Sample For ADOMD.NET Server Programming

Aug 24, 2006

Hi all,

Can I get Samples for ADOMD.Net Server Programming


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Is It Possible To Write Clr Stored Procedure With Out Using Adomd Server.

Dec 5, 2006


I need to write a clr stored prodeure.i have to call that stored procedure from my prediction query.My Application is going to make use of that query to get the prediction output.

Is it possible to write clr stored procedure with out using adomd server.How?

For example:

In My Assembly i am having a function PredictPerformance(),Which is having my DMX Query.I need to execute that function from my analysis service by calling like this,

select aly. PredictPerformance() FROM [Model].

how to do this?

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Are There Any Sample VB Projects That Use A Sample Sql Server Express DB?

Feb 29, 2008

Im trying to use 2005 to write a sample app to access a DB. Are there any samples for this and any samples of how I go about making the DB in the first place?

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Problem With Nested DataTable In Server-side ADOMD.NET SP

Jan 7, 2008

Hi, I have a server-side stored procedure that I created in C#. The SP issues one DMX statement (within the implicit connection) which has a prediction join with SHAPE/APPEND. It then tries to map the results of the AdomdDataReaders to System.Data.DataTable objects, returning one System.Data.DataTable object. Because of the SHAPE/APPEND, I end up with two nested AdomdDataReaders.

Code Block

using Microsoft.AnalysisServices.AdomdServer;

using System.Data;


public DataTable VivaOMengoSP()
AdomdCommand c = new AdomdCommand(CreatePredictedDMX());

// select ... prediction join ... shape ... append

DataTable dt = new DataTable();
dt.Columns.Add("att1", typeof(string));
dt.Columns.Add("att2", typeof(int));
dt.Columns.Add("predictednestedmonster", typeof(DataTable));

object[] row = new object[3];
AdomdDataReader dr = c.ExecuteReader();
while (dr.Read())
DataTable innerdt = new DataTable();
innerdt.Columns.Add("inneratt1", typeof(int));
innerdt.Columns.Add("inneratt2", typeof(string));

row[0] = dr[0];
row[1] = dr[1];
AdomdDataReader innerdr = (AdomdDataReader)dr[2];
object[] innerrow = new object[2];
while (innerdr.Read())
innerrow[0] = innerdr[0];
innerrow[1] = innerdr[1];
row[2] = innerdt;
return dt;
return null;
(The code is a modification to listing 20-3, page 807, of the book "Programming Microsoft SQL Server 2005" by Brust & Forte)

I call it directly in SSMS and I get this result:

Executing the query ...
Execution of the managed stored procedure VivaOMengoSP failed with the following error: Microsoft::AnalysisServices::AdomdServer::AdomdException.
Errors in the high-level relational engine. The System.Data.DataTable type is not supported by Analysis Services code name "Katmai".

Execution complete

Is it possible to have nested table as a SP result? Is DataTable the appropriate class?

Gustavo Frederico

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Amo And Adomd

Jan 6, 2008

how can i use amo references and adomd references to gether in one project for connecting and showing model

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Sample Code - Custom Increment Task Sample

Mar 28, 2006


Books online mention the existence of sample code for several custom tasks, including the one mentioned in the title. But, when I try to find this code in the location mentioned it is nowhere to be found.

I have run a search on the rest of my drive and come up empty.

Can anyone tell me where to find this?


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ADOMD.NET : Dynamic Parameters

Mar 27, 2007

Logically speaking, the two cases below should behave the same. However case 2's output is wrong. Perhaps someone knows what's wrong in case 2.

Case 1:
AdomdCommand cmd = new AdomdCommand();
cmd.Connection = conn;
cmd.CommandText = "SELECT Cluster(), PredictCaseLikelihood()" +
" FROM [Data Validation]" +
" (SELECT " +
" (SELECT @var0 as [var] " +
" UNION SELECT @var1 as [var] " +
" UNION SELECT @var2 as [var]) AS [vartable]) AS t";

Case 2
AdomdCommand cmd = new AdomdCommand();
cmd.Connection = conn;
cmd.CommandText = "SELECT Cluster(), PredictCaseLikelihood()" +
" FROM [Data Validation]" +
" (SELECT " +
" (SELECT @var0 as [var] ";
for(int i=1; i<3; i++)
cmd.CommandText = cmd.CommandText +
"UNION SELECT @var" + i.ToString() + " as [var] ";
cmd.CommandText = cmd.CommandText + ") AS [vartable]) AS t";


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Accessing ADOMD Data Via A Web Service

May 19, 2008

Is there a way to access cubes via a web service?

