SSIS Transactions And Checkpoints

May 26, 2007

Hello everyone, I had been studying the relationship between SSIS Checkpoints and SSIS Transactions.

What I want to do is to create a package with different task, where each one task creates a new transaction, and the same time each task be a checkpoint, it€™s in order to restarts the package from the failure task not from the beginning.

The Transaction-Checkpoint solution contains two packages*:
CkeckpointsAndTransactions1.dtsx and CkeckpointsAndTransactions2.dtsx

Package CkeckpointsAndTransactions1 contains four tasks, task three always fail. The package is configured to use checkpoints and each individual task creates a checkpoint. Additionally, each task creates a new transaction. The package has the TransactionOption setting to NoSupported.

In the CkeckpointsAndTransactions1 package there is something wrong, when the third task fails and I restart the package, the package starts from the beginning, this is wrong!!, the package should restart from the failure task.

In order to the package works like is expected it€™s necessary to add a new task between second and third task. It is also necessary that this new task hasn€™t transaction support. This is shown in the CkeckpointsAndTransactions2 package, in this package after package failure, I restart the package and the package restarts from the failure task, like is expected, but the additional task should not be necessary!!

Does anyone what is wrong in my packages?? How can I to create a package with different task, where each task creates a new transaction, and the same time each task be a checkpoint?

*Please download the BIDS solution from ( file)

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Transactions && Checkpoints; Bug Or Feature?

Aug 23, 2007

Hi there,

I am trying here to get a situation going which includes both transactions and checkpoints to make sure that when something goes wrong I don't get a) data corruption (hence the transactions and b) I don't have to completely restart my 2hr run (hence the checkpoints). However I ran into something of which i cannot see whether it is intended behaviour or simply a bug.

Here's the deal:
I have a SSIS-package in which I enable checkpoints (CheckpointUsage: IfExists and SaveCheckpoints: True).
I have 2 Dataflows which follow eachother (the first dataflow prepares data for the second dataflow to edit).
Because I want to make sure that my data is secure I put a separate transaction on both the dataflows.

And here my problem arises. If I run my package now and the second dataflow breaks then my checkpoint sends me back to the first dataflow and my initial insert is executed again, which isn't meant to happen (I enabled checkpoints to prevent rerunning items). Somehow my checkpoint does not register the fact that the first dataflow has already been executed and it will execute that one again upon rerun.

However: if I put a random task between the 2 transacted dataflows (for example an empty script-task) it will work as intended. Just as long as this inserted item doesnt have a transaction; because if it does then the problem comes back
Now if I execute the package then my checkpoint shows that the first dataflow has already been executed and thus it will not execute this one again and it starts at the second dataflow upon re-execution.

I can work around it (with the empty script-task) but still I am wondering as to why this is happening. I am very interested to hear whether this is really a bug or if it is intended behaviour (and if it is then why is it intended?)

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Transactions And Checkpoints Not Working As Expected

May 2, 2007

I have a package that has a container containing multiple DF Tasks.

The container is set to be Transacted, such that should any of the DF tasks fail the data inserted in any of the previous tasks rolls back.

This works as expected.

However, this container is part of a larger package and so I wanted to have a checkpoint on it, so that should any of the tasks within it fail, the package could be restarted from this container.

However, I would expect the functionality to be that on failure, the checkpoint would cause the whole container to be started again (because the container is transacted all DF task info would be rolled back) so we would expect it to start at task 1 again.

This is not the functionality I see. The package restarts from the failed task within the container every time.

According to the book Prof SSIS, it should start again from the first task and as explained this makes sense on a Transacted container as you would want this to happen.

A previous forum message encountered the same issue it appears:

See SSIS Checkpoints 04 Dec 2006.

This is an extract from it:

"I only experimented a little but my experience was that when I have a transacted container with multiple tasks that are checkpointed, SSIS would try to restart from the task that failed rather than from the first task in the container. The transaction was being rolled back correctly though.

In short, I felt that check points were not aware of transactions.

So, I ended up with this setting and it works for me:

Container is checkpointed and trasacted.
Tasks within the container are not checkpointed.
'FailParentOnFailure' property set to True on the tasks.

That way, if a task failed, it would fail the container and a checkpoint would be created at that level. Transaction would be rolled back as usual."

While this makes sense to me it is not the same properties that the SSIS book has that work.

Additionally, this didn't work for me either !!

