I have installed SSRS and is trying to run it from the client machines. I am getting this error below. NOTE: If you run the SSRS Report Manager on the server it runs fine.
Reporting Services Error
An error has occurred during report processing. (rsProcessingAborted) Get Online Help
Cannot create a connection to data source 'Clearview'. (rsErrorOpeningConnection) Get Online Help
Login failed for user '(null)'. Reason: Not associated with a trusted SQL Server connection.
I have setup a local administrative user on their web server called €˜cv_report€™ and setup the virtual directories to run under this account anonymously. I have also confirmed that cv_report the SQL user exists and is part of the correct roles. How do you relate the Windows €˜cv_report€™ account and the SQL €˜cv_report€™ account €¦ just via the name?
I even tried changing the Data source for the TEST config which was setup to use Windows NT Authentication and I switched it to use the cv_report account. It still didn€™t work.
Does anyone know of a link or list that has all the parameters for the "rs:" section of the URL access parameter, except for the ones in the Microsoft books?
Is it possible to write SSRS 2008 reports to run on an existing SSRS 2005 server?
If yes, what do I need to do to be able to write SSRS 2008 reports on my developer PC that will run on the SQL 2005 Server (which also has SSRS 2005 installed on it)?
I installed Visual Studio 2008 beta on the development PC and it appears that it needs SSRS installed on it too. So I installed SQL 2008 SSRS (SQL Server Reporting Services) and SQL 2008 Workstation Components onto the developer PC. Next I run the SQL 2008 "Reporting Services Configuration" tool. When I click on the "Web Service URL" section it hangs indefinitely and I have to force it closed.
The developer PC is Windows Vista Business.
Any suggestions on making this work, or any other information that you can think of that would allow me to use Visual Studio 2008 and the SQL 2008 "Report Designer Preview" tool to develop SSRS reports that will run on the SQL 2005 SSRS server?
I am basically new as far as SQl server 2005 concern. I want to try out reporting services provided by sql server 2005. That is make report using sql server 2005 and call that report from web or window application.
Please guide me in doing so or give me some useful link. Thanks
I'm looking to upgrade to SQL Server 2005 (Standard Edition). I'm interested in using SSIS, SSRS and SSAS. I hear that BIDS runs inside of Visual Studio 2005, and comes with the SQL 2005 software. I currently have VS 2003. My question is: Do I need to purchase anything besides SQL Server 2005 Standard, or do I need to buy anything separately, like VS 2005? (if so, which version would you recommend?)
Product Category Id Catergory Product Subcategory ID Sub Category
1 Bikes 1 Mountain BikesPlease expand this column width so as to incorporate this sentence
1 Bikes 2 Road BikesPlease expand this column width so as to incorporate this sentence
1 Bikes 3 Touring BikesPlease expand this column width so as to incorporate this sentence
This is how it is visible when i preview the Expense Report. When i export this report to excel; it does not display me the complete details of Sub Category field. I have to drag the column 2 see the complete details...can anyone help me to solve this problem..it urgent
Is it possible to connect SSRS running on SQL Server 2005 enterprise edition (our production system) to a database running on SQL Server 2005 Developer's edition (our test system)
Can any one tell me how to enable paging in ssrs 2005 reports, i am using "table" control for the report and when we print the report it gives every thing good, but when we desplay it the web it does not show page by page.
I'm having trouble removing SSRS from a Win 2003 x64 Server. I have searched the forums here and tried different suggestions but to no avail. The problem: I go to Add/Remove Programs and choose to change SQL Server, I select the 3-4 options required to remove Reporting Services and when I get to the screen that has the sub-heading 'The selected components are being configured' nothing happens. I just get a Next button but no other feedback whatsoever and SSRS still resides on the server.
It might be worth mentioning that during the change installation wizard I get a warning that 64 bit SSRS cannot be run when ASP.NET is running in 32 bit mode. This is in fact the reason I am uninstalling SSRS, but I do not know if this has any bearing on being able to remove SSRS.
I am using ReportViewer control for showing reports on my aspx page. I am able to show the report. But for the report both vertical and horizontal scrollbars are coming. when I viewed the report in Report Server website it is coming with out them and i can use the browser scrollbars to see the full report.