Are there any built in web services for doing this in SSAS?

Do I have to have the ADOMD client installed before I can access or use data if it were possible to access it via a web service?

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Using ADOMD.NET Set Object In Stored Procedures.

Mar 18, 2008

Hallo everyone,
I have a problem passing the [Set] object to a stored procedure that we use in a calculation of our Cube. Following Mosha Pasumansky indications in I avoided to use Tuples.count and Tuples[Index] but stll receive an €œInternal Error: An unexpected exception Occurred€?.
The error arrives randomly (sometimes the sproc works perfectly, like its €œsister€?, that we were forced to implement with arrays and strings, using the old SetToArray and SetToString mdx functions).
Our particularity is that our program is in Vb.Net. and here is the incriminated cycle:

Public Function Redditivita2(ByVal flusso0 As Double, ByVal setRateAMesi As [Set], ByVal fin_sca_map As Double) As Double

Dim tp As Tuple
Dim ntp As Long
ntp = 0
i = 0
For Each tp In setRateAMesi
If ntp Mod 2 = 0 Then
numAggr = CLng(tp.Members(0).Name)
mesi(i) = numAggr Mod 1000
proroga(i) = Int(numAggr / 1000)
If (mesi(i) > 120 Or proroga(i) > 120) Then
Err.Raise(vbObjectError + mnTroppeRate, , "Rateazioni a più di 120 mesi di durata o di proroga non previste - contattare Mappamondo Informatica s.r.l. se richieste")
End If
nrateamesi(i) = MDXValue.FromTuple(tp).ToDouble
nmaxrateamesi(i) = MDXValue.FromTuple(tp).ToDouble
i = i + 1
End If
ntp = ntp + 1

The set contains a cross join between a dimension and two measures (in the calculation we have: OLAPExtFunctionOpt!Redditivita2([Measures].[FLUSSO_0],NonEmpty(CROSSJOIN(.children, {[Measures].[RATA], [Measures].[RATA_MAXI]})),[Measures].[SCARTO_PES_GG])).

I installed SP2 and Cumulative HotFix. 3152. Does anybody has any idea? Has the problem any connection with msmgsdrv versions? Thank you very much for attention!

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C++ And SQL Server Programming

Dec 25, 2005

Are there any good resources (books, websites, etc) for programming SQLServer using Visual C++? I am currently using C# but I really want to learnhow to do it using C++, but it appears to be much more difficult using C++.Thanks

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SQL Server Jobs Programming

Mar 1, 2004

I got troubles when I program a DTS package to a job. The job simply does not run.

What can I do?

Thanks for your quick answer!!

Cristopher Serrato

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SQL Server Programming Security

Sep 19, 2007

I€™m trying to create with a developer a program that uses an SQL Sever 2005 database on a local network.

When the program is first installed it asks for a clientID that it then sends back to our server over the internet to authenticate that it is allowed to run by matching a clientID in our database.

Does SQL Server have a unique identifier like a serial number or something that is totally unique to that sql server that we can send back to our database as a stamp during the initial install in order to prevent our program from running on other networks with the same ClientID?

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SQL Server Is Writen In Which Programming Language

Dec 7, 2006

Any one know the SQLServer is written in which programming language C++ or C?

I know the rival DB Oracle is written in C programming language.



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What Programming Language(s) Is Best Coupled With SQL Server?

Jun 2, 2008

I am currently working through an SQL Server book, and I am curious to know what programing language would be best to familiarize myself with if I become certified in SQL Server? Obviously SQL is important, but in addition to that... Visual Basic? VB.NET? ASP.NET

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Programming SSIS - Minimum Runtime Requirements On The Application Server

Dec 21, 2007


I have a VB.NET program which creates a Job (Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Agent.Job) and schedules it, to load and run a existing SSIS package, which is on a different server.

I'm using the following assemblies for this purpose.


To make this application run in my application server, do i have to install any SQL server components or SSIS rumtime components? Or Is it enough if i copy only the above mentioned dlls to my applications bin directory, in my application?

Note: I have the enterprise edition of SQL Server 2005 installed on my database server.

Thanks in advance.


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How To Retrieve The Char(1) Column From SQL Server With Dbbind() Function In Windows C Programming?

