SSIS- The Element Cannot Be Found In A Collection. This Error Happens When You Try To Retrieve An Element From A Collection On A
May 19, 2008
this is sanjeev,
i have SSIS package, using my c# program i want to add one execute package task to this package's sequence container.
it is creating the new package with out any probelm. but when i opened the package and try to move the newly created exeute package task it is giving the following error.
the element cannot be found in a collection. this error happens when you try to retrieve an element from a collection on a container during the execution of the package
I've got a package which reads a text file into a table and updates another. I set up configurations so that I could import it into the SSIS store on both my dev and live servers. Now, I'm getting this error. I tried removing the configs and am still getting it.
I've been through each step and everything looks okay. Does anyone have any idea (a) what's wrong, (b) how to localise the error or (c) get any additional information? Or do I just have to recreate the package from scratch?
Error at PartnerLinkFlatFileImporter: The connection "" is not found. This error is thrown by Connections collection when the specific connection element is not found.
Error at PartnerLinkFlatFileImporter [Log provider "SSIS log provider for SQL Server"]: The connection manager "" is not found. A component failed to find the connection manager in the Connections collection.
I'm trying to edit the Expressions of a Data Flow task. This seems to happen when I rename some of the Data Flow components but not always. The error I get is:
Element "[ADO Net Source].[SqlCommand]" does not exist in the collection "Properties"
However, if you look at the XML, this property does exist. So I'm not sure why this should occur.
I'm using SSIS 2008 R2 with Visual Studio 2008 V 9.0.30729.4462 QFE.
<component id="1" name="ADO Net Source" componentClassID="{2E42D45B-F83C-400F-8D77-61DDE6A7DF29}" description="Extracts data from a relational database by using a .NET provider." localeId="-1" usesDispositions="true" validateExternalMetadata="True" version="4" pipelineVersion="0" contactInfo="Extracts data from a relational database by using a .NET provider.;
I'm trying to set the value of the SelectedDatabases collection property of an Update Statistics Task using an expression for the task, basing it on a user variable. Ultimately, I'll set that variable's value from a configuration file at run time and thereby specify the database whose statistics I want to update.
When I set this up in the designer, I get an error at the time I try to save the package:
TITLE: Microsoft Visual Studio ------------------------------
Nonfatal errors occurred while saving the package: Error at Update Statistics Task: The result of the expression "@[User::SelectedDatabase]" on property "SelectedDatabases" cannot be written to the property. The expression was evaluated, but cannot be set on the property.
Error at Update Statistics Task: The result of the expression "@[User::SelectedDatabase]" on property "SelectedDatabases" cannot be written to the property. The expression was evaluated, but cannot be set on the property.
------------------------------ BUTTONS:
OK ------------------------------
I used the expression editor's expression builder to select the user variable, so I assume the syntax is correct. However, I'm suspecting that there's some additional syntax required to store that value in the collection's array. I cannot find any references to any special formats and am wondering if anyone know's how to do this correctly. On the other hand, maybe it is telling me setting this property from an expression is not even allowed. If it's not allowed, why is it in the list of properties to set? In any case, none of this is clear.
heres my code behind in UploadImage.aspx.vb _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Imports System.Data.SqlClientImports System.ConfigurationImports System.IOPartial Class UploadImage Inherits System.Web.UI.Page Protected Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click Dim conn As New SqlConnection Dim comm As New SqlCommand Dim connStr As String connStr = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings("TESDA").ConnectionString conn = New SqlConnection(connStr) comm = New SqlCommand("Insert into TImage (CategoryName,Picture,MimeType) VALUES (@name,@pic,@type)", conn) 'gi convert and image to byte array Dim data(FileUpload1.PostedFile.ContentLength - 1) As Byte FileUpload1.PostedFile.InputStream.Read(data, 0, FileUpload1.PostedFile.ContentLength) comm.Parameters.Add("name", System.Data.SqlDbType.Text) comm.Parameters("name").Value = System.IO.Path.GetFileName(FileUpload1.PostedFile.FileName).ToLower comm.Parameters.Add("pic", System.Data.SqlDbType.Image) comm.Parameters("pic").Value = data comm.Parameters.Add("type", System.Data.SqlDbType.NChar) comm.Parameters("type").Value = FileUpload1.PostedFile.ContentType If FileUpload1.HasFile = True Then Try conn.Open() comm.ExecuteScalar() Label1.Text = "Successfully uploaded" conn.Close() Finally End Try End If End Sub Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load End Sub Protected Sub Button2_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button2.Click Server.Transfer("image.aspx") End SubEnd Class______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________then here my code behind in Image.aspx.vb________________________________________________________________________________________________________Imports System.Data.SqlClientImports System.ConfigurationPartial Class image Inherits System.Web.UI.Page Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load Dim conn As New SqlConnection Dim comm As New SqlCommand Dim connStr As String Dim reader As SqlDataReader Dim dataBuffer() As Byte connStr = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings("TESDA").ConnectionString conn = New SqlConnection(connStr) comm = New SqlCommand("Select * from TImage where no = @no", conn) comm.Parameters.Add("no", System.Data.SqlDbType.Int) comm.Parameters("no").Value = 5 conn.Open() reader = comm.ExecuteReader reader.Read() Response.Clear() Response.AddHeader("Content-type", reader("CategoryName")) Response.AddHeader("Content-type", reader("MimeType")) Dim blen As Integer = CType(reader("picture"), Byte()).Length dataBuffer = reader("Picture") Response.OutputStream.Write(dataBuffer, 0, blen) Response.Close() conn.Close() End SubEnd Class_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ When I am going to call the Image.aspx it always prompt this error:XML Parsing Error: no element foundLocation: http://localhost:4730/tesdaweb/UploadImage.aspxLine Number 1, Column 1:Is there something wrong in my codes... Please helpthanks...
