SSIS Updating Package Variables From Stored Procedures

Jul 31, 2007

I have been looking at the project Real reference implementation for doing auditing of data uploads. The tables and store procedures are in place using identical field and variable names. However, when running the package it does not update the relevant log entry with the end time and status.

I have performed the process manually running the stored procedures, providing the values directly and everything works fine.

I can only assume that the LogID variable is not being updated during the run and therefore the onEnd procedure cannot update the relevant log entry.

One side effect is that it does update the record when it��s the first record entered into the table but not on any other inserts. Clearing the table each time is not an option.

This has become rather frustrating and would appreciate any assistance.


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Problem Setting Package Variables In SSIS Package

Sep 8, 2006


I am making use of the DtUtil tool to deploy my package to SQL Server.
Following is my configuration:
32-bit machine and 32-bit named instance of Yukon.

I have some package variables which need to be set in the code.

Previously I did it as follows:

Set the package variables in the code. For example:

pkgFile.Variables["User::DestinationServerName"].Value = <myvalue>

Deploy the package as follows:

applnObj.SaveToSqlServer(pkgFile, null,
destinationServer, null, null);

Here the package was successfully deployed and when i open those packages using BIDS, I am able to see that the variables are set to the values as doen in teh code.

Because of oen problem I am not using SaveToSQLServer method. So I switched to DTUtil tool.
Now I am doing it this way:

Set the package variables as before.
Deploy the package to SQL Server using DTUtil tool.

Now is the problem:
The package is successfully deployed. But the variables are not set to the value that I have specified in the code.

I also tried DTexec utility to set the package variable. Even that does n't work.
Can anyone help me out? Is there any alternate method to set package variables?


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Stored Procedures Variables

Dec 28, 2005

I have a PROC that I want to modify via a variable I will pass in from ASP.Net.

Currently the PROC is as follows:

ALTER Procedure [dbo].[spu_FindProperties]
@Search varChar(30)
Set @Search = '%'+ @Search + '%'

SELECT dbo.EDCclient.CLIENT, dbo.EDCclient.CLIENT_ID, dbo.EDCproperty.PROPERTY, dbo.EDCproperty.PROP_ID, dbo.EDCproperty.CLIENT_ID AS Expr1,
dbo.EDCproperty.TRACKER, dbo.EDCproperty.SUBTRACKER, dbo.EDCproperty.PHONE, dbo.EDCproperty.APT_UNITS, dbo.EDCproperty.ESP,
dbo.EDCproperty.CTRLS_INST, dbo.EDCproperty.TODO, dbo.EDCproperty.SWO
dbo.EDCproperty ON dbo.EDCclient.CLIENT_ID = dbo.EDCproperty.CLIENT_ID
WHERE (dbo.EDCclient.CLIENT like @Search) OR
(dbo.EDCproperty.PROPERTY like @Search)

I now want to modify it so that the entire Where clause is created in ASp and passed in. So I think my new PROC should look as follows:

ALTER Procedure [dbo].[spu_FindProperties]
@Search varChar(200)

SELECT dbo.EDCclient.CLIENT, dbo.EDCclient.CLIENT_ID, dbo.EDCproperty.PROPERTY, dbo.EDCproperty.PROP_ID, dbo.EDCproperty.CLIENT_ID AS Expr1,
dbo.EDCproperty.TRACKER, dbo.EDCproperty.SUBTRACKER, dbo.EDCproperty.PHONE, dbo.EDCproperty.APT_UNITS, dbo.EDCproperty.ESP,
dbo.EDCproperty.CTRLS_INST, dbo.EDCproperty.TODO, dbo.EDCproperty.SWO
dbo.EDCproperty ON dbo.EDCclient.CLIENT_ID = dbo.EDCproperty.CLIENT_ID


But I can't get SQL to accept the @Search in place of the Where... Any ideas?

