SSIS Keeps Doing SQLDUMPER Of Any Type Of Destination Output

Sep 20, 2006

Hello....I have just installed the trial copy of SQL 2005 server and updated with SP1 as well as post SP1 hotfixes.

However, when I try doing sample training material on SSIS, if I try to output to any type of destination output (flat file, excel, access, localhost SQL database) it always does a SQLDUMPER on me and never finishes....I always have to stop the debugger to get out of it.

What pointers can be given to troubleshoot symptoms given above ?



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SSIS SqlDumper Output

Jan 27, 2006


I am posting this for a colleague of mine. Any thoughts or recommednations?

"Is there any way for me to analyze the sqldumper files? One of my pipeline components is causing SSIS to dump and I'm trying to key in on what may be causing the issue. "


- Joel

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May 16, 2008

Am new to SSIS and developing a component which pulls data from a staging table and drops them into another table in the same database.

Am using a
1) OLE DB Source to get the data from the staging table.
2) OLE DB Destination to insert or push the data into another table of the same database.
3) Script component to get the error rows and to update the staging table column with a flg value.

The rows that throw an error like primary key violation, or any other error should be redirected to the script component and the process should get completed.

The Error Output of the OLE DB Destination doesnt show any columns to be selected for Redirect Row option

The script executes without any error and the records are shown in error path but the records are not updated in the DB.

This is what i have in the script

Public Class ScriptMain

Inherits UserComponent

Dim sqlConn As SqlConnection

Dim sqlCmd As SqlCommand

Dim connMgr As IDTSConnectionManager90
Dim txnIdParam As SqlParameter

Dim errorDescParam As SqlParameter

Public Overrides Sub AcquireConnections(ByVal Transaction As Object)

connMgr = Me.Connections.ErrorConnection

sqlConn = CType(connMgr.AcquireConnection(Nothing), SqlConnection)

End Sub

Public Overrides Sub PreExecute()

sqlCmd = New SqlCommand("UPDATE STG_TRANSACTION SET ERROR_FLG='Y' AND ERROR_DESC=@errorDescParam WHERE TXN_ID=@txnIdParam ")

fueltxnIdParam = New SqlParameter("@txnIdParam", SqlDbType.BigInt)

errorDescParam = New SqlParameter("@errorDescParam", SqlDbType.VarChar)



End Sub

Public Overrides Sub Input0_ProcessInputRow(ByVal Row As Input0Buffer)

sqlCmd.Parameters("@txnIdParam").Value = Row.TXNID

sqlCmd.Parameters("@errorDescParam").Value = Row.ErrorCode

End Sub

End Class

Pleas let me know the solution and any help will be appreciated.

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SSIS And SQL Server Destination And Invalid Data For Type Numeric.

Oct 11, 2007

We have an SSIS package that reads in a tab delimited file and throughs the data into a SQL Server 2005 table. The package worked fine on the test files but when we recieved the production files we are getting the error message:

Invalid data for type "numeric".

Needless to say this is not very discriptive. I ran a trace on the DB durning the call and its doing a bulk insert

BULK INSERT [dbo].[FNIAllAppData]
FROM 'GlobalDTSQLIMPORT 00000000000015b800000000009fbd88'

When I changed the Data Flow Destination off to OLE DB Destination the error does not occure and all records are loaded successfully.

Any suggestions or help would be appreciated. Thanks.

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Bulk Insert Task Failing On Data Type Conversion For A Destination Column Of Type Bit

Jul 6, 2006

I am trying to use the Bulk Insert Task to load from a csv file. My final column is a bit that is nullable. My file is an ID column that is int, a date column that is mm/dd/yyy, then 20 columns that are real, and a final column that is bit. I've tried various combinations of codepage and datafiletype on my task component. When I have RAW with Char, I get the error included below. If I change to RAW/Native or codepage 1252, I don't have an issue with the bit; however, errors start generating on the ID and date columns.

I have tried various data type settings on my flat file connection, too. I have tried DT_BOOL and the integer datatypes. Nothing seems to work.

I hope someone can help me work through this.

Thanks in advance,


SSIS package "Package3.dtsx" starting.

