I would like to loop through a SQL Server table that contains the paths to all the reports(SSRS) we need to run and then execute the reports via SSIS. What task should I be doing to do this? Will the For Loop work for something like this? Anyone Please Explain how to do it . Or either Explain me how to run a Report(SSRS) from SSIS
I'm attempting to extract some yearly average figures from our DB. I've written a SELECT statement in SQL Server MS which returns exactly what I need:
SELECT YEAR, CAllSource, AVG(CallTotal) AS [Average calls per day]
FROM (SELECT COUNT(CallID) AS CallTotal, DATEPART(YEAR, Recvddate) AS Year, CASE WHEN CallSource IN ('Auto Ticket', 'Email')
THEN 'Email' WHEN CallSource IN ('Phone') THEN 'Phone' ELSE 'Other' END AS CallSource
FROM Calllog where
DATEPART(MONTH, Recvddate) = 3
AND DATEPART(dw, RecvdDate) NOT IN ('7', '1')
GROUP BY RecvdDATE, callsource) as sub
The problem is that when I attempt to use this in SSRS I get the following error:
"sub.Year is not a recognised DATEPART Option".
Now as you can see, "sub.Year" is not even mentioned in the expression. However I noticed that when running the query, SSRS automatically adds "sub." before the YEAR in the section highlighted in yellow above. a) Why is it doing this, and b) does anyone know of a workaround/fix?
I have an acctest server (XX-ATS-ASSHP102) running SSRS, SQL DB Engine & SSAS. I'm trying to configure NATIVE SQL Reporting Services to use a data source with Windows Integrated mode towards a SSAS cube on the same server. When I use the servername (or it works perfectly. But when I use the DNS name bidb.acctest.internal it fails with the error "The connection either timed out or was lost.". The profiler on SSAS says "anonymous login" so the Kerberos login is broken at some point.The weird thing is that this works perfectly in production environment, but I've missed something in the ACCTEST environment.The SPN for the serviceaccount running SSAS has correctect SPN:s:
The SSRS account has delegation with "any service". No account has the "sensitive" flag.DNS names are A-records, except the hostname for the SSRS site which is a c-name, but it's identical in production.The "impersonate client after login" and "replace token" permissions are correct in the policy.The rsreportserver.config says:
I have a package which access a DB2 database and pulls data from a single table. I can't put a specific event on it, but the package has been causing a dump to occur on a rather regular basis. The really odd part is sometime when I add a data viewer on the output link of the OLE DB Source it works....then it starts to dump again a couple of executions later. There are not date/time values involved in the result set, just character strings. Default code page is set to 1252 and use default page is set to False....any ideas appreciated - this is really starting to drive me nuts!
I am running SQL Server 2005 and have built a simple SSIS package to import data from an oracle database to my SQL Server 2005 database. When I run it in SSIS, it works and it imports just fine. When I schedule it, it gives me problems. Help!
It might be a problem with Oracle Provider client I installed. Is there a client version I can download and install? the one I downloaded from oracle doesn't work. I bet i did something wrong though.
Here is my version:
Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio 9.00.2047.00 Microsoft Analysis Services Client Tools 2005.090.2047.00 Microsoft Data Access Components (MDAC) 2000.086.1830.00 (srv03_sp1_rtm.050324-1447) Microsoft MSXML 2.6 3.0 4.0 6.0 Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.0.3790.1830 Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0.50727.42 Operating System 5.2.3790
Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 Version 8.0.50727.42 (RTM.050727-4200) Microsoft .NET Framework Version 2.0.50727
Installed Edition: IDE Standard
SQL Server Analysis Services Microsoft SQL Server Analysis Services Designer Version 9.00.2047.00
SQL Server Integration Services Microsoft SQL Server Integration Services Designer Version 9.00.2047.00
SQL Server Reporting Services Microsoft SQL Server Reporting Services Designers Version 9.00.2047.00
I have a problem running an SSIS package in a SQL Server job. The package runs fine if I run it from the MSDB location, but if I try to run the job it fails. The job is set to Run as: SQL Agent Service Account. The SQL Service Agent service runs as a domain user SQLExec. I have logged in as this user and run the SSIS package and it runs fine, but if I create a job with only this step it fails. There isn't much information about where there is a problem. Any ideas or ways to troubleshoot this problem would be very much appreciated.
