SSIS SqlDumper Output

Jan 27, 2006


I am posting this for a colleague of mine. Any thoughts or recommednations?

"Is there any way for me to analyze the sqldumper files? One of my pipeline components is causing SSIS to dump and I'm trying to key in on what may be causing the issue. "


- Joel

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SSIS Keeps Doing SQLDUMPER Of Any Type Of Destination Output

Sep 20, 2006

Hello....I have just installed the trial copy of SQL 2005 server and updated with SP1 as well as post SP1 hotfixes.

However, when I try doing sample training material on SSIS, if I try to output to any type of destination output (flat file, excel, access, localhost SQL database) it always does a SQLDUMPER on me and never finishes....I always have to stop the debugger to get out of it.

What pointers can be given to troubleshoot symptoms given above ?



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Jun 8, 2006


I have been reading KB 917825 about SQLDumper and have the following questions:

The article explains that we can automatically produce a dump in a clustered environement and explains how to set it up. It doesn't mention however how to set it up in a standalone environment . However it mentions the trace flags 2540 to 2559, is this what we need to set as they are also not documented?

Also there are various parameters in Analysis Services for the same thing which are not documented.

The reason for asking is because if we have a failure we would have to set this up and then wait for a second failure before we can analysis it. This would not please a few teams where I work.

Much appreciated


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Jan 28, 2006

I installed SQL Server 2005 standard on a SBS box last night and now in the event log I'm seeing this error message a lot:

EventType sql90exception, P1 reportingservicesservice.exe, P2 9.0.1399.0, P3 434f5d27, P4 sqldumper_unknown_module.dll, P5, P6 00000000, P7 0, P8 00e5fe4d, P9 00000000, P10 NIL. the event ID is 5000

This will be followed by the next two items:

Bucket 04183268, bucket table 5, EventType sql90exception, P1 reportingservicesservice.exe, P2 9.0.1399.0, P3 434f5d27, P4 sqldumper_unknown_module.dll, P5, P6 00000000, P7 0, P8 00e5fe4d, P9 00000000, P10 NIL. The event id is 5001

Bucket 04183268, bucket table 5. the event ID is 1010

I'd like to know what these are and how to correct them if anyone can point me in the right direction.

Thank you in advance,


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Sqldumper Library

Apr 3, 2007

I have the following problem:
Anytime I`m starting the PC, the following message appears:
"SQLDUMPER library failed to initialize.....TRY TO RE-INSTALL THE FILE"
Could anyone help me deal with this? What should I do?
thank you, Enno


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Sqldumper Library

Apr 12, 2008

when i start up my computer it displays the message sqldumper library failed initialization. your installation is either corrupt or has been tampered with. uninstall then rerun setup. what do i do?

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SQL 2005 Problems - SQLDUMPER In My Event Log

Jan 26, 2006

I upgraded my Databases today with SQL SERVER 2005, initially this stopped the SQL Agents from working on port 1433, I changed the port to 1434 and now it works fine!!

Howerver I am gettin lots of error messages in my event viewer as follows.


Event Description:

EventType sql90exception, P1 reportingservicesservice.exe, P2 9.0.1399.0, P3 434f5d27, P4 sqldumper_unknown_module.dll, P5, P6 00000000, P7 0, P8 1b20fedd, P9 00000000, P10 NIL.

Can anyone help please!! what does this all means and how will it affect my server, is this going to affect veritas backup exec also?

Kind Regards


Randine Perry

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Which Website Do I Go To Install SQLDumper Library?

Apr 29, 2007

I kept getting an Error message saying to Unistall SQLDUMPER Library & then reinstall it. I've gotten all the way up to Unistalling it, but now I cannot reinstall it. Where do I have to go to do so & which SQL Server do I install? I'd greatly appreciate it alot if someone would help me out!

