someone could help me some easy syntax, I would really appreciate it.
In DTS, there was a VBScript that copied a set of flat files from one directory to an archive directory after modifying the file name. In SSIS, the directory and archive directory will be specified in the config file. So, I need a .net script that retrieves a file, renames it and copies it to a different directory.
Here is the old VBScript Code:
Public Sub Main()
Option Explicit
Function Main()
Dim MovementDataDir
Dim MovementArchiveDataDir
Dim MovementDataFile
Dim MovementArchiveDataFile
Dim FileNameRoot
Dim FileNameExtension, DecimalLocation
Dim CurMonth, CurDay
Dim FileApplicationDate
Dim fso ' File System Object
Dim folder
Dim FileCollection
Dim MovementFile
'Create text strings of today's date to be appended to the archived file.
FileApplicationDate = Now
CurMonth = Month(FileApplicationDate)
CurDay = Day(FileApplicationDate)
If Len(CurMonth) = 1 Then
CurMonth = "0" & CurMonth
End If
If Len(CurDay) = 1 Then
CurDay = "0" & CurDay
End If
FileApplicationDate = CurMonth & CurDay & Year(FileApplicationDate)
' Set the movement data directory from the global variable.
MovementDataDir = DTSGlobalVariables("gsMovementDataDir").Value
MovementArchiveDataDir = DTSGlobalVariables("gsMovementDataArchiveDir").Value
fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
folder = fso.GetFolder(MovementDataDir)
FileCollection = folder.Files
' Loop through all files in the data directory.
For Each MovementFile In FileCollection
' Get the full path name of the current data file.
MovementDataFile = MovementDataDir & "" & MovementFile.Name
' Get the full path name of the archive data file.
MovementArchiveDataFile = MovementArchiveDataDir & "" & MovementFile.Name
DecimalLocation = InStr(1, MovementArchiveDataFile, ".")
FileNameExtension = Mid(MovementArchiveDataFile, DecimalLocation, Len(MovementArchiveDataFile) - DecimalLocation + 1)
FileNameRoot = Mid(MovementArchiveDataFile, 1, DecimalLocation - 1)
MovementArchiveDataFile = FileNameRoot & "_" & FileApplicationDate & FileNameExtension
If (fso.FileExists(MovementDataFile)) Then
fso.CopyFile(MovementDataFile, MovementArchiveDataFile)
' If the archive file was coppied, then delete the old copy.
If (fso.FileExists(MovementArchiveDataFile)) Then
End If
End If
fso = Nothing
folder = Nothing
FileCollection = Nothing
Main = DTSTaskExecResult_Success
End Function
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Jun 21, 2005
My first period using SSIS in a real-world application convinced me that there
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Mar 7, 2008
i have too many DTS packages to migrate to SSIS, and while examining a DTS package in BIDS (converted with the migration utility) i tried to edit the resulting migrated package, which opened the DTS interface with the two connection icons joined by the big fat arrow with a gear on it...not exactly what i had in mind, iow, it looks like SSIS on the outside, but its still DTS on the inside.
So I stripped out a series of components from a more complex package hoping that simplifying it would reveal the contents of old DTS Transformations tab at least partially set up in a Derived Column transformation.
Can i get there from here, or must i recreate every stinking definition in a derived column manually from the ground up?
thanks very much for your help
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Apr 17, 2007
I have a dts package that currently uses a dynamic properties task to set the values of global variables. Each variable is based on the value of a query to the database.
I am in the process of migrating this dts package to SSIS but cannot find an equivalent function. I have looked at property expressions but cannot get this working the same way.
Any help would be appreciated.
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Nov 7, 2007
A common issue that I run across with clients is they want only want to process a file if it's finished transmitting to the server. This SQL Server 2005 task reads the properties of a file and writes the values to a series of variables. For example, you can use this task to determine if the file is in use (still be uploaded or written to) and then conditionally run the Data Flow task to load the file if it's not being used. You can also use it to determine when the file was created in order to determine if it must be archived.
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Oct 11, 2006
Hi ,
What is the equivalent of DTS Dynamic Properties task into SSIS ?
How do I convert this task to SSIS ?
