SSRS And Oracle's Star Transformation Query

Apr 30, 2008

So this has got to be considered a major, major flaw in how SSRS interacts with Oracle. I'm using the "Oracle" data provider, but I've also tried using Microsoft's OLE DB data source, and some others, and in no case does SSRS hand off to Oracle a query that does NOT have bind variables. In other words, typically query parameters get passed off to Oracle as bind variables.

The incredibly major problem that this causes is that it disallows Oracle's use of star transformation queries which is the primary method by which to get fast responses to a data warehouse/star schema, in fact a prime authority on this subject (Bert Scalzo, Oracle DBA Guide to Data Warehouse and Star Schemas, p.86 -- obvioulsy not using Oracle 7x was the first) lists it as in effect the #1 consideration.

So what gives? In effect SSRS cannot be used against large scale Oracle data warehouses? I've had success with Business Objects being able to access Oracle star transformations.

So a guess my question is how the heck can use SSRS in a big, Oracle-based data warehouse?

For star_transformation join plans, the following parameters must also be considered: ... No BIND VARIABLE in SELECT statement
Star transformation is not supported for tables with any of the following characteristics:
* Queries that contain bind variables

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Problem In SCD Transformation Using Oracle DataBase

Sep 25, 2006

I am using SCD Transformation my source & destination is oracle database .while doing insert or update I am getting the following error.
Does SCD support Oracle ?

[Slowly Changing Dimension [58]] Error: An OLE DB error has occurred. Error code: 0x80040E5D. An OLE DB record is available. Source: "Microsoft OLE DB Provider for Oracle" Hresult: 0x80040E5D Description: "Parameter name is unrecognized.".

please anyone help on this. Parameter name is unrecognized means What exactly we can do.

Thanks & Regards,


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Lookup Transformation Fails On Oracle

May 28, 2007


I am trying to use a lookup in a package and check for some conditions. On the advanced tab, I am trying to modify the condition from = to <=. But the same doesnt work when the target is on oracle, but the same works fine on SQL Server and DB2.

Any idea regarding the same?


Manish Singh

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Transformation From 10 Views Oracle To Sql Server

Dec 19, 2006

I have to come up with a SSIS package to tranform data from oracle database to our sql server database. This oracle db is managed by a third party , I have been given 10 views from oracle so I can extarct information I need. How should I design my SSIS package? Do I have to have 10 different data flows or there is an eaier way to run my 10 select statements from these views?

Is there any article that can give me some ideas on how to design SSIS packages to extract information from oracle?

Thanks a lot

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Oracle 7.3 And SSRS

Oct 31, 2007

I am wokring on HP9000 system which uses Oracle 7.3 version on it. I am creating a Procedure to get the results as a REF cursor as suugested by this articale

If I select Oracle as a datasource unfortunately I am getting this message " System.Data.OracleClient requires Oracle client software version 8.1.7 or greater" and if I select ODBC as a datasource and trying to connect I am getting this message " ERROR [42000][Oracle][ODBC][Ora]Ora-00900: invalid SQL Statement (SQLORA32.DLL)".

I created this procedure in side a package and I am calling it as Package.ProcedureName

example: "UnAllocatedSSN.UnAllocatedMembersList "

Please help. Deepak

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SSRS &&amp; Oracle

Apr 2, 2008

Is it possible to use SSRS if my backend database server is Oracle server. If possible what will be the settings for data source.

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SSRS Oracle Connection

Apr 18, 2007


We are trying to change our current SSRS reports to point to an Oracle 10g database. I can connect to the Oracle db from the report server via the ODBC Administrator and also through the BI 2005 studio. The connections work fine. However, when I publish the reports and try to run them from the web I always get a connection error. When I use the oracle connection it acts as if it doesn't see the oracle client and when I use ODBC it throws a werid 114 error.

Is there anything I am missing? I just don't understand why the report will work in BI Studio, but not when it is published (on the same machine)?

