i work on sql server 2005 at home and have created a database with several tables and dabase diagram , now how do i transfer it to sql server 2000 which i work on at work ,
can somebody point me in the right direction in which this is done
any hlp appreciated
i've used sql 2000 to create reports. Now i have almost 100 reports with lot of history (snapshots). Now i've developed the same reports in 2005 (basically upgraded the reports). If i upload the new reports, the 2000 history will be lost. Is there anyway that i can upgrade to 2005 and save the history ??
Someone: I have the need to upload a file via a webpage and then save that file into the database. I would also like to retrieve it and show it to the user.
Can someone show me an example of how this should be done. Also I am concerned of the pros and cons of saving files in the database. Is there a performance hit on the server? Will it make the database unstable? Has anyone had problems doing this?
Any suggestions, samples, and/or help are welcome.
I am working on a project that was written in Visual Studio 2003 using asp.net and C#. The project accesses a SQL Server 2000 database. I need to test the application. What I want to do is to copy the database over to a test server. The problem is that the test server only has SQL Server 2005 on it. Would it be a problem if I backed up the database using SQL Server 2000 and then recreated it on the server as a SQL server 2005 project? Would my source code accept the new database even though it would now be in sql server 2005?
I have used backup and restore method to upgrage 2000 databases to 2005 database. What do i need to do in order to for my application or users to use databse in 2005 and remove 2000
i have sql 2005 installed on my personal machine, but our server has sql 2000 on it. the structure of my database was made on the server, but i'm not sure how to update the server copy from my local copy. when i try to export my data from my local machine to the server (or import from my local machine to the server), i get pre-execute errors.
roughly every other week, i'll need to be able to update the server version from my local version, so i'm trying to find the most efficient method. what is the best way to update a 2000 database from a 2005 database? it doesn't matter if i append or overwrite, but i do use identity fields. the error i get when trying to use the import/export wizard is:
- Pre-execute (Error)
Error 0xc0202009: Data Flow Task: An OLE DB error has occurred. Error code: 0x80040E21. An OLE DB record is available. Source: "Microsoft SQL Native Client" Hresult: 0x80040E21 Description: "Multiple-step OLE DB operation generated errors. Check each OLE DB status value, if available. No work was done.". (SQL Server Import and Export Wizard)
Error 0xc0202025: Data Flow Task: Cannot create an OLE DB accessor. Verify that the column metadata is valid. (SQL Server Import and Export Wizard)
Error 0xc004701a: Data Flow Task: component "Destination 3 - ReleaseNotes" (202) failed the pre-execute phase and returned error code 0xC0202025. (SQL Server Import and Export Wizard)
I am trying to automate a basic task using SQL Server 2005 Express.
Currently I have a query script that I run and then save the results as a CSV file. I need to do this on a daily basis and so I am looking to find out how best to go about this. There are a multitude of third party tools that claim to be able to do this - can anyone recommend this or enlighten me of the best way to set up this automation.
How can I save UTF-8 strings in SQL Server 2005? I don't want to use nvarchar as it would take a lot of space and most of my text will be in latin characters (and it doesn't fully support all unicode code points anyway as it uses UCS2, I'm talking about the supplementary plane here which I know is very rarely used and most unicode fonts don't support it but it's still possible to be used at least in the future). I read in this KB article (http://support.microsoft.com/kb/232580) that my only option is to use varbinary, I'm worried though whether this could affect performance as I never used varbinary before .. I read in the same article that I cannot use varchar to store UTF-8 which I can't really understand, doesn't varchar use the whole 256 values to save character data according to the code page used? what makes UTF-8 characters not valid for being stored as varchar strings? (what I mean here is that I can do the conversion manually from varchar to UTF-8 but I only want to save the data in the varchar columns) Any suggestions are highly appreciated..
database file is not full and not limited to growth. As a matter of fact batch transactions are done but our proble is very slow. 28 records has been successfully save after 45 mins. Before it's just 5 minutes. Then some other process are not working. Is there anything that I must do? We have 460 tables in our software using SQL server 2000 and our application is using VB 6.0
Hello,I use SQL Server 2005 Express and I would liketo save on db of mine...Have I only to save the .mdf and .ldf data fileor I need to stop some service or other programs?Can I use some utility to schedule this?ThanksM.