Thanks alot,

Danielle L Smitheman

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SQLDumper.exe Pops Up While Executing Dtsx Package

May 9, 2007

Hi All,

When I start executing my package a SQLDumper.exe pops up and Stops the package execution.
In addition,SQLDumper.exe creates a SQLDUMPER_ERRORLOG.log file at my Desktop with the following content

05/09/07 14:09:55, ACTION, SQLDUMPER_UNKNOWN_APP.EXE, Input parameters: 4 supplied05/09/07 14:09:55, ACTION, SQLDUMPER_UNKNOWN_APP.EXE, ProcessID = 255205/09/07 14:09:55, ACTION, SQLDUMPER_UNKNOWN_APP.EXE, ThreadId = 005/09/07 14:09:55, ACTION, SQLDUMPER_UNKNOWN_APP.EXE, Flags = 0x005/09/07 14:09:55, ACTION, SQLDUMPER_UNKNOWN_APP.EXE, MiniDumpFlags = 0x005/09/07 14:09:55, ACTION, SQLDUMPER_UNKNOWN_APP.EXE, SqlInfoPtr = 0x0100C5D005/09/07 14:09:55, ACTION, SQLDUMPER_UNKNOWN_APP.EXE, DumpDir = <NULL>05/09/07 14:09:55, ACTION, SQLDUMPER_UNKNOWN_APP.EXE, ExceptionRecordPtr = 0x0000000005/09/07 14:09:55, ACTION, SQLDUMPER_UNKNOWN_APP.EXE, ContextPtr = 0x0000000005/09/07 14:09:55, ACTION, SQLDUMPER_UNKNOWN_APP.EXE, ExtraFile = <NULL>05/09/07 14:09:55, ACTION, SQLDUMPER_UNKNOWN_APP.EXE, InstanceName = <NULL>05/09/07 14:09:55, ACTION, SQLDUMPER_UNKNOWN_APP.EXE, ServiceName = <NULL>05/09/07 14:09:55, ACTION, SQLDUMPER_UNKNOWN_APP.EXE, Callback type 11 not used05/09/07 14:09:55, ACTION, SQLDUMPER_UNKNOWN_APP.EXE, Callback type 15 not used05/09/07 14:09:55, ACTION, SQLDUMPER_UNKNOWN_APP.EXE, Callback type 7 not used05/09/07 14:09:55, ACTION, SQLDUMPER_UNKNOWN_APP.EXE, MiniDump completed: C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90SharedErrorDumpsSQLDmpr0032.mdmp05/09/07 14:09:55, ACTION, DtsDebugHost.exe, Watson Invoke: No

Thanks in advance

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May 16, 2008

Am new to SSIS and developing a component which pulls data from a staging table and drops them into another table in the same database.

Am using a
1) OLE DB Source to get the data from the staging table.
2) OLE DB Destination to insert or push the data into another table of the same database.
3) Script component to get the error rows and to update the staging table column with a flg value.

The rows that throw an error like primary key violation, or any other error should be redirected to the script component and the process should get completed.

The Error Output of the OLE DB Destination doesnt show any columns to be selected for Redirect Row option

The script executes without any error and the records are shown in error path but the records are not updated in the DB.

This is what i have in the script

Public Class ScriptMain

Inherits UserComponent

Dim sqlConn As SqlConnection

Dim sqlCmd As SqlCommand

Dim connMgr As IDTSConnectionManager90
Dim txnIdParam As SqlParameter

Dim errorDescParam As SqlParameter

Public Overrides Sub AcquireConnections(ByVal Transaction As Object)

connMgr = Me.Connections.ErrorConnection

sqlConn = CType(connMgr.AcquireConnection(Nothing), SqlConnection)

End Sub

Public Overrides Sub PreExecute()

sqlCmd = New SqlCommand("UPDATE STG_TRANSACTION SET ERROR_FLG='Y' AND ERROR_DESC=@errorDescParam WHERE TXN_ID=@txnIdParam ")

fueltxnIdParam = New SqlParameter("@txnIdParam", SqlDbType.BigInt)

errorDescParam = New SqlParameter("@errorDescParam", SqlDbType.VarChar)



End Sub

Public Overrides Sub Input0_ProcessInputRow(ByVal Row As Input0Buffer)

sqlCmd.Parameters("@txnIdParam").Value = Row.TXNID

sqlCmd.Parameters("@errorDescParam").Value = Row.ErrorCode

End Sub

End Class

Pleas let me know the solution and any help will be appreciated.

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SSIS Output On Sql Agent History

Jan 29, 2007

I have been using SSIS for about two months now and one of the main difficulties I have had is migrating Sql Agent SSIS jobs around environments.

Usually, the SSIS fails because of permissions to file systems, data bases, etc, but until now, I have had to discover these almost by guessing because the job history never game me any useful information. Also, from what I see, the SSIS logs have been unreliable, at best.

