I have created a package which transfers data from a SQL server source to an Excel Destination. The DataFlow Task works fine , if i pre-define the column names in the Excel Destination... But i run into an error when i give the blank excel sheet as my destination. I am unable to map any columns
A sample example is as shown above .. In the column mappings field only one column in the Excel shows up for mapping and eventually throws the error "[Excel Destination [42]] Error: The number of columns is incorrect. "
How do we proceed in this case , where in we do not want to give pre-defined coulmn names in the Excel Destination sheet.
I am having a little problem with a simple package and I do not know if this is a known issue or that I am missing something.
I have a data flow task, a simple one, with an oledb source pulling data, using a select statement, from a sql server 2005 instance, and an ole db destination pointing to a table in a sql server 2000 instance. Both intances are standard edition. The table in the destination has a column which allow null values and has also a default constraint (getdate()), and this column is not present in the source. When I map the columns in the destination, I leave this column as "ignore", not being mapped to any column from the source. The problem is that when I execute the task, SSIS is trying to insert NULL value into this column, so the package fail with the error "can not insert NULL value into column myColumn". I wonder why is it trying to insert NULL value if the column is not mapped to any column from the source.
Is this a known issue or I am nissing something in the settings?
If the destination table has rowversion or identity columns, there is no problem ar all. I ignore those columns in the mapping and SQL Server feeds them as expected.
ts my first time trying to set up a SSIS job using the import/export wizard to export the results of a query into an excel file.
i am using sql server 2005, windows XP SP2.
In the last step in the excel destination editor, in the connection manager when i am trying to select the excel file to write into i am getting this error.
'Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0 ' provider is not registered on the local machine.
I have set up the excel connection manager. i have changed the properties of the project to set
the Run64BitRuntime to false.
i am running the latest version of MDAC 2.8 on the machine too
please let me know if there is anything else i need to do to fix this.
I was trying to get my data from olb table to excel. but i got this error my dataflow is as follows: oledb source-> excel destination
i have got a excel file template at the destination all ready. with the column names+ the sheet all ready. but somehow it got stuck... anybody can help? thanks!
I have a SSIS package that reads data from a dump table, runs a custom script that takes date data and converts it to the correct format or nulls and formats amt fields to currency, then inserts it to a new table. The new table redirects insert errors. This process worked fine until about 3 weeks ago. I am processing just under 6 million rows, with 460,000 or so insert errors that did give error column and code.
Now, I am getting 1.5 million errors. and nothing has changed, to my knowledge. I receive the following information.
Error Code -1071607685 Error Column 0 Error Desc No status is available.
The only thing I can find for the above error code is
To add to the confusion, I can not see any errors in the data written to the error table. It appears that after a certain point is reached in the processing, everything, or most records, error out.
The only way to add a new column to an existing mapping that I know is to go to advanced editor and refresh. This however keeps only the default mapping (where the field names match), the rest is wiped out, so need to restore the mapping manually after that. Risky and annoying at the same time. Is there any alternative?
Have to create SSIS package for the below requirement:
I have source data in 2 excel files. Data from both these excel files should be loaded to the same single Fact table.
The column names in excel files and table are not same. I have a Reference table which has the column mappings between excel and Fact Table.
I have to refer this Reference Tabel for column mappings, plus i have to add some derived columns (Created_Date) to load the Fact_Table.
I have given a sample data structure below:
Source Data Excel1_Order.xls OrderNumber    OrderQuantity    OrderDate Order10001            100              01-01-2011 Excel2_Customer.xls CustomerNumber     CustomerName    CustomerAddress
I am transferring a huge Database running on PostgreSQL to SQL SERVER using SSIS. I have already mapped all the columns between source and target tables. Is it possible in SSIS to get a graphical diagram showing all the source and targets tables and its mapping?
I have a condition where if column5 is equal to 1 then put column6 into the destination column "dest6", if it is not equal to 1 then put column6 in destination column "dest7"
What is the best way to do this in SSIS?
If I have to use the conditional split then do I have to copy my complete mappings, exact change this one column?
