SSIS Not Recognizing {CR}{LF}

Jan 29, 2007

Hi I am having a major problem with an SSIS package I am trying to write at the moment. The SSIS package is supposed to read a csv file and import it into a table. The issue I am having is that the file comes to me where the first 15 or so lines are terminated with a ,{CR}{LF}.



Then after the first 15 lines the row termination becomes a simple {CR}{LF}.


The problem I am having is that at row 16 SSIS fails to recognize the {CR}{LF} and starts merging rows together so that row 16 and 17 appear as one row, row 18 and 19 appear as one row and so forth. As far as I can determine is that it does not recognize the {CR}{LF} at the end of row 16 but then recognizes the {CR}{LF} at the end of row 17. It does not make any sense. I do have a script that runs prior to processing the file to remove unescaped quotes.

strInput = File.ReadAllText(strFilePath & "Project_Task.csv", System.Text.Encoding.ASCII)

strInput = strInput.Replace(Chr(34) & Chr(34), "")

File.WriteAllText(strFilePath & "Project_Task.csv", strInput)

And I tried adding the following line to try and remove the ,{CR}{LF} and replace it with a simple {CR}{LF} but that just made matters worse and the merging of rows happened accross all the lines then.

strInput = strInput.Replace("," & vbCrLf, vbCrLf)

Using TextPad I looked at the original CSV file and determined that it was encoded in ASCII, I am at a loss as to why this is happening. If I open the file in excel it formats correctly, if I use SSIS the formating gets thrown off. The file is a simple .CSV with a text qualifier of " column delimeter of , and a row delimeter of {CR}{LF}.

Anyhelp would be appreciated.

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Excel Not Recognizing Numbers

Oct 31, 2013

I've got a SQL query returning data into MS Excel.

One of the columns returns numbers that I then have a SUMIF formula totalling.

However, when the numbers get to Excel, they are not recognised as numbers so my SUM doesn't work. Even if I format the cells as number, general or currency, the sum doesn't work.

Excel knows that there is something in the cell but doesn't treat it as a number in any way.

Can I include something in the SQL statement so that it forces the results to be a number?

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SQL Express Installer Not Recognizing IIS

Dec 12, 2007

I am trying to install SQL Server Express with Advanced Services on a Vista machine. For some reason the installed does not pick up that IIS is up and running. Any Ideas?

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SCD Not Recognizing Unchanged Rows

Apr 27, 2007

My dimension table has a column called AccountNumber varchar(20), which is the business key.

I use SCD task to manage TYPE 2 changes on a particular column.

However, the SCD component doesn;t seem to recognize the change on the column. The datatype of the column in the dimension table and the datatype of the input column is same.

The datatype for the business key , which is varchar(20) is also same as the input column business key.

However, when I ran SQL profiler to see what is going on, I found that the SELECT statement

that was issued with the business key in the WHERE clause has char(20) instead of varchar(20)

for the business key. So, for example if the account number in the dimension table is '1234',

the SELECT statement is checking for '1234 '.

I trimmed the incoming string but I still get the problem. Any help would be appreciated.


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Added Column To Article But DTS Isn't Recognizing It

Dec 9, 2002

We're replicating columns in a table from 7.0 server to SQL2k server. Once we've got the data on SQL2k, we were able to take advantage of DTS that was not available in version 7.0.

I recenlty added a column to the article and changed the DTS accordingly (transformation columns). However, I'm getting this error ever though I added the new column in the DTS.

The number of columns in the bcp file does not match what is defined in the DTS package. Regenerate the package.


I've recreated the package with no luck. This is becoming urgent as it's supposed to go into production soon.

Please help!!



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Query Not Recognizing Inverted Comma

Nov 7, 2006

hi friends,

i am using a text box named comments in my jsp application...when i enter text with some wild characters ...for ex ' technology' (inverted coma)....and i press submit buttonthe page becomes blank....i am using mssql as database......datatype for comments is varchar.....
i don know where the problem lies
please help me to tackle the issue....
thanks in advance
Ganesh BS

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Recognizing IIS During SQL SERVER 2005 Install

Feb 5, 2008

I have installed and reinstalled SQL SERVER 2005 EXPRESS on my Vista Home Edition system a couple of times trying to get it to recognize IIS during setup.

Prior to installing SQL SERVER I have gone through the steps for turning on IIS and the checkboxes are all checked in the Control Panel| Programs section which shows IIS 7 and all its features are turned on.

I can open IIS and IIS Service Manager.

Yet when I install SQL SERVER 2005 EXPRESS and the setup checks for required features, IIS is never found - always has the yellow triangle symbol next it it.