I have tried every combination of FailPackageOnProperty and FailParentOnProperty that makes sense but every time the package restarts from the failed container within the task.

The transaction is rolled back correctly every time, but it seems the checkpoint that is created is not used correctly when dealing with transactions within containers.

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SSIS Checkpoints

Dec 4, 2006

I have a package that uses ssis checkpoints. It works well. However, when I try to setup transactions for some task, the chekpoints aren't used.

I read BOL and It states:
"If a package is configured to use checkpoints, Integration Services captures the restart point in the checkpoint file. The type of container that fails and the implementation of features such as transactions affect the restart point that is recorded in the checkpoint file."

But, how checkpoints are affected by transactions? what relation exists between this two components?

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SSIS And Transactions

Aug 8, 2007

Hi Guys,

Here i'm back again on the previous problem of Transaction. I think the problem is coming up because in Dataflow1 i'm referring to a Sql Server table and in DataFlow2 i'm referring to the same table and when they're in transaction they're locked.
How to get rid of this glitch?


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SSIS Transactions 101

Jul 25, 2006

I want to truncate a table (remove all of its data) using an "Execute SQL task" and then populate that table using a Data Flow task. In case of failure, I want to "rollback" the table to its state prior to its truncation.

Can this be done using SSIS Transaction support or is that support aimed exclusively at sql-based flows?



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Transactions In SSIS ..

Dec 24, 2007

Hi Pals,

I have few queries regarding the transaction management in SSIS.

1. I have a SSIS package in which i have a 2 DataFlow Tasks which basically loads 10,000 records in each table.
2. Then i have one Execute SQL Task which contains an 2 UPDATE statements.
The first UPDATE statement update the table1 which has no issues.It is preetty much straight forward.
Inside the 2nd UPDATE statement, i purposefully updating a numeric column with Alphabets. which throws an Exception.
Since I am taking care of Exception Handling in my stored procedure. So my previous UPDATE will get ROLLBACK'ed as


The catch here is, As the update statement is failed(i.e Txn is Rollabcked). Do i need to Rollback the entire data loads i.e
10,000 recs into Table T1 and table T2.

In such scenarios how do we deal such things in Real Time.
Do we Rollback the Entire Process. Can you please suggest me how do we takle such situations in SSIS.

Thanks & Regards.

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Transactions In SSIS

May 21, 2007


I made a small SSIS package where I am performing some data transfer operations.

There are two servers A and B

I am getting some data from A , comparing it with some data in Server B and finally inserting some data back in A on the basis of the comparison and logic.

Anyway, the internal logic of SSIS package is not important here. What is important is that since I am deleting the data in Server A before reflooding it from Server B , this SSIS package needs to be in a transaction for obvious data integrity reasons.

I tried to put the "TransactionOption" of the package to "Required" and it fails to acquire connection after that. I do not seem to understand the reason for it because as soon as I revert the transaction option to "Supported" it is able to acquire the connection.

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JCJC - Transactions In SSIS

Nov 15, 2007


I am new to SSIS but have been putting together a relatively complex ETL over the last few weeks. However, I have been stuck on the problem below for the last 4 days and to save my sanity, I would appreciate any help or advice.

Thanks in advance,

I have a 'Control_Upload' package which contains 2 transaction containers in series. Being in series, the transactions should never overlap.

The first transaction container exists within a For Each container and contains several 'Execute SQL' and 'Data Flow' tasks. I have set the 'TransactionOption' on the Transaction container to 'Required' and the tasks within the container are set to a combination of 'Supported' and 'NotSupported'. I have set the IsolationLevel on all 'Supported' tasks to 'ReadUncommited'.

On completion, the second transaction is executed.

The second transaction container also exists within a For Each container and contains 2 'Execute SQL' tasks and 3 'Execute Package' tasks. The invoked packages also contain a ForEach Loop and several 'Execute SQL' and 'Data Flow' tasks. Again, I have set the 'TransactionOption' on the Transaction container in 'Control_Upload' to 'Required' and the tasks within the container are set to a combination of 'Supported' and 'NotSupported'. I have set the IsolationLevel on all 'Supported' tasks to 'ReadUncommited'.

I am experiencing 2 different errors which the SSIS configuration described above.

