Mar 28, 2008
How can I get the sum of the query results of these formula:
SELECT dbo.TechphonesCalibQA.ID, dbo.TechphonesCalibQA.EmpID, dbo.TechphonesCalibQA.EmpName, dbo.TechphonesCalibQA.[Level],
dbo.TechphonesCalibQA.Coach, dbo.TechphonesCalibQA.Queue, dbo.TechphonesCalibQA.PreferredName, dbo.TechphonesCalibQA.SesID,
dbo.TechphonesCalibQA.SesDate, dbo.TechphonesCalibQA.SesTime, dbo.TechphonesCalibQA.SesLen,
Case dbo.TechphonesCalibQA.G_Branded when dbo.TechphonesCalibClient.G_Branded then 1 else 0 end as G_Branded,
Case dbo.TechphonesCalibQA.G_PIVer when dbo.TechphonesCalibClient.G_PIVer then 1 else 0 end as G_PIVer,
Case dbo.TechphonesCalibQA.G_AskMemb when dbo.TechphonesCalibClient.G_AskMemb then 1 else 0 end as G_AskMemb,
Case dbo.TechphonesCalibQA.G_AskCall when dbo.TechphonesCalibClient.G_AskCall then 1 else 0 end as G_AskCall,
Case dbo.TechphonesCalibQA.G_UsedSend when dbo.TechphonesCalibClient.G_UsedSend then 1 else 0 end as G_UsedSend,
Case dbo.TechphonesCalibQA.V_Privacy when dbo.TechphonesCalibClient.V_Privacy then 1 else 0 end as V_Privacy,
Case dbo.TechphonesCalibQA.V_Followed when dbo.TechphonesCalibClient.V_Followed then 1 else 0 end as V_Followed,
Case dbo.TechphonesCalibQA.V_Changed when dbo.TechphonesCalibClient.V_Changed then 1 else 0 end as V_Changed,
Case dbo.TechphonesCalibQA.D_UseEffect when dbo.TechphonesCalibClient.D_UseEffect then 1 else 0 end as D_UseEffect,
Case dbo.TechphonesCalibQA.D_ConConfi when dbo.TechphonesCalibClient.D_ConConfi then 1 else 0 end as D_ConConfi,
Case dbo.TechphonesCalibQA.D_PropDoc when dbo.TechphonesCalibClient.D_PropDoc then 1 else 0 end as D_PropDoc,
Case dbo.TechphonesCalibQA.D_UseKb when dbo.TechphonesCalibClient.D_UseKb then 1 else 0 end as D_UseKb,
Case dbo.TechphonesCalibQA.S_Fix when dbo.TechphonesCalibClient.S_Fix then 1 else 0 end as S_Fix,
Case dbo.TechphonesCalibQA.S_Recorded when dbo.TechphonesCalibClient.S_Recorded then 1 else 0 end as S_Recorded,
Case dbo.TechphonesCalibQA.S_Provided when dbo.TechphonesCalibClient.S_Provided then 1 else 0 end as S_Provided,
Case dbo.TechphonesCalibQA.C_Askaddit when dbo.TechphonesCalibClient.C_Askaddit then 1 else 0 end as C_Askaddit,
Case dbo.TechphonesCalibQA.C_Stated when dbo.TechphonesCalibClient.C_Stated then 1 else 0 end as C_Stated,
Case dbo.TechphonesCalibQA.AB_PresntInfo when dbo.TechphonesCalibClient.AB_PresntInfo then 1 else 0 end as AB_PresntInfo,
Case dbo.TechphonesCalibQA.AB_ResMbrTym when dbo.TechphonesCalibClient.AB_ResMbrTym then 1 else 0 end as AB_ResMbrTym,
Case dbo.TechphonesCalibQA.AB_Respond when dbo.TechphonesCalibClient.AB_Respond then 1 else 0 end as AB_Respond,
Case dbo.TechphonesCalibQA.AB_Appsol when dbo.TechphonesCalibClient.AB_Appsol then 1 else 0 end as AB_Appsol,
Case dbo.TechphonesCalibQA.AB_Adjustsp when dbo.TechphonesCalibClient.AB_Adjustsp then 1 else 0 end as AB_Adjustsp,
Case dbo.TechphonesCalibQA.AB_respect when dbo.TechphonesCalibClient.AB_respect then 1 else 0 end as AB_respect,
Case dbo.TechphonesCalibQA.AB_MuteOcur when dbo.TechphonesCalibClient.AB_MuteOcur then 1 else 0 end as AB_MuteOcur,
Case dbo.TechphonesCalibQA.AB_HoldOcur when dbo.TechphonesCalibClient.AB_HoldOcur then 1 else 0 end as AB_HoldOcur,
Case dbo.TechphonesCalibQA.SS_actlist when dbo.TechphonesCalibClient.SS_actlist then 1 else 0 end as SS_actlist,
Case dbo.TechphonesCalibQA.SS_empathy when dbo.TechphonesCalibClient.SS_empathy then 1 else 0 end as SS_empathy,
Case dbo.TechphonesCalibQA.SS_focus when dbo.TechphonesCalibClient.SS_focus then 1 else 0 end as SS_focus,
Case dbo.TechphonesCalibQA.SS_confi when dbo.TechphonesCalibClient.SS_confi then 1 else 0 end as SS_confi,
Case dbo.TechphonesCalibQA.SS_commun when dbo.TechphonesCalibClient.SS_commun then 1 else 0 end as SS_commun,
Case dbo.TechphonesCalibQA.SS_accent when dbo.TechphonesCalibClient.SS_accent then 1 else 0 end as SS_accent
FROM dbo.TechPhonesCalibClient INNER JOIN
dbo.TechphonesCalibQA ON dbo.TechPhonesCalibClient.SesID = dbo.TechphonesCalibQA.SesID
View 10 Replies
May 23, 2002
I have 2 tables ZIPCROSS and HOUSEHOLDS. The fields for each are as follows:
-------- ----------
ZIPCROSS holds zipcodes assigned for particular AreaID. HOUSEHOLDS contains TOTAL number of household in each zipcode.
