Save File When Report Is Run

Aug 22, 2007

Is it possible to save a report as a CSV when the report is run without the user having to export the file? I need to save the report to a server location without the end user having to specify where.

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User Unable To Save/Open Report In Report Builder

Feb 21, 2007


I have environment that use SSRS 2005 ad hoc reporting.

One of the users (out of 200) is unable to open or save reports in the report builder.

the user succeed to open the report builder, when he try to save report that he build from shema he get error. as well when he try to open an existing report that build in the report builder he also get an error,

On open the error is:

The numeric portion of 2pt cannot be parsed as a unit of the type point.

The Initilizer for 'Microsoft.ReportingServices.Design.Constants' threw an exception

On Save the error is:

System.IO.StreamReader: Deserialization failed: The type initializer for 'Microsoft.ReportingServices.Design.Constants' threw an exception. Line 2, position 2

Please note that I succeed with second user to create ad hoc report on the first user

computer. I also failed to with the first user to create ad hoc on another computer.

It seems like permissions issue



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Automatically Save Report In Report Builder

Oct 15, 2007


In Report Builder(SSRS 2005 sp2), is there a way to automatically save a report the user is working on? The problem is that somtimes a user would be spending a long time working on a new report and the connection would timeout and the user has to start all over again.


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DTS Migration Wizard Failed To Save Package File -with Error 0x80070002 - Th System Cannot Find The File Specified.

Jan 31, 2007


I use the DTS 2000 Migration Wizard to migrate one of the DTS 2000 packages to SSIS. The migration failed with the following error message:

#Time=6:31 PM
#Message=Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime.DtsRuntimeException: Failed to save package file "C:Documents and SettingsfuMy DocumentsVisual Studio 2005ProjectsKORTONKORTONProcessCubesMF.dtsx" with error 0x80070002 "The system cannot find the file specified.".
---> System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException (0xC001100E): Failed to save package file "C:Documents and SettingsfuMy DocumentsVisual Studio 2005ProjectsKORTONKORTONProcessCubesMF.dtsx" with error 0x80070002 "The system cannot find the file specified.".

at Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime.Wrapper.ApplicationClass.SaveToXML(String FileName, IDTSPersist90 pPersistObj, IDTSEvents90 pEvents)
at Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime.Application.SaveToXml(String fileName, Package package, IDTSEvents events)
--- End of inner exception stack trace ---
at Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime.Application.SaveToXml(String fileName, Package package, IDTSEvents events)
at Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.MigrationWizard.DTS9HelperUtility.DTS9Helper.SaveToXML(Package pkg, String sFileLocation)
at Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.MigrationWizard.Framework.Framework.StartMigration(PackageInfo pInfo)

Looking at the call stack, it looks like COM wrapper fails on SaveToXML. Can someone tell me how I should workaround this problem?


Bobby Fu

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Save Some Stored Proc In File And Create SP From File

Jul 27, 2006

Every day we are restoring prod DB in Development env. I need to save before restore users stored proc,

restore DB and after create SP from file.


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File..Save Copy Of &&<package File&&> As... Not Available

Mar 27, 2006

According to the help for SSIS, one method of deploying an SSIS package
to a SQL Server,, is to use the
File...Save a Copy of <package file> as... menu option. 

I don't have that menu option at all.  And yes, the package is in
focus.  My save menu options are simply; Save Selected, Save
<package file> As... and Save All.

I am using Version 9.00.1399.00 of the SSIS Designer.

At one time I did have the Management Studio's CTP installed. 
However it was uninstalled before installing the tools from the
Standard Edition.  (it would seem like not completely however)

Your help would be greatly appreciated.  Thanx much.

p.s. Almost forgot to mention... I am already aware of using the
DTSInstall utility as a workaround.  It should be noted, however,
that despite enabling the "CreateDeploymentUtility" property, the
DTSInstall.exe is not copied to the binDeployment directory.

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How To Fire Off A Report And Save It As Pdf...

Sep 18, 2006

Using, does anyone know or has anyone fired off a sql report, save it as PDF to a defined path?

I am knew to sql reporting services and the help files are not very helpfile.

Any sample code would be helpful.


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Save To XML File

Oct 27, 2006

i'm trying to save data to an XML file from an OLE DB source using the "For XML" clause in the SQL command. Do I need to use a flat file connection manager or a raw file connection manager? And what destination do I use?

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Able To Use On Any PC; Save DB As File

May 4, 2008

I haven't downloaded nor installed it but I have some general questions about it:

*Can I store a SQL Server-Express Database as a file, so that the Users can easily back it up or use my application as a portable one
*Do the enduser have to install SQL Server Express or any addition when I'm programming for the .Net Framework 3.5?