Any thoughts?


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SSRS Reports With Oracle DB--some One Plz Help Me.

Nov 21, 2007

Hi Guys,
I am creating SSRS report using Oracle DB. When i run this query in TOAD, it's giving output but when i run this in SSRS to create new dataset then it is giving me ORA -01008:not all variables bound(Microsoft OLE DB provider for Oracle).

This is the query iam running.

SELECT ts.transaction_status_desc, COUNT (ut.transaction_id) AS transcount
FROM dsc_transaction_status_vl ts,
dsc_user_transaction ut,
billing_markets bm,
retail_location rl,
cash_register cr
WHERE ts.transaction_status = ut.transaction_status
AND ut.cr_number = cr.cr_number
AND cr.rl_number = rl.rl_number
AND rl.bm_code = bm.bm_code
AND (ut.creation_date BETWEEN tartDate AND :EndDate)
AND bm.bm_name IN
(CASE (:Market)
WHEN 'LA' THEN ('PAC Los Angeles')
WHEN 'CAR' THEN ('Carolinas')

I am passing 3 parameters: StartDate, EndDate and Market.
we have 3 markets and each market includes some cities. Cities are in BM_NAME column.
My Question is that
1) How to pass parameters for Oracle using SSRS
2) How to resolve this error: ORA -01008:not all variables bound(Microsoft OLE DB provider for Oracle)
3)How can i write Stored Procedure for this query & How to execute SP in SSRS.

Please reply me. Thanks in advance.


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Need Help With SSRS 2005 Report Using Oracle 9i Db

Jan 18, 2008

We have been, successfully, using SSRS 2005 with SQL databases. Now are trying to do create SSRS 2005 reports using an Oracle database. What components do I need to install on our SSRS 2005 server to successfully render a report, in a web browser, using an Oracle 9i database. Any help would be appreciated.

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Connecting SSRS With The Oracle Database

Nov 20, 2007

Hi all,
I need to connect with the Oracle Database for the Reports application. But i am unable to do the same. I am getting errors like ORA-12514,ORA-06401 while trying it.
(1) Please tell me about any extra settings need to be done in the listener.ora,tnsnames.ora for getting SSRS connected with the Oracle DB.
(2) Tell me the format of the connection string to be used for the connection with the Oracle database.
(3) Also which datasource has to used.. Oracle / Microsft OLEDB provider for Oracle for the Same.

Please help me with these issues.

With Thanks

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Problem Using Oracle Data Source From SSRS

Sep 3, 2007

I'm new to SSRS but have a problem connecting to Oracle. I have placed my reports upon a reporting server but the shared data connection isn't working and I'm confused as to why. I have specified the name, connection type as "Oracle", set the correct user id and password for the credentials and the connection string as for example 'Data Source=oracleExample;Unicode="True"'. I also have set the correct entry in the tnsnames.ora file for this datasource, example:
"oracleExample =
(SID = oracle)
Unfortunately I receive the following error when trying to connect.
An error has occurred during report processing.
Cannot create a connection to data source 'oracleDataSource'.
For more information about this error navigate to the report server on the local server machine, or enable remote errors
I'm mystified as to what the issue is. Any ideas? Would restarting the report server pick up the tnsnames.ora file? I have this working locally using report designer.
Any help, much appreciated.

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SSRS 2005 Connecting To Oracle Problem

Feb 29, 2008

I'm using Reporting Services 2005 and I can view the report in Visual Studio using the preview tab. After I deploy the report and datasource, when I try to view the report on the report server is says that I must have Oracle Client version 8.xx or higher.

I have the same Oracle Client Version on my local machine and the Report Server with the same DataSource name set up for Oracle on both machines.

Any ideas why this would work on my local machine but not the Report Server?

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ODP.Net Vs. Microsoft Oracle Data Provider In SSRS

Oct 9, 2007

Which one is better to use? Is there a significant difference between the two?

