SSIS And Remote Passwords

Apr 30, 2008

Does SSIS support a methodology for passing in passwords value, to a single SSIS package, for database connection? That is, can SSIS support (source target) database password changes, from a remote source outside of the package?.

I am thinking of a web service that can launch, populate a global variable with a password, and then set an internal password for a specific database connection.

Right now... a large percentage goes for support for constant password changes and resets in the SSIS packages.

Any advice will be used!

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SSIS Connection Passwords

Jul 16, 2007

I created my SSIS package with connections to server databases. When I move the SSIS file to another machine it loses the password that is save in the connection. Is this a security feature? Is there a way to make it keep the passwords?

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SQL 2005 Passwords, Can It Be Configured To Accept Case-insensitive Passwords???

Jul 7, 2006

Users were able tolog on to our SQL 2000 servers with their passwords being case-insensitive.

Now with SQL 2005 some users can't logon because SQL 2005 passwords are case-sensitive.

Can SQL 2005 be configured so that passwords are NOT case sensitive???


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Passwords In The SSIS Configuration File

Oct 17, 2006

Thanks to some earlier help from this forum, I have my package running using configuration files and Windows Authentication. However, when I try to execute the package using Sql authentication, login fails for the user i am specifying. When I check out the configuration file, the connection string does not contain the password. I added the password to the connection string, but it does not cone back. I followed the instructions found on the following site:

After trying what was suggested there, I was still unsuccessful with my login attempt.

Anyone know how to set up a package to run using Sql authentication?



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SSIS Connection Manager Passwords

Mar 12, 2007

I am having a strange problem in that when ever I create a connection to an OLE db source and use SQL Server authorization and save the password, the connection manager seems to "forget" the password. That is, when I click the 'save password' check box, and do a test connection, it connects fine. But as soon as I close that connection window, and reopen it, the password box is empty, and the 'save password' box is still checked. Even if I do a test connection at this point, it wont connect because it does not have the password.

Is this some sort of bug? Is there a workaround?

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Saving SSIS Package Connection Passwords

Jul 11, 2007

Hello All,

I'm new to SQL 2005. I am setting up some SSIS packages which will connect to an Oracle database and copy some tables from it. These packages will then be scheduled to run on a daily basis. Because they will run automatically, it is required that passwords be saved along with the connection string. However, even though the password is saved (and encrypted, I checked the .dtsx in notepad), when I run the package, the connection to Oracle fails. Only if I respecify the password does it run correctly. How can I correctly save this password so that I can schedule automatic execution? Thanks for any info.

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Connection Passwords With And Without SSIS Package Configurations - Password Not Sticking

May 8, 2008

I'm learning SSIS, and just started to use SSIS Package Configurations. I want to be able to switch between a dev and prod instance of our database.

I did not specify the password in the Configuration file (XML), figuring it would get it from the package itself. (That will be the same between dev and prod). But once I set up to use the Configuration, I started to get a "Login failed..." message. I added the password to the configuration, and it's the same. I quit using the configuration file at all, and then it works again.

This may be related, but when I show the properties on my connection, it shows stars for the password. When I go to the editor, the password field is blank, and if I test the connection, it fails. I type in the password, and then the connection works. I have the "Save my password" checked, but every time I go back, the password is blank. In fact, if I type in the password for the connection in the editor, and then go to the "All" page, the password is blank. It may be a red herring, but it sure looks like it's not really storing the password, and thus the Configuration file can't connect when it tries to get it. I can type in the password, test the connection (it works), close the editor dialog, open the editor dialog, test the connection again, and since the password is now blank, the connection fails.

What do I have to do to make that password actually stick!?

Without the Configuration file, when I save the package to SQLServer, it will run as a job, in spite of the password appearing to not stick. With the configuration file, it's not even running while still in Studio.

Here are at least some of the version information, which may or may not be useful.

Microsoft Visual Studio 2005
Version 8.0.50727.42
Microsoft .NET Framework
Version 2.0.50727

Installed Edition: Professional

Microsoft SQL Server Analysis Services Designer
Version 9.00.3042.00

Microsoft SQL Server Integration Services Designer
Version 9.00.3042.00

Microsoft SQL Server Reporting Services Designers
Version 9.00.3042.00

SQL Prompt 3.5

Thank you for any help you can provide.
-thursday's geek

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Remote Debugging In SSIS ?