Thank for the help this mapping will take me a long time!
In my destination table i am having some 30 columns and the CSV files what i get may have 10 columns or 20. How do I map columns between source and destination dynamically?
I have created a SSIS package which is getting data from SQL Server table to Excel File.
Step 1 : using Oledb to get records. Step 2 : created Excel Connection and Excel Destination component Step 3 : Configured the Excel File Path using variables. Step 4 : Changed the property 64 bit FALSE
When try to run from BIDS it is running fine. But It is not running when try to run from SQL JOB.
The following Error i got:
: SSIS Error Code DTS_E_CANNOTACQUIRECONNECTIONFROMCONNECTIONMANAGER. The AcquireConnection method call to the connection manager "Excel Connection Manager" failed with error code 0xC0202009. There may be error messages posted before this with more information on why the AcquireConnection method call failed. ::: component "Excel Destination" (588) failed validation and returned error code 0xC020801C. ::: One or more component failed validation. ::: There were errors during task validation. ::
Ok. I've been messing around with exporting data to excel using an Excel Destination. I keep having formatting problems specifically with dates, numbers and text (if the text looks like a number). I am exporting to a range.
1) If set the FirstRowHasColumnNames to true, format the appropriate cells in the header, and the range is set to the row of column headers only, the formatting does not apply.
2) If set the FirstRowHasColumnNames to true,include a blank row after the header, format the appropriate cells in the that row and set the range to both rows, the formatting does apply but I get a blank row after the header line.
3) If set the FirstRowHasColumnNames to false, format the appropriate cells in the first row, and set the range to that row, the formatting does not apply.
I cannot use VBA or install excel on the server and manipulate it via VBA.
Is there any way to delete the row via a query using OLEDB? I seem to have read you can blank out a line but not delete a row using this method.
I have some source files is there today it will have 4 columns..Tomorrow it will have 10 columns...my package is dynamically load the data to destination table..How we have do it in Using script task...
I have an excel export with numeric values. When the SSIS package writes into the excel it treats all data types as strings and attaches an apostrophe in the beginning. I tried formatting the excel sheet with the number data type and saving it . It doesnt work.
Other strange thing is that when I go into the advanced editor for the excel destination and look into the properties of the external columns all of them have the data type as Unicode String[DT_WSTR] irrespective of what the data type is from the input.The UI allows me to change it to numeric for numeric columns without any error but the value is not saved at all which is very frustrating. I also tried changing it in the xml file of the package, it some how seems to overwrite it after validation. It would be really nice if it threw an error saying that it cannot be changed.
Anyways there seems to be no way of changing the destination data type if it s an existing file and if I create a new excel sheet there is no way of formatting data. Is there any way out?
I have a small problem in parameter mapping for Execute SQL Task. I am using a delete statement with 2 conditions. Followed by another Execute SQL Task which contains commit statement.
delete from tname where c1 = ? and c2 =?
where c1 is number(4) datatype and c2 is of varchar2(20) datatype in oracle.
The connection manager i am using is ORacle OLE DB provider. I am passing 2 global variables i.e g_v1 of Int32 and g_v2 of String Type.
In the parameter mapping of the Executing SQL task, i am mapping these 2 variables for c1 and c2 and changed the datatypes inside parameter mapping as Numeric for c1 and Varchar for c2.
I also set the property as ByPassPrepare = True.
When i am executing the package i getting INVALID NUMBER ERROR. i believe the SSIS is unable to perform the implict datatype converison.
For the next run, i changed the g_v1 varible datatype to Double and also i changed the parameter mapping for c1 as Doble datatype. This time it is working fine. I can see the Green signal for the 2 SQL Tasks.
But when i connected to Oracle check the count in the table, the data is not getting deleted.
Also, I set the property RetainSameConnection = TRUE for oracle connection manager. I am not able to trace this logical error.
The same is working fine in my local machine. But i am facing the problem when i deployed the same on the client machine.
Is there any problem with parameter mapping? What should be equialent Datatype for Oracle NUMBER datatype that should be used inside the SSIS package while declaring the global variable and inside the parameter mapping.
