SSIS Programmaing - How To Map Flatfile Source Columns To SQL Server Destination?
Dec 7, 2007
I am new to SSIS programming and trying to export data from a flatfile source to SQL server destination table dynamically. I need to get the table schema info (column length, data type etc.) from SQL server table and then map the source columns from flatfile to destination table columns.
I am referring to one of the programming samples from Microsoft and another excellent article by Moim Hossain. Can someone help me understand how to map the Source columns to destination table columns depending on table schema? Please help.
Copy a full directory from source to destination (Done)
then for each file on the destination directory,it must process that file and insert rows on the table.
So I created a foreach loop, and created a varriable aclled CURRENTFILENAME, and assigned it into the foreachloop to index 0.
Inside the foreachloop I created a dataflow task, in the dataflow task I dragged a flat file source and an oledb destination, but I noticed that the flat file source requires flat file manager, and the flat file manager requires a unique FILE NAME. I cant put this c:copia*.txt.
I took a loot at flat file source properties and it has associated the flat file manager, but I can not assign the filename to the variable from the foreach.
After: If (Row.RegenerateXML_IsNull()) Then Command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@RegenerateXML",System.DBNull.Value) Else Command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@RegenerateXML", Row.RegenerateXML) End If
Which is great but it does turn 1 line into 5 lines. I have 20 parameters which takes up 20 lines of code which will now be 20 x 5 = 100 lines of code.
My question is :
Is there a better way to write this code without having to take up so many lines?
I have CSV file as source for SSIS package every time the filename will be changing like trd_1990M1_1990M12.csv,trd_1991M1_1991M12.csv , trd_1992M1_1992M12.csv etc.,
so it will vary as per user selection . i need to run the same SSIS package to execute the different file name with the same structure.
Please let me know the solution for that how to pass the file name dynamically to SSIS package.
I have an SSIS package which calls a web service and returns a Dataset object in the form of an xml file (it does this successfully - and stores it successfully).
The Data Flow then picks up the file using an xml source task (in which use inline schema is specified) , and passes it to an SQL Server Destination task - for bulk load.
I've checked the mappings and everything seems to be ok, the package gives no warnings or errors when run.
The destination table is created on the SQL Server without problem, but at that stage the task finishes "successfully", without actually loading any table rows into the destination table.
Also in the SQL Server Destination task - when I select "preview" in the connection manager section - I can see the column definitions, but again - no rows of data.
Thanks to Simon Sabin for pointing me here - I did post on the managed msdn newsgroups in sql server programming but have had no replies as yet.
Below is the beginning of the xml Dataset object which is output as an xml file for information. If you need any more information just let me know.
Not quite sure where i'm going wrong here - thanks in advance
I want to copy 2 columns from 1 database to another database. I managed to do this, using a Ole DB source and a Ole DB destination dataset.
Now I want to merge 2 colums into 1: Source Database: Column A: first name, Column B: Lastname. Destination Database: Column 1: First and lastname customer.
I am trying to Import data into SQL server 2008 using management studio. The source data is an Access dbase. I am trying to do this with queries as the tables do not match but I do need to copy specific columns for the source to the destination. Any brief example selecting a column from the source table, and just entering a dummy value for other columns(other column of data for destination table does not exist in source table).Â
For the example
Source access dbase, just two columns but no primary key, T2dbase, Employee
New table.
First Name, Description  Tom         , manager
Can anyone point me to some sample source codes or any articles that describes how I can programmatically create a package which will import data from a flatfile (csv) to Sql server database.
I know there is some example that describes exporting data from sql server to flatfiles. Anyway I have failed to accomplish my goal by following those examples.
If anyone have a code snippet to do that please help me with that.
Why does the raw file have an option for a variable path and the flat file destination does not? Not having this feature makes it impossible to work with variable environments. Please add this option to the Flatfile Destination.
I am a complete newbie to SSIS. I can create a simple package to transfer data between SQL instances and thats about it.
I have tableA (source data) and tableB (Destination data). TableA has 4 column and tableB has 5. I want to transfer all of the columns from tableA into TableB, but the 5th column in tableB needs to be populated with the ServerInstance name of the server TableA sits on. Do I need to have multiple data sources to achieve this? I have tried but no matter how I set it up, the Column in the destination is set to ignore.
I would like to replace data of some tables from STG to DEV database daily using SSIS package. Should I use "Transfer SQL Server Objects Task" to do that? Thanks.
I am using SSIS 2014 and installed adapter for sharepoint list source and destination and when I refresh the toolbox I don't see them. Is there a way to manually add them?
We are storing incoming flatfiles into a text field in a table and then we are processing this table on a regular basis. What I would like to do is to get this flatfile from the textfield and populate a flatfile source with it, but so far I have only been able to do that with XML files as there are no option for doing that with the flatfile source. Using the disk as a temporary storage for the flatfile is prohibited.
Does anyone have any suggestions on how to solve this?
The only way to add a new column to an existing mapping that I know is to go to advanced editor and refresh. This however keeps only the default mapping (where the field names match), the rest is wiped out, so need to restore the mapping manually after that. Risky and annoying at the same time. Is there any alternative?
