I have a data flow task within a For Each Loop Container.
Its reading a Demilited Flat File and inserting into a DB table.
The Flat File Source reads a specified folder and picks up all files with extension .txt
How can I record and save the file names the package picks up and loads it in ?
For eg:
If I have under C:Test folder
And the package picks up all the files above and loads them in, is it possible to read the file name its processing ?
I have a need to read these file names ( in this example File1,File2,File3 ) and store them in a DB table.
One people created a word input file (15 pages, including check boxes, text boxes, drop down lists...). Is it possible to save data in word input file to SQL table?
I'm wondering if there is any way to get SSIS to notice, in the Flat File Source, that a "Ragged right" text input file has a record that is too short to populate all the specified columns.
I am reading data from a file that is supposed to be fixed length records, but record 193,591 (out of approx. 500,000) is 20 bytes short of the fixed length (60 bytes). So I changed the input to "ragged right" and found that I can thereby continue to read the file, and load the data (after setting the "maximum errors" to a number greater than the initial "1"). (Without this change to "ragged right", every record after the bad one was "out of synch" with the column arrangement -- so they never made it into the database table destination.)
But the "failures" I am now getting are during the Data Conversion step, when I try to convert some columns to integers (from text, in the input stream). And by looking at the data with a "Redirect Row" setting for the Data Conversion step, I am able to see that the Flat File Source is reading "right past the end of the row."
Is there a way to get the Flat File Source to honor the CR-LF record terminator, and decide that some text columns should contain "nothing" (NULL or zero-length strings), rather than the bytes that contain the CR-LF and the initial text from the next record? Can this somehow be noticed as an error condition?
I am using the flat file connection manager. I read in a set of flat files and copy them into a staging database table. I want to ignore anything in the text file past column 266. I can't get this to work correctly. I can't define the last column to end at 266 and ignore the rest. I tried adding an extra column but that did not work either.
Each day I receive a file with a different name. For example, the name is filename_mmddyyyy.txt where filename_ stays constant and mmddyyyy is the date of the file. The file is always in the same format.
I want to build an SSIS where I pass it this file name. I can write a script to generate the correct file name. How do I build the SSIS so it can accept the input parameter and find the correct file to process?
If I can select an input flat file via a dialog box, or it is necessary to either hardcode the file name or change the filename everytime to a similar format; &How can a query be run and processed in SQL right after input of a flat file to continue?
Sorry if this question had already been answered previously. I was unable search the forum on this topic. How will I merge these and then configure the first row as Column names (As this helps to map to the destination column names automatically)
I created a ssis package which exports the data from oledb source to flat file (csv format). For this i have OLEDB source and Flat File as destination. I generate the file and filename dynamically with the column names in the first row. So if the dynamically generated file name already exists , then i want to append the data in the same existing file. But I dont want to append the column names again. I just want to append the rows to the existing rows.
so lets say first time i generate a file called File1_3132008.csv.
Col1, Col2 1,2 3,4
After some days if my ssis package generates the same file name i.e. File1_3132008.csv, this time i just want to append the rows to the existing file. So the file should look like this- Col1, Col21,23,45,67,8
But instead my file looks like this if i set Overwrite propery to false
Col1,Col2 1,2 3,4 Col1,Col2 5,6 7,8
Can anyone help me to get the file as shown in the highlighed
I am testing SSIS and have created a Flat File Destination. I defined the Flat File Connection as New for the first time and it worked fine. Now, I would like to go back and modify the Flat File Connection in the Flat File Destination Editor, but it allows only to create a New connection rather allowing me to edit the existing one. For testing, I can go back and create a new connection, but if my connection had 50-100 columns then it would be an issue to re-create it from scratch.
I have a situation where a tab limited text file is used to populate a sql server table.
The tab limited text file comes from a third party vendor. There are fixed number of columns we need to export to the sql server table. However the third party may add colums in the text file. Whenenver the text file has an added column (which we dont need to import) the build fails since the flat file connection manager does not create the metadata for it again. The problem goes away where I press the button "Reset Columns" since it builds the metadata then. Since we need to build the tables everyday we cannot automate it using SSIS because the metadata does not change automatically. Is there a way out in SSIS?
I am transferring data from an OLEDB source to a Flat File Destination and I want the column width for all of the output columns to 30 (max width amongst the columns selected), but that is not refected in the Fixed Width Flat File that got created. The outputcolumnwidth seems to be the same as the inputcolumnwidth. Is there any other setting that I am possibly missing or is this a possible defect?
I m using SSIS and i am transfering the data from Flat File Source to the OLE DB destination File. The source file contain some corrupt data which i am transfering to the other Flat file destination file.
