Script Task: Dts.Logging.Log

Jul 6, 2006

I am trying to understand the use-case of Dts.Logging.Log.

Following BOL, I see that I can use Dts.Log to send a custom log message to my log provider. The following example code produces an event called "User:ScriptTaskLogEntry", with the message "My custom message here".

Dim dataBytes(0) As Byte

Dts.Log("My custom message here", 0, dataBytes)

I would like to be able to produce my own custom event (lets call it "MyCustomEvent"), as well as a custom log message. I thought it would be possible via Dts.Logging.Log, which requires that I specify an event name, in addition to a log entry. However, when I place the following code in the script task, I do not get any logging whatsoever.

Dim dataBytes(0) As Byte

Dts.Logging.Log("MyCustomEvent", System.Environment.MachineName, System.Environment.UserName, "Custom Log", "", "", "My custom message here", Now, Now, 0, dataBytes)

Any thoughts?


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Script Task Logging

Aug 1, 2007

I seem to be doing something wrong I have a script task as follows:

Imports System

Imports System.Data

Imports System.Math

Imports Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime

Public Class ScriptMain

Public Sub Main()

Dim emptyBytes(0) As Byte

Dts.Log("The change in records between this load and the last load is " & CDbl(Dts.Variables("percent").Value) * 100 & "%.", 0, emptyBytes)

Dts.TaskResult = Dts.Results.Success

End Sub

End Class

I have logging turned on for the package going to a text file with just errors checked. For this step I specifically checked the box for logging on this step (instead of inheriting logging) checked the logging provider, and on details checked ScriptTaskLogEntry.

The upshot is, the step runs fine but I have no entry in the log. HELP



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Task/transaction Token By Logging

Jul 23, 2005

Hallo All,I'm making in my DB some logs.I have a separate table containing:ID,Date,Source,Type,ErrorNo,DescriptionAcctualy the table struct is not immportand that's why I do not postthe script.I have one procedure, which I call in my other function procedures,triggers etc. with parameters.This procedure (WriteToLog) is called, if in other procedures, triggersis any validation, exception or only information which I would like tolog me separately, and it writes the record into this table.But sometimes, it is very hard, to follow much logs, and I figured out,if I could have something like transaction ID, task ID, it will be mucheasier.Firs idea was to, by going from procedures to other procedures, pass aself generated token (ie. date with any additional number). But then, Ineed to change everywhere where I call WriteToLog procedure the callsyntax.Let's say that we have following situation:Procedure1:Action1Select1CompareOfValues1exec WriteToLogAction2CompareOfValues2exec WriteToLogAction3exec Procedure2Procedure2:Action1exec WriteToLogSelect1Insert1Trigger1Started:Action1CompareOfValues1exec WriteToLogAction2Trigger1Exit:Procedure2Exit:Procedure1Exit:Now ... I could pass this my generated number, from SP to SP and so on.But I would like to now, does the MS SQL server has something whatidentifies transaction like descripted below.In this case, I do not need to pass any number, only I need to get thisnumber anyhow in SP WriteToLog, and insert it into my log table.Any sugestions?Thank's in advance.Mateusz

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Logging Query Messages From ExecuteSQL Task

Dec 15, 2006

The ExecuteSQL task makes it easy to capture the resultset of a query or stored proc in a variable. But what about the messages that would normally appear in the Messages tab when running queries in Management Studio or Query Analyzer? There must be a way to display and log rowcounts and other messages that a query normally produces.
Various package/task logging configrations haven't helped. I've read discussions about logging rowcounts in data flow tasks, but what about capturing messages in ExecuteSQL and other control flow tasks that run T-SQL?
I only have enough time to dabble in this technology so I may be missing something obvious or approaching this incorrectly. Any suggestion, reference, constructive criticism or reponse would be appreciated.

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Where Is The 'Analysis Services Processing Task' Logging To

Apr 1, 2008


I 'm using 'Analysis Services Processing Task' as part of a SSIS package to refresh the cube. in the property page,

the 'loggingMode' is set 'enabled', but there is no records in the sysdtslog90 table while all other tasks are logged in the table. How to logging into the sysdtslog90 table?

Thanks in advance


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No Debugging And Logging When A Single Script Task Is Executed

Jul 13, 2006


I cannot execute a script task in the VBA code window.

I cannot debug or log if I run a single script task from the right click Execute Task .

Every time I have to run the entire package in order to be able to debug.

What am I missing?

appreciate a help.


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Analysis Services Processing Task: Logging And Error Handling

Mar 5, 2007

I have an Analysis Services Processing Task in my SSIS package. I run the SSIS package using SQL Server job, the running of the package is a job step.

