Schema Design Assistance Please.

Mar 10, 2008

Hi All,

Can you tell me how to represent the problem below?

I want to be able to store different types of information for products in different categories.

So Category A maybe TV's and category B maybe Sofa's and Cateogry C maybe Car. There will however be some common data.

So for a TV I may want to store screen size etc.. and for a Sofa if its leather and for cars maybe whethers its a Saloon, 4x4 etc.. The common data maybe Manufacturer, Price etc..Obviousely each peice of info will be of a different data type.

How best do I represent this in a database because I will have lots of categories of products and the products will be used for filtering too. So I need to create a solution which is not too costly on performance.

To give you an example of what I'm intending on doing..lets look at desktop computers which will have the following product specific info to filter on:
and for TV's we have


Thanks in advance, any guidance even to any online tutorial would be appreciated. - Gadget News

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DB Design Help/assistance Question

Apr 24, 2008

I'm hoping to get some feedback from people with greater expertise then mine on how to accomplish this with a database schema design.

I'm tasked at putting together a simple database where the core entity would be a "Document". One of the main attributes would be the "path" to that document. Soentries might look like this:


What the database needs to do essentially, is maintain a document "classification scheme" for each stored organization - in the example above, OrgX has a simple "big Bucket" where all their documents go, OrgY has a much more granular classification scheme where each document exists in some "leaf" node, and OrgZ is somewhere in the middle.

The only thing that I can be guaranteed is that each organization will have their own "directory structure" where documents are stored. The records will number in the millions, and each organization will probably contain hundreds of thousands of records.

What is the best way to create a database where a user could efficiently write a query like:

select *
From theTable(s)
Where Department = 'Electronics' and SubDepartment = 'Lightning' and OrgName = 'OrgY'

I'm hestitant to go the XML route because I'm afraid the performance would be awful if the optimizer was forced to do a tablescan on all values for all queries. What kind of structure would you recommend in order to provide better querying performance, while also taking into account that the next organization added to the database my have a "directory structure" like:

Thanks in advance for any tips!

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Schema Design Question

Mar 26, 2004

Let me explain what I'm trying to do and see if I can get any suggestions. I have some tables in a database to track "Required Reading" so that users who login must read documents by a certain date.

My first idea was to have a table called Reading that would store each UserID and every DocID from the Documents table. Then when the User logged in I would do a SELECT * FROM Reading WHERE UserID = 'User1' to filter down to all of the documents for the current user. So if I have 10 users and 10 documents then I would have 100 records in the Reading table.

The only problem with that is that every user logged in would have the Reading table open at the same time but no two users should ever be editing the same record. The user would have an exclusive recordset based on his UserID. I just don't know if this would cause a conflict.

DocID nvarchar(16) (PrimaryKey)
Revision nvarchar(8)
RevisionDate smalldatetime
DueDate smalldatetime

UserID nvarchar(16) (PrimaryKey)
DocID nvarchar(16) (PrimaryKey)
Read bit
ReadDate smalldatetime

The second idea is to have the same Documents table but when a user logs in, create them a unique table. So if User1 logs in I would check to see if a User1 table exists and if not create it. The same for User2 etc.

DocID nvarchar(16) (PrimaryKey)
Read bit
ReadDate smalldatetime

DocID nvarchar(16) (PrimaryKey)
Read bit
ReadDate smalldatetime

Which would be a better schema design?

What would be the best way to index the tables?

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Standard And Easy Way To Do Schema Design

Aug 15, 2007

I wonder instead of just brainstorming, there probably isa very standard and a simple way to do database schema design.let's say we are doing a website. the user can go overand type in the movie name and zipcode, and the websitewill return all the theaters showing that movie and at whattime, for theaters in THAT zipcode only (for simplicity).so how do we just start and use a standard method thatcan be simple and very accurate to ensure good tables design?

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Advanced Schema Design Question For Experts. Please Help. Thanks

Jul 14, 2005

QUESTIONs:What schema is the best for high speed search for a classified web application?
Is our schema design looks OK? It is a STAR schema and will be used for OLTP type app. Is this OK? or Are we missing something? Please let me know if you need more diagramatic description. 
BACKGROUND:Our group is making a classified website (like where people can place online ad to sell items. like cars, computers, electronics etc. Users will fill out webform for each category(car or computers) with all attributes of the item forsell to post an add.