Error: 0xC002F304 at Bulk Insert Task, Bulk Insert Task: An error occurred with the following error message: "Cannot fetch a row from OLE DB provider "BULK" for linked server "(null)".The OLE DB provider "BULK" for linked server "(null)" reported an error. The provider did not give any information about the error.The bulk load failed. The column is too long in the data file for row 1, column 24. Verify that the field terminator and row terminator are specified correctly.Bulk load data conversion error (type mismatch or invalid character for the specified codepage) for row 1, column 23 (cancelled).".

Error: 0xC002F304 at Bulk Insert Task 1, Bulk Insert Task: An error occurred with the following error message: "Cannot fetch a row from OLE DB provider "BULK" for linked server "(null)".The OLE DB provider "BULK" for linked server "(null)" reported an error. The provider did not give any information about the error.The bulk load failed. The column is too long in the data file for row 1, column 24. Verify that the field terminator and row terminator are specified correctly.Bulk load data conversion error (type mismatch or invalid character for the specified codepage) for row 1, column 23 (cancelled).".

Task failed: Bulk Insert Task 1

Task failed: Bulk Insert Task

Warning: 0x80019002 at Package3: The Execution method succeeded, but the number of errors raised (2) reached the maximum allowed (1); resulting in failure. This occurs when the number of errors reaches the number specified in MaximumErrorCount. Change the MaximumErrorCount or fix the errors.

SSIS package "Package3.dtsx" finished: Failure.

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Output To Raw File Destination Problem

Jul 5, 2007


I'm trying to output the results of a query straight into a raw text file. The problem I'm facing is that the tool seems to write some unwanted characters at the top of the file and within it. For example, I get the name of the column that was used as input at the top of the text file:

[] [] <<name of column>> [] []

I need to have a clean file containing strictly the results of the query.

Any ideas?

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Error Output For A Destination Transformation

Jun 16, 2006

I am developing a custom destination component and I have encountered a few areas where there seems to be a lack of helpful documentation and examples.

1. I have not been able to find any information on or examples of creating custom destinations with an error output. The OLE DB Destination has an error output so I investigated the input and error output properties in the advanced editor and found that the OLE DB Destination error output is synchronous with the input (its SynchronousInputID matches the input's ID) and has its ExclusionGroup value set to 1. Using this information, I modeled my error output after the OLE DB Destination.

AddErrorOutput(ERROR_OUTPUT_NAME, input.ID, 1);

int errorOutputID = -1;
int errorOutputIndex = -1;
GetErrorOutputInfo(ref errorOutputID, ref errorOutputIndex);
buffer.DirectErrorRow(errorOutputID, 0, errorOutputIndex);

Checking the input and error output properties in the advanced editor for my custom destination component I find the following:
ID: 3515

Error Output
ExclusionGroup: 1
ID: 3516
IsErrorOut: True
SynchronousInputID: 3515

Shortly after I start my SSIS package and it encounters an error row, I get the following exception:
[My Destination Adapter 1 [3512]] Error: System.ArgumentException: Value does not fall within the expected range. at Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Pipeline.Wrapper.IDTSBuffer90.DirectErrorRow(Int32 hRow, Int32 lOutputID, Int32 lErrorCode, Int32 lErrorColumn) at Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Pipeline.PipelineBuffer.DirectErrorRow(Int32 outputID, Int32 errorCode, Int32 errorColumn) at MyDestination.ProcessInput(Int32 inputID, PipelineBuffer buffer) at Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Pipeline.ManagedComponentHost.HostProcessInput(IDTSManagedComponentWrapper90 wrapper, Int32 inputID, IDTSBuffer90 pDTSBuffer, IntPtr bufferWirePacket)

2. My custom destination component is used for writing a file with a fixed schema. I followed the means by which source component examples add their output columns, but applied this to my external metadata columns. In my Validate() I check if the ExternalMetadataColumnCollection.Count == 0 and return DTSValidationStatus.VS_NEEDSNEWMETADATA; to force a call to ReinitializeMetaData(). In ReinitializeMetaData() I call a method that creates the input's external metadata columns that reflect my external data source.

This works fine except every time I add my custom destination component to a SSIS Package and go to edit the component I am greeted with a dialog box that states: "The component is not in a valid state. ... Do you want the component to fix these errors automatically?" Pressing the Yes button, I assume, makes the call to ReinitializeMetaData() and I have my external metadata columns. Where is the correct place to add the external metadata columns so the user does not have to take this extra step every time they add my component to their package?

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How To Get Error Output From And OLE DB Command Destination

Apr 21, 2006

I have a data flow that takes an OLE DB Source, transforms it and then uses an OLE DB Command as a destination. The OLE DB Command executes a call to a stored procedure and I have the proper wild cards indicated. The entire process runs great and does exactly what is intended to do.

