Scan Density Of Nonclustered Indexes
Oct 23, 1999
A few days after droping and recreating noclustered indexes on a large table, scan density of most indexes falls below 20%. Only a few number of rows has deleted. Update operation didn't update these keys and there was a lot of inserts. Could anyone explain why are indexes fragmented so much?
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Aug 14, 2001
I am having problems w/ the indexes on a particular table. Currently the scan density if 25%. I have ran the dbcc dbreindex and the scan density does not improve. I have manually dropped and recreated all of the indexes on the table (there are only two) and still no help.
I have a clustered Primary Key index on my part_number and project_number fields and another index on the project_number field. If I drop the second index and only have my primary key index, it still doesn't help. The fill factor was originally set to 90% and I changed this to 30%, 20%, 10%, 0% and the best scan density I could acheive was 50%.
The data in this table is not updated that often, on average about 15 records a day are updated, and there are only 107 records. This is a small table, but there is a possibility for it to grow rapidly and I want to be prepared now.
Does anyone have any ideas or suggestions? I've tried everything I can think of with no luck.
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Aug 27, 2001
I run dbcc showcontig
DBCC SHOWCONTIG scanning 'rpRateCode' table...
Table: 'rpRateCode' (213627854); index ID: 1, database ID: 17
TABLE level scan performed.
- Pages Scanned................................: 2
- Extents Scanned..............................: 2
- Extent Switches..............................: 1
- Avg. Pages per Extent........................: 1.0
- Scan Density [Best Count:Actual Count].......: 50.00% [1:2] !!!!!!!
- Logical Scan Fragmentation ..................: 0.00%
- Extent Scan Fragmentation ...................: 50.00%
- Avg. Bytes Free per Page.....................: 3088.5
- Avg. Page Density (full).....................: 61.84%
Bellow is table structure
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[rpRateCode] (
[ID_RateCode] [ID] NOT NULL ,
[ID_ScheduleOfPresence] [ID] NULL ,
[ID_ScheduleOfBilling] [ID] NULL ,
[IsExtensible] [bit] NOT NULL ,
[IsFixedRate] [Boolean] NOT NULL ,
[ID_RateCodeFollow] [ID] NULL ,
[ID_RateDef] [ID] NULL ,
[ID_MarketSegment] [ID] NOT NULL ,
[ID_HskLevelPattern] [ID] NULL ,
[ComplimentaryType] [AType] NULL ,
[BillingType] [AType] NULL ,
[Discriminator] [Discriminator] NOT NULL ,
[PrintRateOnConfirm] [Boolean] NOT NULL ,
[PrintRateOnArrivalList] [Boolean] NOT NULL ,
[PrintRateOnRegCard] [Boolean] NOT NULL ,
[MinNights] [NbOfNights] NULL ,
[MaxNights] [NbOfNights] NULL ,
[IsLimited] [Boolean] NULL ,
[presencetype] [tinyint] NULL ,
[RateNote] [varchar] (60) NULL ,
[IsAgeCatDiffRoom] [Boolean] NULL ,
[ID_Currency] [ID] NULL
My question how to increase Scan Density for this table if CLUSTERED index exist?
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Dec 16, 2005
Can someone explain why i can drop and recreate indexes on say 2 tables and they had a scan densitiy of say 15% and 10%.
After i recreate the indexes on both tables one comes back with a scan density of 100% and the other only 25%.
What would cause this table to only go to 25% and not 100% like i want it to be?
Thanks for your help :)
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Aug 16, 2004
I have attached a DBCC ShowContig for a table that has a less than 50% scan density value.
I vendor in insistent I have run their scripts incorrectly three times. I have run a "dbcc reindex" and even dropped primary key and indexes for a table and the scan density does not change. I have read white papers that state that on small tables you may never get a scan density of 100%. I am using this forum as a yardstick for this question.
Table: 'ACCESSPROFPERM' (859150106); index ID: 1, database ID: 8
TABLE level scan performed.
