SSIS Transfer Into Excel

Oct 10, 2007

Using SSIS to export from SQL 2005 database to Excel. SQL includes numeric and datatime fields, but when exported to excel they all arrive formatted as text. Any idea how to get them formatted in Excel ?


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SSIS Data Transfer To Excel Lists

Mar 28, 2008

Hi All,

I need to do data transfer from three tables in SQL server 2005 to the single Excel sheet as a report. Even If I create a Lists or named range, I couldn't able to transfer the data into the Lists. The idea is, whenever the data is transfered into the Lists, the three Lists (or Range) having data should grow separately.

Currently the data is transfered out of the Lists.

Anyone can help me.


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SSIS Error During Excel Data Transfer

Jan 2, 2008

I am getting an error when an while tranfering data from excel

the error is

[Excel Source [31]] Error: There was an error with output column "Problem Description" (61) on output "Excel Source Output" (39). The column status returned was: "Text was truncated or one or more characters had no match in the target code page.".

[Excel Source [31]] Error: The "output column "Problem Description" (61)" failed because truncation occurred, and the truncation row disposition on "output column "Problem Description" (61)" specifies failure on truncation. A truncation error occurred on the specified object of the specified component.

[DTS.Pipeline] Error: The PrimeOutput method on component "Excel Source" (31) returned error code 0xC020902A. The component returned a failure code when the pipeline engine called PrimeOutput(). The meaning of the failure code is defined by the component, but the error is fatal and the pipeline stopped executing.

The "Problem Description " is a free text field

.I am also pasting a sample data from this field

Try to login to the Operational Risk System- EDCS system ($SM$ZlvK8bQN3Gx6kXd9LY%2fFTznf3Vi5QSreVbn0vxHs7IUR6gJ9ncq2qnEXtM4wBS0%2fGP%2bU8qMBqC8%3d&TARGET=$SM$%2foprcs%2fjsp%2fcs%2ejsp"), but get the following after entering my id and password:

The page cannot be displayed
There is a problem with the page you are trying to reach and it cannot be displayed.


Please try the following:

Open the home page, and then look for links to the information you want.
Click the Refresh button, or try again later.

Click Search to look for information on the Internet.
You can also see a list of related sites.

HTTP 500 - Internal server error
Internet Explorer

Please help how to import this data without any error.

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DTS Transfer Into A Excel Spreadsheet

Dec 28, 2000

I need to take my 'table stats'every week and put them into an excel spreadsheet so that I can track the changes of my table sizes over time (basically I am watching to see how many rows are in each table). What I was planning on doing was to create a view of my table stats that I could then use DTS to transfer on a weekly basis into my excel spreadsheet. I have only used DTS a couple of times, and I have not ever tried it with excel. Now the problem: Everytime my DTS job runs it appends the data to the end of the origional columns that were created. Since my database has over 5000 tables these columns grow quite quickly. What I would like to do is set it up so that everytime the job runs it puts the new data into new columns in the same worksheet of my excel file. Is this possible? Any suggestions?

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What's The Best Way To Transfer The Result Set From A Query Into Excel?

May 10, 2007

I usually export the query using "Results To File" and save it as a csv.  I think open MS Excel, open the csv file from Excel and then use the delimited wizard.  Is there a quicker way with less steps?

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Procedure To Transfer Data From Excel To SQL

May 1, 2008


I have an excel file that I would like to put into SQL so I can run queries on it. Is there any way I can create a procedure that will pull my info from my excel file to SQL? Any suggestions would be helpful.



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Excel To Sql Server Data Transfer

May 11, 2006


I am new to SQL server world.
I have a task to transfer data from excel sheet(s) to sql server.
I read I could do that using DTS.

But the problem is I have more than 1 excel files and in my table I need to get records from both the files with out duplication the data.
ex: one excel sheet conatins field 1,2,3
second sheet contains field 1,4,5,6 (now I should put data in the sql table as 1,2,3,4,5,6)

I will have to continue to do add data to this table as I get new excel sheets (the fields will remain same).

Can somebody help me with this?
If you can also give me some references for this it will be very helpful.

Thanks a lot in advance

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Transfer Data To Excel 2002

Aug 21, 2007

Newbie, using SSIS how to transfer data from SQL table to Excel (excel file does not exist)?

Drop OLEDB connection manager (pointing to my sql server)

Drop Excel destination (but it requires excel files exist)

in my case I do not want to create excel file manually

Is there a way in SSIS you can transfer data from sql table into a new excel file?