Main 3 operations the web users will perform: Quick Searching(most frequent): category=car, subcategory=sedan, country=USA city=LosAngeles Zip=empty 
Advanced Search(less frequent):   User can include all fieldsattributes or then can user a subset to query to do advanced search like :
   category=car, subcategory=sedan, country=USA, city=Los Angeles, Year= in(00, 03), transmission=Auto, engine=V6, Maker=Honda, Model=Accord, color=Red and Price < 10000
   category=car, subcategory=SUV, country=USA, city=NY, Year= in(99, 00, 03), transmission=Auto, Maker=Toyota, and Price between 11000 and 14500

 Insert(least frequent): By filling out web form. For Car, the form will have different dimensionsattributes (year, make, model, transmission, mileage, color, price etc)

Current Schema design: Set of core dimensionlookup tables: stores corecommon attributes for lookups eg. status={open, new, expired}, country={USA, Canada, India,...}
One custom Lookup table: for all custom attribute lookup: transmission{auto, manual}, engine type{V4, V6} for car, processor{PII, PIII, PIV), RAM(512MB, 1GB, 2GB} for Computer & so

3 Fact Tables: Main factPivot table that stores all sell common attributes eg. price, title, year_made, post_date, expire_date, user_name, description etc. One fact table to store custom string, int, float, date field values of ads. One fact table to store custom dropdown field selection values

Concerns and issues: Looking at the schema, it seems to be a STAR schema with multiple fact tables where all core lookup tables connected to the main Pivot table and custom lookup table connected to the 2nd and 3rd fact table.

Quick search only queries the Pivot fact table. While Advanced search query requires to join 3 fact tables. Both query requires to join 3 fact tables with all dimension tables(15 to 20 each having avg of 20 values) to get the look up names so that users sees text instead of ids. Search speed is the Main concerns. Insertionupdate speed doesn't matter that much as that is less frequently done.

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Schema Design For Product Specifications, Please Advise.

Feb 10, 2006

Here is the current schema.
   - product_category_id
   - other fields, ...
    - product_id
    - product_category_id
   - ....other fields
Now, for each product type, it has a distinct set of specifications. For example: Books type, will have author, publisher, pages, etc. Apparels type will have color, size, materials, etc. I don't think I can put all those specifications into one table - the product table above. 
How to design the schema to store product specifications? Should I create a separate spec table for each product type, such as book_product_spec, apparel_product_spec, electronics_product_spec, etc.? Please advise. Thanks.

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SQL Server Schema Issue With Design Time Controls

Mar 9, 2007

Hello, we have some tables and views that are not assigned to the standard schema of dbo.Whenever I try to use a design time control and/or SQLDataSource connection control, it does not like objects other than those using the dbo. schema.Any ideas on how to resolve this issue?For example, her are a couple of views:dbo.vwCustomersdbo.vwCustomerDetailsord.vwOrdersord.vwOrderDetailsthe views with dbo.* I have no problem with.the views with ord. it tells me the view(s) do not exist.Thanks in advance! 

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Design To Accomodate Entity Based Schema Versioning

Jul 20, 2005

in simple words it's about versioning at record level.ExampleTableEmployee - EmployeeId, EmployeeName,EmployeeAddress, DepartmentId,TableDesignationMap - EmployeeId, DesignationId, EffectiveDate,validityTableDepartment - DepartmentId, DepartmentTableDesignation - DesignationId, designationVia Modify-Employee-Details screen following are editableEmoyeeNameEmployeeAddressDepartmentDesignationthis screen should allow user to navigate through changes history.Example :Version -1EmoyeeName John SmithEmployeeAddress 60 NewYorkDepartment AccountsDesignation AccountantVersion -2EmoyeeName John SmithEmployeeAddress 60 NewYorkDepartment AccountsDesignation Chief Accountant - changedVersion -3EmoyeeName John SmithEmployeeAddress 60 NewYorkDepartment Sales - changedDesignation Marketing Manager - changedQuestion :What is the best proposed database design for maintaining historyrecords bound with version and retrieval techniqueBest RegardsSasanka

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DB Design :: Schema Binding A View In Management Studio

Oct 13, 2015

I'm using SQL Server 2008 R2 Management Studio. I have a view that I'd like to index. Obviously, that requires that the view be schema bound to the underlying table. I have found myriad explanations for how to programmatically create a schema bound view, but I've never created a view like that before, and since I'm more a mechanical engineer than a database manager, I'd like to be able to do it the 'easy' way, by just creating the view in Management Studio by going to the database, right clicking on 'Views', clicking on 'New View...' and then, hopefully, checking some box somewhere that schema binds the table to the view.