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Updating Stored Procedures

Apr 3, 2008

Our DB has a large amount of tables, and whenever we update a field variable (in this case a varchar length) which we did in nearly all of the tables, we then have to go through and update the stored procedures as well. Is there a way to do this automatically, or can this only be done manually.

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Need Help Wioth Variables In Stored Procedures

Mar 15, 2007

I'm working on my first stored procedure, having just watched a video about how to use them.  I have a working procedure that looks like this:set ANSI_NULLS ONset QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ONGOALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[InMateSearch]    @State nvarchar(255)   AS       BEGIN    DECLARE @SqlString nvarchar(255)       SELECT [FIRST NAME], [LAST NAME], [STATE]     FROM members     WHERE suspend=0 AND (State=@State OR Country=@State)ENDWhat I need to do is build the WHERE clause of the SELECT Statement based on the values of the parameters passed in.  There will be a lot of them, but State will do for an example.I want to assign a variable, say SqlString  = " suspend=0".  Then I want to check the value of @State which is a parameter being passed in, then do something like this:If @State <> "" then SqlString = SqlString & " AND (State=@State OR Country=@State)" so that I'm only filtering by state if the state parameter isn't empty.  Then I would like my SELECT statement to look like: SELECT [FIRST NAME], [LAST NAME], [STATE]  FROM members  WHERE (SqlString)I'm declaring SqlString as the video indicated, but in the video the variable is assigned a value from the database.  I think I need a different kind of variable.  If I try to do something like SqlString = "test" or @SqlString = "test" I get an error.  Once I define or declare a variable I can use to build the string, how do I assign it to the WHERE clause?Diane  

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Stored Procedures With Output Variables

May 25, 2007


What is the syntax calling a stored procedure (let say named 'myproc') with OUTPUT variables (lets say the proc has an integer output variable named 'myvar') ?



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Auto Updating Stored Procedures?

Apr 12, 2007

Is it possible to get SQL Server to automatically update the table/field names in your stored procedures when changing those table/field names in the database?

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SQL 2012 :: Parsing Variables Between Stored Procedures

Oct 20, 2014

I've got a number of stored procedures that I have for reporting

All are of a similar starting format

For easier maintenance and to take away the need to change all of them if the methodology changes I want to split out shared code.

What I want to do is to take out the part that populates the @ID1 table into a separate stored proc which will be called from the report procs. The values from the shared proc will then be parsed back to the reporting proc.

I thought about using a function but I don't think it will be flexible enough as in certain cases I want to parse 2 or more IDs back into the final output.

I also don't want to make the code too complex so that it is relatively easy to read

IF @ID = 0

[Code] ....

The first question I have is: can i do it with a table variable when going between procs or do i need to build a real table if i want it to maintain the logic in 1 place.

May be worth bearing in mind that the end user who will be executing the proc will only have read + execute stored proc access permissions so dropping, updating or creating real tables is not an option. #Temp tables are possible but since am using table variables throughout would prefer to stick with them.

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Creating Stored Procedures Based On Variables

Oct 5, 2006

Hi There,

I would like to know if for example i have some tables in my DataBase and i need from each table to get for instance, the Name by the ID, how can i make only one procedure which use parameters and variables so i can use this SP to get the Name By ID for all the Tables?


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Views / Stored Procedures / Updating Records

