SSIS And CSVs With Quotes

Jun 11, 2009

I have a CSV with some columns containing quoted text with the text itself containing quotes.

I'm trying to use a Flat File Source in SSIS. I've set a double quote as the text qualifier (") and comma as the delimiter. The trouble I'm having is getting to text that contains a double quote like in the following example;

123,"xyz","Don't you hate when MS say's it's a "feature" and not a bug","more data"

SSIS is seeing the first quote as a text qualifier and the second quote as the end of the text. Because the next delimiter is not found (in this case a comma), it returns;

[staging_output [4195]] Error: The column delimiter for column "Column 3" was not found.

How I can get SSIS to treat the whole column as a single piece of text that just happens to contain quotes?

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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Importing CSVs With Unpredictable Format And Name

Dec 5, 2014

I'm having a bit of an issue with a project I'm working on presently. Originally, I was supposed to be importing Excel files placed into a folder with unpredictable names, but consistent format. That was easy enough, and that's handled.

However, the project has now been expanded; I need to also import CSV files, still with unpredictable names (easy), but both the Excel and CSV files can now have unpredictable columns.

For example, I was originally told I'd be working with columns A,B,C,D,E, but now I'm working with files that can have that format, or A,B,F,G,C,D,E, or any variation as such.

For the Excel files, I can easily just do a SELECT * INTO... with a staging table and OPENROWSET, so that's no problem. The CSVs, however, I'm not so lucky with; I can't seem to use OPENROWSET for it. I could use BULK INSERT, but I can't use it in the form of a SELECT * INTO...

Compounding this is that there can be typos in the column headers, which I also just ran into

Am I missing something here? Is there means of easily adapting to the varying column header names and positions?

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Integration Services :: SSIS 2012 - ARGUMENT Has Mismatched Quotes

Sep 16, 2015

I am using file path as package parameter in the SSIS 2012 package. This parameter has file path value which has spaces as there are spaces in some of the folders. When I execute the package from the SQL Agent job, I experience the following error:

Executed as user: xxxxx Microsoft (R) SQL Server Execute Package Utility  Version 11.0.5058.0 for 64-bit  Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.    The argument ""p_test";""xxxxxxx.comfilesCommon2015
"TEST" "Event" "ZONEDataCust" FilesOut" /Par "$ServerOption::LOGGING_LEVEL(Int16)";1 /Par "$ServerOption::SYNCHRONIZED(Boolean)";True /CALLERINFO "SQLAGENT" /REPORTING "E" "
has mismatched quotes.  The command line parameters are invalid.  The step failed.

Parameter name: p_test
Parameter value: xxxxxxx.comfilesCommon2015 TEST Event ZONEDataCust FilesOut

I am specifying this value in the sql agent job. The package is working fine locally with the same parameter value. I have tried using double quotes for the entire path but it did not work out. How can I get this resolved?

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Single Quotes And Double Quotes

Jan 3, 2002

I had a procdure in SQL 7.0 in which I am using both single quote and double quotes for string values. This proceudreused to work fine in SQL 7.0 but when I upgraded SQL 7.0 to SQL 2000, this proceudre stopped working. When I changed the double quotes to single quotes, it worked fine.

Any Idea why ??



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Sp Quotes

Apr 5, 2005

below is the code of my sp
it's giving my wrong result: 1 instead 0 and vice versa
could you please check what's wrong with it: i think there is something related to @var2 in the code colored in orange.



@param1 int = NULL,
@param2 int = NULL,
@Result int OUTPUT


DECLARE @var1 AS varchar(255)
DECLARE @var2 AS varchar(255)
DECLARE @x AS varchar(1000)

IF @param1 IS NOT NULL
SET @var1 = (
SELECT t1col1
FROM tabl1
WHERE t1col2 = @param1)

SET @var2 = ''


SELECT t2col1 FROM tabl2 WHERE t2col2 = @var1

OPEN crsr

SET @var2 = @var2 + '''' + @x + '''' + ', '


CLOSE crsr

SET @var2 = SUBSTRING(@var2, 1, LEN(@var2) - 1)

SET @var2 = (SELECT t2col1 FROM t2 WHERE tb2col3 = @param2)
SET @var2 = '''' + @var2 + ''''

PRINT @var2

IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM tabl3 WHERE t3col1 IN (@var2))
EXISTS (SELECT * FROM tabl4 WHERE t4col1 IN (@var2))
SET @Result = 1
SET @Result = 0

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Quotes In Quotes..