The first error relates to the first transaction. SSIS executes a number of the 'Execute SQL' and 'Data Flow' tasks which are 'Supported' by the transaction, however, it hangs indefinitely (without any warnings or errors) when it tries to execute the final 'Data Flow' task. The initial tasks execute as expected and the transaction completes if I disable the 'hanging' task. When writing data to tables within all 'Data Flow' tasks, I have the 'Data Access Mode' set to 'Table or view - fast load' and have unchecked the 'Table lock'. For this reason, I do not understand why I seem to be experiencing a potential contention lock!?!

The second error relates to the second transaction. The 3 'Execute Packages' are 'Supported' in the transaction. The first 2 seem to execute successfully but the 3rd returns the following error message when executing one of the 'Data Flow' tasks within the 3rd package.

'SSIS Error Code DTS_E_OLEDBERROR. An OLE DB error has occured. Error code: 0x80004005. And OLE DB record is available. Source: "Microsoft SQL Native Client" Hresult: 0x80004005 Description: "This operation conflicts with another pending operation on this transaction. The operation failed."'.

However, the 3 'Execute Package' tasks are connected in series and like the previous transaction, I have the 'Data Access Mode' set to 'Table or view - fast load' and have unchecked the 'Table lock' within all DB destination components. For this reason, I do not understand why I seem to be experiencing a potential contention lock!?!

Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated.

Sorry for the length and apologies in advance for my overuse of '''''' !!!

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SSIS Transactions In Event Handlers

Dec 4, 2007

I have an SSIS Package that loads data to a SQL Server table and also logs package statistics along the way with individual SQL statements. In the event of failure, I want the data loaded to the target table rolled back but I want the statistics updates saved to the database. My package consists of several Execute SQL tasks that handle the logging and a Data Flow task that loads the data to the target table along with a couple of event handlers to handle errors. I have the Transaction Option property on the Package set to Required, to Supported on the Data Flow, and to Not Supported on the Execute SQL tasks and the OnError Event Handlers.

When we run the package (and cause an error) everything runs fine until it gets to the On Error event handler for the Data Flow task. This task hangs and never finishes. If we set the Transaction Option for the Event Handler to Supported (allowing it to enlist in the parent transaction) it works but the updates that it makes roll back along with the data from the Data Flow.

Is there a problem with having Event Handlers stay out of a transaction started by the parent package?

Any help would be appreciated.

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Alternative To DTC? - SSIS Transactions - Quick Question

Jan 5, 2007


I would like to have my SSIS tasks to be transacted, but due to infrastructure issues in our network, cannot utilize DTC, because our SQL Boxes are situated where the DTC cannot communicate. Are any other alternatives? Is it a feasible alternative? Please let me know. Thanks.

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Problem With Transactions In SSIS Package Containing Cursor

Apr 4, 2008

Hi All,

We have a SSIS package where we have implemented a cursor in Execute SQL Task.
Immediately after this Execute SQL Task, we have a Data Flow Task.

The package was running absolutely fine until we changed the Transaction property of the Package to "Required".
The Transaction property for all the tasks in the Control Flow is set to "Supported".

Now, after the execution of the Execute SQL Task containing the cursor, the Data Flow Task becomes "yellow", but, does not execute. The package then gets stuck at this point and does not execute any further.

Anybody has encountered such a problem with Transactions in SSIS?

Thanks in advance.


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Integration Services :: Alternate Solution To DTC In SSIS Transactions

Jun 2, 2015

I would like to have my SSIS tasks to be transacted, but due to infrastructure issues in our network, cannot utilize DTC, because our SQL Boxes are situated where the DTC cannot communicate. I know we can use execute SQL task with Bein Trans, but I dont think dataflow and all will not be in scope of this and cannot be rollback in case of any error in the underlying tasks.

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How To Use Checkpoints

Mar 3, 2008

I want to use a checkpoint in an SSIS package and would require some help.

I have a scenario like this

Task A ------ Task B-----------Task C

------- Task B1

Task A has a precedence constraint which determines if either Task B or Task B1 runs. Task B is run if the condition is met and Task B1 if the condition is not met.

I would like Task B1 to be a script task that is used to fail Task A so that when the package is restarted it will start from task A based on the checkpoint.

Is there any way to do this ?

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CheckPoints And On Completion

Jun 14, 2007

I have a package that has 4 Script Tasks that are placed sequentially.

