I am trying to get SQL Server 7 to automatically open an Access 97 database to perform some reporting functions. I have the Access invocation within a BAT file which works fine when I invoke it manually from Explorer but if I try to get a SQL Server Job to invoke it, it just hangs.
Is there some reason why SQL is unable to open Access ?
(Incidentally, the Access MDB calls a stored transaction to create some temporary SQL tables as part of its processing)
I'm going to be creating a few triggers on tables to add new records to a seperate table (AlertData). Come 6pm or so I want a scheduled job to automaticaly run to make an HTTP wbe request to my SendAlerts.ASPX page. The page will simply make a database call for all users and the AlertData table contents, build what it needs and send out all the email alerts. My question is is how do i create such a scheduled job under Sql Server 2000? It should run everyday at 6pm EST (even if the dbase server is restarted) and make an HTTP web request to my URL. Thank you.
Hi all,I have a case :I have an employee SQL-View (not table) in my sql server 2000 database. This view actually connect to an oracle database server, because all our employee data is located on the oracle database server.This linked server soon proven to be the cause of poor application performance (response time is very slow). So we decide to put a local copy of employee table in our sql server 2000 database. We have successfully copy it to our database. But the most up-to-date employee data is still reside on oracle server. To deal with this problem we need to scheduling a sinchronization between sqlserver 2000 and oracle everyday at 01:00 o'clock midnight.I never get task like this before, how to make a scheduling in sql server 2000? my friend suggest a dts scheduling but unfortunately I haven't found any tutorial about this for beginnerthanks
I want to schedule a task that checks if a file(s) exists on d:Acc and then run the sql script shown below i.e. with the file(s) to load the content of the file(s) every day new files will be loaded. after the file(s) are loaded the file(s) are deleted.
I currently can achieve the above using Java and sql server and running the program as a scheduled task... (only reason for change would be that i wouldnt require java, JDBC etc to run the software it would be easy manage, migrate etc)
I wanted to find out if it can be done with sql server directly? (i.e. check if file exist and ased on that carryout the task or other wise just ignore) What do i need to look for? does sql server have a procedural language in it to be used for such thing? does sql server have an inbuilt task scheduler?
I am currently using the following script in a java program please note that i have used fixed values in this script for readabliity (of what i am doing)..
@bulk_cmd varchar(1000) SET @bulk_cmd = 'BULK INSERT AccInv..VW_AccInvoice FROM ''d:Invbatch2001.txt'' WITH (FIELDTERMINATOR = '','', ROWTERMINATOR = '''+CHAR(10)+''')' EXEC(@bulk_cmd)
I created an agent job, and it runs fine, but I want more control over the scheduling. I need to schedule jobs to run Sunday through Thursday at 8:00pm, skipping Friday.
How can I use the agent job interface and customize the schedule this way? Will I have to resort to a Windows Service and control the scheduling that way?
I've tried several different possibilities but don't have enough basicunderstanding of the ownerships and permissions that are involved soI'm looking for someone to explain what is required:I created a DTS package that includes a drop table, create table, anddata transformation task. Originally, my owner was local to the pcworkstation with administrator priveleges. When I executed thepackage on demand (manually, not scheduled), it runs just fine. Noerrors. When I schedule the package to run at a scheduled day/time,it fails with an access is denied message.I originally was using the sql admin user and password in theconnection but the view job history kept referencing "Executed asuser: sqlservernameSYSTEM...." and errored with an access is deniedmessage. Where did it get the SYSTEM user from since my connectionused the sql admin user in my DTS package? Do I need to determine howto get the sql admin user or should the SYSTEM user really have to runthis scheduled job? How do I get the sql admin user to show as the"executed as user"?I created another admin user to see if it had someone to do with thesql admin account but I got similar results. I tried creating thepackage as an NT domain user but got similar results.I'm sure it has something to do with permissions and ownerships but Ireally don't have a clear understanding of how it was intended towork.Any advise you can give is greatly appreciated. I've read alot ofpostings and I'm still not clear on the requirements.
I have created the package in ssis and i want to schedule it local machine without using integration services. Any workaround for scheduling the Package?.
