Does anybody know of a way to force SSRS to render a report with no page breaks at all? And better yet, to render as such but export using breaks (I know, thats asking a lot but the first part seems to be a reasonable request)
I have 1 report that renders a lot of data with no page breaks and cannot find a SINGLE property difference from the reports that do break...
I am having trouble setting conditional page breaks to my reports.
i.e... I am having a report where I need to allow user the option to set page break between a group or not.
Based upon the option selected by the user, I need to add page break to the report. I tried with all possibilities inside Sort and Group dialog box, but could not figure out how to toggle the option at runtime.
Does anyone know how to implement page breaks on runtime? Help me plzzzz!! I really need this to be done€¦Thanx in advance for any help..
I have several nested sub-total groups that are all coded to "page break at end". I don't know how to tell RS to suppress the page break if one sub-total immediately follows another. The initial HTML output seems to be smart enough to do this suppression on its own, but when I export to PDF, all the page breaks appear. This causes several pages at the end of the report with one line per page. Perhaps, if I could explicitly suppress these page breaks, the PDF would render properly. How can I do this?
Fit an intere table in same page without page break for save the excel export.
My table has a Group for order my dates.
I need to have the intere table in the same page, i don't care about blank space at the end of the page.
I can't use the page break beacuse i need an excel export in a unique sheet.. I have tested.. every page'll have a different sheet in your excel export
I want to get this straight, and so far it's not really working the way I want. So, here it is.
I got a table with multiple groups (3 grouping, Manager, Sale Type and Product Type). I want the Manager name being shown on every new page (which I enabled using the "Repeat on new page" property). This works fine so far. Then, I want that every time I have a new "Sale Type", it's on a new page.
This is where it gets hard. I can't get it to work the way I want.
If I set the group 2 with a "Page Break At Start", the first page of my report is blank (which is kind of logical looking at the property name). Same thing goes with "Page Break At End", but the last page is blank.
Is there any way to just have a table grouped without any blank page? Can I dynamicaly disable page breaks if it is the last page / first page of the report?
Here's what I want:
Manager: Some guy Sale Type - Normal Product - Mitsubishi Lancer [some report detail goes here ...]
Page 1/2 ** PAGE BREAK **
Manager: Some guy Sale Type - Rent Product - Honda Civic [some report detail goes here ...]
I have a report with multiple data regions. Each region has its own dataset potentially. I want each region to appear on its own page. Sometime I get a page break where I want it and in other instances within the same report, the breaks are ignored and 2 regions will appear on the same page. I tried imbedding the data regions in rectangles and setting the page break on the rectangle but this doesn't seem to help. There doesn't seem to be any predictable pattern. Any ideas?
I'm having a bit of an issue with a report that I've been working on for the last several days. The report is set up to use a table to print out information grouped by customer, with each customer's information showing up on a new page. This is all fine and well, but it seems that the table is generating page breaks after each row; in other words, since the table has twelve rows (10 group header rows, one details row, and one group footer row), twelve pages get printed, with the data from each row showing up at the top of the page, and nothing else.
The odd thing seems to be this: when I turn off page breaks (initally set to occur at the end of each group), it continues to insert these breaks, as long as the details row forces the group footer onto another page. This doesn't happen every time the report is generated. Short of getting into the XML that makes up the report definition, I've tried every trick I can think of to get this to stop.
Any suggestions?
Edit: I should also mention that the report previews just fine, but only spits out the 12+ pages when printed or exported.
I have a sales report which is grouped by customer with a total for each customer and then a new page afterwards for the next customer - this works great however I am trying to put a grand total on (all customers) - this is appearing on a seperate page!!! - on crystal I used to put this field in the summary section, so it would appear on the bottom of the last page, has anyone got any ideas??????
I have SSRS 2000, and am trying to render a report in Excel. My report has a table, and in the properties section of the table I have the PageBreakAtEnd set to True. When I run the report and export to Excel, I get one long report, and no different sheets as expected. If I export to PDF I don't get the page breaks after the table as expected. What have I done wrong?
I face the following problem. I have a report with a list and under that list i have a table and a chart that sums the values from the dataset. In my list properties i have set that their should be a page break after the list (meaning that my table and chart should start a new page). In my listgroup properties is hava also set a page break after each group.