May 10, 2007

I have used the following Windows C codes to retrieve records from the bus_newjob table in SQL server:


// construct command buffer to be sent to the SQL server
dbcmd( dbproc, ( char * )"select job_number, job_type," );
dbcmd( dbproc, ( char * )" disp_type, disp_status," );
dbcmd( dbproc, ( char * )" start_time, end_time," );
dbcmd( dbproc, ( char * )" pickup_point, destination," );
dbcmd( dbproc, ( char * )" veh_plate, remark," );
dbcmd( dbproc, ( char * )" customer, cust_contact_person," );
dbcmd( dbproc, ( char * )" cust_contact_number, cust_details" );
dbcmd( dbproc, ( char * )" from bus_newjob" );
dbcmd( dbproc, ( char * )" where disp_status = 0" );
dbcmd( dbproc, ( char * )" order by job_number asc" );

result_code = dbsqlexec( dbproc ); // send command buffer to SQL server

// now check the results from the SQL server
while( ( result_code = dbresults( dbproc ) ) != NO_MORE_RESULTS )
if( result_code == SUCCEED )
memset( ( char * )&disp_job, 0, sizeof( DISPATCH_NEWJOB ) );
dbbind( dbproc, 1, INTBIND, ( DBINT )0, ( LPBYTE )&disp_job.new_job.job_number );
dbbind( dbproc, 2, NTBSTRINGBIND, ( DBINT )0, ( LPBYTE )&disp_job.new_job.job_type );
dbbind( dbproc, 3, INTBIND, ( DBINT )0, ( LPBYTE )&disp_job.new_job.disp_type );
dbbind( dbproc, 4, INTBIND, ( DBINT )0, ( LPBYTE )&disp_job.new_job.disp_status );
dbbind( dbproc, 5, NTBSTRINGBIND, ( DBINT )0, ( LPBYTE )&disp_job.new_job.start_time );
dbbind( dbproc, 6, NTBSTRINGBIND, ( DBINT )0, ( LPBYTE )&disp_job.new_job.end_time );
dbbind( dbproc, 7, NTBSTRINGBIND, ( DBINT )0, ( LPBYTE )&disp_job.new_job.pickup_point );
dbbind( dbproc, 8, NTBSTRINGBIND, ( DBINT )0, ( LPBYTE )&disp_job.new_job.destination );
dbbind( dbproc, 9, NTBSTRINGBIND, ( DBINT )0, ( LPBYTE )&disp_job.new_job.veh_plate );
dbbind( dbproc, 10, NTBSTRINGBIND, ( DBINT )0, ( LPBYTE )&disp_job.new_job.remark );
dbbind( dbproc, 11, NTBSTRINGBIND, ( DBINT )0, ( LPBYTE )&disp_job.new_job.customer );
dbbind( dbproc, 12, NTBSTRINGBIND, ( DBINT )0, ( LPBYTE )&disp_job.new_job.cust_contact_person );
dbbind( dbproc, 13, NTBSTRINGBIND, ( DBINT )0, ( LPBYTE )&disp_job.new_job.cust_contact_number );
dbbind( dbproc, 14, NTBSTRINGBIND, ( DBINT )0, ( LPBYTE )&disp_job.new_job.cust_details );

// now process the rows
while( dbnextrow( dbproc ) != NO_MORE_ROWS )
new_job = malloc( sizeof( DISPATCH_NEWJOB ) );
if( !new_job )
return( 0 );
memcpy( ( char * )new_job, ( char * )&disp_job, sizeof( DISPATCH_NEWJOB ) );
append_to_list( &Read_Job_List, new_job );
sprintf( str, "Results Failed, result_code = %d", result_code );
log_str( str );

where the job_type columIn is of the char(1) type, NTBSTRINGBIND is the vartype argument in the dbbind() function.

However, what I have gotten is nothing more than a null string from the job_type column. I have alternatively changed the vartype argument to STRINGBIND, CHARBIND and even INTBIND, but the results are the same.

Who can tell me the tricks to retrieve a char(1) column from SQL server?

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SQL Server Everywhere OLE DB Sample

Jul 6, 2006


We want to replace Access/ SQL Server Express/MSDE with a lightweight server with a small footprint, and I've got the assignment to evaluate SQL Server 2005 Everywhere using MFC. The application we want to replace the database in is MFC and not yet converted to VS 2005. I have no previous experience with OLE DB, and a very limited experience using MFC. I was hoping someone could provide me with a sample application using SQL/e with OLE DB, and some good references to getting started. If anyone knows of any good Libraries to simplify the implementation of OLE DB for me, that would be great. I'm currently looking into Express OLE DB Library from Sypram, but having some compilation issues.