Hi i am trying to do a straight forward load from a Flatfile source , i have defined the columns according to the lenghts defined in the Data Dictionary Provided but when i am trying to run the Task i am encounterring this error
The column data for column "Column 20" overflowed the disk I/O buffer.
I tried to add another column 21 at the end and truncate or leave that column unmapped to destination but the same problem occurs for column 21 what should i do to over come this .
In case of Bad Data how to clean up the source.. Please help me with this
The CreatePackage sample provided with SQL Server programmatically creates a package that has a source type of OLEDB to a flat file destination. I am building exactly the opposite, source=flatfile, destination=SQL Server. I expect that will be a more common scenario is using SSIS.
The problem I have is populating the source columns in the FlatFileSource connection manager programmatically. I know it can be done because it happens when you build a package in Visual Studio. What I'd like to know is how to do it programmatically in the object model. How can I interrogate the datasource through the connection manager to find out what columns it has? If I know, I can add the columns to the connection manager. My sample below does this, but it doesn't know the number of columns in the source so that value is hardcoded. I'm guessing there is a better way to do this than what I've got below.
How can I find the number of columns in my source so I can add the columns to the connection manager?
Private Sub AddColumnsToFlatFileConnectionManager() Dim ff As wrap.IDTSConnectionManagerFlatFile90 = Nothing
For Each cm As ConnectionManager In _Package.Connections If cm.Name.Equals(_ExternalConnectionID) Then ff = TryCast(cm.InnerObject, wrap.IDTSConnectionManagerFlatFile90) DtsConvert.ToConnectionManager90(cm) End If Next
If Not ff Is Nothing Then
Dim col As wrap.IDTSConnectionManagerFlatFileColumn90 Dim name As wrap.IDTSName90 Dim Min As Int32 = 0 Dim Max As Int32 = Min + 3 ' *** HARDCODED LIMIT ***
For cols As Integer = Min To Max col = ff.Columns.Add()
If cols = Max Then col.ColumnDelimiter = vbCrLf Else col.ColumnDelimiter = "," End If
Dim width As Int32 = 50 Dim DataType As wrap.DataType = wrap.DataType.DT_STR
I have a problem in that I execute the following code within a OLE DB Source to a SQL 2k database. The results are returned when I press the Preview button however when I open the Columns tab I do not get results returned.
As you will see from my code I have tried to use both a table var & # table both produce the same results.
-- Create temp table to hold Table data create table #TableList ( SQLInstanceName varchar(255) ,DatabaseName varchar(255) ,TableName varchar(255) )
-- Load list of databases from master into Cursor declare db_name_cursor insensitive cursor for select name from master..sysdatabases where name <> 'Tempdb' -- Exclude Tempdb
open db_name_cursor
fetch next from db_name_cursor into @l_db_name
While (@@fetch_status = 0) begin
-- Build select statment to be executed on each database. set @l_cmd = 'use ' + @l_db_name set @l_cmd = @l_cmd + ' insert into #TableList (SQLInstanceName,DatabaseName,TableName) ' set @l_cmd = @l_cmd + ' select @@servername SQLInstanceName,db_name(), name from sysobjects WHERE type = ''U'''
-- Exec the command exec (@l_cmd)
--print @l_cmd
fetch next from db_name_cursor into @l_db_name end
-- Clean up Cursor close db_name_cursor deallocate db_name_cursor
insert into @Result select *,getdate() RecordDate from #TableList
I need to see inside a SSIS 2012 project a new SSIS installed component, but in the SSDT 2010 I cannot see the SSIS Data Flow Items tab for adding data source/data destination respect to the choose toolbox items pane.
We have found that using the SSIS "Import and Export Wizard" using the "Microsoft Excel" data source that there appears to be a maximum column length of 255 characters for any row.
Even when defining the destination table columns as nvarchar(4000), the wizard fails with the errors shown below.