However, I need to know when a SQL insert fails what record failed and I need to log this in a file somewhere. I added a Flat File Destination object and configured appropriately. I created 3 column names for the headers in the flat file and matched them with column names existing for output. When I run this package the flat file log is created ok, but no data is ever pumped into the file when a failure of the OLE DB Command occurs.

I checked the Advanced Editor for the OLE DB Command object and under the OLE DB Command Error Output node on the Input and Output Properties tab I notice that the ErrorCode and ErrorColumn output columns both have ErrorRowDisposition set to RD_NotUsed. I would guess this is the problem and why no data is written to my log file, but I cannot figure out how to get this changed (fields are greyed out so no access).

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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Error Output For SQL Server Destination

Aug 2, 2006

I'm in the process of running some tests to determine which method is faster...

I created a data flow task OleDB Source -> Data Conversion -> OleDb Destination. Error outputs from the OleDB destination is sent to a flat file destination. This works great.

I'm importing millons of rows and found that using SQL Server Destination (local) is much faster than the OleDB Destination. However, I have not figured out how to output errors to a flat file destination like I did when using the OleDB destination.

Is there any way to trap errors in a flat file when using a SQL Server Destination?



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Error Output In OLE DB Destination. How To Redirect A Row?

Nov 13, 2007


when I'm trying to redirect a row I'm having the following error:

Error 4 Validation error. Data Flow Task: OLE DB Destination [535]: The error row disposition on "input "OLE DB Destination Input" (548)" cannot be set to redirect the row when the fast load option is turned on, and the maximum insert commit size is set to zero. PCKG_MPP.dtsx

Can somebody help me?

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OLEDB DB2 Destination Out Of Buffer Type 0 And 3

May 2, 2008

I have a dataflow in my SSIS Package that is supposed to transfer over all the rows from a SQL server table. I am selecting columns from the SQL table and there is a total of 1603 rows. I am only getting 354 rows in the DB2 destination table. I have turned on SQL logging and specifically the BufferSizeTuning option for this dataflow. in the Sysdtslog90 table I see messages about the "Rows in buffer type 0 would cause a buffer size greater than the configured maximum. There will only be 1249 rows in buffers of this type" and "Rows in buffer type 3 would cause a buffer size greater than the configured maximum. There will only be 1251 rows in buffers of this type"

I have the following set in the Dataflow properties.
DefaultMaxBufferRows = 5000
DefaultBufferSize = 10485760

The server is windows server 2003 x64, SQL Server 2005 sp1 resides on this server where the SSIS packages are running also. 12gb of ram.

Any suggestions how i can get all the rows transferred, what is Buffer Type 0 and 3? this doesnt seem like a lot of rows (1603 total) to hit a DB2 destination with.

Any settings I would need to check in the Connection Manager? I am using Native OLE DBMicrosoft OLE DB Provider for DB2.

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Flat File Source And Destination - Need Fixed Width Output

Sep 14, 2007

I have a text file that is comma delimited and im pulling it in with a flatfile connection manager. I want to read some of the data, then output another flat file but in a fixed column width. What settings do I made to the connection manager of the output flatfile ?

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Flat File Destination , Ragged Right Output Column Length

Sep 14, 2007

how do I make the output columns padded with extra space ? I intentionally set my output width larger than the input width, but the generated file is still jamming all the columns next to each other

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Integration Services :: Possible To Get Output Of Execute Task To Excel Destination

Jul 10, 2015

IS that possible to get teh output of a execute sql task to excel destination.I have query which will comapre theĀ  data difference between two databses. It will comapre all tables in both databses and list out the difference in data by each table. I need to run this query using SSIS and need to get the output to a excel sheet...I have used the data flow task to run this query but my query is giving some error when used with data flow task. So i have used excecute sql task and need to write teh out put to a excel sheet.

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Excel Destination Data Flow Component Shows No Sheet Name Or Output Column Names For Mappings

Mar 8, 2008

I have a data flow that consists of

OLE DB source which calls a stored proc that returns a result set

data conversion

Excel destination
I am in design mode in Business Intelligence studio. My excel destination (with an Excel Connection) shows no sheet name though I have an execute SQL task before the data flow to create the excel table called SHEET1. Needless to say, there are no output columns visible to do any mappings. I did go to the ExcelConnection to set the OpenRowset Property to SHEET1 but it seems to have no effect.

