Scrambling MONEY

Mar 3, 2008

I'm looking for a way to "secure" a column of MONEY values. The idea is to hide the value without resorting to actual SQL encryption services that would require converting the MONEY to a VARBINARY. In short, I want to keep the column type as MONEY, but I want to scramble the value, so its still a valid MONEY type.

The goal is to have a pair of UDF's SCRAMBLE() and UNSCRAMBLE() that work on MONEY.

I've done some searching, but have not found anything along this topic.

Does anyone have any ideas on how to do this?

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Scrambling Data In A Table

Nov 21, 2007

We have a bunch of data that includes things like DNS names and host names. For testing purposes, we want to give people access to our data but we do not want them to see the real names of the items I mentioned prior. What I would like to do is a letter replacement for each character in the name, thus A could become T, B could become U, etc. It's not a big deal if the end user can unscrable these, they probably won't anyways and it's not a big deal if they do, our client just wants something to make it not so obvious. 
Is this possible to do through a SQL query and if so, can you give my pointers on how to accomplish this?
Otherwise I will probably use a VB solution, but it would be similar if I could just write a SQL query that I could send to anyone that needs to do this.

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Scrambling Production Data

Apr 1, 2008

This is probably an easy solution for some of you seasoned DBA Vets but here is my problem.

I have to take production data and scramble certain sensitive columns such as SSN, DOB, Address, First Name so that our Management team can use it as demo material. Is there a quick solution to this issue?



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How Can I Cast A Money Field In A View To Look Like Money

Oct 16, 2007

I have a special need in a view for a money column to look like money and still be a money datatype. So I need it to look like $100.00 (prefered) or 100.00(can make work).
If I convert like this '$' + CONVERT (NVARCHAR(12), dbo.tblpayments.Amount, 1) it is now a nvarchar and will not work for me.
How can I cast so it is still money? by default the entries look like 100.0000.
They must remain a money datatype.

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Money In SQL And ASP.NET

May 6, 2007

Hi,I'm having some trouble with my page and my sql database. What I'm trying to do is allow the user to upload an number to the database, the number is a money amount like 2.00 (£2.00) or 20.00(£20.00). I've tried using money and smallmoney datatypes but the numbers usually end up looking like this in the database...I enter 2.00 and in the database it looks like 2.00000, and even if I enter the information directly into the database I get the same results. I'm not going to be using big numbers with lots of decimal places like this 1000,000,0000. Can anyone help me? All I want is to know what to set the value to on my aspx page and what setting to set the field to in my database, I'd just like two pound to appear as 2.00. any help would be great.
I'm using Microsoft Visual Web Developer 2005 Express Edition and Microsoft SQL Server 2005 if that helps.

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DataType Money

Dec 28, 2006

Please i need to display the money column in DataBase in an page but i get something like this 786.0000 how can i format it so that i get something like 786.00

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Money Format ..need Some Help..please

Jan 13, 2007

Hi everybody.Here's my Product tableID int,Title nvarchar(50),Price moneyHow can I get value from price field like thisIF PRICE is 12,000.00 it will display 12,000IF PRICE is 12,234.34 it will display 12,234.34Thanks very much...I am a beginner. Sorry for foolish question

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Money, SQL Server And C#

May 19, 2007

Argggg....Please help.I need to store money in SQL Server.I am using C# and a stored procedure to insert.How do you accomplish this? Specifically what datatype should the money variable be in C# during the insert? It's initial value is a string as it is entered from a text field.I have been trying for over an hour now to simply insert money into SQL Server using C# and have it stored as a money type!Thanks 

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Money Format

Oct 10, 2007

 hello everyone...,i have problem in money format...i have moneytable is containning: userid          money   A            20000,0000   B            40000,0000userid type varchar(50)money type money i have store procedure like this:ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[paid](    @userid AS varchar(50),    @cost AS money, @message as int="1"  output)ASbegin transactiondeclare @money as money select @money = moneyfrom moneytablewhere userid=@useridif (@money > @cost)beginset @money = @money - @costUPDATE moneytable        SET money = @money        WHERE userid=@useridset @message ='1'endelsebeginset @message = '2' endCOMMIT TRANSACTION when i execute this procedure. i insert value to userid        Acost         100,0000 it can not decrease, because cost 100,0000 is same with 1000000, why is like that?i want cost 100,0000 is same with 100. how can i do that? thx... 

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Comparing Money

Aug 29, 2004


I have a field in database money. When I enter value for it the amount entered is for example 20.000. How can I compare this value with noraml vaules i.e. like 20 in my search engine. Will I need to convert it to varchar and then compare it or is there some other way. Also if I need to convert it to varchar, how can I do it?