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Sep 5, 2006
Hi All,
I am working on a SSIS package which is using a Script task, now I have all the connection properties set up in the .NET script using connection strings, what do I need to do if I have to set this up using a config file or something else which is more secure (I dont want to leave the connection information in the script). Please Advice.
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Jun 2, 2011
In my current project i have a requirement to assign value of an aggregate transform to a variable. But i need to accomplish it without using a script task.
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Nov 8, 2007
I need to Transform Data from a Transoft Data Source (ODBC) into an OLE DB Connection.
The Solution that I Currently have is to Transform using the DTS 2000 Package Task.
Is there a way that I can perform this task by using SSIS
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May 25, 2006
Hello, I am working on a module to extract data from a Teradata server to SQL database. I am using a DTS package to extract the data and need to make the data source name (database name and object name) configurable at runtime and to be read from a Config table in the SQL database. What do you suggest is the simplest and most efficient method to do this?
I am trying to use a dynamic SQL query in the data tranform task with the data source as a query. But its giving me a strange syntax error. Can we use a dynamic SQL in the query option of DTS transform task source?
Thanks, Meriya
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Jun 28, 2007
I have a Dynamic propeties task in dts 2000 that process/executes a global variable.
The global variable basically executes a bat file.
How do i set this up in ssis. The migration failed to properly convert this task.
Please help.
Thank you.
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Apr 29, 2008
Hello All Experts,
I have created one custom task with PropertyGrid Control and two button on it. I have everything under one class library project.
Problem I am facing is when i load task and clik on Edit I can not see those properties into that GUI and even functionlity of those two buttons (OK and Cancel) not working but I am able to see those properties in default property window.
If I create this GUI as a seperate window application then I am able to see those properties in GUI and buttons also working but in SSIS I am not able to load the task.
After reading on internet about SSIS they suggest to create everything under one project which I did.
Basically I am trying to populate connection managers like Source Connection and Destination Connection when I load this task and there are much more backend functionlity but at first step i m stuck and not able to see those properties in GUI.
Please help and give your input on it. I was following "Increment Task" example given by MSDN.
If you need more info let me know.
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Apr 15, 2005
I am importing data from xls file to a db table with a dts. In the time of the dts creation I am using 'Transform Data Task Properties' GUI window to map incoming xls fields (source) to the table columns (destination).
Question: Is there any way to invoke the 'Transform Data Task Property' GUI window in dts runtime and use it to change the mapping dynamically in the run time?
Thanks, Vadim.
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Mar 9, 2007
Hi everybody
I'm still trying to learn the advantage of having stored procedures. I have a DTS that uses a Transform Data Task to append the result of a view into a table. All operations are done locally in the server.
Do I have any advantage if I write a stored procedure to insert the view into the table, and then call the stored procedure in the DTS, in stead of using the Transform Data Task ?
Thanks in advance for your thoughts
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Mar 25, 2008
Hi All,
I'm stuck up with a strange problem.
When i try to setup a Transform Data task in DTS, the table drop down shows fully qualified table name.
i.e. <database name>.<schema name>.<table name>
as you can see in the attached screenshot. With this I cant see the full table name and am not able to make the correct selection.
Where can i change the properties so that it displays only the table name?
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May 25, 2015
If, in an SSIS package, you put an instance of an 'Execute SQL Task' task in the Control Flow, in the Properties window, you can see the properties of the task, for example CodePage.
If you double click on the task, the Execute SQL Task Editor appears, with several of the properties which are also in the Properties window, including CodePage.
If, in the Editor, you update the value of CodePage, then click OK, the value of CodePage in the Properties window is updated immediately.
I have written a custom SSIS task, which also has the same properties in the Properties window and in the Editor. The Editor also has an OK button. When OK is clicked, the values of the task properties are updated. An example property is FolderToArchive. If I open the Editor, change the value of FolderToArchive and click the OK button, the value of FolderToArchive in the Properties window is NOT immediately updated.
If, however, I select the FolderToArchive field in the Propertiesd window, it is then updated with the value I entered in the Editor.
How do I get my task to update the values in the Properties window, after changing a value in the Editor, when I click the OK button?