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Object Reference Not Set To An Instance Of An Object When Retrieving Data/Schema In Design Time

Oct 11, 2006

Hi There,This is related to a ms access database but since I use the SqlDataSource control I thought I should post here.I have a project that I was working on with this ms access db and using sql controls, everything was working just finesince one day I started getting "Object reference not set to an instance of an object" messages when I try to designa query or retrieve a schema,  nothing works at design time anymore but at runtime everything is perfect, its a lotof work for me now to create columns,schemas and everything manually, I've tried reinstalling visualstudio, ado componentsbut nothing seems to fix it, did this ever happen to any of you guys?any tip is really appreciated  thanks a lot 

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Star Schema Design For Company Headcount With Headcount Targets

Nov 16, 2007

I am cutting my teeth on star schema design. I have a simple star schema I am building for Headounct analysis at work. I have a factless fact table where a row represents a head in the company. Each head is toed to a particulat week in a Date dimension tabel. There are additional dimensions for things like gender, ethnicity, marital status, age, etc. Now in my department dimension - it's hierarchical. In the DimDepartmnet there is a department which belongs to a company. Comapnies belong to divisions. Now the fun part. Each division has a headcount target for each year. Up to this point I am in a perfect star schema (no snow flaking). How would I integrate in this concept of a headcount target for each division for a given year?

We are using cognos on top of this star schema to provide reporting and analysis services if that is relevant. From the Star Schema design stand point... any thoughts?

Christian Loris

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The 'System.Web.Security.SqlMembershipProvider' Requires A Database Schema Compatible With Schema Version '1'.

Sep 27, 2007

Locally I develop in SQL server 2005 enterprise. Recently I recreated my db on the server of my hosting company (in sql server 2005 express).I basically recreated the tables and copied the data in it.I now receive the following error when I hit the DB:The 'System.Web.Security.SqlMembershipProvider' requires a
database schema compatible with schema version '1'.  However, the
current database schema is not compatible with this version.  You may
need to either install a compatible schema with aspnet_regsql.exe
(available in the framework installation directory), or upgrade the
provider to a newer version.I heard something about running aspnet_regsql.exe, but I dont have that access to the DB. Also I dont know if this command does anything more than creating the membership tables and filling it with some default data...Any other solutions/thought on what this can be?Thanks!

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Transferring Objects Form Schema A To Schema B In One Shot....!

May 27, 2008

I have 35+ tables and 15+ stored procedures with SchemaA, now I want to transfer them to SchemaB.

I know how to do one by one...!

alter schema SchemaB transfer

but it will take long time...!


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Database Schema Compatible With Schema Version '1'

Apr 12, 2008

Hello everybody!I'm using ASP.NET  3.5,  MSSQL 2005I  bought virtual web hosting .On new user registrations i have an error =(The 'System.Web.Security.SqlMembershipProvider' requires a database schema compatible with schema version '1'.  However, the current database schema is not compatible with this version.  You may need to either install a compatible schema with aspnet_regsql.exe (available in the framework installation directory), or upgrade the provider to a newer version. On my virtual machine it work fine but on web hosting i have an error =(What can you propose to me?

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Moving Data From One DB Schema To Another DB Schema Using SSIS

May 8, 2007


I would like to use SSIS tool to move the data from one database schema to another database schema.

For example:

Source table has

1. UserName (varchar 20) (no null)

2. Email (varchar 50) (can be null)

Destination table has

1. UserID (uniqueidentifier - GUID)

2. UserName (varchar 50) (no null)

3. EmailAddress (nvarchar 50) (can be null)

4. DateTime


1. What controls do I use in my Data Flow to make data move between databases with different data types and include new value in UserID as a new GUID and DateTime as a date (GETDATE)?

OLE DB Source, OLE DB Destination, Data Converson and .....

How do I insert Guid and Date at the same time?

2. I have many tables to do data moving. Any sugestions? How do I architect my project? If I create many data flows for each table - it will look complicated.

Please give me some advices here.