Thanks in advance,

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SQL Money Convertion,

Apr 24, 2005

Hi All,
Here in Belgium, we work with a comma as decimal seperator, also in all the web apps...
I've tried to update a money table on the sql with following statement
update parts set article = '" & art & "' and price= cast(" & p & "  as decimal(5,2)) where supid=202
in this example p is a variable and contains figures like 5,7
This statement always give following error Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'as'
does some have an idea how to fix this one ?

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Money Format

Apr 5, 2001

Is there a way to format the output of an calculation so that a comma is used as decimal symbaol and a periode after each 3 digits left of the comma ?

We're calculating salary increase like 5000 * 1.025 and the output should look like 5.250,00

Thanks for any help

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Money Datatype

Jan 27, 2003


How do you keep or round a money datatype to use only 2 decimal places? I have an instance where I am multiplying a money with a decimal datatype. The decimal has up to 8 decimal places. This is causing the money datattype to extend to 4 decimal places. This makes for problems when I am comparing 2 values.

IF 14.88 >= 14.8821

99% of the time this does not happen, but is causing problems. Does anyone have any suggestions?

thanks in advance,


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Money To Varchar

May 8, 2004

From query analyzer how can I change the field datatype from money to varchar?
Alter table tablenaame alter column columnname varchar(30)--Is not working.

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Money To Varchar

May 11, 2004

How can I alter a field datatype from money to varchar?

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Money Format

Jun 3, 2008

Hi, I have data in a Payment field:

45.14 - was orig in text format.
Now after converting to money, I see it as this:


I need to get rid of the zeros! Anyone please help?


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Money Format ..need Some Help..please

Jan 12, 2007

Hi everybody.
Here's my Product fields

ID int,
Title nvarchar(50),
Price money

How can I get value from price field like this
IF PRICE is 12,000.00 it will display 12,000
IF PRICE is 12,234.34 it will display 12,234.34

Thanks very much...I am a beginner. Sorry for foolish question

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Mar 25, 2007

Hi all. Is there a way in SQL to convert the integer to currency format? just for example....
4000 convert to 4,000
1312500 convert to 1,312,500
30000 convert to 30,000

Most of you will say "Do it in your front end"... but the problem is I don't know how to do it in my Report(Business Intelligence Project). If anyone of you knows, tell me please... Thanks. :)


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Datatype For US Money

Feb 12, 2008

Do you usually use the money or smallmoney datatype for US dollars in a table, or do you use a decimal datatype, and if so which. Any opinions on the advantages and disadvantages of each?

If you use money or smallmoney, do you usually add a constraint to make sure the value is even to the penny (no $24.3487 type amounts)?


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All My Money In Dollars Please??

May 30, 2007

I have a Windows 2003 server, with SQL 2005. How do i change the culture/regional options for the database as on my local test machine (which seems to be exactly the same in terms of windows regional settings and SQL server settings) the currenency fields show with a £ signs as expected, however on my production box they are $. I know this should be simple but its the night before a deadline and my brain is screwed. Please help!!

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Money Conversion

Apr 2, 2006


When I write:

'SELECT Amount FROM tTransaktion'

I get returnvalues such as '12000.0000'. Instead, I want it to return '12 000'.

The Amount column is of datatype money. Is this possible!?


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Money Format Error

Oct 10, 2006

I use 2.0 and sql server 2005 for a web site (and Microsoft enterprise library).When I run aplication at local there is no problem but at the server I take this error:Disallowed implicit conversion from data type varchar to data type money, table 'dbname.dbo.shopProducts', column 'productPrice'. Use the CONVERT function to run this query.productPrice coloumn format is money. It was working correctly my old server but now  it crashed.How can I solve this problem? And why it isn't work same configuration? My code:decimal productPrice;Database db = DatabaseFactory.CreateDatabase("connection");string  sqlCommand = "update shopProducts set ......................,productPrice='" + productPrice.ToString().Replace(",", ".") + "',..................... where productID=" + productID + " ";db.ExecuteNonQuery(CommandType.Text, sqlCommand)