Does someone have the directions to add ODP.Net to my database connections list in SSRS?


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Using SSRS 2005 With Oracle Database - Please Response

Nov 20, 2007

Will like to get some feedback regarding SSRS 2005 with Oracle Database.
Please advice pros and cons..
Thanks in advance and if anyone in such environment is here please respond.
Seems oracle discoverer is useless

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Using SSRS With An ODBC Data Source (Oracle RDB)

Feb 12, 2008

I'm attempting to use SSRS (2005) with my Oracle RDB database (old DEC RDB), using an ODBC driver. I am able to create a report, and view data, but I need to add some report parameters to filter the data. When I attempt to use parameters in the query, I either get a syntax error, or a message that my odbc connection cannot use "named" parameters, and that I should use "unnamed" parameters.

Here is a snippet of my sql query:

SELECT Application_Notes.Lease_Application, Application_Notes.Followup_Code,

Application_Notes Join

(Application_Notes.Tickler_date >= {ts '2008-02-08 00:00:00'} AND

Application_Notes.Tickler_Date < {ts '2008-02-09 00:00:00'} )

The "Tickler_Date" field is a binary date field. The above syntax is pulled from a Crystal Report, which I am considering moving over to SSRS. Ideally, I would like the user to enter a single RunDate parameter, and have the query do the following:

Where (Application_Notes.Tickler_Date >= @RunDate and
Application_Notes.Tickler_Date < (@RunDate + 1 day) )

If the user has to enter two dates, that will be fine, but I can't seem to get past the errors.



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Using Star Schema

Dec 27, 2004


I have tried the following out and would appreciate feedback from experienced users regarding if the following is a good/bad approach:

After bring all the data in my Data Mart, I have created a view which has all the data in a big flat table (totally unnormalized). Then based on this BIG FLAT UNNORMALIZED VIEW :) I have created my various dimensions using the 1st option i.e. Star Schema.

Based on the little testing that I have done, I seem to be getting the correct results across various dimensions... However, can someone kindly comment on this approach and the pros/cons.


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SSRS 2005 Not Closing Open Cusors In Oracle 9i

Aug 16, 2006

The shared data sources in our reports are calling stored procedures in Oracle 9i that return data in out ref cursors. We are creating a bunch of snapshots (about 1400 of them) programatically using the Reporting Services Web Service method CreateReportHistorySnapshot. This works greate but we quickly got the Oracle error "ORA-01000 Maximum open cursors exceeded". The maximum number of cursors is currently set to 1500.

Increasing the number of cursors is not a good idea because we have a subreport that executes an Oracle stored proc for each row in the main report and that would be a cursor for each row which would be about 5500 cursors in additon to the cursors we need for all the other snapshots being produced.

We need to find a way inside of Reporting Services 2005 to explicitly close these open Oracle cursors.

Any ideas out there?

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Reporting Services :: How To Execute Oracle 12c Procedures From SSRS

Oct 8, 2015

I am trying to generate a report using  SSRS ( SQL server 2012 & Visual studio 2013).  when I try to execute stored procedures I am getting below error. Below are the details of enviroment.

1. SQl serverr 2012
2.Oracle 12c client
3.Oracle Server 12c
4.Visual studio 2013


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Star Model Question

Oct 13, 2000

My clients are not intersted in using Auto generated keys. They are
also get data from many sources they would like to use something like
customerID. Dose anybody know of any reason why we should not do that?
Also they are concern about sql server not being able to handle the datawarehouse in future because they are expecting it to grow in terabites.
Dose anyone have advice on that?
I was thinking of putting the fact table on a different file group don't if it will help.