Hi All I have seen several posts on this issue but as yet no answer. So i'm hoping that somewhere out there knows what the issue is.
SSIS package queries database creates MS spreadsheets per customer and then emails each customer their list. Anyway all works fine apart from the fact that the Excel Destination Editor converts the date from uk to us format. My routine is already using an MS Excel template (correctly formatted) which it copies as part of the package. Any ideas anyone?
I'm trying to export data to an Excel destination. I'm receving the following error on a notes column which is an nvarchar(max) datatype.
Error: 0xC0202025 at Data Flow Task, Excel Destination [124]: Cannot create an OLE DB accessor. Verify that the column metadata is valid.
I realize that the charcater limit on an Excel cell is 32, 767 characters, but none of the test data that I'm using is close to that. I've also tried using ntext and receive the same error. When I change the datatype to nvarchar(4000), it works fine. I've also changed the destination to a flat file using nvarchar(max) and I don't receive the error. Unfortunately, our vendor specifies that they have to have an Excel file. Does anyone know what is causing this error, if it's a bug, or have any suggestions?
:: REGEDIT:::Â HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESoftwareMicrosoftOffice14.0Access Connectivity EngineEnginesExcelTypeGuessRows ::TypeGuessRows value to zero (0) IMEX=1 Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=D:destination.xlsx;Extended Properties="Excel 12.0 XML;HDR=YES;IMEX=1";
But SQL Table Last 39 Records Dumped as NULLÂ whichever is Alphanumeric. Why? Dynamically How Can I import without doing Text to column in Excel on that column ?
In my SSIS project I am populating an Excel spreadsheet with several worksheets. When I define a worksheet in Excel Destination Editor, I use Create Table SQL statement to create a worksheet. Most of the fields are defined as numbers, however when job runs my numeric fields appear as text in Excel with yellow warning sign - 'The number in this cell is formatted as text or preceeded by an apostrophe'. I need my numbers to appear as numbers. Is there a workaround for this?
I am inserting rows using OLEDBDestination and want to redirect all error rows to EXCEL Destination.
I have used Data Conversion Transformation to Convert all strings to Unicode string fields before sending it to Excel Destination.
But its gives the following error.
[Data Conversion [16]] Error: Data conversion failed while converting column 'A' (53) to column "Copy of A" (95). The conversion returned status value 8 and status text "DBSTATUS_UNAVAILABLE".
[Data Conversion [16]] Error: The "output column "Copy of A" (95)" failed because error code 0xC020908E occurred, and the error row disposition on "output column "Copy of A" (95)" specifies failure on error. An error occurred on the specified object of the specified component.
Can someone please tell me what should I do to make it work?
OLE DB source which calls a stored proc that returns a result set
data conversion
Excel destination I am in design mode in Business Intelligence studio. My excel destination (with an Excel Connection) shows no sheet name though I have an execute SQL task before the data flow to create the excel table called SHEET1. Needless to say, there are no output columns visible to do any mappings. I did go to the ExcelConnection to set the OpenRowset Property to SHEET1 but it seems to have no effect.
I can do the export in SQL Server Management studio and that works fine, but it is basic and does not meet my requirements. I have to customize the package to allow dynamic Excel filenames based on account names and have to split my result set into multiple excel sheets because excel 2003 has a max of 65536 rows per sheet. Also when I use the export wizard, I have the source as a table and eventually the source has to be a stored proc with input parms.
What am I missing or doing wrong? Thanks in advance
Hello, What I'm trying to accomplish is to have a variable names "SourceTable" and "DestinationTable". So for each SourceTable, the DestinationTable will have the same columns. All I need is to auto-map these columns between source and destination via code?
As soon as I call the input.GetVirtualInput(); method I get a com exception ,Seem that I am missing a
VirtualInputColumnCollection on the component ,but can't seem to figure out why.
When I drop the all the other components and only keep the OLEDb Source and OLEDB Destination with a flow between them , the call to input.GetVirtualInput() doe not fail with a com exception and I can mapping normally
Hello, I am getting this warning message,when I am trying to load an excel file to a table [Excel Source 1 [12717]] Error: A destination table name has not been provided.