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May I Plz Know About To Transfer Excel Data To SqlServer2000

Nov 30, 2006

may i plz know about to transfer excel data to SqlServer2000

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Transfer Data From Excel V.11 To MS SQL 2005

Sep 25, 2007

Hi forum.
I have a problem to import dates from an excel table into MS SQL2k5 database. Some time ago worked but now I reived the next message:

Operation stopped...- Initializing Data Flow Task (Success)- Initializing Connections (Success)- Setting SQL Command (Success)- Setting Source Connection (Success)- Setting Destination Connection (Success)- Validating (Success)- Prepare for Execute (Stopped)- Pre-execute (Stopped)- Executing (Error) Messages * Error 0xc002f210: Preparation SQL Task: Executing the query "" failed with the following error: "Retrieving the COM class factory for component with CLSID {7816B7A3-CD60-4539-BD38-C35AFC61F200} failed due to the following error: 80040154.". Possible failure reasons: Problems with the query, "ResultSet" property not set correctly, parameters not set correctly, or connection not established correctly. (SQL Server Import and Export Wizard) - Copying to [PMS].[dbo].[tbl_1$] (Stopped)- Post-execute (Stopped)- Cleanup (Stopped)
Can someone to help with this problem?

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Transfer View Results From SQL 7 To Excel/Access

Apr 29, 1999


I do not know if you can see my reply after yours. Any way I try it here again.

In the DTS Export Wizard, after select the source (SQL Server)and destination (Excel),
I have 2 choices:Table copy or query.

When I use query, I can place my sp there, and the export works fine exactly as you recommended.
Thanks a lot.

But when I selected a table copy, I was given a "Select Source Tables" popup form, I can
see all the table names there, but can not find any views in the database. I do not know why.
Am I in the right place this time?

Thank you very much for your quick help.


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Transfer SQL Data Results To Excel Sheet

May 16, 2007


-- (1) Number of calls received for each priority of call [for a specified date range]

declare @startdate datetime,
@finishdate datetime

select RM.fldPriorityCode as 'Priority',
count(RM.fldRequestID) as 'Calls'
from tblRequestMaster RM
where RM.fldPriorityCode between 1 and 5
and RM.fldRequestDate between '01-01-2007' and '03-05-2007'
and RM.fldRequestFlag like 'D'
group by RM.fldPriorityCode
'Total' as 'Priority',
count(RM.fldRequestID) as 'Calls'
from tblRequestMaster RM
where RM.fldPriorityCode between 1 and 5
and RM.fldRequestDate between '01-01-2007' and '03-05-2007'
and RM.fldRequestFlag like 'D'
order by RM.fldPriorityCode asc



I would like to transfer these results to an excel sheet. For instance when the user opens up the excel worksheet and types in for a example a start date: 01-01-2007 and an end date: 03-05-2007 (into textboxes) then clicks a button say called 'Get stats' and then the results appear on the sheet.

How can this be done?

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Transfer SQL Data Results To Excel Sheet

May 16, 2007

-- (1) Number of calls received for each priority of call [for a specified date range]

declare @startdate datetime,
@finishdate datetime

select RM.fldPriorityCode as 'Priority',
count(RM.fldRequestID) as 'Calls'
from tblRequestMaster RM
where RM.fldPriorityCode between 1 and 5
and RM.fldRequestDate between '01-01-2007' and '03-05-2007'
and RM.fldRequestFlag like 'D'
group by RM.fldPriorityCode
'Total' as 'Priority',
count(RM.fldRequestID) as 'Calls'
from tblRequestMaster RM
where RM.fldPriorityCode between 1 and 5
and RM.fldRequestDate between '01-01-2007' and '03-05-2007'
and RM.fldRequestFlag like 'D'
order by RM.fldPriorityCode asc



I would like to transfer these results to an excel sheet. For instance when the user opens up the excel worksheet and types in for a example a start date: 01-01-2007 and an end date: 03-05-2007 (into textboxes) then clicks a button say called 'Get stats' and then the results appear on the sheet.

How can this be done?

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Transfer View Results In SQL7 To Access/Excel

Apr 29, 1999


Does anyone know the method to transfer result data of a view or stored procedure
in MS SQL 7.0 to MS Access or Excel , Manually or automatically? I did not find the
right tool in SQL 7 to do so.

I notice we can transfer table from SQL 7 to MS Access / Excel through DTS. But did not
find any tool/menu to transfer result of view / stored procedure.

I am new to SQL 7. Maybe this is a silly ?. Any help will be appreciated.