I have a sql server query that when run, produces 8 columns of data and some rows of data.My colleague has this in a stored procedure, and each week is running a manual crystal report, exporting it into a data only excel sheet, and emailing it across to the rest of the business.Is there a much easier, more automated way of doing this? What would be the best method of storing this query so it could be scheduled, a stored procedure, or something else? The query is below -
I'm currently using Windows Task Scheduler to run a few jobs. We would like to start using the SQL Server Agent to handle this. The problem I am having is in specifing the 'working directory' of the program. The program is generating some files in a temp directory withing the root of the application. For some reason when I schedule in SQL it is generating these files in the WinSys32 directory.
I am using the CmdExec type in my job step.
I am sure I may have left out some info. please let me know if you need anything else.
---------------------- MS Win XP Pro 2002 SP2 MS SQL Server 2005 MS Visual Studio 2005 ----------------------
Can anyone help me (even by pointing me to a documentation) in order to schedule Packages (from file system source) in SQL Server 2005.
I've configured providers logging, but still the error file doesn't give me any explanation why the error happens: "#Fields: event,computer,operator,source,sourceid,executionid,starttime,endtime,datacode,databytes,message OnPreValidate,PC1234,NT AUTHORITYSYSTEM,D_AGR,{8A4FA774-F5F0-40DE-AB16-A93F27950E09},{8A918844-8E43-403D-A606-C8CB4B7D8238},31/08/2006 16:42:55,31/08/2006 16:42:55,0,0x,(null)"
I've also done the same on the Step properties under 'Logging'
In Management Studio I've added my login name and I'm the only user using the machine and I manage both Visual Studio and Management Studio
The error coming up on the job history is as follow: "Executed as user: PC1234SYSTEM. The package execution failed. The step failed." "The job failed. The Job was invoked by User UK1USER123. The last step to run was step 1 (step1)."
By the way the package (.dtsx) runs fine in BI Visual Studio)
mangesh writes "HI Everybody, Please help me to solve this problem. I am not getting any solution to run jobs over sql server express. it does not have sql agent service.please suggest alertnative. Mangesh"
Hi, I would like to transfer data from an oracle database to SQL server database 2000. I am using DTS Export/ Import Wizard for this purpose. My queries are: 1. How can I write the write the Start time, End time, data records that failed to a log file with minimal amount of coding. (I found that Active X scripts can be written although the coding is quite complex). Can I get some kind of pointers to simple coding that can ensure I log time of run of DTS and errors if they occurred.
2. There is an error log written by DTS, but this is written only if an error occurs and the details of error are not written. I am looking to log successful transfers too. Can the DTS package be modified, with minimal code to achieve this objective?
3. I tried scheduling the DTS through the Edit window that SQL Server 2000 provides but am not able to change the time of schedule. How do I schedule it?
I am having a strange error coming in SQL server 2005.
I had a DTS package developed in SQl server 2000. Then i had migrated that DTS package to SSIS package using Execute DTS 2000 package. The conversion is successfull.
Then when i manullt execute this package it runs successfully without giving any error. But then wheh i schedule a SQL server agent job for the same above SSIS package it fails giving me some cryptographic error as follows:
Message Executed as user: CATOS-CGDBTUW02SYSTEM. ....3042.00 for 32-bit Copyright (C) Microsoft Corp 1984-2005. All rights reserved. Started: 11:00:00 PM Error: 2008-02-20 23:00:00.66 Code: 0xC0016016 Source: Description: Failed to decrypt protected XML node "PackagePassword" with error 0x8009000B "Key not valid for use in specified state.". You may not be authorized to access this information. This error occurs when there is a cryptographic error. Verify that the correct key is available. End Error Error: 2008-02-20 23:00:00.66 Code: 0xC0016016 Source: Description: Failed to decrypt protected XML node "SQLPassword" with error 0x8009000B "Key not valid for use in specified state.". You may not be authorized to access this information. This error occurs when there is a cryptographic error. Verify that the correct key is available. End Error Error: 2008-02-20 23:00:01.00 Code: 0x00000000 Source: Execute DTS 2000 Package T... The package execution fa... The step failed.
Not sure why is this happening.