I can do the export in SQL Server Management studio and that works fine, but it is basic and does not meet my requirements. I have to customize the package to allow dynamic Excel filenames based on account names and have to split my result set into multiple excel sheets because excel 2003 has a max of 65536 rows per sheet. Also when I use the export wizard, I have the source as a table and eventually the source has to be a stored proc with input parms.

What am I missing or doing wrong? Thanks in advance

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Jun 8, 2006


I have been reading KB 917825 about SQLDumper and have the following questions:

The article explains that we can automatically produce a dump in a clustered environement and explains how to set it up. It doesn't mention however how to set it up in a standalone environment . However it mentions the trace flags 2540 to 2559, is this what we need to set as they are also not documented?

Also there are various parameters in Analysis Services for the same thing which are not documented.

The reason for asking is because if we have a failure we would have to set this up and then wait for a second failure before we can analysis it. This would not please a few teams where I work.

Much appreciated


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Jan 28, 2006

I installed SQL Server 2005 standard on a SBS box last night and now in the event log I'm seeing this error message a lot:

EventType sql90exception, P1 reportingservicesservice.exe, P2 9.0.1399.0, P3 434f5d27, P4 sqldumper_unknown_module.dll, P5, P6 00000000, P7 0, P8 00e5fe4d, P9 00000000, P10 NIL. the event ID is 5000

This will be followed by the next two items:

Bucket 04183268, bucket table 5, EventType sql90exception, P1 reportingservicesservice.exe, P2 9.0.1399.0, P3 434f5d27, P4 sqldumper_unknown_module.dll, P5, P6 00000000, P7 0, P8 00e5fe4d, P9 00000000, P10 NIL. The event id is 5001

Bucket 04183268, bucket table 5. the event ID is 1010

I'd like to know what these are and how to correct them if anyone can point me in the right direction.

Thank you in advance,


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Sqldumper Library

Apr 3, 2007

I have the following problem:
Anytime I`m starting the PC, the following message appears:
"SQLDUMPER library failed to initialize.....TRY TO RE-INSTALL THE FILE"
Could anyone help me deal with this? What should I do?
thank you, Enno


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Sqldumper Library

Apr 12, 2008

when i start up my computer it displays the message sqldumper library failed initialization. your installation is either corrupt or has been tampered with. uninstall then rerun setup. what do i do?

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Table Type Argument As OUTPUT In PROC

Jun 1, 2013

how can i define table type argument as OUTPUT in PROC and don't READONLY? if it's not possible, is there another way to do same this?

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Unable To Manipulate The Xsl Output Encoding Type.

Feb 7, 2007

After generating one of my reports, I process the XML output through an XSLT stylesheet and export it to a text file. The issue is that after the export, the generated output text file begins with the special Byte-Order-Mark marker "EF BB BF" standard to Unicode files encoded in UTF-8, UTF-16 or UTF-32. I have explicitly set the attributes of the xsl output element to <xsl:output encoding="us-ascii" media-type="text/plain" method="text">, but it seems as though those are ignored when the output file is written. I cannot have these characters, because I am generating a fixed-width file for input into a legacy system.

Any suggestions or thoughts on what is causing the BOM to be written to my file, even though I have set the encoding to be different than UTF-8?

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Scale Of Money Data Type In Output File

Jul 17, 2006

I have some data that I am outputting to a text file:


where sales is datatype money. If I execute the query with query analyzer I get 4 decimals, but when it is output to a text file it rounds the number

Grid Text File
2182035.9600 2182035.96
961799.2400 961799.24
22104768.1850 22104768.185

If I do cast or convert it to money it does the same thing.

It really doesn't make a material difference for its intended use but I would like to keep it consistent with 4 decimals.

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Execute Sql Task To Set Output Parameter Of Type Integer

Jun 1, 2006

I'm having a heckuva time with creating output parameters based on a query.

Here's what I'm doing. Every day, we copy rows from our mysql table to our sql server table. We only want to copy those rows that are new, so as to not have to recopy the entire table.

So I have a DataReader Source set to provider that connects to the mysql db.
The destination is an OLE connection to the local sql server.

I create an Execute SQL Task.
The connection is set to the OLE connection
The type is direct input
The SQL Statement is "select max(id) from copy_table"

In Parameter Mapping, I create a user variable called maxId that is an int64. That variable is now used as the Variable Name. The Direction is Output. The Parameter Name is 0.

