I am having an issue exporting a Code 39 barcode to pdf (works fine on RS and excel). Once in pdf it inserts white spaces between the bars to make it unreconizable. I have tried resizing, repositioning and different font sizes. SSRS and SQL are running on Windows Server 2003 Standard Edition Service Pack 1. Is there a hotfix out there for exporting EMF's to pdf's?
I'm using a free barcode font so i can create scannable tickets via reporting services 2k5. When I print the tickets, everything seems fine. But when i export to PDF though, it looks like the barcode font shrunk. All the lines are pulled together, making scanning impossible. Is there a certain setting or so that i can use to ensure the font's width ?
-Update- The weird thing is: when i export it inside visual studio, the barcode is shown as it is supposed to in the pdf !?
DTS 2000 had the option to export a package to a vb code module - which can be added to any vb environment (especially for better debuging and performance tuning)
Is there any equivalent functionality in SSIS? Store a package as .NET Code?
The following TSQL code will take a character string and perform the encoding that is necessary to generate a BARCODE 128 formatted string to be used with a BARCODE 128 font.declare @myString varchar(255) select @myString = 'BarCode 1'
-- Define the final holding place of our output string declare @finalArray varchar(255)
-- Define the variables that we'll need to be using declare @checksumTotal int declare @checksum int select @checksumTotal = 104; select @checksum = 0;
-- Start building our output select @finalArray = @startchar
-- Loop through our input variable and start pulling out stuff declare @position int declare @thisChar char(1) select @position = 1 while @position <= len(@myString) begin select @thisChar = substring(@myString, @position, 1) select @checksumTotal = @checksumTotal + (@position * (ascii(@thischar)-32)) select @finalArray = @finalArray + @thisChar select @position = @position + 1 end -- We've gone past the length now
-- Now we need to figure out and add the checksum character select @checksum = @checksumTotal % 103 if @checksum = 0 select @finalArray = @finalArray + @spacechar else -- Barcorde array assumes 0 as initial offset so we need to add 1 to checksum select @finalArray = @finalArray + substring(@asciiString, @checksum+1, 1) -- Now we append the stop character select @finalArray = @finalArray + @stopchar
-- The @final Array represents the barcode encoded string select @finalArray
Hope it helps, Dalton
Blessings aren't so much a matter of "if they come" but "are you noticing them."
I'm working on a final project for school. It is a warehouse application. For this application I will need to generate a barcode. I have read some articles online and found out that I could use the code 39 barcode font.
I just don't fully understand how to generate the unique barcode. Could someone please help me? I also would like to store the barcodes in a sql server table. Could I use reports to print the barcode?
I've created an rdl and already deployed it on the report server, when I render the report to excel, I've noticed some problems regarding the header/footer, I've noticed that after the rendering process, SSRS put an extra character (space) before the left header/footer.
Please help me on how am I going to solve this problem, or any workaround on how to solve this.
I have a report deployed in the reportserver. I want to make and windows application on which if i click the button it saves the particular report in a specified format.
The input to the windows application can be Name of report, File Location where to save the report nad teh file extension...
The application can be an windows form application...
Can someone please tell me how can I export a SSRS 2005 report into XML format. I want to compare multiple reports so I want to dump them in XML format. Also, will the data be available in the XML file? Kindly point me to some resource.
I created a report with multiple line per group and detail. When I export the report to Excel it expands all of the drill downs. Report with a single group and detail line exports to Excel and shows the drill downs for you to either expand or collapse. Is there a way to have multiple group and / or details and have Excel show the drill downs?
hi friends i am new to working in crystal reports in my application i want to display barcode in crystal reports. i was totally confused in this. can u help me..........
Hello all. I need to build a barcode and stuff it in a image control at runtime in SRS. I have the code at it works perfect for webforms etc but not in the actual SRS report itself. In SRS I put the code in the report properties code but it blows up on bitmap, graphics etc so I added the system.drawing and system.drawing.imaging namespace and it still fails with the same error. I'm certain there is a simple fix for this and would greatly appreciate anyones assistance in making this happen.
There is an error on line 15 of custom code: [BC30002] Type 'Bitmap' is not defined.
Dim ValidCodes As String = "17401644163811761164110012241220112416081604157214361244123014841260125416501628161417641652190218681836183018921844184217521734159013041112109414161128112216721576157014641422113414961478114219101678158217681762177418801862181418961890181819141602193013281292120011581068106214241412123212181076107415541616197815561146134012121182150812681266195619401938175817821974140013101118151215061960195415021518188619661724168016926379"
Dim Digit As Integer = 104
Dim i As Integer
For i = 1 To input.Length
Digit += (i * InStr(1, ValidInput, Mid(input, i, 1)))
Hi All, can some body help me out ????? Requirement: i want to export a complete database into an excel file... i can do this from wizard available in sql server 2000/2005 (DTS Export/Import wizard). but i need to do it through an application (windows or web).... and i also want to import the same excel file on single button click... can some body help me out
When I Export SSRS report into Excel , all the Numeric data type field in SSRS reports are converted Text Type. when i used other function except formatcurrency so it's works!!
But it's doesn't work when used formatcurrency function!!! Any solution ?
I am trying to export a report from sql server reporting services in a csv format, but I do not want the text qualified with quotations. Is there any way to do this?
Is there a document/technical article/white paper, basically, some information as to what can be exported into a particular format and what cannot be.
I have a report which is fine when exporting to Excel but doesnt export to XML or CSV. All I get in XML or CSV is just a heading. I am thinking, may be its not right to export that report into XML or CSV formats.
Has this happened to anybody before? Any advise is appreciated.