My install of SQL Server 2005 runs like a dog. The SQL Management Studio splash screen lasts for 10 minutes, then when the Studio window appears it takes another 5 minutes to initialize.
I have SQL server installed on a Germane Server running Windows Server 2K, SP4. It has quad Xeon 2.8 GHz processors with 2GB RAM. 4 300GB drives in a RAID 5 configuration.
I have created 2 databases which I would like to save, uninstall SQL, then reinstall it. (I didn't install it the first time.)
Hi. I am new to SQL Server management. I created a new database and also a table names customer. Saved my works. Want ot know where the SQL database file has been saved because i cant find in the the sql server management folder located in my documents. Also i tried to connect to that database from vb 2008 but in vain. i just cant see the database.
I have 3 strings delimitted by a * character that I would like to save to a database. Each string will always have the same number of elements. strUserID = "1*2*3" strCompanyID="12931*12937*12945" strCompanyName="International Business Machines, Inc*Ford Motor Company*Delta Airlines" What I need to do is to save each record like this INSERT INTO tableA (UserID, CompanyID, CompanyName) VALUES (1, 12931, 'International Business Machines, Inc') INSERT INTO tableA (UserID, CompanyID, CompanyName) VALUES (2, 12937, 'Ford Motor Company') INSERT INTO tableA (UserID, CompanyID, CompanyName) VALUES (3, 12945, 'Delta Airlines') I've done something like this before with a single string, but don't know how to handle 3 of them. Dim strAlerts As String() = NothingstrAlerts = values.Split(",")Dim s As String For Each s In strAlerts SqlText = "INSERT INTO tableA (UserID, CompanyID, CompanyName) VALUES (" & lblUserID.Text & ", '" & lblCompanyID.Text & "','" & s & "')" cmd = New SqlCommand(SqlText, strSQLConn) cmd.ExecuteNonQuery() Next s Thanks for any help
has anyone got any opinions on the pros/cons of storing mp3 files in the database instead of the file system ? How could this be done ? Would it be a binary data type ?
Im using MS visual web developer. I have created a website and used the database they set up by using admin tools. One page requires the take the users comment and to save it into the database. I've tried a formview and connected it to the database which worked. the problem is i cannot save whatever the user types into the textbox. {insert query didnt work with this set up }INSERT INTO aspnet_Membership(Comment) VALUES ('CommentTextBox.Text') Error: cannot set userId or to null. and if i make it allow nulls its going to move on to the next column. I would appreciate some help please. Thank you in advance.
hi I have two questions: 1. I want a code to save data typed in a textbox during runtime using SQL server database. The database has a table with several colums where i have to reference the necessary column. 2. Can i use a Gridview to enter data during runtime and save the same data to the database? that is, INSERTING data to the database.
I'm looking for information that could tell me how to saving picture in a SQL database. The site is build on asp.net 2.0 and c#, and I'm using Visual Web Developer 2005 Express Edition. I would be thankful for some help.
Hi there, I have a web page (Visual Studio 2005, Asp.net 2.0) that has a series of textboxes and dropdownlists on it. I want people to be able to enter their information and click submit. When they click the submit button I want their information to save to a Sql Server 2005 database. I am having a lot of trouble finding any information on this topic. If someone could give me some sample code I would really appreciate it. Thanks
I'm using vs2008 programming in the latest vb.net and am pretty new to sql server. I looked up tuts and such to save changes to databases after I understood on how to connect to them get them to display and such. This is my code when I hit the "Save" button. It worked last time I was working on the program, now it doesn't, when I load up the program sometimes (i'm not sure why or under what circumstances) it'll load up the changes I made to the database through the datagrid and saved, but others it won't. What am I doing wrong? Here's my code:
Private Sub cmdSave_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles cmdSave.Click Try Me.Validate() Me.FinancialBindingSource.EndEdit() Me.FinancialTableAdapter.Update(Me.myDataSet.Financial) Catch ex As Exception MsgBox("Update failed") End Try End Sub
edit: It saves, but not completely. By that I mean, it'll save, but i'm not sure if it actually saves to the database or not. It will load back up with the data that I modified fine..unless I change any code in the program. Even if I just add a comment, the data reloads with the original data. However, if I don't touch code, it'll save my data fine. Why does it do this?