Whatever data type I use for the mapping does not work with the variable type. If the parameter was set to ULARGE_INTEGER, here's the error
[Execute SQL Task] Error: Executing the query "SELECT MAX(stats_id) AS max_id FROM copy_table" failed with the following error: "Type name is invalid.". Possible failure reasons: Problems with the query, "ResultSet" property not set correctly, parameters not set correctly, or connection not established correctly.

If parameter is set to LONG:
[Execute SQL Task] Error: An error occurred while assigning a value to variable "maxId": "The type of the value being assigned to variable "User::maxId" differs from the current variable type. Variables may not change type during execution. Variable types are strict, except for variables of type Object. ".

I found that if variable and parameter were dates to use datetime for the variable and DBTIMESTAMP for the parameter.

There are an awful lot of combinations between all the possible variable types, and the possible parameter types. Does anyone know the secret combination for your typical integer?


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SQL 2005 Problems - SQLDUMPER In My Event Log

Jan 26, 2006

I upgraded my Databases today with SQL SERVER 2005, initially this stopped the SQL Agents from working on port 1433, I changed the port to 1434 and now it works fine!!

Howerver I am gettin lots of error messages in my event viewer as follows.


Event Description:

EventType sql90exception, P1 reportingservicesservice.exe, P2 9.0.1399.0, P3 434f5d27, P4 sqldumper_unknown_module.dll, P5, P6 00000000, P7 0, P8 1b20fedd, P9 00000000, P10 NIL.

Can anyone help please!! what does this all means and how will it affect my server, is this going to affect veritas backup exec also?

Kind Regards


Randine Perry

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Which Website Do I Go To Install SQLDumper Library?

Apr 29, 2007

I kept getting an Error message saying to Unistall SQLDUMPER Library & then reinstall it. I've gotten all the way up to Unistalling it, but now I cannot reinstall it. Where do I have to go to do so & which SQL Server do I install? I'd greatly appreciate it alot if someone would help me out!

Thanks alot,

Danielle L Smitheman

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Output Parameter With Text Data Type In Stored Procedure

Jul 20, 2005

How can I make a stored procedure which has a output parameter withtext data type? My procedure is:CREATE PROCEDURE try@outPrm text OutputASselect @outPrm =(select field1 from databaseName Wherefield2='12345')GOHere field1 is text data type.Thanks

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Custom Transform Component, Change Type Or Add Output Column

Jun 26, 2006

Would anyone happen to have any pointers or know of any good code examples to either programmatically change the type of an input column when it is passed through the component, or add a new column to the output? I am extracting data from an Oracle database which is in Julian date format (represented within SSIS as a DT_NUMERIC column) and I need to to either transform the input column holding it into a date column, or to dynamically add a new output column holding the transformed data.

Many thanks

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SQLDumper.exe Pops Up While Executing Dtsx Package

May 9, 2007

Hi All,

When I start executing my package a SQLDumper.exe pops up and Stops the package execution.
In addition,SQLDumper.exe creates a SQLDUMPER_ERRORLOG.log file at my Desktop with the following content

05/09/07 14:09:55, ACTION, SQLDUMPER_UNKNOWN_APP.EXE, Input parameters: 4 supplied05/09/07 14:09:55, ACTION, SQLDUMPER_UNKNOWN_APP.EXE, ProcessID = 255205/09/07 14:09:55, ACTION, SQLDUMPER_UNKNOWN_APP.EXE, ThreadId = 005/09/07 14:09:55, ACTION, SQLDUMPER_UNKNOWN_APP.EXE, Flags = 0x005/09/07 14:09:55, ACTION, SQLDUMPER_UNKNOWN_APP.EXE, MiniDumpFlags = 0x005/09/07 14:09:55, ACTION, SQLDUMPER_UNKNOWN_APP.EXE, SqlInfoPtr = 0x0100C5D005/09/07 14:09:55, ACTION, SQLDUMPER_UNKNOWN_APP.EXE, DumpDir = <NULL>05/09/07 14:09:55, ACTION, SQLDUMPER_UNKNOWN_APP.EXE, ExceptionRecordPtr = 0x0000000005/09/07 14:09:55, ACTION, SQLDUMPER_UNKNOWN_APP.EXE, ContextPtr = 0x0000000005/09/07 14:09:55, ACTION, SQLDUMPER_UNKNOWN_APP.EXE, ExtraFile = <NULL>05/09/07 14:09:55, ACTION, SQLDUMPER_UNKNOWN_APP.EXE, InstanceName = <NULL>05/09/07 14:09:55, ACTION, SQLDUMPER_UNKNOWN_APP.EXE, ServiceName = <NULL>05/09/07 14:09:55, ACTION, SQLDUMPER_UNKNOWN_APP.EXE, Callback type 11 not used05/09/07 14:09:55, ACTION, SQLDUMPER_UNKNOWN_APP.EXE, Callback type 15 not used05/09/07 14:09:55, ACTION, SQLDUMPER_UNKNOWN_APP.EXE, Callback type 7 not used05/09/07 14:09:55, ACTION, SQLDUMPER_UNKNOWN_APP.EXE, MiniDump completed: C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90SharedErrorDumpsSQLDmpr0032.mdmp05/09/07 14:09:55, ACTION, DtsDebugHost.exe, Watson Invoke: No

