I had got the below error when I execute a DELETE SQL query in SSIS Execute SQL Task :
Error: 0xC002F210 at DelAFKO, Execute SQL Task: Executing the query "DELETE FROM [CQMS_SAP].[dbo].[AFKO]" failed with the following error: "The transaction log for database 'CQMS_SAP' is full. To find out why space in the log cannot be reused, see the log_reuse_wait_desc column in sys.databases". Possible failure reasons: Problems with the query, "ResultSet" property not set correctly, parameters not set correctly, or connection not established correctly.
But my disk has large as more than 6 GB space, and I query the log_reuse_wait_desc column in sys.databases which return value as "NOTHING".
So this confused me, any one has any experience on this?
A stored function is created in MySQL Server running on Linux with following info: mysql > delimiter $$ mysql > CREATE FUNCTION GetMaxKeyForSampleTable() -> RETURNS DOUBLE READS SQL DATA -> BEGIN -> RETURN (SELECT MAX(MJD) FROM tblSampleTable); -> END; Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.02 sec) mysql > delimiter ;
***The above function is successfully stored in the database.
"Execute SQL Task" add-in module has following info:
Got a problem with 'Execute SQL Task'. When I click to open the 'Execute SQL Task Editor', add a connection then click on 'Parameter Mapping' then click 'Add' button the window disappears. I have re-installed visual studio and applied SP1 but the problem is still there.
I want to make an Execute Process Task that will make a connection with VCP.exe (Secure FTP from SecureCRT, you need to install all components from SecureCRT to have this one. It also fixes your system paths so you dont need to include the working directory).
Which forms something like that : vcp.exe -pw password username@ c:DATAgrnti_200605080000 Connection string works perfectly while testing in cmd.exe or directly running with Run..., but within SQL SSIS i get the message :
SSIS package "Package.dtsx" starting. Error: 0xC0029153 at VCP to Srv, Execute Process Task: File/Process "grnti_200605080000" does not exist in directory "vcp.exe -pw password username@ icketsgrnti_200605080000 c:DATA". Error: 0xC0024107 at VCP to Srv: There were errors during task validation. SSIS package "Package.dtsx" finished: Success.
Now this message seems a bit odd, because im only trying to run an application with all the arguments with it.
Anyone experienced anything similar, or should i use another approach on this one?
Sebastijan L.
Ok ! Problem solved, will keep the thread as it might be usefull to someone else. I changed the expression from Executable to Argument cut the "vcp.exe" out and it works like a charm!
My configuration database is made to work with both SQL Server 2005 and 2000, could this be an error that has to do with that?
Here is the query that I am using...
DECLARE @Server [nchar] (100) SET @Server = (CONVERT(char(100), (SELECT SERVERPROPERTY('Servername'))))
INSERT INTO [tempdb].[dbo].[Server_Roles] (Server, ServerRole, UserName) SELECT @Server, role.name, member.name FROM sys.server_role_members rm inner join sys.server_principals member ON rm.member_principal_id = member.principal_id inner join sys.server_principals role ON rm.role_principal_id = role.principal_id
********Begin Errors*************** " failed with the following error: "Invalid object name 'sys.server_principals'.". Possible failure reasons: Problems with the query, "ResultSet" property not set correctly, parameters not set correctly, or connection not established correctly. Task failed: Execute SQL Task I Error: 0x0 at Execute SQL Task I: Invalid object name 'sys.server_role_members'. Error: 0x0 at Execute SQL Task I: Invalid object name 'sys.server_principals'.
I am trying to create an SSIS package to transfer data from one database to another. Prior to transfering the data I want to delete the existing data in the target table. When I try to configure the task I get this message:
The task with the name "Execute SQL Task" and the creation name "Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Tasks.ExecuteSQLTask.ExecuteSQLTask, Microsoft.SqlServer.SQLTask, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=89845dcd8080cc91" is not registered for use on this computer. Contact Information: Execute SQL Task
Prior to installing .NET 3.0 I did not have this problem. Any thoughts on how to resolve this problem? My thought is there was an installation registration issue.
I need to use a variable as column in SQL statement in Execute SQL task of integration services. I am setting Parameter Setting to map variable use it in the query like; select ? , col1name from tablename. But its not working. Anybody having any idea; would be of great help.
