SSRS - DrillDown Columns For On Matrix1 Enable To Matrix2

Jul 17, 2007

Dear Friends,

I have 2 matrix in my report and I have the drilldown colunmns year, quarter, month and day. But when I click in year of matrix1 I want to expand the quarters for matrix 1 and 2... and not only for the matrix 1... How can I share the columns with other matrix?

I trued to use textboxes, but in textbox I only see one item... Q1, January... etc... in spite of have all the childs...



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Drilldown Problem In SSRS Report

Oct 22, 2007

Im having a silly question, but im not able to find a solution for this. Im having a simple tabular report in which i have 3 groups defined and a detailed row. It is a drill down report wherein we need click on each group to get the next group and so on. When i went thro the wizard i was able to get that, so i tried myself without the wizard by adding the table and groups manually. However i found for the details grouping i was not able to set the "Visibility can be toggled by another report Item" because it was disabled, but in the report which i generated thro. the wizard it was selected and the last group item was given in that. Im not able to find why the checkbox is disabled when i create the groups manually. Please Help.

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Reporting Services :: How To Create Drilldown Report In SSRS

Jun 2, 2015

I Want to Create Drill Down Report in SSRS . Here we Should Display Year Wise ,Month Wise, Day Wise For Particular party Salry . How To Do it?

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Drilldown, Plus Sign, In Matrix Columns. How?

Jan 28, 2008

I€™m having trouble again with a matrix report.
I wish to make a matrix report with 5 columns. The right part of course will be filled depending on how many moths the user has chosen. The left part will be field with country, city and then the person names and some other info.

What I want to do is to have the first 2 columns, country and city, with drilldown. That is pushing the plus sign to open the corresponding group. How do I do this?

Thanks in advanced
Kind Regards

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Reporting Services :: How To Enable ADFS For SSRS 2008

Aug 3, 2009

How to enable ADFS for SSRS 2008?

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Reporting Services :: How To Enable HTTP For Existing SSRS Service With HTTPs

May 19, 2015

How to enable http for SSRS service in my current sharepoint 2013 environment with https.

this is needed as we have a limitation in SSAS: We cannot specify HTTPS in the Analysis Services Report Action.

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Dynamic Columns In SSRS Reports

May 29, 2012

I have 100+ columns and I want to create a SSRS report which has to have dynamic columns and data. The source tables looks as below:

(First row has column names)

Formula1 Formula1_Amount Formula2 Formula2_Amount .........
Pen 1001 Pencil 100

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Creating Dynamic Columns In Ssrs 2005

Mar 26, 2008

Hi there,

I have one table which holds all the information for the forms and i have another table which holds list of all the form fields. Now these two tables are mapped and that table give me list of all the fields in any forms.

To get the information about the users who filled different forms first i need to query the tblFormsToFormFields and get the list of all the fields for that form and then use that fields list in the select query to get the result.

In my report i need to provide the drop down with the list of all the forms and then display the information for all the customers for that particular form with the list of the form fields.

Is there in SSRS 2005 i can use C# or any programming language to create Columns in the report dynamically as there will be different fields for each form.

Please advice.



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Is It Possible To Dynamically Create Columns In A Table In SSRS

Nov 19, 2007

I have a sproc that returns somevalues and everything is working fine... and in my reports i am assigning the header data (in a detail column) based on the some feilds in the sproc... and there around 20 feilds that i want to show... but at a given time i am pretty sure that there wont be more than 10 fields that will have data.

So is it possible that show only the columns that have data in it and sometimes if there is less that 5 - 6 fields.. i want to realign the widths in those tables..

any help is appreciated..

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Reporting Services :: Dynamic Columns In SSRS

Apr 22, 2015

I am using sql 2012 SSRS.

My requirement  : I have Database which has got 100 tables.I need to create SSRS report which display top 10 records from the table within that database.

User will select The table name as parameter in the report. the number of column in each table will vary .