I've tried to read the OLE DB tutorial at msdn library, but so far it feels very abstract and seems quite complex compared to ADO providers in C# which most of my exprience is from.

I tried using the MFC Wizard in VS2005 to create a single document application. When selecting the SQL Server 2005 Everywhere OLE DB Provider for Windows and then selecting a table from the data source, Visual Studio crashes with an unhandeled win32 exception (I've reported this bug at So I haven't really gotten a good idea on how to use the OLE DB driver for SQL/e.

Does anyone know if there are any plans on providing an ODBC driver for SQL/e? I haven't been able to find any so far.


Best regards

Bjørnar Sundsbø


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SQL Server Management Studio Express:Cannot Access Destination Table ‘dbo.FromExcel’in SqlConnection-VBExpress Programming(P.1)

Oct 18, 2007

Hi all,
In the Object Explorer of my SQL Server 2005 Management Studio Express, I do not have €˜Northwind€™ Database installed yet. I executed the following source code (that was copied from a book) in my VB 2005 Express:
Imports System.Data.SqlClient
Imports System.Data
Public Class Form9

Dim cnn1 As New SqlConnection

Private Sub Form5_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load

'Compute top-level project folder and use it as a prefix for
'the primary data file
Dim int1 As Integer = InStr(My.Application.Info.DirectoryPath, "bin")
Dim strPath As String = Microsoft.VisualBasic.Left(My.Application.Info.DirectoryPath, int1 - 1)
Dim pdbfph As String = strPath & "northwnd.mdf"
Dim cst As String = "Data Source=.sqlexpress;" & _
"Integrated Security=SSPI;" & _
"AttachDBFileName=" & pdbfph
cnn1.ConnectionString = cst

End Sub

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click

'Create a command to create a table
Dim cmd1 As New SqlCommand
cmd1.CommandText = "CREATE TABLE FromExcel (" & _
"FirstName nvarchar(15), " & _
"LastName nvarchar(20), " & _
"PersonID int Not Null)"
cmd1.Connection = cnn1

'Invoke the command
MessageBox.Show("Command succeeded.", "Outcome", _
MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information)
Catch ex As Exception
End Try

End Sub

Private Sub Button2_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button2.Click

'Create a command to drop a table
Dim cmd1 As New SqlCommand
cmd1.CommandText = "DROP TABLE FromExcel"
cmd1.Connection = cnn1

'Invoke the command
MessageBox.Show("Command succeeded.", "Outcome", _
MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information)
Catch ex As Exception
End Try

End Sub

Private Sub Button3_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button3.Click

'Declare FromExcel Data Table and RowForExcel DataRow
Dim FromExcel As New DataTable
Dim RowForExcel As DataRow

FromExcel.Columns.Add("FirstName", GetType(SqlTypes.SqlString))
FromExcel.Columns.Add("LastName", GetType(SqlTypes.SqlString))
FromExcel.Columns.Add("PersonID", GetType(SqlTypes.SqlInt32))

'Create TextFieldParser for CSV file from spreadsheet
Dim crd1 As Microsoft.VisualBasic.FileIO.TextFieldParser
Dim strPath As String = _
Microsoft.VisualBasic.Left( _
My.Application.Info.DirectoryPath, _
InStr(My.Application.Info.DirectoryPath, "bin") - 1)
crd1 = My.Computer.FileSystem.OpenTextFieldParser _
(My.Computer.FileSystem.CombinePath(strPath, "Book1.csv"))
crd1.TextFieldType = Microsoft.VisualBasic.FileIO.FieldType.Delimited
crd1.Delimiters = New String() {","}

'Loop through rows of CSV file and populate
'RowForExcel DataRow for adding to FromExcel
'Rows collection
Dim currentRow As String()
Do Until crd1.EndOfData
currentRow = crd1.ReadFields()
Dim currentField As String
Dim int1 As Integer = 1
RowForExcel = FromExcel.NewRow
For Each currentField In currentRow
Select Case int1
Case 1
RowForExcel("FirstName") = currentField
Case 2
RowForExcel("LastName") = currentField
Case 3
RowForExcel("PersonID") = CInt(currentField)
End Select
int1 += 1
int1 = 1
RowForExcel = FromExcel.NewRow
Catch ex As Microsoft.VisualBasic.FileIO.MalformedLineException
MsgBox("Line " & ex.Message & _
"is not valid and will be skipped.")
End Try
Using sqc1 As SqlBulkCopy = New SqlBulkCopy(cnn1)
sqc1.DestinationTableName = "dbo.FromExcel"
End Using
Catch ex As Exception
End Try