Mar 19, 2008

Hi all,

How do you put quotes in quotes so it looks like this below?

exec('select IDENT_CURRENT('table')')


exec('select IDENT_CURRENT('table')')

I just don't want the middle quotes to end the initial quote..

thanks in advance..

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String Quotes Between ' And "

Aug 8, 2001


Your help would be appreciated if you could give me some idea about why SQL 2000 takes single quote(') as a default for string searching instead of double quotes("). I have couple of stored procedures which were developed with string comparison with double quotes in SQL 6.5. If any one knows how I can change default as a double quotes(") instead of single quote(') in SQL 2000, would be great. Thanks

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Quotes In SQL Statement

Jan 13, 2005

This is the sql statement I have:


select * from tblCalls where TNum = [NUMBER] and Street like '[TEXT]'

The problem is that the Street field contains street names with quotes (ex. DE L'ACADIE). When I run this query using this street name, it doesn't work because of the ' between the L and the A. How can I tell SQL to "ignore" the ' in the text?

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Double Quotes

Jul 25, 2007

I am creating a flat file connection to a .csv file
In the columns section of the flatt file connection manager editor, I am not sure why the texts in the .csv file are shown with double quotes arouond them.
They do not have "" in the .csv file.

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Identifying Quotes

Mar 23, 2007

Has previous work been done on this? Is their a library one can download? Here's the problem. In an aricle a person or author may make a statement about a subject or a person. I am making a database on this.

For example, here in Israel, PM Olmert may make a statement on the teacher's strike or on Abu Mazen. The article may say, speaking of Mazen, Olmert said such and such. PM Olmert said, "xxxxxxx......." with the previous material making it clear whathe was speaking of.

Right now I have ugly code. Is there a neat way of doing this?

If this is the wrong forum, can somebody direct me to the right forum?



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Quotes Within A Query

Jan 17, 2007

Help, please.

I'm going crazy trying to figure out how to form this SQL query. I am querying an Informix linked server and I need to pass a variable date. I am using an expression to create the query like so

"Select count(*) from " + @[User::varDBName] + ":informix.doc_tl WHERE " + @[User::varDBName] +":informix.doc_tl.d_received = {D " + @[User::varDate] +"} "

The informix query needs the date to be {D "2007-01-15"} but for the life of me, I can't get the date enclosed in quotes.

The error I get is

An OLE DB record is available. Source: "(null)". HResult: 0x80040E14

Description: "(null)"

Can anyone tell me what I'm doing wrong?


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Replacing Quotes With Stringbuilder

Aug 2, 2007

Hi, below is the query that i use.update user set user_description=' "+ userDesc +" ' where user_id = 1;userDesc is the value taken from a textbox and is supposed to be used with the update query.userDesc = "kad'nsad'kasnd'nak";The quotes in userDesc is affecting the update. Is there anyway to replace quotes with ' using stringbuilder?

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Triple Single Quotes

Dec 3, 2003

I was having some issues with converting this @BeginDate(which is passed in as a datetime) correctly and someone suggested the syntax below. It enloses it in triple single quotes. That seemed to work, but it also seems to work with single quotes too. Can someone explain the use of triple single quotes in stored procedures?

''' + CAST(@BeginDate as Varchar(30)) + '''

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Single Quotes And Parameters

Dec 17, 2003

Help please! I have a problem with passing quotes in a parameter. I am using (vb) passing a parameter to a stored procedure.

Here is an example of the parameter I am passing from the asp page.

strIndexFilesFound = " 'file1.pdf', 'file2.pdf' "
.......Parameters("@IndexFilesFound").Value = strIndexFilesFound

And the Procedure parts

@IndexFilesFound char(100) = ''
WHERE IndexFile IN(@IndexFilesFound)

The result should be that the where query receives the data like this.
WHERE IndexFile IN ('file1.pdf', 'file2.pdf')

The number of files passed is unknown for any given query.

Much Thanks!

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Single Quote Becoming Two Quotes

Jan 18, 2001

I have 2 SQL 6.5 databases on separate servers. Server A replicates a text field into a table on server B.