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Adding A XML Schema To XML Schema Collection

Apr 19, 2006

I used SSEUtil to add a schema to my database but I am having problems.  Used these steps:SSEUtil -c> USE "c:Rich.mdf"> GO>!RUN Resume.SQL//indicates success>SELECT * FROM SYS.XML_SCHEMA_COLLECTIONS>GO//schema not shown in list> USE master>GO>SELECT * FROM SYS.XML_SCHEMA_COLLECTIONS>GO//schema is shown in the queryIt appears that the schema is not added to the desired database, so when I try to use the schema in Visual Studio, the schema does not appear when I connect to the Rich.mdf database.  Any ideas on what I am doing wrong or why this might be happening?ThanksKevin

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Copy Objects From One Schema To Another Schema?

Nov 21, 2011

I am using sql server 2008 R2.I want to copy all the objects of one schema and put it in another schema. I want to do that from command prompt.

In oracle we can export the objects of one user and import to another user using exp and imp. I want similar type.

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SQL / ASP Assistance

Oct 23, 2007

Hi Folks,
 I have a slight problem designing two drop down lists accessing my database as some clients are listed twice because they are located in multiple citys
 I have one table called Clients with the following columns
I am using SELECT DISTINCT Client FROM  Clients for my first Dropdownlist with a postback etc.
The Second Dropdownlist must select the different Distinct City Values where they are located on selecting Dropdownlist one
Brown > London, New York
Black > Singapore and Boston
 What SQL Code can i place so the second dropdownlist will select the correct values on selecting the first Dropdownlist.

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SQL Assistance

Sep 16, 1999

I need some explanantion on the following query that I'm trying to run:

if exists (select * from sysobjects
where id = object_id ('slice_trace')
and sysstat & 0xf = 3)
delete from slice_trace
where control_seq_number = 130
and claim_number = 7912450

When I run this query within a database where the slice_trace table does NOT exist, it still seems to execute the delete statement and hence fails because the object is not there.
Essesntially I need this statement to execute only in databases where the table exists.

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Need Assistance On Max

Apr 9, 2008

I new it was a mistake changing from mysql to mssql! I'm having difficulty with the following and would really appreciate any help you could offer.

I have two tables.

The first [users] has personal details:

The second [orders] has their orders:

I need a query that returns the latest record from [orders] for each member, with member details, but only where the latest order was within (now)-425.

Many thanks.

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Need Assistance With T-SQL

Mar 19, 2008

Dear friends!
I'd like to ask your assistance in writing some T-SQL.
I have a table

MYTABLE (THEDATE datetime, TEMPERATURE numeric(4))

3.02 15
4.02 16
5.02 16
8.02 13
10.02 15
11.02 15
12.02 19

I need a T-SQL without using analitic(range) functions like RANK or DENSE-RANK to provide the following output:

3.02 15
4.02 16
8.02 13
10.02 15
12.02 19

In other words I need to obtain only first occurance of the "neibough" adjacent rows where the temperature is equal.

Please advice.
Thanks in advance.

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Assistance Please Using Txt

Jul 20, 2005

I have received a table of data that has a field containing dateinformation. Unfortunately it was derived from a MainFrame dump andoriginated as a txt file and was then ported into an Access MDB filebefore it became an SQL table. The date format is vchar(50) andactually is comprised of 6 charecters ie: 010104 for Jan 1 2004. Ineed to run a select statement for a range of dates such as 010104thru 030104. Unfortunately being a charecter field this returnsincorrect results under a majority of cases. Back in my dBase daysthere was a VAL() that could be used in this case but I have beenunable to find anything comperable in SQL. Can anyone help me please?Thanks in advanceSteve

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I Need Assistance Please

Jul 27, 2007

Error: "A connection was successfully established with the server, but an error occurred during the pre-login handshake. (provider: SSL Provider, error:0 - The certificate chain was issues by an authority that is not trusted.) (Microsoft SQL Server)

I am running SQL Server 2005 Developer ed. Windows XP SP2
Trying to connect over the internet to a SQL Server 2005 Workgroup ed. SP1 on Windows Small Business Server 2003 SP1
I have had success doing this before.
I can terminal sevice in to the box and confirm my credentials work
"Force Enycrption" has not been enabled on either the server or the client
The Certificate tab is clear under "Protocols for MSSQLServer", but the server does have certs I can see them in the "Certificate" dropdown.

Any help would be great.


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T-SQL Assistance

Feb 28, 2008

Hey all,

I have been working for some time on this T-SQL statement and getting it to work the way I would like it to work. I have been reading through books and everything, but am still having trouble. I am pretty new to T-SQL so I am probably making some beginners mistakes.