This is the error that I am getting after an unsuccessful database attachment.
Error 21776: [SQL-DMO] The name 'XXXX' was not found in the Database collection. If the name is a qualified name, use [] to separate various parts of the name, and try again.
I know why Im getting this msg, I restored a dbase from another there is an orphan in the syslogin the solution below ok to do ?..and if so, do I re-enter user in the syssusers table or in EM ?
any other suggestions without touching the sysusers table would be appreciated as well
thank you
"In EM, Server Properties, turn on "Allow modifications to be done directly to the system catalogs" - Delete the user from "sysusers" - Re enter the user granting it the correct access to the database - Turn off "Allow modifications to be ....."
I have created 2 packages in BIDS, these are both working fine. I am trying to deploy to the server using the Package installation wizard, but I am stopped by an error stating "Could not save package" and "Element not found".
We need to copy about 25 databases whenever we get a new softwaredelivery. Currently, the process is to manually use the DTS databasecopy wizard.Doing some research, I created a DTS package to copy databases. Butthis was not going to work since I have to hard code the databasenames in the package. Back to RTFMing, I discovered the DynamicProperties Task. So now I setup a .bat file that calls dtsrun and viaglobal variables passes in the source and target database names to thecopy db DS package.I did a simple test against a test database that I have and it worked.But when I tried it against some "real" databases I get the followingerrors. I have searched and googled but I have not found anything.Help???DTSRun OnError: Copy SQL Server Objects, Error = -2147199728(80045510)Error string: [SQL-DMO]The name 'tdb_grabowy1' was not found in theDatabases collection. If the name is a qualified name, use [] toseparate various parts of the name, and try again.Error source: Microsoft SQL-DMOHelp file: SQLDMO80.hlpHelp context: 1131
How do I retrieve the connections (connection managers) collections from Custom Data Flow destination? ComponentMetadata.RuntimeConnectionCollection is empty. I would like to be able to access all the connections defined in the package from the custom data flow task.
I came across code in which it was possible to access the Connections collection using the IDtsConnectionService for custom task (destination). The custom task has access to serviceProvider, whcih can be used to get access to the IDtsConnectionService interface but not the custom data flow task.
Hi All, I receive data in the form of xml file and it has one to many relationships. Below I am giving you the sample node and how it should be parsed. Please suggest whether this is possible in SSIS using XML Task if not pls suggest a fast and efficient method. <Element1> <SubElement1>S1</SubElement1> <SubElement2>S2</SubElement2> .. .. <SubElement20> <Child1>c1</Child1> <Child2>c2</Child2> </SubElement20> <SubElement20> <Child1>c3</Child1> <Child2>c4</Child2> </SubElement20> .. .. <SubElement25> <SubElement25Child1>s25_One</SubElement25Child1> </SubElement25> <SubElement25> <SubElement25Child1>s25_Two</SubElement25Child1> </SubElement25> </Element1> The above one is a sample xml. I should get 8 rows for the above element. There are 2 elements with "SubElement20" and it has 2 childs each. So there are 4 such nodes. The element "SubElement25" occured 2 times. Now we need to multiply these two counts.i.e. 4 * 2 = 8. The relationship in the xml is one to many. After parsing the xml I should get the rows in the following format and it should be one to one mapping only. S1, S2, ....c1,... s25_One S1, S2, ....c1,... s25_Two S1, S2, ....c2,... s25_One S1, S2, ....c2,... s25_Two S1, S2, ....c3,... s25_One S1, S2, ....c3,... s25_Two S1, S2, ....c4,... s25_One S1, S2, ....c4,... s25_Two The options are as follows 1) Writing a custom source component to parse this xml and produces the rows in the specified way. 2) First write a XSLT or Style Sheet to break the above one to many relationships to one to one relationships and create an xml file and then use native SSIS xml parser. 3) Using the Script Task as the source component and do the parsing. But I think it would be difficult to handle and maintain.