- Pages Scanned................................: 4
- Extents Scanned..............................: 2
- Extent Switches..............................: 1
- Avg. Pages per Extent........................: 2.0
- Scan Density [Best Count:Actual Count].......: 50.00% [1:2]
- Logical Scan Fragmentation ..................: 0.00%
- Extent Scan Fragmentation ...................: 50.00%
- Avg. Bytes Free per Page.....................: 709.5
- Avg. Page Density (full).....................: 91.23%
Table: 'ACCESSPROFPERM' (859150106); index ID: 2, database ID: 8
LEAF level scan performed.
- Pages Scanned................................: 4
- Extents Scanned..............................: 4
- Extent Switches..............................: 3
- Avg. Pages per Extent........................: 1.0
- Scan Density [Best Count:Actual Count].......: 25.00% [1:4]
- Logical Scan Fragmentation ..................: 0.00%
- Extent Scan Fragmentation ...................: 75.00%
- Avg. Bytes Free per Page.....................: 2013.0
- Avg. Page Density (full).....................: 75.13%
Table: 'ACCESSPROFPERM' (859150106); index ID: 3, database ID: 8
LEAF level scan performed.
- Pages Scanned................................: 3
- Extents Scanned..............................: 3
- Extent Switches..............................: 2
- Avg. Pages per Extent........................: 1.0
- Scan Density [Best Count:Actual Count].......: 33.33% [1:3]
- Logical Scan Fragmentation ..................: 0.00%
- Extent Scan Fragmentation ...................: 66.67%
- Avg. Bytes Free per Page.....................: 1723.3
- Avg. Page Density (full).....................: 78.71%
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Jul 31, 2007
Hi You know when you reread something you've read many times and a penny suddenly seems to drop and you realise that you probably just never quite got it afterall? If creating a nonclustered index with no includes statement it is totally pointless to specificy a fillfactor other than 0 or 100 if you do not also use the PAD_INDEX option? Thought I'd make it a poll just for the hell of it.:)
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Mar 24, 2015
I have a scenario where I have 3 columns and all 3 of them are used in the where clauses of simple queries or ones having joins .
Column1 int
FLAG1 bit
FLAG2 bit
Sample queries :
Select * from TABLE where FLAG1 =1 and FLAG2 =0
(Any combination of these flags)
Select * from TABLE inner join SOMEOTHERTABLE on
where FLAG1 =1 and FLAG2 =0
( any join and combination of flags)
Questions :
What would be the best nonclustered index strategy :
Column1 as the index key including FLAG1 and FLAG2
Column1,FLAG1 and FLAG2 in the index key
Points to note :
The queries are part of an ETL process and are used to track new records vs old records. The Flags switch states within the same job . So if we are creating an index on all 3 columns, the index has to be reorganized more than once based on the flag states. If we keep them in the include list , then its only about updating the leaf data with the latest flag values.
On the other hand, an index on all 3 columns will result in an index Seek alone , where as for the included list , there will be an index seek and a predicate .
Does the predicate cause more overhead than reorganizing the index or is it the opposite ?
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Jan 29, 2006
How can I improve performance of my search if I am looking in a table with more than ten million rows with a "like query"?
Does putting an index mean only telling the computer to start in a particular order?
if I index all the coloums does my search get faster ?
how can I decide on an indexing strategy?
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Oct 4, 2007
what is the difference between Table Scan und Index Scan?
I find no difitions in the internet
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Sep 21, 2007
I want to know wht is a
INDEX SEEKand When they are used, Wht is the difference between all these.????
