SUM And JOIN And Possibly GROUP BY - Incorrect Value Returned By SUM
Mar 23, 2006
It's me again :)
So; if you read my earlier thread here (, you'll know that I'm trying to build stored procedures to deal with ticketing queries, and that it's all getting a bit complicated. I have, however, made a bit of progress and now have the following working:
[tblTickets].[id] AS ticketId,
[tblEvents].[id] AS eventId,
[tblStands].[id] AS standId,
[tblAdmissionDates].[id] AS admitDateId,
[tblBookingMinQuantities]. AS minBookingQuantity,
[tblBookingMaxQuantities].[booking_quantity] AS maxBookingQuantity,
MIN([tblQuotas].[quota]) AS Quota,
[B]SUM([tblBasket].[ticket_quantity]) AS History,
FROM [tblTickets]
LEFT JOIN [tblEvents]ON [tblEvents].[id] = [tblTickets].[event_id]
LEFT JOIN [tblStands]ON [tblStands].[id] = [tblTickets].[stand_id]
LEFT JOIN [tblBookingDates]ON [tblBookingDates].[id] = [tblTickets].
LEFT JOIN [tblTicketConcessions]ON [tblTicketConcessions].[id] = [tblTickets].[ticket_concession_id]
LEFT JOIN [tblBookingQuantities] AS tblBookingMinQuantities ON [tblBookingMinQuantities].[id] = [tblTickets].[booking_min_quantity_id]
LEFT JOIN [tblBookingQuantities] AS tblBookingMaxQuantitiesON [tblBookingMaxQuantities].[id] = [tblTickets].[booking_max_quantity_id]
LEFT JOIN [tblAdmissionDates]ON [tblAdmissionDates].[id] = [tblTickets].[admission_date_id]
LEFT JOIN [tblMemberships]ON [tblMemberships].[id] = [tblTickets].[membership_id]
LEFT JOIN [tblQuotas]ON
([tblQuotas].[event_id] = [tblTickets].[event_id] OR [tblQuotas].[event_id] IS NULL) AND
([tblQuotas].[stand_id] = [tblTickets].[stand_id] OR [tblQuotas].[stand_id] IS NULL) AND
([tblQuotas].[admission_date_id] = [tblTickets].[admission_date_id] OR [tblQuotas].[admission_date_id] IS NULL) AND
([tblQuotas].[concession_id] = [tblTickets].[ticket_concession_id] OR [tblQuotas].[concession_id] IS NULL) AND
([tblQuotas].[membership_id] = [tblTickets].[membership_id] OR [tblQuotas].[membership_id] IS NULL) AND
([tblQuotas].[ticket_id] = [tblTickets].[id] OR [tblQuotas].[ticket_id] IS NULL)
[B]LEFT JOIN [tblBasket] ON [tblBasket].[ticket_id] = [tblTickets].[id]
LEFT JOIN [tblOrders] ON [tblOrders].[id] = [tblBasket].[order_id]
AND ([tblTickets].[ticket_open] = 1)
AND (([tblEvents].[id] = @eventId OR @eventId = 0)AND ([tblEvents].[event_open] = 1))
AND (([tblStands].[id] = @standId OR @standId = 0)AND ([tblStands].[stand_open] = 1))
AND (([tblAdmissionDates].[id] = @admissionDateId OR @admissionDateId = 0)AND ([tblAdmissionDates].[date_open] = 1))
AND ([tblTicketConcessions].[id] = @concessionId OR @concessionId = 0)
AND ((getdate() BETWEEN [tblBookingDates]. AND [tblBookingDates].[booking_end_date]) OR ([tblBookingDates].[booking_start_date] IS NULL AND [tblBookingDates].[booking_end_date] IS NULL))
AND (([tblMemberships].[id] IN (SELECT [membership_id] FROM [tblUsers_Memberships] WHERE [user_id]=@userId)) OR [tblMemberships].[id] IS NULL)
[B]AND ([tblOrders].[user_id] = @userId OR @userId=0)
Except... there's two problems with it. One is that it only returns tickets that you've already bought, the other is that it doens't work out correctly how many of those tickets you've bought in past orders.
Both the orders in there are for the same user id: "1". All the tickets in there are tied to event "2".