When I process manually the analysis services objects (in practise cubes) using dtexec utility I get a lot of log. In case the processing fails I get error messages that quite well describe the error. But when I run the job the only information I get in the job log is that the job step failed. I know the failure happens in the Analysis Services Processing Task.

Is there any way in SSIS to get a) the log of the Analysis Services processing or b) the error messages of the Analysis Services processing? Or should the processing be done some other way than I've been doing?

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Integration Services :: Logging Record Counts To Execute Task For Table Update

Jun 20, 2015

Have an SSIS package running great in 2008R2. It generates several flat files based on inline database queries. The first step of the package inserts a record into a log stats table and the last step of the package updates this record with the package name, run time and execution status. Now I need to add the records counts for each flat file to the log table. 

Is there a way I can update one field for run counts with each of the counts for each file. So the [run counts] table column would look something like:

file1: 43522
file2: 645367
file3: 7883

Is it possible to store the record counts and flat file names in variables then concat them at the end when updating this record?

Or, is a better way to just insert/update a new record for each flat file step and log the counts for that file for its own record?

In either case, how I can capture the file count and pass that to the update statement.

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Logging To Event Viewer Fails But SQL Server Logging Works OK - Why?

Jun 18, 2007


I am developing a package on my local workstation. I have defined two logging service providers. One is for SQL Server and the other is for the Windows Event Log. I am using the Dts.Log method in a script task to write log entries.

Logging is working properly with the SQL Server provider and rows are being inserted into the sysdtslog90 table. However, the only events that are being logged in the Windows Event Log are the package start and end events which I believe SSIS is doing automatically anyway.

Is there something I need to do to enable WIndows Event Log logging other than defining a log provider and making sure it is checked active? Won't SSIS write to two different logs with one Dts.Log call? Any ideas on what might be going wrong with my approach?



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Logging Package Name For Any Event In Sysdtslog90 Logging Table

Oct 17, 2007

I decided to use the SQL Server log provider to store logging data of all my Integration Services packages. I also created some reports about this data for operating purposes.
I have a problem occurs the name of the executing package is not always written to the log,but the name of the single task which failed. But that is not very useful information for operating, because I do not see any chance to get the name of the package by the information which is logged in the sysdtslog90 table in the database which I defined for SSIS Logging.

How do I configure the package to always log the package information into the table, too?

Best regards,

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Tie Together Custom Logging And SSIS Logging?

Sep 12, 2005

I recently read the project real ETL design best practices whitepaper. I too, want to do custom logging as I do today, and also use SSIS logging. The paper recommended using the variable system::PackageExecutionId to tie the 2 logging methods together.

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Send Mail Task Problem Using A Combination Of ForEach Loop, Recordset Destination, Execute SQL Task And Script Task

Jun 21, 2007

OK. I give up and need help. Hopefully it's something minor ...

I have a dataflow which returns email addresses to a recordset.

I pass this recordset into a ForEachLoop configuring the enumerator as (Foreach ADO Enumerator). I also map the email address as a variable with index 0.

I then have a Execute SQL task which receives this email address as a varchar variable (parameter 0) which I then use in my SQL command to limit the rows returned. I have commented out the where clause and returned all rows regardless of email address to try to troubleshoot this problem. In either event, I then use a resultset to store the query result of type object and result name 0.

I then pass this resultset into a script variable to start parsing the sql rows returned as type object. ( I assume this is the correct way to do this from other prior posts ...).

The script appears to throw an exception at the following line. I assume it's because I'm either not passing in the values properly or the query doesn't return anything. However, I am certain the query works as it executes just fine at the command prompt.


ds = CType(Dts.Variables("VP_EMAIL_RESULTS_RS").Value, DataSet)

My intent is to email the query results to each email address with the following type of data by passing the parsed data from the script to a send mail task. Email works fine and sends out messages but the content is empty. I pass the parsed data as string values to the messagesource and define the messagesourcetype as a variable in the mail task.

part number leadtime

x 5

y 9


Does anyone have any idea what I might be doing wrong?



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Integration Services :: Stored Procedure In Execute Task Fails But Task Does Not Fail

Jul 1, 2015

I'm using SSIS in Visual Studio 2012. My Execute SQL Task calls a Stored Procedure where I have a TRY-CATCH. Last week there was a problem and the CATCH was executed and logged an error to my error table, but for some reason the Execute SQL Task didn't fail. Is there a setting to make the Execute SQL Task fail when an SP encounters a failure?