Debugging is succesful but i am not getting any error output in the Flat file destination file.
i had done exactly which is written in the msdn tutorial of SSIS.
Plz tell me why i am not getting the error output in the destination flat file?
In Management Studio, under Registered Servers, I double-click a server name (could be sql 2000 or sql 2005 server) and it apperars in "Object Explorer" where I can work with it. I click the "Save All" button in Management Studio, exit Studio, and re-start Studio. When I do, I find that all the servers I placed under "Object Explorer" are now missing and I need to go through the "double-click the registered server" ritual again. And again, and again.
What am I doing wrong here? Why don't the servers "stick" in Object Explorer?
First, a couple of important bits of information. Until last week, I had never touched SISS, and therefore, I know very little about it. I just never had the need to use it...until now. I was able to convert my first 3 flat files to SQL2005 tables by right clicking on "SISS Package" and choosing "SISS Import and Export Wizard". That is the extent of my knowledge! So please, please, please be patient with me and be as descriptive as possible.
I thought I could attach some sample files to this post, but it doesn't look like I can. I'll just paste the information below in two separate code boxes. The first code box is the flat file specifications and the second one is a sample single line flat file similar to what I'm dealing with (the real flat file is over 2 gigs).
My questions are below the sample files.
Code Snippet Record Length 400
Positions Length FieldName
Record Type 01 1,2 L=2 Record Type (Always "01") 3,12 L=10 Site Name 13,19 L=7 Account Number 20,29 L=10 Sub Account 30,35 L=6 Balance 36,37 L=1 Active 37,41 L=5 Filler Record Type 02 1,2 L=2 Record Type (Always "02") 3,4 L=2 State 5,30 L=26 Address 31,41 L=11 Filler Record Type 03 1,2 L=2 Record Type (Always "03") 3,6 L=4 Coder 7,20 L=14 Locator ID 21,22 L=2 Age 23,41 L=19 Filler Record Type 04 1,2 L=2 Record Type (Always "04") 3,9 L=7 Process 10,19 L=10 Client 20,26 L=6 DOB 26,41 L=16 Filler Record Type 05 1,2 L=2 Record Type (Always "05") 3,16 L=14 Guarantor 17,22 L=6 Guar Account 23,23 L=1 Active Guar **There can be multiple 05 records, one for each Guarantor on the account**
and the single line flat file...
Code Snippet 01Site1 12345 0000098765 Y 02NY1155 12th Street 03ELL 0522071678 29 04TestingSmith,Paul071678 05Smith, Jane 445978N 05Smith, Julie 445989N 05Smith, Jenny 445915N 01Site2 12346 0000098766 N 02MN615 Woodland Ct 04InfoJones,Chris 012001 01Site3 12347 0000098767 Y 02IN89 Jade Street 03OWB 6429051282 25 04Screen New,Katie 879500
As you can see, each entry could have any number of records and multiples of some of the record types, with one exception, every entry must have a "01" record and can only have one "01" record. Oh, and each record has a length of 400.
I need to get this information into a SQL 2005 database so I can create a front end for accessing the data. Originally, I wanted one line for each account and have null values listed for entries that don't have a specific record. Now that I've looked at the data again, that doesn't look like a good idea. I think a better way to do it would be to create 5 different tables, one for each record type. However, records 2 through 5 don't have anything I can make a primary key. So here are my questions...
Is it possible to make 5 tables from this one file, one table for each of the record types?
If so, can I copy the Account number in record 01, position 13-19 in each of the subsequent record types (that way I could link the tables as needed)?
Can this be done using the SISS Import and Export Wizard to create the package? If not, I'm going to need some very basic step by step instructions on how to create the package.
Is SISS the best way to do this conversion or is there another program that would be better to use? I know this is a huge question and I appreciate the help of anyone who boldly decides to help me! Thank you in advance and I welcome anyone's suggestions!
