Hello, not sure if this is in the right forum or not...
I have a .DTA file from Sage which is a Database file, im assuming anyway, how can i convert it into a format where i can view it in say access or excel, something like that, or anything really just so i can read it all properly... i can read it in word - buts of it but its all mangled and awful...
I'm a newbie to all this so if I ask soem stupid questions then I appologise.
I was given a project on getting the reports within sage to work, You may be asking why then post in the SQL forum.
Ah well that is because Sage is as helpfull as a chocolate teapot to write reports with!!
I have try and found the limitation way to fast for my liking. So in my desperation to have a happy boss, I have turned away from the internal reporting and tryed to work on the SQL reporting.
I have found the \severname eports function and I am nowtrying to find my way around.
Do any of you know a good place to pick up any information on the getting started. I konw that its going to be an uphil fight with sage cross referancing more times than i have hot dinners! but Sages and Crystal reports are not working for me, in the respect I can not get the look and functionality that I want.
Well i think that that sould cover it?!
I fyou know of any resource or step by step howto's then that would be great.
quote:Run the view for orders shipped from January 1, 2003 and June 30, 2003, formatting the shipped date as MON DD YYYY.
creating the view:
CREATE VIEW vw_orders AS SELECT o.order_id, c.customer_id, c.name AS 'customer_name', c.city, c.country, o.shipped_date FROM customers c INNER JOIN orders o ON c.customer_id = o.customer_id
running the view:
SELECT * FROM vw_orders WHERE shipped_date between '01/01/2003' and '06/30/2003' ORDER BY 'customer_name', 'country'
Hi, There's a nullable Timestamp data type column in all tables in Sage SQL database. When using Insert SQL query add a new record, with a NULL for the Timestamp column, into a table it seems alright. When opening the table it shows the inserted data in the Timestamp column is Binary. But when reading the record by Sage program there's an error message as the following: 'Fractional truncation: table scheme.opheadm unique_no 24969592 1'. Any idea what the problem is? Thanks, Yabing
i have created a view to a table (90,000+ records) that i want to use to filter the table by the current year and month. the code looks like this:
CREATE VIEW [billy.bhuj].[bo current month]
AS SELECT [dbo].[bo].[recnum], [dbo].[bo].[queue], [dbo].[bo].[queue_name], [dbo].[bo].[node], [dbo].[bo].[interval], [dbo].[bo].[tot_calls], [dbo].[bo].[calls_less_20_sec], [dbo].[bo].[calls_more_20_sec], [dbo].[bo].[calls_abandon], [dbo].[bo].[abandon_before_20_sec], [dbo].[bo].[abandon_after_20_sec], [dbo].[bo].[queue_date], month (convert (datetime,[dbo].[bo].[queue_date], 103)) as QDate, year (convert (datetime,[dbo].[bo].[queue_date], 103)) as QDate1, convert (datetime,[dbo].[bo].[queue_date], 103) as QDate2, year (convert (datetime,(getdate()), 104)) as year1, [dbo].[bo].[region], [dbo].[bo].[queue_type], [dbo].[bo].[month], [dbo].[bo].[unit], [dbo].[bo].[service], [dbo].[bo].[reportable], [dbo].[bo].[source_dest], [dbo].[bo].[file_name]
FROM [dbo].[bo]
Where (year (convert (datetime,[dbo].[bo].[queue_date], 104))) = (year (convert (datetime,(getdate()), 104)))
the syntax checks fine, and without the "where" clause , i get all the original data returned no problem, so the "month", "year", and "convert" functions work fine. however, when i try to filter the data with the "where" clause above, i get about 15-20 lines of data returned and an error message referring to "Arithmetic overflow...". on their own in the "select" area the statements do what they should, but in the "where" statement they don't. sorry, i'm a big time newbie in sql, so any help would be appreciated.