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Integration Services :: How To Upload Excel File Using SSIS With Out Excel Installed On Server

Jul 25, 2015

Trying to upload excel in server where excel is not installed. BIDs was there in the server, when i am trying to craete Excel source I am not able.what the workround for this.. How to upload excel without excel installed on the server.

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Integration Services :: SSIS - Read Multiple Excel Sheets From One Excel File

Sep 13, 2015

We have 10 sheets in Excel File and 10 sheet contains errror data. How to load 9 sheets data in to 1 destination and error data in to other destination?

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SSIS - DataFlowTask - Excel Source - Dynamic Excel Template

Mar 13, 2008


I am creating an SSIS package witha a Dataflow task, which reads from an Excel source and then uses script component to dumpt the data to multiple tables in Sql Server database

I need to some how make my Excel source dynamic, that is my excel template which i would be using to map the excel columns to script component's input columns would be dynamic..

In other words, I should be able to define the Excel Source, Column Mapping Information, Precedence constraint to the Script component dynamically

Please suggest how could i accomplish this


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Integration Services :: Excel Column Turns To Blank / NULL While Import Using SSIS Excel Source 2008

Jul 6, 2015

While importing data from Excel source , some column is getting null value even though excel column has value.To Resolve the issue we tried with

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREWow6432NodeMicrosoftOffice14.0Access Connectivity EngineEnginesExcel

1.Change the Value  of the Row TypeGuessRows from 8 (Default value) to 0  and ImportMixedType = text

• xls

1.Change the Value  of the Row TypeGuessRows from 8 (Default value) to 0  and ImportMixedType = text

the connection string of the excel

UPPER(REVERSE(SUBSTRING( REVERSE(@[User::VarInputExcelFile]), 1, 5) ) ) == ".XLSX" ? "Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=" + @[User::VarInputExcelFile] + ";Extended Properties="Excel 12.0;HDR=Yes;IMEX=1";":"Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data
Source=" + @[User::VarInputExcelFile] + ";Extended Properties="EXCEL 8.0;HDR=Yes;IMEX=1";"

by doing the above setting also , the column is coming as null from excel source even though there is data in excel.

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Transfer The Job In SSIS

May 16, 2007

Hi Folks,

Can some one please help me out how to transfer maintenance plan from one sql server 2005 to another.

Thanks and Best regards,

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What Is The SSIS Transfer Task?

Aug 15, 2006

I have just been using the Import Data wizard in SSMS and when going through the wizard I checked the "Optimize for many tables" checkbox.

The resultant package contains a task called "Transfer Task". I've never heard of this before. Its not listed in the toolbox and its not documented in BOL.

It does some rather strange things as well.

From what I can determine it uses an XML manifest file (stored in c:documents and settings<user>Local settings emp) to construct a SSIS package on the fly which is then executed by an Execute Package Task.
Its SourceDB property is always "smo_Pubs". Its DestinationDB property is always "smo_Pubs_xfred"
There's no UI for it

All very peculiar.

What is it?

Where has it come from?

Did it arrive with SP1 or have I just never noticed it before?

Why is it preferable to a package with lots of data-flows?

Why is it not documented?

When should I use it/not use it?

Questions questions questions...



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Transfer A SSIS Package To Another Server.

Mar 31, 2008

Hi All, I am new to SSIS and SQL Server. I have a development copy of SQL Server 2005 on my desktop, and have just completed my first SSIS package, which replaces an Access appplication that I have on our server. Now I want to move my package to one of our live SQL Server 2005 instalations on our Network. Is there an easy way to move the work I have done on my Development version? I guess that I will need to sort out security etc, but I am hoping not to have to re key everything I have done so far.



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How To Transfer Sql 2000 To 2005 Via Ssis

Feb 29, 2008

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SSIS SQL Server Transfer Objects

Aug 8, 2007

i have a ssis package that copies a database using online method of the database transfer task. I realize that this task does not copy my keys and indexes, therefore i went and used the SQL Transfer Object Task which would transfer my keys and indexes, but does not copy the default value of a column, is there something i need to change/turn on for this to work ?



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SSIS Transfer From Active Directory

May 22, 2008

I hope this topic is appropriate for this forum. If not, I pre-apologize.

I have an SSIS package that takes data from active directory and dumps it to a table.

Here is the query I am using:

SELECT displayName, Mail, Title, physicalDeliveryOfficeName, description, telephoneNumber, department
From 'LDAP://ourserver'
WHERE objectClass='user' AND objectCategory='Person'

I am dumping it into a table on SQL Server where the columns are all of data type: NTEXT.