Basically I am working on a SQL 2005 server and I have a single database with two tables. Below are the tables and the fields that I am using from each. The table name is in bold and the fields are plain.

username (PK, varchar(7), not null)
full_name (varchar(50), not null)

queue (varchar(6), not null)
update_date (datetime, null)
status (char(1), not null)

Ok, now that you have the gist of the tables and fields. What I am trying to do is the impossible I think. Basically I work in a call center that supports software. The queue field is the identifier of what specialist is handling any call within the table. It can be linked to the "username" on the Users table. One thing I just noticed is that the varchar has a difference. Will that affect my below select statement?

SELECT u.full_name AS 'Specialist Name', COUNT (*)
FROM dbo.call_history c
LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.users u ON c.queue = u.username
WHERE (c.status = 'P') AND (DATEDIFF(dayofyear, update_date, getdate()) >= 6) AND (DATEDIFF(dayofyear, update_date, getdate()) <= 9)
GROUP BY full_name
ORDER BY full_name

So here is my dilemma:
I am trying to emulate a spreadsheet that was given to me by my boss. This is pretty much going to determine whether or not I can get a job as the Web Developer. So the spread sheet displays the number of calls that have not been updated in X amount of days for all of our reps. I have been trying so many different varieties from nested SELECT statements now to joins. To put it simply enough, do I need to do a query that populates column by column?

Here is what it should look like:

As you can see, I have to include everyone even if they have zero. That is where the problem comes in. When I use the above statement, the list shows up but takes away people from the list instead of keeping them and placing a null for the count. I have tried placing a HAVING statement at the bottom of the query to compensate for COUNT(*) = 0, but I get an error. I think because I have a WHERE statement.

I am trying to see if this whole thing can be done with a SQL statement to avoid having loop though in code. I basically want to populate a datagridview with the information that I gather.

Is this possible?

All help is greatly appreciated!

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SQL Query Assistance

Jan 14, 2008

I am trying to build a related article display. I have a SQLDataSource that I want to be able to select information (Category) from the table (Articles) based on a querystring (ID). SELECT [Category] FROM [Articles] WHERE ([ArticleID] = @ID) which for an example, lets say ID = 1, and it results as Category = Health.That is easy enough, but how would I then select all columns from the table WHERE Category = Result of first SELECT? SELECT * FROM [Articles] WHERE ([Category] = ??? Result of prior select) Can this be done in 1 select command, or would a store procedure need to be written? I am a little lost, sincr I am using a SQLDataSource, and it will be displayed with a Repeater. Thanks!

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Need Assistance In Using Xp_sendmail

Feb 5, 2008

I'm using SQL 2000 and would like to send a generated email using this stored procedure:
select Libraryrequest.LoanRequestID, Titles.Title, requestors.fname+ ' ' + requestors.lname as [Name], libraryrequest.requestdate,libraryrequest.shipdate,libraryrequest.duedatefrom libraryrequestjoin requestors on requestors.requestorid=libraryrequest.requestoridjoin Titles on Titles.Titleid = Libraryrequest.titleidwhere duedate < DATEADD(day, DATEDIFF(day, '20010101', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP), '20010101')
I know I need to go to Management, SQL Server Agent, Jobs,  New Job.  Do I put the stored procedure in the descriptions part?  After that I'm lost what do I do.

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SQL Syntax Assistance

May 23, 2008

Good Morning,
I need to write a query to provide MaxDate of each Exam and still show the ID of that Exam. My table is
ID        Exam                Date
1          FMS                1/1/2006
2          FMS                1/1/2007
3          FMS                1/1/2008*
4          ECS                 1/1/2006
5          ECS                 1/1/2007
6          ECS                 1/1/2008* My attempted query isSELECT ID, Exam, Max(Date) AS MaxOfDateFROM Table1
My query actual results
ID        Exam                Date
1          FMS                1/1/2006
2          FMS                1/1/2007
3          FMS                1/1/2008*
4          ECS                 1/1/2006
5          ECS                 1/1/2007
6          ECS                 1/1/2008* My desired results 
ID        Exam                Date
3          ECS                 1/1/2007
6          ECS                 1/1/2007
I would appreciate any help that could be provided.