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Error: The Task With The Name Data Flow Task And The Creation Name DTS.Pipeline.1 Is Not Registered For Use On This Computer

May 4, 2006


I am trying to create a simple BI Application for SSIS. In Visual Studio 2005 I just get a Data Flow Task from the toolbar and add it to the project. When I double click it I get the following error:

The task with the name "Data Flow Task" and the creation name "DTS.Pipeline.1" is not registered for use on this computer.

Then when I try to delete it it gives this other error:

Cannot remove the specified item because it was not found in the specified Collection.

I am creating this application in an administrator account in this computer, so I doubt the problem is related to permissions. I am running SQL Server 2005 and Visual Studio 2005 in WinXP Tablet PC Edition.

Any suggestions why this is happening and how to fix it?

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SSIS Task Transfer SQL Server Objects Task And Default Constraints On Tables

Feb 21, 2008

I am using the "Transfer SQL Server Objects Task" to copy some tables from database A to database B including data.

The tables, primary key constraints, Foreign key, data and all transfers nicely except for "DEFAULT CONSTRAINTS" on the tables.

I have failed to find any option in the "Transfer SQL Server Objects Task" task to explicitly say "copy default constraints". So I guess logically it should happen automatically but it doesn't. I hope it is not a bug :-)

Any option anyone knows will help.


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Compare Performance (Execute SQL Task Insert And Data Flow Task)

Mar 12, 2008

I am using SQL 2005 SSIS. I am joining several large tables and then the move result into another table in the same database.

I would like know which method is faster:

Use Execute SQL Task to insert the result set to the target table

Use the Data Flow Task to insert the result set to the target table. (Use OLE DB source to execute SQL command and then use the SQL destination)
Could you tell me why then other is slower?


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Execute SQL Task – Output Parameter On Stored Procedure Causes Task To Fail.

Dec 2, 2005

I have a SQL Task that calls a stored procedure and returns an output parameter.  The task fails with error "Value does not fall within the expected range."   The Stored Procedure is defined as follows: Create Procedure [dbo].[TestOutputParms]             @InParm INT ,             @OutParm INT OUTPUT as Set @OutParm  = @InParm + 5   The task uses an OLEDB connection and has a source type of Direct Input.  The SQL Statement is Exec TestOutputParms 7, ? output    The parameter mapping is: Variable Name Direction Data Type Parameter Name User::OutParm Output LONG @OutParm  

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Writing Full Result Set From Execute SQL Task Into A File Using Script Task

Mar 28, 2007

In the Control flow tab, I have an Execute SQL Task that outputs full Result set into a variable of an object type. Now how can I write the contents of the Full Result Set into a text file using Script Task. I also want to format the following way while I output into a file:

Column Name 1 : Column Value

Column Name 2: Column Value and so on

I tried writing the contents of the Object Variable into a file, but the file had an output of single word: System.__ComObject.

Code for Writing the Full Result Set into a Text File

Dim RSsqloutput as String = Dts.Variables("objVariable").Value.ToString

Dim strVal as String = "File completed on " & Now() & vbCrLf & "------------------------------------------------------" & vbCrLf

oLogFile.WriteAllText("C:MyFile.txt", strValue)

oLogFile.WriteAllText("C:MyFile.txt", rsSQLOutput)

I went through this link that explains how to write XML Result Set into a File, But this doesn't help as it writes in XML format.

Would you please give me a hint of code how I can go upon.

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SSIS (Integration Services) Transfer SQL Server Objects Task: This Task Can Not Participate In A Transaction

Feb 1, 2007

In short, does the ��Transfer SQL Server Objects Task�? support distributed transactions?

In trying to use a ��Transfer SQL Server Objects Task�? in a container using a transaction on the container. The task is set to support the transaction. It is setup to copy table data from several tables from a non-domain server (sql server 2000) to a domain-based server (sql server 2005). I get an error stating, ��This task can not participate in a transaction�?.

I am wondering if it means exactly what it says �� this task in SSIS can��t participate at all. Or does it mean that it won��t in this scenario for some reason. I attempted a simple copy of data from mssql 2005 to mssql 2005 (same server) and the task still failed). MSDTC appears to be running properly on my machine and such (I can do a simple distributed transaction across linked server to the 2000 server in Query Analyzer (QA)). Also, MSDTC appears to be working on both servers with distributed transaction query tests in QA.

Here��s the error info��

SSIS package "Development BusinessContacts and Products Migration.dtsx" starting.
Information: 0x4001100A at Copy BusinessContacts Data: Starting distributed transaction for this container.
Error: 0xC002F319 at Copy BusinessContacts database table data 1, Transfer SQL Server Objects Task: This task can not participate in a transaction.
Task failed: Copy BusinessContacts database table data 1
Information: 0x4001100C at Copy BusinessContacts database table data 1: Aborting the current distributed transaction.
Information: 0x4001100C at Copy BusinessContacts Data: Aborting the current distributed transaction.
SSIS package "Development BusinessContacts and Products Migration.dtsx" finished: Failure.
The program '[4700] Development BusinessContacts and Products Migration.dtsx: DTS' has exited with code 0 (0x0).