I have Task1--> Task2-->Task3-->Task4

The arrows between them are OnCompletion Arrows as opposed to the Standard OnSuccess arrows.Even if Task2 failed, it would still execute 3 and 4

the catch is that i want it such that when i run the first time and task 2 fails, then all the tasks except task2 should run which is fine, but when i rerun it. I want it such that it realises that task 2 had failed earlier, so it runs just task2.... if both 2 and 4 had failed then it should just run 2 and 4

i tired to implement it with check points, but the problemn is that if it fails at task2 it stops at task2 and does not continue to execute tasks 3 &4... when u rerun it starts at 2 but like i said i would like 3 & 4 to have completed the previous run...

Any suggestions would be helpful

Thanks for any help in advance..


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Sequence Container And Checkpoints

Mar 6, 2008

hi people, i have crashed on a this problem. I have a sequence container and on this container I have set "FailPackageOnFailure=true". Now in this container there are 2 tasks. The first one is preceeding the second one. Now both this task have set "FailParentOnFailure=true". Both task are the same and their purpose is to drop table A.

1) I run the package and it fails, because there is no table to drop.
2) I create the table manualy and run package again.
3) I see, that the first task is beeing just SIMPLE OMMITED and the second task runs

In general, everytime any task in a sequence container invokes failure, next time is beeing ommited regardelss of its status. How can this be fixed ? Thanks

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Using Checkpoints In Nested Packages

Jan 17, 2006

I am building a set of packages to load different things, some of which have relationships with the others. Therefore I want them loaded in a certain order. I have built a main package that executes the set of packages to control the flow of the packages.

Now, I want to implement checkpoints. Ultimately, I only want to deal with the main package that controls everything. So I figure the main package needs checkpoints enabled. When packages are nested and checkpoints are on at the top level package, will the nested package(s) start at the control flow point of failure or will it run the entire nested package? Should checkpoints be implemented within the nested packages as well? Should checkpoints only be implemented within the nested packages? Again, remember that I only want to launch
estart the main package.

Thanks. Any insight would be appreciated.

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Using Checkpoints Shall We Run The Package From Row Level

Jul 16, 2007


I am using check point in my packages , but i am not able to run my packages where it exactly got failed. The scenario is i am 100 rows at source system and i was loaded 95 records into target and due to the some data formatting issues i got failed at the 96th record. Later i am trying to re-execute the package, Surprisingly my package start run from the 1 st record(nothing but the start point of dataflow task).

How can i achive to run from where it excatly got failed(96th record) ?? is it possible using check points else is there any work-around approach ??please respond this post , it is very helpfull for me..



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Issue With Checkpoints And Event Handlers

Oct 14, 2006


We are currently facing an issue in ensuring restartability of an SSIS package. The scenario is explained below.

The SSIS Package has two Data Flow tasks. The Data Flow task named DFT1 is the predecessor for DFT2 and chained with OnSuccess precedence constraint.

OnPreExecute and OnPostExecute event handlers have been implemented for DFT1. Each task in both event handlers as well as DFT1 and DFT2 have FailPackageOnFailure set to True.

Scenario1: Task in OnPreExecute of DFT1 fails.
DFT1 is attempted and succeeded.
OnPostExecute of DFT1 was not attempted.
DFT2 was not attempted.
Checkpoint file was created; however, no entries were made.

When restarted, execution started from first step in Control flow.

Scenario2: Task in OnPostExecute of DFT1 fails.
DFT1 and its OnPreExecute Event were executed.
DFT2 was not attempted.
Checkpoint file was created and entries were made. Entries had DTS:result as 0 for OnPreExecute and DFT1 tasks.

When restarted, DFT2 was executed. OnPostExecute event, which failed during previous execution, was not attempted.

Each task in the package, whether it is in Control flow or as part of an event handler is crucial for seamless execution. But apparently, as explained above, there is no reliability on the event handlers in case of failures. Has anyone encountered similar scenario? Is this behavior as per design of the runtime engine?

Thanks, in advance,

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Checkpoints Problem In Parallel Tasks

Oct 24, 2006


I have a master package with a sequence container with around 10 execute package tasks (for child packages), all in parallel. Checkpoints has been enabled in the master package. For the execute package tasks FailParentOnFailure is set to true and for the sequence container FailPackageOnFailure is set to true.

The problem i am facing is as follows. One of the parallel tasks fails and at the time of failure some of the parallel tasks (say set S1) are completed succesfully and few are still in execution (say set S2) which eventually complete successfully. The container fails after all the tasks complete execution and fails the package. When the package is restarted the task which failed is not executed, but the tasks in set S2 are executed.