If any other suggessions please share. Thanks in advance. Regards Venkat.
Hi, This is my save procedure. Please check and give me some advice.looping is need or not? i get error "Collection was modified; enumeration operation may not execute" plz help me. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Private Sub btnSave_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnSave.Click Dim con As SqlConnectionDim cmd As SqlCommand Dim da As SqlDataAdapter Dim userid As String Try userid = Request.QueryString("userid")con = New SqlConnection(ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings("strcon")) ' con.ConnectionString = ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings("strcon") con.Open()cmd = New SqlCommand("dbo.sp_AddAns", con) cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure
For Each Item As DataListItem In dlAQ.ItemsDim paramid As New SqlParameter("@id", SqlDbType.Int, 4) paramid.Value = userid.Trim cmd.Parameters.Add(paramid)Dim paramans As New SqlParameter("@proansw", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 50) Dim txtbox As New TextBoxtxtbox = CType(Item.FindControl("txtAns"), TextBox) paramans.Value = txtbox.Text.Trim cmd.Parameters.Add(paramans) Dim paramprodesc As New SqlParameter("@prodesc", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 50) Dim lbldesc1 As New Labellbldesc1 = CType(Item.FindControl("lbldesc"), Label) paramprodesc.Value = lbldesc1.Text.Trim cmd.Parameters.Add(paramprodesc) Dim paramproid As New SqlParameter("@proid", SqlDbType.Int, 4) Dim lblproid1 As New Labellblproid1 = CType(Item.FindControl("lblproid"), Label) paramproid.Value = lblproid1.Text.Trim cmd.Parameters.Add(paramproid)Dim paramreso As New SqlParameter("@proreso", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 50) Dim lblreso1 As New Labellblreso1 = CType(Item.FindControl("lblreso"), Label) paramreso.Value = lblreso1.Text.Trim cmd.Parameters.Add(paramreso)Dim paramchk As New SqlParameter("@chk", SqlDbType.Int, 4) paramchk.Value = "2" cmd.Parameters.Add(paramchk) 'Dim rowaffected As Integer cmd.ExecuteNonQuery() bindData()
I have a Sequence Container with an Exec SQL Task in it. I can't delete the task or the container. I can't disable them.
Here's how I got there:
I put a Dataflow Task and the Exec SQL Task in the container, then set a precedence constraint. Lots of complaints moving either of them. Managed to delete the Dataflow Task, but now can't do anything.
I have a SSIS package with a Data Flow task. This task transfers the data from SQL Server 2000 to a table in SQL Server 2005.
I deployed and tested this package on the Test Server. Then put this package in a job and executed it - Works fine.
On the production server- If I execute the package through DTEXECUI, it works fine. But when I try executing it through a job- the job fails and it gives me following error:
Description: The external metadata column collection is out of synchronization with the data source columns. The "external metadata column "T_FieldName" (82)" needs to be removed from the external metadata column collection....
What I don't understand is, why are there no errors displayed when I execute the package through DTEXECUI.
Hello all,I'm trying to generate some XML directly from MS SQL with thefollowing codeSELECT1 AS tag, NULL AS parent, NULL AS [GoogleCustomizations!1], NULL AS [Annotations!2], NULL AS [Annotation!3], NULL AS [Annotation!3!about], NULL AS [Annotation!3!score], NULL AS [Label!4], NULL AS [Label!4!name]UNIONSELECT2 AS tag, 1 AS parent, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULLUNIONSELECTTOP 503 AS tag, 2 AS parent, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'www.' + domainName, 1 -- score, NULL, NULLFROM tbl_auDomainNameUNIONSELECT4 AS tag, 3 AS parent, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '_cse_ad-o6lgdody'FOR XML EXPLICITThe XML it needs to create is as following<GoogleCustomizations><Annotations><Annotation about="*" score="1"><Label name="_cse_ad-o6lgdody" /></Annotation><Annotation about="*" score="1"><Label name="_cse_ad-o6lgdody" /></Annotation><Annotation about="*" score="1"><Label name="_cse_ad-o6lgdody" /></Annotation></Annotations></GoogleCustomizations>It is currently creating<GoogleCustomizations><Annotations><Annotation about="" score="1" /><Annotation about="" score="1" /><Annotation about="" score="1"><Label name="_cse_ad-o6lgdody" /></Annotation></Annotations></GoogleCustomizations>I cannot get my head around how I can get the label <Labelname="_cse_ad-o6lgdody" />in each element. Does anyone know?Thanks in advance.
Why does XML Source in MS VS 2005 Integration Services Data Flow Sources XML Source not pick up the root element?