Jul 23, 2005

This is a general question regarding the use of view and storedprocedures. I'm fairly new to databases and SQL.I've created a SQL database using an Access Data Project ("ADP") andI'm satified with the table structure. I've moved on to building somefront ends for our users.I'm running into situations where I want subreports to be built fromqueries [views or stored procedures-I don't know which to use so I usethe term query] that are dependent on the values in other controls.I've played with stored procedures and I've figured out how to sendcriteria to a stored procedure and then dynamically change the recordsource of a subreport.However, I'm running into cases where I can't add records to theresults of a stored procedure. The table I'm running a stored procedureon has five fields: (1) Primary Key for each record, (2) FundID that'sa primary key in another table, (3) CompanyID that's a primary key inanother table, (4) Attribute 1 of the (Fund/Company) and (5) Attribute2 of the (Fund/Company).The stored procedure filters the set of Fund/Companies based on aFundID from a form. I can update this stored procedure. However, forusers, they would like to see the Fund Name from the table that hasunique FundIDs. As soon as I include that into the stored procedure, Ican no longer add records.My questions are many:1. Is there a primer online that discusses the theory behind myquestion? Recordsets, updatability, working with recordsets in forms?2. What are some best practices for developing subreports, combo boxes,list boxes, etc. where the data is dependent on the values in a control3. I'm struggling with the best ways to grab objects on a form. If I'mon the main form I'm comfortable working with theMe.__object__.__sub-oject routine. However, if I'm in one subform whereI need another subform to change based on the record I'm in, I feelthat my code to get at the subform is very klunky..forms.main form name.sub form name.form.record sourceI don't even know how I figured out the "form" part before recordsource. Again, are there some basic rules or guides about navigatingthrough forms in VBA?4. Should I be developing front ends in some other environment?I know it's a lot, but all the advice from the newsgroups seems topresuppose some knowledge about how ADP, ADO, ODBC..blah blah and Ican't seem to find any documents about ADP and SQL.

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Memory Usage For Local Variables In Stored Procedures

Jul 3, 2003

I would like to know if there is a penalty for Varchar variables in stored procedures if I declare them Varchar(8000) instead of Varchar(1000).
I have a lot of variables and sometimes the content will be more them 1000 characters.
Is memory only allocated for the the actual contents or for the complete declared length?

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SSIS Package &&amp; Variables

Aug 15, 2006

I have a SSIS package that was migrated from DTS 2000. It had a variable that I passed to the DTS package when executing. Now when I try executing the SSIS package with the variable, I get the following error: The package path referenced an object that cannot be found: "package.variables[user::SnapShotDate].value". This occurs when an attempt is made to resolve a package path to an object that cannot be found.

From everything that I can find, I am passing the variable correctly. If I look at the package within BIDS, my variable is listed under the variable window & it is scoped for the package. Any ideas on what I might be missing here? This is my first SSIS package that contains a variable.

Let me know if you need more info.



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Variables In SSIS Package

Jan 22, 2008

I have defined an active X task (converting from SQL 2000)

Function Main()

DTSGLOBALVARIABLES("TEST").Value= InputBox("TEST : ","Message Box")

Main = DTSTaskExecResult_Success

End Function

The problem is that this variable is not recognized by the subsequent tasks although I have defined a variable "TEST" in the variable lists.

Is there something else to do to get it recognized ?

Thanks for helping,


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System Variables In A SSIS Package

Oct 2, 2006

hello all,

I am having a hard time referenceing system variables. Can some one give me a quick lesson?

I am trying to save system variables suck as StartTime finishtime and processes ran?

I want to store these items into a table for use later.

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How To Pass Values From ASP DOT NET To SSIS Package Variables

Jun 1, 2006


Does anybody know how to pass values from asp dot net to SSIS package variables ?

Currently I have an SSIS package for monitoring windows service... for that...

I have to pass the Server-IP Addrress, UserName, Password, Service Name as Parameter.

I would like to pass these parameters through an Interface from RUN TIME.

Please help this problem


Deepu M.I






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User Variables In SSIS Package Scope

May 8, 2008

I have created two User variables at Package level (OldRunID{Int32} and NewRunID{Int32}). I am using two simple ExecuteSQL Tasks to get a Single Row Resultset return (each) and loading them (on Result Set Page). Using the Constraint and Expression Flow controls, I have found that they load to True (-1) instead of the 25 and 50, respectively, that I would expect. I then wrote a Script task to evaluate their values and find that I get zero for Dts.Variables.Count. - Why am I not loading the variables correctly and why can I not access them in the Script task?

