SSIS Parallel Processing Of Packages

Oct 7, 2006


I am facing some problem's while using the FOR loop container to execute 7-10 packages in parallel.

The main package has 7 FOR loop containers say F1-F7.

Each FOR loop container has 2 task's

T1==> exec child package C1

T2==> exec delay task Delay1.

The idea is to run child packages c1-c7 in parallel ...delay for some time and then run again since there are in the FOR loop container.

I am facing someproblems.

1. The execution of tasks T1-T7 is not guranteed. This means SSIS picks up any 6 tasks of T1-T7 randomly to start with. 6 is the max it processes whereas i have more than that. Can i change this setting???

2. Its not guranteed that if say Task t1 of FOR loop F1 is executed the subsequent task for Delay within tat For loop would be executed next. Typically wat happens is it starts with T1-T6 (T7 onhold) and then exec the delay for T1-T5 and passes control to T7 without going into the delay for T6.This is not the intended execution.

What i want is exec T1-t7 ..delay for the next exec and start again.

How do i do this.

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Parallel Development Of SSIS Packages

Jun 29, 2007

I have seen a number of posts regarding parallel development of SSIS packages and need some further information.

So far we have been developing SSIS packages along a single development stream and therefore have managed to avoid parallel development of our packages.

However, due to business pressures we will soon have multiple project streams running in parallel, and therefore multiple code branches, as part of that we will definitely need to redevelop the same SSIS packages in parallel. Judging from your post above and some testing we have done this is going to be a nightmare as we cannot merge the code. We can put in place processes to try and mitigate this but there are bound to be issues along the way.

Do you know whether this problem is going to be fixed? We are now using Team Foundation Server but presumably the merge algorythm used is same/similar to that of VSS and therefore very flaky?

However, not only are we having problems with the merging of the XML files, but we also use script tasks within the packages which are precompiled, as the DTSX files contain the binary objects associated with the script source code, if two developers change the same script task in isolated branches the binary is not recompiled as the merge software does not recognise this object.

Do you know whether these issues have been identified and are going to be fixed to be in line with the rest of Microsoft Configuration Managment principles of parallel development?

Many thanks.

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Running A Large Number Of SSIS Packages (with Dtexec Utility) In Parallel From A SQL Server Agent Job Produces Errors

Jan 11, 2008


I have stumbled on a problem with running a large number of SSIS packages in parallel, using the €œdtexec€? command from inside an SQL Server job.

I€™ve described the environment, the goal and the problem below. Sorry if it€™s a bit too long, but I tried to be as clear as possible.

The environment:
Windows Server 2003 Enterprise x64 Edition, SQL Server 2005 32bit Enterprise Edition SP2.

The goal:
We have a large number of text files that we€™re loading into a staging area of a data warehouse (based on SQL Server 2k5, as said above).

We have one €œmain€? SSIS package that takes a list of files to load from an XML file, loops through that list and for each file in the list starts an SSIS package by using €œdtexec€? command. The command is started asynchronously by using system.diagnostics.process.start() method. This means that a large number of SSIS packages are started in parallel. These packages perform the actual loading (with BULK insert).

I have successfully run the loading process from the command prompt (using the dtexec command to start the main package) a number of times.

In order to move the loading to a production environment and schedule it, we have set up an SQL Server Agent job. We€™ve created a proxy user with the necessary rights (the same user that runs the job from command prompt), created an the SQL Agent job (there is one step of type €œcmdexec€? that runs the €œmain€? SSIS package with the €œdtexec€? command).

If the input XML file for the main package contains a small number of files (for example 10), the SQL Server Agent job works fine €“ the SSIS packages are started in parallel and they finish work successfully.

The problem:
When the number of the concurrently started SSIS packages gets too big, the packages start to fail. When a large number of SSIS package executions are already taking place, the new dtexec commands fail after 0 seconds of work with an empty error message.

Please bear in mind that the same loading still works perfectly from command prompt on the same server with the same user. It only fails when run from the SQL Agent Job.

I€™ve tried to understand the limit, when do the packages start to fail, and I believe that the threshold is 80 parallel executions (I understand that it might not be desirable to start so many SSIS packages at once, but I€™d like to do it despite this).