Can anyone help me understand what is going on and what I can do about it?

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SQL ERROR Not Recognizing The Fully Qualified Table Name

Aug 8, 2007

 Why am im i getting this error I am trying to join four table from different INBTable.InBound_Calls, OUTTable.OutBound_Calls, INBTable.Line_Number as INLine_Number,
OUTTable.Line_Number as OUTLine_Number, INBTable.Hold_Time as INHold_Time,OUTTable.Hold_Time as OUTHold_Time, INBAbandonInfo.INAbandon_Calls as INBAbandon_Calls,
OUTAbandonInfo.OutAbandon_Calls as OUTAbandon_Callsfrom sql2.XMWin_Test.dbo.temp_Report20070807IN as INBTable
JOIN sql2.Juniper_I.dbo.temp_Report20070807OUT as OUTTableon INBTable.Line_Number = OUTTable.Line_Number
sql2.XMWin_Test.dbo.temp_GraphIN_INAbandon as INBAbandonInfoJOIN sql2.Juniper_I.dbo.temp_GraphIN_OutAbandon.Line_Number as OUTAbandonInfo
on INBAbandonInfo.Line_Number = OUTAbandonInfo.Line_Number
 My Error Message:
Msg 170, Level 15, State 1, Line 8
Line 8: Incorrect syntax near 'sql2'.

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Transact SQL :: Recognizing Month And Proportion In A Date Range

Oct 8, 2015

I need to recognize only one month in a date range e to make a proportion of the quantity. Practically, period 31-08-2015 - 30-09-2015 is 31 days, 1 belonging August and 30 belonging September so 3.2258% of the quantity must belong August and 96.7742% September. The quantity 200, so 193.54 belong September (That's what I need to achieve). Range 01-09-2015 / 30-09-2015 Qty 500, all 500 belong September.

Range 01-07-2015 / 20-08-2015 Qty 2500 0 belong September. A little bit more complicated if I got 25-06-2015 / 16-12-2015. it 30 day for September and with a datediff I can count the days and make a proportion. I can write piece by piece the code but I'd prefer of course to have only one query for this.

The DDL:
create table forum (idd int, byfrom date, byto date, qty int)
insert into forum values

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Compiler Is Not Recognizing My Using Statement For SglConnection Statement

Feb 4, 2006

I am using ASP.NET 2.0, and am attempting to write some code to connect to the database and query a data table. The compiler is not recognizing my SqlConnection statement. It does recognize other commands. And just to make sure, I created other sql objects such as ObjectDataSource and SqlDataSource. The compiler does not find a problem with that code.
Basically the compiler is telling me that I am missing a "using" directive. The compiler is wrong though, because I am including the statement "usingSystemData" Can someone please take a look at my code below and to see if you notice what the problem might be?  Note that I numbered the lines of code below. Note that I also tried putting lines 3 trhough 6 before line 2(The page directive) but that did not fix the problem The compiler still gives me the same compiler message.
Compilation Error
Description: An error occurred during the compilation of a resource required to service this request.Please review the following specific error details and modify your source code appropriately.
Compiler Error Message: CS0246: The type or namespace name 'SqlConnection' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)Source Error:
Line 21: SqlConnection sqlConn = new SqlConnection("server=localhost;uid=sa;pwd=password;database=master;");
1 <asp:sqldatasource runat="server"></asp:sqldatasource>
2 <%@ Page Language="C#"%>
3 using System;
4 using System.Data;
5 using System.Collections;
6 using System.Data.SqlClient;
8 <script runat=server>
10 protected void Page_Load(object o, EventArgs e)
11 {
12 ObjectDataSource dsa; // This works no problems from the compiler here
13 SqlDataSource ds; // This works no problems from the compiler
15 if (IsPostBack)
16 {
17 if (AuthenticateUser(txtUsername.Text,txtPassword.Text))
18 {
19 instructions.Text = "Congratulations, your authenticated!";
20 instructions.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.Red;
21 SqlConnection sqlConn = new SqlConnection("server=localhost;uid=sa;pwd=password;database=master;");
22 String sqlStmt = "Select UserName from LogIn where UserName='" + txtUsername.Text + "' and password='" + sHashedPassword + "'";
23 }
24 else
25 {
26 instructions.Text = "Please try again!";
27 instructions.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.Red;
28 }
29 }
31 }
33 bool AuthenticateUser(string username, string password)
34 {
35 // Authentication code goes here
37 }

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Running Ssis Package With Ssis Run Time Compoenents And Sql Server 2000...

Jan 22, 2007

running ssis package with ssis run time compoenents and sql server 2000...

Is it possible to run ssis packages that point to servers on sql server 2000
without installing sql server 2005 ?