I am using the below statement in stored proc, and calling same from ssrs report

'select top 10 * from ['+@datbasename+'] .[app].'+@tablename+'')

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Drilldown Question

Aug 31, 2006


I've been playing around with SSRS 2005 to see if it might be the solution for some reporting requirements I have been given, but I still haven't found a way to do exactly what I need. Basically I've been asked to provide a report which allows drilling down multiple levels of a client hierarchy to show some sales figures, sounds pretty simple right? The report will look like this (not showing sales figues here just client hierarchy)...

+ Client A
- Client B
- Client C
- Client D
+ Client E
- Client F
- Client G
- Client H
- Client I
- Client J
+ Client K
+ Client L

As you can see they want to be able to expand & collapse rows to drill down through their client hierarchy. The hierarchy will be 3 or 4 levels deep.

I have seen that RS2005 supports a simple way to drill-down via grouping, but I don't want to do it this way because it means that I will have to have a query which retrieves all of the data right away which would take several minutes.

What I'd really like to do is to lazily load the hierarchy so that the data is loaded as the tree is expanded so that it won't take too long to render the report initially. I.e. when they click on "Client B" I'll hot the DB and get the sales figures for all children of Client B, in the case above thats Clients C & D.

Can this be achieved using sub reports or report linking? If anyone knows of some tutorials or examples that might be able to help me with this I would really appreciate it.



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Drilldown Problem.

Oct 16, 2007


I am creating report which has group and I want to show the [+] in front of each grouped item and when user click this the group item will get displayed.

Please let me know any solution.

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Confused By Drilldown

Mar 5, 2007

the field which has drilldown option is always showed minimum width after delopying to website

I attempted to set all properties of this fields as i can,such as "width","can grow" etc, but all do not work

any idea about this?


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Drilldown In SQl Reporting Service

Sep 30, 2006


I'm new to SQL Reporting Service. Now only I've started studying that. My question is,

I wanna list out my product sales for each month for each keywords. For example, I have 4 products, some 15 keywords (its an ecommerce site. Visitor coming from a particluar keyword and buying some products. Wanna list out sales for each keywords and product for Every month. To know the quarter sales wanna see the sales and product name for particular keyword). I'm having reports for each month sales. like,

Product A
Product B
Product C
Product D

Keyword 1

Keyword 2

For quarter sales, I want to see the sales and keywords list for each month and for each products in the same report. I don't want to create one another report for each and every product and month. If I want to see the sales and keywords for a particular product I want a report like,For Product 1


Keyword 1

Keyword 2

and For Month 1

Product A
Product B
Product C
Product D

Keyword 1

Keyword 2

Just by using drilldown I want this report. If any other method is possible, please tell me. It's very urgent. Please Help me. I'm very new to SQL Reporting Service. Started studying before 2 days. Thanks.............

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Drilldown On Matrix Totals

Apr 8, 2008

When i am designing a report using BIDS how do i control the Drilldown on the Matrix Totals. At present when i created a drill down report it works fine for all non total Values but chooses a random Value when it drills on Totals (Usually the first but not always)

Eg if i have a Matix that looks like this

Name, Value1, Value2, Value3
John, 1,1,1 = 3
Mark 2,2,2 = 6
Fred 3,3,3 = 9

Total 6,6,6

If i want to Drill on either the totals at the bottom or the totals on the Right or the bottom, it will choose a random Value eg if i want ot see the totals for John the Column Parameter that it passes to my drill through report will be that for Value 1 which is incorrect.

Any help greatly appreciated.

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How To Create Top 10 In The Dimension Or Drilldown

May 26, 2008


some of our Drill down has many values and we would like to display only top 10 ...
I know how to create CALCULATEDMEMBER for the cube ..but that becomes a measure and will NOT be in the drill down so,

how to create Top 10 for Raw Url

Drill Down
Top 10 Urls
( this has 10000 values€¦€¦.. can we just display top 10 here? Right now the report never comes back because of the count€¦ or if there is a better way let me know


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Drilldown / Toggle State Help

Oct 26, 2007


I am writing a report that has two levels of groupings like this and the visibity is controlled by Title and Staff Grouping (Partner, Employee) for drilling down.