SELECT DISTINCTROW "01C" AS dummy, Buildings.BuildingNumber,UCASE(Buildings.BuildingName) AS BuildingName,Buildings.MasterPlanCode, Buildings.UniformBuildingCode,Buildings.FunctionalCategoryCode, Buildings.OwnershipCode,Buildings.ConditionCode, Format$([BasicGrossArea],"0000000") ASdBasicGrossArea, Format$([CoveredUnenclosedGrossArea],"0000000") ASdCoveredUnenclosedGrossArea,IIf(Month([DateOccupancy])>9,Month([DateOccupancy]),"0" &Month([DateOccupancy])) & Year([DateOccupancy]) AS dDateOccupancy,Buildings.YearConstructed, Format$([NumberLevels],"00") ASdNumberLevels, Format$([UnrelatedGrossArea],"0000000") ASdUnrelatedGrossArea, Buildings.YearLatestImprovement,UCASE(Buildings.Address) AS Address, Buildings.CityCode,CityCodes.CountyCode, Format$([Circulation],"0000000") AS dCirculation,Format$([PublicToiletArea],"0000000") AS dPublicToiletArea,Format$([Mechanical],"0000000") AS dMechanical,Format$([Custodial],"0000000") AS dCustodialFROM CityCodes INNER JOIN Buildings ON CityCodes.CityCode =Buildings.CityCodeORDER BY "01C", Buildings.BuildingNumber, Buildings.BuildingName;Please if anyone can help me in Converting the above given Access Queryto Sql Server. I don't know which function to use for format$, IIF. Iwould really appreciate your suggestions.Thanks,
I was able to create a view and convert it to excel. Now I want to it to schedule it for everyday and then email the excel file as an attachment to couple of people.
Would SSRS be an option? where I can create a report of the view and schedule it?
Does any know the process I need to follow?
Do I have to uses SSIS ? and then set it up as SQl server job?
Hi all i have a page with this code <asp:GridView ID="GridView1" runat="server" AllowPaging="True" AllowSorting="True" AutoGenerateColumns="False" DataSourceID="SqlDataSource1" PageSize="36"> <PagerSettings Mode="NumericFirstLast" Position="TopAndBottom" /> <Columns> <asp:BoundField DataField="ACCOUNT_REF" HeaderText="ACCOUNT_REF" SortExpression="ACCOUNT_REF" /> <asp:BoundField DataField="NAME" HeaderText="NAME" SortExpression="NAME" /> <asp:BoundField DataField="ADDRESS_1" HeaderText="ADDRESS_1" SortExpression="ADDRESS_1" /> <asp:BoundField DataField="ADDRESS_2" HeaderText="ADDRESS_2" SortExpression="ADDRESS_2" /> <asp:BoundField DataField="ADDRESS_3" HeaderText="ADDRESS_3" SortExpression="ADDRESS_3" /> <asp:BoundField DataField="ADDRESS_4" HeaderText="ADDRESS_4" SortExpression="ADDRESS_4" /> <asp:BoundField DataField="ADDRESS_5" HeaderText="ADDRESS_5" SortExpression="ADDRESS_5" /> </Columns> <PagerStyle HorizontalAlign="Center" /> </asp:GridView>
<asp:SqlDataSource ID="SqlDataSource1" runat="server" ConnectionString="<%$ ConnectionStrings:SageConnectionString %>" ProviderName="<%$ ConnectionStrings:SageConnectionString.ProviderName %>" SelectCommand="SELECT ACCOUNT_REF, NAME, ADDRESS_1, ADDRESS_2, ADDRESS_3, ADDRESS_4, ADDRESS_5 FROM SALES_LEDGER"> </asp:SqlDataSource> On my local machien this works great and I'm very happy with it I then uploaded the site onto the server on running the page i get this
ERROR [08001] Cannot find all files in data pathERROR [01000] The driver returned invalid (or failed to return) SQL_DRIVER_ODBC_VER: 2.00ERROR [IM006] [Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] Driver's SQLSetConnectAttr failedERROR [01000] [Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] The driver doesn't support the version of ODBC behavior that the application requested (see SQLSetEnvAttr).
can anyone suggest a eresolution? i'm confused since it works on my local machine fine but not on the server
I need to convert an xml file that has an attribute(name). This xml file has to be converted using xsl into the XSLT file such that the tag should have the same structure along with it and its the tag-content also should be the value of the attribute.
I have a company that sells fruit and vegetables to the catering industry. I take orders in the evening for the next day, and buy my fruit and vegetables from wholesale market to deliver to my customers on the next day. I have sage simply accounting. I have to enter invoices day before I print them, so I can get a list of items i should buy next day (and also sort them into different routes) My question is, is there a way to update all the prices on the active invoices (i.e. not printed or posted) for the previous day, after I enter new prices for the fruit and vegetables??? I need this as at the moment I hava to go into individual invoices and enter the products and quantities again.