On server A the field contains text similar to THIS IS FRED'S HOUSE. After replication to Server B it looks like THIS IS FRED''S HOUSE. The distribution database also has it as THIS IS FRED''S HOUSE. Using ODBC trace I cannot see the value being passed in the text field as it is displayed as a question mark e.g. ?.

How do I fix the problem ?

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BCP And Commas/double-quotes

Jul 30, 1999

Hello all,

I am using SQL Server 6.5 SP5a.

I have to use bcp to import two text files everyday for database update. The problem is that some of the character fields that are being imported have double-quotes and/or commas in them. When these are imported into the SQL Server tables additional double quotes are being added into these strings.



I have searched through BOL and have not been able to find any information.

Does anyone know what is causing this and if so how to correct it?


Bryan Ziel

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Handling Quotes And Apostraphies

Aug 6, 1998

I`m new to sql and am having trouble with updates. I`m trying to make a web page where people can enter text and have it submitted to the database. The problem is that I need to let people submit text with quotes (single and double). When my cgi generates the sql, the quotes cause problems with the dbms (ie. in the statement:

UPDATE mytable SET thetext = `This is Joe`s text.` WHERE user = `joe`

the apostraphy in "joe`s" is interpreted as meaning the end of the string to enter into "thetext" ). I expect that there`s some escape character that I don`t know about? I know this is a very basic question, but any help would be greatly appreciated.


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Remove Double Quotes

Aug 14, 2002

if l have a field conating data that has quoutes around it like field idno "2809085009084 ". How would l remove the quotes ????

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Escaping Single Quotes

Jun 16, 2004


I need to have an varchar value with single quotes. For eg: the below code throws compilation error.

Declare @val VARCHAR(20)
SELECT @val = ''+name+''
print @val

Error: Invalid column 'name'

I want to print name enclosed with single quotes. Please guide me.


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Trouble With Single Quotes

May 3, 2004

Hello Everyone!

I am having a problem with updating a password within a table. Below is the old and new password that needs to be updated.
New :"I+)#]*1#E,%R-''7^,TEA$X&^O_-68DIK,@

Below is the query that I am trying to run. I believe my problem is becuase of the Single Quotes found within both the old and new password.

I have tried to escape the single quotes, @local_variable, CHAR(39) and other ways of playing with the string. I cannot seem to find a solution.

If you were to ignore the update statement, the SELECT statement would return no results even though the PRINT statement displays the required data.
This is what baffles me and why I cannot run the UPDATE statement, becuase of course, nothing would be updated since no results were returned.

Can anyone offer their assistance?

Thank you in advance.

__________________________________________________ _______________


-- 2"3("-"3#@(%P="''_DD@D* ///// The old password.

SET @OLD_PASSWORD = '2"3("-"3#@(%P="' + CHAR(39) + CHAR(39) + '_DD@D*'

-- :"I+)#]*1#E,%R-''7^,TEA$X&^O_-68DIK,@ ///// The new password.

SET @NEW_PASSWORD = ':"I+)#]*1#E,%R-' + CHAR(39) + CHAR(39) + '7^,TEA$X&^O_-68DIK,@'


FROM Credentials
Is_Active = 1 AND
[Password] = @OLD_PASSWORD

/* Attempt to update the password table. */
UPDATE Credentials
SET [Password] = @NEW_PASSWORD
FROM Credentials
Is_Active = 1 AND
[Password] = @OLD_PASSWORD )

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What Role Does Quotes Serve

Jul 11, 2013

This is what the crystal reports makes, when you enter the tables and link. I also have some sql that i pasted there without the quotes. THey both run. Only isssue I have is that my sql which is a view does not update on demand from the server. IOW, they enter a new row. and it's not immediatlyin the crystal report. I asked the user if he can logout and back in and he says that he doesn't have to do that with other crystal reports.


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Inserting Double Quotes

Jan 24, 2014

I have to insert "" in data and in column name in the output .csv file.I tried using Quotename function

for ex : QUOTENAME(policy.policyid, '"')AS PolicyID


But i need policyId(i.e columnname) uswell in ""


How to amend the query.