When the SSRS report exported to CSV file, all the column headers are added in the first row. The issue here is, I have hidden( thru Visibility property) some of the columns in the report but those columns are also displayed in the header row(first row)CSV file and the blank values for their corresponding data.for example, I have displayed only below 3 columns out of 6 columns in the report.col1, col2, col3but the CSV generated as below:
A Patricular Report which i need to export to excel, does not export at all. Run for Hours together and i have kill it atlast. It is trying to export more than 1 Lac records. That is reason i am using Office 2007 because it has more than 1 Lac records. Still i am not able to export the report.
HI all, I am having a problem while trying to create a list item through SSRS.The scenario:I have created a SSRS report which has custom code. the report has some parameters. The code accepts the parameters and tries to create a list item in moss. I have added the required references. This works fine as long as I work in VISUAL STUDIO IDE. When I deploy the report to report server it throws an error in the code.Can anybody help me in this...?Regards...
I am trying to encode the barcode on the reporting service using SQL server 2005, they told me it is possible to maintain the barcode on exported excel sheet, however, I did not find the barcode on it, only squre black image.
Ok, so I have a report that is generating product labels on a standard mailing lable sheet (30 of them on a 8.5X11 sheet of stock). The whole process works just fine even the printing of the bar codes when I am printing the lables from VS2005's Preview function. However, when I moved the report to our reports server and run the same report, the barcodes don't print out. I have checked, and the barcode font has been installed on the server.
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks! - Eric-
I built a packaage in SSIS with the import/export utility. It created a Package.dtsx and Package1.dtsx. Both of these files seem to be XML files. I want to understand how these files work. For example, in the package I built I had about 80 tables exporting and importing data. Some of them I want to allow the identiy insert and delete the rows first. Others I want to append the data. How can I find the code or settings that does this? Or where can I find the options on the gui interface to change these settings. When I search the code I can't even find a some of the tables that are being transferred.
I have created a report in SQL Server 2005 Reporting Services. After I export it to Excel format, if I try to print it (Hardcopy), my Excel crashes. It shows an error and shut down. I'm using Excel 2000. It even shows me same error when I click on "Print Preview", in Excel.
Everytime I try to print the excel worksheet, a window pops up with the heading "Visual Studio Just-in-Time Debugger". The error is: "An unhandled win32 exception occurred in EXCEL.EXE [3460]".
We are using the SSRS 2005 for developing reports. In that I have some problems/doubts.
My problems are: I developed / designed the report using the SSRS 2005. And I uploaded the reports in to the report server. I can able to view the reports in the preview section as well thro the browser.
Problem 1: Reports are having the huge amount of data (For: report is having > 800 Pages). So, when ever I am trying to export in to EXCEL that time I am getting MemoryOutOfException. If I having the less number of pages that time I getting the result. How I can export the report into excel with out MemoryOutOfException.
Problem 2: Some Excel sheets are having more data for ex: 75000. In EXCEL it self we are having the limitation we can not create more than 65536 rows per sheet. So If I want to export these 75000 records into excel how I do it.
Problem 3: For delivering the reports I am using file share subscription method in SSRS. For example my reports are having the huge amount of data. That time I getting the following status in report server €œFailure writing file Weekly Install Base Report @timestamp: An error occurred during rendering of the report.€?"
Software Platform: 1. SQL Server Reporting Services 2005 2. SQL Server 2000 Data base 3. Microsoft Office 2003
I am creating an application where I need to export the reportviewer data into formatted excel sheet.
Ex excel sheet should have formatting-
1-Column width set to 8.3 2-Wrap text turned OFF 3-Left Justify all fields 4-Landscape default for orientation.
If I apply these formatting into the .rdl files then it is going to be applicable for all other formats like csv,xml etc but I don't want to apply these fomatting except the excel report.
I think if I can trap any event when export button is clicked when excel is selected from dropdown menu then it is going to solve the problem a little bit.
When I try to connect through SQL Server Management Studio, the browser in the connect dialog can see the Reporting Services 2005 instance, but when I try to connect, I get an error dialog with the message, "An Unknown error has occured in WMI provider. error code 80040219."
it gives me no options for which instance to access and connects to the default instance. How do I connect to a 2nd named instance of SSRS via Management Studio?
i must use 2 different instance. (ex : 1) default instance 2) named instance) on the same physical server. physical server os is cluster. so i cant't remove one instance.
How can use 2 instance of SSRS via Management Studio?
I have to find the latest file in a folder and export data to a table in sql server. The code should be something that has to be incorporated into a t-sql stored procedure.
The file name would for example abc_defYYYYMMDD.xls. would i be able to find the latest file in the folder using the the datestamp (YYYYMMDD) in the filename.
Please note i would have files in other format and names with datestamp attached to it, so the code has to pick specific file for which the file name starts with 'abc_def'
SSRS report exporting to pdf generates this errorÂ
<detail><ErrorCode xmlns="http://www.microsoft.com/sql/reportingservices">rrRenderingError</ErrorCode><HttpStatus xmlns="http://www.microsoft.com/sql/reportingservices">400</HttpStatus><Message xmlns="http://www.microsoft.com/sql/reportingservices">An error occurred during rendering of the report.</Message><HelpLink xmlns="http://www.microsoft.com/sql/reportingservices">http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=20476&EvtSrc=Microsoft.ReportingServices.Diagnostics.Utilities.ErrorStrings&EvtID=rrRenderingError&ProdName=Microsoft%20SQL%20Server%20Reporting%20Services&ProdVer=11.0.5343.0</HelpLink><ProductName