All columns come across GREAT except the column DESCRIPTION. We keep a piece of information in that column that is important and without it the SSIS is worthless. What is coming across in that column is the following:


No values are coming across. It should be character data up to 10 in length.

Anyone see this or know of something that I can do to force the "real" data to come through?

Thank you in advance for any consideration you give.


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SSIS Transfer Database Problem

Mar 28, 2007

Hi all,

I'm having (what seems like) a common problem, but I haven't found a working solution

I simply want to copy a database, and it's logins, stored procedures etc to a different server. I have tried the copy database wizard, and that works fine UNLESS there are any logins associated with the database. When there are logins associated, I run the wizard and the error logs show:

"'myLogin' is not a valid login or you do not have permission."

(I do have permissions, I'm admin on both machines)

I tried creating an SSIS package and use the 'Transfer Database" task, and I get the same error. Are my admin credentials getting lost on the way somewhere?

I don't want to import/export data. I don't want to backup/copy/restore. I want to make a copy and plonk it somewhere else!

any ideas?

oh, and the two machines are running sql2005 sp2, although one of the machines is 64 bit.I have also tried both methods of copying ('detach and attach' and 'SQL Management Object') without success

thanks all


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SSIS Transfer Database Object Task

Sep 13, 2007

Hi everyone
Can any one help me I am using Tranfer databse object task when I am trying to run it its throwing exception can not send null value in login name????

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SSIS - Transfer Database Task - Error

Oct 26, 2006

Help anyone!! I fighting with the same error. I've tried all the suggestions on the web and more. Nothing seems to work. Has anyone found an answer from Microsoft?

Error: The Execute method on the task returned error code 0x80131500 (ERROR : errorCode=-1073548784 description=Executing the query "EXEC dbo.sp_grantdbaccess @loginame = N'sctcsssoadmin', @name_in_db = N'ssoadmin' " failed with the following error: "User, group, or role 'ssoadmin' already exists in the current database.". Possible failure reasons: Problems with the query, "ResultSet" property not set correctly, parameters not set correctly, or connection not established correctly. helpFile= helpContext=0 idofInterfaceWithError={8BDFE893-E9D8-4D23-9739-DA807BCDC2AC}). The Execute method must succeed, and indicate the result using an "out" parameter.

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SSIS Transfer SQL Server Objects Task

Jan 30, 2006

What is the security requirement for running this task? I have no problem running this taks as a system administrator but all my users who are in the db_dtsltduser cannot run the same task successfully. They are DBOs in both databases involded in the task. Thank you in advance for your help.

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SQL 2012 :: SSIS - Transfer All Data From Source To Destination

Sep 1, 2014

I am a complete newbie to SSIS. I can create a simple package to transfer data between SQL instances and thats about it.

I have tableA (source data) and tableB (Destination data). TableA has 4 column and tableB has 5. I want to transfer all of the columns from tableA into TableB, but the 5th column in tableB needs to be populated with the ServerInstance name of the server TableA sits on. Do I need to have multiple data sources to achieve this? I have tried but no matter how I set it up, the Column in the destination is set to ignore.

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SSIS: Roll Backed Data Transfer Task

Aug 7, 2006

I'm Designing sql server 2005 SSIS Packages.
According to my requirment i have a sequence container. It has few data flow task, on success of one next one is running. If any one of them get failed then it should roll backed all the transaction. Each Data flow task transfering a data from one server to another server in similar table.


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Transfer Multiple Tables From SqlServer To Oracle Using SSIS

Jan 14, 2008


I am new to SQL Server 2005 SSIS Packages. I want to transfer data from multiple tables from sql server to oracle database. I cannot use export wizard as it creates new tables in the destination (oracle) DB. I already have tables created in the destination DB. When I created an SSIS package, it allowed me create package to tranfer data for only for one table from source to destination. I have created DTS packages in 2000, where you have source db and destination db and just add links for multiple tables. Is there a way I can do it in SSIS. Please let me know.

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Sql2005 SSIS - Doesn't Transfer The PKs And Indexes Of Tables

Jul 23, 2007


I created ssis package to transfer tables from one DB to another.

However, I don't find the option where I can make that the transfer with the indexes and pks of the tables. in sql2000 I had this option.

appriciate your help.


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SSIS Transfer Database Task Not Transferring Keys

Oct 16, 2006

I set up a basic Transfer Database task (online, copy) to copy a DB. It works great except for the fact that it isn't transferring the PK's and FK's. It also looks like it did not transfer the views. Any idea why? Anything else the Transfer Database task doesn't actually transfer?

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