In my SSIS Package, I have one Execute SQL Task containing a few SQL Statements of the format: "DELETE FROM <Table_Name>", followed by one SQL statement for executing a stored procedure with an output parameter of the format: "EXEC <StoredProcedure_Name> ? OUTPUT". The output of the stored procedure has been mapped to a global package variable (data type: nvarchar).
If I remove the SQL Statements of the format: "DELETE FROM <Table_Name>" from within the Execute SQL Task, the stored procedure returns the desired output. However, If I introduce these SQL statements in the Task just prior to the "EXEC <StoredProcedure_Name> ? OUTPUT" SQL Statement, the output returned to me always contains a part of the first set of SQL Statements.
Here is a sample output that I get:
"The data corresponding to the ECO: 35053776 has not yet arrived.The data corresponding to the ECO: 35054112 has not yet arrived. em]
[ID] LIKE N'100%' AND
[ID] LIKE N'%0';
FROM [dbo].[TempECOItem]
[ID] LIKE N'71%';
EXEC dbo.LoadData ? OUTPUT "
If you notice, the output that I receive from the stored procedure contains a part of the SQL statements within the Execute SQL Task.
The Execute SQL Task has an OLE DB connection type. I use a "Direct Input" SQL Source Type and my database is a SQL Server 2005 Database. It seems as though the output variable is automatically being set to the SQL Statements in the Execute SQL Task. I even debugged this Package and have found that only at the end of the Execute SQL Task, the variable receives the above value. Prior to this, the variable is empty.
Does anyone know what is going on or, does anyone know of a workaround? Any help would be appreciated.
I sometimes come accross this error when I attempt to execute an isolated task in the control flow. What is funny is that I am still able to debug the package.
It eventually resolves after a while. What could it be?
TITLE: Microsoft Visual Studio ------------------------------
Access Denied. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80030005(STG_E_ACCESSDENIED))
I have a command to decrypt a file that I can run from the command line and it works beautifully. However, when I stuff it into an execute process task, it errors out every time or does nothing.
Here is the command I can run from the command line:
I've pointed the execute process task object to the gpg.exe executable on my system and am stuffing the remainder in the arguments line. I have also tried changing around all the timeout settings and sucess values. I have found I can change the success value to 2 and it will show up as being green when complete, but the file doesn't decrypt. It just in turn will throw an error on the next piece because the required file is not there.
I will probably end up writing a script to get this to work and use a script task but I really want to know why this will not work.
We have used an execute package task in our master package to execute a child package and we have set the execute out of process=false. This master package is running fine in 32 bit server but is failing in 64 bit server. is there any settings to be done in the server or is it the problem with the property setting(execute out of process)
Forget it -- I decided to take to crappy way out -- Instead of executing a procedure and trying to get the output when running a SSIS package, I simply run the query in the first step of the SQL Agent Job and fill a table with the results. All I have SSIS do is export the table to a flat file.
I'm getting the following when I try to run in BIDS: [Execute SQL Task] Error: Executing the query "dbo.prcCreatePayExtract" failed with the following error: "Query timeout expired". Possible failure reasons: Problems with the query, "ResultSet" property not set correctly, parameters not set correctly, or connection not established correctly.
It appears that the timeout hits at 30 seconds which I've captured in SQL Profiler but I can't see to find where on earth in the package I can set the timeout. The "Timeout" on the task is set to zero and the Connection Timeout and General Timeout are both zero.
I have built the following query in SSMS, when I add it to an Execute SQL Task in SSIS. I get this error -
"[Execute SQL Task] Error: Executing the query "SELECT @columnz = COALESCE(@columnz + ',[' + times..." failed with the following error:
"Must declare the scalar variable "@columnz".". Possible failure reasons: Problems with the query, "ResultSet" property not set correctly, parameters not set correctly, or connection not established correctly."
use design
drop table tmpNCPCNCDownstreamMaxUtilization3wks select node, max(utilization) as max_Utilization, DATE into tmpNCPCNCDownstreamMaxUtilization3wks from stage_ncpcncdownstream_temporal WHERE Date BETWEEN DATEADD(day, -20, GETDATE()) AND GETDATE()
I have ForEach Loop using Foreach File Enumerator. Within this loop I have SQL Task containing an Insert statement. When I run the Insert statement in query builder the transaction inserts data into a table as expected.