Here with the below query iam binding my gridview with industry name,company name,Plant Name,Group Name related to the IDs in Audit table.Select Aud.Ad_ID_PK,Aud.Audit_Name,Ind.Industry_Name,Cmp.Company_Name,Pla.Plant_Name,Gr.Groups_Name,Aud.Audit_Started_On,Aud.Audit_Scheduledto,Aud.Audit_Created_On from Industry Ind, Company Cmp, Plant Pla, Groups Gr, Audits Audwhere Ind.Ind_Id_PK =Aud.Audit_Industry and Cmp.Cmp_ID_PK =Aud.Audit_Company and Pla.Pl_ID_PK =Aud.Audit_Plant and Gr.G_ID_PK =Aud.Audit_Group and Ad_ID_PK in (select Ad_ID_PK from Audits) Now i want to edit these names. when i click on edit in gridview these names will be filled into textboxes and when i change the names it should compare the name with particular tables and should get the Id of that and store in Audits table. For example: i have this data in my audits table:
2 2 2 1 Here Commercial83312 is ID of that Audit and 2,2,2,1 are the Industry,Company,Plant and group Ids for that particular audit.In the front end i can see the names of this particular IDs. when i edit the industry name in the UI it must check the name with industry table and get the ID of the changed name and store it in audit table. so the data may be changed in audits table as :
4 2 2 1
so here the industry ID is changed I need the stored procedure for this. please help me,its very urgent...
I am designing a package to export staging tables into a flat file.The names of the tables will be: TableAStaging_YYYYMM and TableBStaging_YYYYMM. As you can see the names of the tables will be changing each month.
The flat files will have similar naming: C:MyPathFlatFileTableAStaging__YYYYMM and C:MyPathFlatFileTableAStaging__YYYYMM.I want to run the package as an sql job in two steps, one for each table.I need to dynamically pass the table names and file names (together with the path) to the IS package.
i am sure this question must have been anwsered some where, but after a lot of searching i still have not find the anwser.
i have flat files without column headers (267 columns in total). since i have the file's description i have created a table to house these extracts with the columns in the same order as in the flat files. additionally, i have an excel containing a list of the column names their data types and length as well as their position on the flat files. in the old, DTS would map the columns without headers to those columns in the destination table using their order, in which case it works like a breeze for me. but i can not find a way of doing that in SSIS.
i would very much appreciate someone's assistance on this one since i am sure that there must be a better way than manually (and tediously & error prone) to map all those columns.
How can I take this example Flat file and parse out each section to a new flat file? Each section starts with HD (header row)
e.g. an example output file based on above (cutting out the first section) would be:
Also, I'll need to grab a certain value in each header row (certain position in the 100 byte header row) to use that as part of the filename that's outputed. I assume it would be better to insert these rows into a temp table then somehow do a search on a specific position in the row...but that's impossible? The other route is to insert each row into a temp table separated out by fields but that is going to be too combursome because we have several formats to determine separation of fields based on the row type so I'd have to create many temp tables and many components in SSIS when all we want to do is again:
1) output each group (broken by each header row) into it's own txt file
2) use a field in the header row as part of the name of the output txt file (e.g. look at the first row, whcih is a header row in flat_file_example. txt. I want to grab the text 'AR10' and use that as part of the filename that I create
Any suggestions on how to approach this whole process in SSIS...the simplest approach that will work ?
I use the DTS 2000 Migration Wizard to migrate one of the DTS 2000 packages to SSIS. The migration failed with the following error message:
LogID=17 #Time=6:31 PM #Level=DTSMW_LOGLEVEL_ERR #Source=Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.MigrationWizard.Framework.Framework #Message=Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime.DtsRuntimeException: Failed to save package file "C:Documents and SettingsfuMy DocumentsVisual Studio 2005ProjectsKORTONKORTONProcessCubesMF.dtsx" with error 0x80070002 "The system cannot find the file specified.". ---> System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException (0xC001100E): Failed to save package file "C:Documents and SettingsfuMy DocumentsVisual Studio 2005ProjectsKORTONKORTONProcessCubesMF.dtsx" with error 0x80070002 "The system cannot find the file specified.".
at Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime.Wrapper.ApplicationClass.SaveToXML(String FileName, IDTSPersist90 pPersistObj, IDTSEvents90 pEvents) at Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime.Application.SaveToXml(String fileName, Package package, IDTSEvents events) --- End of inner exception stack trace --- at Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime.Application.SaveToXml(String fileName, Package package, IDTSEvents events) at Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.MigrationWizard.DTS9HelperUtility.DTS9Helper.SaveToXML(Package pkg, String sFileLocation) at Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.MigrationWizard.Framework.Framework.StartMigration(PackageInfo pInfo)
Looking at the call stack, it looks like COM wrapper fails on SaveToXML. Can someone tell me how I should workaround this problem?
According to the help for SSIS, one method of deploying an SSIS package to a SQL Server, http://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms137565.aspx, is to use the File...Save a Copy of <package file> as... menu option.
I don't have that menu option at all. And yes, the package is in focus. My save menu options are simply; Save Selected, Save <package file> As... and Save All.
I am using Version 9.00.1399.00 of the SSIS Designer.