Apr 24, 2006



I've just heard that Remote Debugging should be possible in SSIS, but how ?

Some of the projects we run require a lot of memory and it's sometimes slow to debug on the local machine ?

Yes i know i can reduce the input rows, but in some cases i need all the data for testing.

Does anyone know how to remote debug ?

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Remote Executiong - SSIS

Jun 29, 2007


Is it possible to run the ssis package from a remote box?

The SSIS package will be stored in a sql server (open for suggestions on this) . We have a seperate box which has a 3rd party scheduler application. All our current scheduled jobs are ran from this box. we want the ssis packages also to be called from this box, as it will be easier to maintain and keep track of the jobs running.

So, we want the SSIS package to be called from this scheduler box. Any ideas?


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Remote Connection To SSIS

Feb 14, 2006


I am trying to remotely connect to SSIS from my PC using windows authentication in SQL mgmt studio and I keep getting the following error message:


Cannot connect to <server>

Additional Information:

Failed to retrieve date for this request. (Microsoft.SqlServer.SmoEnum)

Connect to SSIS service on machine "<server>" failed: The RPC server is unavailable.


I do not get the same error when I connect to the database engine, just SSIS. I don't have a firewall inbetween the machines either so it can't be that.

Has anyone else had a similar problem? if so, I would be grateful if you can you tell me how you got around it


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SSIS Remote Connection

Feb 9, 2006


I am trying to remotely connect to SSIS from my PC using windows authentication in SQL mgmt studio and I keep getting the following error message:


Cannot connect to <server>

Additional Information:

Failed to retrieve date for this request. (Microsoft.SqlServer.SmoEnum)

Connect to SSIS service on machine "<server>" failed: The RPC server is unavailable.


I do not get the same error when I connect to the database engine, just SSIS. I don't have a firewall inbetween the machines either so it can't be that.

Has anyone else had a similar problem? if so, I would be grateful if you can you tell me how you got around it


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Cannot Connect To A Remote SSIS Server

Jan 25, 2007

I originally posted this issue on the SSIS forum and it was suggested I cross post here. I'm trying to connect to the MSDB database on a remote SSIS server using the integration services connection listed in the drop down box on SQL Server 2005 Management Studio. Every connection attempt ends with an 'Access Is Denied' error message. I have full db_dtsadmin rights on the remote server. We followed the MSDN whitepaper on connecting to a remote SSIS server (the section on eliminating the Access Is Denied error - configuring rights for remote users). Nothing works, I always get the generic access denied error message. Are there other permissions that need to be assigned in conjunction with db_dtsadmin to get this to work? I wonder if there is something simple we're overlooking.


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Remote SSIS Connection Problem

Nov 28, 2005

we are trying to remotely adminiter SQL 2005 installed on Server B (actual server names are diferent) from SQL Server Manamagement Studio installed on Server A.

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.net: Call SSIS-Package From Remote Computer

Dec 3, 2007


is there any way to execute a SSIS package at the SQL Server programatically from a remote computer? (I use .net 2)

I don't need variables or return values, I only want to start the package. I know that it is easier to do that job with a webservice etc on the SQL Server but I cannot use such.

A method to call a package from a stored procedure would also help me a lot

Kind regards, _Rodney_

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SSIS FTP Task Remote Path Error /

Jul 13, 2006

Hi Chaps,

I am trying to set up a SSIS package which uses a FTP task to download some files. In the FTP task editor I have the filename setup as an RemotePath expression. If I do not put a / at the start of the file name generated I get the following error:

[FTP Task] Error: Remote path "test.csv" doesn't start with "/".

If I then place a / infront of the name then then I get an error saying the file does not exist

[FTP Task] Error: File represented by "/test.csv" does not exist.

In both cases I have the DelayValidation property set to true.

However if I log on to the ftp server manually using windows or command prompt the file exists and can be downloaded from the default folder you log into.

I would appriciate any light anyone could shed on this problem.


