Script Task To Delete A File
Mar 7, 2008
I have a file in my script task, which does this job.
Public Sub Main()
Dim fs As New FileStream("\abcdefgabcdergFiles2.ftp", FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write)
Dim s As New StreamWriter(fs)
s.BaseStream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.End)
Dts.TaskResult = Dts.Results.Success
End Sub
After this task gets completed, I want to delete this file-the file which was created just now. How to write that code to delete that file. I am not sure, if this is the right place to put this issue.
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Nov 9, 2015
I have created a File System task which is contained in a Foreach Loop Container. I have .bak files that are populating a directory from a maintenance backup plan.
There is a point where I need to delete the .bak file's after I've zipped them all up.
How do I set the SourceVariable to read through the directory and pick up just the .bak file's in the directory to delete.
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Jul 25, 2007
This delete's the directory content as well as sub directory content! Is their a way i can just set it to delete the files in the said directory and not sub directories?
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Jun 19, 2015
I have an SSIS package doing a bulk insert from a file. Then later on I'm trying to delete that file (in a file delete task), but I'm getting an error:[File System Task] Error: An error occurred with the following error message: "The process cannot access the file 'xyz' because it is being used by another process.".I'm wondering if there isn't some way to 'tweak' the bulk insert syntax so that it doesn't lock the file?
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May 28, 2015
i need to Delete/Overwrite Rows in Excel without using Script Task in SSIS.
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Mar 28, 2007
In the Control flow tab, I have an Execute SQL Task that outputs full Result set into a variable of an object type. Now how can I write the contents of the Full Result Set into a text file using Script Task. I also want to format the following way while I output into a file:
Column Name 1 : Column Value
Column Name 2: Column Value and so on
I tried writing the contents of the Object Variable into a file, but the file had an output of single word: System.__ComObject.
Code for Writing the Full Result Set into a Text File
Dim RSsqloutput as String = Dts.Variables("objVariable").Value.ToString
Dim strVal as String = "File completed on " & Now() & vbCrLf & "------------------------------------------------------" & vbCrLf
oLogFile.WriteAllText("C:MyFile.txt", strValue)
oLogFile.WriteAllText("C:MyFile.txt", rsSQLOutput)
I went through this link that explains how to write XML Result Set into a File, But this doesn't help as it writes in XML format.
Would you please give me a hint of code how I can go upon.
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Dec 6, 2007
HI, I need to trigger some packages upon existance of specific files in a particular directory. Sound lkike the file watcher task (from SQLIS) would do the job but I am wondering what is the difference of using this tool instead of a for each loop container. I mean, If a file exists in a directory, the for each loop container will detect it. Since the file watcher is not a service, the package containing it needs to ne scheduled on a regular basis for the filewatcher to detect the file, right? So, a for each loop container would do the job? So, waht wouldbe the advantage of using the file watcher task?
Thank you,
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Nov 7, 2007
A common issue that I run across with clients is they want only want to process a file if it's finished transmitting to the server. This SQL Server 2005 task reads the properties of a file and writes the values to a series of variables. For example, you can use this task to determine if the file is in use (still be uploaded or written to) and then conditionally run the Data Flow task to load the file if it's not being used. You can also use it to determine when the file was created in order to determine if it must be archived.
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Apr 13, 2006
I have a FTP task created using SSIS that need to delete lot of files in a directory. This task is working fine if I'm Executing the SSIS package manualy but not working if I'm scheduling the SSIS package in SQL agent job.
Anybody have faced this kind if situation is there any solution for this?.
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Apr 27, 2015
In a server we had File Growth,And then We had to Add New Hard Drive And New File On It.And Now We have New server with a Huge Hard Drive.But all files remaind.Can I Reduce This files to One data file or not ?
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Mar 25, 2008
I deleted a database referenced in a maint. task and then I tried to delete the maint. task. I am getting an error "Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation" and also it says Named Pipes Provider:, error 40: Could not open a connection to SQL , error 53). I think it has something to do with deleting Maint. Tasks outside of SSIS. Does anyone know of a solution?
Thank you.
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Mar 11, 2006
I have two FTP Tasks configured in my SSIS package. One is for "Receive files" and the other is set for "Delete remote files." Both use variables for the source/destination paths. My remote path variable contains a wild card in the name field such as /usr/this/is/my/path/*.ext and it is working to FTP all the .ext files to my working directory. I then rename the files and want to remove the original files from the FTP server. I use the same variable as the remote path variable in the delete as I do in the receive.