I have an application that connects and edits a database's tables.My question is, what is the best way to save who did what changes tothis database? I need to be able to display this in the application.The best way I have thought of so far is, to create a new table with'user', 'date', 'table_name', 'primary_key', 'old field_value' and'new_field_value' fields. Then I can save which table row had beenchanged, by which user and on which date.I'm sure that there is a way to do this in SQL Server, but I'm notsure how.Any help would be appriciated.Jagdip
Using: Compact Framework 1.0 and SQL Server CE 2.0
i want to save an image to my sql server ce 2.0 database on the device. In the Compact Framework 1.0 the Image class does not have .FromStream method, and the PictureBox class does not .Save method.
Has anyone done this before in SQL CE 2.0 and CF1.0
My english is not the best, but i will try my best.
I want to change the saving folder for the database from my systempartition to my datapartition (from c:labla to d:mydata), but i dont know how. I can see the folder but it is in gray font and unchangeable.
I have a SQL 2000 database on one server that I'm trying to transfer to a new server. The new server has Small Business Server R2 Premium Edition, which includes SQL 2005. I tried to transfer the database in the normal way that I'd create a copy database, which was: -1. Backup the source database2. Create a new database (empty) in the new server3. Restore to this database from the backup taken in #1. Of course on previous occasions I wasn't changing version, but I expected that this would either fail immediately (message "incorrect version" or some such), or else work. At first this appeared to transfer OK. It took about 20 minutes to create the backup (just over 5GB), and about the same time to restore it. The restore terminated with a message "Database has been restored successfully"). However, the database's icon in Management Studio's Object explorer showed a little up arrow, and alongside the database name "(restoring ....)". Clicking on the database icon did not expand it. 3 hours later it still was like this. Examining the server showed zero activity. I expect that it's failed, and I should delete the new "(restoring...)" database and start again. How should I create this SQL 2005 database?
My customer has SQL Server 2005. I have SQL Server 2000 on my laptop (on XP Pro). I believe I have an empty database the same as theirs, but I need to restore their data. They sent me a normal SQL Backup, but my laptop threw a fit and cannot work with it.
They are now trying to export the database to Microsoft Access and send me that, but I won't get that until next week now. However is there a better and easier solution for those of us with insufficient experience of this, please?
Dear All, at present all our servers are running with sql server 2000. we are planned to upgrade to sql server 2005 standard edition. what is the approach i need to follow? can i directly go for installation of sql server 2005, and then use copy database wizard? this is a production environment, and we even not give 5 min of downtime. please help me in this regard
Arnav Even you learn 1%, Learn it with 100% confidence.
Hi, I have developed an application in .NET 2005 using sql server 2005. This is the enhancement to the existing application.Now whats the problem is, one of the customer wants his old database, which is in sql 2000 server with the new database(sql 2005 server). So, how can i import sqlserver 2000 database into sqlserver 2005 database.
Hi, I have a database on a SQL Server 2000, and would like to migrate it to a new server machine that has SQL Server 2005. has anyone already tried this, and can you please provide the steps to follow.
I need to copy database from SQL 2000 to SQL 2005 server. I was using the Copy wizard from SQL 2000 Server, I could enter the source server and server where to copy SQL 2005 but when I wanted to select the database to copy, nothing happened. Like I was kicked out, no errors etc.
Any one with idea or information, please let me know ASAP