What I have done lately is creating Operating System (CmdExec) Steps as part of the job (not SSIS steps) and inserting the output of dtexec.exe into the history.

This seems to give me information that has been really hard to get, otherwise.

My question is (I am no DBA or ETL expert), is this the best way of getting the output of the package when debugging migration issues? Why doesn't the SSIS Steps have a similar feature of outputting useful info to the job history?

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Evenly Splitting Output In SSIS

Oct 25, 2006

I would like to split the data stream so that 1 copy can be sent to a lookup task, and the other can be sent as input to another target.

There doesn't seem to be a way to do this in SSIS; but maybe I should be considering other options?

Can anyone suggest a way to copy data to two different sources?

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SSIS Output File With PGP Encryption

Feb 13, 2007

I am just wondering whether it is possible to have the output file from SSIS to be encrypted by PGP command line?

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SSIS Retrieving Output Messages

Aug 29, 2007

I am designing a simple SSIS package that tests database connectivity. To use the same connection for each database, I am changing the "InitialCatalog" property of the Connection Manager object to test each database in a server.

When the connection fails, I can capture a generic error message from the exception in a Try...Catch block, but it doesn't tell me why a connection attempt failed. I have tried Package Logging as well and that was actually less helpful.

I would have stopped there except the Output Window and Progress/Execution Results tabs BOTH show that the reason for the error was a login failure. I am trying to capture the message that appears in either of these windows as they are the most helpful.

Has anyone been able to programmatically capture these messages?


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SSIS Error Output -- How Is It Supposed To Work?

May 29, 2006

I€™m importing a Flat file (delimited text) into a sql server database table and trying to trap any import errors in another output Flat file.

I create a Flat File Source task. After tweaking the task, the Source €œError Output€? tab shows all the input columns and all €œError€? and €œTruncation€? values are set to €œRedirect row€?

Next I add a €œSQL Server Destination€? task and connect the Source green arrow to it.

Finally I add a Flat File Destination task (error Output task), connect the Source red arrow to it, click €œOK€? in the €œConfigure Error Output€?, and finally add a connection manager to the Error output task. When I look at the Mappings tab of the Error Output file it shows only three available input columns: €œFlat File Error Output Column€?, ErrorCode, and ErrorColumn

I€™m not sure where they came from but that info is not very useful to me. I want to know which line the error occurred on as well as the bad column(s). If nothing else, I need to see at least the actual row that was bad. How can I get that information?


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SSIS Dynamically Naming Output Files

Mar 10, 2006

I've just started using SQL Server 2005 Integration Services and
I've come up against a situation where I need to name output files
dynamically (i.e. based on a timestmap). Looking through this
newsgroup, and other web resources it looks like my only option is to use a Script Task/ActiveX Script Task to rename the file after it has
been created with a generic file name.
I was wondering if there was a different approach or if there was a way to pass in a variable to the file connection manager that I could append to the file name at run-time.


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SSIS : Flat File Input And XML Output

Feb 21, 2007

Hi All,

I want to know is it possible to have source as Flat File and destination as XML

Thanks in advance,


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Help Needed In Approach For Error Output In SSIS

Sep 25, 2007

Hi i have a issue i am loading data from a flat file into a relational Database and i am loading the data without dropping the Primary and Foreign Key constraints and i am sending the error rows into a error table for each table. This is becoming large over head is there a way to Load the entire error Row as a single Column in one Error Table.

This is occuring coz the input is being parsed and its dividing into columns,

One approach would be to used Derived Column Transformation and Substring all columns but it makes to writing long substring statement as some tables have 80 columns ,

is there a better way to handle these errors so that they can be looked at and Changes can be made to the Data ,

Also one more question is is there a way to Load in case of Duplicates load only the Recent Row By Date Column.
and send the old row according to Date into Error output.

Please suggest me what approach should i go for

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Using SSIS To Output SP Return Data To A Share

May 4, 2008

I'm new to SSIS. I'm looking for basic pointers to return temp table created by a proc to be written to file shares. Any pointers/examples appreciated.