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Money In Stored Procedure

Jun 25, 2007

 Hi there,I have a table products with product_price money(8) field.  I have a stored procedure,CREATE   procedure p_dat_update_product(            @product_id int,             @product_price decimal) asset nocount ondeclare  @msg varchar(255) -- error message holder-- remove any leading/trailing spaces from parameters  select @product_id = ltrim(rtrim(@product_id))  select @product_price = ltrim(rtrim(@product_price))-- turn [nullable] empty string parameters into NULLs  if (@product_id = N'') select @product_id = null  if (@product_price = N'') select @product_price = null-- start the validation  if @product_id is null  begin    select @msg = 'The value for variable p_dat_update_product.@product_id cannot be null!'    goto ErrHandler  end-- execute the query  if exists (select 'x' from product where product_id = @product_id)   begin   update dbo.product    set            product_price = @product_price    where product_id = @product_id  end   if (@@ERROR <> 0) goto ErrhandlerreturnErrHandler:  raiserror 30001 @msg  returnGO And a class function        public void Edit_Product(string product_id,string product_price)        {            decimal dec_product_price = decimal.Parse(product_price);            SqlDataServ oMisDb = new SqlDataServ("LocalSuppliers");            oMisDb.AddParameter("@product_id", product_id);            oMisDb.AddParameter("@product_price", dec_product_price.ToString());            oMisDb.ExecuteCmd("p_dat_update_product");        }But i keep getting this error,Error converting data type nvarchar to numericoMisDb.ExecuteCmd("p_dat_update_product"); I do not know what to do and solve this.  Is there something that i have done wrong.thanks in advance. PS: still learning aspx and ms sql 

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Diff Between Money And Smallmoney

Mar 15, 2008

What is the difference between money and smallmoney, and is there a way to format these?

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Money Data Type

Jul 15, 2004

I have a Price column which has 'money' as the data type.

Then I populated some data into the table. I enter '1.00' in the Price column, then I used the following code to get the data:

Label2.Text = "$" + dataSet1.Tables["products"].Rows[0]["price"].toString();

However, the price is displayed as "$1.0000". But I believe it should display "$1.00". So how can I get rid off the two zeros at the end.


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Geting Money Type From Sql

Jul 19, 2004


i am retriving value from sql server database like

select cast(round(12345674.8658,2,0) as decimal(20,2))

output is 12345674.87
but i want to get like 12,345,674.87
any function is there?

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String To Money Conversion

Jan 25, 2005

have a SQL server table with a vairbale unitCost of type money and via a stored procedure I am trying to update it. Through asp I capture the value as a string and then ATTEMPT to convert it into a variable of type money before executing the stored procedure as follows.

SqlParameter parameterUnitCost= new SqlParameter("@unitCost", SqlDbType.Money,8);
parameterUnitCost.Value = unitCost;

This gives me an input string error. On the other hand if I change that line to the following, the page works flawlessley:

SqlParameter parameterUnitCost= new SqlParameter("@unitCost", SqlDbType.Money,8);
parameterUnitCost.Value = 25.45;

any thoughts???

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Money Data Type

Oct 6, 1999

Why does the money data type have 4 decimal places eg £134.3453 or $12.3636

I would have expected it to only have 2.

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Money And Float Conversion

Aug 22, 2005


i'm get some strange behaviour with the money and float type. with a calculator divide 70 by 47 and multiply by 40 (70 / 47 * 40) and you get 59.5744 (rounded to nearest 4 decimal places). now try this in query analyser with the 70 as a money type and the result as a float:

declare @price money
declare @result float
select @price = 70
select @result = @price / 47 * 40
Print 'result = ' + str(@result,18,4)

now this will print out 59.5720

am i missing something ?

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Money Data Type

Jul 28, 2007


When we use money data type and which type data


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When To Use Money, SmallMoney, Decimal

Aug 27, 2004

Could someone explain to me what the best practices are for using these three data types? (i.e. when to use them). I thought this would be a simple answer to find, but after looking through books on line, and this forum, I have still not found the answer. Can anyone help?

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Totally Stuck With Money, Please Help!

Jan 5, 2004

i'm using query analyzer,

simply trying to use smallmoney as

In my table I have declared as:
payrate smallmoney,

Inserting values into table like this:

Error recieved is:
Disallowed implicit conversion from data type varchar to data type smallmoney,

What am I doing wrong? Also, ideally i'd like the 258 to be expressed as £258 (english pounds) if anyone can help with that also.

Thanks in advance

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Convert From Money To Varchar?

Mar 8, 2004

I want to print in an error message a money value but have to convert it to a varchar first. I do not have any clue how to do this. Could someone help me out?

SELECT @iError = @@error, @iRowCount = @@rowcount
IF(@iError <> 0 OR @iRowCount <> 1)
CONVERT(@dValue, @cValue)
set @cError = 'Error attempting to insert new record. Product : ' + @cProduct + ' Sub-account : ' + @cSubAccount + ' Cost : $' + @cValue
RAISERROR(@cError, 16, 1)

@cValue is a varchar(20)
@dValue is money

Any help?

Mike B

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