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DataTables In SQLExpress Database Are Not Updating When Using Stored Procedures From Windows Application

Jan 30, 2008

I'm writing a Windows application (Visual Studio 2005, c#) utilizing a local SQLExpress database. It consists of about 10 tables and I've created about 15 Stored Procedures to address various functions... I can run the update Stored Procedures interactively within the designer and the data tables update as designed. However, if I run the update Stored Procedures from within my windows application is where they fail. I get no error messages, if I return a rowcount variable from the Stored Procedure it tells me that one row was updated (SELECT @RtnVal == @@rowcount)... but when I open the subject table in the designer, there is no new data.

My update queries address both insert and update functions, so if it is new row of data, it performs the insert action, otherwise it updates an existing row.

I can query the data using my stored procedures to load default values into my windows form, I can search and find client records to display in the form... I just can't update records. I'm of the opinion that it is a rights issue, but I can't find any resources that address user access accounts with SQLExpress and windows apps. The current connection string for my local database is set for Integrated Security = true; User Instance = true

I've tried two approaches... one utilizes my stored procedure....

bool bSave;
SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(KadaDesk.Properties.Settings.Default.dbKadaConnectionString.ToString());
SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("SavAuthTesterData", conn);
cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
cmd.Parameters.Add("@CtrId", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 20).Value = TestCenterID.ToString();
cmd.Parameters.Add("@AT_Id", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 15).Value = GnuAuthTesterId.ToString();
cmd.Parameters.Add("@AT_Name", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 50).Value = GnuAuthTesterName.ToString();
cmd.Parameters.Add("@AT_Pwd", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 15).Value = GnuAuthTesterPwd.ToString();
cmd.Parameters.Add("@Maint", SqlDbType.NChar, 1).Value = GnuAuthTesterStatus.ToString();
cmd.Parameters.Add("@ModBy", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 15).Value = sAuthTester.ToString();
bSave = true;

Then I tried a direct insert...

SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(KadaDesk.Properties.Settings.Default.dbKadaConnectionString.ToString());
SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand();
SqlTransaction myTrans;
cmd.Connection = conn;
myTrans = conn.BeginTransaction();
cmd.Transaction = myTrans;
string disDte = DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString();
string sCmdText = "INSERT INTO Tester (CenterId, AuthTesterId, AuthTesterName, AuthTesterPwd, "
+ "CreateDte, Maint, ModBy) "
+ "VALUES ('" + TestCenterID.ToString() + "','"
+ GnuAuthTesterId.ToString() + "','"
+ GnuAuthTesterName.ToString() + "','"
+ GnuAuthTesterPwd.ToString() + "','"
+ disDte.ToString() + "','"
+ GnuAuthTesterStatus.ToString() + "','"
+ sAuthTester.ToString() + "')";
cmd.CommandText = sCmdText;
bSave = true;

Both fail... which points to the only common point in both approaches, the connection string and user rights... but I can't find any place to address user accounts or configurations for windows apps.

Thanks for whatever help you can offer...


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Passing Values For Variables To An SSIS Package From C#/ ASP.NET Page.

May 30, 2007

I've got an SSIS package that works fine. It does extracts from a foreign ODBC source and moves it to SQL Server. It has 3 variables, a customer ID, a fromDate and a toDate. Those variables are used to complete a SQL statement expression. So far so good.

I now want to provide a web interface in a web page that will enable the user to provide values for those variables. How can I execute my package passing the user's input?

Thanks for any advice.


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Using Stored Procedure As OLE DB Source With Parameters From Package Variables

Apr 4, 2006

Hi Guys,

(I have searched this forum extensively, but still can't find the solution to this problem)

Here it is:

I have step in my ETL process that gets facts from another database. Here is how I set it up:

1) I have to package variables called User::startDate and User::endDate of data type datetime

2) Two separate Execute SQL Tasks populate those variables with appropriate dates (this works fine)

3) Then I have a Data Flow Task with OLE DB source that uses a call to a sproc of the form "exec ETL_GetMyData @startDate = ?, @endDate = ?" with parameters mapped accordingly (0 -> User::startDate, 1 -> User::endDate)

When I run this I get an error 0xC0207014: "The SQL command requires a parameter named "@startDate", which is not found in the parameter mapping."