Using the same FTP connection manager for both tasks I am always getting a failure on the delete. The FTP connection manger is setup to use the root user. Using a terminal I am able to open an FTP connection to the server and remove the files manually. There doesn't seem to be any detailed documentation on the FTP Task configured for Delete remote files so I'm hoping someone might have some insight to the problem.
I receive the same message for each of the files that was downloaded:
Error: 0xC001602A at MyPackage, Connection manager "FTP Connection Manager": An error occurred in the requested FTP operation. Detailed error description: 550 usr hisismypathdatafile1.ext: No such file or directory.
The attempt to delete file "usr hisismypathdatafile1.ext" failed. This may occur when the file does not exist, the file name was spelled incorrectly, or you do not have permissions to delete the file.
With the root user/working manually I'm not understanding the permission reason, the file does exist and is spelled correctly.
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Nov 3, 2006
We are Downloading files from FTP Site using "FTP Task" and we need to remove those files after downloading.
We need to delete files of specific names, like "Names_*.TXT" (All the txt files and Names starting from "Names_") so We are using Delete Remote Files and Remote path we are specifying as "/Names_*.TXT"
This doesn't work its not able to delete the files so, We tried using "*.*" and also given the specific filename like "Names_A1.TXT" then also its not deleting the remote files.
Please let me know the solution.
Priaynk Gajera
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Sep 28, 2006
I can create remote folder and delete it
I also can create remote files but i can not delete remote files
error warning is like subject
any ides? thanks
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Oct 2, 2007
I have an excel sheet and I want to transfer data from this sheet to a table.But the sheet has some irrelevant rows at the beginning,I want to delete them.How do I do this using script task or any other task?
Since I am just a beginner,it would be nice if you could provide some code samples or a helpful link
Thanks in advance.
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Mar 24, 2008
I used the toolbox to select maintenance cleanup task to create the job to do this. In reading similar notes regarding this problem, some people mentioned that there was a choice to include subfolders. I do not have this choice. When I execute select @@version I get Microsoft SQL Server 2005 - 9.00.3042.00 (X64) Feb 10 2007 00:59:02 Copyright (c) 1988-2005 Microsoft Corporation Enterprise Edition (64-bit) on Windows NT 5.2 (Build 3790: Service Pack 2) . This is running on a cluster. Any idea what is going on here? Thanks.
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May 14, 2015
I'm copying files to a folder with the naming convention as follows in the source folder:
In the destination folder, this filename needs to appear as:
In my File System Task, I'm pretty sure I'm going to need an expression with a replace, substring, etc. But am having a hard time nailing down the exact syntax.
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May 9, 2008
In my script task I have the following code. The task I'm trying to accomplish is:
If the filename on FTP can be found in the local archive folder of e: drive then show message "FileAlreadyThere" (I will ultimatley change it to do nothing); if the filename on FTP cannot be found in the local archive folder of e: drive then transfer the file to the local package folder on d: drive.
While the script task is executing I was watching it closely, but the problem i saw is that:
If some files on FTP are already in local archive folder and some are not, then it the files which are already in the archive folder are dumped to the package folder; then after that the files which are not in the archive folder are then dumped to the package folder. But I only want the new files on FTP to be transferred to the package folder for further processing.
Then after this is finished, I saw all the files in the package folder are refreshed one after another, after the first round of refresh the second round starts, after the second round finishes it then stopped. I saw it refreshes itself because the 'Date Modified' of the file changes. And I saw the script task turned green.
I don't see how the code below produced this result. Something is wrong in the logic of the loop? Anyone has any idea why it's behaving the way it is now? And how to change the code to accomplish what I want? Thanks a lot!!