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Populate Star Schema By DTS

Dec 18, 2002

does any one know how to built a star schema by DTS:confused:

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SQL Query Transformation

Mar 5, 2007

I am importing user id's from CSV file into my Database. The source user id is of 4 character long and the destination user_id field is of 100 varchar. I just query the data so that i wan'a check that is said user id is already exist in the database or not . So i got this error. Read the script and error below
'************************************************* *********************
' Visual Basic Transformation Script
'************************************************* ***********************

' Copy each source column to the destination column
Function Main()

DIM v_user_id,rs, ConStr,sql
set rs = CreateObject("Adodb.Recordset")
set con = CreateObject("Adodb.Connection")

ConStr = "Provider=SQLOLEDB;Server=;Database=tes tkaanza;uid=sa;pwd=sa"
v_user_id = DTSSource("Col001") "Select user_id from tbl_gc_user_hdr where user_id = " + v_user_id,ConStr,0,1

if Not rs.eof then
MsgBox "Record Found"
MsgBox "Record Not Found"
end if
End Function

i got error from this line : "Select user_id from tbl_gc_user_hdr where user_id = " + v_user_id,ConStr,0,1

Error message :

Error Source: Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server
Error Description:The conversion of the varchar value '1000015151910165' overflowed an int column. Maximum integer value exceeded.
Error Help File:
Error Help Context ID:0

Thank you in advance

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Datawarehouse Star Model Question

Oct 11, 2000

I am re-engineering the data warehouse and my client is currently using autogenerate keys, their concern is that after a certain amount of keys (can't remember the figure) sql server starts having problems, dose anyone know how i should handle it when i am doing the designing?
thanks any input will be appreciated

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Star Schemma - Distributed Transaction

Nov 23, 2007

I'm designing a DW, and i have some doubts relative to the Distributed Transaction when modeling a star schemma.

My problem is: I have a main dtsx package in wich i call all the child packages in order to create the (Fact and Dimension Tables).

(1) First i have several child packages that create and populate all the Dimension Tables (with the latest values from the relational DB).

(2)Then i have several child packages that create all the fact tables, in this process i use the surrogate keys from the dimension tables (obtained in step 1).

The problem here is , " How do i use the multiple transaction ?" , if i put a "required" Transaction Option on the parent package, then after calling the child packages that creates the dimension tables. The values are not commited, so they are not available when i later execute the childs packages related with the fact tables.

How can i use transaction when modelling a star schemma, in order to have a full roll back or a full commit in all tables (Dimensions and Fact Tables).


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Query Transformation - PIVOT

Dec 4, 2007

I have a table with following structure:
ProductID OrderType Value
1001 BaseSales 2000
1001 Incremental 1000
1001 TotalSales 3000
1002 BaseSales 2002
1002 Incremental 1003
1002 TotalSales 3005

I would like to get the data in following format:
ProductID BaseSales Incremental TotalSales
1001 2000 1000 3000
1002 2002 1003 3005

Thanks for any help


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Does A Synchronous Transformation Process All Rows In A Buffer Before Outputting To Next Transformation?

Jun 5, 2006


If you have two synchronous transformation components and the input of the second is connected to the output of the first, does the first transformation process (loop through) all rows in the buffer before outputting these rows to the second transformation? Or does the first transformation output each individual row to the second transormation as soon as it has finished processing it?

Thanks in advance,

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Integration Services :: Difference Between Audit Transformation And Row-count Transformation?

Apr 22, 2015

tell me the difference between Audit transformation and rowcount transformation.

Because audit and rowcount transformation will provide the environment variables.

Only difference i am finding is rowcount returns the count of rows its updating .

Apart from these is there any other difference?

Tell me the scenario where i need to use the audit transformation.

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Select Specific Column In Front Of Star

Jul 8, 2014

In SQL Server I can select a specific column in from of * like so:

select test_column_1,* from testtable1

I've been googling around and cannot seem to be able to find a definitive answer.

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Pointers To The Best Documentation On Star Joins And The Optimiser

May 16, 2007

Hi All,

we are just starting to do some testing on sql server EE with dimensional models.....we have had one or two problems we have been able to solve using the new peformance dashboards etc.