I would have thought I would need something like, in pseudo-code,
   where task is of type Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime.Task and Task.Parent is of type Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime.Package.
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Jun 18, 2006
I had to upgrade to SQL2005 when my customer did so. Everything went OK until I had to load additional data to the datamart. The SQL2000 task to load data from flat text files was straight forward and literally took me seconds tyo set up and execute and has never given me problems. I have now spent 3 days straight trying to do the same in SQL2005 going in ever wider circles. I have got SSIS up and going, I saved a dtsx package that won't run without a multitude of errors ranging from truncation errors (which I tried to avoid by meticulously ensuring all field definitions on the import and export side are defined and correct) to errors relating to not being able to connect to the database I am working on or of not having the right security access. I am at my wits end. I need help!
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Dec 21, 2005
I have an Access 2.0 database that holds call data on a mapped drive. I am running MS SQL Server 2000. I can open it and view the records inside. I can even run the query below and get results, if I removed the CallDate and CallTime parameters.
SELECT CallDate, CallTime, Mid(CallRecordData, 68, 3) AS Extension, 'I' AS Direction, Mid(CallRecordData, 34, 11) AS Called,
Val(Mid(CallRecordData, 18, 2)) + Val(Mid(CallRecordData, 21, 2))/ 60 AS Minutes, Val(Mid(CallRecordData, 21, 2)) AS Seconds
FROM CallRecords
WHERE (CallDate = ?) AND (CallTime >= ?) AND (CallTime < ?) AND (Mid(CallRecordData, 30, 1) <> '9')
When I preview in the Transform Data Task, I get:
Package Error
Error Source: Microsoft JET Database Engine
Error Description: No value given for one or more required parameters.
When I look at the parameters, they are listed. I check their values, and they have the appropriate values (DateCalled, String, 07/14/2005) (StartTime, String, 06:30) (EndTime, String, 07:00)
When I run it in the build query or in Access with a linked table to the source, I can enter the values when asked for them and it works.
Thanks for any help you can provide.
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Jul 6, 2007
I need to open a File through File connection manager and want to assign these file properties to SSIS precreated varibale or Newly created varibale. I want to show file properties in Propertygrid. Properties grid will conatin File Propeties Column and SSIS varibale Combobox column. The combo box will contain New variable field. When user select New Variable field, then a new SSIS varibale window will open and we can able create New variable and that Newly created variable should add to that property comboBox.
For Instance if we create a new varibale Name "Creationdate" by clicking on New Varible in ComboBox, then that CreationDate variable should add to Property ComboBox in PropertyGrid. After adding when we select that variable Name "Creationdate" then that selected file Creation date should assign to SSIS varibale "Creationdate" field.
Any Comments or sample will help me.
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Jan 15, 2008
High all,
I have a very simple SSIS package that is moving data from a DB2 database to a Teradata box. I've run it around 10 times, twice it pushed data over, the balance of the time, it executes with no error, but moves nothing over. In the "incomplete" runs, a command line box pops up for half a second, then the package ends.
Does anyone have ideas as to why this behavior is occurring?
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May 15, 2006
I implemented a custom source adaptor. I want to be able to associate custom properties with each of the output columns. I want them to be passed downsteam. The idea is to be able to retrieve these information in a downstream custom transformations of ours and process the various columns accordingly. How do I go about doing this?I noticed that the IDTSCustomProperty90 seems to have a local scope only.
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Oct 12, 2006
I have an OLE DB Source and i want to transform the data type fields of the table before i export the table in an OLE DB Destination.
Is there a way to transform numeric value to float, and numeric to nvchar?
Thank you in advance.
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Oct 26, 2006
I can't figure out how to put nested tables into the Data Mining Model Training Transform (SSIS). I can do a simple case table, but how do you get those nested tables with DM Training Transformation? Any ideas? Samples?
Thanks in advance,
-Young K
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Oct 4, 2004
I am trying to use a DTS package to get data from db2 in a s390 environment. I am able to use the Import task and then run a query on db2, save the package and execute the package.But when i try edit the transform task i get a mmc.ese application says that the instruction at addres "" tries referencing memory at address "". The memory could not be read...