Imports System
Imports System.IO
Imports System.Data
Imports System.Math
Imports Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime
Public Class ScriptMain
Public Sub Main()
Dim cm As ConnectionManager = Dts.Connections.Add("FTP")
cm.Properties("ServerName").SetValue(cm, "")
cm.Properties("ServerUserName").SetValue(cm, "username")
cm.Properties("ServerPassword").SetValue(cm, "password")
cm.Properties("ServerPort").SetValue(cm, "21")
cm.Properties("Timeout").SetValue(cm, "0")
cm.Properties("ChunkSize").SetValue(cm, "1000") '1000 kb
cm.Properties("Retries").SetValue(cm, "1")
Dim ftp As FtpClientConnection = New FtpClientConnection(cm.AcquireConnection(Nothing))
Dim fileNames() As String
Dim folderNames() As String
ftp.GetListing(folderNames, fileNames)
If fileNames Is Nothing Then
Dim fileName As String
For Each fileName In fileNames
If File.Exists("c: emp" + fileName) Then
ftp.ReceiveFiles(fileNames, "c: emp", True, True)
End If
End If
End Sub
End Class
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Aug 18, 2006
Does anyone know how to do this using variables? Everytime I try it, I get the
Error: Failed to lock variable for read access with error 0xc00100001.
I also tried it writing a script and still the same error. If I hard code the values into the variables it works fine but I will be running this everday so that it will pull in the current date along with the filename. So the value of the variables will change everyday. Here is my expression:
@[User::Variable] +(DT_WSTR,4) YEAR( GETDATE() )+"0"+(DT_WSTR,2) MONTH( GETDATE() ) + (DT_WSTR,2) DAY( GETDATE() )
The result:
C:Documents and SettingsmroushDesktopOSU20060818
the 20060818 part will change everyday ie.(tomorrow will be 20060819, next day 20060820 and so on.)
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Oct 9, 2006
I am having an issue with the File System Task.
I was wondering if there is a way to 'Move File' with the File System Task inside of a For Each Loop container but to dynamically set the Destination path variable.
Currently, this is what I have:
FileDestinationPath variable - set to C:TestFiles
FileSourcePath variable - set to C:TestFiles
FileNameAndLocation variable - set to blank
For Each Loop Container €“ Iterates through a folder C:TestFiles that has .txt files in it with dates in the file name. Ex: Test_09142006.txt. Sets the file path (fully qualified) to the Variable Mapping FileNameAndLocation.
Script Task (within For Each Loop, first step) €“ Sets the FileDestinationPath to the correct dated folder within C:TestFiles. For example, if the text files I want to move are for the 14th of September, it takes FileDestinationPath and appends the date folder to the end of it. The text files have a date in the file name (test_09142006.txt) and I am picking this apart (from FileNameAndLocation in the For Each Loop) to get the folder date. (dts.Variables(€œUser::FileDestinationPath€?).Value = dts.Variables(€œUser::FileDestinationPath€?).Value & €œ€? Month & €œ_€? & Day & €œ_€? & Year & €œ€?) which gives me €œC:TestFiles 9_14_2006€?.
File System Task (within For Each Loop, second step) €“ This is where the action is supposed to occur. I want it to take the FileDestinationPath and move the FileNameAndLocation file (from the For Loop) into this folder for each run.
Now as for my problem. I want this package to run everyday but it has to set the FileDestinationPath variable dynamically according to that day€™s date. Basically, how do I get this to work since I can€™t hard code the destination path variable from the start? I have the DestinationVariable on the File System Task set to the FileDestinationPath variable, after the script task builds it. However, using FileNameAndLocation as the SourceVariable on my File System Task tells me that the €œVariable €œFileNameAndLocation€? is used as a source or destination and is empty.€?
Let me know if I need to clarify further€¦...I may be missing something very simple. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
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Jul 7, 2006
Hey there
Ive built an SSIS package which generates a file from a legacy system and then downloads the file into a designated folder on the server. I need the file watcher task to wait for a the file to completely finish loading before it says it is complete. Currently, as soon as the file is created, the WMI step finishes.
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Kind Regards
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Jun 8, 2007
I am able to run SSIS packages as SQL Server Agent jobs with a Control Flow items "File system task", if I move a file (test.txt) from a drive (c on the server (where SQL Agent jobs run) to a subdirectory on the same drive. But, if I try to move a file on a network drive, the package fail.
What I can do to solve this issue.
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Jun 19, 2015
Historically I've always written a VB script to copy a file from a sharepoint library. I don't like this method because I have to input a username & password in the script and maintain a config file.
Yesterday I was playing around with using a file system task. The sharepoint file has a UNC path so why not? I created a simple test package with a single file system task that copies the sharepoint file (addressed via UNC) to another network location. Package runs fine locally.