We have found no workaround except manually changing the imput data. There doesn't appear to be any "Advanced" options for the Excel importer as there are for the flat-text importer. So, no question here, just posting the bug so that *next* time someone searches the web for an answer, this post comes up
MessagesError 0xc020901c: Data Flow Task: There was an error with output column "English String" (18) on output "Excel Source Output" (9). The column status returned was: "Text was truncated or one or more characters had no match in the target code page.". (SQL Server Import and Export Wizard) Error 0xc020902a: Data Flow Task: The "output column "English String" (18)" failed because truncation occurred, and the truncation row disposition on "output column "English String" (18)" specifies failure on truncation. A truncation error occurred on the specified object of the specified component. (SQL Server Import and Export Wizard) Error 0xc0047038: Data Flow Task: The PrimeOutput method on component "Source - Sheet1$" (1) returned error code 0xC020902A. The component returned a failure code when the pipeline engine called PrimeOutput(). The meaning of the failure code is defined by the component, but the error is fatal and the pipeline stopped executing. (SQL Server Import and Export Wizard) Error 0xc0047021: Data Flow Task: Thread "SourceThread0" has exited with error code 0xC0047038. (SQL Server Import and Export Wizard) Error 0xc0047039: Data Flow Task: Thread "WorkThread0" received a shutdown signal and is terminating. The user requested a shutdown, or an error in another thread is causing the pipeline to shutdown. (SQL Server Import and Export Wizard) Error 0xc0047021: Data Flow Task: Thread "WorkThread0" has exited with error code 0xC0047039. (SQL Server Import and Export Wizard)
edit: After searching further this is documented under "Excel Source" in BOL which provides a registry-based workaround. I guess the issue is that the wizard considers truncation to be a 'fail' case and there's no easy way to override this behaviour, specify the column types nor determine which line is in error)
Truncated text. When the driver determines that an Excel column contains text data, the driver selects the data type (string or memo) based on the longest value that it samples. If the driver does not discover any values longer than 255 characters in the rows that it samples, it treats the column as a 255-character string column instead of a memo column. Therefore, values longer than 255 characters may be truncated. To import data from a memo column without truncation, you must make sure that the memo column in at least one of the sampled rows contains a value longer than 255 characters, or you must increase the number of rows sampled by the driver to include such a row. You can increase the number of rows sampled by increasing the value of TypeGuessRows under the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftJet4.0EnginesExcel registry key. )
Hi all, I got a unicode file source with this fields: -DT_WSTR (100) originally is DT_STR(100) -DT_WSTR (100) originally is DT_STR(100) -DT_NTEXT -DT_WSTR (20) originally is DT_DBTIMESTAMP -DT_WSTR (5) originally is DT_BOOLEAN
I export a Query result to a File (see above) unicode TXT destination.
OK, now I must to re-import into another DB and here is my difficult...'cause the DT_NTEXT is HTML code and I got always this error: [Flat File Source [1050]] Error: The column delimiter for column "scheda" was not found. Scheda field is the DT_NTEXT.
Into connection manager area I modify the advanced tab for the set-up of my fields setting all to: Unicode string [DT_WSTR] with a variable of the len, but Try also to define everyone to the rigth type of the SQL destination like:
In every type of action I see no message alert and all seem to be good, but when I try to execute got always same error... So hope someone can help me... ----------- here first line of my UNICODE TXT source file ---------- "codven" "manufacturer" "scheda" "last_modified" "modificata" "CDGI2120" "Altri" "<datasheet><section ncellmax="1" id="1"><row order="1"><cell><![CDATA[Combat possiede mitragliatrici per intraprendere battaglie testa a ~testa del genere "spara o sei finito" in mezzo a territori ~butterati di crateri su carri armati del 23esimo secolo.~Caratteristiche:~* Cinque modalita' di gioco~* Tre tipi di carri armati~* Partita singola o in multiplayer~* Grafica in 2D, 3D]]></cell></row></section></datasheet>" "2007-12-11 13:02:26.290000000" "1" "CDGI2586" "Disney Interactive" "<datasheet><section ncellmax="1" id="1"><row order="1"><cell><![CDATA[Entra con Tigro ed i suoi amici nel meraviglioso Bosco dei 100 Acri aiutalo a cercare il miele nella natura incantata di questo fantastico mondo! ~~Il giocatore vestirÓ i panni di Tigro, il simpatico e buffo amico di Winnie The Pooh, il quale dovrÓ raccogliere quanto pi¨ miele possibile, per rendere la festa di Winnie qualcosa di veramente speciale!!!]]></cell></row></section></datasheet>" "2007-12-11 13:02:26.290000000" "1"
I explicitly set one column to have text qualifiers in a flat file connection mgr and specified to use double quotes as the qualifier, yet in the output file, the column is not qualified. What did I leave out ?
I want to schedule a job which pulls files from a non SQL server (Sybase) which later needs to have a step 2 kicking the ssis package. Problem is that, on the source a batch file will run every 4 hours and outputs total of 10 text files. (takes 5 minutes complete). Now, on destination i want to pull these files via SQL job but while scheduling;
1. I don't see any option saying like 4 hours 10 minutes or so 2. If its out there, then i believe this might be a problem as this time would be an increment one e.g next run would be 4 hours 20 minutes in that case.
How should i achieve pulling these files up because we have an SSIS package on destination that needs those text files to be used as soon as they arrive on SQL server(destination)
An SSIS package to transfer data from a DB instance on SQL Server 2005 to SQL Server 2000 is extremely slow. The package uses an OLEDB Source to OLEDB Destination for data transfer which is basically one table from sql server 2005 to sql server 2000. The job takes 5 minutes to transfer about 400 rows at night when there is very little activity on the server. During the day the job almost always times out.
On SQL Server 200 instances the job ran in minutes in the old 2000 package.
Is there an alternative to this. Tranfer Objects task does not work as there is apparently a defect according to Microsoft. Please let me know if there is any other option other than using a Execute 2000 package task or using an ActiveX Script to read records from one source and to insert them into the destination source, which I am not certain how long it might take and how viable will that be?