I'm looking forward to your answer!

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SP2 Report Builder And Default Save Location

Feb 27, 2007

Prior to SP2, when you clicked the save button it would take you to the root of Report Server. With SP2 (in old-style Report Manager mode, not Sharepoint integrated mode) it takes you to the /Models directory by default when you click save. Is there a way around this?

If I launch Report Builder via the following URL, it does fix the problem. But it doesn't let me pick table/matrix/chart. I would like to override the default save location AND be able to let the user pick table/matrix/chart:



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Opening A PDF Report Without The OPEN/Save Dialog

Mar 8, 2006

Is there a way to render the PDF report in the same broswer window you just called it from without the Open/Save dialog box coming up. The report is being call directly by URL parameters for PDF format

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How To Save A File In SQL Server

Feb 25, 2004

I have the need to allow a user to upload a file via the web and then save it into a database. THen I also need to be able to retrieve the file for download.

Can someone give me guidance as to code or a sample on how to do this.


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Save Any File Into A Table

Feb 2, 2005

I have a application where i can choose to save any file(could be jpg or dat or txt or xml etc etc) into a table.So far,i've manage to save it into an SQL server table in a column(set to Image datatype).But when i get the data from the table,put it into a byte array and recreate it.I notice that the files can be recreated correctly if they are of type .txt files.But jpg files can't be recreated and trying to open the jpg files gives an error.I don't think it is the file saving that is the problem since any files can be save.Rather it is the file recreating that is the problem.Can anyone help?

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Image File Save To DB

Jul 13, 2005

How to save image file to database?
Which control use best?

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How To Save A Gif Or Jpeg File?

Nov 9, 2007

Need advise on how to save objects like this in a sql2005 database, so they can be rendered to users thru a gridview control. Heard of saving a reference to location, but wondering if the entire object can be saved and served up with it's related data.

Thanks for your time.

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How Do I Save Xml File To Sqlserver

Sep 9, 2007

hi all.
i have a simple table with 2 fields:
1. name
2. file
i have an xml file -> zz.mxl
how do i save this file to the db in a stored proc?
how do i call this from

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Save DTS Package To File?

Jan 7, 2008

I have a server with MSDE 2000 installed onto it. I also installed SQLEXPR_TOOLKIT.EXE . Now there is a DTS package present on that server saved in the DB. How can I alter that package? And if that's not possible: how can I save the package to a file so I can transfer that file to my development machine?

Thanks in advance,

Stijn Verrept.

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Regarding File Save As(6th March)

Mar 6, 2008

How can i save one file from one location to other location(save as) using Asp.Net code.
Any body pls send Source code.

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Save To External File

Mar 12, 2008

how do i write a select query which will return all my data into an excel file or an xml file or txt file?

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How To Use The Render Method To Save A Report Directly To Disk ?

May 2, 2007

Hi there,

Is there a way to programmatically save a RS results into Excel format using the render method ?

I had read about that capability but I can't seem to find any sample code on how to do it. Is this a parameter that you have to set in the render method ?

Any suggestion or tips are much appreciated !

Thanks !

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Upload And Save A PDF File Into MS SQL Databse

Apr 13, 2007

Hi guys,
 I want to update a PDF file and store it in the MSSQL database. (I know it is better if I save the file on server and just store the link to it, but I have to store the file on the database "Project Requirements")
I would probably use FileUpload control to upload the file. but would I upload it to server temporarly and then save it or would I just upload it to DB.
I appreciate your help and suggestions and any tips & tricks or issue that I have to consider.

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Save SQL XML Field Type To A Xml File

Jul 14, 2007

Hi, I have a table which holds raw xml in a field with type XML. How do I export that XML field to an XML file? Thanks Bones 

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Save File Into The Sql Server Database

Feb 28, 2008

I want to upload a file (e.g. .xls, .pdf, .doc) and save into the Sql Server 2000 database through the web interface, and then to download this file. Any idea???

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Save Database E-R Diagram To File

Jul 12, 2001

I was wondering if it is possible to save the database E-R diagram to file in
MS SQL server 7?


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Save Results Of Query To CSV File

Aug 20, 1999

I want to write a small program (maybe just a stored procedure) that will save the results and column names of a simple query to CSV file. This will then be copied onto disk and distributed to user who'll use Excel or a similar package to open the CSV file.

Any suggestions as to the best way to achieve this? I was considering using a view and then BCP but I have problems then when trying to open the CSV file in excel (or other spreadsheet package). Doesn't like the datatypes and so on.