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Apr 16, 2007
Hi All,let me try to explain what I'm trying to accomplish - I really hope someonecan help.I have a table (tblArticles) which has the following:vcrKeywords varchar(2000)txtBody text(8000)vcrType varchar(128)and this is a sample of the datavcrKeyWords || txtBody || vcrTypekey1,key2,key4,key7,key9 || <snipped body|| Site5 Newskey1,key3,key6,key8,key9 || <snipped body|| Site5 Newskey1,key3,key4,key5,key9 || <snipped body|| Site5 Newskey1,key2,key5,key7,key8 || <snipped body|| Site5 NewsWhat I'm trying to accomplish is to return a keyword count based on thecontent of vcrKeywords (i.e. each comma seperated entry as a count.My SQL statement originally was :SELECT vcrKeyWords, COUNT(vcrKeyWords) AS keycount FROM tblArticleswhere vcrType LIKE 'site 5%' GROUP BY vcrKeyWords ORDER BY keycount DESCHowever, this simply matches the entire vcrKeyword Column and not each commaseperated value.Is there a way in SQL that I can achieve this or do I need to use some kindof scripting language to accomplish it...?Regards,Carl.
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Sep 20, 2006
This is on Sybase but I'm guessing that the same situation would happen on SQL Server. (Please confirm if you know).
I'm looking at these new databases and I'm seeing code similar to this all over the place:
if not exists (select 1 from dbo.t1 where f1 = @p1)
select @errno = @errno | 1
There's a unique clustered in dex on t1.f1.
The execution plan shows this for this statement:
EXISTS TABLE : nested iteration.
Table Scan.
Forward scan.
Positioning at start of table.
It's not using my index!!!!!
It seems to be the case with EXISTS statements. Can anybody confirm?
I also hinted to use the index but it still didn't use it.
If the existence check really doesn't use the index, what's a good code alternative to this check?
I did this and it's working great but I wonder if there's a better alternative. I don't really like doing the SET ROWCOUNT 1 and then SET ROWCOUNT 0 thing. SELECT TOP 1 won't work on Sybase, :-(.
SELECT @cnt = (SELECT 1 FROM dbo.t1 (index ix01)
WHERE f1 = @p1
Appreciate your help.
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Dec 5, 2000
I ran a DBCC Showcontig (tableid) and it tell me that one of my tables is only putting 0.19% data on each page. How can I control this for more data on a page. It tells me that I have 8078.8 bytes free per page.
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Aug 29, 2007
Hi All,
I have the following table "Project"
ID Name Start Date End Date
001 Project 1 2-2-2003 2-3-2007
002 Project 2 1-24-2003 2-6-2007
003 Project 3 4-10-2005 2-10-2008
004 Project 4 5-20-2006 6-6-2008
015 Project 15 2-20-2006 3-3-2009
What I want is the the following output.
Output 1:
Year Projects No. Of Projects Starting Months
2003 Project 1 , Project 2 2 February, January
2005 Project 3 1 April
2006 Project 4, Project 15 2 May , Feb
(the order displayed in the months shoudl be in accordance with the order of the projecs in the projects column...)
and also the following
Output 2: (this is optional view...)
Year Start Date Project Name
February 2 Project 1
January 24 Project 2
April 4 Project 3
May 5 Project 4
February 20 Project 15
I am very much in need of Output 1. Could someone help me,
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Apr 8, 2008
When using FREETEXTTABLE the RANK returned seems to be partially based on keyword density. Has anyone come across a method of compensating for this keyword density so that good matches found in a lot of text and a small amount of text return the same RANK?
For an example look at the site I'm working on when someone searches for "whale watching" - - you can see that we are showing poor quality results at the top as our first sort order is based on RANK.
If we could remove the keyword density factor from RANK then this would allow second order sorting criteria to come in to play and move the more valuable results to the top.
Any help, pointers, advice would be greatly appreciated,
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Nov 19, 1999
Is it possible to set nonclustered
index on column with dublicate values?
Thank you,
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Jul 16, 2007
Ok, let me try to set the stage.
Between 2m and 5m inserts per day. NO UPDATES.
Table has a 4 part primary key. All BigInt data types. Key value 1 and 2 have a range between 1 and 100. Key values 3 and 4 are auto incrementing values (forign key values) from other tables.
Space is an issue, so we have chosen not to have an additional column for a counter field for the PK. (We would never use the field for querying.)