It is true that the sproc in fact requires @startDate and @endDate parameters, so next thing I tried to do is call the sproc the following way: "exec ETL_GetMyData @startDate = ?, @endDate = ?"

To no avail. It gives me the same error. Incidentally, when I hard code both dates like "exec ETL_GetMyData '2006-04-01', '2006-04-02'" everything works well.

Also, I want to mention that in the first two cases, I get an error right in the editor. When I try to parse the statement it gives me "Invalid parameter number" message.

This has been such a pain in my neck. I've waisted the whole day trying to monkey with the various parts of package/statements to get this to work and it still doesn't. I dont' want to say anything about Integration Services design right now, but you probably know what I'm thinking...

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SQL 2012 :: Passing Record Counts From Execute Task In SSIS To Package Variables

Mar 4, 2014

I've got a package in SSIS 2012 that has an Execute SQL task in the control flow level.

The SQL in question does an Upsert via the SQL merge statement. What I want to do, is return the count of records inserted and records updated (No deletes going on here to worry about). I'm using the output option to output the changed recs to a table variable.

I've tried returning the values as:

Select Count(*) as UpdateCount from @mergeOutput where Action = 'Update'
Select Count(*) as InsertCount from @mergeOutput where Action = 'Insert'

I've tried setting the resultset to both Single rowset and Full rowset, but i'm not seeing anything returned to the package variables I've set for them (intInsertcount and intUpdatecount).

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Integration Services :: Assign Values To Variables Dynamically In 2012 SSIS Package

Jul 16, 2015

Can I assign values to variables in 2012 using below command? I have used the same command in 2008 and it works fine.

/SERVER"XXXXXXXXSQLSERVER2012"/SQL"Mypackage.dtsx"/SETPackage.Variables[FilePath].Value;"C:Test estvariable.csv"

Wondering is there a different way in 2012 to pass values to variables dynamically.

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SQL 2012 :: SSIS Variables Stored On A Database

Jul 3, 2014

I have finally been able to get access to SQL Server 2012, so I am just now getting to play with some of the features. My new company has multiple ways of calling an SSIS package, and some (if not all) use Package Parameters. I just did a little research on these, and I in general get how they work. Here is why I ask...

I liked how my last company had dynamic variables setup. They had all of the required variables stored on a single database table on a single server. This kept all of the connections strings, file paths, file names, etc. that a package would use. My computer, the UAT server, and the Prod server all had the same file in the same location with 1 character difference to note which environment to run in. This way I knew I would always use only the Dev server when I ran a package during development. I would also only touch the test folders with my test data. Once we moved it to UAT or Prod, that single character difference would point to a different set of variables for the same PackageID, and we didn't have to worry about forgetting to change hard coded variable values. The only 2 hard coded variable values were the PackageID and the variable holder database. I have heard of similar ways of doing this via an XML file, but I have not had the (ahem) pleasure of working with that yet.

Jump to my current job and why so far I have not been impressed with the Package Parameters. We have 3 different jobs that all call the same SSIS package. We feed in a different FacilityID, and using values stored in tables we know to look for different file names, etc. To me this seems to be a similar set up to how my last company had set the system. The big difference is my old company used a Script Task to verify which environment we were running in (I can see setting this for different FacilityID's, but that would be cumbersome), and my new company uses multiple tables across multiple databases (I know, this is not the best set up in the world, and we are fixing it soon) to decide what we will use for some of the variable values.

What are your thoughts on storing variables outside a package? Do you have any blog posts or articles you can link to show current best practices?do the Package Parameters only work via the Integrated Services Catalog, or can they be accessed for the File System packages too?