When I run Exec dbo.getAvailableTickets 2,0,0,0,1, it tells me it's found 6 of ticket 5, 4 of ticket 6 and 12 of ticket 14. And I can't for the life of me figure out how it's calculating it. Any ideas?
And how do i get it to return all tickets regardless of whether you've bought them previously or not?
/* Test table */ create table test (c1 char(1), c2 varchar(1)); insert into test values ('','');
/* Query */ select c1, len(c1) len_c1, c2, len(c2) len_c2 from test
The result of the len(c1) expression is 0. I would expect the correct result to be 1, since "c1" is a fixed-length character string type and the values are right-padded with spaces to fit the defined length, in this case 1.
i'm merge joining 2 data sources, one is oracle and the other is excel...the problem is in the oracle source, it's a sql statement like:
select hdr.div_ord_no, hdr.mtr_no, hdr.prod_cd from qctrl_div_ord_header hdr, (select max(sub.eff_dt_from) min_eff_dt_from, div_ord_no from qctrl_div_ord_header sub group by div_ord_no ) tmp where hdr.eff_dt_from = tmp.min_eff_dt_from and hdr.div_ord_no = tmp.div_ord_no
having that sql statement, merging will come out with 0 rows
however, having a simple query like:
select hdr.div_ord_no, hdr.mtr_no, hdr.prod_cd from qctrl_div_ord_header hdr
merging will come out with 2 rows
you may think that the data in the first sql statement is not there for the merge, which causing the 0 rows, however, the data is there, i'm only joining by one column and definitely the data is there, the merge result should be 2 rows for both query statements
i believe this is a problem with SSIS, anyway around this?
There are two tables Table_1:ProductID (Identity Increment) ProductDescription (nvarchar) Table_2:ProductID (int)I have a sql statement and it's like this. This SQL is probably incorrect - but hopefully gives you an idea of what I am trying to do: DECLARE @getTheNewProductID intINSERT INTO Table_1 (ProductDescription) VALUES ('SomeValue') ; SET @getTheNewProductID = SELECT SCOPE_IDENTITY() INSERT INTO Table_2 (ProductID) VALUES (@getTheNewProductID) What I need is: when inserting into Table_1 to get the Exact New Product Id from it that occurs from the identity increment - then insert that exact same product ID into table_2The problem is it is returning incorrect values on the scope identity. Such as values from two transaction ago.How do you do this? I did try using @@identity which may have stuffed things up?? Thanks for your help
Hi,I have a shopping cart and before each product is added to the cart it checks to see if the stock control is turned on if so then checks the quantity available.My problem is that when i run the query select [dbStatus] from InventoryControl where [ID]=1 to view the status it is returning the incorrect bit value for dbStatus.If "dbStatus" is 0 in the database it returns 0 which is correct, but if the "dbStatus" is 1 in the db it returns -1!! If i run the query in query analyser the correct values are returned. Any ideas???Thanks in Advance
I have an 1.1 website that uses sql server 2000 and vb.I have a bit of a dilema, when I run a stored procedure in a webpage it returns the wrong value, but if I run itin the query analyzer the correct value is returned. Dim orderHistory As nlb.OrdersDB = New nlb.OrdersDB
' Obtain Order ID from QueryString Dim OrderID As Integer = CInt(Request.Params("ID"))
' Get the customer ID too Dim myNewCustomerId As Integer = 0 myNewCustomerId = orderHistory.GetOrderCustomer(OrderID)
Public Function GetOrderCustomer(ByVal orderID As Integer) As Integer
' Create Instance of Connection and Command Object Dim myConnection As SqlConnection = New SqlConnection(ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings("ConnectionString")) Dim myCommand As SqlCommand = New SqlCommand("nlbsp_OrdersCustomerID", myConnection)
' Mark the Command as a SPROC myCommand.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure
' Add Parameters to SPROC Dim parameterOrderID As New SqlParameter("@order_id", SqlDbType.Int, 4) parameterOrderID.Value = orderID myCommand.Parameters.Add(parameterOrderID)
Dim parameterOrderCustID As New SqlParameter("@customer_id", SqlDbType.Int, 4) parameterOrderCustID.Value = ParameterDirection.Output myCommand.Parameters.Add(parameterOrderCustID)
'Open the connection and execute the Command myConnection.Open() myCommand.ExecuteNonQuery() myConnection.Close()
' Return the customer_id (obtained as out paramter of SPROC)
If parameterOrderCustID.Value <> 0 Then Return CInt(parameterOrderCustID.Value) Else Return 0 End If
End Function
the stored procdure is CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[nlbsp_OrdersCustomerID] ( @order_id int, @customer_id int OUTPUT ) AS
/* Return the customer_id from the Orders. */ SELECT @customer_id = customer_id
FROM nlb_Orders
WHERE order_id = @order_id GO
I know a particular order_id returns a value of 1. But when I run it in the webpage it always comes back as 2. Any ideas would be appreciated ThanksPete
Hi everyone, If I have a table with some indexes on the foriegn keys and these indexes are heavily fragmented (80%+), is it normal for queries to return incorrect results?