Manually running the SSIS package from Visual studio does not gives error, but the same SSIS package when is been schedule from SQL server 2005's SQL server agent job it fails giving above error.
I have to execute a .bat file on a remote server (that is used to stop and start services of an appl). The remote server doesn't have SSIS,SSMS installed. I want to create a package on my desktop the uses Execute process task and execute the .bat file on the remote server and then schedule it using the SSMS.
I have recently upgraded to SQL2014 on Win2012. The Access front end program works fine.
But, previously created Excel reports with built in MS Queries now fail with the above error for users with MS 2013. The queries still work for users still using MS 2007.
I also cannot create any new queries and get the same error message. If I log on as myself on the domain to another PC with 2007 installed it works fine, so I don't think it is anything to do with AD groups or permissions.
I've been developing desktop client-server and web apps and have used Access and SQL Server Standard most of the time. I'm looking into using SQL CE, and had a few questions that I can't seem to get a clear picture on:
- The documentation for CE says that it supports 256 simultaneous connections and offers the Isolation levels, Transactions, Locking, etc with a 4GB DB. But most people say that CE is strictly a single-user DB and should not be used as a DB Server. Could CE be extended for use as a multi-user DB Server by creating a custom server such as a .NET Remoting Server hosted through a Windows Service (or any other custom host) on a machine whereby the CE DB would run in-process with this server on the machine which would then be accessed by multiple users from multiple machines?? Clients PCs -> Server PC hosting Remoting Service -> ADO.NET -> SQL CE
- and further more can we use Enterprise Services (Serviced Components) to connect to SQL CE and further extend this model to offer a pure high-quality DB Server? Clients PCs -> Server PC hosting Remoting Service -> Enterprise Services -> ADO.NET -> SQL CE
Seems quite doable to me, but I may be wrong..please let me know either ways
When i am trying to start our hospital software based on SQL server 2000, it shows Following Error.Search Condition is not valid, (DBNETLIB) Connection Open (connect()). SQL server does not exist or excess denied. Due to Fetch data.I run our software in Windows 8.1, while it smothly runs in previous version of Windows XP and 7.
Hello allWould it be possible to migrate the MS Access 2000 to MS SQL Server2000?My application is using MS Access 2000 as database and as userinterface such as forms. Now, I want to migrate the backend databasefrom MS Access 2000 to MS SQL Server 2000. However, I want to keep theMS Access 2000 interface. Would it be possible?If I migrate the MS Access to SQL Server, would the queries, back-endVBA, macro, tables and forms be affected? Do I need to change the MSAccess data type to SQL server supported data type?Which tool I can use to do the migration? Upsizing wizard or exportingthe Access database and then importing it to the SQL server?Thanks in advanceCheersBon
I am trying to connect through ODBC connectivity, but it will not allow me to do so. I have investigated this matter. It leads me back to the server, because as I was configuring my client side database. It kept asking for the DSN(datasource name), but I was unable to choose one because there wasn't one to choose. Which is my current dilemma, How can I do this and have it available to choose from the server to satisfy the Access database?
I went to the domain where the software resides but I don't know what steps to take? I also found an interesting piece on microsoft about Kerberos, but I can't follow along according to the instructions it has. I have Access 2003 & SQL SERVER 2005, HELP...!
Basically, this is right off the heels of the install. I setup the server without the connectivity, but it is running the current configuration.
Hi, Can anyone tell me how i can access an application or open tables in MS sql server that are in MS Access. Its urgent and any help will be appriaciated.
I have set a job to run hourly between 8 am and 8 pm. I mark the schedule as enabled and mark the job as enabled. It will run for that day and then the enable check on the schedule clears out. I have several other jobs that run without this problem. Has anyone heard of this before and can this be effectively monitored?
Hi, Can anybody give me the steps to schedule Database backup and restores in 7.0? I can do the backup and restores of the database without scheduling. I dont know how to do with scheduling.
I've created a task which monitors the server, I want it to run every 30 sec. But the scheduler in job allows to run at the most only 1 min. Is it the way to make it 30 sec?
Can I use SQL Server Agent schedule to start my.exe? I am not sure in command that I have to place in "Edit Job Steps" DialogBox. It's not working just with path.