I installed a ibm odbc driver on my client...obviously the connection seem to work since the package executes...But then the edit issue...
If any one faced this problem or know what i am doing wrong....appreciate ur time and effort...
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Oct 4, 2004
The thing is I am using a DTS package to get data from db2 residing on a s390-mainframe and put it in a sql 2000 db on windows 2000 server..
I have the odbc driver that the server guys gave me..I installed it and then run a batch pgm, which i think does the database set short i set up the DSN's in my local machine..I can use the dsn when i use the sql client...
I can't create a new package and then complete the task..Problem is when i try set up a transform task, i get a memory says that the instruction referenced a memory location that can't be read...
So what i do is i use the import task in sql...which inturn uses the same odbc connection and runs the query on db2..inserts the results into a table in sql..then save the package...Only problem is that i can't edit the transorm task...same memory error...
Any idea why this happens ?? I would like to see how i can get past this using Odbc...
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Jan 10, 2005
I recently came across a DTS made by an experienced DBA and was impressed by the use of Dynamic Properties DTS Task used. As I understood the DTS was generic and if I'm not mistaken, can be easily transferred to another server/machine on an AS IS basis and without having to change any of the properties (server name, login, password etc.) for the source or destination server.
This seems to be a really neat feature.
I tried to put this to use but am having problems regarding how to proceed... Unfortunately I have not been able to find any article either which addresses this particular request and takes a novice step by step so that this feature can be used.
Will appreciate any help.
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Jan 29, 2008
I need to call a stored procedure to insert data into a table in SQL Server from SSIS data flow task.
I am currently trying to use OLe Db Destination, but I am not sure how to map inputs to OLE DB Destination to my stored procedure insert.
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Feb 26, 2001
DTS now has a dynamic properties task in sql 2000 which at a first glance is pretty cool. However i do not know if it would sort out a particular issue I have.
I need to have a generic DTS package that pulls data from different locations based on the project selected by a user. The source is a btrieve database
The name of the tables change with the project, so for example the F24 project would have its source table named F24TACT and the IFO source would have its source table named IFOTACT.
I need to be able to dynamically retrieve the table name from a local SQL table and assign this name to the data pump for the data extraction..
I don' t know if this is achievable in DTS. I can retrieve the value into a look up variable but how can i set it at runtime ?
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Mar 2, 2004
Hey all,
I have a stored procedure, which need one variable as parameter. I am trying to call this stored procedure from my DTS Task and my parameter is defined as the Global Variable in DTS. here is the SP call within my DTS Task
declare @id int
select @id = DTSGlobalVariables('ClientId' ).value
exec sp_Update_DayPart @ClientId= @id
it gives me an error that DTSGlobalVariables function not defined. In this case how can i pass the value of Client Id which is my global variable to my SP.
Thanks in Advance
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Apr 4, 2007
Hello,I am building a packge where an FTP task needs to pull down a singlefileevery day from a specific location. The location will only have theone file.The file name will be different every day. A sample of one of the filenameslooks like this:CDNSC.CDNSC.SC00015.04012007The file names will be different every day, as the last eight digitsrepresent the date of the data in the file. The source files will belocatedin a subdirectory called 'outgoing'.My first approach to this has been to use a Dyamic Properties Task tosetthe SourceFileName of the FTP Task. I tried using a sting GlobalVariableexpressed as *.*.*.* thinking a wildcard would work, but it didn't.What approaches can I take so that the Source Filename in the FTP taskwilldymanically update each day to get the one file?Thank you for your help!cdun2
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Apr 25, 2007
Hi everyone,
I€™d like to read the SqlStatement property for a Sql Task from a Script Task (previously Sql Task is executed) in execution.
Keeping on mind that such SqlStatement receives an input parameter.
Is it possible? I think so but how do I such thing?
Let me know if you need further details.
Thanks a lot for your time and thoughts,
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Jun 30, 2006
How can I programmatically change the properties of Send Mail task using Script Task. I want to change the From, To and Attachment parameters of the Send Mail task.
If the Script Task can't do it, Is there any alternative to do?
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