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How To Fetch The Recrods From MS Access And Using It In Script Task Using Control Flow Tools(Execute SQL Task)

Jun 14, 2006


I have an application like fetching records from the DataBase(MS Access 2000) and results i have to use in Script Task. At present i have used the record fetching query,connection string in Script itself. I would like to use in Independently. Is there any Tools like (Control Flow Tools like Execute SQL Task) are there to fetch the result set from Acccess and can use the fetching results in Script Task....

Thanks & Regards

Deepu M.I

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Logging In

Dec 6, 2006

How can I check from database username and password? It doesent need any special authentication, just a lookup through the database and if the user exist than continue with the next page.Thanks 

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Logging Who Did What

Oct 1, 2004

I have a web application accessing a SQL Server database (the ususal stuff).

I want to be able to log who did what on which table. I need to display this information on the web application. Is there an easy way of doing this, rather that making duplicates of a lot of data?

The best way I have thought of so far is making a new table with the following fields:

Every time someone changes something, it is logged in this table, so that, at any time, I can display who changed what.
I have one more question. If I do do it this way, is there a way of getting the primary key value of any table? E.G. could I do something like this_table.primary_key.value ?


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May 30, 2001

Is there a way to produce a log of all SQL statements hitting a database in a given range of time by a specific SPID? Obviously the SQL Server activity logs do not go into that much detail, except when errors are produced or a change is made to a system table. Is there a setting to add more detail, or to log a specific SPID's actions, or maybe a third party software that will give me what I am looking for?

Thanks. JT

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Logging ?

Aug 22, 2000

does SQL 7.0 have any built in logging capabilities to identify row level actions by operator. For instance, can it tell me that a particular user deleted or inserted a row? How would I tell it who the operator is?

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DML Without Logging

Jun 11, 2004

Is there a way to stop logging DML? I have a large delete and I dont want to log the operation, is it possible?

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SQL Logging

Dec 9, 2004


is there any chance to log all incoming SQL-statements with date/time and duration ?

Thx for help.


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Aug 20, 2007

Is there anyway to log every incoming command, INSERT/UPDATE/SELECT/DELETE to a seperate database table?


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Logging Changes

Mar 27, 2008

I've been asked to write a trigger that will basically log changes to certain fields in certain tables, then create a front-end application where the user will be able to review the info. The front-end app. is not a problem for me - the trigger is. I have found example of how to do this on Update when it's a complete row you want to log, but not a specific field. In addition, I also need to know if someone is attempting to read certain data and who that user is. If the user is not someone that is allowed to read the data, then I need to send an email alert.
I believe it's possible to do the above (despite my lack of knowledge :) -
Does anyone know where I can get more information on how to accomplish the above - or where to start looking?
Thanks to any who can guide me in the right direction.

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Can A Result Set From SQL Script Task Be Used As A Source For Data Flow Task?

Oct 2, 2007

I have a stored procedure that is executed via a sql script task that returns a full result set. I map this result set to a variable or object type. Is there a way to use this variable as a data source in a subsequent data flow task?


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Logging SQL Queries

Dec 16, 2007

Hi,I´m currently playing around with ASP.NET.Is there a way to log all Queries that are send to the SQL-Server? Something like the query.log of a Mysql.

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Logging In To MSDE

Dec 16, 2003

I have a problem acessing MSDE. My server runs at "NT AUTHORITY/NETWORK SERVICE" so it is not allowed to connect through the windows authentication feature. It seems that the password for the "sa" user account was changed during setup, after reading the logs from the setup I can see that it was changed but I cannot see what it was changed to. How would I set up a new account that I could use to access the server though SQL Authentication???

David Legg

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Transaction Logging

Oct 20, 2005

Lets say I have version 1 of a database - DB1. I  am creating the second database, DB2.

What I need is a log of all the SQL statements that where used to
change DB1 into DB2. This means recording both what happened in the GUI
and in the SQL Query Analyser.

Is there a way I can do this? I know SQL Server has a transaction log
somewhere. Is there a way to set this to output all the changes made
from a set date on a database into a SQL log file?

Thanks in advance for any help.


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Inserting Without Logging

Jan 31, 2002

Other than doing bulk insert is there a way to insert in SQL 7 without logging the transaction in order to speed up the process?
If so what command(s) allow this?

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