For example if I had a table called Customer( CustID, Name) and Orders (OrderID, CustID, Product, Date). Lets say I have a non clustered index on CustID in Orders table, and the clustered indexes are Customer.CustID and Orders.OrderID
If the non clusterd index on Orders.CustID becomes heavily fragmented and I am querying the Orders table with TSQL "SELECT * FROM Orders where CustID = @CustID" I sometimes get missing data or incorrect results. In one case all orders for a particular year were missing, but if I queried using OderID they were returned. Rebuilding the index fixed the problem.
I know the index should be rebuilt or reorganized depending on the fragmentation but if one happened to become this fragmented should it start returning incorrect data?
, COUNT(DISTINCT order_no_ocr) QTYW from Parser_ocr Inner Join Parser_ojb on order_no_ocr = order_no_ojb Inner JOIN RGV_Codes on substring (compl_cde_ojb, 1, 3) = CODE Inner JOIN csg.hist_sbb_Base on hse_key_ocr = hse_key_sbb where substring (compl_cde_ojb, 16, 3) = CODE and ir_tech_ojb between 950 and 999 and compl_dte_ojb BETWEEN '&low' AND '&high' and prin_ocr = 8600 GROUP BY ir_tech_ojb, substring (compl_cde_ojb, 16, 3),compl_dte_ojb,DES, res_name_sbb, ADDR1_HSE, job_typ_ojb, job_class_ojb, order_no_ocr, ls_chg_op_id_ocr, CommissionAUT) group by rollup(TECHN, RESCODE,(COMPLET, DESCRIPTION, NAME, ADDRESS, JOB, TYP, NUMB, OPR)) order by 1, 2,3, 5;
Hi all - i'm trying to put together my first .Net web page (have switched from Dreamweaver to VWD - VWD keeps swapping my tab-indents for spaces, and none of the options stop it!).Here's a table that i'm trying to query: ItemID | ReviewRating | ReviewRatingOutOfAs i'm sure you've guessed, it's a reviews table, where there can be several records with the same ItemID and different (or the same) ReviewRating and ReviewRatingOutOf's. As the reviews are collected from lots of sources, the ReviewRatingOutOf will change (one review might be 3/5, while the next, for the same ItemID, could be 8/10, etc). Now, what i'm trying to do is return a list of ItemID's ordered by their RATIO (which is the sum of each ItemID's ReviewRating's divided by the sum of each ItemID's ReviewRatingsOutOf's - in other words, average score). My first guess was this:"SELECT DISTINCT ItemID FROM Reviews ORDER BY SUM(ReviewRating)/SUM(ReviewRatingOutOf)" - unfortunately that doesn't work (problems with the SUM aggregate functions, and overflow errors, whatever they are). Now, this string works: "SELECT ItemID FROM Reviews GROUP BY ItemID ORDER BY SUM(ReviewRating)" - right now, that just adds up the ReviewRatings, so an item with 10 reviews that only got awarded 1/5, 1/10, 1/8, etc (all 1's, therefore achieving a combined ReviewRating of 10 out of a very much higher ReviewRatingOutOf), would appear higher than an item with 1 review that got 5/5. Making the string into this: "SELECT ItemID FROM Reviews GROUP BY ItemID ORDER BY SUM(ReviewRating)/SUM(ReviewRatingOutOf)" (which is what I need), unfortunately gives me errors...Anyone have any ideas? Is there possibly a way to simply read all the distinct ItemID's with SQL, then get the two SUM's for each ItemID, then calculate the ratio of the two SUM's, and stick the ItemID's and the ratio into some sort of array, and have C# order the array for me, based on the ratio? I'd appreciate an example of that if possible, as i'm a complete C# beginner :-)Thanks in advance!