Can we just install runtime for ssis and run the packages ?

Please explian with links if possible

thanks a lot

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Integration Services :: Executing Child SSIS Package In Parent SSIS

Oct 9, 2015

I want to achieve the following in (SSIS/SSDT for SQL 2012) - 

I have a generic SSIS package which simply sends out email notifications using SMTP email task (this package is within its own project, and has project level input parameters).

I need to be able to call this package in the Event handler section of every package (numbering in about less than 60) that we have. These packages are within their own respective projects.

I thought I could use the "execute package task", but it turns out , using this, I cannot call a package that is part of some other project. I also cannot call a package that is stored in the CATALOG. Is there any way I can do this ?

When I call the child package , I should be able to send in parameters like - error information and package name of the Parent package.

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SSIS Called From Agent Job Not Calling New Child SSIS Package Addition

Oct 29, 2007

I have an SSIS package (TransAgentMaster) that I recently modified to include a call to a child package via the file system. The child package creates a text file. When I run the package in dev studio then the child package/text file is produced.

I then imported the TransAgentMaster as a stored packagesfilesystem package into SQL SSIS and executed the package. The child package produced the text file.

I then ran the SQL Server Agent to see if the child package would work and it did not generate the text file. Thus after updating a SSIS package importing the package into SSIS the job that calls the package will not call the child package. Please not that the TransAgentMaster package calls 7 children packages €¦ just not my new one.

Any thoughts why the agent will not run the child newly crated childe package?

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Could Not Serialize The SSIS Runtime Objects When Attempting To Copy Tasks Created By SSIS Wizard

Jul 11, 2007

Run the SSIS import/export wizard.

(xls -> sql table)

Select the tasks created.


Here is the error that occurs.

p.s. Does anyone have any needles I can borrow? I think sticking them in my eyes would be nicer than working with SSIS.


An error occurred while objects were being copied. SSIS Designer could not serialize the SSIS runtime objects. (Microsoft Visual Studio)


Could not copy object 'Preparation SQL Task' to the clipboard.

For help, click:

Program Location:

at Microsoft.DataTransformationServices.Design.DtsClipboardCommandHelper.SerializeRuntimeObjects(ICollection logicalObjects)
at Microsoft.DataTransformationServices.Design.ControlFlowClipboardCommandHelper.InternalMenuCopy(MenuCommand sender, CommandHandlingArgs args)


Invalid access to memory location. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x800703E6) (Microsoft.SqlServer.ManagedDTS)

Program Location:

at Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime.PersistImpl.SaveToXML(XmlDocument& doc, XmlNode node, IDTSEvents events)
at Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime.DtsContainer.SaveToXML(XmlDocument& doc, XmlNode node, IDTSEvents events)
at Microsoft.DataTransformationServices.Design.DtsClipboardCommandHelper.SerializeRuntimeObjects(ICollection logicalObjects)

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SSIS: Excel Import: SSIS Not Reading Dates

Apr 26, 2008

Hi. I need to import excel file in database. i first need to do an unpivot task. the column names are dates and SSIS seems to be unable to pick up the column name as it is replaced by F2 F3 F4etc Can you advise of a solution. thanks ken

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Source Code For The Standard SSIS Components That Come With SSIS?

Jun 2, 2006


I'm finding that the standard components often just don't quite meet my
needs, but would only need some fairly minor changes to save me and my team a lot of
work (and produce more elegant solutions). So I was just wondering whether the source code was available for the standard components that come with SSIS, or if there is anyway to extend their functionality?
Or do you just have to start form scratch?


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Use Of SSIS In Reading And XSL File. Should I Use SSIS Or Just Straight C#

Aug 1, 2007

I need to build an application to read values from an Excel spreadsheet. Once the values are read from the spreadsheet, the C# code will do some elementary statistics on the values read. Then the values read and their computations will be written to a sql server database.
My manager suggested that SSIS might be a good candidate technology for doing this type of work. Does that sound correct? My only hesitation with using SSIS is that I want to keep the application as simple as possible, so that the code can be more portable. Maybe might argument is not a good one, but maybe someone can help me out here.

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Ssis Select From Ssis User Table

Apr 11, 2008

I have two variables
1. strStatement datatype (string)
2. objTable object (user tables)

the string strStatment returns a dataset
and is assigned to objTable.

I want write the data from objTable to a sql table
and it seems not to work.

Here is what I did.
I used data flow task to either select from a a string or objectTable.
but it give me an error.