Additional information:

The dtexec utility provides an error message where the package variables are shown and the fact that the package ran 0 seconds, but the €œMessage€? is empty (€œMessage: €œ).
Turning the logging on in all the packages does not provide an error message either, just a lot of run-time information.
The try-catch block around the process.start() script in the main package€™s script task also does not reveal any errors.
I€™ve increased the €œmax worker threads€? number for the cmdexec subsystem in the msdb.dbo.syssubsystems table to a safely high number and restarted the SQL Server, but this had no effect either.

The request:

Can anyone give ideas what could be the cause of the problem?
If you have any ideas about how to further debug the problem, they are also very welcome.
Thanks in advance!

Eero Ringmäe

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Deadlocks And Parallel Query Processing

Dec 9, 2005

SQL Server 2000 SP3ALast week one of our processes starting issuing or suffering deadlockdetected errors every 15 minutes or so.I have read several articles at MS on the subject. I set a couple ofstartup parameters related to producing deadlock detection informationand ran SQL Profiler. I found the SQL statements being issued by thedeadlocked statements. In every deadlock the same UPDATE statementappears however the data values being searched on are different. Thebest I can tell from trying to query the actual data each update hitsonly one or very few rows. No indexed column is updated so the indexesshould not be the source of conflict.Looking at the query I noticed that the query does not have anavailable index and Query Analyzer shows that the full table scan isbeing done in parallel.My question: Does SQL Server change or modify its locking rules whenqueries are converted to be ran using parallel processing? If so, doyou have a reference?Here is the deadlock entries posted to the error log:SPID=167ResType:LockOwner Stype:'OR' Mode: IX SPID:63 ECID:0 Ec:(0x65971510)Value:0x3c577e60 Cost:(0/0)Input Buf: Language Event: UPDATE Station_Upload setStation_Accept_Status = 'ACC',HeadStatus ='ACC',LastProcessedSta='110',HeadPartType='1' WHERE Part_Serial_No ='SCH1119323' AND Station = 'H110'SPID=63ResType:LockOwner Stype:'OR' Mode: IX SPID:167 ECID:0 Ec:(0x65801510)Value:0x3c27d060 Cost:(0/0)Input Buf: Language Event: UPDATE Station_Upload setStation_Accept_Status = 'ACC',HeadStatus ='ACC',LastProcessedSta='70',HeadPartType='1' WHERE Part_Serial_No ='SCH1119060' AND Station = 'H070'I have suggested adding an index to support the query.Any ideas?Thanks -- Mark D Powell --

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SQL Server 2012 :: Delete Last Job In Parallel Processing?

Mar 18, 2015

I create a main program which will launch two jobs at a time, each job does some processes and at the end I'm trying to delete those jobs after storing the job details in one of the custom table I created (cleanup sub-program).

Out of two jobs I am able to store one job details (like job_name,job_id,start_time and end_time of the job) in the custom table and able to delete that job, but the job that's getting completed at the end is not getting captured nor getting deleted from sysjobs and sysjobhistory tables.

I had included this step (which will call the cleanup sub-program to store the job details and delete it) at the end. I can see that this cleanup procedure getting called from debug message but it is neither storing details nor deleting the job.

When I execute this cleanup program separately, it does store the job details and delete it.

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Any Way To Control Execution Processing (parallel Or Serially) When Using Data Driven Subscriptions?

Apr 12, 2007

I've got an SSRS report that is set up using a data-driven subscription to supply input parameters to the stored procedure that is called to generate the report results.

I was wondering if there is any way to specify the execution processing method (running the reports in parallel or serially). The subscription that we have set up appears to be running all of the reports in parallel which is causing massive load on our servers.


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Analysis :: Looping AMO Objects Versus Using SSAS Built-in Parallel Processing?

Jul 22, 2015

I am creating an SSIS Script Task that will be used to process SSAS dimensions and partitions and ideally log the details of each in a table. Any info on the benefits or drawbacks of using the built-in SSAS parallel processing as opposed to doing it manually in a multi-threaded "Parallel.Foreach" loop using the .NET AMO library.