I've read a bunch of threads and can't seem to find an exact problem as what I'm having.
I believe my problem is simple enough to understand, but might not be that simple to solve. I'm hoping otherwise.
My report shows columns:
CustomerNumber CustomerName SummedInvoiceAmounts (summed from SQL query) Region
The problem is that we have the same CustomerNumber with multiple CustomerNames:
CustomerNumber CustomerName Sum Region ABC advancedballoon 1000 East ABC AdvancedBall. 1000 East
As you can see they are the same company but in our Accounting system they show up mulitple times (about 20 companies like this). This is from clerks adding in multiple ways or misspelling, etc. Can't fix, but have to work around.
Anyhow, I have my detail row that shows two lines for the companies like this and one line for the companies that are correct. I have this report I have added two groups "Region", "CustomerNumber".
If I put all the detail Fields down in the CustomerNumber footer and hide the detail row the report looks fine to the eye. When adding a Sum down in the Region footer field though; it pulls in the added amount and makes the total wrong.
I tried running value, but it's basically the same as the sum for what I need and it doesn't work. Is there a simple way to do this using the reporting tool? In Crystal this was very easy, but I haven't figured this out yet. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
How can i group the data returned by statement below by "Dept" field. I have already tried to group it like shown below but that doesn't seem to work for me. Any help. cmd_select = New SqlCommand("SELECT Incident_id,Dept From Report_Incident Group By Dept,Incident_id", myconnection_string)
I got a problem with the records returned by inner join query. It is weird as in table a I with records r1, and in table b with records r2 (r1>r2), but the returned record number r3 is greater than r1? That is so strange. As the reasonable records returned should be less than r1?(inner join on attribute a). What probably is the cause of the problem? I am looking forward to hearing from you and thank you very much.
Hi all, I faced a problem, I have two tables - part and partmaster part : part_no, part_qty (no key) partmaster : part_no, part_description (primary key : part_no )
I want to select table part.* and partmaster.part_description.
(run on mssql 2k) select a.*, b.part_description from part a, partmaster b where a.part_no *= b.part_no
I want to and expect to have the result order like table "part". However, after the join, the order is different. I try to run it on mssql 7.0, the order is ok.
Then I modify and run the statement select a.* from part a, partmaster b where a.part_no *= b.part_no on 2k again. The result order is ok.
can anyone tell me the reason?
Now I try to fix this problem is adding a sequence field "part_seq" into table "part" and run the statement by adding a order by part_seq. It does work!
I have a table (edw_sbx_bt.jjenkins_OVERAGE2) of 40,000 MA_NUM.
I want to find occurrences of those specific MA_NUM in another table (edw_ar_fl.ARTBASE) with specific attributes (CONTRACT_NUM = '593' and TRANSACT_STATUS_CD = 'D').
When I run the query below it returns 4 million rows. How can I write a query that will return the 40,000 MA_NUM (in edw_sbx_bt.jjenkins_OVERAGE2) with the sum total of MA_PAID_AMT associated with each?
SELECT edw_ar_fl.ARTBASE.MA_NUM, edw_ar_fl.ARTBASE.MA_PAID_AMT FROM edw_ar_fl.ARTBASE JOIN edw_sbx_bt.jjenkins_OVERAGE2 ON edw_ar_fl.ARTBASE.MA_NUM = edw_sbx_bt.jjenkins_OVERAGE2.MA_NUM WHERE edw_ar_fl.ARTBASE.CONTRACT_NUM = '593' AND edw_ar_fl.ARTBASE.TRANSACT_STATUS_CD = '
Hi, I have a query written in SQL 2000 which returns incorrect result. The query uses left outer join and a view. I read an issue related to this in one of microsoft bug report in this article
However, there's a slight difference in the sympton second bullet wherein instead of a expression the query returns a fixed string for one of the column value.
Although the issue mentioned in article seems to be fixed. The later one still seems to be reproducible even with Service Pack 4. However, this issue doesn't appear in SQL Server 2005.
Here's the query to reproduce this error.