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SSIS And Stored Procedures Results Stored In #Tables

Mar 26, 2008

I'm start to work with SSIS.

We have a lot (many hundreds) of old (SQL Server2000) procedures on SQL 2005.
Most of the Stored Procedures ends with the following commands:



How can I use SSIS to move the complete #RESULTTABLE to Excel or to a Flat File? (e.g. as a *.csv -File)

I found a way but I think i'ts only a workaround:

1. Write the #Resulttable to DB (changed Prozedure)
2. create data flow task (ole DB Source - Data Conversion - Excel Destination)

Does anyone know a better way to transfer the #RESULTTABLE to Excel or Flat file?

Thanks for an early Answer

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Table Names In Stored Procedures As String Variables And Temporary Table Question

Apr 10, 2008

How do I use table names stored in variables in stored procedures?

Code Snippetif (select count(*) from @tablename) = 0 or (select count(*) from @tablename) = 1000000

I receive the error 'must declare table variable '@tablename''

I've looked into table variables and they are not what I would require to accomplish what is needed.
After browsing through the forums I believe I need to use dynamic sql particuarly involving sp_executesql. However, I am pretty new at sql and do not really understand how to use this and receive an output parameter from it(msdn kind of confuses me too). I am tryin got receive an integer count of the records from a certain table which can change to anything depending on what the user requires.

Code Snippet

if exists(Select * from sysobjects where name = @temptablename)
drop table @temptablename

It does not like the 'drop table @temptablename' part here. This probably wouldn't be an issue if I could get temporary tables to work, however when I use temporary tables i get invalid object '#temptable'.

Heres what the stored procedure does.
I duplicate a table that is going to be modified by using 'select into temptable'
I add the records required using 'Insert into temptable(Columns) Select(Columns)f rom TableA'
then I truncate the original table that is being modified and insert the temporary table into the original.

Heres the actual SQL query that produces the temporary table error.

Code Snippet
Select * into #temptableabcd from TableA

Insert into #temptableabcd(ColumnA, ColumnB,Field_01, Field_02)
SELECT ColumnA, ColumnB, Sum(ABC_01) as 'Field_01', Sum(ABC_02) as 'Field_02',
where ColumnB = 003860
Group By ColumnA, ColumnB


Insert into TableA(ColumnA, ColumnB,Field_01, Field_02)
Select ColumnA, ColumnB, Sum(Field_01) as 'Field_01', Sum('Field_02) as 'Field_02',
From #temptableabcd
Group by ColumnA, ColumnB

The above coding produces

Msg 208, Level 16, State 0, Line 1

Invalid object name '#temptableabcd'.

Why does this seem to work when I use an actual table? With an actual table the SQL runs smoothly, however that creates the table names as a variable problem from above. Is there certain limitation with temporary tables in stored procedures? How would I get the temporary table to work in this case if possible?

Thanks for the help.

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Using Sql Server Agent Stored Procedures To Execute A Package

Aug 15, 2006

hi everyone,

awhile back someone (i think it was darren) submitted a post which had a code example of using sql server agent stored procedures to execute a package.  i searched for the post, but i didn't find it.

anyway, can someone please re-post that example or provide a similar one?


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Can We Use Stored Procedures In SSIS..?

May 25, 2007

First Question is can we use Stored Procesdures in SSIS..if yes where i mean by useing which transformation how..?

Secondly i am stuck up here..:

from table1...

I am using this Query in the OlEDB Data flow task to retrieve the columns which i need and do some transformations..on i get JAM_CODE by using JAM_DESC can i use it...i think i cant
....can anyone suggest how to deal with this.?


Nothing much that i can do..!!