In my testing, when I use a Parallel.foreach loop, I am able to obtain and log information about the object such as end time and time to process immediately after each object is processed.  This allows me to keep a history of processing time for each object:

public void processDimensions(Server Server, Database Database, ProcessType processType)
Parallel.ForEach(Database.Dimensions.OfType<Microsoft.AnalysisServices.Dimension>(), d =>
DateTime beginTime = DateTime.Now;


If circumventing the built-in SSAS parallel processing is not best practice I'd like to know in advance before I go too far down that path.

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Checkpoint With Parallel Packages

May 13, 2008

I have several packages within secuence containers and into one main dtsx package with a checkpoint configuration and when I run it some succeed and some don´t. The problem is that when I rerun it checkpoint doesn´t seem to work ´cause some of the successful packages are rerun as well (and not skipped as it should be...) In other words, the process does not begin on the point of failure..

Seems to be that packages that finish after the failure point (and succeed) are not registered in the checkpoint file, then when I rerun the main package these succeeded packages are rerun too....

Any ideas??

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SQL 2012 :: Scheduling Packages Parallel And Retry On Failure

Jun 1, 2015

I come from other ETL tools (Oracle Warehouse Builder, BODI, BODS & DataStage) and i'm having trouble finding the best practice for scheduling a collection of packages to be processed parallel en retry those that fail. I created a staging project which contains all the packages (50) that extract data from 1 source system and grouped the packages into 2 sequence containers to make sure that the 'heavy' packages are started first and together in parallel.

I soon discovered that there is no standard option to have one child package retry on failure. Currently if 1 package fails the whole project is retried.
I explored checkpoints as a solution but that seems a dead end when running packages in parallel.

There seem to be 2 solutions for my issue:

(1) create a loop around every EPT with 3 variables (waittime, retry_counter & succes_flag)
(2) create an event handler to keep a list of ID's that failed and enable/disable EPT's based on that list (there's a lot more to it).

Option 1 seems like a lot of bloatware in what i expected to be standard functionality. I'm still investigating option 2.

How do others handle this kind of scheduling? Is it so different with SSIS that i'm approaching this incorrectly ?

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Integration Services :: How To Execute Multiple Packages In Parallel

Oct 14, 2008

I'm pretty new to SSIS but I've managed to cobble together a number of individual packages to refresh SQL tables from a 3rd-party database.
Now, what I'd like to do is have a single package that I can use to invoke each of the individual ones. Since it will run on a quad, I'd like to invoke them such they'll run in parallel.

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Running Packages In Parallel And Isolated (like A Sepearte Instance)

Feb 2, 2007

I'm a bit confused about how ssis handles concurrent package runs

let's say I'm running this package and I 've got 3 variables set in it
and by default they are all set to 0
if I run

dtexec /File "C:ControlRoom.dtsx" /SET PackageVersion_Builder.Variables[VARA].Value;1
dtexec /File "C:ControlRoom.dtsx" /SET PackageVersion_Builder.Variables[VARB].Value;1
dtexec /File "C:ControlRoom.dtsx" /SET PackageVersion_Builder.Variables[VARC].Value;1

I'm expecting to run 3 isloated version of the package with in
first version
second version
third version
but it doesn't seem like doing that the maxconcurrent variable is set to 40 to be on the safe side.

when I run I get

first version
second version
third version

any ideas?

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Lookup Concurrency Issue In Packages Running Simultaneously In Parallel

Mar 27, 2007

I have a system of SSIS packages in which several packages perform the same lookup on the same table. E.g., i have PackageA, PackageB and PackageC all doing a lookup on TableA. All of these packages are spawned by the same PackageD and run frequently. In some cases, there is an issue with concurrency on these lookups. I get the following exception :

The ProcessInput method on component "LKP Lookup SecurityID" (6658) failed with error code 0xC004702C. The identified component returned an error from the ProcessInput method. The error is specific to the component, but the error is fatal and will cause the Data Flow task to stop running.


The hex code of this exception corresponds to the following description : "DTS_E_BUFFERNOTLOCKED. This buffer is not locked and cannot be manipulated." That's as much as i could find on this.