Code Snippetcreate table t1 (pk1 int not null,primary key (pk1)) create table t2 (pk1 int not null,label1 varchar(10) not null,primary key (pk1)) go insert into t1 values (1) insert into t2 values (2, 'XXXXX') go create view V as select pk1, 'ZZZZ' as label1 from t2 go select A.pk1 as A_pk1, B.pk1 as B_pk1, B.label1 as B_label1 from t1 as A left outer join V as B on A.pk1 = B.pk1 go
This query is similar to the one mentioned in the article except that in the SELECT clause of CREATE VIEW statement I am passing a fixed value for column "label1".
I just want to confirm that this is an issue and no fix is available for this so far.
Hello Everyone I've created a report with a simple dataset that is similar to this
City , RequestID, Request Amount, ClaimID, ClaimAmount El Monte 791 52,982.00 2157 41,143.75 El Monte 3691 11,838.00 3140 8,231.14 El Monte 3691 11,838.00 3141 990.00 El Monte 3691 11,838.00 3142 2,615.00
So I group by City, RequestID. On the first group I specified the expression to be City and in the header I list the city and in the footer I list the sum of Request amount. On the second group I specified the group by Request so in the header I placed requestID and on the footer I placed Request Amount. I set request information to hide the duplicates and I even add =Sum(Fields!RequestApprovedGrandTotal.Value,"GroupByRequestID") the scope of the group. But this is what I get:
For requestID = 3691 for Request Amount is 35,514.00 not 11,838.00. All the claim sums are correct and they are located on the detail row.
I've read that a work around is to create multiple dataset but I honestly believe that something as simple as this should work on the reporting server 2000. So I've come to the conclusion that I must be doing something wrong. Can someone give me a hand on this. Thanks.
I created a view (vwNewsPerCity) where I am counting the number of new per city/year/month
SELECT TOP 100 PERCENT COUNT(News_Id) AS iNoNews, YEAR(News_Date) AS iYear, MONTH(News_Date) AS iMonth, News_City FROM dbo.tblNoticias GROUP BY YEAR(News_Date), MONTH(News_Date), News_City
Now I would like a query returning me for a particular year and month for each cities the number of news and just the name of the cities when there is no news
I wrote this view:
SELECT City_Id, City_Name, iMonth, iYear, iNoNews FROM vwNewsPerCity RIGHT OUTER JOIN tblCity ON vwNewsPerCity. News_City =tblCity.City_Id WHERE (vwNewsPerCity.iMonth = 2) AND (vwNewsPerCity.iYear = 2002) OR (vwNewsPerCity.iMonth IS NULL) AND (vwNewsPerCity.iYear IS NULL)
Well, this does not work the way I want because in this case it displays all cities which have news or not in the year 2002 but not the cities which are having news only in 2001
So my question how is the right way to perform this ?
I am trying to use the inner join function and group by to provide a sum of information for a range of dates. Currently i am provided with each date as separate records using the script below.
quote: select, salesmn.salesman as employee_num, salesmn.sales, salesmn.spiffs, employee.first, employee.last from employee inner join salesmn on (employee.login = salesmn.salesman) where salesmn.dte between '1/1/2014' and '1/3/2014' order by, employee.last asc
I want to use this code or something similar to provide a sum of the spiffs and sales for the customer.
quote: Select salesman, sum(sales) as TotalSales, sum(spiffs) as Total_Spiffs from salesmn group by salesman
I have a little problem with my joins and group by query.
I have two tables, A and B.
A has paymentnr, infoid and date.
B has a codetext, codeid.
A and B are related by infoid and codeid.
I want to get paymentnr and codetext for all with the latest date.
I tried with this but x.codetext does not display in the result-table:
SELECT paymentnr, x.codetext FROM ( select paymentnr, max([date]) as latestdate from A inner join (select codetext, codeid from B group by codetext, codeid) x ON x.codeid = A.infoid group by paymentnr ) Y order by paymentnr
It is important to get both paymentnr and codetext, but i dont manage. I know why i cant get codetext out, but the problem i have is how to get around this problem.