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Need Query Assistance

Jul 28, 2005

First off, here is my query:SELECT DeviationDist.DEVDN, DeviationDist.DEVDD, DEVDA, DEVCT, DEVST, DEVBG, DEVDV, DEVPS, DEVAT, DEVCN, DEVCF, DEVCP, DEVCEFROM DeviationDistINNER JOIN DeviationContact ON DeviationContact.DEVDN = DeviationDist.DEVDNWHERE DeviationDist.DEVDN = '200270'ORDER BY Deviationdist.DEVDN DESCI'm joining the deviationcontact table to the deviation dist table by DEVDN. This query works fine except when the DeviationContact table doesnt contain any records for the DEVDN that the DeviationDist table does contain. In my app, Deviationdist will always have an record for each DEVDN, but DeviationContact may not. I would like to still get the results back for what records exist in the DeviationDist table, even if DeviationContact has no associated records, but still show them if it does...

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Join Assistance

Jul 24, 2001

-- Joins are not yet my friend.

-- I want all sites even if they are not in the syslog table.

-- select count(gssites.sname) from gssites
-- where gssites.rectype = 'S' = 67

-- this query returns 13 rows, I want all 67

declare @start int, @end int
set @start = 1
set @end = 0
,rtrim(convert(varchar(2),datepart(month,SYSLOG.ON DATE))
+'-'+convert(varchar(2),datepart(day,SYSLOG.ONDATE ))
+'-'+convert(varchar(4),datepart(year,SYSLOG.ONDATE)) )'SyncDate'

from Syslog
left outer join gssites
on gssites.sname = substring(syslog.siteid,9,8)

wheregssites.rectype = 'S'
Between (GetDate()-@start)
And GetDate()-@end)

ORDER BY SyncSite, syslog.ondate



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Query Assistance

Nov 30, 2005


I have a need to renumber or resequence the line numbers for each unique claim number. For background, one claim number many contain many line numbers. For each claim number, I need the sequence number to begin at 1 and then increment, until a new claim number is reached, at which point the sequence number goes back to 1. Here's an example of what I want the results to look like:

ClaimNumber LineNumber SequenceNumber
abc123 1 1
abc123 2 2
abc123 3 3
def321 5 1
def321 6 2
ghi456 2 1
jkl789 3 1
jkl789 4 2

SELECT ClaimNumber, LineNumber, <Some Logic> AS SequenceNumber FROM MyTable

Is there any way to do this?


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Assistance With Trigger

Mar 2, 2004


Hopefully this will be painless for you guys/gals - however due to my lack of skills/knowledge I need some clarification.

I have table_X which I have a trigger on INSERT setup.
This trigger updates Field_2 = '1' and inserts some rows in another table.

Is there some way that I can restrict this trigger to only run when Field_1 = "BLAH"
So essentially I am trying to find out how I can pull information/data from the record that fired the trigger and use this in the trigger? (ie to check if Field_1 = "BLAH" and to use Field_3 to further restrict the underlying triggers' updates and inserts)

Hopefully I have given enough information on this one - if not please let me know any points that I should need to clarify.

Thanks in advance for your help!!!


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Query Assistance

Mar 5, 2007

I realize this query is inherently incorrect, but my issue is mainly syntax. The line, "WHEN a.order_id <> b.order_id THEN" is wrong. I want to ensure that a.order_id is not in the settlement table. So I was thinking something along the lines of "WHEN a.order_id not in (select order_id from settlement)" which I know will cause a slower response time, but I'm willing to deal with it. In any case, that syntax doesn't appear to work.

WHEN a.ready_to_pay_flag = 'Y' and a.deduction_type = 'E' and (
WHEN a.order_id <> b.order_id THEN
END) used_date datediff(d,used_date, ".$cutOffDate.") < 30) THEN
END) earn_amount_rtp_curr,

Any help here would be hotness!


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I'd Like To Ask Your Assistance In Writing Some T-

Mar 19, 2008

Dear friends!
I'd like to ask your assistance in writing some T-SQL.
I have a table

MYTABLE (THEDATE datetime, TEMPERATURE numeric(4))

3.02 15
4.02 16
5.02 16
8.02 13
10.02 15
11.02 15
12.02 19

I need a T-SQL without using analitic(range) functions like RANK or DENSE-RANK to provide the following output:

3.02 15
4.02 16
8.02 13
10.02 15
12.02 19

In other words I need to obtain only first occurance of the "neibough" adjacent rows where the temperature is equal.

Please advice.
Thanks in advance.

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