However, when actually running the process I am getting the error message:
Executing the query "INSERT INTO dbo.TEST_TABLE ..." failed with the following error: "Value does not fall within the expected range.". Possible failure reasons: Problems with the query, "ResultSet" property not set correctly, parameters not set correctly, or connection not established correctly.
I currently have the ResultSet to "None" and have defined the parameter I am using. Where the process seems to joke is on my file_Name variable will I am trying to insert only part of the file name.
Hello! I would like to write a value from a column to a parameter in SSIS with the Execute SQL task. The problem is that I will never get a value for the parameter.
You can recreate the problem with the AdventureWorksDW sample database.
1. Drop an execute SQL task in the control flow
2. Set the connection to the AdventureWorksDw database
3. Write this in the SQL Statement box Select Max(FullDateAlterNateKey) as LastDate
From DimTime 4. Set the resultset to single Row 5. Under result set assign LastDate as the Result Name and create a parameter with a default date. 6. Execute the task, that will finish succesfully but the value of the parameter in 5 have not changed.
I have tried to change the scope to both the package level and the task level without any success. The value of the variable is still the default value. I have also tried a string variable without sucess.
I have an Execute Process Task within my package that executes a BCP command which outputs the resultset of a query to a file in the network share. It works fine most of the time, however sometimes for unknown reasons, the following error message gets logged in my log table - In Executing "c:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90ToolsBinncp.exe" "Select Comments, SoldToCustomerNbr, ProductGroupingCode, ProductGroupingName, RevSumCategoryCode, RevSumCategoryName, ValidFromDate, DTSCollectPct, DTSPrepaidPct, DTSPickUpPct, DCCollectPct, DCPrepaidPct, DCPickUpPct From ShipmentTypeCustomerBlend" queryout \xxxLOGShipmentTypeCustomerBlendLog_060719201440.txt -c -t" " -SDummyServer -T -e"d:SSIS Error LogsJob ExecutionBcpErrors.log" at "", The process exit code was "1" while the expected was "0".
The above error was captured from the System::ErrorDescription variable, by the error event handler, that was attached to the Execute Process Task. This error does not help me to debug the issue.
On running the below statement from the command prompt, i get the actual error message, which is the expected behavior -
This error message indicates that either the network path - \xxxLOG is not available for the output file creation or the file - \xxxLOGShipmentTypeCustomerBlendLog_060719201440.txt could not be created for some reason.
I 've tried to capture the error message from the StandardErrorVariable and the StandardOutputVariable properties of the ExecuteProcess Task, but in vain.
Is this a bug ? If so, is there a way to get the actual error message from the task ?
I'm trying to read rows from a SQL Server Table and for each row use a few columns as parameters into a query to be run against oracle which will delete oracle rows.
I add OLDEB connections for Oracle and SQL and then I try to add a "Execute SQL Task". I've also tried a "OLE Command" but I can't get the mapping of the columns to the parameters to work.
There is lots of articles on the web that talk in general around parameterized queries but no clear examples.
I also find the difference between the Control Flow and Data Flow tabs confusing as its not intuitive where to place things. It also appears to force me to re-define things that it should already know (this is no doubt because I'm interpreting what I've done / acheived wrongly).
I have my source and destination on the "Data Flow" tab along with a "Execute SQL Task" object in the middle.
I'm setting its "connection manager" the Oracle (i.e. the destination where I want the deletes to be executed). I don't follow why this also has a "connection property, surely this it set when I drag the output of the SQL Server OLEDB Source to the input of the "Execute SQL Task".
Perhaps I'm expected too much from the wizards / dialogs and I have to create "variables" and "parameters" myself?
Any help or suggestions would be very much appreciated.
I have a "Execute DTS Package 2000 " task in SSIS. The SQL 2000 DTS has one task which precedence is "completion". Using SQL2000 it works properly, but when I invoke it from SSIS it doesn€™t respect the precedence. So, when the task above fails it ends the DTS execution.
Is it possible to configure the task to respect the precedences?