Users complained of query speeds, so we added a couple non clustered indexs. This brought up the query speeds a lot. But of course it slowed down the input speed a bit. Nothing dramatic, but enough so we could tell.
Now the users was to increase the amount of data by about 5X. Obviosly I'm somewhat concerend, as SQL is already spending a lot of the day pegged.
So, in looking around, since the new indexes seem to be the most help in querying, I'm thinking of dropping the PK back to a nonclustered index, so I can get rid of the over head of restructring the data table on every insert. Then maybe making one of the other indexes the clustered index. (only 2 columns in this index)
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Feb 20, 2004
I have 3 table A, B, C
Table A (15 field, 4 fields indexed and Primary Key) – approximate rows: 50.000 – 60.000
Table B (18 field, 6 fields indexed and Primary Key) – approximate rows: 350.000 – 500.000
Table C (16 filed, 9 fields indexed and Primary Key) – approximate rows: 500.000 – 1.000.000
Structure is something like this:
A (master) --> B (detail) ---> C (sub detail)
On each 3 table is added new record, in table C the record is added after a search in table B.
My question is: Which is the best method? CLUSTERED INDEX or NONCLUSTERED INDEX
Sorry for my english
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Jun 2, 2006
when do you use them?
i only know you use clustered when you have million of records. So once the table has been indexed, query statement is able to retrieve the recordset faster.
what about nonclustered?
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Jul 6, 2007
Hi guys. I have a table named [Check] and need to create an index for CVNumber field. The table has no primary key for the meantime. I tried this script but error occured.
Error message:
Server: Msg 3023, Level 16, State 2, Line 3
Backup, CHECKALLOC, bulk copy, SELECT INTO, and file manipulation (such as CREATE FILE) operations on a database must be serialized. Reissue the statement after the current backup, CHECKALLOC, or file manipulation operation is completed.
Server: Msg 3902, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
The COMMIT TRANSACTION request has no corresponding BEGIN TRANSACTION.
Is it because I used the table name Check which is a reserved word for SQL? But I included [ ].
Please help. Thank you.
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Jul 18, 2006
Hi everyone,
I have some problems on composite nonclustered indexes. I could not exatly understand their logic.
In my opininon, suppose that we have a table called Order and we create a composite nonclustered index on this table for OrderID column and OrderDate column. So I am using this query;
SELECT * FROM Order WHERE OrderID > 12 ORDER BY OrderDate
So in here, I think our first research is based on OrderID and ten after ordering our data pointer according to the OrderID and then our index is converted to an index which is based on OrderDate while performing ordering. So is this correct ??
Would you please explain this ?
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Jul 23, 2005
When a nonunique nonclustered index is built on top of a clusteredindex, is it guaranteed that the bookmark in the nonclustered indexwill be kept in the same order as the clustered index?Here's an example to demonstrate my question:CREATE TABLE indextest (col1 int NOT NULL,col2 int NOT NULL,col3int,col4 int)ALTER TABLE indextest ADD PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED (col1,col2)CREATE INDEX ix_indextest ON indextest (col1,col3)GOINSERT indextest VALUES (1,2,1,1)INSERT indextest VALUES (1,3,2,1)INSERT indextest VALUES (1,4,2,1)INSERT indextest VALUES (2,1,1,1)INSERT indextest VALUES (1,1,1,1)SELECT col1,col2 FROM indextest WHERE col1=1 AND col3=1DROP TABLE indextestThe select statement above is covered by the nonclustered index, sothat index is used. However, the nonclustered index is defined only toensure the ordering of col1 and col3 within the index; col1 and col2follow within the index as the bookmark to the clustered index. When Irun this query, my desired result is to have the records appear in theorder supported by the clustered index:1,11,2As it happens, the result I got was indeed in that order, but I don'tknow if it was mere coincidence, or if the bookmark in the nonclusteredindex is maintained in the same order as the clustered index. If Iwant to ensure the above order, is it sufficient to have thenonclustered index defined as above, or do I need to define it as:create index ix_indextest on indextest (col1,col3,col2)just to be sure that the results are returned in ascending order forcol1,col2? If the two-column index is sufficient, is it guaranteed tostill be sufficient in SQL2005 and future versions of SQL Server, or amI better off adding the third column just to be safe?Thank you,--Dennis Culley
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Aug 27, 2015
I have table which having clustered index based on column (A,B,C,D,E,F).Now my query based on B,D,F. e.g: where b='Test1' and D='test2' and F='test3' Now Execution plan ask to create non clustered index with (B,D,F) it make any sense to create non clustered index where clustered already available.