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SSIS - Get ServerName From A XML Or TXT File Into SSIS Package

Jan 4, 2008

Dear Friends,
I store several configurations in the main database of my SSIS packages. I need to get the servername from a xml or txt file in order to get those configurations stored in my database.
How you think is the better way to do that?
Using a FlatFileSource to read the file and a script to save the value into a SSIS variable?
Using the package configuration I cant do that... maybe I dont know, but I can save the SSIS variale in the configuration file, but what I need is to do the inverse, read the configuration file and save the value in the SSIS variable.
How the best way you suggest?!

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Execute SSIS Package Without SSIS Console

Jul 25, 2005


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Convert SSIS 2008 To SSIS 2005

Apr 22, 2008

We have SQL 2008 in development but only SQL 2005 in production. I have an SSIS package that was created in 2008 but need to deploy it to a SQL 2005 server. The '05 server will not import the package because of its version. Is there a way to convert back or 'save as' SSIS '05?

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Creating GUI With SSIS Or Passing Parameter(s) In SSIS

Apr 23, 2007

Hello All!

I have two questions to ask in this one thread. I would appreciate any feedback.

1. Is it possible to create GUI from SSIS using macro so that it can display forms or dialogs? If so how can I create a form that can be used to pass the parameters for the execution of the SSIS??

2. Is it possible to pass parameter(s) to SSIS? If yes, how can we do it...Please provide me with any example.

I wait to hear from you!


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SSIS - Tracking An SSIS Package Execution

Oct 3, 2007

I would like to see if someone can help me out.

1.- SSIS Package execute tasks on 2000 SQL Server Database
2.- Execution takes places using Business Intelligence Studio
1.- How can I tracked that SQl 2000 tasks took place using a SSIS Package?


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SSIS Newbie - Separating SSIS &&amp; DB Engine

Oct 10, 2007

Hi Gurus,

I am new to SSIS. I am trying to install just the SSIS in one machine("SSIS Machine") and just the DB Engine ("SQL Server Machine") in another machine. What I am trying to do is, separating the SSIS service and packages from the Database Engine and trying to run in in another machine. I have few questions on this topic. I searched on this forum but I couldn't find a concrete answer to those questions. Forgive me if it already answered/asked multiple times.

1. When I install SSIS in "SSIS Machine", do I need to install client components also in the same machine?
2. I already established this setup (SSIS with client components in one machine and SQL Server in another) but when I tried to connect to the SSIS thro' Management Studio from Sql Server machine, I keep getting "Access Denied" error. Is it possible to connect to SSIS server from another machine (using Management studio)? I tried the DCOM security permission options I found in the internet(I don't have domain id so I gave "Everyone" full access) but still I get the same error. Any help would be appriciated.
3. Do I need 2 SQL Server Licenses (Enterprise) if I go with this environment?
4. Is it possible to configure SQL Job to run SSIS installed in another machine?

I would appriciate any help on this issue.


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SSIS Design Question - New To SSIS, Please Comment! :)

Feb 20, 2008

Hello everyone!!

I am completely new to SSIS and have been given a large project (of course with a tight deadline) that has the absolute requirement of using SSIS. I am/was very, very good with DTS and could easily accomplish what I need to do with an ActiveX script task in DTS in no time, but as this is new development, we are not to use ActiveX script tasks within SSIS since it will not be supported in the next SQL Server release. I'm thinking script task, but please give some comments on how you would accomplish the following in SSIS (please remember I'm new to SSIS, so don't assume I know anything. )

I must accomplish this: in a nutshell, I need to create separate tab delimited text files of customer informaion. One for each region. Each region consists of X amount of states and we have X amount of regions. (Pseudo code followed by standard explanation)

Select a max value from region lookup table in SQL (this is the # of regions)

for N=1 to MyMaxValue

select states from region lookup table where region code = N (the current region we are on)
'this returns a list of states in a region, need these in array or recordset object or something
Open an output file which will be a tab delimited text file we will write results below in loop to (in DTS I would programatically kick off a transformation task in the package)
'loop thru states returned, so if in a rs object...
do while not rs.eof

execute customer stored procedure, passing as a variable the current state we are on
'this will return all customers within a state, this whole result set (approx 1 million) needs to go to the tab delimited file
'I have to execute this stored procedure for each state & then write results to the SAME file, until we are onto a different region

close file

OK, so basically, as you can see, Its sort of simple in a way what I need to do, i just have no idea how to go about doing this in SSIS. I can not hard code any state or region values. I MUST read them in from the lookup tables as region codes are constanatly changing and we are constantly adding in new states and new regions, so with above coding idea, it would always dynamically pick up any new states, new regions or changes.