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Access Denied - Remote Connection To SSIS

Oct 24, 2006

We have 2 SQL2005 servers currently. 1 is a dev box, the other production. To grant remote access to SSIS, I added my developers to the local Distributed COM Users group and also gave them remote Access and remote Activation on the MsDtsServer component.

This worked just fine. Recently we applied SP1 and the follow-on hotfixes to all SQL components. I followed the install order prescribed in the Q article and applied all component fixes. My developers are now unable to access SSIS remotely unless I add them to the local administrator's group. I don't see anywhere that a log gets generated to help me track down what's going on. Nothing shows up in my Windows security log, despite enabling audit logging on: Accout Logon Events, Logon Event, Object Access, and Privilege Use.

Is this a know issue in SP1 or the hotfixes? I'm hesitant to apply the patches to my production box until I can resolve this issue.


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Permissions Used To Connect To SSIS On Remote Machine

Jun 27, 2006

We are trying to take advantage of the new Security Context for SSIS but users are unable to connect remotely to the SSIS Service unless they have been added to the Administrators Users Group on the server. I have tried adding them to Guests, Power Users, Remote Desktop Users, Users and SQLServer2005DTSUser$machine but the user is unable to connect.

The message received when the user is unable to connect is:

Cannot connect to 192.x.x.x
Additional Information
-> Failed to retrieve data for this request. (Microsoft.SqlServer.SmoEnum)
-> Connect to SSIS Service on machine "192.x.x.x" failed:
Access is denied

What is the list of permissions and privileges that a user that does not belong to the server's Administrator group and have sysadmin server role, must have to allow them to create and run a package through SSIS.

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Remote Path Does Not Exists -error-FTP-SSIS

Mar 6, 2008

I am getting this error, when I try to access a directory in the remote path. Though the directory exists, I get this error.

When I try to access through the remote login, I am able to see the directory as well as the files there. How to overcome this error. Is there any workaround for this.

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Running Ssis Package With A Remote Sql Agent?

Jan 18, 2007

hi all,

thanks for the valuable information all the time!!! saved me a lot of time...

our team developes a system for text data improvement using ssis .

we have a few heavy packages that we want to execute on two separate "SSIS servers" that will be dedicated to runnung these packages only, and repeatedly. the main sql server will be placed on a different server machine .

my question is:

what is the best way to do this?

if we schedule these packages as a job of the Sql Ajent- does that mean that the packages will be executed on the sql server machine (which is not what we want) ? or could we define a remote machine to run the package on, and specify our "SSIS servers"?

or- should we use a simple scedualer on the "SSIS servers" using a dtexec command? but then i loose the benefits in using the sql agent- such as logging, notifications, etc.

do we need to install sqlserver on these "ssis servers"?

thanks for your replies!

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SSIS - Unable To Connect To The Remote Server

Mar 14, 2007


I€™m using a Script Component in SSIS to call a Web Service. The web service is wrapped, using the wsdl tool. The package works, on my local enviroment. Script component calls the web service and returns the data. I€™ll move the web service to another server, web service as Anonymous access is enable. Deployed the Package on a SQL server. But, when excuting the package I get the below error. I can view and invoke the web method and see data even. SSIS is running under a NT AUTHORITYNetworkService account. I know that the problem is permission, but how would I resolve the issue.

OnInformation,SERVER,DOMAINSqlAdmin,MISPackage,{190832FB-4FF1-4ECD-BF53-4A49864089B4},{D7BF27CD-BDF1-418A-ABFE-BA0A24B921FB},3/14/2007 10:59:11 AM,3/14/2007 10:59:11 AM,0,0x,System.Net.WebException: Unable to connect to the remote server ---> System.Net.Sockets.SocketException: No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it
at System.Net.Sockets.Socket.DoConnect(EndPoint endPointSnapshot, SocketAddress socketAddress)
at System.Net.Sockets.Socket.InternalConnect(EndPoint remoteEP)
at System.Net.ServicePoint.ConnectSocketInternal(Boolean connectFailure, Socket s4, Socket s6, Socket& socket, IPAddress& address, ConnectSocketState state, IAsyncResult asyncResult, Int32 timeout, Exception& exception)
--- End of inner exception stack trace ---
at System.Net.HttpWebRequest.GetRequestStream()
at System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapHttpClientProtocol.Invoke(String methodName, Object[] parameters)
at ScriptComponent_6386cd9eab6a49e7b1a90f69dcc24beb.Service.GetMISAccounts()
at ScriptComponent_6386cd9eab6a49e7b1a90f69dcc24beb.ScriptMain.CreateNewOutputRows()