My suspision is that the SSIS engine somehow figures that the lookup in these distinct packages is the same one and builds a shared version of the lookup table in memory. Then there is some sort of a multi-threading issue in accessing this shared memory which leads to the exception above.

Has anyone experienced this? Can someone shed some light on this?

Thanks a lot


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Calling SSIS Packages From ASP.NET - Packages With File System Tasks End Abruptly

Jan 9, 2007

I've run into a problem with SSIS packages wherein tasks that write or copy files, or create or delete directories, quit execution without any hint of an error nor a failure message, when called from an ASP.NET 2.0 application running on any other machine than the one where the package was created from. By all indications it appeared to be an identity/permissions problem.

Our application involves a separate web server and database server. Both have SQL Server 2005 installed, but the application server originally only had Integration services. The packages are file system-deployed on the application server, and are called using Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime methods. For all packages that involve file system tasks, the above problem occurs.

When the above packages are run using the command prompt (either DTEXEC or DTEXECUI) the packages execute just fine. This is expected since we are using an administrative account. However when a ShellExecute of the same command is called from ASP.NET, the same problem occurs.

I've tried giving administrative permissions to the ASPNET worker process user to no avail.

I have likewise attempted to use the SQL Server Agent job approach but that approach might not be acceptable for our clients since it means installing SQL Server 2005 Database services on the application server.

I have read the relevant threads in this forum, namely and but failed to find any solution appropriate for our set up.

Anybody got any idea on how to go about this?

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Integration Services :: Remotely Execute Packages On SSIS Server - Packages Are Deployed In File System

Apr 22, 2015

We manage some SSIS servers, which has only SSIS and SSIS tools installed on them and not the sql server DB.

SSIS packages and configuration files are deployed on a NAS. We run the SSIS packages through DTEXEC by logging in to the server.

We want to allow developers to run their packages on their own on the server, but at the same time we dont want to give them physical access on the server i.e we do not want to add them into RDP users list on server properties. We want them to allow running their packages remotely on the server.

One way We could think of is by using powershell remoting and we are working on that. But is there any other way or any tool already present for the same.

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SQL 2012 :: SSIS Execution In Parallel

Feb 24, 2015

We have a monitoring tool that find a query that is using most of execution time of all sessions on the server.

I located it, and found it is a data flow task in an SSIS package.

It export data from a table which has big mount of data to another database.

I know it only executes one time, but I see in the monitoring tool it executes 4 times.

I am wondering is it because SSIS is doing it in parallel execution automatically?

We use all default settings, and the server physical cpu is 4.

Also it says the query is slow is because it has a wait called PREEMPTIVE_OS_WAITFORSINGLEOBJECT
not sure what does that mean

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Executing Multiple Instances Of SSIS Package In Parallel

Dec 28, 2007


Can we execute multiple instances of the same SSIS package simultaneously??
If yes, how?
If no, what is the work-around to simulate such a functionality?

Thanks in advance.


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Problem With WMI Tasks : Waiting For Files In Parallel In A SSIS Package

May 28, 2007


I have a problem with the task "event watcher".

I've made a query like the one in msdn (SELECT * FROM __InstanceCreationEvent WITHIN 10 WHERE Targetinstance ISA "CIM_DirectoryContainsFile" and TargetInstance.GroupComponent= "Win32_Directory.Name="e:\\temp""). I have 20 similar tasks for watching in different folders, but when there are too much tasks in parallel, it doesn't work anymore. I change the numbers of executables to 128 (in the general properties of the package (to test)) but it doesn't seems to work.

I don't understand why it works when there are only 1 or 2 (6 seems to be the maximum) tasks and not if there are more than 6.

Could you help me with this issue?

Configuration : Windows Server 2003, SQL Server 2005, SSIS, Sql Server Agent

Thanks a lot.