'Read the FromExcel table and display results in
'a message box
Dim strQuery As String = "SELECT * " & _
"FROM dbo.FromExcel "
Dim str1 As String = ""

Dim cmd1 As New SqlCommand(strQuery, cnn1)
Dim rdr1 As SqlDataReader
rdr1 = cmd1.ExecuteReader()
While rdr1.Read()
str1 += rdr1.GetString(0) & ", " & _
rdr1.GetString(1) & ", " & _
rdr1.GetSqlInt32(2).ToString & ControlChars.CrLf
End While
End Try
MessageBox.Show(str1, "FromExcel")

End Sub

End Class
This is Part 1 (The length of input exceeds 50000 characters). Part 2 will be posted in this site shortly.

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SQL Server Sample Database Required

Jul 11, 2007

Does Any one have a SQL server sample database atleast with 50 mb ofdata or can anyone give me a link with I could download it?RegardsSathish S N

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SQL Server Compact Edition 3.5 C++ Sample

Jan 14, 2008


I am looking for C++ example using SQL Server Compact Edition 3.5.
I managed to compile and run the "northwindoledb" c++ example, but still, I am looking for source code to 3.5 (And not 3.1).

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About New SQL Server 2005 Samples And Sample Databases

Aug 10, 2006

There are five msi files listed for downloading.






What are the and AdventureWorksBICI.msi used for? I try to run it, but it return the message "Another version of this product is already installed" and ask me remove the old version of this product. Anybody know what I should remove?


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Cant Get Any Event From FormsAuthentication Sample In The Report Server ?

Jan 31, 2007

Hi i have used

to enable custom security in the report server,now custom security sample is working fine with my report server,

So bigger problem is my Software manager ask me to redesighn

UILogon.aspx page  ?

Now the bigger problem is when redesign the UILogon.aspx page 

I am having lot of problems in the sample ,thing is i cant get any button event from the

code behind it self  ?

Error is saying that

 "cannot handle Event 'Public Event Click(sender As Object, e As System.Web.UI.ImageClickEventArgs)' because they do not have the same signature."

Whats is the wrong with this ?




sujithf ?








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Where To Get Sql Server Custom Connection Manager Sample.

Jan 28, 2008

Ok... so the microsoft documentation talks about the Sql Server Custom Connection Manager Sample all over the place. And I look to my machine after installing the samples and its not there. So I go to microsoft site and it says that the code samples are now hosted on this codeplex website. You follow the link and nothing is there for the sample. Can anyone show me exactly where I can get this sample? I find lots of people with issues trying to find and download it.. so I know i'm not the only one.


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Downloading Sample SQL Server Studio Express Database

Sep 18, 2006

I'm looking for a sample Database that is well set up to learn from.  Does anyone know where I can download one from?

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SQL Server Express Starter Kits (Sample Applications)

Aug 30, 2007

When I registered SQL Server Express I received an e-mail back showing all of the resources available to get started. There were 6 Starter Kits available, Teacher, Colection Manager, Amazon Enabled Movie Collection, and three others. When I click on the links to download the Starter Kits, the link comes back as invalid. Can you provide the correct links to use to get the Starter Applications, or can you e-mail me code? Thanks for you attention to this matter.
Charlie Cappello

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Server Connection Failure When Running ItemFinder Sample

Feb 28, 2007

I am new to Full text serach.

Thought of trying the sample ItemFinder application (C#.NET) from the following link:

But when I run the ItemFinder.exe,

I get the following error :

Server connection failure
Cannot open database requested in login 'AdventureWorks'. Login fails.

Login failed for user 'ASIAPACIFICmuthubha'.

Any idea what is the problem and how to solve it?

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Sql Server Express And Sample Personal Web Site Start Up

Mar 5, 2006

I have installed sql server express 2005 and also visual studio express developer when i run the personal web site sample I get the folowing error

Shared Memory Provider, error: 40 - Could not open a connection to SQL Server

How do I correct this please does any one know ?

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How To Upload Excel To Sql Server 2000,plz Give Me Sample Code

Apr 16, 2007

How to upload excel data to sql server 2000 thorugh .net application.
I want like one upload button should be there,we have to browese corresponding excel file and then we need to upload to database.
before uploading it has to ask appending or replace everything in table.
both options appending and replacing shoulb be there.
How to upload ?
any sample code is there plz give me.
Please help me.