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SSIS Read Excel Rows And Create New Output

Feb 1, 2013

I have an excel file with following data:

Agent State Exposure Insured Name
Rogers Inc MA 100,000 John Smith
SAN Group RI 200,000 Jim Morrison
SAN Group RI 100,000 Jimi Hendrix
123 Agency MA 300,000 Mickey Mouse
Rogers Inc MA 50,000 Mike Greenwell

I want to be able to read the file and create new excel files for each Agent listed. So for Example, the above file would create 3 separate files since there are 3 different Agents listed. Each Agent file would contain the same information from the original file. The name of the file would be somethign like AgentName.xls...So the SAN group file would have this:

Agent State Exposure Insured Name
Rogers Inc MA 100,000 John Smith
SAN Group RI 200,000 Jim Morrison
SAN Group RI 100,000 Jimi Hendrix

Is there a way to accomplish this in SSIS?

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SQL 2012 :: SSIS Script As Transform Not Producing Output

Jan 30, 2015

I have an SSIS with several data flows I need to do some complex data evaluations so I have used a script as transform in two of the DFT's. If I run these separately everything works great and there are no problems what so ever. If I run them together I notices I was getting an error on the second one. I discovered that this seems to be some kind of namespace problem since both Scripts were using Input_0 buffer. So I changed the name of the second one and retested.

Well I no longer get the error and in fact it seems to run through the entire SSIS just fine. However when I look closer I notice that the second Script task just does not seem to do anything at all. The script task does a lot of evaluation of the incoming data and then does some calculations depending on the value in the service code. however when it runs through this in the second script task all of the define output rows are just empty.

I have gone through and made sure that all input and output buffers are unique names thinking this was a similar problem but no luck. I even changes all column and variable names to unique with no luck. Again If I run them separately everything work fine it is only when I run the entire package that this problem occurs.

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Integration Services :: SSIS Logging To Output Value Of A Variable

Aug 28, 2015

I have enabled SSIS logging for a Package.

Is it possible for SSIS logging to output the value of a variable. 

Currently, it is only outputting the name of the variable, such as:"User::FilePath"

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SSIS Custom Component, Output Buffer Problem

Mar 27, 2007

Hi Guys,

I created a SSIS custom component, transformation (Asynchronous) with one Input collection and 2 output collections.

The SSIS Package which includes the Component I created works well in the Business Intelligence Studio, but when the same Package is run in the 'Execute Package utility' It fails to run. ( when you Double click on the dtsx file)

The cause of the failiure is

public override void PrimeOutput(int outputs, int[] outputIDs, PipelineBuffer[] buffers)

method receives only one output buffer when executed using the 'Execute Package Utility' { outputs = 1 , buffer.Length = 1 } ( when executed in the BI studio, the method receives parameters of both the output buffers that I expect { outputs = 2 , buffer.Length = 2 } )

The property ComponentMetaData.OutputCollection.Count = 2 as well. Yet the PrimeOutput method provides only 1 buffer.

The Validation Succeeds on both instances, which I assume means that Meta Data is Provided Properly.

What would be the reason for the same pakage to run in 2 different ways like this,

What might I have missed out to do, to make the package run in different ways on 'Business Intelligence Studio' and 'Execute Package Utility'

Thanks a lot

Below are some of the lines from the ProvideComonentProperties Method which deals with the output Collection, Isn't this sufficient for the PrimeOutput to provide 2 output buffers?


public override void ProvideComponentProperties()


//other function calls

IDTSOutput90 output1 = ComponentMetaData.OutputCollection[0];
output1.Name = "Output1";
output1.Description = ".......................";
extracted.SynchronousInputID =0;

IDTSOutput90 output2 = ComponentMetaData.OutputCollection.New();
output2.Name = "Output2";
output2.Description = "..........................";
output2.SynchronousInputID = 0;

//other function calls

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How Can I Output Subset Of A Table To A Flat File In SSIS?

Aug 24, 2006

Hi All,

I have a table A. I need output subset of a table A to a flat file using query, like:

select A.* from A inner join B on... ..... inner join C......where left(, 3) = B.sid.... AND B.num between 100 and 200).

How can I do this in SSIS? Which data flow item I may need?



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How To Call Oracle Stored Procedure Which Has An Output Parameter From SSIS?

Jun 15, 2007

I will really appreciate if someone can post step by step process to call an Oracle Stored Proc from SSIS. Here is the Stored Proc Spec:

PROCEDURE Interface_Begin
(p_from_dttm OUT varchar2,
p_error_code OUT number,
p_error_text OUT varchar2,
p_proc_name OUT varchar2);

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Command Line Parameters Are Invalid Is The Output For A SQL Job To Run SSIS Package

May 25, 2006


I created a SSIS package that has a flat file manager whose connection string is a package variable, the reason is that there is a foreachfile container loop to loop thru CSV format files in a directory and load them to a sql table.