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Dec 3, 2007
I am attempting to understand the behaviour of a nonclustered index in regards to page splitting.
If I had the following table:-
Col1, Col2, Value
This table has a Clustered index on Col1, Col2 and a NonClustered index on Col2 and include Col1, Values.
If inserts into Col1 were causing page splits in the Clustered index, what are the effects on the NonClustered index?
I am attempting to understand what happens to the NonClustered index in this scenario so that I can make a decision on what fillfactor to use.
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Jul 1, 2014
I'm working to improve performance on a database I've inherited, and there are several thousand indexes. I've got a list of ones which should definitely exist within the database, and I'm looking to strip out all the others and start fresh, though this list is still quite large (1000 or so).
Is there a way I can remove all the indexes that are not in my list without too much trouble? I.e. without having to manually go through them all individually. The list is currently in a csv file.
I'm looking to either automate the removal of indexes not in the list, or possibly to generate the Create statements for the indexes on the list and simply remove all indexes and then run these statements.
As an aside, when trying to list all indexes in the database, I've found various scripts to do this, but found they all seem to produce differing results. What is the best script to list all indexes?
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Oct 8, 2007
I write a work about database, and I want to write the diffrence between Table scan and Index scan. When is the index scan effectient? Use the database a Table scan when there is an index on the table or always a index scan when the index is nonselective? Can be a Table Scan effecient than a index scan?
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May 26, 2000
Can anyone tell me how to get rid of the Table Scan(1 million rows)being performed on the
The last line, option (loop loin) stopped table scanning the B.ss_manifest and started using the index, I'd like both tables to use the index.
This is the argument I get from execution plan under the table scan.
Object ((D4000).(dbo).(shipstop)as (A))
update drivers set dr_miles_run = case when D1.miles > 0 then d1.miles else 0 end
from (select mf_dr_nbr, sum( case when A.ss_end_dt < '05/17/00' then
( cast((datediff(day, '05/17/00' , B.ss_end_dt ) + 1) as float) /
cast( (datediff(day, A.ss_end_dt , B.ss_end_dt ) + 1) as float) * mf_ld_miles)
else mf_ld_miles end) as miles
from manifest, shipstop A, shipstop B
where mf_manifest_nbr = A.ss_manifest_nbr
and mf_manifest_nbr = B.ss_manifest_nbr
and A.ss_stop_type in ('OR','SA')
and B.ss_stop_type in ('DT','RD')
and ((A.ss_end_dt >= '05/17/00 00:00' and A.ss_end_dt < '05/24/00 00:00')
OR ((B.ss_end_dt >= '05/17/00 00:00' and B.ss_end_dt < '05/24/00 00:00'))) and mf_status > 3 group by mf_dr_nbr ) as D1
where Drivers.dr_driver_nbr = D1.mf_dr_nbr
option (loop join)
Thanks for any ideas!
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Aug 21, 2006
I have a simple temp table which looks like this:
CREATE TABLE #t7e07c01fa80143ff84cb14a2307809f7
ALTER TABLE #t7e07c01fa80143ff84cb14a2307809f7 ADD
CONSTRAINT [PK_t7e07c01fa80143ff84cb14a2307809f7] PRIMARY KEY NONCLUSTERED
Insert Into #t7e07c01fa80143ff84cb14a2307809f7
Selet columns... from t....