Now when i preview my report in visual studio, the groupdetails are displayed in one page and the summed table and chart are on a second page. when i do a print preview, i get 3 pages but my sum table is on the second page under the last groupdetail and the chart is 3rth page. When i publish my report on the reportserver and i do the same through my browser, i get the same error. Why doesn"t the page break after each group doesn't work ? Why does the page break after the list doesn't work ? is this a bug ? Is there a way to set a pagebreak manually on the report for example in a hidden textbox ???
can any one tell how to force a page break for rdl files dynamically.I mean the page break should appear at constant height in every page,if we include the page break at group level or table level then scrolling appers in can we force a page break based on report page height so that if records are present or not page break should be down it should not shrink to top.
I have found "as have many others" that when adding dynamic visibility " tosub_reports and tables etc" to SSRS reports then pagebreaks are switched off. Has anyone found a workaround for this? Or am I doing something wrong
My report has one page per record grouped on an id. Each record has possible additonal information in another table which if present I would like to show on a new page. I can get this to work ok by just appending a subreport to the report based on the value of a report parameter, however this does not meet the requirement. I need to have the subreport on a new page for each record.
I have 2 tables that I have set to PageBreakOnStart. They have conditional visibility. What I am seeing is that if i put an item in ToggleItem, the page break functionality does not work anymore.
Is this by design? I would have expected the page break to be there if the item is visible, and not if it is hidden.
I'm using Rpt Svc in SQL 2000. I have a report that uses a table data region. Is there a way to control placement of vertical page breaks? As in when the page is just too wide to print on a single sheet of paper.
I searched the forum, but I was unable to find an answer to this. What I want to do is remove the page breaks (horizontal lines) from the web archive, but I've been unable to find anything on the internet about it.
Does anyone have any advice/suggestions? Thanks in advance.
I am new to reporting services and had a couple questions regarding the formatting of my reports.
First- I have a matrix report that needs to be sorted in both ascending and descending order by Total Buys for each Title. I have inserted a subtotal for Buys in the report Layout but I cannot get the report to sort by this Total, only by the name of the Title. Is there an advanced sorting option I am missing?
Second- My matrix reports generate on hundreds of pages and I would like them to generate on as few pages as possible to make viewing the reports easier. I have made sure to turn off page breaks in every category but this does not seem to have any effect. How else should I go about eliminating these page breaks?
Any help would be greatly appreciated, thanks in advance.
When viewing reports in Report Manager, I can't keep a consistent view. Some reports are on several pages, requiring the move to the next page, and some just appear as one long report to scroll down through. I cannot find any difference in the reports to indicate what causes that. I had posted this question before, and thought I had found the answer (moving info out of the table header and putting it in a group header) that only worked on one occasion and I still have inconsistent reports. Does anyone have an idea why this is happening?
I don't have page breaks set on any groups in these reports, at least none that I am aware of. I have checked one against the other to see if I can find any difference, but nothing as yet.
Are groups within a list or table forced to be kept on the same page (if possible)? If so, is there any way around this?
My problem is a report with a list with 3 tables inside the list. All tables show details associated with the grouped individual. The size of one list item can be slightly smaller than half a page or over. When the report can not fit two list items on one page, it starts a new page and leaves unwanted white space.
I have tried:
adding a rectangle adjusting width, margins, etc. not using lists, only tables nested within tables to check for page breaks, I adjusted the page size to 8.5 X 20. Same thing occurs, as many lists as possible on one page without splitting between pages.Thanks for any guidance.
I have a report with 5-6 tables showing different summary information. These are set up to all go one after another and there are no page breaks. The only instance I would like a page break is if a table content is getting split cross pages. Is there a way for me to specify that a table will be on a new page if it is broken accross multiple pages?
(This is due to Row growth, not column growth) (KeepTogether is set to true)
I have set the Interactive Height in my SQL report to 11 inches. I have also set a page break to occur after each table group in my report. When I run the report in SQL Reporting Services (or in Visual Studio 2005) the only page breaks that occur are the ones after each group. The Interactive Height setting is not causing page breaks. The first group in my report prints out as 4 pages but is showing up on the html screen as 1 long page. The first page break finally occurs at the end of the first group.