Is there a simple way to do this? And is it possible to save the results in such a way that Excel will choose the right datatypes for the columns. (not convert varchar's like '000122' to numbers.)

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How To Save SQL Output As EXCEL File?

May 5, 2008

I would like to create a SQL job that runs a basic query monthly and saves the results as a .xls file and emails the results to a user. I've been unsuccessful with sp_send_dbmail in that the output file is always a single column. Any suggestions?

Thanks, Dave

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Save File In SQL 2005 Database

Feb 14, 2007


I am working on a ASP.NET 2.0 project with an SQL 2005 database.
I created a documents table with various columns including:
DocumentId and DocumentUrl

My documents will always be PDF's of SWF's (Flash Paper Files)

I will need to display this files in my web pages.

My question is:
Should I save the DocumentUrl in the database or should I save the file itself in the database?

And how can I save files in an SQL 2005 database?


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Save Result To A Text File

Nov 14, 2007

Want to save the result of a query in sql server express to a text file or any other file.


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Load Or Save Last Version Of A DTS File

Dec 20, 2007


We need some help to resolve an issue. We want to load and save the last version of a DTS File but using this command:

EXEC @rc = sp_OAMethod @object, 'SaveToStorageFile', NULL, @Path_Log_Save_DTS

we always get all versions of the DTS File. Could you help us to Load or Save only the last version of the file? Is there any option of this procedure sp_OAMethod (or other) that solve the problem?



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Failed To Save Package File

Sep 13, 2007

I am just beginning to work on an ETL project at a new client site using their computers. They are an IT department new to SQL Server. We have SQL Server 2005 up and running, no probkem. But I get that error when I try to add a new package to an SSIS project. The error number is 0x8002801D "Library Not Registered". I did see the post about the MSXML DLL files and when I try to load an existing package I get 3 errors regarding XML - stating that the MSXML binaries may not be installed or registered properly. I searched and found the MSXML3 & 6 DLLs but the MSXML4.DLL appears to be missing. If I repair the installation, will this fix it? BTW - the MSXML 6.0 Parser did show as being installed in Add/Remove Programs.

Thanks for you help!

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How Can You Save Data In Tables But Not In The Log File?

May 8, 2008

Hi All,

I'm developing a credit card application, and would like to store some sensitive data in a table temporarily, but be absolutely positive it either never goes into the log file in the first place, or is securely deleted from the log file when I delete the data. There's millions of other bits of data in the log, so truncating or otherwise disposing of the whole log is not an option.

In particular, I'm capturing the credit card mag stripe at the beginning of a transaction, and saving it while the work is done to complete the transaction. (ie, a pilot walks in, says "Top off the G4 with JetA, here's my card, have it ready when I get back.") We want to save the swipe info for maybe a couple of hours (it is encrypted during this time), use it for the authorization, then throw it away as per credit card industry rules.

Is there any way I can save the encrypted text string in a normal MSSQL field (Varchar(200)), have it stay around for a few hours as the user logs in and out of the database, then delete the record and be sure it's nowhere in the log?

George Lehmann
Horizon Business Concepts, Inc.
Broken Arrow, OK

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XML Configuration File : How To Save Password?

Jan 16, 2008

Hm... I use SSIS packages to manipulate some data from one SQL server to another. I chosed "DontSaveSensitiveData" and I am using a XML configuration file.

The problem is I have to edit the file with notepad manually and add the password for my SQLconnections in it.

Is it possible to do this from the Business Intelligence Studio instead?

I tried to edit the connections and set and save password there but it won't save it to the XML configuration file.

Or perhaps it is intended to be edited in notepad and passwords set manually to it?

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Programatically Query Database And Save Report In An Excel Table

May 2, 2007

Hello All,

I am working on constructing a software layer around some features of the RDL language that would allow me to programatically generate reports.

I am reading the RDL specification language, and I do not understand three things:

1) How the DataSet element is populated by the query or more precisely how do the <Field> elements capture all the rows inside the table that is being queries?

To my understanding I wilkl have to define several fields that correspond to all columns of interest in the query.

But that is only for one row (?!) How do the rest of the rows get populated? Does the server recursively create new rows based on my definitions until it matches row for row all the data in the table?

2) Once the elements are inside a DataSet how do make use of that data to render it in a table.

I understand how the DataSource, DataSet, and Table work individually, yet I do not understand how to establish a flow of data between DataSet and Table.

3) Do I even need to use a <Table> as an RDL element in order to organize the data in an excel table?

I would appreciate any help. Thank you!

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