If i do the following one and want to run a inner join for the group by Valid ????? go Create table #rpt1 ( recordNUM int NULL , History varchar(15) null, Lastname varchar(20) null, Firstname varchar(12) null, ) Insert into #rpt1 Values (1, '123', 'Limb', 'Sub') Insert into #rpt1 Values (1, '121', 'Limb', 'Sub') Insert into #rpt1 Values ( 4,'124', 'Zimb', 'Kun') Insert into #rpt1 Values (5, '125', 'Geroge', 'Khan')
The Query I tried is: SELECT Branch, ProductID, COUNT(*) as Total FROM Customer_Product cp RIGHT OUTER JOIN Product pd ON GROUP BY Branch, ProductID ORDER BY Branch, ProductID
But Right outer join act on Table level instead of Group. How can i generate desired output by keeping in mind that both Branch and Product are dynamic?
I have a situation where I may have found a bug in SQL 6.5. I have a process that creates a temp table, then calls a stored procedure that uses that temp table, and the temp table has an identity column on it. The second procedure declares a cursor using an ORDER BY clause on the identity column and spins through the records, updating each row. The below sample is a test case that I think proves the bug. If you remove the ORDER BY clause from the cursor declaration, it works fine. Because of the nature of our data, we have to have the ORDER BY clause.
If you put the following code in a window, run it, you'll see. Then remove the ORDER BY and rerun and you'll get good results. Has anyone seen this or know of a work around? The only solution I have for a workaround is to select the data from the temp table into another temp table and declare the cursor on the second temp table. That seems to work fine. Any suggestions will be appreciated.
SQL SERVER 6.5 - SP5a; NT 4.0 SP5
Thanks, Mike Nolen Dealer Solutions Sr. DBA Houston, TX
-----------SNIP AND RUN------------ -- just needed for the below proc to compile... create table #mn_temp ( col1 int identity NOT NULL, col2 char(1)NOT NULL ) go
drop proc mn2 go create proc mn2 as begin declare @iint, @cchar(1)
-- insert a few records insert into #mn_temp values ('A') insert into #mn_temp values ('B') insert into #mn_temp values ('C') insert into #mn_temp values ('D') insert into #mn_temp values ('E')
-- cursor should spin through 5 records declare aaa cursor for select col1, col2 from #mn_temp order by col1
open aaa
fetch next from aaa into @i, @c select @@fetch_status "fs", @i "ident", @c "char"
while (@@fetch_status <> -1) begin print 'In while loop'
fetch next from aaa into @i, @c
-- should print 1A, 2B, 3C, 4D, 5E...but it doesn't!!! select @@fetch_status "fs", @i "ident", @c "char" end close aaa deallocate aaa end go
-- temp table no longer needed...drop it before compiling mn0... drop table #mn_temp go
drop proc mn0 go create proc mn0 as begin create table #mn_temp ( col1 int identity NOT NULL, col2 char(1) NOT NULL )
SELECT task1_.Start as y0_, count(this_.FirstName) as y1_ FROM t_contact this_ inner join t_task task1_ on this_.TaskId=task1_.Id GROUP BY task1_.Start
I have a strange problem. I have some code that executes a sql query. If I run the query in SQL server query analyzer, I get a set of data returned for me as expected. This is the query listed on lines 3 and 4. I just manually type it into query analyzer. Yet when I run the same query in my code, the result set is slightly different because it is missing some data. I am confused as to what is going on here. Basically to examine the sql result set returned, I write it out to an XML file. (See line 16). Why the data returned is different, I have no idea. Also writing it out to an XML file is the only way I can look at the data. Otherwise looking at it in the debugger is impossible, with the hundreds of tree nodes returned. If someone is able to help me figure this out, I would appreciate it. 1. public DataSet GetMarketList(string region, string marketRegion)2. {3. string sql = @"SELECT a.RealEstMarket FROM MarketMap a, RegionMap b " + 4."WHERE a.RegionCode = b.RegionCode"; 5. DataSet dsMarketList = new DataSet();6. SqlConnection sqlConn = new SqlConnection(intranetConnStr); 7. SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(sql,sqlConn);8. sqlConn.Open();9. SqlDataAdapter adapter = new SqlDataAdapter(cmd); 10. try11. {12. adapter.Fill(dsMarketList); 13. String bling = adapter.SelectCommand.CommandText;//BRG 14. dsMarketList.DataSetName="RegionMarket"; 15. dsMarketList.Tables[0].TableName = "MarketList"; 16. dsMarketList.WriteXml(Server.MapPath ("myXMLFile.xml" )); // The data written to 17. myXMLFile.xml is not the same data that is returned when I run the query on line 3&4 18. // from the SQL query 19. } 20. catch(Exception e) 21. { 22. // Handle the exception (Code not shown)
In Outer join, I would like to add the outer columns that don't exist in the right table for each order number. So currently the columns that don't exist in the right table only appear once for the entire set. How can I go about adding PCity, PState to each order group, so that PCity and PState would be added as null rows to each group of orders?
if OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#left_table') is not null drop table #left_table; if OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#right_table') is not null drop table #right_table; create table #left_table
Right, I'm no SQL programmer. As I type this, I have roughly the third the hair I had at 5 o'clock last night. I even lost sleep over it.