All, I have to automatically grap a dbf or ascii file from my hard drive and then insert that into an already existing database table. Does anyone know how to do this? The only thing I can find is to do it manually from enterprise manager, but I need to automate this.Thanks in advance!
Is there a redgate tool or any third party tool that would convert a .bak file to its appropriate .mdf and .ldf file? or create an .mdf and .ldf file from the .bak file?
The data file contains the answers given to questions asked during the course of an interview. This file contains data only for completed interviews. The file is ASCII based, and contains data in a card column format. This means that each record is spread over several rows in the file €“ called cards. Currently 39 cards make up one completed record, although this may change over time. There are 80 columns per row.
We want to migrate a mySQL database to sql server 2000 or sql Server 2005. I have been given a DDL file to perform the conversion, but I don't know what to do with the file? Can anyone help me out? From what I can conclude, the DDL files is a script. So how do I run this script? Where do I place the file, before I run it? Please help !
Hi, How can I convert a text file (.txt) into SQL in ASP.net 2.0 ? The sample of the file format is like that ... 09/03/2007 08:41 "Fung, Kitty" Granted Access D1 Main 2354 111 09/03/2007 08:42 "Ng, Jaclyn" Granted Access D1 Main 21906 18 09/03/2007 08:42 "Leung, Agnes" Granted Access D1 Main 21920 18 Cheers
Hello There, I would really appreciate if you can help me with this problem. I am currently using SQL Server 2005 Express for one of my web application. I have a .bak file (backup file) provided by my client which I want to use for testing purpose. Now I just want to know how can I use that backup file without installing SQL SERVER 2005 as one way to do this I know is to restore the database in SQL Server 2005 Enterprise Manager but I can't install SQL Server 2005. To my knowledge, SQL Server Express uses .mdf file for database but what I have is .BAK file.. I would be really glad to see your quick answers. Thank you for reading this far. Sincerely, Zulfiqar
We have files from an event log in a DEC Alpha server and we would like to create a database program to import these files and then be able to read and query the info in them.
These files contain information such as error codes about the machine that the Alpha controls. They also contain time stamps. I am told that these files are hexidecimal.
Someone mentioned in passing that if we use MSaccess as the database, we would first have to write a program to convert these files to a format that Access can understand. But, we were told that SQL7 has Add-ins that comes on the CD that can convert these files to a format that SQL7 can then understand.
Does anyone know if this is true..and how difficult is file conversion to accomplish?
If anyone thinks that they might be able to help us, I can sent them a small sample of the hex files Thank you in advance
I have a table in a flat file that I need to convert to SQL Server 2000. Within this file are 4 different record definitions (all are similar but with different lengths).
I have experience converting files that are of 2 different record definitions, but never with this many. What kind of data migration techniques are available for such a process? I need to be able to get these 4 different definitions into 4 different tables.
I have a flat file that has data stored as Yes / No I need to convert it to True / False for my bit data type on my sql table. When I do the data conversion it fails. When I set it to ignore all the values are null. This is a nightly import into SQL is there an inline method to do all the conversions within SSIS?
I have an MDF file I really would like to be able to view. It has a lot of legacy office data on it that would just be handy to access.I have tried to install SQL Server 2008 r2 on a 32bit window 10 computer but I do not seem to be able to connect to ./SQLEXPRESS.I have also tried a program that claims to be able to view and MDF file, but it could not.
I don't know for sure but a third party software supplier setup the db for us originaly and they may have put a password in. I don't have access to this password as we now have a new software supplier so I can't exactly contact them.
i have 12 different sql server tables. all are binded to one gridview. i have kept one admin user to view the details of the 12 tables in a gridview (pagesize=5). now the admin wants to generate 12 CSV files from the 12 tables (that is, he has to choose the table name from a dropdown and then has to click "Generate" button. CSV file name should be like this "<table_name>_<date>" ). also want to put links(dynamically [after generation of those csv files]) in a separate page to download those csv files. how to do this in asp.net (C#)? its urgent.
what's the easiest way to do this. i have 5 tables within the mdb filei tried the "easiest way" shown in a website but it does not work.the way i did it was on access(2007) > database tools tab > sql server buttonit gave me an error when it ask for an login IDi do not have any password/id..please helpthanks
When I click a rdl file it opens with visual studio. But I can see the xml file. not the report. Also the debug option is not available when I open the file. How can I see the report?