However, as is inevitable, we are seeing strange behaviour of a a star join it seems to be doing an eager spool and trying to spool the entire fact table to tempdb....hhmmm....

Rather than ask one question at a time.....we have DBAs who went to classes etc at MSFT and the client is some level of MSFT partner.

Could anyone point me to the best documentation for understanding the optimiser and how to influence it to get it to do the right thing in optimising plans for star joins?



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Query Merging/ Query Transformation ???

Sep 22, 2004


Can someone plz refer/recommend any document on query merging? I am working on a database sever. The response time, of view's query has become a challange to me. I have tried everything, the last hope left is query merging.
But I didnt find any docs/papers/books on it.

Plz help.
Are there those,
In this world of brave,
Who can tell me,
How should I behave,
When I am disgraced.

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Parameters For Lookup Transformation Query!

Aug 2, 2007

Hi Gurus,
I have a Dataflow Task which has an OLE DB Source calling a SP with parameters (?, ?). Then this OLE DB Source is conencted to a Lookup Transform which also calls a SP but on a different database. I am unable to figure out how to pass parameters in a Look up Transform.
In the 'Use Results of an SQL Query' pane of Lookup Transform:

Code SnippetEXEC GetMonthlyDataExtract 4, 2007

( I am passing month and year values) this works ok.

But when I chage to

Code SnippetEXEC GetMonthlyDataExtract ?, ?

It says EXEC not supported. Also I can not figure out how to configure parameters since 'Reference Table' Tab of the Lookup Transform does not have any option where we can attach variables to parameters.
Also I am interested to map parameters to variables not to input columns.
If mention if that is not possible or any other alternative.

Your help will be appreciated.


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Indexing In SQL Server Star Scheme Data Warehouse

Jan 19, 2007

Hi all,

Our star schema design has one fact table and 3 dimensions.

The FK's in the fact do not necessarily make up the primary key. So I have an identifier in the fact table as PK. Here is my index assignment:

Fact Table - Clustered Index on PK
Non Clustered Index 1 on FK1
Non Clustered Index 2 on FK2
Non Clustered Index 3 on FK3

Each Dimension Table - Clustered Index on PK
Non Clustered Index on Attribute. This is the attribute that will be used in reports / cubes.

Is the above design good to start with?



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MDX Query Results Loses Format After Data Transformation

Dec 28, 2007


My first post here. I have an Analysis Services Cube and I need to export some of its data into a flat file (a semicolon separated value file) with fixed length columns.

What I have in Integration Services now is:

DataReader Source (ADO.Net conection)
Data Transformation (NTEXT -> WSTR)
Derived Column (WSTR -> STR, and some ISNULL validation)
Flat File Destination (Delimited by ";")

the thing is I have all the measures and calculated measures in the cube formated with format strings and they work fine when I do a query through the SQL server Managment Studio, but in Integration Services before the columns are written into the file they lose its format.

for example, I have a calculated member called "Deuda Total Nacional" that returns something like this +0001234,00 and I need to take off the decimal separator so it is written into the file like this +000123400 , I'm doing it this way

(ISNULL([Deuda Total Nacional]) ? "+00000000000" : REPLACE([Deuda Total Nacional],",",""))

instead it is written like this 1234.

I hope you can help me with this.


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Integration Services :: Dynamic Query For Lookup Transformation

Nov 3, 2015

In my package I am using lookup to get new and similar record. I want to filter the rows for Lookup Reference Data Set by using Variable Value.

I have created variable @[User::CustId] with Int32 datatype, having default value 2 when I am trying to evaluate below query I am getting error 

"select CustId,PartNm,LocId,LocTyp from loc where CustId= "+ @[User::CustId] 

Error. The Data types "DT_WSTR" and "DT_I4" are incompatible for binary operator "+".

The operand types could not be implicitly cast into compatible types for the operation. To perform this operation , one or both operands need to be explicitly cast with the operator.

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