I'm trying to return a list of records from a database holding organisation names. As I've built a table to hold record versions, the key fields (with sample data) from a View I created to display this is as follows:
as you can see the record id will always be unique. record 3 is a newer version of record 1, and 4 of 2. the issue is thus: i only want to return unique organisations. if a version of the organisation record is live on the system (in this case record id 3), i want to return the live version with its unique record id. i'm assuming for this i can perform a simple "SELECT WHERE live = 1" query.
however, some organisations will have no live versions (see org with id 2). i still wish to return a record for this organisation, but in this case the most recent version ie version 2 (and again - its unique record id)
in actual fact, it seems so much clearer when laid out like this. however, i feel it's not going to happen this end, and so any help would be greatly appreciated.
I need to return the current case cost for every UPC in my table. In my current query I return case costs that have an effective date of today or earlier. The problem is that in my results, one UPC may have two or more case costs that were are effective <= GETDATE(). I can sort it by effective date (DESC) so I know the first of every UPC in my results will be the current effective case cost, but how do I modify my query so that in my result set I only get the first of every UPC?
Here is my query:
SELECT factCaseCosts.nUpcKey, factCaseCosts.dCaseCost, factCaseCosts.dtEffectiveDate FROM factCaseCosts WHERE (factCaseCosts.dtEffectiveDate <= GETDATE()) ORDER BY dtEffectiveDate DESC
Here is my current result set: 52023.762006-08-01 00:00:00 52023.762006-02-18 00:00:00 52123.762006-08-01 00:00:00 52123.762006-02-18 00:00:00 52230.362006-08-01 00:00:00 52230.362006-02-18 00:00:00 52323.762006-08-01 00:00:00 52323.762006-02-18 00:00:00
I only want the first 520 returned, the first 521 returned, the first 522 returned, and the first 523 returned. How can I do this? Thanks!
i had a problem with a server instance where an app processing a file and putting the data into the database using a stored procedure was timing out. the app is a service and in the case of errors, will try to process the file until it has been succesfully added data to the database. in the event viewer i keep seeing this message during this timeout period:
"Autogrow of file 'mydatabase_log' in database 'mydatabase' was cancelled by user or timed out after 15687 milliseconds. Use ALTER DATABASE to set a smaller FILEGROWTH value for this file or to explicitly set a new file size."
is there a possibility that this process was causing my SP to timeout? are there any other log or debug files that SQL Express creates that might be helpful in discovering what caused the timeout? currently the log is at... ouch 10gigs restricted... maybe trying to autogrow from this while restricted is hogging resources?
OK since my company really would not prefer to spend the money for Windows 2003 Enterprise and MS SQL 2005 Enterprise I was thinking about this idea...
OK So we have Server1 & Server2 doing the Database Mirroring. Then I have Server3 as the Witness to say who is the Primary and so forth. Now Server4 I thinking to us to create jobs that will run on a Schedule to pull data from our Ticketing system and import it into Server1 & Server2 (Yes this is a Datawarehouse).. So what I am wondering... We really wish to not have to change our connections to the DB with the Failover connection string and just use a common name. Since we are not usng Enterprise I can not do the Failover Clustering... So what I was wondering is if we could use the MS NLB. So for example with Server1 being primary and Server2 being Mirror... Server1 dies or goes down for maintance or whatever... Then Server3 will notice that and say OK Server2 you are now primary but also have Server3 go into the MS NLB and say Server3 Online and take all connections. Then when Server1 comes back on-line it is set as the Mirror system and is Offline in the NLB... Is this possible? If yes can someone either A... Give me directions on how to do that... or B shot me some URL's where I can read up on this stuff?
Thanks for all your help anyone is able to provide. It is greatly appricated.