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Need Help With Row By Row Processing In SSIS

Feb 28, 2007

Hello all,

I am having trouble trying to construct the following process in SSIS/SQL

1. Grab a set of unprocessed rows (ProcessDT = null) in an 'Action' table
2. For each of these rows, execute multiple stored procedures base on the
action type
If actiontype = 1, exec spAct1a @param1, @parm2
exec spAct1b @param1, @parm2, @param3, @param4
If actiontype = 2, exec spAct2a @param1, @parm2, @param3
exec spAct2b @param1, @parm2, @param3
3. Update ProcessDT so it's not processed again
4. Repeat until all rows are processed

Note - all sp params are contained in additional columns in the Action
table. Basically the Action table is a store for post-event processing of
but is order dependent, hence the row by row processing. And some of my
servers are 2000 so Service Broker is not an option (yet).

I first attempted to do this totally within the control flow - using an ado
recordset/foreach loop control, but I could not figure out how to run
process paths based on the ActionTypeID. I then tried to do this within the
dataflow using on OLEDB data source, a conditional split, and an oledb
command control
which almost got me there - the problem being for each row I need to execute
multiple sp's and it appears as if the oledb command only gives me one sp.

Any help would be appreciated!

Thanks in advance!

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SSIS Hanging In The Middle Of Processing

Jun 25, 2006


We have a problem importing the flat file data using SSIS into sql database.

For some erroneous files the package is just hanging with out any activity (Disk Reads/sec, Disk Writes/sec, Page faults/sec, Workingset Memory counters are const when the package hung). The package is giving the following messages before it is hung.

The column data for column "ServerName" overflowed the disk I/O buffer.
An error occurred while processing file "M:Tani1APS-PRXY-02APS-PRXY-02-ISALOG_20060621_FWS_001-2006062106.Log" on data row 1.
The PrimeOutput method on component "Firewall Data" (6109) returned error code 0xC0202092. The component returned a failure code when the pipeline engine called PrimeOutput(). The meaning of the failure code is defined by the component, but the error is fatal and the pipeline stopped executing.
Thread "SourceThread0" has exited with error code 0xC0047038.
Thread "WorkThread0" received a shutdown signal and is terminating. The user requested a shutdown, or an error in another thread is causing the pipeline to shutdown.
Thread "WorkThread0" has exited with error code 0xC0047039.

Even though it says has SourceThread0 has exited, it package is not terminating itself. We just want to ignore the errorneous file and move on to other files.

I tried altering DefaultBufferMaxRows in between 1000-10000, DefaultBufferSize to 1 MB €“ 20 MB which did not work out. Can one of you suggest us any resolution/work around for this issue? This is really a burning issue in our project would really appreciate any help!


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SSIS DataFlow Truncate While Processing

May 19, 2008


I was using SSIS for our ETL Process , one of the my DATA Flow have to truncate based on the data , suppose for example

i am have the following data

Filename : Employee
Empid , Employee


i am using flatfilesource for reading data . for example for a condition if empid='2' means i have to truncate the dataflow , it is possible or not ?

Please help me

Thanks in Advance
Raja Ragothaman

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Facing Problem While Processing My SSIS Package

Jul 2, 2007

Hi All

I am facing problem while processing my SSIS package

The error is:
"Invalid delimited data. Text qualifier must be followed by a column delimiter (except for the last column)."

The text qualifier is the double-quotes character “. Text fields are supposed to get a double quote at the beginning of the string and one at the end. The column delimiter is the upright bar or pipe character |.

Some of the descriptions in table column have double-quotes embedded within the text string. When SSIS encounters one of these embedded quotes, it thinks that is the end of the text string and expects to find the column delimiter character next. It doesn’t, because the " is embedded between other alphabetic characters, so it raises an error.

For example if my column value looks like Test"String"One

What old DTS doing:
DTS make the embedded " into "". The resulting text string then would look like this:
"Test ""strings"" one".

When running the same data into a database using DTS, DTS recognized automatically the "" in the string and changed it to " so in the target the string looked like this: test "string" one. No problem.

SSIS, however, does not allow and does not support doing this "doubling" of embedded " when you are using " as the text qualifier. So it exports the sample string above like this (I added the column delimiters as well):
|"test "string" one"|.

That then causes the error

Please help me out


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Row Count/Identity Type Processing In SSIS

Dec 5, 2007

I've got a falrly simple task I'd like to achieve in SSIS without scripting if possible.