WTD Hours


Joe 8
Max 8
Totals 16
*Senior Manager

Bob 7
Totals 7
Totals 23


Ed 20
Total 20
Totals 43
* = Toggle Item

Now, all this is fine except that when everything is collapsed, I want to show the totals on the group header and hide the group footer, like this:

WTD Hours
*Staff 23
*Partners 20
Totals 43

NOT like this:

WTD Hours
Totals 23
Totals 20
Totals 43

I have the functionality working with the toggle states and visibility, but whenever the group is collapsed, all the formatting is lost and it is just whitespace not matching the rest of the row.

Is there any way to control this by some expression in the value, etc?

Thanks in advance!

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Standard Edition And Drilldown

Oct 31, 2007

I'm basically learning SSRS (and SQL for that matter) so bear with me. I'm building some reports and discovered that apparently one has to have the Enterprise edition to have the drilldown capability. We really don't need the Enterprise edition for anything else, being a small company. Is there absolutely no way to do drilldown in the Standard edition, is there any way to add just that capability, and are there any sort of workarounds? Thanks.

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Error In Drilldown Reports

Feb 28, 2008

I have a report that drills down into 2 different levels like this:- Main Report -> Report -> Detail Report.

Everything works fine for the first 2 reports but when I try to drill down to the 3rd report (Detail Report in my example above) I keep gettting this error:

The path of the item '(null)' is not valid. The full path must be less than 260 characters long; other restrictions apply. If the report server is in native mode, the path must start with slash. (rsInvalidItemPath)
Has somebody got a solution or a workaround?

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SQL Server 2012 :: Adapting Number Of Columns For SSRS Chart

Oct 10, 2014

For my SSRS 2012 report I've created a dataset to extract the TOP 20 amounts.

I've create a stacked column chart to put these amounts as a values.

But in the chart I can see only ten amounts and not all 20 ones.

20 is a fixed number.

How can I adjust the number of columns in the chart in order to show all 20 amounts?

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Reporting Services :: Show / Hide Multiple Columns In SSRS

Nov 3, 2015

I have a parameter "time frame" which contains two value- 6 months ,12 months an 18 months which shows data of 6 months , 12 months and 18 months.

In my ssrs report i have 18 columns :


The first six months will be displayed in each case.

But when i choose 6 months i just want to display first six months only.when i choose 12 months  i want to be displayed first 12 months columns only and for 18 months all the columns,.

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How Create Multiple Driildowns For All Columns In Table Using Ssrs Report

Dec 13, 2007

hai, iam new to ssrs please help me,

my report having 10 columns, i can explain my need with example that is, assume like this customer id is first column of my table customer id is 101 it having 3 departments a1,b1,c1,perticular department that is a1 having emp1,b1 having emp2,c1 having emp 3.

i want output like this when clicking + customer id driildwon it display 3 departments taht is a1,b1,c1, when +a1 drill down clicking i need to dispaly emp1, corresponding b1 to emp2 , c1 to emp 3.

above explanation is only one column of the table, like that iam also displaying this driiling procedure for remaining different columns.

and i need to display customer information by weekly,daily,monthly,yearly at bottom of the report

please give which logic used in creating format like above drilldown report which having multiple drilldowns for all columns in a table

if any body give procedure for creating fromat for drilldown report which having multiple drilldowns for all columns in a table is appriciate.



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Reporting Services :: Dynamically Add / Remove Columns - SSRS 2012

May 16, 2015

I have SSRS report that has around 80+ columns. I have requirement where in dynamically hideshow columns in report based on user selection. I could able to do it by setting expression for "Visiblity" property and having report parameter thro' which columns to display can be choosen.

My problem is 2 points

1. fox example if columns 2 and 4 to be hidden, then there is an empty column between 1 and 3 and 5 columns. How to avoid this

2. When i export to PDF / Excel these spaces prevail.

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Report Viewer Drilldown Oddity

May 22, 2007

I have two servers running the same report server project with the same webapplication front end.

Both instances of SQL are on SP2.

When I drilldown in the report viewer on server A, and click next page it returns to the parent report. (which obviously it should go to the next page of the current report) Sometimes this odd behavior happens and sometimes it doesn't.

However on server B, everything works fine.

Note: the installation on server A went a littly crazy. Am I missing a service pack that would have fixed this?