How can I get the Interactive Height to force page breaks within each of my groups? I am using SQL Reporting Services 2005.
I have a report with a single table, single grouping level, single data set and no sub-reports. It has 3 rows for a grouping header and 3 rows per dataset row of detail. The detail rows are initially hidden and can be expanded by clicking on the header +. Its a fairly standard master-detail report.
Regardless of data size, I get NO page breaks in HTML. I have the Interactive size set to 8.5x11, KeepTogether is set to False, and PageBreakAtEnd is set to False. I would like it to break based on the visible grouping rows.
As it is now, everytime you expand any section, it takes forever to reload for a larger recordset.
I know that "HTML renderer and Preview (which are soft page break renderers) will ignore page breaks of conditionally hidden items and their children.", but how do I get this report to page break?? I've seen a lot of posts on this, but none that seem to have an answer.
I have a report that has a Parameter called "LevelOfDetail" This has 2 possible values "Summary, Detail, or Combined".
The report has a Summary Section and a subreport that holds the details. WIthin the summary section is a Matrix (a list of all properties and some values)
If they choose to see the details, the matrix in the details section will show a break out of all this information summarized in the summary section.
The Details Matrix is set to have a page break at the beginning and end of the top level group.
I have a list control on the summary page that contains the details subreport and passes the appropriate parameter.
Everything works the way I want until I try to set visibility on sub report.
Once I set the conditional visibility of the report objects (based on the Level of Detail parameter) the page breaks are not recognized.
This is important as the user will never print the report, but will be downloading to Excel.
If the page breaks work correctly, each page is assigned a different worksheet in their downloaded workbook.
Currently I'm working on a few SSRS reports which will be exported to CSV.
In some of the fields e.g. "Description" the data can contain carriage return and line feed characters (CR LF). SO when that happens the csv export breaks the line and rest of the data from that fields goes into the net line. This creates a few undesirable line breaks.
I can always replace these characters from that fields.
Is there a way I keep those characters in the field and still my csv export come up fine.
I am storing formatted data (including spaces and line breaks) in a single field in a table. When I run a report on that field, the preview of the report is automatically removing all the extra spaces and line breaks, making the report unreadable. When exporting the report to PDF or printing it, it shows the line breaks and spaces as expected.
Does anyone know how to make the report preview show the spaces and line breaks?
Hi All, In my SSRS report. I have a report which has only one page. In preview it is showing as only 1 page but when I am printing the report. I am getting two printouts with the second page as a blank.. Please help me in printing the page that contains report. Intially I used a Page header, at that it used to print the blank page with a header only. Now as I removed the header it is printing the page without header i.e Blank Page.. So please help me in prinitng a single page that has the report. It is urgent,..
I have seen some forums on SSRS page footer which is data bound. The procedure is as follow: a hidden text box is put into the body of the page...which can be data bound.. than a textbox is placed in the footer, which is linked to the hidden text box in the body. This is a good solution to this problem.. but the is 1 major problem I am facing. I render the report to PDF. But the result is that the databound footer shows up only on the last page. I need it to be seen on all the pages.. Can someone tell me how to solve this problem?
Is there any way to control this scenario, I know trick to put 10 on each row ,but I need to split them unevenly, 10 on first page and the rest on second page. is it possible ?
I must be missing a check box somewhere........ I simply added a group to a report and need to do a "Page Break Before" each group. I found the check box to do that, and the report works as expected, BUT I get a blank fist page. So how do I prevent a "page break" on the "first time through"?
By default in ssrs there are some fixed records..per page.......i mean each page contains (n) no of records.........per page..........?I want to display 100 records per page...for this what can i do ..please suggest .......
I've been looking for a way to apply a page break in my report and I've read a few of the solutions presented in the forum. However, to my understanding, they are only applicable to SSRS 2005. Is there a similar hack around the problem for 2003?
I am using three groups in my report on a table. The option "page break at end" is checked in all three groups. It is working fine as for report output is concerned but in print preview it generates extra pages. In print preview page break gets occured at every group regardless of the fact that group break occurs or not. As a result, it is generating extra pages. please help me out