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Using Stored Procedures In SSIS

Aug 22, 2007

Once again I have a configuration database (CD) question. I am trying to use SP_HELPSRVROLEMEMBER and SP_CONFIGURE in the CD. I am having difficulty calling the stored procedures in the data flow task. What I would like to do, is to just call both SP's in the OLE DB Source and insert them into the OLE DB Destination. However, this doesn't seem to be that easy. Does anybody have any ideas as to how to insert the results from a SP into a central server? Any ideas would be great.

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Execute DTS 2000 Package Task Editor (Inner Variables Vs Outer Variables)

Sep 4, 2006


I am not comfortable with DTS 2000 but I need to execute a encapsulated DTS 2000 package from a SSIS package. The real problem is when I need to pass SSIS variables to DTS 2000 package. The DTS 2000 package have 3 global variables that I can identify on " Execute DTS 2000 Package Task Editor - Inner Variables ". I believe the SSIS variables must be mapped on " Execute DTS 2000 Package Task Editor - OuterVariables ". How can I associate the SSIS variables(OuterVariables ) to "Inner Variables"? How can I do it? Much Thanks.


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How To Design A Package With Variables So That I Can Run It By Dos Command Assigning Values To Variables?

Jan 24, 2006


I would like to design a SSIS package, which have couple of variables. It loads a xls file specified in a variable [varExcelFileFullPath] .

I will run it by commands: exec xp_cmdshell 'dtexec /SQL ....' (pls see an example below).

It seems it does not get the values passed in for those variables. I deployed the package to a sql server.

are there any grammar errors here? I copied it from dtexecui. It worked inside Dtexecui not in dos command.

exec xp_cmdshell 'dtexec /SQL "LoadExcelDB" /SERVER test /USER *** /PASSWORD ****


/LOGGER "{6AA833A1-E4B2-4431-831B-DE695049DC61}";"Test.SuperBowl"

/Set Package.Variables[User::varExcelFileName].Properties[Value];"TestAdHocLayer"

/Set Package.Variables[User::varExcelWorkbookName].Value;"Sheet1$"

/Set Package.Variables[User::varExcelFileFullPath].Value;"D: estshareTestAdHocLayer.xls"

/Set Package.Variables[User::varDestinationTableName].Value;"FeaturesTmp"

/Set Package.Variables[User::varPreSQLAction].Value;"delete from FeaturesTmp"




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SQL 2012 :: Parameter Error When Executing A Package With Built In Stored Procedures

Jul 23, 2014

I am using Excel VBA to run a stored procedure which executes a package using the built-in SQL Server stored procedures. The VBA passes two values from excel to the stored proc., which is then supposed to pass these "parameters" to the package to use as a variable within the package.

@Cycle sql_variant = 2
WITH EXECUTE AS 'USER_ACCOUNT' - account that signs on using windows authentication
declare @execution_id bigint


When I try to execute the package, from SQL Server or Excel using the Macro I built, I get the following error:"The parameter '[User::Cycle]' does not exist or you do not have sufficient permissions." I have given the USER_ACCOUNT that runs executes the stored procedure permission to read/write to the database and the SSIS project folder.

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Is It Possible To Make An Installer Package(msi And Exe Files) For Stored Procedures,tables,views

Nov 9, 2007


I've a doubt regarding deploying and creating package (MSI and EXE files) for SQL Stored procedures,views,tables,functions,triggers etc.,just like ASP.NET application by publishing and deploying..Is it possible in the same way for sql objects.If so,pls help me how to do it?

Thanks in advance.

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Data Warehousing :: Run Stored Procedures On PDW Via SSIS

Aug 4, 2015

How do you run a stored procedure on PDW via SSIS? I've tried Execute SQL Task and Execute T-SQL Task but in both cases the task will run and complete almost immediately. Task shows success, no errors, but nothing happens in PDW.   PDW admin console does not even register the query. Procedures run fine manually from SQL Server Object Explorer connection.

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Data Warehousing :: How To Use Stored Procedures In SSIS

Jul 23, 2015

How to use Stored Procedures in SSIS?

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