At one time I did have the Management Studio's CTP installed. However it was uninstalled before installing the tools from the Standard Edition. (it would seem like not completely however)
Your help would be greatly appreciated. Thanx much.
p.s. Almost forgot to mention... I am already aware of using the DTSInstall utility as a workaround. It should be noted, however, that despite enabling the "CreateDeploymentUtility" property, the DTSInstall.exe is not copied to the binDeployment directory.
I need to move specific files from a server to another server on a monthly basis. There are hundreds of files that are in the source directory and I need to move approximately 40 of those to the destination server. I would like to easily add or delete the file list as needed. I have seen where several variables were created for for each file name (and one for the path) and the ForEach Loop would go through them. With 40 or more I was thinking that I could make a connection to an Excel spreadsheet or text file with a record for each file name and read in and and move to the next record and make that value become the content of a "FileName" variable. Then if I wanted to add another file name I could just add another record to spreadsheet/text file or remove and the package would handle automatically....
I'm exporting reports daily to a file share and I need to rename the reports with a pseudo time stamp.
Example: I have a report named "Disk Usage" and when I export (using a data-driven subscription) I want to rename it "Disk Usage - (Jan07)" - or something to that effect.
I have a package in which there are only one Data flow Task and it has only three components. 1) Source , which is a SQL db 2) destination and 3) OLE DB Destination flat file Error output file. I want the error file to be created ONLY if there is any error while dumping the data into destination DB. But , the issue is, the error flat file is being created inspite of No error while dumping the data from Source to Destination.
Need to know how I can get the dynamic filename created in the FlatFile destination for insert into a package audit table?
Scenario: Have created a package that successfully outputs Dynamiclly named flat files { Format: C:Test’Comms_File_’ + ‘User::FileNumber’+’_’+Date +’.txt’
E.g.: Comms_File_1_20150724.txt, Comms_File_2_20150724.txt etc} using Foreach Loop Container :
* Enumerator Set to: “Foreach ADO Enumerator” with the ADO object source variable selected to identify how many total loop iterations there are i.e. Let’s say 4 thus 4 files to be created
*Variable Mappings : added the User::FileNumber – indicates which file number current loop iteration is i.e. 1,2,3,4
For the DataFlow task have a OLDBSource and a FlatFile Destination where Flat File ConnectionString is set up as:
I need find out the number of columns in flat file before i process that particular file.I have file name in @filename variable and file path is @filepath variable.But do not not that how i will check the column name in before i will process that file.
@filePath = C:DatabaseSourceFilesCAHCVSSourceFiles And i am using for each loop container to read the file one by one and put the file name in @filename variable.and my file name like
Now what i have to do is i need to make sure that ID,Name,City,County,Phone is there in flat file.if it is not there then i have to send mail to client saying that file is not valid.I need to also calculate the size of flat file.
What is the easiest way to accomplish this task with SSIS?
Basically I have a stored procedure that unions multiple queries between databases. I need to be able to export this to a text file on a daily basis and add a total records: row to the end of the text file.
Hello Experts, I am createing one task (user control) in SSIS. I have property grid in my GUI and 2 buttons (OK & Cancle). PropertyGrid has Properties like SourceConnection, OutputConnection etc....right now I am able to populate Connections in list box next to Source and Output Property.
Now my question to you guys is depending on Source Connection it should read that text file associated with connection manager. After validation it should pick header (first line of text file bases on record type) and write it into new file when task is executed. I have following code for your reference. Please let me know I am going in right direction or not.. What should go here ? ->Under Class A
In a foreachloop, I am inserting records into a flat file which is working fine. But the thing is that as the file grows, it takes longer for it to locate the EOF(End of File) of the flat file so as to insert the records.
I have around 70-100 lines written to the file at each loop and there are more than 20k records to be looped. wihich means that at the end I should be having 1400k - 20000k line in the text file.
One solution would be to insert the records at the start of the file itself so that it does not has to lookup the EOF each time before writting.
Another would be to generate separate files and then merge it.
Any idea how can this can be done?
Beside this I have to zip the file and then SFTP to a given address.
I am running my package in sql server 2012, in which i am giving network path for flat file destination. And its working fine. But if i give m local path, its giving me error " cannot open data file" ...
Here's a really annoying problem. Let's say you have a text file with 2 million rows.Delimiters all look good and rows are previewed well but the file has a missing row at say lin 1234567 - way deep in the file. When SSIS encounters the blank row, an error is raised and processing on the file STOPS! I verified this in by checking the SSIS log and have even developed an error routine to notify me via email when the error occurs (really cool if I do say so myself ). The main problem still remains - how to resume processing from the point of failure in the file? Any help is appreciated. Thanks.