I came know the I have to set 2 properties (SizeToReportContent to True & AsynchRendering to False) of the reportviewer control to remove the scroll bars. But even after that the scroll bars are coming. The scroll bars are not coming only if i set ShowToolBar to False. But if i do that I can not see the "page navigation" and "export" etc. options.
Can somebody suggest any way to remove the horizontal and vertical scroll bars with out removing the toor bar of the ReportViewer control.
I want to use two databases for my reporting services 2005. I want to connect to one database and check whether the logged in user is a portal admin using portalid and userid.If yes, then I will allow the user to user use all the stores. Stores are displayed in the drop down list as the multiselect parameter. If no, then I will connect to another database and check the user rights. Based on the user rights I will select only the stores that are applicable the user. i don't know how to use two databases in the reporting services. Please give me an idea to do this.
I'm developing a web app in .NET 2.0 using SSRS 2000 and 2005. Some of the reports need to be exported directly to PDF when clicked, but the problem is in the fact that the user must select the parameters from the report manager window.
Is there any way to allow the direct export to PDF when generate is clicked, or to limit the options the user has to export to in the report manager.
P.S. If it is possible, I DO NOT want to accomplish this using code.
I have a data in the report with one column having hyperlink. And below am showing Pie chart with respect to Whole data in the same report. But I want to view for particular value which has to reflect in Chart.
Has anyone figured out why it takes about 30-60 seconds to load a report or even get the login webpage in SSRS2005?? This seems to happen in 2 situations. One, the server has just started up and its the first request for a report or the SSRS webpage. Two, no one has requested a report or a SSRS webpage for a while (say 30min, maybe less). Its like part of SSRS has gone to sleep. Is there anyway to keep this from happening??
i am developing report in SSRS 2005. how to add the database field at the runtime when report is running.i e. when i click on the preview tab, how can i add column there in the report?
i am developing ssrs2005 Report using Table control, i need sorting Option for each column, as well as change the background color of that column (or table header of corresponding column) so that user easily can notice that data is sorted based on particular column
I have been given a task to develop a SSRS report that Mimic's a ASP.net grid. this grid has four column headers such has
Measures Jan 2006 Feb 2006 Mar 2006 First "Measure" Column as all the measure captions as the data in rows and other 3 columns (Jan 2006,Feb 2006,Mar 2006 Dimensions) has the measure values as the data in the row.
Measure Jan 2006 Feb 2006 Mar 2006 Profit 12.32 15.23 15.0
Revenue 12.33 16.33 11.22
ROI 2 4 5
In SSRS MDX is not flexible as writing in Query Analyzer , can some one give me the idea how to create this in SSRS report designer.
I think this is a simple question for creating a report with SQL Reporting Services, but I can't seem to find any straight forward answers for this.
I have some detail data I'm pulling in from 1 view into my report dataset: ------------------------------------------------------ Loan NumberLoan AmountPayment DatePayment 1000550000Jan 200815000 1000550000Feb 200815000 1000550000Mar 200815000 1002300000Jan 200850000 1003450000Jan 200820000 1003450000Feb 200820000 ------------------------------------------------------ I'm creating a RDL with this data and in my detail row, I'm showing the Loan Pmt and Loan Date with Grouping on the Loan Number & Loan Amount.
My problem is that when I look at my grand total, it is summing up the Loan amount more than 1 time - once for each detail record. ------------------------------------------------------ RDL Loan Number Loan Amount Payment Date Payment 1000 550000 Jan 2008 15000 Feb 2008 15000 Mar 2008 15000 Subtotal 45000 Loan Balance505000
1002 300000 Jan 2008 50000 Subtotal 50000 Loan Balance250000
1003 450000 Jan 2008 20000 Feb 2008 20000 Subtotal 40000 Loan Balance410000
Grand Totals 2850000 135000 ------------------------------------------------------
So my total on the Loan Amount column is incorrect, it should really be 1,300,000, but instead it's calculating 2,850,000.
Can someone explain to me how I should correct my grouping or dataset in a table?