If this is a duplicate post I apologise in advance as my search yielded many results about mail alerts but none like this.
The scenario is my SSIS package is scheduled to read data from a remote FoxPro source. If for any reason it fails I have set up an email task to alert internal users and an external helpdesk.
My problem is that if I am running it via Management Studio i.e. SQL Server Agent/Jobs/Start Job and I 'force a failure' by unplugging the network cable it successfully sends an email alert to all recipients (internal and external). If I let the job execute according to the schedule (still with the network cable unplugged) the job fails (as expected) but no email alerts are sent.
I log onto the server with a valid domain user account who has administrative rights to the server as well as dbo rights on the SQL instance. I deploy my package as the domain user and have checked that the domain user is also the 'owner' of the scheduled job.
I suspect it has something to do with ownership or which user is 'truly executing the scheduled job'. Any ideas would be welcome.
I am new to SSIS. I would like to know if I want to transfer data from one Oracle schema to another Oracle schema and also to do scheduling of the packages, can I still use SSIS? If yes, what are the components that need to be installed on the database server and the development environment? I hope I don't need the full SQL Server database installation in order to use SSIS.
I am trying to set a variable with this default value using expression. This works in tsql but doesn't in ssis. Can anybody tell me what is wrong with this?
I have an SSAS 2005 database "A" and SSIS package "P" which process full "A" olap database. SSAS SERVER connection string is based on a variable read from XML configuration file.
It works well in BIDS, but when i deployed, the package failed at the step connecting SSAS, the message is "a connection cannot be made, please ensure the server is running"
In the connnecting string, i am using server name like servera.xx.com, if I change it to IP address, it works. if I change it to Localhost(happens to be on the same server), it works.
But I need the server name solution as IP may be changed.
We have a Process Task component setup in a couple SSIS jobs to call a command batch file to support transfering a file via Secure FTP to other servers and the process works fine if we start the SQL Agent job manually, however when the job is started via the scheduler, it fails with an exit code of 4. Even though there is a proxy setup on the agent job, is there a different user account being invoked by the scheduler??? We're on 2005 SP1 Hotfix 1 (2153). Thanks
Some more info...have found that if we leave a login session open on the server (login is the proxy account) the process works. It appears the issue is associated with a need to render/create a command window for the command line/batch process to run in and without an active windows session it fails....would seem to be that a product setup to run on a server in a batch mode would be able to work without this...is this the case? if so, how? Thanks.
We're experiencing a problem where intermittently our SSIS packages will hang. There are no log errors or events in the event viewer. It will happen whether the package is executed from the SQL Job Agent or run from BIDs. When running from BIDs it appears to hang inside one of the data flows (several parallel pipes with sorts, merge joins etc...). It appears to hang in multiple pipes within the data flow component. The problem is reproducable, we just kill it and re-run, and it appears to hang in the same places.
Now here's the odd thing: as we simply open and close some of the components in the pipe line after the place it hangs, a subsequent run will go further in the pipeline before hanging. If we open and close all the components after the point it initially hung, the data flow will run fine, from there on out. When I say "open and close" I mean no changes are made, we simply double-click the component, like a merge join, then click 'close.'
To me this does not seem like a memory problem but likely something is wrong with the metadata, where opening a component and closing it somehow alters the metadata to "right it".
This seems to occur intermittently after we make modifications to the package. It's like if you make any mod, even unrelated to the data flow, you then have to go through and open and close every component in your package to ensure it will work. Again, no errors or warnings are fired.
According to microsoft, we can cluster SSIS service but it is NOT RECOMMENDED. http://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms345193.aspx
Now this is the situation that I have where I need to understand how SSIS works?
Enviornment: Active Active cluster enviornment for SQL server with SSIS server installed as stand alone as default on both node.