Any Help will be appreciated

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Running Remote SSIS Packages Dynamically

Dec 19, 2007

I seem to be missing something with SQL 2005 SSIS and I am wondering how I would accomplish my taks. With SQL 2000 and DTS we designed our DTS packages so that we could load one file or database from start to finish. We then have controlling programs written in VB that will monitor directories, when a file shows up in a directory it loads the package, changes the necessary properties and executes it. These programs handle all of our error notifications and dealing with the files afterwards, making sure files are complete in the directory before the DTS runs, etc. With .NET and SQL 2005 I have learned that I can change the properties by using variables and expressions, which I think would handle all of our situation but I can not run them remotely. The documentation says that I could setup a scheduled job and then call sp_start_job from my program. That seems like it would require a lot of scheduled jobs and then I still need to get the parameters into the packages. The other option is to use a web service, that would require IIS on my SQL box which everywhere says I don't want. Am I using SSIS for something I am not supposed to be or how do I accomplish this in 2005?
I have noticed that you can not even run packages through the SQL Server Management Studio. We have a number of packages that are built that are run on demand when needed. In SQL 2000 I could just click and execute the package. In 2005 is my only option to setup some sort of fake job in the job scheduler?

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Remote Execution Of SSIS Packages Via Web Service

May 30, 2006

Is anyone executing SSIS packages using a web service similar to the example in

From what I've read, there is a new HTTP server embeded in SQL Server (so we don't have to have IIS) that this could be done from??

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SQL 2012 :: Can't Execute SSIS Package From Remote Machine

Mar 19, 2013

OS: Windows 2012, standard, 64-bit
SQL: 2012 + SP1 + CU2 = 11.0.3339

We recently decided to "break apart" our BI environment. We used to have everything on one box, DB Engine, SSIS, SSAS & SSRS. Everything has been running fine, but we now have other projects using these services, so we decided to break them apart into their own boxes.

We now have DB Engine on one Server, SSIS & SSRS on another server and SSAS on yet another server, so we now have three boxes that replaced one box. All are Windows 2012, standard, 64-bit with SQL Server 2012 + SP1 + CU2.

Since some of our SSIS packages have to access external resources, we used a domain account for it's service account. The DB Engine and SSAS box are using the default service accounts when installed. I can execute the packages fine on the SSIS server, I can even execute them via SQL Agent jobs on the SSIS box (we did install a default instance of SQL on the SSIS box), however when I try to execute a package from my laptop, it fails with the ugly "Login failed for user 'NT AUTHORITYANONYMOUS LOGON'".

I immediately double checked my SPNs and they all looked correct for the SSIS server and the service account we are using (and we had no duplicates). I also double checked the User Rights Assignment in the Local policy editor and all the correct Rights have been assigned (Log on as a service, Bypass traverse checking, Impersonate a client after authentication).

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Remote SSIS Vs DomainUser: Access Is Denied (0x80070005)

Sep 5, 2006

What OS permissions do I need to give a domain user to effectively connect to a remote instance of Integration Services?

I keep getting the following message:

Cannot connect to SQLDEV01
    Failed to retreive data for this request.
       Access is denied. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80070005 (E_ACCESSDENIED)) (Microsoft.SqlServer.ManagedDTS)

I have already performed the Windows 2003 steps outlined in the "Eliminating the Access is Denied" error located at

I have no problem if the user is a local Administrator (go figure).

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Execute SSIS Package At Remote Server Across Domain

Jun 14, 2007


Is that possible to execute SSIS packages from a remote SQL Server 2005 in another domain at local computer (Windows XP)?

Can I use SQL authentication to connect to the remote SSIS? My problem is, the user who execute the SSIS is not allow to access to SQL server directly. Is that possible to code everything in a batch file instead?

I tried to use web services to execute the remote SSIS but it always return "authentication error"?