The package execution is working in the designer studio as well as in the management studio-- a copy was saved to a sql 2005 server where a sql job is deployed to run the package. However when I ran the job, it claims successful but doesn€™t do anything in reality. If I checked the box failing the package upon validation warming, the job will fail with the error: the command line parameters are invalid. The command line looks like below:


One thing that I think maybe wrong is on the data source tab of the job step GUI, the flat file manager€™s connection string is blank, compared to other connection managers having related values.

Does anyone know how to make the job working?

Thanks in advance


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Missing Log Output Section For SSIS Packages In The SQL Agent Job Properties

May 6, 2008

Hi All,

I have a requirement of logging the failure and the error of a job executing a SSIS package to text file.
However, when I go to job step -> Advanced, in the section "SQL Server
Integration Services Package" where that info to setup logging is, it
is blank and just says:

"There are no options for this command type"

Any ideas?

I thought that this might not be supported in Standard Edition as I am running standard edition. Then I checked on two other servers, where I have Enterprise edition with SP2. On one of the installations, I am able to give the log file, the other one still shows,

"There are no options for this command type"

What is the problem? Both of them I am using the sysadmin role account. I have proxy account created on both the SQL instances. I don't think this is the problem, but still I checked this.

Can anybody help me?


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Integration Services :: 2005 SSIS Pivot Transform Output

May 8, 2015

I have a Pivot Transform in SSIS (2005) working perfectly, EXCEPT for that the first column of the output (the date) repeats for each of the following columns, which are themselves falling into the correct column, but not on the same line for a particular date as the others. Snipet of result from Data Viewer is:

dbDate site1 site2

1/1/2015 0:00 0.03 NULL
1/2/2015 0:00 0.04 NULL


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Call Oracle Stored Procedure With Output Refcursor From Ssis

Nov 6, 2007

I would like to call a oracle stored procedure which looks like this

Create procedure in oracle sql plus

PROCEDURE usp_SelectGroups (results_cursor OUT CURSOR_TYPE);
PROCEDURE usp_SelectGroups (results_cursor OUT CURSOR_TYPE)
OPEN results_cursor FOR
SELECT GroupID, GroupName, GroupDescription, LastUpdateDate
FROM Groups
ORDER BY GroupName;

Execute procedure in oracle sql plus

set autoprint on;
var x refcursor;

This works in sql plus. But when I try to run the same (or tried everything) in the execute statement in ssis using execute sql task, I am not able to make it work. I am getting an error message. Please advice, what am I doing wrong. Or is this possible or is there any other way to get this working.

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SSIS - Output Table To Flat Fixed-width File

Oct 19, 2007

I am new to SSIS and am having trouble with automatically setting up the destination output columns.

I am sure there must be an easy way to do this.

My table (source) has 86 columns in it of varying lenghts.

In my connection magagers, I have created one for the SQL Server (source data) and one for the flat file (destination output).

I have also created an OLE DB source data object and a destination Flat File object and set them up to the respective connection managers.

Finally I have linked the source to the destination.

Now when I look at the source, it shows me all 86 columns.

When I open up destination, there are no columns set up.

Problem: do I have to type in all the columns manually in the connection manager for the Flat File?

I would think there would be some automatic way that it would self-populate the columns over to the flat file destination.

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Simple SSIS Package, Problems With Flat File Output

Sep 20, 2007


I want to make a very simple package: Export all rows in a table to a flat file.
This package I can create pretty much by only using the wizards.
Now to my problems:

1) I need the output to have this format:

DS3 Plastpall trippelkrage 40 1

H is a header post, in this case with date and time following.
D is a details post, that is all the rows that was exported.
E is and end post, containing only the number of rows in the file, including H and E posts.

2) I need to set the file name dynamically, preferably using date and time to name the file.