Name: Node 1 Node 2 --------- -------------- --------------------- Server name: Nd1 Nd2 SQL server name: cs-nd1in01 cs-nd2in02 SSIS server name: Nd1 Nd2
BTW, this is cosolidated enviornment so there are more than one application expected and resides on each instance of SQL server.
The question is around SSIS, what would be the best practice to develop SSIS package that can work with above envoinrment.
Secnario: What if my Nd1 fails. SQL server cs-nd1IN01 will be failover to Nd2 and it will be available. But How about SSIS packages? How that understands to use Nd2 SSIS as Nd1 SSIS is not available. Is anyone has similar experience to setup SSIS in cluster envionrment but as non-cluster service?
I have two calls to stored procedures that in an SSIS package fails silently. They are simply not executed in production but works fine in test, nothing happens and the sql server agent reports that everything has gone just fine.
In test they have 1 server with db A and B. No issue here.
In prod they have 2 servers with db A and B. On server 1 sql server agent executes a job that includes an SSIS package that on server 2 runs a couple of sp's. That user is db owner on server 2 db B and yet nothing happens. The sp's are not executed.
If I in prod run the job manually then it works, but not when run with the sql server agent account that as said is even db owner.
I've got a popular problem so i get a message that server acces denied! ..
But that what is different in my error.... When i use same setting same database and connection string (on MSDE server) there is no problem...
On SQL server i have got windwos authentication but i added all accounts as ASPNET and SA.... and when i try to connect by
RETTO - name of my server
server=RETTO;uid=sa;pwd=password;database=db1; or by Integrated Security=SSPIserver=RETTO;uid=RETTOASPNET;database=db1;
I CAN BROWSE RECORDS THERE ARE NO PROBLEMS WITH CONNECTION!!! but when i try to update or iinsert or delete something in database there becomame this error that access denied or server does not exist!!!
I MADE FOR MY ACCOUNTS (SA, ASPNET) ALL THINGS ALLOWED AS EXECUTING stored procedures.. OR ACCESING datatables with insert delete and update query WHERE IS THE PROBLEM!!!??
I'm having a strange problem with this but I know (and admit) that the problem is on my PC and nowhere else. My firewall was causing a problem because I was unable to PING the database server, switching this off gets a successful PING immediately. The most useful utility to date is running netstat -an in the command window. This illustrates all the connections that are live and ports that are being listed to. I can establish a connection both by running
UDP *:*
UDP *:*
UDP *:*
UDP *:*
UDP *:*
UDP *:*
UDP *:*
UDP *:*
UDP *:*
UDP *:*
UDP *:*
UDP *:*
Both these utilities show as establishing a connection in netstat so I am able to connect the database server every time, this worked throughout yesterday and has continued this morning.
The problem is when I attempt to use SQL Server Management Studio. When I attempt to connect to tcp:sql5.hostinguk.net, 1433 nothing shows in netstat at all. There is an option to encrypt the connection in the connection properties tab in management studio, when I enable this I do get an entry in netstat -an, see below:
Amost as if it's trying the different ports but you get this time_wait thing. The error message is more meaningful and hopefull because I get:
A connection was successfully established with the server, but then an error occurred during the pre-login handshake. (provider: SSL Provider, error: 0 - The certificate chain was issued by an authority that is not trusted.) (.Net SqlClient Data Provider)
I would expect this as the DNS has not been advised to encrypt the conection.
This is much better than the : Login failed for user 'COX10289'. (.Net SqlClient Data Provider) that I get, irrespective of whether I enter a password or not.
This is on a XP machine trying to connect to the remote webhosting company via the internet.
I can ping the server
I have enabled shared memory and tcp/ip in protocols, named pipes and via are disabled
I do not have any aliases set up
No I do not force encryption
I wonder if you have any further suggestions to this problem?
Hello everybody, I'm new to SQL,I have a interview tomor,so please i need a website from where i can get questions related to SSIS & SSRS.Please help me. Thanks in advance
I've a question regarding VS 2005 and SSIS (BIDS -- Business Intelligence Development Studio)
I will be moving the existing databases from MS-Access 2003 to Sql Server 2005. My question is I've Visual Studio 2005 Professional Edition version 80.0.50727.42 installed on my system. How do I access Sql Server 2005 , SSIS and SSRS. I mean BIDS using VS 2005?