-- get total records
Declare @TotalCount as int
select @TotalCount = count(AUTOID_TEMP) from #t7e07c01fa80143ff84cb14a2307809f7
Now the above last statement does a index scan. I am new to indexing/tuning and was wondering if its normal - if so why and can I somehow enhance this?
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Nov 1, 2007
Hey guys,
I have a procedure that runs everyday which takes the IIS log file from the previous day and imports it and calcs values. I would like to change this from taking the previous day to scanning all the file names in the folder and comparing them to a database to see if they have already been scanned before. I already have a table called DatesScanned which lists the filename and scandate.
The 4 file names will be scanned and compared to DatesScanned to see which has been imported already.
Can anyone point me to a resource or information on how I would get the directory listing of a folder so I could compare it to the DatesScanned table.
Thanks a bunch!
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Jul 23, 2005
Hi,Can someone please explain the following1. Meaning of scan count as reported when "statistics io" is turned onprior to running a query.2. In which situations could you have an identical database runningon two diferent servers , with identical database serverconfigurations, running identical queries, with identical query plan,report large discrepency in the scan count . This is one of thepossibilities we are looking at in terms of the reason why one serverruns the job in 12 hours and the other in 24 hours.Server 1--------Table 'TRANS_HISTORY'. Scan count 216, logical reads 897093, physicalreads 44, read-ahead reads 900599.SQL Server Execution Times:CPU time = 27766 ms, elapsed time = 46850 ms.UNIT_NUMBERACCOUNT_TYPETRANSACTION_TYPEServer 2--------Table 'TRANS_HISTORY'. Scan count 491, logical reads 952759, physicalreads 51, read-ahead reads 954414.SQL Server Execution Times:CPU time = 31563 ms, elapsed time = 145595 ms.UNIT_NUMBERACCOUNT_TYPETRANSACTION_TYPEI thank you in advance for your assistance.Puvendran
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Jul 9, 2007
Does SQL Server allow a table scan to be used when querying a table that has a clustered-index? If yes, could someone please show me the syntax? I have tried with (index(0)) but this appararently means a clustered index scan when there is a clustered index on the table to be queried.
Or does clustered index scan mean the same thing as a table scan when the table has a clustered index? Confused.
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Nov 28, 2007
I am using this query in a table with 29,000 records having non-clustered index on emp_id
select * from employee
where emp_id between 100 and 1000
and gender = 'M'
order by emp_id
execution plan shows a table scan in table employee. Any reason?
select * from employee with (index = emp_id)
where emp_id between 100 and 1000
order by emp_id
ofcourse this uses index seek
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May 21, 2007
I do not understand it but by connection to my database seems to keep crapping out. I get the below error and my app appears to be unable to access the connection. Then a couple restarts later it tells me that my login under my Windows User failed . The database is there and besides maybe a couple records longer there isnt anything corrupt about the data, and in fact, if I restart the entire PC most times it will allow me to connect again. I can even still access the data tables through the C# editor. Any idea why this error is being thrown?
Code SnippetSystem.Data.SqlClient.SqlException was unhandled
Message="A system assertion check has failed. Check the SQL Server error log for details
The log scan number (35:460:2) passed to log scan in database 'F:\PDLOGSHEET\PDLOGSHEET\BIN\DEBUG\DATABASE1.MDF' is not valid. This error may indicate data corruption or that the log file (.ldf) does not match the data file (.mdf). If this error occurred during replication, re-create the publication. Otherwise, restore from backup if the problem results in a failure during startup.
An error occurred during recovery, preventing the database 'F:\PDLOGSHEET\PDLOGSHEET\BIN\DEBUG\DATABASE1.MDF' (database ID 26) from restarting. Diagnose the recovery errors and fix them, or restore from a known good backup. If errors are not corrected or expected, contact Technical Support.
Cannot open user default database. Login failed.
Login failed for user 'GC\cbcottier'.