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Reports In Report Manager-drilldown

May 9, 2007

When runing a report in Report Manager I can click on an item and SQL Server provides the logic to drill down into the underlying tables. I can find no button to go back. The only way I've found to go back is to click a different tab at the top of the screen (History or something) then click View again and you get the original report. In designer there's a back button. Is there not such a button when running a saved report????


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Getting Top 10 In Drilldown Matrix Report - Grouped

Jun 14, 2007


I have a drilldown matrix report similar to the one below...state - drilldowns to sales person which lists the sales for a particular each state there are usually more than 10 names, however i would only like to see the TOP 10 name appear for the sale off that product

My SQL is as follows

SELECT Sales,Consultant, ProductNo, State, Sum(Value) As SumOfValue,

From tblSales
where productNo = 2000

ORDER BY SumOfValue Desc;

If I put in the select TOP 10 it returns only the top 10 for all the states however i need the top 10 off EACH state, is there a way to filter this..or better yet a sort button which will show the top 10 only.

Sales for product

NSW charlie brown 25

bob snow 20

william tell 10

....50 sales reps..etc

WA Charles manson 34

fiona apple 20

peter 1 ....more sales reps etc

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Challenging Drilldown/visibility Problem

May 12, 2008

I have a table with three group headers. I want the header row in the third section to be toggled by a textbox in the second header. This works as expected. However, there are times when there is no data in the third section. When this happens, the third section header row shows even though there is no data. I can also create an expression for the third section header's hidden property that looks for the existence of data, but then the toggle is deactivated. I need some way to say, "here's the toggle item. Show the header if there is data for it."

Any ideas are welcome.

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SQL 2012 :: SSRS - Force Report To Use Columns Returned From Stored Procedure?

Jul 10, 2015

I have a stored procedure which returns a result set as follows:

(Example data) "Some total name",1,2,3,4,5.....

The WV1, WV2, WV3 column names will be different depending on parameters passed to the stored procedure. In other words, the column names or number of columns aren't fixed (apart from "Total").

What I would like to be able to do is to just force SSRS to use the column headers supplied by the stored procedure as the column names in the report.

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Reporting Services :: SSRS - Display Dataset Fixed Row As Report Columns

Jun 18, 2015

We are planning to develop weekly report in SSRS.For this we wants each day as column & some expenses[Numeric figure in row]we have dataset like 



There are some other filters are there that i have applied in my report tablix property.

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Reporting Services :: SSRS - How To Hide Columns Based On Drill Down Level

Sep 10, 2015

I thought the built in expression Level() would show me be drill down level. I can't see to get that to work. I'd like to determine my drill down level so I can hide columns based on that.

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Reporting Services :: Develop SSRS Report Based On Grouping Of Certain Columns

Sep 1, 2015

I want to develop a ssrs report which is grouped by month?

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Reporting Services :: How To Limit Columns Per Page In SSRS Matrix Report

Oct 7, 2015

I have created the matrix report which has dynamic column, it grow columns(18) based on the 'MCU' field in PRD.MI table. I have added the 'MCU'(A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,...Q) on 'Columns' in matrix table, to create matrix report and I have added 'mcst' on 'Data' in matrix table and I have added the 'msp2' on 'Rows' in matrix table. I have created new column after row and I added USP2DS.Final output is as given below.I need the split the matrix column per page.

I have added the 'MCU' on "Column group and 'msp2' on Row group.

select mi.*, SUBSTR(SM.USP2DS,6,9)AS DESC from 
(SELECT a.mcu , a.msp2, SUM(a.mcst) AS Cost    
FROM PRD.MI as A                                    
WHERE a.myr=2015 and a.mpr=7                   
GROUP BY a.MCU, a.msp2                             
order by a.mcu, a.msp2 ) mi,                     

I have tried the below post, but I am not able achieve my output. [URL] ....

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Reporting Services :: Exporting Fixed Columns From SSRS For Use In Mainframe Data File

Jun 3, 2015

I need to be able to export a data file as flat file (.txt) with fixed columns for use by Mainframe.

I will be uploaded this file using the Windows File Share Option

Render Format does not have .txt, but does have a data feed option. So I will try that.

But, I do not see an option for fixed column width.

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