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Double Quotes Replacement

Sep 5, 2005

Hi,It seems to be simple, however, it stumbles to replace all the double quotes (") within the followingsentence (or a column) with single quotes ('),colA = this is a freaking "silly" thing to dointocolA this is a freaking 'silly' thing to doSelect Replace(colA,'"',''')[color=blue]>From tblXYZ[/color]won't work,Select Replace(colA,'"',"'")[color=blue]>From tblXYZ[/color]won't work neither.How come? Thanks.

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Contains Predicate And Double Quotes

Jul 20, 2005

I have been searching for an escape character or a way of escapingdouble quotes that are actually in a string that I am using in thecontains predicate.Here is an exampleselect *from tablewhere contains(field, '"he said "what is wrong", that is what hesaid"')I need the double quotes in the string because they are part of thetext. Of course, Fulltext search raises the errorServer: Msg 7631, Level 15, State 1, Line 1Syntax error occurred near 'what is wrong", that is what he said'.Expected ''''' in search condition '"he said "what is wrong", that iswhat he said"'.If I remove the double quotes, the search does not return the properresults.Thanks in advance for the helpBill

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Handling Double Quotes

Jun 4, 2007

i am importing data from table to flat file(csv). i have two problems
1. if a column has commas(,) it should not create a new column i.e the column in csv file can have commas
2.if a column has double quotes then csv file column should have double quotes. please help me.I am using derived column I dont know how to search double quotes in string.

if my table has 2 columns

col1 col2

a abc,"scfddf"ghisk

b bc,de

c de

my csv file should look like this

a abc,"scfddf" ghisk

b bc,de

c de


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Escape Single Quotes

Dec 4, 2007


I want to pass a query to SQL Server 2005 through the table adapter query.

Some of the variables with have single quotes e.g. He's

I know with PHP/MySQL Addslashes() is used.

What is the alternative for C#?


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How To Remove Quotes From A Query

Apr 18, 2008


i have a query like

select * from table1 where @variable1

and variable1 id holding the value id=1

so what i want is select * from table1 where id=1

but here the values variable1 is passesed from a c# program which encloses the vaule within single quotes.

so what i get is select * from table1 where 'id=1'

how to correct this?

hope my question is clear.


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Losing Double Quotes??

Aug 10, 2007


I have written a little bit of VB.NET code that basically takes three strings, transforms them, and returns a single string to be stored in my table.

I am running into a strange problem, however... for some reason, a number of my processed rows are missing a pair of double quotes (").

The vast majority of the records are formatted properly, and have the double quotes in the expected locations.

The most frustrating thing about it is that I have included the offensive input strings in my Test.sql test script, and when I step through the entire routine, the return value is perfect...

i apologize for being the worst ever at posting questions here, please let me know if i can add anything

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Double Quotes In CSV File

Oct 24, 2006

I have a lot of data coming in from CSV files.  I have many CSV files (~20), with varying amounts of data- but some are quite large (largest file is ~230mb)

I'm trying to import it into a SQL database via SSIS, but the data is a little bit frustrating. 

I have data that looks like this:

"Text from vendor ""Vendor Name, Inc."" blah blah", "Next string", "", 1234

Many things to notice here - as well you can imagine some of the difficulties here.

After parsing, this data should have 4 columns-

Column1                                                                          Column2              Column3               Column4

Text From Vendor "Vendor Name, Inc." blah blah      Next string            <blank>                1234

The biggest problems stem from the double quotes mixed in with the comma because it is a comma delimited file with quotes as the text qualifier.  The other problem is the double quotes with blank text ... which prevents me from doing a replace on the double quotes ... I think ...

What would be your suggestions to help me parse this out?  (don't forget, some of these are large files with about 260,000 records- )

Thanks in advance,


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How To INSERT Text That Contains Single Quotes?

Nov 7, 2006

When users enter text into a textbox, to be INSERTed into my table, SQL Server throws an error if their text contains a single quote.
For example, if they enter "It's great!" then it causes this error:Error: Incorrect syntax near 's'. Unclosed quotation mark after the character string ''.
How can I allow text with single quotes to be inserted into the table?
Here's my code: 
string strInsert = "INSERT INTO [Comments] ([GameID], [UserID], [Comment]) VALUES (@GameID, @UserID, @Comment)";
SqlConnection myConnection = new SqlConnection(<<myconnectionstuff>>);SqlCommand myCommand = new SqlCommand(strInsert, myConnection);
myCommand.Parameters.Add( "@GameID", Request.QueryString["GameID"] );myCommand.Parameters.Add( "@UserID", (string)Session["UserID"] );myCommand.Parameters.Add( "@Comment", ThisUserCommentTextBox.Text );
try {myCommand.Connection.Open();myCommand.ExecuteNonQuery();}
catch (SqlException ex) {ErrorLabel.Text = "Error: " + ex.Message;}
finally {myCommand.Connection.Close();}

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How To INSERT A String That Contains Single-quotes?