These are the steps I am performing EXCEL source | Data Conversion | OLEDB Destination
In the EXcel Source I have the Data Access Mode as Table Name or View Name variable
Am I missing something.. I tried to give a default value in the variable and then I am getting this warning
Error at Data Flow Task [Excel Source 1 [12717]]: SSIS Error Code DTS_E_OLEDBERROR. An OLE DB error has occurred. Error code: 0x80040E37. Error at Data Flow Task [Excel Source 1 [12717]]: Opening a rowset for "Order" failed. Check that the object exists in the database.
I have 2 Excel sheets ( Sheet1 and Summary) in an excel output file. Sheet1 is created and loaded with data fine. Summary sheet is getting the following error: Error: 0xC0202009 at Write Counts and Percentages to Summary Sheet, Excel Destination [337]: SSIS Error Code DTS_E_OLEDBERROR. An OLE DB error has occurred. Error code: 0x80040E37.
Error: 0xC02020E8 at Write Counts and Percentages to Summary Sheet, Excel Destination [337]: Opening a rowset for "Summary" failed. Check that the object exists in the database.
I do have an execute SQL task to create the summary sheet before the data flow task. The execute SQL task has CREATE TABLE `Summary` ( `Counts_and_Percentages` LongText )
Please advise on what I can do to troubleshoot/correct the error. Thanks
More details on the error DTS.Pipeline] Error: "component "Excel Destination" (337)" failed validation and returned validation status "VS_ISBROKEN". My Excel file name is an expression
I have a requirement to take xml file, in case the number of column changes, it should not fail the package, rather it should load the data in destination table. Destination table could be altered separately depending on xml schema by the DB team in production.
I have a simple enough task to complete that I can€™t seem to find the answer to.
The task is this €“
Select table x from the database and write it to a flat file complete with that tables column headings.
Now I€™ve managed to set up an ole db datasource and selected the table and I€™ve also linked it to the flat file output. So now I can generate a flat file from the database. However no column headings appear in the flat file.
I can€™t seem to find anywhere (like a checkbox) that will also output the column headings to the flat file.
Now I can add in Headings manually in the properties of the Flat File Destination object but the columns that appear in the flat file don€™t appear to be in the order that I requested them in the SQL.
So the question is how do I automatically have the column headings appear for flat file output (ideally without me having to manually add them in).
If it can€™t be done and I have to use a vb.net script instead then would anyone have an example script of how to do it?
Thanks in advance for anyone who manages to answer this.
Am new to SSIS and developing a component which pulls data from a staging table and drops them into another table in the same database.
Am using a 1) OLE DB Source to get the data from the staging table. 2) OLE DB Destination to insert or push the data into another table of the same database. 3) Script component to get the error rows and to update the staging table column with a flg value.
The rows that throw an error like primary key violation, or any other error should be redirected to the script component and the process should get completed.
The Error Output of the OLE DB Destination doesnt show any columns to be selected for Redirect Row option
The script executes without any error and the records are shown in error path but the records are not updated in the DB.
This is what i have in the script
Public Class ScriptMain
Inherits UserComponent
Dim sqlConn As SqlConnection
Dim sqlCmd As SqlCommand
Dim connMgr As IDTSConnectionManager90 Dim txnIdParam As SqlParameter
Dim errorDescParam As SqlParameter
Public Overrides Sub AcquireConnections(ByVal Transaction As Object)
I am new to using SSIS and need some assistance. I am trying to create a package that will loop through a folder of DBF files and import them into SQL server. Here is what I did so far: - Created a Foreach Loop Container with a Data Flow Task within - Created a string variable to store the file names - Created the OLE DB Source and Destinations - Created the connection manager with dBASE III Extended Property pointed to the folder where the files are.
When I try to set the OLE Source to use the file name variable, I get an error stating that there is no Destination table defined. I get the same error when I try to setup the OLE Destination. How do I resolve this issue? I want it to import each file into its own table. Is there any way to reuse this file name variable as the destination table name?