The problem is the following example: <root createddate="2008-01-01"> <elements> ... </elements </root>
The XML Source picks up everything after the first element which is the root element but it does not seam to pick up the root element where there is a need for the createddate attribute.
Is there a soultion for this problem or a workaround?
Hi, I have simple report with RS 2005. I use matrix component. I€™ve added €œSubtotal€? element to the row and It works perfect. But I would like to make some modification to it and I€™m looking for expression of it, but I can€™t find it - there's just "TOTAL". Also On layout page I see text box €œTOTAL€? and that€™s all. Where can I find it? Thank you Tomasz
I use an XML source to integrate an XML file into my db. My problem is that in my XML source component, the global element of my XML file does not appear in the Input/Output (The XSD file was generated using the same component). This global element contains attribute which I want to integrate in a table.
RDL/SRS - Is there a way to tag a reference on a data element?
For example, let€™s say that each data element in column 5 is the result of some equation applied to the elements in columns 1 through 4. The field in column 6 is a function applied to the resulting value from column 5. Is there a way to tag a reference on the column 5 data elements, so they can be referenced from column 6 without reapplying the whole function used to derive column 5 in the first place?
Hi there, I am sorry to be abother but I was wondering if there was someone to tell me what I am doing wrong. Here is my statement. I am getting the following error.
Element SADDR1 is undefined in SESSION
SELECT [clv].[dbo].[UNIT].[HMY] ,[clv].[dbo].[UNITTYPE].[sdesc] ,[clv].[dbo].[UNIT].[SRENT] ,[clv].[dbo].[UNIT].[dtAvailable] ,, clv.dbo.unit.scode FROM [clv].[dbo].[UNIT] inner join clv.dbo.PROPERTY on = clv.dbo.unit.hproperty inner join clv.dbo.UNITTYPE on clv.dbo.UNITTYPE.hmy = clv.dbo.unit.hunittype WHERE saddr1 = #session.saddr1# and ( hunittype='2' OR (hunittype='3') OR (hunittype='4') OR (hunittype='5') OR (hunittype='6') OR (hunittype='7') OR (hunittype='8') OR (hunittype='25') OR (hunittype='26') OR (hunittype='27') OR (hunittype='28') OR (hunittype='29') OR (hunittype='30') OR (hunittype='31') OR (hunittype='32') OR (hunittype='33') OR (hunittype='34') OR (hunittype='35') OR (hunittype='36') OR (hunittype='37') OR (hunittype='39') OR (hunittype='41') OR (hunittype='42') OR (hunittype='44') OR (hunittype='45') OR (hunittype='46') OR (hunittype='47') OR (hunittype='48') OR (hunittype='49') OR (hunittype='50')
'message' Field Data:<xml>....<test>ABC</test>....</xml>How do I query out 'ABC' from this xml field data in a SQL Server?Assume message field is in table 'Persons'
I am getting setup problems with Reporting Services 2005.
When I try to connect through SQL Server Management Studio, the browser in the connect dialog can see the Reporting Services 2005 instance, but when I try to connect, I get an error dialog with the message, "The Report Services instance could not be found (Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.UI.RSClient)"
I manually setup ReportServer and ReportManageer virtual directories in IIS to point to the corresponding directories within the Reporting Services installation. Was I supposed to do this manually? Was the installer supposed to set this up?
Anyway, when I browse to http://localhost/ReportServer/ I get:
* The report server has encountered a configuration error. See the report server log files for more information. (rsServerConfigurationError) o Access to the path 'C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL.4Reporting ServicesReportServerRSReportServer.config' is denied.
When I browse to http://localhost/ReportManager/ I get:
An error occurred while parsing the configuration file. The ReportServerVirtualDirectory element is missing.
Anyone know what I'm doing wrong and what I can do to fix?
Configuration: SQL Server 2005 Enterprise edition on Microsoft Cluster. Machines named Node1, Node2 and NodeV (Virtual Node). Best practices require SSRS be deployeed on an IIS6.0 server. Reporting services was installed on the Web1 machine and pointing back to the database on the NodeV platform. Everything appears to run fine in Reporting Services. However, when I use the ReportViewer control from within a webpage, the basic control appears along with the message "root element is missing". Using the same code, I point the ReportViewer control to a different server Web2 where Sql server standard, IIS and RS are installed and the report renders properly. What am I missing in the configuration of the Web1 box as far as IIS or SSRS are concerned?
A branching element is critical to any process flow. Currently, as far as I know, there;s only a Conditional Split Data Flow Element. There is no direct way I can branch out in a control flow.
In some cases, I could branch by using a conditional operator ?: to either create a dynamic sql string for each patch, or a package name for a Package Execution task and so on.
This approach is not always good enough.
Are there others out there who want a Conditional Control Flow element?