Iam using 'Execute SQl task' which calls a stored procedure located in sql server database.The task's SQL source type is variable and the variable has the follwoing expression "EXEC PROC_SEL_MBO_REPORT "+@[User::V_SP_Job_Date]after evaluation it is like EXEC PROC_SEL_MBO_REPORT '01/NOV/2007'.It is working fine
Now the procedure is changed to Oracle.So I have changed it to "BEGIN PROC_SEL_MBO_REPORT " + "("+ @[User::V_SP_Job_Date]+")"+"; END"+";" after evaluation it is like BEGIN PROC_SEL_MBO_REPORT ('01/NOV/2007') END;.It is sucessfully executing from the task but no data is loaded into the tables which are used by the procedure internally. Executing 'execute BEGIN PROC_SEL_MBO_REPORT ('01/NOV/2007') END;' is perfectly alright from SQl developer or sql plus.
I couldn't find an 'SQL Server Agent' Forum , so I'm posting this here...sorry.
I'm using a job to run a batch file with several robocopy commands in it. The step in the scheduled job runs a SSIS package saved in the Server Package Store. The SSIS package uses an 'Execute Process Task' control flow item. The 'Execute Process task' simply calls and execute the batch file. (WindowStyle property = Maximized) The package/job runs fine in both Visual Studio and in Management Studio. However when run from the latter (SQL Management Studio Job) the command prompt window (dos screen) doesn't open so I can't tell at what stage the batch file is in at any given time.
How can I get the window to open? By the way the window does open if I run the SSIS from Visual Studio.
Can any one give me a solution how to call exe. Also, i need to pass 1 input to that exe. I tried using Execute process task but it is not working.
My task is:
I have DFT , it generate a output file then after the output file generated i need to upload it SharePoint server. So i developed one .exe using .net, C#. ( it is running fine when cmd line)
I have tried to incorporate 638 lines sql code inside the Execute SQL Task editor. But it is truncating the codes inside the Execute SQL Task (SQL command) in SSIS.write all 639 lines of codes in the Execute SQL Task Editor in SSIS.
I cannot find the data type for parameter mapping from Execute SQL Task Editor to make this works.
1. Execute SQL Task 1 - select max(columnA) from tableA. ColumnA is varbinary(8); set result to variable which data type is Object.
2. Execute SQL Task 2 - update tableB set columnB = ? What data type should I use to map the parameter? I tried different data types, none working except GUI but it returned wrong result.
Does SSIS variable support varbinary data type? I know there's a bug issue with bigint data type and there's a work-around. Is it same situation with varbinary?
This works great it iterates through a file and looks at all the files checks to see if they have been loaded into the db table, if not it loads the file.
My spGetFile has RETURN 1 if a file is loaded and RETURN 0 if the file is not loaded.
Now I add a new variable:
Step 1: add to Foreach Loop Container
ForEach Loop Container Name = Return, Scope = ForEachLoop, Data Type= Int32 Value=0
~~"Multiple-step OLE DB operation generated errors. Check each OLE DB status value, if available. No work was done.". Possible failure reasons: Problems with the query, "ResultSet" property not set correctly, parameters not set correctly, or connection not established correctly.~~
I tried with an ADO.Net connection ... works until I add the ReturnValue parameter ...
I have created for each container to call all the packages in a folder like below, also created a variable.
Then I add execute package task inside of foreach container and selected file system in a location and in connection called currently creating package name finally in connection properties i added variable in expression which i created and mapped into for each loop container. I referred below linkÂ
[URL] ....
All the packages are running but its not ending once all the packages executed its re run and continue the running process, how to stop once all the packages execute.Â
I have an execute process task set up to run ftp.exe and a script argument. Â The ftp.exe is referenced in the executable field without a qualified path. Â The package just seems to know it's there relatively. Â I need to change this to run a secured ftp executable that I recently installed on my pc. Â I put the new executable in the WindowsSystem32 folder where the old ftp.exe is stored. Â But when I put the new executable in the executable field, it says the 'File/Process "FTPS.exe" is not in path'. Â I get the same error when I fully qualify the path. Â Is there something I need to do with the new executable for SSIS to pick it up without having to fully qualify the path?
I'm trying to run a task that executes a script file (cmd). When i run it with in bids with my own users (domain admin) it works. When i start a cmd prompt and try to run the cmd file directly from the network location where it is it works (with my own rights and with the sql server agent user).
Now when i try to run in from smss > agent jobs > job and run job it never completes. Im not getting any error message either it just keeps on running on the step ??? It seems like a rights issue, but the account running the sql server agent is able to execute the cmd file directly from the command prompt.
There are no errors in any error logs anywhere and no error is displayed...
Ps. Im running the job step as a integration service pacgake.