So in a nutshell, I need to create separate tab delimited text files of customer informaion. One for each region. Each region consists of X amount of states and there are X amount of regions. Pretty strait forward, huh? The requirements are strait forward, but SSIS is throwing me for a loop... it does not seem flexible enough to be as dynamic as I need it to be to do this. I'm sure it is, just my understanding of it is very basic so far.

Please provide your suggestions! I think a lot of newbies would benefit from some SSIS design info... how to do common things in SSIS, but beyond just retrieving a recordset and writing it to a file... what do you do when you need to add just a few layers of decision processing, and retriving recordsets and writing files based on that decision processing?????


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Loading SSIS In ActiveXscript Within SSIS

Apr 9, 2008

I am trying to load a dtsx file in the SSIS package ActiveXscript.
But i am getting the following error

Error retreiving the filename for a component failed

In DTS the syntax was

and for SSIS Sql Server 2005 its :
app.LoadPackage("C:ProjectsTestPackage.dtsx", Nothing)

some how its not working for me.Is it because of me using ActiveX scipt
Please help
Thanks in advance.

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Can One SSIS Packet1 Run SSIS Packet2?

Sep 10, 2007


If I have 2 SSIS packets, can one start the other?

Thank you.

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Job Running SSIS Package Keeps Failing But The SSIS Package By Itself Runs Perfectly Fine

Aug 30, 2006

Hey, I've a few jobs which call SSIS packages. If I run the SSIS package, it runs fine but if I try to run the job which calls this package, it fails. Can someone help me troubleshoot this issue? None of my jobs that call an SSIS package work. All of them fail.

Thank you


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Fuzzy Search - Exposing SSIS Fuzzy Capabilities Outside Of SSIS?

Apr 15, 2008

I've been looking into ways to accomplish a fuzzy search and SSIS makes that possible if I want to do a bulk import or something like it. But what it I just want to look stuff up at any given time not haveing to run the package?

Is it possible to expose the fuzzy lookup outside of SSIS to for example t-sql?

Here's an example:
I want to lookup the music artist "Notorious BIG" but in the database it is "Notorious B.I.G." if I use the SSIS fuzzy lookup I basically get what I'm looking for. But how would I call this from a web application? So then I tried Full text search but this doesn't really work out as well.

Will I have to re-write the logic that the fuzzy lookup uses to enable it to work? i.e. using Full Text Indexes and FreeTextTable, ContainsTable, SoundEx and the like to somewhat even come close to what the Fuzzy Lookup has?

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Can I Return A Value In A Variable From A SSIS Program Back To C# After The SSIS Program Is Run From C#?

May 21, 2007

Can I return a value in a variable from a SSIS program back to C# after the SSIS program is run from C#?

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FTP In SSIS And .bat Files In SSIS

Mar 5, 2008

I am new to using FTP and executing .bat files in SSIS.
First, the .ftp file should run. When it runs the FTP process, the user should be prompted for username and password. Then, it should run the .bat file.
What all are the steps I need to do and how to set the properties for FTP and the Execute process task (which holds the .bat file).

Thank you.

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Error While Executing SSIS Package From Other SSIS Package

Jan 10, 2007


In our project we have two SSIS package.

And there is a task (Execute SSIS package) in First package that calls the execution of second package.

I m continuously receiving an error "Failed to decrypt protected XML node "PackagePassword" with error 0x8009000B "Key not valid for use in specified state.". You may not be authorized to access this information. This error occurs when there is a cryptographic error. Verify that the correct key is available."

As we are running first package by job, job runs successfully logging above error

The protection level of second package is set to "EncryptSensitiveWithUserKey"

Can anybody please suggest how to handle it?

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How SSIS Works With Cluster SQL And Non Cluster SSIS Service?

Mar 14, 2008

According to microsoft, we can cluster SSIS service but it is NOT RECOMMENDED.

Now this is the situation that I have where I need to understand how SSIS works?

Enviornment: Active Active cluster enviornment for SQL server with SSIS server installed as stand alone as default on both node.

Name: Node 1 Node 2
--------- -------------- ---------------------
Server name: Nd1 Nd2
SQL server name: cs-nd1in01 cs-nd2in02
SSIS server name: Nd1 Nd2

BTW, this is cosolidated enviornment so there are more than one application expected and resides on each instance of SQL server.

The question is around SSIS, what would be the best practice to develop SSIS package that can work with above envoinrment.

Secnario: What if my Nd1 fails. SQL server cs-nd1IN01 will be failover to Nd2 and it will be available. But How about SSIS packages? How that understands
to use Nd2 SSIS as Nd1 SSIS is not available. Is anyone has similar experience to setup SSIS in cluster envionrment but as non-cluster service?

Please help. Thanks in adavance.

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