I try running on our utility server but am getting a "The file name [SHAREPOINT UNC PATH] specified in the connection was not valid" error. Package is running with a proxy on the server and the proxy account has the same permissions to the sharepoint site (so far as I can tell) as me.
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Jan 26, 2004
I have an issue with a DTS package. We create a zip file and then attach it to emails going out using DTS. The problem is that the attachment, when received, is named using the full path to the file, so it is quite long.
Has anyone seen this before? Is there a way out of this?
I am considering mapping a drive to the share holding the file to be named, but the fact is this will shorten the name but will still result in the path being included.
I am wondering if this is a bug, as I suspect this isn't the default behaviour.
Thank you in advance.
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Feb 7, 2007
This should be incredibly simple and easy, but I can't find any examples of how to do this.
I just want to make a File System Task move a file, and have the destination be filename + date and time. For example \serversharefilename02072007.txt
What syntax do I use in a variable to make this work?
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Jul 12, 2006
I want to move and rename a file and embed the date/time into it, so that each time the package runs a new file is created. For example MyFile_20060712_150000.doc.
Can someone give me a hint how to do this with the File Systen Task SSIS Control Flow Item?
Thanks for an early reply
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Feb 27, 2008
Hi All,
I have a source files folder where the files generated everyday.
My goal is pick the latest file and copy this single file to another folder.
I used the Foreach loop container and got the latest file and stored the file name to a varible i.e. LatestFile
Then i want to use the File System Task to copy this to the destination.
On the beginning, I could not setup the Latestfile since I don't its name then, so when I setup the Source Connection property of the File system task, it is not allowed to leave the SourceVarible as blank!
Any suggestion?
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Jul 13, 2006
Could someone please instruct me on how to use the File System Task Editor to rename a file? I place control on control flow tab, change the operation to rename, from there I am not sure what to do.
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Mar 14, 2007
I am finding that in order to have the Web Services Task work successfully the location of the WSDL file has to be on a local drive that SSIS is executing upon. Is the current intended behavior?
In my SSIS task I use a URL path to store information extracted from the Web Service. The information is stored on a different server than the one that SSIS is running upon. This works properly without error.
I have confirmed that SSIS has appropriate permissions to read/write to that directory on that server. When I attempt to reference the WSDL file (located in the same URL directory that I am saving the information) I get a web services error, 'The Web Services Name is empty, Verify that a valid web service name is available."
When I update the Web Service Task attribute to point to the WSDL file located on a local drive it works correctly. I have confirmed that both WSDL documents are exactly the same.
The behavior seems a little I must be missing something subtle.
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Jan 19, 2008
I have the following directories
I have a for each file loop and inside it a data flow that pulls from one of the flat files in the directory and then a file system task. If I choose the "Move File" option in the file system task to move the file to the archive directory, it fails with an access denied message. The access denied message occurs after a message saying file was successfully deleted. I am running this from BIDS right now and my local user can write delete etc in both the above directories. However, if I do a "copy file" in the file system task it seems to work. I think what is happening is it is deleting the file first and then trying to move it, but it no longer exists because it has been deleted--is this possible? Is this a bug of some sort?
For now I am going to workaround by putting in another file system task that deletes the files after they were copied and see how that goes, but would prefer just to do the "move" option.
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May 10, 2006
I'm having trouble working this out in SSIS. I am trying to use a File System task to rename a file using an expression so that will be renamed to at the end of every month (for instance this month would be
I am using the destination expression variable. But I'm not sure what to put for DestinationConnection. It seems to want a file name, but the file name is going to be variable, so I'm not sure what to put.
Any ideas?
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Mar 19, 2007
Hi there,
Can some one tell me how to rename the file Dynamically using file system Task.
I could able to rename the file and couldnt do it dynamical renaming.
Please let me know if anyone have an idea.
Thanks and Best Regards
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May 19, 2006
Hi All,
I am having a problem using the file system task, what I am trying to achieve is to move a file after it has been processed . I am using a For each loop container to process bunch of files but I want to remove the files that have been processed after every loop.To achieve this I added a File System Task after my data flow task and was using the same variable used in the for each loop container as my source variable but the package is not being validated and is gives the following error
"variable used as the source or the destination is empty"
Appreciate your help
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