Now, I need to build a query that returns SUM of TOTAL for a given AREAID grouped by SCF (first 3 numbers of the zipcode) and SUM of TOTAL for a given SCF. Thus the results should look something like this:
------ --- ------- ---------
1 900 1234 43210
1 901 2345 54321
etc... I can write a query that can get the right TOTAL or the right SCFTOTAL but not both on one query. The following query gives me the right SCFTOTAL but not TOTAL.
I'm aware of why this doesn't work but I can't seem to find the right approach. Any solutions? TIA.
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Oct 9, 2006
I have some data -- counts ID'd by location and grid East like this --Loc East NCA 100 3CA 103 5CA 109 2CA 110 3I'm interested in the total of N on either side of the largest gap inEastings.In this case the largest gap is 6 (between 103 and 109), and the sum ofN for the 2 rows below the gap is 8, and for the 2 above the gap it's5.The problem is to locate the largest gap, and compute the sum of N forthe cases on either side. There are multiple locations, multipleEastingsper location, but only one largest gap. (If there are two largestgaps, itdoes't matter which one is used for the sums.)I can do this with multiple passes -- first locate the largest gap,then goback and locate the Eastings on either side, then sum up the Ns.That'srealy clumsy, I can't figure out how to do it more quickly, and I'm notsurewhat I'm doing is right. Any help would be appreciated.Thanks,Jim Geissman
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Jul 26, 2006
Dear all,
I am attempting to do a simple summation statistics calculation with T-SQL to count rows based on an int column FK relationship to another table.
I have two tables: (1) document, and (2) filespec. Both tables have an int primary key column and some miscellaneous columns. Filespec has an int field which is keyed to the primary key of document (FK constraint), thus, each document can have zero-to-many file specifications.
Document Table:
DocID Name
1 Approved Plan
2 Photo Gallery
Filespec Table:
FileID DocumentID Name
1 2 First Photo
2 2 Second Photo
Expected Result:
DocID FileCount
1 0
2 2
How to generate this result? Thanks in advance for advice.
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Apr 30, 2007
I have been toiling over getting this query to run properly for a while now and finally had to turn to the community for help. We are trying to develop a query that will show us an idea of customer loyalty at the store. It basically takes the transactions for a specific user from one table, and matches that customer ID to the customer table so we can also select names and phone numbers. The query runs great, but it shows every single transaction that a customer has done between our specified time range. We want to be able to have the query add each transaction and total it for us so we have just one customerID with one total instead of say one customerID with 19 transactions. Any ideas? Our current query is below:
select customer.accountnumber, customer.firstname, customer.lastname,
From Customer, xaction
where xaction_time between '01/1/2006' and '12/31/2006'
and Customer.ID = xaction.CustomerID
and customer.accountnumber not like 'X%'
order by customer.accountnumber desc
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Feb 21, 2008
This is probably a simple problem for most but I'm a little confused on it.
I have a table containing shifts (ShiftStart (DateTime), NumHours (INT)). Now if I have a job scheduled to start at day S and run for X hours. I want to determine the day it would end on. I can do this using a cursor but am looking for a cursor-less solution if possible. Anybody have any thoughts.
PS. Sorry this sounds like a math problem.
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Feb 14, 2007
can anyone help me about reporting services on how to sum the coloumn and put it on a textbox... but the case is like this,
Stud Name Fee Name Fee Amt. Amt Paid
John Doe Registration 1,000 1,000
Tuition Fee 5,000 3,500
Jane Bake Tuition Fee 5,000 5,000
SubTotal 16,000 11,000
when i aggregate the Fee Amt. using Sum function i get the result of 16,000 because john doe break his payment in to two(it should be 11,000 only). any help would be appreciated.
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Mar 24, 2008
Hi allI need to perform a summation on a column of a table based on acriteria given in another column in the same table. The catch is ineed to perform different sums according to the number of criterias inthe criteria column, in a single query. the structure of the table issomethinmg like this (only relevant columns are shown)TABLE1Value - numeric(20,6)Month - intindicator - bitNow i need to do something like:SELECT Month, SUM(Value) FROM TABLE1WHERE indicator = 1GROUP BY Monthand alsoSELECT Month, SUM(Value) FROM TABLE1WHERE indicator = 0GROUP BY MonthHow can i do this in a single query, something like this:SELECT Month, SUM(Value where indicator=1), SUM(Value whereindicator=0) and so on .......Could any body please help me on this ?