I have a table with three columns, Cust ID, Address and Group ID
I want to update the Group ID with a counter that increments every time the Address changes.

So currently the table looks like

Cust ID Address Group ID
62 ABC
57 DEF
79 DEF
42 GHI
11 JKL
20 JKL

and I want to end up with

Cust ID Address Group ID
62 ABC 1
57 DEF 2
79 DEF 2
42 GHI 3
11 JKL 4
20 JKL 4

I have created a view over this table that counts and Groups by address. This looks like

Count Address

What I'm thinking of doing is reading the View in Address order and updating the table (joining on Address) with a counter that increments for every row of the View read.

What I'm not sure of is how to increment this counter without creating a script. One thought I had was to create a new table from the view, and add an Identity column somehow (is this feasible in SSIS?)

Any advice appreciated

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Processing Mining Models &&amp; Structures Via SSIS

Dec 12, 2006

Still new to DM and SSIS...anyand all help is greatly appreciated!

In SSIS they say that you can use the Analysis Services Processing Task to process a mining model/mining structure, however, I do not see where you can give it a relational table to work off of. I know that I can use a data flow to do this but I wanted to go a different route if I could to process my models as I don't really necessarily need the data flow as what I am tring to do is pretty simple.

That brings me to a more general question, what is the best method for training your models using SSIS? I am building a new model everytime the package runs using some variables and the DDL task, running a query on it, and destroying it at the end of the package but I am having logistical problems training it outside of the data flow. I tried using the DM Query task but it requires that you output a result set and I am not sure if I can use it to create and process models.

I would think that they would just give you a DMX task similar to the SQL task but that does not seem to be the case. Also, when I browse the AS objects via the processing task I can only see the mining structures and not the mining models.

Am I just missing something here?


Dan Meyers

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SSIS Flat File Processing Results Different Than DTS

Sep 7, 2007

I have a DTS package that copies data from a fixed width file and inserts it into a SQL Server 2000 table. These files are generated daily, and usually contain about 200k records.

Sometimes, the format of the file between two days can differ slightly. I can't tell if the problem lies with the length of the record string, or the string terminator. The record string is supposed to begin with 'D1'. One file (as viewed in Notepad) will contain the records each in its own row, and each row will start with 'D1'. Another file will show that the first record starts with 'D1', but then the next record does not begin on a new line. Instead the next record continues at the end of the previous record. In this case, 'D1' is preceded with an unrecognized character as if it to indicate a carriage return.

Anyway, in SSIS, when I configure the row width of the fixed width file in the flat file connection manager to 386, and the beginning of all the records are all on their own row, the data processes without a problem. When the records do not all begin on their own row, the data will process fine if I change the row width to 385.

I don't have to compensate for this in DTS. Between SSIS and DTS, both flat file connections are configured with a row delimiter of LF, and no text qualifier. Why will SSIS and DTS process these files differently?

Thank you for your help!


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SSIS Partition Processing Data Flow Item

Feb 12, 2007

Does anyone have a helpful link for using the partition processing data
flow task in SSIS? I am trying to process a monthly partition
from within my package and am getting the following error:

Error: 0xC113000A Errors in the high-level relational engine. Pipeline
processing can only reference a single table in the data source view.

If anyone has used this before and could point me in the right direction, I would appreciate it.



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SSIS Analysis Services Processing Task - Big Problem!

Nov 1, 2007

I have an olap database "A" and SSIS package "P" which process all the dimensions and cubes in "A" olap database.

I created "A1" olap database copy of "A" and made copy of "P" SSIS package as "P1"
I opened "P1" SSIS package and updated olap connection properties "Initial Catalog = A1". A1 is my new olap database.

When I run package "P1" guess what? it processed "A" olap database's cubes and dimensions. Try it, not in production because I did it in production.