Dec 28, 2006

My code results in SQL statements like the following one - and it gives an error because of the extra single-quotes in 'it's great': 
UPDATE Comments SET Comment='it's great' WHERE UserID='joe' AND GameID='503'
Here's the error I get when I try this code in SQL Server: 
Msg 102, Level 15, State 1, Line 1Incorrect syntax near 's'.Msg 105, Level 15, State 1, Line 1Unclosed quotation mark after the character string ''.
I need to know how I can insert a string such as 'it's great' - how do I deal with the extra quotes issue? is there a way to ecape it like this 'it/'s great' ? This doesn't seem to work.
Here's the code that generates the SQL. I'm using a FCKeditor box instead of a TextBox, but I got the same error when I was using the TextBox:
string strUpdate = "UPDATE Comments SET Comment='";strUpdate = strUpdate + FCKeditor1.Value;//strUpdate = strUpdate + ThisUserCommentTextBox.Text;strUpdate = strUpdate + "' WHERE UserID='";strUpdate = strUpdate + (string)Session["UserID"];strUpdate = strUpdate + "'";strUpdate = strUpdate + " AND GameID='";strUpdate = strUpdate + Request.QueryString["GameID"];strUpdate = strUpdate + "'";
SqlConnection myConnection = new SqlConnection(...);SqlCommand myCommand = new SqlCommand(strUpdate, myConnection);
try{myCommand.Connection.Open();myCommand.ExecuteNonQuery();}catch (SqlException ex){ErrorLabel.Text = "Error: " + ex.Message;
I'm using SQL Server 2005 and ASP.NET 2.0 
Much thanks

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How To Use LIKE In Stored Procedure With Single Quotes

Jan 23, 2007

I'm trying to build a dynamic sql statement in a stored procedurre and can't get the like statement to work. My problem is with the single quote.  for example LIKE '%@searchvalue%'.  This works fine: select * from view_searchprinters where serialnumber like '%012%' But I can't figure out how to create this in a stored procedure.  What syntax should I use for the line in bold?SET NOCOUNT ON;DECLARE @sn varchar(50)SET @sn = N'012'DECLARE @sql nvarchar(4000)SELECT @sql = 'select top 10 * from view_searchprinters'    + ' WHERE 1 = 1 'SELECT @sql = @sql + ' 'IF @sn IS NOT NULL   SELECT @sql = @sql + 'and serialnumber LIKE ''' + '%' + '@sn' + '%' + ''' 'EXEC sp_executesql @sql, N'@sn varchar(50)', @sn  

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Sorting And Stored Procedure Quotes

Dec 16, 2003

Normally when I do a sort for a stored procedure I use something like this:

CASE WHEN @SortOrder = 'FirstName' THEN FirstName
WHEN @SortOrder = 'LastName' THEN LastName
WHEN @SortOrder = 'Extension' THEN Extension
ELSE LastName

How do I get that into a dynamic SQL statement with proper quotes?
Most of the SQL left out for cleanliness. The order by below would be the ELSE condition.

CREATE PROCEDURE view_by_company
@entrytype nvarchar(50),@strYears nvarchar(20), @company nvarchar(20)
Declare @SQL nVarchar(4000)
Select @SQL = 'SELECT Media_Tracking_Companies.COMPANY '
Select @SQL = @SQL + 'WHERE (LTRIM(STR(DATEPART(yyyy, dbo.Media_Tracking_Ad_History.ADDATE))) IN ('
Select @SQL = @SQL + @strYears + '))'
Select @SQL = @SQL + 'ORDER BY dbo.Media_Tracking_Ad_History.PUBLICATION, dbo.Media_Tracking_Publications.AdDate DESC '
exec (@sql)

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