Does Sql Server Express edition which comes with VS 2005 give me access to work with SSRS and SSIS?
I'm trying to call a SSIS package as my data source for SQL reporting service but I keep getting the error "Cannot create a connection to data source 'DsSSIS'.
My DsSSIS consists of the following in the connection string.
SSRS report that uses an SSIS package as input is launching an old and deleted version of the package from the MSDB SQL Server store. Rebooting the server makes the problem go away: correct package is found after the reboot.
Symptoms: 1) Package is first deleted from SQL Server MSDB package store. 2) Report that uses this package is run and expected package not found error occurs. 3) Revised package is imported into the SQL Server MSDB package store. 4) Package is run directly from SQL Server Management Studio. Revised package runs. 5) Report that uses package is run and the old package that was deleted in step 1 above runs.
Is there some reporting service caching of SSIS packages going on here? Is there a way to get around this without having to reboot the server?
I am developing an SSRS report over a cube. When I drag and drop fields, it works fine. it runs in a few minutes. I am selectinng only from a single day - about 10,000 records. However, when I add some calculated fields it takes much longer. It's been running for 7 hours. The calculated fields fields are pretty simple. Some are selection of one field over another depending upon the value of a 3rd field. One is two fields multiplied together. One is a constant times a field. Something's obviously wrong here. Anybody seen this or have a solution?
I have a SSISpackage which have 10 execute sql tasks, which loads data into the 10 tabales. Using these 10 tables, I load data into 2 tables. These 2 tables are using to generate reports using SSRS. So we have creatad SSRS package which will generate report. So here what we are doing is we are loading data into those (10+2) tables. then running that report manually and sending that created excel report manully. Can we achieve this using SSIS only, so once data loaded into those 2 reporting table it will start generating reports. How do we achieve using SSRS?
I have an SSIS package. It updates a table in SQL Server 2005 database. There is another SSRS report that presents my final table and I run it and export it into Excel.Is it any way after SQL Query task and Store procedures are being finished in my SSIS package, I add another object to run my SSRS report and export it to Excel format?
SSRS report uses an SSIS package as input and is launching an old and deleted version of the package from the MSDB SQL Server store.
Rebooting the server makes the problem go away: correct package is found after the reboot.
Symptoms: 1) Package is first deleted from SQL Server MSDB package store. 2) Report that uses this package is run and expected package not found error occurs. 3) Revised package is imported into the SQL Server MSDB package store. 4) Package is run directly from SQL Server Management Studio. Revised package runs. 5) Report that uses package is run and the old package that was deleted in step 1 above runs.
Is there some reporting service caching of SSIS packages going on here? Is there a way to get around this without having to reboot the server?
I am trying to write a SSIS package to auto generate a SSRS PDF. I have tried several threads on the net but all seem to require a web service.I am using VS2012 and SQL2014..The report accepts one parameter @Licence
In one of my SSIS Project tasks I insert some records into a table. I want to somehow fire off an SSRS report and send this report to some staff members. how would I add a component to reference or run an SSRS report off the table I just inserted to all from SSIS? I assume I'd h ave to create the report in SSRS first, then somehow reference it from SSIS and then figure out a way to run the report, maybe export it into Excel format and send to the users....not sure how to go about all this in my SSIS package.
I am currently trying to use a SSIS datareader destination as a datasource in Reporting Services (RS). I have sucessfully developed the report and I am able to execute and see the results from it in the RS preview pane. I am also able to deploy it (same server as RS development and report is on) without errors. However, once deployed, I am unable to get the report to work in Report Manager. I get the following error message:
"An error has occurred during report processing. Query execution failed for data set Dynamic_POS_BO_xRef'. The package failed to execute."
I have read everything in BOL regarding configuration of the RS Execution Account and have configured it with a domain member that has admin rights and tryed it with one that has limited rights (best practice recommendation).