I´ve done this very same thing in T-SQL, like so:

Code Snippet
FROM tempProducts
SELECT 1 AS ROW_ORDER, 'H' + REPLACE(CONVERT(char(8), GETDATE(), 112) + CONVERT(char(8), GETDATE(), 108), ':', '') AS Data_Line
SELECT 2 AS ROW_ORDER, 'D' + COALESCE (CONVERT(char(10), LBTyp), '') + COALESCE (CONVERT(char(50), Description), '') + COALESCE (CONVERT(char(5),
Volume), '') AS Data_Line
FROM dbo.tempProducts
SELECT 3 AS ROW_ORDER, 'E' + RIGHT('0000000000' + RTRIM(CONVERT(char(13), COUNT(*) + 2)), 11) AS Data_Line
FROM dbo.tempProducts AS tempProducts_1
FROM tempProducts
DECLARE @date char(8)
DECLARE @time char(8)
SELECT @date = CONVERT(char(8), getdate(),112)
SELECT @time = CONVERT(char(8), getdate(),108)
SELECT @time = REPLACE(@time,':','')

DECLARE @dt char(14)
SELECT @dt = @date + '_' + @time
SELECT @sql = 'bcp "SELECT Data_Line FROM avk..EXPORT_ORDERS ORDER BY ROW_ORDER" queryout "c:AVK_' + @dt + '.txt" -c -t -U sa -P dalla'
EXEC master..xp_cmdshell @sql

--WAITFOR DELAY '0:00:10';
FROM tempProducts


But I´m sure it can be done in SSIS aswell, giving me some nice options for i.e. error handling aswell.
Pointers please

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Visual Studio Output Information In Debug Mode While Running A SSIS Package

Aug 16, 2006


When running a package in VS you can see something like this in the output window:

SSIS package "logging.dtsx" starting.
Information: 0x40043006 at Data Flow Task, DTS.Pipeline: Prepare for Execute phase is beginning.
Information: 0x40043007 at Data Flow Task, DTS.Pipeline: Pre-Execute phase is beginning.
Information: 0x402090DC at Data Flow Task, Flat File Source [1]: The processing of file "C: est ssis loggingad_data1.txt" has started.
Information: 0x4004300C at Data Flow Task, DTS.Pipeline: Execute phase is beginning.
Warning: 0x8020200F at Data Flow Task, Flat File Source [1]: There is a partial row at the end of the file.
Information: 0x402090DE at Data Flow Task, Flat File Source [1]: The total number of data rows processed for file "C: est ssis loggingad_data1.txt" is 477.
Information: 0x402090DF at Data Flow Task, OLE DB Destination [1011]: The final commit for the data insertion has started.
Information: 0x402090E0 at Data Flow Task, OLE DB Destination [1011]: The final commit for the data insertion has ended.
Information: 0x40043008 at Data Flow Task, DTS.Pipeline: Post Execute phase is beginning.
Information: 0x402090DD at Data Flow Task, Flat File Source [1]: The processing of file "C: est ssis loggingad_data1.txt" has ended.
Information: 0x40043009 at Data Flow Task, DTS.Pipeline: Cleanup phase is beginning.
Information: 0x4004300B at Data Flow Task, DTS.Pipeline: "component "DataReaderDest" (87)" wrote 0 rows.
Information: 0x4004300B at Data Flow Task, DTS.Pipeline: "component "OLE DB Destination" (1011)" wrote 1 rows.
SSIS package "logging.dtsx" finished: Success.

This is exactly when I need when a package is running but I want to be able to see it without using Visual Studio.
I would do it in Reporting Services but I need to find out to get the information. The SSIS logging feature in a package does not provide that kind of info.

Did someone try this already?



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Integration Services :: How To Read A Specific String From Text File As Output Variable In SSIS

Nov 5, 2015

I am downloading a webpage as a text file in order to read a specific string to assign it as a variable/parameter in order to create an output file name. I would like to know how would I be able to look for a specific string and output as another variable for the rest of the package.

2015 Conforming Loan Limits
o _Loan Limits for Calendar Year 2015--All Counties _[XLS]
</DataTools/Downloads/Documents/Conforming-Loan-Limits/FullCountyLoanLimitList2015_HERA-BASED_FINAL_FLAT.xlsx>_ ,
​ o _List of 46 Counties with Increases in Loan Limits for 2015

[Code] ...

To explain it a more better way, I have a sample webpage text here. I should be searching for "FullCountyLoanLimitList" appended by the current year (like FullCountyLoanLimitList2015) and copy the entire file name in the text file and assign it to another variable so that I can download that specific file using WebClient connection.

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