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SQL Server Express Starter Kits And Sample Applications Downloads Links Are Bad

Sep 22, 2007

1. The download links shown below for the Starter Kits found at this URL do not work:

Teacher Starter Kit
Collection Manager Starter Kit
Club Web Site EventCalendar control source code

2. None of the download links shown below for the Sample Applications found at this URL work:

Internet Explorer Favorites Sample
Skills Manager Sample
Survey Manager Sample
Help Desk Sample
Reports for Web Sample
Reports for Windows Sample

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Sample SQL Agent Job Step For Type SQL Server Analysis Command With Error_handling

Jul 26, 2006

I notice that my XLMA code for Processing Update on my dimensions

fails some times. Unfortunately the SQL Agent does not detect this as a failure

and the job continues.

I do I include error handling in XMLA code so that the XMLA command failure is

detected by the SQL Agent Job scheduler

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Feb 27, 2007

Is it that I have a syntax error in the nested OPENQUERY or is there another issue? Do I need to specify a different provider in the Server Link such as OLEDB? Non-nested OPENQUERYs work fine.

I'm generally following theTips and Tricks article.

"Executing predictions from the SQL Server relational engine". One problem is the sample doesn't actually complete the example query after the second nested OPENQUERY call.



The SQL Server server link's provider is configured to allow adhoc access. I appears that the inner OPENQUERY cannot be prepared by Analysis Server or the Server link provider? but I need to return a key value t.[CardTransactionID] for joining to SQL Server data elements.

 OLE DB provider "MSOLAP" for linked server "DMServer" returned message "Errors in the back-end database access module. The data provider does not support preparing queries.".

Msg 7321, Level 16, State 2, Line 2 An error occurred while preparing the query
SELECT * FROM OPENQUERY(DMServer,           
              [Misuse Abuse Profile].[Even Dollar Purchase],
              PredictProbability([Misuse Abuse Profile].[Even Dollar Purchase]) AS Score,
              PredictSupport([Misuse Abuse Profile].[Even Dollar Purchase]) AS Suppt,            
              [Misuse Abuse Profile]
              OPENQUERY([Athena Dev],
                '') AS t
              [Misuse Abuse Profile].[Account Number] = t.[AccountNumber] AND
              [Misuse Abuse Profile].[Supplier State Province Code] = t.[SupplierStateProvinceCode] AND
              [Misuse Abuse Profile].[Merchant Category Code] = t.[MerchantCategoryCode] AND
              [Misuse Abuse Profile].[Purchase ID Format] = t.[PurchaseIDFormat] AND
              [Misuse Abuse Profile].[Transaction Time] = t.[TransactionTime] AND
              [Misuse Abuse Profile].[Tax Amount Included Code] = t.[TaxAmountIncludedCode] AND
              [Misuse Abuse Profile].[Tax2 Amount Included Code] = t.[Tax2AmountIncludedCode] AND
              [Misuse Abuse Profile].[Order Type Code] = t.[OrderTypeCode] AND
              [Misuse Abuse Profile].[Memo Post Flag] = t.[MemoPostFlag] AND
              [Misuse Abuse Profile].[Even Dollar Purchase] = t.[EvenDollarPurchase]

In desparation I tried returning the case key (CardTransactionID) and the predictive column elements but I get an error when I try that. I assume this is a no-no?
OLE DB provider "MSOLAP" for linked server "DMServer" returned message "Error (Data mining): Only a predictable column (or a column that is related to a predictable column) can be referenced from the mining model in the context at line 2, column 15.".


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Sql Programming

Mar 29, 2005

What I want to do is remove part of a result from a query. I am selecting the srvname from sysservers as follows.

SELECT srvname from sysservers
Where srvid ='0'

When the name is returned some times it might be like servernameinstance. What I need to do is cut off the and everything after that so that my result is just servername. I am then using this result in a cursor to go after server shares. The length of the servername varies. Any suggestions.

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Help DTS Job Programming

Mar 3, 2004

I'm scheduling DTS packages to run as a job but when I do that, the job siply does not works, someone tolds me that it's a problem with the SQL and Windows NT authentication and security and he gaves me this URL;EN-US;Q269074.
but it not so clear to me, i'm working with SQL Server 200 and Windows Server 2000.

What can I do?

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