I was able to use a Subreport for my detail records, and keep the Loan details in my Parent report to get the right totals, but then I hit the issue with exporting to Excel - "Subreports within table/matrix cells are ignored"
I've a question regarding VS 2005 and SSIS (BIDS -- Business Intelligence Development Studio)
I will be moving the existing databases from MS-Access 2003 to Sql Server 2005. My question is I've Visual Studio 2005 Professional Edition version 80.0.50727.42 installed on my system. How do I access Sql Server 2005 , SSIS and SSRS. I mean BIDS using VS 2005?
Does Sql Server Express edition which comes with VS 2005 give me access to work with SSRS and SSIS?
I installed SQL Server 2005 a while back and just tried to use the ReportServer recently and ran into a problem.
I tried accessing using http://babby/ReportServer (my report server and db server are both on 'babby') and got an ASP.NET runtime error (which wasn't displayed to me). So next I accessed locally at the server (babby) and got this error:
The current identity (NT AUTHORITYNETWORK SERVICE) does not have write access to 'C:WINDOWSMicrosoft.NETFrameworkv2.0.50727Temporary ASP.NET Files'.
I have done some searching on the Internet and there doesn't seem to be much info at all about SSRS 2005. I did found some MSDN info that suggested that NT AUTHORITYNETWORK SERVICE is the correct account to use when running SSRS under Win Server 2003 which I am.
'babby' is a Windows Server 2003 machine running IIS 6.0.
I have a report server set with an smtp account with Alias set to False but will not allow me to send e-mail outside the network. E-mail report delivery works fine to any e-mail with @mycompany.com but to an e-mail like @hotmail.com it gets rejected saying e-mail not recognized. I tried all config possibilities know to this man but nothing works. If long into the smtp server itself I can send e-mails outside of company. I'm thinking it may require a password from SSRS config but there is no place to put one. Any one know how to config SSRS to deliver e-mails to any and all e-mails accounts?
I have created a report using SSRS 2005, and I am able to call another reports by clicking a column (using jump to report) from my first report. I would like to know is it possible to have a pulldown menu by right clicking a column at runtime in SSRS 2005? Please let me know
Hello, I am deploying SSRS 2005 on Windows Vista and was wondering if there was a way to automate the following three tasks so that my end-users would not have to do them?
Add a URL to the Trusted Sites for the current computer name?
Change the Security Level setting for User Authentication for the Trusted Site added in step #1 to be automatic logon with current username and password?
Change the properties on IE7 to run with Administrative privileges? I think, but am not sure that some of these can be done with VBScript? If these can't be automated, then end-users of my application will have to go through these 3 steps manually in order to view the SSRS reports that I have written without being prompted to log in, or encountering error messaged due to insufficient privileges.
We have been, successfully, using SSRS 2005 with SQL databases. Now are trying to do create SSRS 2005 reports using an Oracle database. What components do I need to install on our SSRS 2005 server to successfully render a report, in a web browser, using an Oracle 9i database. Any help would be appreciated.
We are currently designing a report which we hope is possible. Each month the clients employees upload receipts as PDF's to the network and then fills out their form as needed.
We are planning to upload the PDF's to a Microsoft Office 2007 sharepoint site which we would like to then pull out and use as being part of the report.
So page one will be a list of expenses pulled from a database table and the remaining pages will then be the PDF's showing as part of the report. I have seen the Jump to URL option but that presents a hyperlink option only. I need to see the actual pdf in the report.
Has anyone done anything similar where they have extract a PDF to show in a SSRS 2005 report
I have created and deployed a report model by using BI development Studio. When trying to build a tabular report with Report Buider I have to use the "not equal" condition as a filter. The query does not give the expected results.
let's suppose the values for a filed I want to filter on are: 1,2,3,4,5
If i run the filter as: field NotEqual to 6 then the results are not correct
But if instead of using the NotEqual condition I use field equals to 1 or field equals to 2 or field equals to 3 or field equals to 4 or field equals to 5
Then it gives the correct results. Ok I now it sounds weird but anyone with similar experience using ther NotEqual condition in a filter?