Location: logscan.cpp:1925Expression: UtilDbccIsInsideDbcc ()SPID: 51Process ID: 3640
Location: logscan.cpp:1925Expression: UtilDbccIsInsideDbcc ()SPID: 51Process ID: 3640"
Source=".Net SqlClient Data Provider"
at System.Data.ProviderBase.DbConnectionPool.GetConnection(DbConnection owningObject)
at System.Data.ProviderBase.DbConnectionFactory.GetConnection(DbConnection owningConnection)
at System.Data.ProviderBase.DbConnectionClosed.OpenConnection(DbConnection outerConnection, DbConnectionFactory connectionFactory)
at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection.Open()
at System.Data.Common.DbDataAdapter.FillInternal(DataSet dataset, DataTable[] datatables, Int32 startRecord, Int32 maxRecords, String srcTable, IDbCommand command, CommandBehavior behavior)
at System.Data.Common.DbDataAdapter.Fill(DataTable[] dataTables, Int32 startRecord, Int32 maxRecords, IDbCommand command, CommandBehavior behavior)
at System.Data.Common.DbDataAdapter.Fill(DataTable dataTable)
at PDLogSheet.Database1DataSetTableAdapters.ReportTitlesTableAdapter.Fill(ReportTitlesDataTable dataTable) in F:PDLogSheetPDLogSheetDatabase1DataSet.Designer.cs:line 4362
at PDLogSheet.frmLogSheet.frmLogSheet_Load(Object sender, EventArgs e) in F:PDLogSheetPDLogSheetfrmLogSheet.cs:line 42
at System.Windows.Forms.Form.OnLoad(EventArgs e)
at System.Windows.Forms.Form.OnCreateControl()
at System.Windows.Forms.Control.CreateControl(Boolean fIgnoreVisible)
at System.Windows.Forms.Control.CreateControl()
at System.Windows.Forms.Control.WmShowWindow(Message& m)
at System.Windows.Forms.Control.WndProc(Message& m)
at System.Windows.Forms.ScrollableControl.WndProc(Message& m)
at System.Windows.Forms.ContainerControl.WndProc(Message& m)
at System.Windows.Forms.Form.WmShowWindow(Message& m)
at System.Windows.Forms.Form.WndProc(Message& m)
at System.Windows.Forms.Control.ControlNativeWindow.OnMessage(Message& m)
at System.Windows.Forms.Control.ControlNativeWindow.WndProc(Message& m)
at System.Windows.Forms.NativeWindow.DebuggableCallback(IntPtr hWnd, Int32 msg, IntPtr wparam, IntPtr lparam)
at System.Windows.Forms.SafeNativeMethods.ShowWindow(HandleRef hWnd, Int32 nCmdShow)
at System.Windows.Forms.Control.SetVisibleCore(Boolean value)
at System.Windows.Forms.Form.SetVisibleCore(Boolean value)
at System.Windows.Forms.Control.set_Visible(Boolean value)
at System.Windows.Forms.Application.ThreadContext.RunMessageLoopInner(Int32 reason, ApplicationContext context)
at System.Windows.Forms.Application.ThreadContext.RunMessageLoop(Int32 reason, ApplicationContext context)
at System.Windows.Forms.Application.Run(Form mainForm)
at PDLogSheet.Program.Main() in F:PDLogSheetPDLogSheetProgram.cs:line 17
at System.AppDomain.nExecuteAssembly(Assembly assembly, String[] args)
at System.Runtime.Hosting.ManifestRunner.Run(Boolean checkAptModel)
at System.Runtime.Hosting.ManifestRunner.ExecuteAsAssembly()
at System.Runtime.Hosting.ApplicationActivator.CreateInstance(ActivationContext activationContext, String[] activationCustomData)
at System.Runtime.Hosting.ApplicationActivator.CreateInstance(ActivationContext activationContext)
at Microsoft.VisualStudio.HostingProcess.HostProc.RunUsersAssemblyDebugInZone()
at System.Threading.ThreadHelper.ThreadStart_Context(Object state)
at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run(ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state)
at System.Threading.ThreadHelper.ThreadStart()
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