If FailPackageOnFailure is set to true and whatever be the FailParentOnFailure value for the execute package task, in case of restart the failed package is executed but the tasks in set S2 are also executed.

Please let me know if there is any setting that only the failed task executes on restart.

Thanks in advance

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Integration Services :: Can Sequence Container Have Multiple Checkpoints

Sep 21, 2015

I have a sequence container in my Package and this sequence has more than one control flow tasks.

Can I create the checkpoints such that only the failed component inside the sequence container runs again and not the other successful components/tasks in the sequence container?

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Checkpoints: FTP Task Download FTP Files Fails In Between Then What Will Happen?

Feb 13, 2007


I have a FTP task in my control flow that download files from a FTP server. This ftp task is inside a foreach container that loops over a ADO recordset for the file name. The files that the ftp task pulls are huge. If the FTP task fails then I want the FTP task to restart and only download those files that have not been downloaded. Is this possible?

What possible configurations do I have to make to the foreach container and the filetask?

Thanks a lot in advance for your help and time.



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Changing Connection Transactions To Database Transactions

May 22, 2005

Hi there,
I have decided to move all my transaction handling from to stored procedures in a SQL Server 2000 database. I know the database is capable of rolling back the transactions just like myTransaction.Rollback() in But what about exceptions? In, I am used to doing the following:
<code>Try   'execute commands   myTransaction.Commit()Catch ex As Exception   Response.Write(ex.Message)   myTransaction.Rollback()End Try</code>Will the database inform me of any exceptions (and their messages)? Do I need to put anything explicit in my stored procedure other than rollback transaction?
Any help is greatly appreciated

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Nov 14, 2006

I'm receiving the below error when trying to implement Execute SQL Task.

"The ROLLBACK TRANSACTION request has no corresponding BEGIN TRANSACTION." This error also happens on COMMIT as well and there is a preceding Execute SQL Task with BEGIN TRANSACTION tranname WITH MARK 'tran'

I know I can change the transaction option property from "supported" to "required" however I want to mark the transaction. I was copying the way Import/Export Wizard does it however I'm unable to figure out why it works and why mine doesn't work.

Anyone know of the reason?

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Aug 13, 2003

Hi All,
Can anybody suggest me a website where I can find articles on Managing transactions with Sql server. Also a scenario where the transactions take place in a environment involving 2 different databases, Like the bank account and credit card transactions (specifically of 2 way kind)

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Apr 6, 2005

I have a web application with a shopping cart, how do I stop all the shopping cart transaction from going into the db log? Is this possible?  These are are only transient data movements, and will never be need to to restore to, and they are cause log bloat. Or is there a better way to stop log bloat?

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Apr 17, 2000

Hi All,

How can we change connection properties in a DTS pkg with connection?
You can loop through the connection count but the connection ID is not static one.So can’t rely on that.
Is there another way of changing connection properties?

Thanks in Advance


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Help With DTS Transactions

Sep 5, 2000

Hi all....

I am currently designing a DTS Package to import data that is processed daily into a large database.

I have to design the package such that if any step fails when importing, I roll back the entire transaction.

I have designed the package with this in mind, checked "join transaction if present" and "rollback transaction on failure" in all of the workflows. I have also made all workflows serialized.

However, when I run the package, it fails on one of the data pumps with the error:

Transaction context in use by another session.

Any ideas?

Thank you,


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I Want To See My Transactions

Dec 1, 2000

I am replicating (finally!!) and on my publishers agent history I can see it says xx transactions with xx commands were delivered. (xx being the number)
Where can I look to see what the transactions or commands are?

Is there a place the system stores this information?

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Max. Transactions

Oct 17, 2003

what is maximum limit of no. of transactions per sec. in sql server 2000

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Sep 6, 2004

Is there a point to wrapping a single UPDATE or INSERT statement in an explicit TRANSACTION:


INSERT INTO Table (...) VALUES (...)


I understand ACID and concept of transactions. However, I thought they were only necessary for multi-statement operations. I'm maintaining code that does this and am wondering if this is necessary. Does SQL Server guarantee ACID for single statements? Are single UPDATE/INSERT statements prone to race condition like affects without using explicit transactions?

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Apr 17, 2008

Are there any scenarios where an un-commited transaction would block further queries?

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May 27, 2008

If you run the Begin Transaction code and then run a create such as an update query and you see that it effects the number of rows that you wanted it to effect is there a way to look at the actual data that changed before you Commit Transaction?


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