Jul 20, 1999

I have a bank and your SYSLOGS is growning everyday.
I do not can stop this.

I try stop and start the SQL, DBCC CHECKTABLE, CHECKDB, DUMP TRANSACTION and other things.

Resize the space is not a good solution, because SYSLOGS cannot have this size.

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Jan 21, 1999

I have a problems with syslogs being filled constantly and running out of space for my users to get anything done. Me and another consultant thought that it may have been due to the fact that the logins for this database were corrupt and a query was run to update certain table. Good thought but we changed it to another database and it occurred again. Question? What can cause this too occur and what can I do to prevent it from happening? I am going tonight to delete database on previous server and reinstall the sql script to create database and restore from a backup and hopefully correct this problem. What does anybody think about this situation?

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Syslogs Is Full.

Aug 6, 2000

How can I resolve this issue?? it has filled up MSDB.

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Syslogs BCP Problem

Nov 23, 1999

I have a large database that I am trying to BCP into. The BCP is approximately 12 million rows.
I have used the '-b' option for every 20000 records. Doesn't that clear the transaction log? I have multiple
BCP jobs that need to be run of this size. I am having problems with syslogs filling up which
I believe is just a reference to the transaction log? This has me confused because after the BCP I
check the transaction log size in EM and it looks empty. Can anyone help?

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Corrupt Syslogs

Jun 23, 2004

hello everyone,
how can i fix my corrupt syslogs? i've tried dbcc checktable , dbcc checkalloc, and dbcc fix_al and still reports the same message.we're using ms sql 6.5. PLEASE HELP!

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Syslogs Table Is Full

Aug 9, 2000

i am porting data using bcp. Everytime my syslogs table is running out of space. I am not able to get the data. Why my syslogs is filling everytime. I did trucate log also, still my syslogs table is full.
This is 65 environment, it is very urgent pls any one respond to it.


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Repairing A Corrupt Syslogs

Mar 18, 2002

Does anyone know a process for repairing a corrupt syslogs table (mssql 6.5). I have tried checkdb, newalloc and rebuilding the extents. All the latter did was screw up the device assignment. Any suggestions?

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Can't Dump Syslogs On Tempdb

May 18, 2000

My tempdb keeps filling up. A look at sysindexes indicates that all of the space used is in syslogs. Running dump tran (no_log, truncate_only), dump database, and checkpoint
give no relief. No transactions are open. Log and data are on shared devices (2MB on master device, 1024MB on a dedicated tempdb device).
Why won't my tempdb log dump off?

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Sep 20, 2000

We are using SQL 6.5 and we have had problems before with our SEM reporting an incorrect value for the log size when we had just truncated the log. I would run DBCC CHECKTABLE (syslogs) just like MS Tech article Q183100 states and it would update sysindexes and correct the problem. That was on a database that is only 500mb and only has 21 rows in syslogs and it would take only a few second to run the checktable command. Now I have to run it on a database that is 5gigs and has 2,877,358 rows in syslogs. My concern is that this will take an extremely long time to run.

Does anyone have any ideas on how long this could run?

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Having To Run DBCC CheckTable(syslogs)

Aug 2, 1999

I have a MS SQL Server 6.5, SP5A database running in a MS Cluster Server environment. The transaction log (500MG)is dumped every 30 minutes to control the size and ease the point in time recovery. I have noticed that many times throughout the day, when you do a sp_spaceused on the database, the transaction log space doesn't get reported as going back to zero or near zero. It more or less stays where it was at, maybe a few MG relief. When I look at the output from the dump transaction statement (Dump Transaction dbname to dbname_tlog_dump with NOINIT, STATS), it reports that many, many pages have been dumped. However, I have been watching the sp_spaceused and it doesn't really seemed to be reflected in the numbers. (Or even in the Enterprise Manager Tool/Manage Databases - which I know has been known to report incorrectly). I have had to run dbcc checktable(syslogs) to ensure that the transaction log doesn't fill up.

Question: Does this hurt anything on recoverability by running dbcc checktable(syslogs)? Does anyone know of a bug around space not being freed in SP5A or in a MS Cluster Server environment? The application is relatively new, so I don't discount the fact that something could be going on there as well. Ideas?

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Help Please!Syslogs: Table Corrupt

Mar 11, 1999

I had following problem:
dbcc checktable('syslogs')
Checking syslogs
Msg 2503, Level 16, State 1
Table Corrupt: Page linkage is not consistent; check the following pages: (current page#=438165; page# pointing to this page=438166; previous page# indicated in this page=0)
DBCC execution completed. If DBCC printed error messages, see your System Administrator.
dbcc newalloc(kmn,NOINDEX)
************************************************** *************
TABLE: syslogsOBJID = 8
INDID=0 FIRST=420675 ROOT=460295 DPAGES=57143SORT=0
Msg 2525, Level 16, State 1
Table Corrupt: Object id wrong; tables: alloc page 420608 extent id=420672 l page#=420675 objid in ext=0 (name = 0) objid in page=8 (name = syslogs)objid in sysindexes=8 (name = syslogs)
Page linkage failed for INDID 0; Processed 1 pages;
Data level: 0. 0 Data Pages in 1 extents.
TOTAL # of extents = 0
************************************************** *************
Restoring a database from a backup copy is impossible.


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6.5 Master Database Syslogs Full

Aug 22, 2006

I inherited an application (or two) that run on SQL Server 6.5, which Ihaven't used in years, and am having a problem. I get the error:------------------------------------------------------------------------Can't allocate space for object 'Syslogs' in database 'master' becausethe 'logsegment' segment is full. If you ran out of space in Syslogs,dump the transaction log. Otherwise, use ALTER DATABASE orsp_extendsegment to increase the size of the segment.------------------------------------------------------------------------....when I... well... just about everything. If I try:DUMP TRAN master WITH NO_LOG....I get:------------------------------------------------------------------------Can't allocate space for object 'Syslogs' in database 'master' becausethe 'logsegment' segment is full. If you ran out of space in Syslogs,dump the transaction log. Otherwise, use ALTER DATABASE orsp_extendsegment to increase the size of the segment.Unable to write CHECKPOINT record in database 1 because the log is outof space.Unable to continue logged version of DUMP TRANsaction. Please free upsome space in database 1 or use the NO_LOG option.------------------------------------------------------------------------....If I try to expand the device or database, I get the "Can't allocatespace..." error. If I use "DBCC UPDATEUSAGE(0)" I get nothing, "DBCCCHECKTABLE(syslogs)" tells me it's using one page and has 29 rows(which is what I get if I "SELECT * FROM syslogs").How can I expand the space available to the master database orotherwise resolve this problem?Thanks in advance for any help anyone can offer. I know there probablyaren't many of you still using 6.5.Regards,Brian

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