Thanks in advance

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ODBC Destination In SSIS

May 14, 2007

I read that Integration Services does not come with built-in support for ODBC destinations, so I tried to write Script component as destination task.

My destination is odbc for oracle, and it failes with the message:

"Null password given, logon denied".

I can't understand it, I used with the same connection with datareader source and it works.

I spent a long time on this problem, please help me.

Thank you in advance


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ODBC Destination In SSIS

Aug 10, 2005


I have a problem that stops me from using Integration Services as THE ETL tool.

My goal is to load a data warehouse type of a database. The database is MaxDB (former SAP DB), but this is not the point. Let's take ANY ODBC compliant DB and assume all I have is ODBC driver - no OLE DB driver.

I figured out how to read from ODBC source (using Data Reader and ADO.NET provider for ODBC).

Now my question is how do I output/write my data into ODBC source? When I try to use OLE DB Destination it does not give me an option to use .Net Provide for ODBC. I tried other "destinations" with no luck.

I use this version of SQL Server 2005: (Microsoft SQL Server 2005 - 9.00.1187.07 (Intel X86) May 24 2005 18:22:46 Copyright (c) 1988-2005 Microsoft Corporation Standard Edition on Windows NT 5.1 (Build 2600: Service Pack 2)

Please, help!


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Destination Spreadsheets In SSIS

May 16, 2007

Hello -

I am dealing with SSIS in VS 2005... Trying to convert all my DTS packages... So, basically all my packages will extract some information from a database and load the results into a spreadsheet.

To start I am trying to do a TOP 1 returning a string from the db... The first row has column names but mysteriously the package will start to write the expected results in the third row instead of the second one. The second row will remain blank and if I do a preview against the destination spreadsheet within the pkg I will see a NULL value in the second row and then in the third row I will see the string I was expecting.

Tried the following with no success:

Regedit.exe, in Hkey_Local_Machine/Software/Microsoft/Jet/4.0/Engines/Excel/ do TypeGuessRows=8, ImportMixedTypes=Text, AppendBlankRows=0, FirstRowHasNames=Yes

Any help would be really appreciated.

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COnverting Numeric Data Type (Oracle) To Date Data Type Using SSIS

Mar 7, 2007

We have some columns in a table where the date is stored as 19980101 (YYYYMMDD). The data type for this column is NUMBER(8) in Oracle.

I need to copy rows from Oracle to SQL Server using SSIS. I used the Data Conversion transformation editor to change it to DT_DATE, but the rows are not being inserted to the destination.

On Error, If I fail the component, then the error is :

There was an error with input column "ORDER_DATE_CONV" (1191) on input "OLE DB Destination Input" (29). The column status returned was: "Conversion failed because the data value overflowed the specified type.".



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Execute SQL Task : Input And Output Parameters In Tsql Stataments With ADO.NET Connection Type

Jan 2, 2007

Hi Everyone,

I haven't been able to successfully use the ADO.NET connection type to use both input and output parameters in an execute sql task containing just tsql statements (no stored procedure calls). I have successfully used input parameters on their own but when i combine it with output parameters it fails on the simplest of tasks.

I would really find it beneficial if you could use the flexibility of an ADO.NET connection type as the parameter marker and parameter name can be referenced anywhere throughout the sql statement in no particular order. The addition of an output parameter would really make it great!!




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