Can someone help?

Many thanks!



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Connect To Remote Instance Of SSIS From SSMS Using SQL Login?

May 25, 2007

I have installed a SQL Server 2005 Standard Edition instance with SSIS on Window Server 2003 x64. From my PC, I am able to connect to the Integration Services on the server using Windows Authentication but not with a local SQL login - and the option to change authentication methods is greyed out.

Is it possible to remotely connect to SSIS using a SQL login rather than a Windows login? If so, any ideas or references for configuring it as such?


- Lance

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Remote Connection To SSIS Fails With Access Is Denied

May 24, 2007

I'm new to SSIS and I'm having problems getting a remote connection to the SSIS service using Management Studio on my workstation. If I terminal Service onto the Server I have no problems connecting to SSIS, but if I try to connect remotely I get the "Access is denied" error message. I have completed the following steps:

To configure rights for remote users on Windows Server 2003 or Windows XP
1. If the user is not a member of the local Administrators group, add the user to the Distributed COM Users group. You can do this in the Computer Management MMC snap-in accessed from the Administrative Tools menu.
2. Open Control Panel, double-click Administrative Tools, and then double-click Component Services to start the Component Services MMC snap-in.
3. Expand the Component Services node in the left pane of the console. Expand the Computers node, expand My Computer, and then click the DCOM Config node.
4. Select the DCOM Config node, and then select MsDtsServer in the list of applications that can be configured.
5. Right-click on MsDtsServer and select Properties.
6. In the MsDtsServer Properties dialog box, select the Security tab.
7. Under Launch and Activation Permissions, select Customize, then click Edit to open the Launch Permission dialog box.
8. In the Launch Permission dialog box, add or delete users, and assign the appropriate permissions to the appropriate users and groups. The available permissions are Local Launch, Remote Launch, Local Activation, and Remote Activation. The Launch rights grant or deny permission to start and stop the service; the Activation rights grant or deny permission to connect to the service.
9. Click OK to close the dialog box. Close the MMC snap-in.
10. Restart the Integration Services service.

But I still get the Access is denied error from my workstation??

I have Power User rights on the server and I'm a sysadmin in the database instance. The SSIS packages I am trying to access are stored in the database. If I add myself to the local administrators group on the server I CAN get remote access, but this is not an acceptable solution in our production environment.

Thanks for any help

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ASP.NET Reading Package List From Remote SSIS Server

Feb 14, 2008

Hi everyone!

I have a question regarding ASP.NET 2.0 reading available packages (calling "GetDtsServerPackageInfos" on the "Application"-Object which returns "Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime.PackageInfos") from a remote SSIS server (not running them). It seems to me that I am experiencing either a security/delegation issue or that I am trying to do something that is not possible...

The setup is the following.

I have two machines, A and B. A runs IIS 6/ASP.NET 2.0 and B runs SQL Server and SSIS. They belong to the same domain. IIS runs the application pool with the webapplication in question under the "Network Service" account and A is trusted for delegation to B. At the moment its trusted when using Kerberos and for MSSQLSrvc and rpcss; but I tried "all" and many more as well.

I configured IE to use Windows Authentication and set the URL to belog to the Intranet (to enable kerberos authentication).

My ASP.NET webapplication now tries to read (in the sense explained above) the available packages on the SSIS machine (B). The packages are stored on the filesystem, not in mdsb. But I feel that this does not matter, since ASP.NET is accessing them through "the SSIS service" which can access packages in msdb or/and on the filesystem?

What happens now is that

a) everything works, when I fire up IE on A and access the webapplication. The user I have on A is a local admin.
b) I get "E_ACCESSDENIED" when I start IE as regular User on A
c) I get "E_ACCESSDENIED" when I access the webapplication from any other machine than A (IE6 or IE7)

My main question is: is it possible to do what I want to do? The other question is, why does everything work when I access the webapplication from A, but not from any other machine? The second thing makes me think it could be a delegation issue (double hop and SSIS don't seem to go togethe too well). But still, I could not find any resource telling me that this is impossible And frankly, I do not fully understand delegation and/or Kerberos.

I would greatly appreciate if anybody had a pointer or something for me.