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Aug 27, 2005
Hello All:
I am not sure if I wrote the question's title appropriatly or not.....but anyways I wud try to explain the problem.
I am facing a problem solving the following task in MS Access (I believe it can surely be solved in access or SQL server).I am posting a sample table format here for reference and also postin the expected result table there-after.
The problem goes like this.(Read Carefully)
I have a table which contains a payment history with one row per account (each account number is unique) and related payment history for each account.
Sample Table:
AcctNo Dt1 P1 Dt2 P2 Dt3 P3 Dt4 P4 .........
101 | 11/07/2002 | 10.00 | 11/07/2002 | 20.00 | 01/17/2003 | 120.00 | 01/25/2003 | 20.00
201 | 10/28/2003 | 30.00 | 10/28/2003 | 25.00 | 03/22/2004 | 130.00 | 03/22/2004 | 75.00
301 | 04/07/2005 | 40.00 | 04/23/2005 | 25.00 | 01/07/2001 | 140.00 | 01/07/2001 | 65.00
401 | 01/13/1999 | 50.00 | 01/13/1999 | 35.00 | 10/29/2002 | 150.00 | 10/17/2002 | 55.00
501 | 05/23/2001 | 60.00 | 05/02/2001 | 45.00 | 02/13/2000 | 160.00 | 02/13/2000 | 25.00
601 | 09/17/1998 | 70.00 | 09/15/1998 | 55.00 | 07/07/1998 | 170.00 | 07/07/1998 | 15.00
701 | 12/11/2000 | 80.00 | 12/29/2000 | 65.00 | 11/27/1999 | 180.00 | 11/28/1999 | 15.00
where Dt is date and P1/2/3/... is payment.There cud be 1 or more than 1 payments in a particular month as shown.
The original file has more than 200 columns for the payment i.e till Dt200,P200
I need to see aggregated monthly payment history for all accounts. i.e. a table for all accounts with related payments for each month (its OK if a day vary in particular month...consolidation shud be monthly) starting from the earliest to the latest possible.
Acct Month Pay Month Pay ...........
101 | 11/2002 | 30.00 | 01/2003 | 140.00 ...........
201 | 10/2003 | 55.00 | 03/2004 | 205.00 ...........
301 | 04/2005 | 65.00 | 01/2001 | 205.00 ...........
401 | 01/1999 | 85.00 | 10/2002 | 205.00 ...........
501 | 05/2001 |105.00 | 02/2000 | 185.00 ...........
601 | 09/1998 |125.00 | 07/1998 | 185.00 ...........
701 | 12/2000 |145.00 | 11/1999 | 195.00 ...........
I hope I have tried to explain the problem in as much detail as possible.
Please help me with your valuable solutions to the above task ASAP.If u want i can also send in as attachment the original file i am workin at to ur email id
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May 24, 2013
I am trying to update a parent table with a summation of its child records. The child records are being deleted because the transaction has become invalid because payment was made with a bad check or there was a posting error. So a rollback of sorts is required.
Here are is the DDL for the tables and DML for the data:
[Year] int NOT NULL,
[Parcel] varchar(13) NOT NULL,
[InterestDateTime] datetime NULL,
[Principal] decimal(12, 2) NULL,
[Penalty] decimal(12, 2) NULL,
[Code] ....
I tried to use a Merge statement with an ON MATCH for each TransType, but it complained that I could not have multiple update statements. OK. So I tried a MERGE with single update statement with a case and it complained that I was updating the same parent multiple times, which I was and want to! So, I tried the following update statement and it still does not work, though no error message.
update t1 set
t1.Principal = t1.Principal + (case when t2.TransType = 'R' then t2.Payment else 0 end),
t1.Penalty = t1.Penalty + (case when t2.TransType = 'P' then t2.Payment else 0 end),
t1.Interest = t1.Interest + (case when t2.TransType = 'I' then t2.Payment else 0 end)
from @t1 t1
inner join @t2 t2 on t2.YEAR = t1.YEAR and t2.Parcel = t1.Parcel
I am expecting the following after the update:
Select * from @t1
201200000018092013-03-14 00:00:00.000 211.15 10.00 3.14
201100000018092013-03-14 00:00:00.000 206.12 10.00 18.20
201000000018092013-03-14 00:00:00.000 219.41 10.00 35.37
200900000018092013-03-14 00:00:00.000 0.00 0.00 0.00
2012000001808X2013-03-14 00:00:00.000 9.65 0.00 0.06
2011000001808X2013-03-14 00:00:00.000 378.70 10.00 32.73
2010000001808X2013-03-14 00:00:00.000 0.00 0.00 0.00
2009000001808X2013-03-14 00:00:00.000 341.96 3.00 142.74
All I am getting are the original values.
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