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Importing Data And Script-processing Errors In SSIS

Mar 18, 2008

I'm currently trying to pull data from a ProvideX database and replicate it in a collection of SQL Server tables. However, I'm having a heck of a time trying to convert some strange decimals stored by the ProvideX database. As an example of the data I'm trying to retrieve, I'll see something like [. 1] or [. 1] ([]'s are to show the bounds of the field). After analyzing the data, it seems the decimal in the field represents a 1,000 placeholder. Thus [. 1] really means 1, and [. 1] really means 10. Something like .100 would be 100. 6.500 would be 6500.

As you can imagine, the spaces are causing errors when trying to pull the data, and I can't for the life of me figure out to just pull it as a string, run a script to convert it to a correct number, and then save the transformed data into SQL Server. When running the import wizard, it seems I'm being forced to pull these columns as decimals. Currently I'm trying to just pull the data out "as is" and throw it in a raw file, to be processed out of SSIS. Obviously doing it all within SSIS would be ideal, but if that can't be done, I'll do whatever it takes. I should also say I'm new to SSIS packages, but not necessarily new to SQL Server or SQL in general.

1) How can I pull these columns as strings? If I try to change the Export columns in the source query data flow step, it gives me an error saying that I can't do that.

2) If I have to pull as decimals, how can I capture the row on error, process it, and send it back to the export? So far, when I get an error, I lose all information in the row to the right of and including the error field.

I appreciate any responses, as I'm kind of going in circles at this point. If this sort of thing has been discussed here prior, I apologize...I didn't find it in any searches I did. Please just point me in the right direction if you've dealt with this sort of problem before. It seems to me that it should be an easy thing to do. I'm just not finding any tutorials on it.

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Settings For Processing Dimensions And Fact/partitions In SSIS

May 30, 2007

What are the general guildlines for choosing these settings, like paralle vs. sequential, different error configurations? The default selection for processing multiple dimensions is paralle and use default error configuration. But the default for processing multiple partitions is sequential. I cannot find anything helpful other than the definitions from the online help. TIA.

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SQL 2012 :: SSIS Processing Of SSAS Multidimensional Cube Fails?

Oct 31, 2012

All I get back is an error message of "Analysis Services Processing Task Error: A Connection cannot be made. Ensure the Server is running" The server is running, I can process the cube by connecting to the AS instance and right-click processing it.

I can process the cube by running the SSIS task inside of SSDT Just when I deploy the SSIS package (in Project mode) and then execute it do I get the error message.

SQL Server, SSAS, and SSIS processes are all running under the same account. SSAS is on a separate server from SSIS and SQL if that matters.

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Processing Last Created/modified Files From A Location Using SSIS Package

Mar 12, 2008

We have a scenario to process last created/modified files from a location using SSIS package , eventhough the folder contains multiple files with same name and extension.

Kindly give respond to this if any one has worked on this.


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Controlling SSIS Package From A Website And Including A COM Object In The Processing

May 22, 2008

Hello everyone,

This is a new level of complexity for me..

The Boss wants..

1. To control an SSIS package , start, check status, and emergency stop + rollback a package from a web page. Does anyone know of an example or good articles to start with.

2. I have one of the iterations of the data invoke and use a COM object (third party) It will value the items and change a field.

I can always do #2 as a second step but I need all the help I can get on #1.

Thank you,

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Integration Services :: SSIS Flat File Processing And Creation

Nov 30, 2015

I am facing one process related issue.

I have one task in which i have to collect lots of .txt file having ## delimiter my requirement is to convert the delimiter from ## to comma and save the new file with .dat extension in different folder.

I have done all required process and run the application which should flow like collect source .txt file do Script component processing and create new .dat file with processed data in Data Flow task, but in my Task the Source and Destination start on same time and process start after words which cause empty file or some time a.txt file data stored in b.dat file where as a.dat file is completely empty.

The process should flow in sequence but behavior is totally against the process, i am using Foreach Loop Container for pick up each file.

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SSIS-Analysis Services Processing Task- On Client Fails

May 14, 2008

I am trying to execute an SSIS package from a client that contains an Analysis Services Processing Task in the package. The client that does not have SSIS and SSAS installed. We are getting an error

The task "Analysis Services Processing Task" cannot run on this edition of Integration Services. It requires a higher level edition. The same package runs from a server that has both SSIS and SSAS installed. Let me know if someone has come across the same problem.


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