Btw: Thanks to Caddre for his (her?) first help and pointing me to this forum.

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Problem Running SSIS Package As Job On Remote Machine

Sep 28, 2007


I have created a SSIS package on my local machine.
I need to deploy this package on a Test Server and it should execute as a scheduled job.

I am not sure of the steps I need to follow and things I need to be careful about.

I have the following doubts:
1) While developing the package, I have referred to the local SQL Server with Windows credentials.
2) The package, once deployed on the Test Server needs to point to the test server database with SQL Server credentials.
3) I know how to create a deployment utility. However, I am not sure if the deployment manifest will run without errors on the remote machine.
4) Even if the deployment manifest executes successfully and deploys the packages, how do I generate a script to create a Job and schedule the package?
5) I am using a File DSN to connect to IBM DB2 database in one of my Data Flow Tasks in this package. How do I configure it automatically on the remote machine? Won't there be any issues with it?

Please help me...

Thanks and Regards,

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SSIS FTP Task Variable Remote Path Invalid

Jun 17, 2006

I am working on the SSIS FTP Task that transfer file from one FTP server to local location, rename the file name, and finally transfer the renamed file to another FTP server. So I defined 2 FTP tasks.

For the FTP file receive operation, I need the remote path to be updated by a script and pass to the user define variable. So I set TRUE to IsRemotePathVariable. In the RemoteVariable, I set User::FTPSourcePath where the variable is set in the script with "/DMFTP/filename1.jpg"

For the FTP file send operation, I set TRUE to IsRemotePathVariable. In the RemoteVariable, I set User::FTPDestPath where the variable is set in the script with "/DestFTP/"

After all the setting, the FTP Task box show me the error as "Variable "FTPSourcePath" doesn't start with "/". Another FTP box show me "Variable "FTPDestPath" doesn't start with "/"

Can anyone help me on this problem?? Thanks.

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Copy An Olap Database To A Remote Server Using SSIS

May 2, 2008

How to add a task to copy an OLAP database to a remote Sql server in control flow using SSIS 2005? This OLAP database is existed in the remote server and I just want to replace the existing one with the one just been updated in the SSIS package and the last task in the package is to copy the updated OLAP database and replace the one at the remote server. Hopfully during the copy and paste process it will not screw up the reports that are using the OLAP cubes at the remote server as the report data source. Thanks.

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Using SSIS Package To Connect A Remote Sql Server--login Failed.

Feb 13, 2006


i created a SSIS package to import data to a remote sql server, using the following connection string:

"Data Source=My-SQL;User ID=PortalUser;Password=Password;Initial Catalog=TestOMIWarehouse;Provider=SQLNCLI.1;Auto Translate=True;";

and got an error "Login failed".

When i give PortalUser a sysadmin server role, it works. But i don't want to give PortalUser a sysadmin role. Any suggestions? Is sysadmin role required to access a remote server using Sql server authentication?

thanks! Any help would be appreciated.


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Error On Executing SSIS Packages On A Remote Machine Using Code

Apr 10, 2007

Hello all,

I am trying to execute the ssis packages using code.These packages are hosted on remote server under MSDB in local Network.

Below is the code tried to Execute

DTSExecResult execRslt = _dtsxPackage.Execute();

foreach (DtsError dtserr in _dtsxPackage.Errors)
Console.WriteLine("Source: " + dtserr.Source + ", Description: " + dtserr.Description);

I get hte following Error

"Dupaco Load MMAs"-------------"An OLE DB error has occurred. Error code: 0x80004005.
An OLE DB record is available. Source: "Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server" Hresult: 0x80004005 Description: "[DBNETLIB][ConnectionOpen (Connect()).]SQL Server does not exist or access denied.".

"Data Flow Task" -------"The AcquireConnection method call to the connection manager "Dupaco" failed with error code 0xC0202009.

"Data Flow Task" ----------"component "OLE DB Destination" (119) failed validation and returned error code 0xC020801C.

"One or more component failed validation.

"There were errors during task validation.

When i try to execute the same code on the server where all the package are hosted. It is working fine.

More Info:

In thepackage we are using one "Source Flat file connection" and one "Oledb Destination connection"

Please help me to solve this problem, as my client needs it very badly


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